MtPyre_2F_MapScripts:: @ 82310FB
	map_script 2, MtPyre_2F_MapScript2_2A8327
	map_script 3, MtPyre_2F_MapScript1_2A8331
	map_script 5, MtPyre_2F_MapScript1_23110B
	.byte 0

MtPyre_2F_MapScript1_23110B: @ 823110B
	setstepcallback 7
	setholewarp MT_PYRE_1F, 255, 0, 0

MtPyre_2F_EventScript_231116:: @ 8231116
	msgbox MtPyre_2F_Text_2311A3, 2

MtPyre_2F_EventScript_23111F:: @ 823111F
	msgbox MtPyre_2F_Text_2311E6, 2

MtPyre_2F_EventScript_231128:: @ 8231128
	trainerbattle 0, TRAINER_MARK, 0, MtPyre_2F_Text_231258, MtPyre_2F_Text_2312A2
	msgbox MtPyre_2F_Text_2312CB, 6

MtPyre_2F_EventScript_23113F:: @ 823113F
	trainerbattle 4, TRAINER_DEZ_AND_LUKE, 0, MtPyre_2F_Text_23130F, MtPyre_2F_Text_2313A1, MtPyre_2F_Text_231414
	msgbox MtPyre_2F_Text_2313B1, 6

MtPyre_2F_EventScript_23115A:: @ 823115A
	trainerbattle 4, TRAINER_DEZ_AND_LUKE, 0, MtPyre_2F_Text_231492, MtPyre_2F_Text_231534, MtPyre_2F_Text_231582
	msgbox MtPyre_2F_Text_23154D, 6

MtPyre_2F_EventScript_231175:: @ 8231175
	trainerbattle 0, TRAINER_LEAH, 0, MtPyre_2F_Text_231604, MtPyre_2F_Text_231645
	msgbox MtPyre_2F_Text_23165A, 6

MtPyre_2F_EventScript_23118C:: @ 823118C
	trainerbattle 0, TRAINER_ZANDER, 0, MtPyre_2F_Text_2316C7, MtPyre_2F_Text_2316E1
	msgbox MtPyre_2F_Text_2316FB, 6

MtPyre_2F_Text_2311A3: @ 82311A3
	.string "Memories of my darling SKITTY…\n"
	.string "My eyes overflow thinking about it.$"

MtPyre_2F_Text_2311E6: @ 82311E6
	.string "Ooch, ouch… There are holes in the\n"
	.string "ground here and there.\p"
	.string "I didn’t notice and took a tumble from\n"
	.string "the floor above.$"

MtPyre_2F_Text_231258: @ 8231258
	.string "Hey! Are you searching for POKéMON?\n"
	.string "You came along after me! You’re rude!$"

MtPyre_2F_Text_2312A2: @ 82312A2
	.string "Ayieeeeh!\n"
	.string "I’m sorry, forgive me, please!$"

MtPyre_2F_Text_2312CB: @ 82312CB
	.string "People don’t come here often, so\n"
	.string "I thought there’d be rare POKéMON.$"

MtPyre_2F_Text_23130F: @ 823130F
	.string "LUKE: We’re here on a dare.\p"
	.string "Heheh, if I show her how cool I am,\n"
	.string "she’ll fall for me. I know it!\p"
	.string "I know! I’ll cream you and show her\n"
	.string "how cool I am!$"

MtPyre_2F_Text_2313A1: @ 82313A1
	.string "LUKE: Whoopsie!$"

MtPyre_2F_Text_2313B1: @ 82313B1
	.string "LUKE: Well, we lost but that’s okay!\n"
	.string "I’m right here by your side.\l"
	.string "We’ll make it through this dare!$"

MtPyre_2F_Text_231414: @ 8231414
	.string "LUKE: If you want to take me on,\n"
	.string "bring some more POKéMON.\p"
	.string "If you don’t, I won’t be able to show\n"
	.string "off to my girl how cool I am!$"

MtPyre_2F_Text_231492: @ 8231492
	.string "DEZ: I came here on a dare with my\n"
	.string "boyfriend.\p"
	.string "It’s really scary, but I’m with my\n"
	.string "boyfriend. It’s okay.\p"
	.string "I know! I’ll get my boyfriend to look\n"
	.string "cool by beating you!$"

MtPyre_2F_Text_231534: @ 8231534
	.string "DEZ: Waaaah! I’m scared!$"

MtPyre_2F_Text_23154D: @ 823154D
	.string "DEZ: We’re lovey-dovey, so we don’t\n"
	.string "care if we lose!$"

MtPyre_2F_Text_231582: @ 8231582
	.string "DEZ: If you want to challenge us, you\n"
	.string "should bring at least two POKéMON.\p"
	.string "My boyfriend’s strong.\n"
	.string "Just one POKéMON won’t do at all.$"

MtPyre_2F_Text_231604: @ 8231604
	.string "You are an unfamiliar sight…\n"
	.string "Depart before anything befalls you!$"

MtPyre_2F_Text_231645: @ 8231645
	.string "Hmm…\n"
	.string "You’re durable.$"

MtPyre_2F_Text_23165A: @ 823165A
	.string "Our family has been TRAINERS here\n"
	.string "since my great-grandmother’s time…\p"
	.string "It is my duty to protect this\n"
	.string "mountain…$"

MtPyre_2F_Text_2316C7: @ 82316C7
	.string "Kiyaaaaah!\n"
	.string "I’m terrified!$"

MtPyre_2F_Text_2316E1: @ 82316E1
	.string "Nooooooo!\n"
	.string "I lost my wits!$"

MtPyre_2F_Text_2316FB: @ 82316FB
	.string "I get freaked out every time I see\n"
	.string "anything move…\p"
	.string "I shouldn’t have come here to train…$"