#include "global.h" #include "pokemon.h" #include "daycare.h" #include "string_util.h" #include "constants/species.h" #include "constants/items.h" #include "mail.h" #include "pokemon_storage_system.h" #include "event_data.h" #include "random.h" #include "main.h" #include "constants/moves.h" #include "egg_hatch.h" #include "text.h" #include "menu.h" #include "international_string_util.h" #include "script.h" #include "task.h" #include "window.h" #include "list_menu.h" #define EGG_MOVES_ARRAY_COUNT 10 #define EGG_LVL_UP_MOVES_ARRAY_COUNT 50 extern u16 gMoveToLearn; // text extern const u8 gText_MaleSymbol4[]; extern const u8 gText_FemaleSymbol4[]; extern const u8 gText_GenderlessSymbol[]; extern const u8 gText_NewLine2[]; extern const u8 gText_Exit4[]; extern const u8 gText_Lv[]; extern const u8 gExpandedPlaceholder_Empty[]; extern const u8 gText_Exit[]; extern const u8 gDaycareText_GetAlongVeryWell[]; extern const u8 gDaycareText_GetAlong[]; extern const u8 gDaycareText_DontLikeOther[]; extern const u8 gDaycareText_PlayOther[]; extern u8 GetCursorSelectionMonId(void); extern u16 ItemIdToBattleMoveId(u16); extern s32 ListMenuHandleInputGetItemId(u8); extern void sub_81AE6C8(u8, u16*, u16*); extern void sub_819746C(u8, bool8); extern void NewMenuHelpers_DrawStdWindowFrame(u8, bool8); extern void sub_81B9328(void); extern void sub_81AF078(u32, bool8, struct ListMenu *); extern void CB2_ReturnToField(void); // this file's functions static void ClearDaycareMonMisc(struct DaycareMiscMon *misc); static void SetInitialEggData(struct Pokemon *mon, u16 species, struct DayCare *daycare); static u8 GetDaycareCompatibilityScore(struct DayCare *daycare); static void DaycarePrintMonInfo(u8 windowId, s32 daycareSlotId, u8 y); // RAM buffers used to assist with BuildEggMoveset() EWRAM_DATA static u16 sHatchedEggLevelUpMoves[EGG_LVL_UP_MOVES_ARRAY_COUNT] = {0}; EWRAM_DATA static u16 sHatchedEggFatherMoves[4] = {0}; EWRAM_DATA static u16 sHatchedEggFinalMoves[4] = {0}; EWRAM_DATA static u16 sHatchedEggEggMoves[EGG_MOVES_ARRAY_COUNT] = {0}; EWRAM_DATA static u16 sHatchedEggMotherMoves[4] = {0}; #include "data/pokemon/egg_moves.h" static const struct WindowTemplate sDaycareLevelMenuWindowTemplate = {0, 0xF, 1, 0xE, 6, 0xF, 8}; static const struct ListMenuItem sLevelMenuItems[] = { {gExpandedPlaceholder_Empty, 0}, {gExpandedPlaceholder_Empty, 1}, {gText_Exit, 5} }; static const struct ListMenuTemplate sDaycareListMenuLevelTemplate = { .items = sLevelMenuItems, .moveCursorFunc = sub_81AF078, .unk_08 = DaycarePrintMonInfo, .totalItems = 3, .maxShowed = 3, .unk_10 = 0, .unk_11 = 0, .unk_12 = 8, .cursor_Y = 0, .upText_Y = 1, .cursorColor = 2, .fillColor = 1, .cursorShadowColor = 3, .unk_16_0 = TRUE, .spaceBetweenItems = 0, .unk_16_7 = FALSE, .unk_17_0 = 1, .cursorKind = 0 }; static const u8 *const sCompatibilityMessages[] = { gDaycareText_GetAlongVeryWell, gDaycareText_GetAlong, gDaycareText_DontLikeOther, gDaycareText_PlayOther }; static const u8 sJapaneseEggNickname[] = _("タマゴ"); // "tamago" ("egg" in Japanese) u8 *GetMonNick(struct Pokemon *mon, u8 *dest) { u8 nickname[POKEMON_NAME_LENGTH * 2]; GetMonData(mon, MON_DATA_NICKNAME, nickname); return StringCopy10(dest, nickname); } u8 *GetBoxMonNick(struct BoxPokemon *mon, u8 *dest) { u8 nickname[POKEMON_NAME_LENGTH * 2]; GetBoxMonData(mon, MON_DATA_NICKNAME, nickname); return StringCopy10(dest, nickname); } u8 CountPokemonInDaycare(struct DayCare *daycare) { u8 i, count; count = 0; for (i = 0; i < DAYCARE_MON_COUNT; i++) { if (GetBoxMonData(&daycare->mons[i].mon, MON_DATA_SPECIES) != 0) count++; } return count; } void InitDaycareMailRecordMixing(struct DayCare *daycare, struct RecordMixingDayCareMail *daycareMail) { u8 i; u8 numDaycareMons = 0; for (i = 0; i < DAYCARE_MON_COUNT; i++) { if (GetBoxMonData(&daycare->mons[i].mon, MON_DATA_SPECIES) != SPECIES_NONE) { numDaycareMons++; if (GetBoxMonData(&daycare->mons[i].mon, MON_DATA_HELD_ITEM) == ITEM_NONE) { daycareMail->holdsItem[i] = FALSE; } else { daycareMail->holdsItem[i] = TRUE; } } else { daycareMail->holdsItem[i] = TRUE; } } daycareMail->numDaycareMons = numDaycareMons; } static s8 Daycare_FindEmptySpot(struct DayCare *daycare) { u8 i; for (i = 0; i < DAYCARE_MON_COUNT; i++) { if (GetBoxMonData(&daycare->mons[i].mon, MON_DATA_SPECIES) == 0) return i; } return -1; } static void StorePokemonInDaycare(struct Pokemon *mon, struct DaycareMon *daycareMon) { if (MonHasMail(mon)) { u8 mailId; StringCopy(daycareMon->misc.OT_name, gSaveBlock2Ptr->playerName); GetMonNick(mon, daycareMon->misc.monName); StripExtCtrlCodes(daycareMon->misc.monName); daycareMon->misc.gameLanguage = LANGUAGE_ENGLISH; daycareMon->misc.monLanguage = GetMonData(mon, MON_DATA_LANGUAGE); mailId = GetMonData(mon, MON_DATA_MAIL); daycareMon->misc.mail = gSaveBlock1Ptr->mail[mailId]; TakeMailFromMon(mon); } daycareMon->mon = mon->box; BoxMonRestorePP(&daycareMon->mon); daycareMon->steps = 0; ZeroMonData(mon); CompactPartySlots(); CalculatePlayerPartyCount(); } static void StorePokemonInEmptyDaycareSlot(struct Pokemon *mon, struct DayCare *daycare) { s8 slotId = Daycare_FindEmptySpot(daycare); StorePokemonInDaycare(mon, &daycare->mons[slotId]); } void StoreSelectedPokemonInDaycare(void) { u8 monId = GetCursorSelectionMonId(); StorePokemonInEmptyDaycareSlot(&gPlayerParty[monId], &gSaveBlock1Ptr->daycare); } // Shifts the second daycare pokemon slot into the first slot. static void ShiftDaycareSlots(struct DayCare *daycare) { // This condition is only satisfied when the player takes out the first pokemon from the daycare. if (GetBoxMonData(&daycare->mons[1].mon, MON_DATA_SPECIES) != 0 && GetBoxMonData(&daycare->mons[0].mon, MON_DATA_SPECIES) == 0) { daycare->mons[0].mon = daycare->mons[1].mon; ZeroBoxMonData(&daycare->mons[1].mon); daycare->mons[0].misc = daycare->mons[1].misc; daycare->mons[0].steps = daycare->mons[1].steps; daycare->mons[1].steps = 0; ClearDaycareMonMisc(&daycare->mons[1].misc); } } static void ApplyDaycareExperience(struct Pokemon *mon) { s32 i; bool8 firstMove; u16 learnedMove; for (i = 0; i < MAX_MON_LEVEL; i++) { // Add the mon's gained daycare experience level by level until it can't level up anymore. if (TryIncrementMonLevel(mon)) { // Teach the mon new moves it learned while in the daycare. firstMove = TRUE; while ((learnedMove = MonTryLearningNewMove(mon, firstMove)) != 0) { firstMove = FALSE; if (learnedMove == 0xFFFF) { // Mon already knows 4 moves. DeleteFirstMoveAndGiveMoveToMon(mon, gMoveToLearn); } } } else { break; } } // Re-calculate the mons stats at its new level. CalculateMonStats(mon); } static u16 TakeSelectedPokemonFromDaycare(struct DaycareMon *daycareMon) { u16 species; u32 experience; struct Pokemon pokemon; GetBoxMonNick(&daycareMon->mon, gStringVar1); species = GetBoxMonData(&daycareMon->mon, MON_DATA_SPECIES); BoxMonToMon(&daycareMon->mon, &pokemon); if (GetMonData(&pokemon, MON_DATA_LEVEL) != MAX_MON_LEVEL) { experience = GetMonData(&pokemon, MON_DATA_EXP) + daycareMon->steps; SetMonData(&pokemon, MON_DATA_EXP, &experience); ApplyDaycareExperience(&pokemon); } gPlayerParty[PARTY_SIZE - 1] = pokemon; if (daycareMon->misc.mail.itemId) { GiveMailToMon2(&gPlayerParty[PARTY_SIZE - 1], &daycareMon->misc.mail); ClearDaycareMonMisc(&daycareMon->misc); } ZeroBoxMonData(&daycareMon->mon); daycareMon->steps = 0; CompactPartySlots(); CalculatePlayerPartyCount(); return species; } static u16 TakeSelectedPokemonMonFromDaycareShiftSlots(struct DayCare *daycare, u8 slotId) { u16 species = TakeSelectedPokemonFromDaycare(&daycare->mons[slotId]); ShiftDaycareSlots(daycare); return species; } u16 TakePokemonFromDaycare(void) { return TakeSelectedPokemonMonFromDaycareShiftSlots(&gSaveBlock1Ptr->daycare, gSpecialVar_0x8004); } static u8 GetLevelAfterDaycareSteps(struct BoxPokemon *mon, u32 steps) { struct BoxPokemon tempMon = *mon; u32 experience = GetBoxMonData(mon, MON_DATA_EXP) + steps; SetBoxMonData(&tempMon, MON_DATA_EXP, &experience); return GetLevelFromBoxMonExp(&tempMon); } static u8 GetNumLevelsGainedFromSteps(struct DaycareMon *daycareMon) { u8 levelBefore; u8 levelAfter; levelBefore = GetLevelFromBoxMonExp(&daycareMon->mon); levelAfter = GetLevelAfterDaycareSteps(&daycareMon->mon, daycareMon->steps); return levelAfter - levelBefore; } static u8 GetNumLevelsGainedForDaycareMon(struct DaycareMon *daycareMon) { u8 numLevelsGained = GetNumLevelsGainedFromSteps(daycareMon); ConvertIntToDecimalStringN(gStringVar2, numLevelsGained, STR_CONV_MODE_LEFT_ALIGN, 2); GetBoxMonNick(&daycareMon->mon, gStringVar1); return numLevelsGained; } static u32 GetDaycareCostForSelectedMon(struct DaycareMon *daycareMon) { u32 cost; u8 numLevelsGained = GetNumLevelsGainedFromSteps(daycareMon); GetBoxMonNick(&daycareMon->mon, gStringVar1); cost = 100 + 100 * numLevelsGained; ConvertIntToDecimalStringN(gStringVar2, cost, STR_CONV_MODE_LEFT_ALIGN, 5); return cost; } static u16 GetDaycareCostForMon(struct DayCare *daycare, u8 slotId) { return GetDaycareCostForSelectedMon(&daycare->mons[slotId]); } void GetDaycareCost(void) { gSpecialVar_0x8005 = GetDaycareCostForMon(&gSaveBlock1Ptr->daycare, gSpecialVar_0x8004); } static void Debug_AddDaycareSteps(u16 numSteps) { gSaveBlock1Ptr->daycare.mons[0].steps += numSteps; gSaveBlock1Ptr->daycare.mons[1].steps += numSteps; } u8 GetNumLevelsGainedFromDaycare(void) { if (GetBoxMonData(&gSaveBlock1Ptr->daycare.mons[gSpecialVar_0x8004], MON_DATA_SPECIES) != 0) return GetNumLevelsGainedForDaycareMon(&gSaveBlock1Ptr->daycare.mons[gSpecialVar_0x8004]); return 0; } static void ClearDaycareMonMisc(struct DaycareMiscMon *misc) { s32 i; for (i = 0; i < OT_NAME_LENGTH + 1; i++) misc->OT_name[i] = 0; for (i = 0; i < POKEMON_NAME_LENGTH + 1; i++) misc->monName[i] = 0; ClearMailStruct(&misc->mail); } static void ClearDaycareMon(struct DaycareMon *daycareMon) { ZeroBoxMonData(&daycareMon->mon); daycareMon->steps = 0; ClearDaycareMonMisc(&daycareMon->misc); } static void ClearAllDaycareData(struct DayCare *daycare) { u8 i; for (i = 0; i < DAYCARE_MON_COUNT; i++) ClearDaycareMon(&daycare->mons[i]); daycare->offspringPersonality = 0; daycare->stepCounter = 0; } // Determines what the species of an Egg would be based on the given species. // It determines this by working backwards through the evolution chain of the // given species. static u16 GetEggSpecies(u16 species) { int i, j, k; bool8 found; // Working backwards up to 5 times seems arbitrary, since the maximum number // of times would only be 3 for 3-stage evolutions. for (i = 0; i < EVOS_PER_MON; i++) { found = FALSE; for (j = 1; j < NUM_SPECIES; j++) { for (k = 0; k < EVOS_PER_MON; k++) { if (gEvolutionTable[j][k].targetSpecies == species) { species = j; found = TRUE; break; } } if (found) break; } if (j == NUM_SPECIES) break; } return species; } static s32 GetSlotToInheritNature(struct DayCare *daycare) { u32 species[DAYCARE_MON_COUNT]; s32 i; s32 dittoCount; s32 slot = -1; // search for female gender for (i = 0; i < DAYCARE_MON_COUNT; i++) { if (GetBoxMonGender(&daycare->mons[i].mon) == MON_FEMALE) slot = i; } // search for ditto for (dittoCount = 0, i = 0; i < DAYCARE_MON_COUNT; i++) { species[i] = GetBoxMonData(&daycare->mons[i].mon, MON_DATA_SPECIES); if (species[i] == SPECIES_DITTO) dittoCount++, slot = i; } // coin flip on ...two Dittos if (dittoCount == 2) { if (Random() >= USHRT_MAX / 2) slot = 0; else slot = 1; } // nature inheritance only if holds everstone if (GetBoxMonData(&daycare->mons[slot].mon, MON_DATA_HELD_ITEM) != ITEM_EVERSTONE || Random() >= USHRT_MAX / 2) { return -1; } return slot; } static void _TriggerPendingDaycareEgg(struct DayCare *daycare) { s32 natureSlot; s32 natureTries = 0; SeedRng2(gMain.vblankCounter2); natureSlot = GetSlotToInheritNature(daycare); if (natureSlot < 0) { daycare->offspringPersonality = (Random2() << 0x10) | ((Random() % 0xfffe) + 1); } else { u8 wantedNature = GetNatureFromPersonality(GetBoxMonData(&daycare->mons[natureSlot].mon, MON_DATA_PERSONALITY, NULL)); u32 personality; do { personality = (Random2() << 0x10) | (Random()); if (wantedNature == GetNatureFromPersonality(personality) && personality != 0) break; // we found a personality with the same nature natureTries++; } while (natureTries <= 2400); daycare->offspringPersonality = personality; } FlagSet(FLAG_PENDING_DAYCARE_EGG); } static void _TriggerPendingDaycareMaleEgg(struct DayCare *daycare) { daycare->offspringPersonality = (Random()) | (0x8000); FlagSet(FLAG_PENDING_DAYCARE_EGG); } void TriggerPendingDaycareEgg(void) { _TriggerPendingDaycareEgg(&gSaveBlock1Ptr->daycare); } static void TriggerPendingDaycareMaleEgg(void) { _TriggerPendingDaycareMaleEgg(&gSaveBlock1Ptr->daycare); } // Removes the selected index from the given IV list and shifts the remaining // elements to the left. static void RemoveIVIndexFromList(u8 *ivs, u8 selectedIv) { s32 i, j; u8 temp[NUM_STATS]; ivs[selectedIv] = 0xff; for (i = 0; i < NUM_STATS; i++) { temp[i] = ivs[i]; } j = 0; for (i = 0; i < NUM_STATS; i++) { if (temp[i] != 0xff) ivs[j++] = temp[i]; } } static void InheritIVs(struct Pokemon *egg, struct DayCare *daycare) { u8 i; u8 selectedIvs[3]; u8 availableIVs[NUM_STATS]; u8 whichParent[ARRAY_COUNT(selectedIvs)]; u8 iv; // Initialize a list of IV indices. for (i = 0; i < NUM_STATS; i++) { availableIVs[i] = i; } // Select the 3 IVs that will be inherited. for (i = 0; i < ARRAY_COUNT(selectedIvs); i++) { // Randomly pick an IV from the available list. selectedIvs[i] = availableIVs[Random() % (NUM_STATS - i)]; // Remove the selected IV index from the available IV indices. RemoveIVIndexFromList(availableIVs, i); } // Determine which parent each of the selected IVs should inherit from. for (i = 0; i < ARRAY_COUNT(selectedIvs); i++) { whichParent[i] = Random() % 2; } // Set each of inherited IVs on the egg mon. for (i = 0; i < ARRAY_COUNT(selectedIvs); i++) { switch (selectedIvs[i]) { case 0: iv = GetBoxMonData(&daycare->mons[whichParent[i]].mon, MON_DATA_HP_IV); SetMonData(egg, MON_DATA_HP_IV, &iv); break; case 1: iv = GetBoxMonData(&daycare->mons[whichParent[i]].mon, MON_DATA_ATK_IV); SetMonData(egg, MON_DATA_ATK_IV, &iv); break; case 2: iv = GetBoxMonData(&daycare->mons[whichParent[i]].mon, MON_DATA_DEF_IV); SetMonData(egg, MON_DATA_DEF_IV, &iv); break; case 3: iv = GetBoxMonData(&daycare->mons[whichParent[i]].mon, MON_DATA_SPEED_IV); SetMonData(egg, MON_DATA_SPEED_IV, &iv); break; case 4: iv = GetBoxMonData(&daycare->mons[whichParent[i]].mon, MON_DATA_SPATK_IV); SetMonData(egg, MON_DATA_SPATK_IV, &iv); break; case 5: iv = GetBoxMonData(&daycare->mons[whichParent[i]].mon, MON_DATA_SPDEF_IV); SetMonData(egg, MON_DATA_SPDEF_IV, &iv); break; } } } // Counts the number of egg moves a pokemon learns and stores the moves in // the given array. static u8 GetEggMoves(struct Pokemon *pokemon, u16 *eggMoves) { u16 eggMoveIdx; u16 numEggMoves; u16 species; u16 i; numEggMoves = 0; eggMoveIdx = 0; species = GetMonData(pokemon, MON_DATA_SPECIES); for (i = 0; i < ARRAY_COUNT(gEggMoves) - 1; i++) { if (gEggMoves[i] == species + EGG_MOVES_SPECIES_OFFSET) { eggMoveIdx = i + 1; break; } } for (i = 0; i < EGG_MOVES_ARRAY_COUNT; i++) { if (gEggMoves[eggMoveIdx + i] > EGG_MOVES_SPECIES_OFFSET) { // TODO: the curly braces around this if statement are required for a matching build. break; } eggMoves[i] = gEggMoves[eggMoveIdx + i]; numEggMoves++; } return numEggMoves; } static void BuildEggMoveset(struct Pokemon *egg, struct BoxPokemon *father, struct BoxPokemon *mother) { u16 numSharedParentMoves; u32 numLevelUpMoves; u16 numEggMoves; u16 i, j; numSharedParentMoves = 0; for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) { sHatchedEggMotherMoves[i] = 0; sHatchedEggFatherMoves[i] = 0; sHatchedEggFinalMoves[i] = 0; } for (i = 0; i < EGG_MOVES_ARRAY_COUNT; i++) sHatchedEggEggMoves[i] = 0; for (i = 0; i < EGG_LVL_UP_MOVES_ARRAY_COUNT; i++) sHatchedEggLevelUpMoves[i] = 0; numLevelUpMoves = GetLevelUpMovesBySpecies(GetMonData(egg, MON_DATA_SPECIES), sHatchedEggLevelUpMoves); for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) { sHatchedEggFatherMoves[i] = GetBoxMonData(father, MON_DATA_MOVE1 + i); sHatchedEggMotherMoves[i] = GetBoxMonData(mother, MON_DATA_MOVE1 + i); } numEggMoves = GetEggMoves(egg, sHatchedEggEggMoves); for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) { if (sHatchedEggFatherMoves[i] != MOVE_NONE) { for (j = 0; j < numEggMoves; j++) { if (sHatchedEggFatherMoves[i] == sHatchedEggEggMoves[j]) { if (GiveMoveToMon(egg, sHatchedEggFatherMoves[i]) == 0xffff) DeleteFirstMoveAndGiveMoveToMon(egg, sHatchedEggFatherMoves[i]); break; } } } else { break; } } for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) { if (sHatchedEggFatherMoves[i] != MOVE_NONE) { for (j = 0; j < NUM_TECHNICAL_MACHINES + NUM_HIDDEN_MACHINES; j++) { if (sHatchedEggFatherMoves[i] == ItemIdToBattleMoveId(ITEM_TM01_FOCUS_PUNCH + j) && CanMonLearnTMHM(egg, j)) { if (GiveMoveToMon(egg, sHatchedEggFatherMoves[i]) == 0xffff) DeleteFirstMoveAndGiveMoveToMon(egg, sHatchedEggFatherMoves[i]); } } } } for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) { if (sHatchedEggFatherMoves[i] == MOVE_NONE) break; for (j = 0; j < 4; j++) { if (sHatchedEggFatherMoves[i] == sHatchedEggMotherMoves[j] && sHatchedEggFatherMoves[i] != MOVE_NONE) sHatchedEggFinalMoves[numSharedParentMoves++] = sHatchedEggFatherMoves[i]; } } for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) { if (sHatchedEggFinalMoves[i] == MOVE_NONE) break; for (j = 0; j < numLevelUpMoves; j++) { if (sHatchedEggLevelUpMoves[j] != MOVE_NONE && sHatchedEggFinalMoves[i] == sHatchedEggLevelUpMoves[j]) { if (GiveMoveToMon(egg, sHatchedEggFinalMoves[i]) == 0xffff) DeleteFirstMoveAndGiveMoveToMon(egg, sHatchedEggFinalMoves[i]); break; } } } } static void RemoveEggFromDayCare(struct DayCare *daycare) { daycare->offspringPersonality = 0; daycare->stepCounter = 0; } void RejectEggFromDayCare(void) { RemoveEggFromDayCare(&gSaveBlock1Ptr->daycare); } static void AlterEggSpeciesWithIncenseItem(u16 *species, struct DayCare *daycare) { u16 motherItem, fatherItem; if (*species == SPECIES_WYNAUT || *species == SPECIES_AZURILL) { motherItem = GetBoxMonData(&daycare->mons[0].mon, MON_DATA_HELD_ITEM); fatherItem = GetBoxMonData(&daycare->mons[1].mon, MON_DATA_HELD_ITEM); if (*species == SPECIES_WYNAUT && motherItem != ITEM_LAX_INCENSE && fatherItem != ITEM_LAX_INCENSE) { *species = SPECIES_WOBBUFFET; } if (*species == SPECIES_AZURILL && motherItem != ITEM_SEA_INCENSE && fatherItem != ITEM_SEA_INCENSE) { *species = SPECIES_MARILL; } } } static void GiveVoltTackleIfLightBall(struct Pokemon *mon, struct DayCare *daycare) { u32 motherItem = GetBoxMonData(&daycare->mons[0].mon, MON_DATA_HELD_ITEM); u32 fatherItem = GetBoxMonData(&daycare->mons[1].mon, MON_DATA_HELD_ITEM); if (motherItem == ITEM_LIGHT_BALL || fatherItem == ITEM_LIGHT_BALL) { if (GiveMoveToMon(mon, MOVE_VOLT_TACKLE) == 0xFFFF) DeleteFirstMoveAndGiveMoveToMon(mon, MOVE_VOLT_TACKLE); } } static u16 DetermineEggSpeciesAndParentSlots(struct DayCare *daycare, u8 *parentSlots) { u16 i; u16 species[2]; u16 eggSpecies; // Determine which of the daycare mons is the mother and father of the egg. // The 0th index of the parentSlots array is considered the mother slot, and the // 1st index is the father slot. for (i = 0; i < 2; i++) { species[i] = GetBoxMonData(&daycare->mons[i].mon, MON_DATA_SPECIES); if (species[i] == SPECIES_DITTO) { parentSlots[0] = i ^ 1; parentSlots[1] = i; } else if (GetBoxMonGender(&daycare->mons[i].mon) == MON_FEMALE) { parentSlots[0] = i; parentSlots[1] = i ^ 1; } } eggSpecies = GetEggSpecies(species[parentSlots[0]]); if (eggSpecies == SPECIES_NIDORAN_F && daycare->offspringPersonality & 0x8000) { eggSpecies = SPECIES_NIDORAN_M; } if (eggSpecies == SPECIES_ILLUMISE && daycare->offspringPersonality & 0x8000) { eggSpecies = SPECIES_VOLBEAT; } // Make Ditto the "mother" slot if the other daycare mon is male. if (species[parentSlots[1]] == SPECIES_DITTO && GetBoxMonGender(&daycare->mons[parentSlots[0]].mon) != MON_FEMALE) { u8 temp = parentSlots[1]; parentSlots[1] = parentSlots[0]; parentSlots[0] = temp; } return eggSpecies; } static void _GiveEggFromDaycare(struct DayCare *daycare) // give_egg { struct Pokemon egg; u16 species; u8 parentSlots[2]; // 0th index is "mother" daycare slot, 1st is "father" bool8 isEgg; species = DetermineEggSpeciesAndParentSlots(daycare, parentSlots); AlterEggSpeciesWithIncenseItem(&species, daycare); SetInitialEggData(&egg, species, daycare); InheritIVs(&egg, daycare); BuildEggMoveset(&egg, &daycare->mons[parentSlots[1]].mon, &daycare->mons[parentSlots[0]].mon); if (species == SPECIES_PICHU) GiveVoltTackleIfLightBall(&egg, daycare); isEgg = TRUE; SetMonData(&egg, MON_DATA_IS_EGG, &isEgg); gPlayerParty[PARTY_SIZE - 1] = egg; CompactPartySlots(); CalculatePlayerPartyCount(); RemoveEggFromDayCare(daycare); } void CreateEgg(struct Pokemon *mon, u16 species, bool8 setHotSpringsLocation) { u8 metLevel; u16 ball; u8 language; u8 metLocation; u8 isEgg; CreateMon(mon, species, EGG_HATCH_LEVEL, 0x20, FALSE, 0, FALSE, 0); metLevel = 0; ball = ITEM_POKE_BALL; language = LANGUAGE_JAPANESE; SetMonData(mon, MON_DATA_POKEBALL, &ball); SetMonData(mon, MON_DATA_NICKNAME, sJapaneseEggNickname); SetMonData(mon, MON_DATA_FRIENDSHIP, &gBaseStats[species].eggCycles); SetMonData(mon, MON_DATA_MET_LEVEL, &metLevel); SetMonData(mon, MON_DATA_LANGUAGE, &language); if (setHotSpringsLocation) { metLocation = 253; // hot springs; see PokemonSummaryScreen_PrintEggTrainerMemo SetMonData(mon, MON_DATA_MET_LOCATION, &metLocation); } isEgg = TRUE; SetMonData(mon, MON_DATA_IS_EGG, &isEgg); } static void SetInitialEggData(struct Pokemon *mon, u16 species, struct DayCare *daycare) { u32 personality; u16 ball; u8 metLevel; u8 language; personality = daycare->offspringPersonality; CreateMon(mon, species, EGG_HATCH_LEVEL, 0x20, TRUE, personality, FALSE, 0); metLevel = 0; ball = ITEM_POKE_BALL; language = LANGUAGE_JAPANESE; SetMonData(mon, MON_DATA_POKEBALL, &ball); SetMonData(mon, MON_DATA_NICKNAME, sJapaneseEggNickname); SetMonData(mon, MON_DATA_FRIENDSHIP, &gBaseStats[species].eggCycles); SetMonData(mon, MON_DATA_MET_LEVEL, &metLevel); SetMonData(mon, MON_DATA_LANGUAGE, &language); } void GiveEggFromDaycare(void) { _GiveEggFromDaycare(&gSaveBlock1Ptr->daycare); } static bool8 _DoEggActions_CheckHatch(struct DayCare *daycare) { u32 i, validEggs = 0; for (i = 0; i < DAYCARE_MON_COUNT; i++) { if (GetBoxMonData(&daycare->mons[i].mon, MON_DATA_SANITY_BIT2)) daycare->mons[i].steps++, validEggs++; } // try to trigger poke sex if (daycare->offspringPersonality == 0 && validEggs == 2 && (daycare->mons[1].steps & 0xFF) == 0xFF) { u8 loveScore = GetDaycareCompatibilityScore(daycare); if (loveScore > (Random() * 100u) / USHRT_MAX) TriggerPendingDaycareEgg(); } if (++daycare->stepCounter == 255) // hatch an egg { u32 steps; u8 toSub = GetEggStepsToSubtract(); for (i = 0; i < gPlayerPartyCount; i++) { if (!GetMonData(&gPlayerParty[i], MON_DATA_IS_EGG)) continue; if (GetMonData(&gPlayerParty[i], MON_DATA_SANITY_BIT1)) continue; steps = GetMonData(&gPlayerParty[i], MON_DATA_FRIENDSHIP); if (steps != 0) // subtract needed steps { if (steps >= toSub) steps -= toSub; else steps -= 1; SetMonData(&gPlayerParty[i], MON_DATA_FRIENDSHIP, &steps); } else // hatch the egg { gSpecialVar_0x8004 = i; return TRUE; } } } return FALSE; // no hatching } bool8 DoEggActions_CheckHatch(void) { return _DoEggActions_CheckHatch(&gSaveBlock1Ptr->daycare); } static bool8 IsEggPending(struct DayCare *daycare) { return (daycare->offspringPersonality != 0); } // gStringVar1 = first mon's nickname // gStringVar2 = second mon's nickname // gStringVar3 = first mon trainer's name static void _GetDaycareMonNicknames(struct DayCare *daycare) { u8 text[12]; if (GetBoxMonData(&daycare->mons[0].mon, MON_DATA_SPECIES) != 0) { GetBoxMonNick(&daycare->mons[0].mon, gStringVar1); GetBoxMonData(&daycare->mons[0].mon, MON_DATA_OT_NAME, text); StringCopy(gStringVar3, text); } if (GetBoxMonData(&daycare->mons[1].mon, MON_DATA_SPECIES) != 0) { GetBoxMonNick(&daycare->mons[1].mon, gStringVar2); } } u16 GetSelectedMonNickAndSpecies(void) { GetBoxMonNick(&gPlayerParty[GetCursorSelectionMonId()].box, gStringVar1); return GetBoxMonData(&gPlayerParty[GetCursorSelectionMonId()].box, MON_DATA_SPECIES); } void GetDaycareMonNicknames(void) { _GetDaycareMonNicknames(&gSaveBlock1Ptr->daycare); } u8 GetDaycareState(void) { // The daycare can be in 4 possible states: // 0: default state--no deposited mons, no egg // 1: there is an egg waiting for the player to pick it up // 2: there is a single pokemon in the daycare // 3: there are two pokemon in the daycare, no egg u8 numMons; if (IsEggPending(&gSaveBlock1Ptr->daycare)) { // There is an Egg waiting for the player. return 1; } numMons = CountPokemonInDaycare(&gSaveBlock1Ptr->daycare); if (numMons != 0) { return numMons + 1; } return 0; } static u8 GetDaycarePokemonCount(void) { u8 ret = CountPokemonInDaycare(&gSaveBlock1Ptr->daycare); if (ret) return ret; return 0; } static bool8 EggGroupsOverlap(u16 *eggGroups1, u16 *eggGroups2) { // Determine if the two given egg group lists contain any of the // same egg groups. s32 i, j; for (i = 0; i < 2; i++) { for (j = 0; j < 2; j++) { if (eggGroups1[i] == eggGroups2[j]) return TRUE; } } return FALSE; } static u8 GetDaycareCompatibilityScore(struct DayCare *daycare) { u32 i; u16 eggGroups[2][2]; u16 species[2]; u32 trainerIds[2]; u32 genders[2]; for (i = 0; i < 2; i++) { u32 personality; species[i] = GetBoxMonData(&daycare->mons[i].mon, MON_DATA_SPECIES); trainerIds[i] = GetBoxMonData(&daycare->mons[i].mon, MON_DATA_OT_ID); personality = GetBoxMonData(&daycare->mons[i].mon, MON_DATA_PERSONALITY); genders[i] = GetGenderFromSpeciesAndPersonality(species[i], personality); eggGroups[i][0] = gBaseStats[species[i]].eggGroup1; eggGroups[i][1] = gBaseStats[species[i]].eggGroup2; } // check unbreedable egg group if (eggGroups[0][0] == EGG_GROUP_UNDISCOVERED || eggGroups[1][0] == EGG_GROUP_UNDISCOVERED) return 0; // two Ditto can't breed if (eggGroups[0][0] == EGG_GROUP_DITTO && eggGroups[1][0] == EGG_GROUP_DITTO) return 0; // now that we checked, one ditto can breed with any other mon if (eggGroups[0][0] == EGG_GROUP_DITTO || eggGroups[1][0] == EGG_GROUP_DITTO) { if (trainerIds[0] == trainerIds[1]) // same trainer return 20; return 50; // different trainers, more chance of poke sex } else { if (genders[0] == genders[1]) // no homo return 0; if (genders[0] == MON_GENDERLESS || genders[1] == MON_GENDERLESS) return 0; if (!EggGroupsOverlap(eggGroups[0], eggGroups[1])) // not compatible with each other return 0; if (species[0] == species[1]) // same species { if (trainerIds[0] == trainerIds[1]) // same species and trainer return 50; return 70; // different trainers, same species } else { if (trainerIds[0] != trainerIds[1]) // different trainers, different species return 50; return 20; // different species, same trainer } } } static u8 GetDaycareCompatibilityScoreFromSave(void) { return GetDaycareCompatibilityScore(&gSaveBlock1Ptr->daycare); } void SetDaycareCompatibilityString(void) { u8 whichString; u8 relationshipScore; relationshipScore = GetDaycareCompatibilityScoreFromSave(); whichString = 0; if (relationshipScore == 0) whichString = 3; if (relationshipScore == 20) whichString = 2; if (relationshipScore == 50) whichString = 1; if (relationshipScore == 70) whichString = 0; StringCopy(gStringVar4, sCompatibilityMessages[whichString]); } bool8 NameHasGenderSymbol(const u8 *name, u8 genderRatio) { u8 i; u8 symbolsCount[2]; // male, female symbolsCount[0] = symbolsCount[1] = 0; for (i = 0; name[i] != EOS; i++) { if (name[i] == CHAR_MALE) symbolsCount[0]++; if (name[i] == CHAR_FEMALE) symbolsCount[1]++; } if (genderRatio == MON_MALE && symbolsCount[0] != 0 && symbolsCount[1] == 0) return TRUE; if (genderRatio == MON_FEMALE && symbolsCount[1] != 0 && symbolsCount[0] == 0) return TRUE; return FALSE; } static u8 *AppendGenderSymbol(u8 *name, u8 gender) { if (gender == MON_MALE) { if (!NameHasGenderSymbol(name, MON_MALE)) return StringAppend(name, gText_MaleSymbol4); } else if (gender == MON_FEMALE) { if (!NameHasGenderSymbol(name, MON_FEMALE)) return StringAppend(name, gText_FemaleSymbol4); } return StringAppend(name, gText_GenderlessSymbol); } static u8 *AppendMonGenderSymbol(u8 *name, struct BoxPokemon *boxMon) { return AppendGenderSymbol(name, GetBoxMonGender(boxMon)); } static void GetDaycareLevelMenuText(struct DayCare *daycare, u8 *dest) { u8 monNames[2][20]; u8 i; *dest = EOS; for (i = 0; i < 2; i++) { GetBoxMonNick(&daycare->mons[i].mon, monNames[i]); AppendMonGenderSymbol(monNames[i], &daycare->mons[i].mon); } StringCopy(dest, monNames[0]); StringAppend(dest, gText_NewLine2); StringAppend(dest, monNames[1]); StringAppend(dest, gText_NewLine2); StringAppend(dest, gText_Exit4); } static void GetDaycareLevelMenuLevelText(struct DayCare *daycare, u8 *dest) { u8 i; u8 level; u8 text[20]; *dest = EOS; for (i = 0; i < 2; i++) { StringAppend(dest, gText_Lv); level = GetLevelAfterDaycareSteps(&daycare->mons[i].mon, daycare->mons[i].steps); ConvertIntToDecimalStringN(text, level, STR_CONV_MODE_LEFT_ALIGN, 3); StringAppend(dest, text); StringAppend(dest, gText_NewLine2); } } static void DaycareAddTextPrinter(u8 windowId, const u8 *text, u32 x, u32 y) { struct TextSubPrinter printer; printer.current_text_offset = text; printer.windowId = windowId; printer.fontId = 1; printer.x = x; printer.y = y; printer.currentX = x; printer.currentY = y; printer.fontColor_l = 0; gTextFlags.flag_1 = 0; printer.letterSpacing = 0; printer.lineSpacing = 1; printer.fgColor = 2; printer.bgColor = 1; printer.shadowColor = 3; AddTextPrinter(&printer, 0xFF, NULL); } static void DaycarePrintMonNick(struct DayCare *daycare, u8 windowId, u32 daycareSlotId, u32 y) { u8 nick[POKEMON_NAME_LENGTH * 2]; GetBoxMonNick(&daycare->mons[daycareSlotId].mon, nick); AppendMonGenderSymbol(nick, &daycare->mons[daycareSlotId].mon); DaycareAddTextPrinter(windowId, nick, 8, y); } static void DaycarePrintMonLvl(struct DayCare *daycare, u8 windowId, u32 daycareSlotId, u32 y) { u8 level; u32 x; u8 lvlText[12]; u8 intText[8]; StringCopy(lvlText, gText_Lv); level = GetLevelAfterDaycareSteps(&daycare->mons[daycareSlotId].mon, daycare->mons[daycareSlotId].steps); ConvertIntToDecimalStringN(intText, level, STR_CONV_MODE_LEFT_ALIGN, 3); StringAppend(lvlText, intText); x = GetStringRightAlignXOffset(1, lvlText, 112); DaycareAddTextPrinter(windowId, lvlText, x, y); } static void DaycarePrintMonInfo(u8 windowId, s32 daycareSlotId, u8 y) { if (daycareSlotId < (unsigned) DAYCARE_MON_COUNT) { DaycarePrintMonNick(&gSaveBlock1Ptr->daycare, windowId, daycareSlotId, y); DaycarePrintMonLvl(&gSaveBlock1Ptr->daycare, windowId, daycareSlotId, y); } } #define tMenuListTaskId data[0] #define tWindowId data[1] static void Task_HandleDaycareLevelMenuInput(u8 taskId) { u32 var = ListMenuHandleInputGetItemId(gTasks[taskId].tMenuListTaskId); if (gMain.newKeys & A_BUTTON) { switch (var) { case 0: case 1: gSpecialVar_Result = var; break; case 5: gSpecialVar_Result = 2; break; } sub_81AE6C8(gTasks[taskId].tMenuListTaskId, NULL, NULL); sub_819746C(gTasks[taskId].tWindowId, TRUE); RemoveWindow(gTasks[taskId].tWindowId); DestroyTask(taskId); EnableBothScriptContexts(); } else if (gMain.newKeys & B_BUTTON) { gSpecialVar_Result = 2; sub_81AE6C8(gTasks[taskId].tMenuListTaskId, NULL, NULL); sub_819746C(gTasks[taskId].tWindowId, TRUE); RemoveWindow(gTasks[taskId].tWindowId); DestroyTask(taskId); EnableBothScriptContexts(); } } void ShowDaycareLevelMenu(void) { struct ListMenuTemplate menuTemplate; u8 windowId; u8 listMenuTaskId; u8 daycareMenuTaskId; windowId = AddWindow(&sDaycareLevelMenuWindowTemplate); NewMenuHelpers_DrawStdWindowFrame(windowId, FALSE); menuTemplate = sDaycareListMenuLevelTemplate; menuTemplate.unk_10 = windowId; listMenuTaskId = ListMenuInit(&menuTemplate, 0, 0); CopyWindowToVram(windowId, 3); daycareMenuTaskId = CreateTask(Task_HandleDaycareLevelMenuInput, 3); gTasks[daycareMenuTaskId].tMenuListTaskId = listMenuTaskId; gTasks[daycareMenuTaskId].tWindowId = windowId; } #undef tMenuListTaskId #undef tWindowId void ChooseSendDaycareMon(void) { sub_81B9328(); gMain.savedCallback = CB2_ReturnToField; }