gUnknown_0827E8CE:: @ 827E8CE .string "Missed turn$" gText_LinkStandby4:: @ 827E8DA .string "Link standby!$" gUnknown_0827E8E8:: @ 827E8E8 .string "The winner is {STR_VAR_1}'s {STR_VAR_2}!\n" .string "Congratulations!$" gUnknown_0827E910:: @ 827E910 .string "The winner is {STR_VAR_1}'s {STR_VAR_2}!{PAUSE_UNTIL_PRESS}$" gUnknown_0827E929:: @ 827E929 .string "Primary judging: No. {STR_VAR_1}{PAUSE_UNTIL_PRESS}$" gUnknown_0827E943:: @ 827E943 .string "Secondary judging: No. {STR_VAR_1}{PAUSE_UNTIL_PRESS}$" gUnknown_0827E95F:: @ 827E95F .string "Set event: No. {STR_VAR_1}{PAUSE_UNTIL_PRESS}$" gUnknown_0827E973:: @ 827E973 .string "The move used most often:\n" .string "{STR_VAR_1}{PAUSE_UNTIL_PRESS}$" gUnknown_0827E992:: @ 827E992 .string "The most impressive POKéMON:\n" .string "{STR_VAR_1}'s {STR_VAR_2}{PAUSE_UNTIL_PRESS}$" gUnknown_0827E9B9:: @ 827E9B9 .string "Set event: No. {STR_VAR_1}{PAUSE_UNTIL_PRESS}$" gUnknown_0827E9CD:: @ 827E9CD .string "A link TV program will not be made\n" .string "because the TRAINER lost.{PAUSE_UNTIL_PRESS}$"