Route116_MapScripts:: @ 81F2C0C map_script 3, Route116_MapScript1_1F2C1C map_script 1, Route116_MapScript1_1F2C4F map_script 2, Route116_MapScript2_1F2C66 .byte 0 Route116_MapScript1_1F2C1C: @ 81F2C1C checkflag FLAG_0x08F call_if 1, Route116_EventScript_1F2C47 compare VAR_0x4039, 1 call_if 1, Route116_EventScript_273D13 compare VAR_0x4037, 5 call_if 1, Route116_EventScript_273D1B compare VAR_0x4037, 6 call_if 1, Route116_EventScript_273D1B end Route116_EventScript_1F2C47:: @ 81F2C47 setobjectxyperm 21, 38, 10 return Route116_MapScript1_1F2C4F: @ 81F2C4F compare VAR_0x4037, 5 call_if 1, Route116_EventScript_27395F compare VAR_0x4037, 6 call_if 1, Route116_EventScript_273972 end Route116_MapScript2_1F2C66: @ 81F2C66 map_script_2 VAR_0x4039, 1, gUnknown_08273D1F .2byte 0 Route116_EventScript_1F2C70:: @ 81F2C70 lock faceplayer checkflag FLAG_0x08F goto_eq Route116_EventScript_1F2C8E checkflag FLAG_0x08E goto_eq Route116_EventScript_1F2C98 msgbox Route116_Text_1F3140, 4 release end Route116_EventScript_1F2C8E:: @ 81F2C8E msgbox Route116_Text_1F32C1, 4 release end Route116_EventScript_1F2C98:: @ 81F2C98 msgbox Route116_Text_1F3166, 4 release end Route116_EventScript_1F2CA2:: @ 81F2CA2 lock faceplayer checkflag FLAG_0x11F goto_eq Route116_EventScript_1F2D2B msgbox Route116_Text_1F3317, 4 goto Route116_EventScript_1F2CBB end Route116_EventScript_1F2CBB:: @ 81F2CBB setflag FLAG_0x11F giveitem_std ITEM_REPEAT_BALL compare VAR_RESULT, 0 goto_eq Route116_EventScript_1F2D39 msgbox Route116_Text_1F3521, 4 closemessage compare VAR_FACING, 2 call_if 1, Route116_EventScript_1F2D15 compare VAR_FACING, 1 call_if 1, Route116_EventScript_1F2D15 compare VAR_FACING, 3 call_if 1, Route116_EventScript_1F2D15 compare VAR_FACING, 4 call_if 1, Route116_EventScript_1F2D20 removeobject VAR_LAST_TALKED clearflag FLAG_0x3B5 setflag FLAG_0x100 release end Route116_EventScript_1F2D15:: @ 81F2D15 applymovement VAR_LAST_TALKED, Route116_Movement_1F2D43 waitmovement 0 return Route116_EventScript_1F2D20:: @ 81F2D20 applymovement VAR_LAST_TALKED, Route116_Movement_1F2D4C waitmovement 0 return Route116_EventScript_1F2D2B:: @ 81F2D2B msgbox Route116_Text_1F35CE, 4 goto Route116_EventScript_1F2CBB end Route116_EventScript_1F2D39:: @ 81F2D39 msgbox Route116_Text_1F3593, 4 release end Route116_Movement_1F2D43: @ 81F2D43 step_left step_left step_left step_left step_left step_left step_left step_left step_end Route116_Movement_1F2D4C: @ 81F2D4C step_down step_left step_left step_left step_left step_left step_left step_left step_left step_left step_end Route116_EventScript_1F2D57:: @ 81F2D57 msgbox Route116_Text_1F379D, 3 end Route116_EventScript_1F2D60:: @ 81F2D60 msgbox Route116_Text_1F37B7, 3 end Route116_EventScript_1F2D69:: @ 81F2D69 msgbox Route116_Text_1F380F, 3 end Route116_EventScript_1F2D72:: @ 81F2D72 msgbox Route116_Text_1F3825, 3 end Route116_EventScript_1F2D7B:: @ 81F2D7B msgbox Route116_Text_1F38D4, 3 end Route116_EventScript_1F2D84:: @ 81F2D84 lock faceplayer msgbox Route116_Text_1F309D, 4 setvar VAR_0x406F, 2 release end Route116_EventScript_1F2D95:: @ 81F2D95 lockall applymovement 11, Route116_Movement_2725A8 applymovement 255, Route116_Movement_2725A4 waitmovement 0 msgbox Route116_Text_1F309D, 4 setvar VAR_0x406F, 2 releaseall end Route116_EventScript_1F2DB6:: @ 81F2DB6 lock faceplayer checkitem ITEM_BLACK_GLASSES, 1 compare VAR_RESULT, 1 goto_eq Route116_EventScript_1F2DF1 specialvar VAR_RESULT, sub_8139634 compare VAR_RESULT, 1 goto_eq Route116_EventScript_1F2DE2 msgbox Route116_Text_1F3657, 4 release end Route116_EventScript_1F2DE2:: @ 81F2DE2 msgbox Route116_Text_1F3718, 4 closemessage goto Route116_EventScript_1F2E2A end Route116_EventScript_1F2DF1:: @ 81F2DF1 msgbox Route116_Text_1F3657, 4 msgbox Route116_Text_1F3688, 4 specialvar VAR_RESULT, sub_8139634 compare VAR_RESULT, 1 goto_eq Route116_EventScript_1F2E1B msgbox Route116_Text_1F375E, 4 release end Route116_EventScript_1F2E1B:: @ 81F2E1B msgbox Route116_Text_1F36B4, 4 closemessage goto Route116_EventScript_1F2E2A end Route116_EventScript_1F2E2A:: @ 81F2E2A delay 20 compare VAR_FACING, 2 call_if 1, Route116_EventScript_1F2E5E compare VAR_FACING, 1 call_if 1, Route116_EventScript_1F2E5E compare VAR_FACING, 3 call_if 1, Route116_EventScript_1F2E5E compare VAR_FACING, 4 call_if 1, Route116_EventScript_1F2E69 removeobject VAR_LAST_TALKED release end Route116_EventScript_1F2E5E:: @ 81F2E5E applymovement VAR_LAST_TALKED, Route116_Movement_1F2E74 waitmovement 0 return Route116_EventScript_1F2E69:: @ 81F2E69 applymovement VAR_LAST_TALKED, Route116_Movement_1F2E7E waitmovement 0 return Route116_Movement_1F2E74: @ 81F2E74 step_left step_left step_left step_left step_left step_left step_left step_left step_left step_end Route116_Movement_1F2E7E: @ 81F2E7E step_up step_left step_left step_left step_left step_left step_left step_left step_left step_left step_end Route116_EventScript_1F2E89:: @ 81F2E89 trainerbattle 0, TRAINER_JOEY, 0, Route116_Text_29BB79, Route116_Text_29BB9A msgbox Route116_Text_29BBC6, 6 end Route116_EventScript_1F2EA0:: @ 81F2EA0 trainerbattle 0, TRAINER_JOSE, 0, Route116_Text_29BBFD, Route116_Text_29BC25 msgbox Route116_Text_29BC42, 6 end Route116_EventScript_1F2EB7:: @ 81F2EB7 trainerbattle 2, TRAINER_JERRY_1, 0, Route116_Text_29BD0C, Route116_Text_29BD66, Route116_EventScript_1F2EF8 specialvar VAR_RESULT, ShouldTryRematchBattle compare VAR_RESULT, 1 goto_eq Route116_EventScript_1F2F4E setvar VAR_0x8004, 273 specialvar VAR_RESULT, sub_813B4E0 compare VAR_RESULT, 0 goto_eq Route116_EventScript_1F2F22 msgbox Route116_Text_29BD92, 4 release end Route116_EventScript_1F2EF8:: @ 81F2EF8 checkflag FLAG_HAS_MATCH_CALL goto_eq Route116_EventScript_1F2F03 release end Route116_EventScript_1F2F03:: @ 81F2F03 special sub_80B4808 waitmovement 0 msgbox Route116_Text_29BE71, 4 setvar VAR_0x8004, 273 special SetMatchCallRegisteredFlag setorcopyvar VAR_0x8000, 273 callstd 8 release end Route116_EventScript_1F2F22:: @ 81F2F22 checkflag FLAG_HAS_MATCH_CALL goto_eq Route116_EventScript_1F2F35 msgbox Route116_Text_29BD92, 4 release end Route116_EventScript_1F2F35:: @ 81F2F35 msgbox Route116_Text_29BDEF, 4 setvar VAR_0x8004, 273 special SetMatchCallRegisteredFlag setorcopyvar VAR_0x8000, 273 callstd 8 release end Route116_EventScript_1F2F4E:: @ 81F2F4E trainerbattle 5, TRAINER_JERRY_1, 0, Route116_Text_29BEF3, Route116_Text_29BF4C msgbox Route116_Text_29BF68, 6 end Route116_EventScript_1F2F65:: @ 81F2F65 trainerbattle 0, TRAINER_CLARK, 0, Route116_Text_29BACD, Route116_Text_29BB0F msgbox Route116_Text_29BB31, 6 end Route116_EventScript_1F2F7C:: @ 81F2F7C trainerbattle 0, TRAINER_JANICE, 0, Route116_Text_29BC7F, Route116_Text_29BCB3 msgbox Route116_Text_29BCCC, 6 end Route116_EventScript_1F2F93:: @ 81F2F93 trainerbattle 2, TRAINER_KAREN_1, 0, Route116_Text_29BFC5, Route116_Text_29BFFA, Route116_EventScript_1F2FD4 specialvar VAR_RESULT, ShouldTryRematchBattle compare VAR_RESULT, 1 goto_eq Route116_EventScript_1F302A setvar VAR_0x8004, 280 specialvar VAR_RESULT, sub_813B4E0 compare VAR_RESULT, 0 goto_eq Route116_EventScript_1F2FFE msgbox Route116_Text_29C010, 4 release end Route116_EventScript_1F2FD4:: @ 81F2FD4 checkflag FLAG_HAS_MATCH_CALL goto_eq Route116_EventScript_1F2FDF release end Route116_EventScript_1F2FDF:: @ 81F2FDF special sub_80B4808 waitmovement 0 msgbox Route116_Text_29C096, 4 setvar VAR_0x8004, 280 special SetMatchCallRegisteredFlag setorcopyvar VAR_0x8000, 280 callstd 8 release end Route116_EventScript_1F2FFE:: @ 81F2FFE checkflag FLAG_HAS_MATCH_CALL goto_eq Route116_EventScript_1F3011 msgbox Route116_Text_29C010, 4 release end Route116_EventScript_1F3011:: @ 81F3011 msgbox Route116_Text_29C052, 4 setvar VAR_0x8004, 280 special SetMatchCallRegisteredFlag setorcopyvar VAR_0x8000, 280 callstd 8 release end Route116_EventScript_1F302A:: @ 81F302A trainerbattle 5, TRAINER_KAREN_1, 0, Route116_Text_29C0DA, Route116_Text_29C11F msgbox Route116_Text_29C13B, 6 end Route116_EventScript_1F3041:: @ 81F3041 trainerbattle 0, TRAINER_SARAH, 0, Route116_Text_29C173, Route116_Text_29C1B8 msgbox Route116_Text_29C1EA, 6 end Route116_EventScript_1F3058:: @ 81F3058 trainerbattle 0, TRAINER_DAWSON, 0, Route116_Text_29C266, Route116_Text_29C2C2 msgbox Route116_Text_29C2DD, 6 end Route116_EventScript_1F306F:: @ 81F306F trainerbattle 0, TRAINER_DEVAN, 0, Route116_Text_29C350, Route116_Text_29C365 msgbox Route116_Text_29C380, 6 end Route116_EventScript_1F3086:: @ 81F3086 trainerbattle 0, TRAINER_JOHNSON, 0, Route116_Text_29C3C1, Route116_Text_29C3F7 msgbox Route116_Text_29C418, 6 end Route116_Text_1F309D: @ 81F309D .string "Ohhh, what am I to do?\p" .string "We were on our walk, PEEKO and I, when\n" .string "we were jumped by an odd thug…\p" .string "The scoundrel made off with my\n" .string "darling PEEKO!\p" .string "Wrrrooooooaaaar! PEEKO!$" Route116_Text_1F3140: @ 81F3140 .string "Nnn… Roar!\p" .string "I want to dig that tunnel!$" Route116_Text_1F3166: @ 81F3166 .string "Nnn… Roar!\n" .string "What’s going on?\p" .string "I was digging the tunnel without any\n" .string "tools when some goon ordered me out!\p" .string "That tunnel’s filled with POKéMON\n" .string "that react badly to loud noises.\l" .string "They could cause an uproar.\p" .string "That’s why we stopped using heavy\n" .string "equipment for tunneling…\p" .string "I’m worried that the goon will do\n" .string "something stupid and startle the\l" .string "POKéMON into an uproar.$" Route116_Text_1F32C1: @ 81F32C1 .string "Nnn… Roar!\p" .string "That goofy goon hightailed it out of\n" .string "the tunnel! I can go back to digging!$" Route116_Text_1F3317: @ 81F3317 .string "Oh! It’s you!\p" .string "You’re that person who not only helped\n" .string "me in PETALBURG WOODS, but also got\l" .string "back my stolen package and then even\l" .string "graciously delivered it to SLATEPORT!\p" .string "CAPT. STERN informed us that the\n" .string "package arrived, too!\p" .string "I thank you very, very much!\p" .string "Why, if I were a rain cloud, I would\n" .string "shower you with gratitude and hail\l" .string "you as a hero!\p" .string "For you, the most wonderful TRAINER,\n" .string "I bear good news!\p" .string "Recently, our company developed\n" .string "a new kind of POKé BALL.\p" .string "As a token of our appreciation, this\n" .string "is our gift to our wonderful TRAINER!$" Route116_Text_1F3521: @ 81F3521 .string "Our new POKé BALL will be available\n" .string "at the POKéMON MART in RUSTBORO.\p" .string "Please do try it out!\n" .string "Thank you and bye-bye!$" Route116_Text_1F3593: @ 81F3593 .string "Your BAG is jam-packed.\n" .string "I can’t give you this REPEAT BALL.$" Route116_Text_1F35CE: @ 81F35CE .string "As a token of our appreciation for\n" .string "your delivering our package, I have\l" .string "a gift of a new kind of POKé BALL\l" .string "for our most wonderful TRAINER!$" Route116_Text_1F3657: @ 81F3657 .string "I dropped my glasses…\n" .string "Can you help me find them?$" Route116_Text_1F3688: @ 81F3688 .string "Those glasses!\n" .string "May I see them for a second?$" Route116_Text_1F36B4: @ 81F36B4 .string "Hmm…\n" .string "These are BLACKGLASSES.\l" .string "They’re not what I’m looking for…\p" .string "Maybe my glasses aren’t around\n" .string "here…$" Route116_Text_1F3718: @ 81F3718 .string "Hmm…\n" .string "I can’t find my glasses anywhere…\l" .string "Maybe they’re not around here…$" Route116_Text_1F375E: @ 81F375E .string "Hmm…\n" .string "These are BLACKGLASSES.\l" .string "They’re not what I’m looking for…$" Route116_Text_1F379D: @ 81F379D .string "ROUTE 116\n" .string "{0x7B} RUSTBORO CITY$" Route116_Text_1F37B7: @ 81F37B7 .string "RUSTURF TUNNEL\n" .string "“Linking RUSTBORO and VERDANTURF\p" .string "“The tunnel project has been\n" .string "canceled.”$" Route116_Text_1F380F: @ 81F380F .string "TUNNELER’S REST HOUSE$" Route116_Text_1F3825: @ 81F3825 .string "TRAINER TIPS\p" .string "If you want to stop a POKéMON from\n" .string "evolving, press the B Button while it\l" .string "is trying to evolve.\l" .string "The startled POKéMON will stop.\p" .string "This is called an evolution cancel.$" Route116_Text_1F38D4: @ 81F38D4 .string "TRAINER TIPS\p" .string "Your BAG has several POCKETS.\p" .string "Items you obtain are automatically\n" .string "placed in the appropriate POCKETS.\p" .string "No TRAINER can afford to be without\n" .string "a BAG of their own.$"