#include "global.h" #include "malloc.h" #include "bg.h" #include "blit.h" #include "dma3.h" #include "event_data.h" #include "graphics.h" #include "main.h" #include "menu.h" #include "menu_helpers.h" #include "palette.h" #include "pokedex.h" #include "pokemon_icon.h" #include "region_map.h" #include "sound.h" #include "string_util.h" #include "strings.h" #include "task.h" #include "text_window.h" #include "window.h" #include "constants/songs.h" #define DLG_WINDOW_PALETTE_NUM 15 #define DLG_WINDOW_BASE_TILE_NUM 0x200 #define STD_WINDOW_PALETTE_NUM 14 #define STD_WINDOW_BASE_TILE_NUM 0x214 struct MenuInfoIcon { u8 width; u8 height; u16 offset; }; struct Menu { u8 left; u8 top; s8 cursorPos; s8 minCursorPos; s8 maxCursorPos; u8 windowId; u8 fontId; u8 optionWidth; u8 optionHeight; u8 columns; u8 rows; bool8 APressMuted; }; static u16 AddWindowParameterized(u8, u8, u8, u8, u8, u8, u16); static void WindowFunc_DrawStandardFrame(u8, u8, u8, u8, u8, u8); static void WindowFunc_DrawDialogueFrame(u8, u8, u8, u8, u8, u8); static void WindowFunc_ClearStdWindowAndFrame(u8, u8, u8, u8, u8, u8); static void WindowFunc_ClearDialogWindowAndFrame(u8, u8, u8, u8, u8, u8); static void WindowFunc_DrawDialogFrameWithCustomTileAndPalette(u8, u8, u8, u8, u8, u8); static void WindowFunc_ClearDialogWindowAndFrameNullPalette(u8, u8, u8, u8, u8, u8); static void WindowFunc_DrawStdFrameWithCustomTileAndPalette(u8, u8, u8, u8, u8, u8); static void WindowFunc_ClearStdWindowAndFrameToTransparent(u8, u8, u8, u8, u8, u8); static void task_free_buf_after_copying_tile_data_to_vram(u8 taskId); static EWRAM_DATA u8 sStartMenuWindowId = 0; static EWRAM_DATA u8 sMapNamePopupWindowId = 0; static EWRAM_DATA struct Menu sMenu = {0}; static EWRAM_DATA u16 sTileNum = 0; static EWRAM_DATA u8 sPaletteNum = 0; static EWRAM_DATA u8 sYesNoWindowId = 0; static EWRAM_DATA u8 sHofPCTopBarWindowId = 0; static EWRAM_DATA u16 sFiller = 0; // needed to align static EWRAM_DATA bool8 sScheduledBgCopiesToVram[4] = {FALSE}; static EWRAM_DATA u16 sTempTileDataBufferIdx = 0; static EWRAM_DATA void *sTempTileDataBuffer[0x20] = {NULL}; const u16 gStandardMenuPalette[] = INCBIN_U16("graphics/interface/std_menu.gbapal"); static const u8 sTextSpeedFrameDelays[] = { [OPTIONS_TEXT_SPEED_SLOW] = 8, [OPTIONS_TEXT_SPEED_MID] = 4, [OPTIONS_TEXT_SPEED_FAST] = 1 }; static const struct WindowTemplate sStandardTextBox_WindowTemplates[] = { { .bg = 0, .tilemapLeft = 2, .tilemapTop = 15, .width = 27, .height = 4, .paletteNum = 15, .baseBlock = 0x194 }, DUMMY_WIN_TEMPLATE }; static const struct WindowTemplate sYesNo_WindowTemplates = { .bg = 0, .tilemapLeft = 21, .tilemapTop = 9, .width = 5, .height = 4, .paletteNum = 15, .baseBlock = 0x125 }; static const u16 sHofPC_TopBar_Pal[] = INCBIN_U16("graphics/interface/hof_pc_topbar.gbapal"); static const u8 sTextColors[] = { TEXT_DYNAMIC_COLOR_6, TEXT_COLOR_WHITE, TEXT_COLOR_DARK_GRAY }; // Table of move info icon offsets in graphics/interface/menu_info.png static const struct MenuInfoIcon sMenuInfoIcons[] = { // { width, height, offset } { 12, 12, 0x00 }, // Unused [TYPE_NORMAL + 1] = { 32, 12, 0x20 }, [TYPE_FIGHTING + 1] = { 32, 12, 0x64 }, [TYPE_FLYING + 1] = { 32, 12, 0x60 }, [TYPE_POISON + 1] = { 32, 12, 0x80 }, [TYPE_GROUND + 1] = { 32, 12, 0x48 }, [TYPE_ROCK + 1] = { 32, 12, 0x44 }, [TYPE_BUG + 1] = { 32, 12, 0x6C }, [TYPE_GHOST + 1] = { 32, 12, 0x68 }, [TYPE_STEEL + 1] = { 32, 12, 0x88 }, [TYPE_MYSTERY + 1] = { 32, 12, 0xA4 }, [TYPE_FIRE + 1] = { 32, 12, 0x24 }, [TYPE_WATER + 1] = { 32, 12, 0x28 }, [TYPE_GRASS + 1] = { 32, 12, 0x2C }, [TYPE_ELECTRIC + 1] = { 32, 12, 0x40 }, [TYPE_PSYCHIC + 1] = { 32, 12, 0x84 }, [TYPE_ICE + 1] = { 32, 12, 0x4C }, [TYPE_DRAGON + 1] = { 32, 12, 0xA0 }, [TYPE_DARK + 1] = { 32, 12, 0x8C }, [TYPE_FAIRY + 1] = { 32, 12, 0x4 }, [MENU_INFO_ICON_TYPE] = { 42, 12, 0xA8 }, [MENU_INFO_ICON_POWER] = { 42, 12, 0xC0 }, [MENU_INFO_ICON_ACCURACY] = { 42, 12, 0xC8 }, [MENU_INFO_ICON_PP] = { 42, 12, 0xE0 }, [MENU_INFO_ICON_EFFECT] = { 42, 12, 0xE8 }, // Unused [MENU_INFO_ICON_BALL_RED] = { 8, 8, 0xAE }, // For placed decorations in Secret Base [MENU_INFO_ICON_BALL_BLUE] = { 8, 8, 0xAF }, // For placed decorations in player's room }; void InitStandardTextBoxWindows(void) { InitWindows(sStandardTextBox_WindowTemplates); sStartMenuWindowId = WINDOW_NONE; sMapNamePopupWindowId = WINDOW_NONE; } void FreeAllOverworldWindowBuffers(void) { FreeAllWindowBuffers(); } void InitTextBoxGfxAndPrinters(void) { ChangeBgX(0, 0, BG_COORD_SET); ChangeBgY(0, 0, BG_COORD_SET); DeactivateAllTextPrinters(); LoadMessageBoxAndBorderGfx(); } u16 RunTextPrintersAndIsPrinter0Active(void) { RunTextPrinters(); return IsTextPrinterActive(0); } u16 AddTextPrinterParameterized2(u8 windowId, u8 fontId, const u8 *str, u8 speed, void (*callback)(struct TextPrinterTemplate *, u16), u8 fgColor, u8 bgColor, u8 shadowColor) { struct TextPrinterTemplate printer; printer.currentChar = str; printer.windowId = windowId; printer.fontId = fontId; printer.x = 0; printer.y = 1; printer.currentX = 0; printer.currentY = 1; printer.letterSpacing = 0; printer.lineSpacing = 0; printer.unk = 0; printer.fgColor = fgColor; printer.bgColor = bgColor; printer.shadowColor = shadowColor; gTextFlags.useAlternateDownArrow = 0; return AddTextPrinter(&printer, speed, callback); } void AddTextPrinterForMessage(bool8 allowSkippingDelayWithButtonPress) { void (*callback)(struct TextPrinterTemplate *, u16) = NULL; gTextFlags.canABSpeedUpPrint = allowSkippingDelayWithButtonPress; AddTextPrinterParameterized2(0, FONT_NORMAL, gStringVar4, GetPlayerTextSpeedDelay(), callback, 2, 1, 3); } void AddTextPrinterForMessage_2(bool8 allowSkippingDelayWithButtonPress) { gTextFlags.canABSpeedUpPrint = allowSkippingDelayWithButtonPress; AddTextPrinterParameterized2(0, FONT_NORMAL, gStringVar4, GetPlayerTextSpeedDelay(), NULL, 2, 1, 3); } void AddTextPrinterWithCustomSpeedForMessage(bool8 allowSkippingDelayWithButtonPress, u8 speed) { gTextFlags.canABSpeedUpPrint = allowSkippingDelayWithButtonPress; AddTextPrinterParameterized2(0, FONT_NORMAL, gStringVar4, speed, NULL, 2, 1, 3); } void LoadMessageBoxAndBorderGfx(void) { LoadMessageBoxGfx(0, DLG_WINDOW_BASE_TILE_NUM, DLG_WINDOW_PALETTE_NUM * 0x10); LoadUserWindowBorderGfx(0, STD_WINDOW_BASE_TILE_NUM, STD_WINDOW_PALETTE_NUM * 0x10); } void DrawDialogueFrame(u8 windowId, bool8 copyToVram) { CallWindowFunction(windowId, WindowFunc_DrawDialogueFrame); FillWindowPixelBuffer(windowId, PIXEL_FILL(1)); PutWindowTilemap(windowId); if (copyToVram == TRUE) CopyWindowToVram(windowId, COPYWIN_FULL); } void DrawStdWindowFrame(u8 windowId, bool8 copyToVram) { CallWindowFunction(windowId, WindowFunc_DrawStandardFrame); FillWindowPixelBuffer(windowId, PIXEL_FILL(1)); PutWindowTilemap(windowId); if (copyToVram == TRUE) CopyWindowToVram(windowId, COPYWIN_FULL); } void ClearDialogWindowAndFrame(u8 windowId, bool8 copyToVram) { CallWindowFunction(windowId, WindowFunc_ClearDialogWindowAndFrame); FillWindowPixelBuffer(windowId, PIXEL_FILL(1)); ClearWindowTilemap(windowId); if (copyToVram == TRUE) CopyWindowToVram(windowId, COPYWIN_FULL); } void ClearStdWindowAndFrame(u8 windowId, bool8 copyToVram) { CallWindowFunction(windowId, WindowFunc_ClearStdWindowAndFrame); FillWindowPixelBuffer(windowId, PIXEL_FILL(1)); ClearWindowTilemap(windowId); if (copyToVram == TRUE) CopyWindowToVram(windowId, COPYWIN_FULL); } static void WindowFunc_DrawStandardFrame(u8 bg, u8 tilemapLeft, u8 tilemapTop, u8 width, u8 height, u8 paletteNum) { int i; FillBgTilemapBufferRect(bg, STD_WINDOW_BASE_TILE_NUM + 0, tilemapLeft - 1, tilemapTop - 1, 1, 1, STD_WINDOW_PALETTE_NUM); FillBgTilemapBufferRect(bg, STD_WINDOW_BASE_TILE_NUM + 1, tilemapLeft, tilemapTop - 1, width, 1, STD_WINDOW_PALETTE_NUM); FillBgTilemapBufferRect(bg, STD_WINDOW_BASE_TILE_NUM + 2, tilemapLeft + width, tilemapTop - 1, 1, 1, STD_WINDOW_PALETTE_NUM); for (i = tilemapTop; i < tilemapTop + height; i++) { FillBgTilemapBufferRect(bg, STD_WINDOW_BASE_TILE_NUM + 3, tilemapLeft - 1, i, 1, 1, STD_WINDOW_PALETTE_NUM); FillBgTilemapBufferRect(bg, STD_WINDOW_BASE_TILE_NUM + 5, tilemapLeft + width, i, 1, 1, STD_WINDOW_PALETTE_NUM); } FillBgTilemapBufferRect(bg, STD_WINDOW_BASE_TILE_NUM + 6, tilemapLeft - 1, tilemapTop + height, 1, 1, STD_WINDOW_PALETTE_NUM); FillBgTilemapBufferRect(bg, STD_WINDOW_BASE_TILE_NUM + 7, tilemapLeft, tilemapTop + height, width, 1, STD_WINDOW_PALETTE_NUM); FillBgTilemapBufferRect(bg, STD_WINDOW_BASE_TILE_NUM + 8, tilemapLeft + width, tilemapTop + height, 1, 1, STD_WINDOW_PALETTE_NUM); } static void WindowFunc_DrawDialogueFrame(u8 bg, u8 tilemapLeft, u8 tilemapTop, u8 width, u8 height, u8 paletteNum) { FillBgTilemapBufferRect(bg, DLG_WINDOW_BASE_TILE_NUM + 1, tilemapLeft - 2, tilemapTop - 1, 1, 1, DLG_WINDOW_PALETTE_NUM); FillBgTilemapBufferRect(bg, DLG_WINDOW_BASE_TILE_NUM + 3, tilemapLeft - 1, tilemapTop - 1, 1, 1, DLG_WINDOW_PALETTE_NUM); FillBgTilemapBufferRect(bg, DLG_WINDOW_BASE_TILE_NUM + 4, tilemapLeft, tilemapTop - 1, width - 1, 1, DLG_WINDOW_PALETTE_NUM); FillBgTilemapBufferRect(bg, DLG_WINDOW_BASE_TILE_NUM + 5, tilemapLeft + width - 1, tilemapTop - 1, 1, 1, DLG_WINDOW_PALETTE_NUM); FillBgTilemapBufferRect(bg, DLG_WINDOW_BASE_TILE_NUM + 6, tilemapLeft + width, tilemapTop - 1, 1, 1, DLG_WINDOW_PALETTE_NUM); FillBgTilemapBufferRect(bg, DLG_WINDOW_BASE_TILE_NUM + 7, tilemapLeft - 2, tilemapTop, 1, 5, DLG_WINDOW_PALETTE_NUM); FillBgTilemapBufferRect(bg, DLG_WINDOW_BASE_TILE_NUM + 9, tilemapLeft - 1, tilemapTop, width + 1, 5, DLG_WINDOW_PALETTE_NUM); FillBgTilemapBufferRect(bg, DLG_WINDOW_BASE_TILE_NUM + 10, tilemapLeft + width, tilemapTop, 1, 5, DLG_WINDOW_PALETTE_NUM); FillBgTilemapBufferRect(bg, BG_TILE_V_FLIP(DLG_WINDOW_BASE_TILE_NUM + 1), tilemapLeft - 2, tilemapTop + height, 1, 1, DLG_WINDOW_PALETTE_NUM); FillBgTilemapBufferRect(bg, BG_TILE_V_FLIP(DLG_WINDOW_BASE_TILE_NUM + 3), tilemapLeft - 1, tilemapTop + height, 1, 1, DLG_WINDOW_PALETTE_NUM); FillBgTilemapBufferRect(bg, BG_TILE_V_FLIP(DLG_WINDOW_BASE_TILE_NUM + 4), tilemapLeft, tilemapTop + height, width - 1, 1, DLG_WINDOW_PALETTE_NUM); FillBgTilemapBufferRect(bg, BG_TILE_V_FLIP(DLG_WINDOW_BASE_TILE_NUM + 5), tilemapLeft + width - 1, tilemapTop + height, 1, 1, DLG_WINDOW_PALETTE_NUM); FillBgTilemapBufferRect(bg, BG_TILE_V_FLIP(DLG_WINDOW_BASE_TILE_NUM + 6), tilemapLeft + width, tilemapTop + height, 1, 1, DLG_WINDOW_PALETTE_NUM); } static void WindowFunc_ClearStdWindowAndFrame(u8 bg, u8 tilemapLeft, u8 tilemapTop, u8 width, u8 height, u8 paletteNum) { FillBgTilemapBufferRect(bg, 0, tilemapLeft - 1, tilemapTop - 1, width + 2, height + 2, STD_WINDOW_PALETTE_NUM); } static void WindowFunc_ClearDialogWindowAndFrame(u8 bg, u8 tilemapLeft, u8 tilemapTop, u8 width, u8 height, u8 paletteNum) { FillBgTilemapBufferRect(bg, 0, tilemapLeft - 3, tilemapTop - 1, width + 6, height + 2, STD_WINDOW_PALETTE_NUM); } void SetStandardWindowBorderStyle(u8 windowId, bool8 copyToVram) { DrawStdFrameWithCustomTileAndPalette(windowId, copyToVram, STD_WINDOW_BASE_TILE_NUM, STD_WINDOW_PALETTE_NUM); } void LoadMessageBoxAndFrameGfx(u8 windowId, bool8 copyToVram) { LoadMessageBoxGfx(windowId, DLG_WINDOW_BASE_TILE_NUM, DLG_WINDOW_PALETTE_NUM * 0x10); DrawDialogFrameWithCustomTileAndPalette(windowId, copyToVram, DLG_WINDOW_BASE_TILE_NUM, 0xF); } void Menu_LoadStdPal(void) { LoadPalette(gStandardMenuPalette, STD_WINDOW_PALETTE_NUM * 0x10, 0x14); } void Menu_LoadStdPalAt(u16 offset) { LoadPalette(gStandardMenuPalette, offset, 0x14); } // Unused static const u16 *Menu_GetStdPal(void) { return gStandardMenuPalette; } // Unused static u16 Menu_GetStdPalColor(u8 colorNum) { if (colorNum > 15) colorNum = 0; return gStandardMenuPalette[colorNum]; } void DisplayItemMessageOnField(u8 taskId, const u8 *string, TaskFunc callback) { LoadMessageBoxAndBorderGfx(); DisplayMessageAndContinueTask(taskId, 0, DLG_WINDOW_BASE_TILE_NUM, DLG_WINDOW_PALETTE_NUM, FONT_NORMAL, GetPlayerTextSpeedDelay(), string, callback); CopyWindowToVram(0, COPYWIN_FULL); } void DisplayYesNoMenuDefaultYes(void) { CreateYesNoMenu(&sYesNo_WindowTemplates, STD_WINDOW_BASE_TILE_NUM, STD_WINDOW_PALETTE_NUM, 0); } void DisplayYesNoMenuWithDefault(u8 initialCursorPos) { CreateYesNoMenu(&sYesNo_WindowTemplates, STD_WINDOW_BASE_TILE_NUM, STD_WINDOW_PALETTE_NUM, initialCursorPos); } u32 GetPlayerTextSpeed(void) { if (gTextFlags.forceMidTextSpeed) return OPTIONS_TEXT_SPEED_MID; return gSaveBlock2Ptr->optionsTextSpeed; } u8 GetPlayerTextSpeedDelay(void) { u32 speed; if (gSaveBlock2Ptr->optionsTextSpeed > OPTIONS_TEXT_SPEED_FAST) gSaveBlock2Ptr->optionsTextSpeed = OPTIONS_TEXT_SPEED_MID; speed = GetPlayerTextSpeed(); return sTextSpeedFrameDelays[speed]; } u8 AddStartMenuWindow(u8 numActions) { if (sStartMenuWindowId == WINDOW_NONE) sStartMenuWindowId = AddWindowParameterized(0, 22, 1, 7, (numActions * 2) + 2, 15, 0x139); return sStartMenuWindowId; } u8 GetStartMenuWindowId(void) { return sStartMenuWindowId; } void RemoveStartMenuWindow(void) { if (sStartMenuWindowId != WINDOW_NONE) { RemoveWindow(sStartMenuWindowId); sStartMenuWindowId = WINDOW_NONE; } } // Unused static u16 GetDialogFrameBaseTileNum(void) { return DLG_WINDOW_BASE_TILE_NUM; } // Unused static u16 GetStandardFrameBaseTileNum(void) { return STD_WINDOW_BASE_TILE_NUM; } u8 AddMapNamePopUpWindow(void) { if (sMapNamePopupWindowId == WINDOW_NONE) sMapNamePopupWindowId = AddWindowParameterized(0, 1, 1, 10, 3, 14, 0x107); return sMapNamePopupWindowId; } u8 GetMapNamePopUpWindowId(void) { return sMapNamePopupWindowId; } void RemoveMapNamePopUpWindow(void) { if (sMapNamePopupWindowId != WINDOW_NONE) { RemoveWindow(sMapNamePopupWindowId); sMapNamePopupWindowId = WINDOW_NONE; } } void AddTextPrinterWithCallbackForMessage(bool8 a1, void (*callback)(struct TextPrinterTemplate *, u16)) { gTextFlags.canABSpeedUpPrint = a1; AddTextPrinterParameterized2(0, FONT_NORMAL, gStringVar4, GetPlayerTextSpeedDelay(), callback, 2, 1, 3); } void EraseFieldMessageBox(bool8 copyToVram) { FillBgTilemapBufferRect(0, 0, 0, 0, 32, 32, 0x11); if (copyToVram == TRUE) CopyBgTilemapBufferToVram(0); } void DrawDialogFrameWithCustomTileAndPalette(u8 windowId, bool8 copyToVram, u16 tileNum, u8 paletteNum) { sTileNum = tileNum; sPaletteNum = paletteNum; CallWindowFunction(windowId, WindowFunc_DrawDialogFrameWithCustomTileAndPalette); FillWindowPixelBuffer(windowId, PIXEL_FILL(1)); PutWindowTilemap(windowId); if (copyToVram == TRUE) CopyWindowToVram(windowId, COPYWIN_FULL); } // Never used. static void DrawDialogFrameWithCustomTile(u8 windowId, bool8 copyToVram, u16 tileNum) { sTileNum = tileNum; sPaletteNum = GetWindowAttribute(windowId, WINDOW_PALETTE_NUM); CallWindowFunction(windowId, WindowFunc_DrawDialogFrameWithCustomTileAndPalette); FillWindowPixelBuffer(windowId, PIXEL_FILL(1)); PutWindowTilemap(windowId); if (copyToVram == TRUE) CopyWindowToVram(windowId, COPYWIN_FULL); } static void WindowFunc_DrawDialogFrameWithCustomTileAndPalette(u8 bg, u8 tilemapLeft, u8 tilemapTop, u8 width, u8 height, u8 paletteNum) { FillBgTilemapBufferRect(bg, sTileNum + 1, tilemapLeft - 2, tilemapTop - 1, 1, 1, sPaletteNum); FillBgTilemapBufferRect(bg, sTileNum + 3, tilemapLeft - 1, tilemapTop - 1, 1, 1, sPaletteNum); FillBgTilemapBufferRect(bg, sTileNum + 4, tilemapLeft, tilemapTop - 1, width - 1, 1, sPaletteNum); FillBgTilemapBufferRect(bg, sTileNum + 5, tilemapLeft + width - 1, tilemapTop - 1, 1, 1, sPaletteNum); FillBgTilemapBufferRect(bg, sTileNum + 6, tilemapLeft + width, tilemapTop - 1, 1, 1, sPaletteNum); FillBgTilemapBufferRect(bg, sTileNum + 7, tilemapLeft - 2, tilemapTop, 1, 5, sPaletteNum); FillBgTilemapBufferRect(bg, sTileNum + 9, tilemapLeft - 1, tilemapTop, width + 1, 5, sPaletteNum); FillBgTilemapBufferRect(bg, sTileNum + 10, tilemapLeft + width, tilemapTop, 1, 5, sPaletteNum); FillBgTilemapBufferRect(bg, BG_TILE_V_FLIP(sTileNum + 1), tilemapLeft - 2, tilemapTop + height, 1, 1, sPaletteNum); FillBgTilemapBufferRect(bg, BG_TILE_V_FLIP(sTileNum + 3), tilemapLeft - 1, tilemapTop + height, 1, 1, sPaletteNum); FillBgTilemapBufferRect(bg, BG_TILE_V_FLIP(sTileNum + 4), tilemapLeft, tilemapTop + height, width - 1, 1, sPaletteNum); FillBgTilemapBufferRect(bg, BG_TILE_V_FLIP(sTileNum + 5), tilemapLeft + width - 1, tilemapTop + height, 1, 1, sPaletteNum); FillBgTilemapBufferRect(bg, BG_TILE_V_FLIP(sTileNum + 6), tilemapLeft + width, tilemapTop + height, 1, 1, sPaletteNum); } void ClearDialogWindowAndFrameToTransparent(u8 windowId, bool8 copyToVram) { // The palette slot doesn't matter, since the tiles are transparent. CallWindowFunction(windowId, WindowFunc_ClearDialogWindowAndFrameNullPalette); FillWindowPixelBuffer(windowId, PIXEL_FILL(0)); ClearWindowTilemap(windowId); if (copyToVram == TRUE) CopyWindowToVram(windowId, COPYWIN_FULL); } static void WindowFunc_ClearDialogWindowAndFrameNullPalette(u8 bg, u8 tilemapLeft, u8 tilemapTop, u8 width, u8 height, u8 paletteNum) { FillBgTilemapBufferRect(bg, 0, tilemapLeft - 3, tilemapTop - 1, width + 6, height + 2, 0); } void DrawStdFrameWithCustomTileAndPalette(u8 windowId, bool8 copyToVram, u16 baseTileNum, u8 paletteNum) { sTileNum = baseTileNum; sPaletteNum = paletteNum; CallWindowFunction(windowId, WindowFunc_DrawStdFrameWithCustomTileAndPalette); FillWindowPixelBuffer(windowId, PIXEL_FILL(1)); PutWindowTilemap(windowId); if (copyToVram == TRUE) CopyWindowToVram(windowId, COPYWIN_FULL); } // Never used. void DrawStdFrameWithCustomTile(u8 windowId, bool8 copyToVram, u16 baseTileNum) { sTileNum = baseTileNum; sPaletteNum = GetWindowAttribute(windowId, WINDOW_PALETTE_NUM); CallWindowFunction(windowId, WindowFunc_DrawStdFrameWithCustomTileAndPalette); FillWindowPixelBuffer(windowId, PIXEL_FILL(1)); PutWindowTilemap(windowId); if (copyToVram == TRUE) CopyWindowToVram(windowId, COPYWIN_FULL); } static void WindowFunc_DrawStdFrameWithCustomTileAndPalette(u8 bg, u8 tilemapLeft, u8 tilemapTop, u8 width, u8 height, u8 paletteNum) { FillBgTilemapBufferRect(bg, sTileNum + 0, tilemapLeft - 1, tilemapTop - 1, 1, 1, sPaletteNum); FillBgTilemapBufferRect(bg, sTileNum + 1, tilemapLeft, tilemapTop - 1, width, 1, sPaletteNum); FillBgTilemapBufferRect(bg, sTileNum + 2, tilemapLeft + width, tilemapTop - 1, 1, 1, sPaletteNum); FillBgTilemapBufferRect(bg, sTileNum + 3, tilemapLeft - 1, tilemapTop, 1, height, sPaletteNum); FillBgTilemapBufferRect(bg, sTileNum + 5, tilemapLeft + width, tilemapTop, 1, height, sPaletteNum); FillBgTilemapBufferRect(bg, sTileNum + 6, tilemapLeft - 1, tilemapTop + height, 1, 1, sPaletteNum); FillBgTilemapBufferRect(bg, sTileNum + 7, tilemapLeft, tilemapTop + height, width, 1, sPaletteNum); FillBgTilemapBufferRect(bg, sTileNum + 8, tilemapLeft + width, tilemapTop + height, 1, 1, sPaletteNum); } void ClearStdWindowAndFrameToTransparent(u8 windowId, bool8 copyToVram) { CallWindowFunction(windowId, WindowFunc_ClearStdWindowAndFrameToTransparent); FillWindowPixelBuffer(windowId, PIXEL_FILL(0)); ClearWindowTilemap(windowId); if (copyToVram == TRUE) CopyWindowToVram(windowId, COPYWIN_FULL); } static void WindowFunc_ClearStdWindowAndFrameToTransparent(u8 bg, u8 tilemapLeft, u8 tilemapTop, u8 width, u8 height, u8 paletteNum) { FillBgTilemapBufferRect(bg, 0, tilemapLeft - 1, tilemapTop - 1, width + 2, height + 2, 0); } // Creates the window used to display the info bar at the top of the HOF PC that shows the controls and team number. u8 HofPCTopBar_AddWindow(u8 bg, u8 xPos, u8 yPos, u8 palette, u16 baseTile) { struct WindowTemplate window; memset(&window, 0, sizeof(window)); if (bg > 3) window.bg = 0; else window.bg = bg; window.tilemapTop = yPos; window.height = 2; window.tilemapLeft = 30 - xPos; window.width = xPos; window.paletteNum = palette; window.baseBlock = baseTile; sHofPCTopBarWindowId = AddWindow(&window); if (palette > 15) palette = 15 * 16; else palette *= 16; LoadPalette(sHofPC_TopBar_Pal, palette, sizeof(sHofPC_TopBar_Pal)); return sHofPCTopBarWindowId; } // All the below functions checking WINDOW_NONE only handle failure of AddWindow in the above function. // Because sHofPCTopBarWindowId is not initialized to WINDOW_NONE anywhere it does not handle // the window not having been drawn yet. void HofPCTopBar_Print(const u8 *string, u8 left, bool8 copyToVram) { u16 width = 0; if (sHofPCTopBarWindowId != WINDOW_NONE) { PutWindowTilemap(sHofPCTopBarWindowId); FillWindowPixelBuffer(sHofPCTopBarWindowId, PIXEL_FILL(15)); width = GetStringWidth(FONT_SMALL, string, 0); AddTextPrinterParameterized3(sHofPCTopBarWindowId, FONT_SMALL, 236 - (GetWindowAttribute(sHofPCTopBarWindowId, WINDOW_TILEMAP_LEFT) * 8) - left - width, 1, sTextColors, 0, string); if (copyToVram) CopyWindowToVram(sHofPCTopBarWindowId, COPYWIN_FULL); } } void HofPCTopBar_PrintPair(const u8 *string, const u8 *string2, bool8 noBg, u8 left, bool8 copyToVram) { u8 color[3]; u16 width = 0; if (sHofPCTopBarWindowId != WINDOW_NONE) { if (noBg) { color[0] = TEXT_COLOR_TRANSPARENT; color[1] = TEXT_COLOR_WHITE; color[2] = TEXT_COLOR_DARK_GRAY; } else { color[0] = TEXT_DYNAMIC_COLOR_6; color[1] = TEXT_COLOR_WHITE; color[2] = TEXT_COLOR_DARK_GRAY; } PutWindowTilemap(sHofPCTopBarWindowId); FillWindowPixelBuffer(sHofPCTopBarWindowId, PIXEL_FILL(15)); if (string2 != NULL) { width = GetStringWidth(FONT_SMALL, string2, 0); AddTextPrinterParameterized3(sHofPCTopBarWindowId, FONT_SMALL, 236 - (GetWindowAttribute(sHofPCTopBarWindowId, WINDOW_TILEMAP_LEFT) * 8) - left - width, 1, color, 0, string2); } AddTextPrinterParameterized4(sHofPCTopBarWindowId, FONT_NORMAL, 4, 1, 0, 0, color, 0, string); if (copyToVram) CopyWindowToVram(sHofPCTopBarWindowId, COPYWIN_FULL); } } // Unused static void HofPCTopBar_CopyToVram(void) { if (sHofPCTopBarWindowId != WINDOW_NONE) CopyWindowToVram(sHofPCTopBarWindowId, COPYWIN_FULL); } // Unused static void HofPCTopBar_Clear(void) { if (sHofPCTopBarWindowId != WINDOW_NONE) { FillWindowPixelBuffer(sHofPCTopBarWindowId, PIXEL_FILL(15)); CopyWindowToVram(sHofPCTopBarWindowId, COPYWIN_FULL); } } void HofPCTopBar_RemoveWindow(void) { if (sHofPCTopBarWindowId != WINDOW_NONE) { FillWindowPixelBuffer(sHofPCTopBarWindowId, PIXEL_FILL(0)); ClearWindowTilemap(sHofPCTopBarWindowId); CopyWindowToVram(sHofPCTopBarWindowId, COPYWIN_FULL); RemoveWindow(sHofPCTopBarWindowId); sHofPCTopBarWindowId = WINDOW_NONE; } } static u8 InitMenu(u8 windowId, u8 fontId, u8 left, u8 top, u8 cursorHeight, u8 numChoices, u8 initialCursorPos, bool8 muteAPress) { s32 pos; sMenu.left = left; sMenu.top = top; sMenu.minCursorPos = 0; sMenu.maxCursorPos = numChoices - 1; sMenu.windowId = windowId; sMenu.fontId = fontId; sMenu.optionHeight = cursorHeight; sMenu.APressMuted = muteAPress; pos = initialCursorPos; if (pos < 0 || pos > sMenu.maxCursorPos) sMenu.cursorPos = 0; else sMenu.cursorPos = pos; Menu_MoveCursor(0); return sMenu.cursorPos; } // There is no muted version of this, so the version that plays sound when A is pressed is the "Normal" one. u8 InitMenuNormal(u8 windowId, u8 fontId, u8 left, u8 top, u8 cursorHeight, u8 numChoices, u8 initialCursorPos) { return InitMenu(windowId, fontId, left, top, cursorHeight, numChoices, initialCursorPos, FALSE); } // Unused static u8 InitMenuDefaultCursorHeight(u8 windowId, u8 fontId, u8 left, u8 top, u8 numChoices, u8 initialCursorPos) { u8 cursorHeight = GetMenuCursorDimensionByFont(fontId, 1); return InitMenuNormal(windowId, fontId, left, top, cursorHeight, numChoices, initialCursorPos); } void RedrawMenuCursor(u8 oldPos, u8 newPos) { u8 width, height; width = GetMenuCursorDimensionByFont(sMenu.fontId, 0); height = GetMenuCursorDimensionByFont(sMenu.fontId, 1); FillWindowPixelRect(sMenu.windowId, PIXEL_FILL(1), sMenu.left, sMenu.optionHeight * oldPos + sMenu.top, width, height); AddTextPrinterParameterized(sMenu.windowId, sMenu.fontId, gText_SelectorArrow3, sMenu.left, sMenu.optionHeight * newPos + sMenu.top, 0, 0); } u8 Menu_MoveCursor(s8 cursorDelta) { u8 oldPos = sMenu.cursorPos; int newPos = sMenu.cursorPos + cursorDelta; if (newPos < sMenu.minCursorPos) sMenu.cursorPos = sMenu.maxCursorPos; else if (newPos > sMenu.maxCursorPos) sMenu.cursorPos = sMenu.minCursorPos; else sMenu.cursorPos += cursorDelta; RedrawMenuCursor(oldPos, sMenu.cursorPos); return sMenu.cursorPos; } u8 Menu_MoveCursorNoWrapAround(s8 cursorDelta) { u8 oldPos = sMenu.cursorPos; int newPos = sMenu.cursorPos + cursorDelta; if (newPos < sMenu.minCursorPos) sMenu.cursorPos = sMenu.minCursorPos; else if (newPos > sMenu.maxCursorPos) sMenu.cursorPos = sMenu.maxCursorPos; else sMenu.cursorPos += cursorDelta; RedrawMenuCursor(oldPos, sMenu.cursorPos); return sMenu.cursorPos; } u8 Menu_GetCursorPos(void) { return sMenu.cursorPos; } s8 Menu_ProcessInput(void) { if (JOY_NEW(A_BUTTON)) { if (!sMenu.APressMuted) PlaySE(SE_SELECT); return sMenu.cursorPos; } else if (JOY_NEW(B_BUTTON)) { return MENU_B_PRESSED; } else if (JOY_NEW(DPAD_UP)) { PlaySE(SE_SELECT); Menu_MoveCursor(-1); return MENU_NOTHING_CHOSEN; } else if (JOY_NEW(DPAD_DOWN)) { PlaySE(SE_SELECT); Menu_MoveCursor(1); return MENU_NOTHING_CHOSEN; } return MENU_NOTHING_CHOSEN; } s8 Menu_ProcessInputNoWrap(void) { u8 oldPos = sMenu.cursorPos; if (JOY_NEW(A_BUTTON)) { if (!sMenu.APressMuted) PlaySE(SE_SELECT); return sMenu.cursorPos; } else if (JOY_NEW(B_BUTTON)) { return MENU_B_PRESSED; } else if (JOY_NEW(DPAD_UP)) { if (oldPos != Menu_MoveCursorNoWrapAround(-1)) PlaySE(SE_SELECT); return MENU_NOTHING_CHOSEN; } else if (JOY_NEW(DPAD_DOWN)) { if (oldPos != Menu_MoveCursorNoWrapAround(1)) PlaySE(SE_SELECT); return MENU_NOTHING_CHOSEN; } return MENU_NOTHING_CHOSEN; } s8 ProcessMenuInput_other(void) { if (JOY_NEW(A_BUTTON)) { if (!sMenu.APressMuted) PlaySE(SE_SELECT); return sMenu.cursorPos; } else if (JOY_NEW(B_BUTTON)) { return MENU_B_PRESSED; } else if ((JOY_REPEAT(DPAD_ANY)) == DPAD_UP) { PlaySE(SE_SELECT); Menu_MoveCursor(-1); return MENU_NOTHING_CHOSEN; } else if ((JOY_REPEAT(DPAD_ANY)) == DPAD_DOWN) { PlaySE(SE_SELECT); Menu_MoveCursor(1); return MENU_NOTHING_CHOSEN; } return MENU_NOTHING_CHOSEN; } s8 Menu_ProcessInputNoWrapAround_other(void) { u8 oldPos = sMenu.cursorPos; if (JOY_NEW(A_BUTTON)) { if (!sMenu.APressMuted) PlaySE(SE_SELECT); return sMenu.cursorPos; } else if (JOY_NEW(B_BUTTON)) { return MENU_B_PRESSED; } else if (JOY_REPEAT(DPAD_ANY) == DPAD_UP) { if (oldPos != Menu_MoveCursorNoWrapAround(-1)) PlaySE(SE_SELECT); return MENU_NOTHING_CHOSEN; } else if (JOY_REPEAT(DPAD_ANY) == DPAD_DOWN) { if (oldPos != Menu_MoveCursorNoWrapAround(1)) PlaySE(SE_SELECT); return MENU_NOTHING_CHOSEN; } return MENU_NOTHING_CHOSEN; } void PrintMenuActionTextsAtPos(u8 windowId, u8 fontId, u8 left, u8 top, u8 lineHeight, u8 itemCount, const struct MenuAction *menuActions) { u8 i; for (i = 0; i < itemCount; i++) AddTextPrinterParameterized(windowId, fontId, menuActions[i].text, left, (lineHeight * i) + top, TEXT_SKIP_DRAW, NULL); CopyWindowToVram(windowId, COPYWIN_GFX); } // Unused static void PrintMenuActionTextsWithSpacing(u8 windowId, u8 fontId, u8 left, u8 top, u8 lineHeight, u8 itemCount, const struct MenuAction *menuActions, u8 letterSpacing, u8 lineSpacing) { u8 i; for (i = 0; i < itemCount; i++) AddTextPrinterParameterized5(windowId, fontId, menuActions[i].text, left, (lineHeight * i) + top, TEXT_SKIP_DRAW, NULL, letterSpacing, lineSpacing); CopyWindowToVram(windowId, COPYWIN_GFX); } // Unused static void PrintMenuActionTextsAtTop(u8 windowId, u8 fontId, u8 lineHeight, u8 itemCount, const struct MenuAction *menuActions) { PrintMenuActionTextsAtPos(windowId, fontId, GetFontAttribute(fontId, FONTATTR_MAX_LETTER_WIDTH), 1, lineHeight, itemCount, menuActions); } void PrintMenuActionTexts(u8 windowId, u8 fontId, u8 left, u8 top, u8 letterSpacing, u8 lineHeight, u8 itemCount, const struct MenuAction *menuActions, const u8 *actionIds) { u8 i; struct TextPrinterTemplate printer; printer.windowId = windowId; printer.fontId = fontId; printer.fgColor = GetFontAttribute(fontId, FONTATTR_COLOR_FOREGROUND); printer.bgColor = GetFontAttribute(fontId, FONTATTR_COLOR_BACKGROUND); printer.shadowColor = GetFontAttribute(fontId, FONTATTR_COLOR_SHADOW); printer.unk = GetFontAttribute(fontId, FONTATTR_UNKNOWN); printer.letterSpacing = letterSpacing; printer.lineSpacing = GetFontAttribute(fontId, FONTATTR_LINE_SPACING); printer.x = left; printer.currentX = left; for (i = 0; i < itemCount; i++) { printer.currentChar = menuActions[actionIds[i]].text; printer.y = (lineHeight * i) + top; printer.currentY = printer.y; AddTextPrinter(&printer, TEXT_SKIP_DRAW, NULL); } CopyWindowToVram(windowId, COPYWIN_GFX); } // Unused static void PrintMenuActionTextsAtTopById(u8 windowId, u8 fontId, u8 lineHeight, u8 itemCount, const struct MenuAction *menuActions, const u8 *actionIds) { PrintMenuActionTexts(windowId, fontId, GetFontAttribute(fontId, FONTATTR_MAX_LETTER_WIDTH), 1, GetFontAttribute(fontId, FONTATTR_LETTER_SPACING), lineHeight, itemCount, menuActions, actionIds); } void SetWindowTemplateFields(struct WindowTemplate *template, u8 bg, u8 left, u8 top, u8 width, u8 height, u8 paletteNum, u16 baseBlock) { template->bg = bg; template->tilemapLeft = left; template->tilemapTop = top; template->width = width; template->height = height; template->paletteNum = paletteNum; template->baseBlock = baseBlock; } struct WindowTemplate CreateWindowTemplate(u8 bg, u8 left, u8 top, u8 width, u8 height, u8 paletteNum, u16 baseBlock) { struct WindowTemplate template; SetWindowTemplateFields(&template, bg, left, top, width, height, paletteNum, baseBlock); return template; } u16 AddWindowParameterized(u8 bg, u8 left, u8 top, u8 width, u8 height, u8 paletteNum, u16 baseBlock) { struct WindowTemplate template; SetWindowTemplateFields(&template, bg, left, top, width, height, paletteNum, baseBlock); return AddWindow(&template); } // As opposed to CreateYesNoMenu, which has a hard-coded position. static void CreateYesNoMenuAtPos(const struct WindowTemplate *window, u8 fontId, u8 left, u8 top, u16 baseTileNum, u8 paletteNum, u8 initialCursorPos) { struct TextPrinterTemplate printer; sYesNoWindowId = AddWindow(window); DrawStdFrameWithCustomTileAndPalette(sYesNoWindowId, TRUE, baseTileNum, paletteNum); printer.currentChar = gText_YesNo; printer.windowId = sYesNoWindowId; printer.fontId = fontId; printer.x = GetFontAttribute(fontId, FONTATTR_MAX_LETTER_WIDTH) + left; printer.y = top; printer.currentX = printer.x; printer.currentY = printer.y; printer.fgColor = GetFontAttribute(fontId, FONTATTR_COLOR_FOREGROUND); printer.bgColor = GetFontAttribute(fontId, FONTATTR_COLOR_BACKGROUND); printer.shadowColor = GetFontAttribute(fontId, FONTATTR_COLOR_SHADOW); printer.unk = GetFontAttribute(fontId, FONTATTR_UNKNOWN); printer.letterSpacing = GetFontAttribute(fontId, FONTATTR_LETTER_SPACING); printer.lineSpacing = GetFontAttribute(fontId, FONTATTR_LINE_SPACING); AddTextPrinter(&printer, TEXT_SKIP_DRAW, NULL); InitMenuNormal(sYesNoWindowId, fontId, left, top, GetFontAttribute(fontId, FONTATTR_MAX_LETTER_HEIGHT), 2, initialCursorPos); } static void CreateYesNoMenuInTopLeft(const struct WindowTemplate *window, u8 fontId, u16 baseTileNum, u8 paletteNum) { CreateYesNoMenuAtPos(window, fontId, 0, 1, baseTileNum, paletteNum, 0); } s8 Menu_ProcessInputNoWrapClearOnChoose(void) { s8 result = Menu_ProcessInputNoWrap(); if (result != MENU_NOTHING_CHOSEN) EraseYesNoWindow(); return result; } void EraseYesNoWindow(void) { ClearStdWindowAndFrameToTransparent(sYesNoWindowId, TRUE); RemoveWindow(sYesNoWindowId); } static void PrintMenuActionGridText(u8 windowId, u8 fontId, u8 left, u8 top, u8 width, u8 height, u8 columns, u8 rows, const struct MenuAction *menuActions) { u8 i; u8 j; for (i = 0; i < rows; i++) { for (j = 0; j < columns; j++) AddTextPrinterParameterized(windowId, fontId, menuActions[(i * columns) + j].text, (width * j) + left, (height * i) + top, TEXT_SKIP_DRAW, NULL); } CopyWindowToVram(windowId, COPYWIN_GFX); } // Unused static void PrintMenuActionGridTextAtTop(u8 windowId, u8 fontId, u8 a2, u8 a3, u8 a4, u8 a5, const struct MenuAction *menuActions) { PrintMenuActionGridText(windowId, fontId, GetFontAttribute(fontId, FONTATTR_MAX_LETTER_WIDTH), 0, a2, a3, a4, a5, menuActions); } void PrintMenuActionGrid(u8 windowId, u8 fontId, u8 left, u8 top, u8 optionWidth, u8 horizontalCount, u8 verticalCount, const struct MenuAction *menuActions, const u8 *actionIds) { u8 i; u8 j; struct TextPrinterTemplate printer; printer.windowId = windowId; printer.fontId = fontId; printer.fgColor = GetFontAttribute(fontId, FONTATTR_COLOR_FOREGROUND); printer.bgColor = GetFontAttribute(fontId, FONTATTR_COLOR_BACKGROUND); printer.shadowColor = GetFontAttribute(fontId, FONTATTR_COLOR_SHADOW); printer.unk = GetFontAttribute(fontId, FONTATTR_UNKNOWN); printer.letterSpacing = GetFontAttribute(fontId, FONTATTR_LETTER_SPACING); printer.lineSpacing = GetFontAttribute(fontId, FONTATTR_LINE_SPACING); for (i = 0; i < verticalCount; i++) { for (j = 0; j < horizontalCount; j++) { printer.currentChar = menuActions[actionIds[(horizontalCount * i) + j]].text; printer.x = (optionWidth * j) + left; printer.y = (GetFontAttribute(fontId, FONTATTR_MAX_LETTER_HEIGHT) * i) + top; printer.currentX = printer.x; printer.currentY = printer.y; AddTextPrinter(&printer, TEXT_SKIP_DRAW, NULL); } } CopyWindowToVram(windowId, COPYWIN_GFX); } // Unused static void PrintMenuActionGrid_TopLeft(u8 windowId, u8 fontId, u8 optionWidth, u8 unused, u8 horizontalCount, u8 verticalCount, const struct MenuAction *menuActions, const u8 *actionIds) { PrintMenuActionGrid(windowId, fontId, GetFontAttribute(fontId, FONTATTR_MAX_LETTER_WIDTH), 0, optionWidth, horizontalCount, verticalCount, menuActions, actionIds); } static u8 InitMenuGrid(u8 windowId, u8 fontId, u8 left, u8 top, u8 optionWidth, u8 optionHeight, u8 columns, u8 rows, u8 numChoices, u8 cursorPos) { s32 pos; sMenu.left = left; sMenu.top = top; sMenu.minCursorPos = 0; sMenu.maxCursorPos = numChoices - 1; sMenu.windowId = windowId; sMenu.fontId = fontId; sMenu.optionWidth = optionWidth; sMenu.optionHeight = optionHeight; sMenu.columns = columns; sMenu.rows = rows; pos = cursorPos; if (pos < 0 || pos > sMenu.maxCursorPos) sMenu.cursorPos = 0; else sMenu.cursorPos = pos; // Why call this when it's not gonna move? ChangeMenuGridCursorPosition(MENU_CURSOR_DELTA_NONE, MENU_CURSOR_DELTA_NONE); return sMenu.cursorPos; } // Unused static u8 InitMenuGridDefaultCursorHeight(u8 windowId, u8 fontId, u8 left, u8 top, u8 width, u8 columns, u8 rows, u8 cursorPos) { u8 cursorHeight = GetMenuCursorDimensionByFont(fontId, 1); u8 numChoices = columns * rows; return InitMenuGrid(windowId, fontId, left, top, width, cursorHeight, columns, rows, numChoices, cursorPos); } // Erase cursor at old position, draw cursor at new position. static void MoveMenuGridCursor(u8 oldCursorPos, u8 newCursorPos) { u8 cursorWidth = GetMenuCursorDimensionByFont(sMenu.fontId, 0); u8 cursorHeight = GetMenuCursorDimensionByFont(sMenu.fontId, 1); u8 xPos = (oldCursorPos % sMenu.columns) * sMenu.optionWidth + sMenu.left; u8 yPos = (oldCursorPos / sMenu.columns) * sMenu.optionHeight + sMenu.top; FillWindowPixelRect(sMenu.windowId, PIXEL_FILL(1), xPos, yPos, cursorWidth, cursorHeight); xPos = (newCursorPos % sMenu.columns) * sMenu.optionWidth + sMenu.left; yPos = (newCursorPos / sMenu.columns) * sMenu.optionHeight + sMenu.top; AddTextPrinterParameterized(sMenu.windowId, sMenu.fontId, gText_SelectorArrow3, xPos, yPos, 0, 0); } u8 ChangeMenuGridCursorPosition(s8 deltaX, s8 deltaY) { u8 oldPos = sMenu.cursorPos; if (deltaX != 0) { if ((sMenu.cursorPos % sMenu.columns) + deltaX < 0) sMenu.cursorPos += sMenu.columns - 1; else if ((sMenu.cursorPos % sMenu.columns) + deltaX >= sMenu.columns) sMenu.cursorPos = (sMenu.cursorPos / sMenu.columns) * sMenu.columns; else sMenu.cursorPos += deltaX; } if (deltaY != 0) { if ((sMenu.cursorPos / sMenu.columns) + deltaY < 0) sMenu.cursorPos += sMenu.columns * (sMenu.rows - 1); else if ((sMenu.cursorPos / sMenu.columns) + deltaY >= sMenu.rows) sMenu.cursorPos -= sMenu.columns * (sMenu.rows - 1); else sMenu.cursorPos += (sMenu.columns * deltaY); } if (sMenu.cursorPos > sMenu.maxCursorPos) { sMenu.cursorPos = oldPos; return sMenu.cursorPos; } else { MoveMenuGridCursor(oldPos, sMenu.cursorPos); return sMenu.cursorPos; } } u8 ChangeGridMenuCursorPosition(s8 deltaX, s8 deltaY) { u8 oldPos = sMenu.cursorPos; if (deltaX != 0) { if (((sMenu.cursorPos % sMenu.columns) + deltaX >= 0) && ((sMenu.cursorPos % sMenu.columns) + deltaX < sMenu.columns)) { sMenu.cursorPos += deltaX; } } if (deltaY != 0) { if (((sMenu.cursorPos / sMenu.columns) + deltaY >= 0) && ((sMenu.cursorPos / sMenu.columns) + deltaY < sMenu.rows)) { sMenu.cursorPos += (sMenu.columns * deltaY); } } if (sMenu.cursorPos > sMenu.maxCursorPos) { sMenu.cursorPos = oldPos; return sMenu.cursorPos; } else { MoveMenuGridCursor(oldPos, sMenu.cursorPos); return sMenu.cursorPos; } } // Unused static s8 Menu_ProcessGridInput_NoSoundLimit(void) { if (JOY_NEW(A_BUTTON)) { PlaySE(SE_SELECT); return sMenu.cursorPos; } else if (JOY_NEW(B_BUTTON)) { return MENU_B_PRESSED; } else if (JOY_NEW(DPAD_UP)) { PlaySE(SE_SELECT); ChangeMenuGridCursorPosition(MENU_CURSOR_DELTA_NONE, MENU_CURSOR_DELTA_UP); return MENU_NOTHING_CHOSEN; } else if (JOY_NEW(DPAD_DOWN)) { PlaySE(SE_SELECT); ChangeMenuGridCursorPosition(MENU_CURSOR_DELTA_NONE, MENU_CURSOR_DELTA_DOWN); return MENU_NOTHING_CHOSEN; } else if (JOY_NEW(DPAD_LEFT) || GetLRKeysPressed() == MENU_L_PRESSED) { PlaySE(SE_SELECT); ChangeMenuGridCursorPosition(MENU_CURSOR_DELTA_LEFT, MENU_CURSOR_DELTA_NONE); return MENU_NOTHING_CHOSEN; } else if (JOY_NEW(DPAD_RIGHT) || GetLRKeysPressed() == MENU_R_PRESSED) { PlaySE(SE_SELECT); ChangeMenuGridCursorPosition(MENU_CURSOR_DELTA_RIGHT, MENU_CURSOR_DELTA_NONE); return MENU_NOTHING_CHOSEN; } return MENU_NOTHING_CHOSEN; } s8 Menu_ProcessGridInput(void) { u8 oldPos = sMenu.cursorPos; if (JOY_NEW(A_BUTTON)) { PlaySE(SE_SELECT); return sMenu.cursorPos; } else if (JOY_NEW(B_BUTTON)) { return MENU_B_PRESSED; } else if (JOY_NEW(DPAD_UP)) { if (oldPos != ChangeGridMenuCursorPosition(0, -1)) PlaySE(SE_SELECT); return MENU_NOTHING_CHOSEN; } else if (JOY_NEW(DPAD_DOWN)) { if (oldPos != ChangeGridMenuCursorPosition(0, 1)) PlaySE(SE_SELECT); return MENU_NOTHING_CHOSEN; } else if (JOY_NEW(DPAD_LEFT) || GetLRKeysPressed() == MENU_L_PRESSED) { if (oldPos != ChangeGridMenuCursorPosition(-1, 0)) PlaySE(SE_SELECT); return MENU_NOTHING_CHOSEN; } else if (JOY_NEW(DPAD_RIGHT) || GetLRKeysPressed() == MENU_R_PRESSED) { if (oldPos != ChangeGridMenuCursorPosition(1, 0)) PlaySE(SE_SELECT); return MENU_NOTHING_CHOSEN; } return MENU_NOTHING_CHOSEN; } // Unused static s8 Menu_ProcessGridInputRepeat_NoSoundLimit(void) { if (JOY_NEW(A_BUTTON)) { PlaySE(SE_SELECT); return sMenu.cursorPos; } else if (JOY_NEW(B_BUTTON)) { return MENU_B_PRESSED; } else if (JOY_REPEAT(DPAD_ANY) == DPAD_UP) { PlaySE(SE_SELECT); ChangeMenuGridCursorPosition(MENU_CURSOR_DELTA_NONE, MENU_CURSOR_DELTA_UP); return MENU_NOTHING_CHOSEN; } else if (JOY_REPEAT(DPAD_ANY) == DPAD_DOWN) { PlaySE(SE_SELECT); ChangeMenuGridCursorPosition(MENU_CURSOR_DELTA_NONE, MENU_CURSOR_DELTA_DOWN); return MENU_NOTHING_CHOSEN; } else if (JOY_REPEAT(DPAD_ANY) == DPAD_LEFT || GetLRKeysPressedAndHeld() == MENU_L_PRESSED) { PlaySE(SE_SELECT); ChangeMenuGridCursorPosition(MENU_CURSOR_DELTA_LEFT, MENU_CURSOR_DELTA_NONE); return MENU_NOTHING_CHOSEN; } else if (JOY_REPEAT(DPAD_ANY) == DPAD_RIGHT || GetLRKeysPressedAndHeld() == MENU_R_PRESSED) { PlaySE(SE_SELECT); ChangeMenuGridCursorPosition(MENU_CURSOR_DELTA_RIGHT, MENU_CURSOR_DELTA_NONE); return MENU_NOTHING_CHOSEN; } return MENU_NOTHING_CHOSEN; } // Unused static s8 Menu_ProcessGridInputRepeat(void) { u8 oldPos = sMenu.cursorPos; if (JOY_NEW(A_BUTTON)) { PlaySE(SE_SELECT); return sMenu.cursorPos; } else if (JOY_NEW(B_BUTTON)) { return MENU_B_PRESSED; } else if ((JOY_REPEAT(DPAD_ANY)) == DPAD_UP) { if (oldPos != ChangeGridMenuCursorPosition(0, -1)) PlaySE(SE_SELECT); return MENU_NOTHING_CHOSEN; } else if ((JOY_REPEAT(DPAD_ANY)) == DPAD_DOWN) { if (oldPos != ChangeGridMenuCursorPosition(0, 1)) PlaySE(SE_SELECT); return MENU_NOTHING_CHOSEN; } else if ((JOY_REPEAT(DPAD_ANY)) == DPAD_LEFT || GetLRKeysPressedAndHeld() == MENU_L_PRESSED) { if (oldPos != ChangeGridMenuCursorPosition(-1, 0)) PlaySE(SE_SELECT); return MENU_NOTHING_CHOSEN; } else if ((JOY_REPEAT(DPAD_ANY)) == DPAD_RIGHT || GetLRKeysPressedAndHeld() == MENU_R_PRESSED) { if (oldPos != ChangeGridMenuCursorPosition(1, 0)) PlaySE(SE_SELECT); return MENU_NOTHING_CHOSEN; } return MENU_NOTHING_CHOSEN; } u8 InitMenuInUpperLeftCorner(u8 windowId, u8 itemCount, u8 initialCursorPos, bool8 APressMuted) { s32 pos; sMenu.left = 0; sMenu.top = 1; sMenu.minCursorPos = 0; sMenu.maxCursorPos = itemCount - 1; sMenu.windowId = windowId; sMenu.fontId = FONT_NORMAL; sMenu.optionHeight = 16; sMenu.APressMuted = APressMuted; pos = initialCursorPos; if (pos < 0 || pos > sMenu.maxCursorPos) sMenu.cursorPos = 0; else sMenu.cursorPos = pos; return Menu_MoveCursor(0); } // There is no muted version of this function, so the version that plays sound when A is pressed is the "Normal" one. u8 InitMenuInUpperLeftCornerNormal(u8 windowId, u8 itemCount, u8 initialCursorPos) { return InitMenuInUpperLeftCorner(windowId, itemCount, initialCursorPos, FALSE); } void PrintMenuTable(u8 windowId, u8 itemCount, const struct MenuAction *menuActions) { u32 i; for (i = 0; i < itemCount; i++) AddTextPrinterParameterized(windowId, 1, menuActions[i].text, 8, (i * 16) + 1, TEXT_SKIP_DRAW, NULL); CopyWindowToVram(windowId, COPYWIN_GFX); } void PrintMenuActionTextsInUpperLeftCorner(u8 windowId, u8 itemCount, const struct MenuAction *menuActions, const u8 *actionIds) { u8 i; struct TextPrinterTemplate printer; printer.windowId = windowId; printer.fontId = FONT_NORMAL; printer.fgColor = GetFontAttribute(FONT_NORMAL, FONTATTR_COLOR_FOREGROUND); printer.bgColor = GetFontAttribute(FONT_NORMAL, FONTATTR_COLOR_BACKGROUND); printer.shadowColor = GetFontAttribute(FONT_NORMAL, FONTATTR_COLOR_SHADOW); printer.unk = GetFontAttribute(FONT_NORMAL, FONTATTR_UNKNOWN); printer.letterSpacing = 0; printer.lineSpacing = 0; printer.x = 8; printer.currentX = 8; for (i = 0; i < itemCount; i++) { printer.currentChar = menuActions[actionIds[i]].text; printer.y = (i * 16) + 1; printer.currentY = (i * 16) + 1; AddTextPrinter(&printer, TEXT_SKIP_DRAW, NULL); } CopyWindowToVram(windowId, COPYWIN_GFX); } void CreateYesNoMenu(const struct WindowTemplate *window, u16 baseTileNum, u8 paletteNum, u8 initialCursorPos) { struct TextPrinterTemplate printer; sYesNoWindowId = AddWindow(window); DrawStdFrameWithCustomTileAndPalette(sYesNoWindowId, TRUE, baseTileNum, paletteNum); printer.currentChar = gText_YesNo; printer.windowId = sYesNoWindowId; printer.fontId = FONT_NORMAL; printer.x = 8; printer.y = 1; printer.currentX = printer.x; printer.currentY = printer.y; printer.fgColor = GetFontAttribute(FONT_NORMAL, FONTATTR_COLOR_FOREGROUND); printer.bgColor = GetFontAttribute(FONT_NORMAL, FONTATTR_COLOR_BACKGROUND); printer.shadowColor = GetFontAttribute(FONT_NORMAL, FONTATTR_COLOR_SHADOW); printer.unk = GetFontAttribute(FONT_NORMAL, FONTATTR_UNKNOWN); printer.letterSpacing = 0; printer.lineSpacing = 0; AddTextPrinter(&printer, TEXT_SKIP_DRAW, NULL); InitMenuInUpperLeftCornerNormal(sYesNoWindowId, 2, initialCursorPos); } void PrintMenuGridTable(u8 windowId, u8 optionWidth, u8 columns, u8 rows, const struct MenuAction *menuActions) { u32 i, j; for (i = 0; i < rows; i++) { for (j = 0; j < columns; j++) AddTextPrinterParameterized(windowId, 1, menuActions[(i * columns) + j].text, (optionWidth * j) + 8, (i * 16) + 1, TEXT_SKIP_DRAW, NULL); } CopyWindowToVram(windowId, COPYWIN_GFX); } // Unused static void PrintMenuActionGridTextNoSpacing(u8 windowId, u8 optionWidth, u8 columns, u8 rows, const struct MenuAction *menuActions, const u8 *actionIds) { u8 i; u8 j; struct TextPrinterTemplate printer; printer.windowId = windowId; printer.fontId = FONT_NORMAL; printer.fgColor = GetFontAttribute(FONT_NORMAL, FONTATTR_COLOR_FOREGROUND); printer.bgColor = GetFontAttribute(FONT_NORMAL, FONTATTR_COLOR_BACKGROUND); printer.shadowColor = GetFontAttribute(FONT_NORMAL, FONTATTR_COLOR_SHADOW); printer.unk = GetFontAttribute(FONT_NORMAL, FONTATTR_UNKNOWN); printer.letterSpacing = 0; printer.lineSpacing = 0; for (i = 0; i < rows; i++) { for (j = 0; j < columns; j++) { printer.currentChar = menuActions[actionIds[(columns * i) + j]].text; printer.x = (optionWidth * j) + 8; printer.y = (16 * i) + 1; printer.currentX = printer.x; printer.currentY = printer.y; AddTextPrinter(&printer, TEXT_SKIP_DRAW, NULL); } } CopyWindowToVram(windowId, COPYWIN_GFX); } u8 InitMenuActionGrid(u8 windowId, u8 optionWidth, u8 columns, u8 rows, u8 initialCursorPos) { s32 pos; sMenu.left = 0; sMenu.top = 1; sMenu.minCursorPos = 0; sMenu.maxCursorPos = (columns * rows) - 1; sMenu.windowId = windowId; sMenu.fontId = FONT_NORMAL; sMenu.optionWidth = optionWidth; sMenu.optionHeight = 16; sMenu.columns = columns; sMenu.rows = rows; pos = initialCursorPos; if (pos < 0 || pos > sMenu.maxCursorPos) sMenu.cursorPos = 0; else sMenu.cursorPos = pos; // Why call this when it's not gonna move? ChangeMenuGridCursorPosition(MENU_CURSOR_DELTA_NONE, MENU_CURSOR_DELTA_NONE); return sMenu.cursorPos; } void ClearScheduledBgCopiesToVram(void) { memset(sScheduledBgCopiesToVram, 0, sizeof(sScheduledBgCopiesToVram)); } void ScheduleBgCopyTilemapToVram(u8 bgId) { sScheduledBgCopiesToVram[bgId] = TRUE; } void DoScheduledBgTilemapCopiesToVram(void) { if (sScheduledBgCopiesToVram[0] == TRUE) { CopyBgTilemapBufferToVram(0); sScheduledBgCopiesToVram[0] = FALSE; } if (sScheduledBgCopiesToVram[1] == TRUE) { CopyBgTilemapBufferToVram(1); sScheduledBgCopiesToVram[1] = FALSE; } if (sScheduledBgCopiesToVram[2] == TRUE) { CopyBgTilemapBufferToVram(2); sScheduledBgCopiesToVram[2] = FALSE; } if (sScheduledBgCopiesToVram[3] == TRUE) { CopyBgTilemapBufferToVram(3); sScheduledBgCopiesToVram[3] = FALSE; } } void ResetTempTileDataBuffers(void) { int i; for (i = 0; i < (int)ARRAY_COUNT(sTempTileDataBuffer); i++) sTempTileDataBuffer[i] = NULL; sTempTileDataBufferIdx = 0; } bool8 FreeTempTileDataBuffersIfPossible(void) { int i; if (!IsDma3ManagerBusyWithBgCopy()) { if (sTempTileDataBufferIdx) { for (i = 0; i < sTempTileDataBufferIdx; i++) FREE_AND_SET_NULL(sTempTileDataBuffer[i]); sTempTileDataBufferIdx = 0; } return FALSE; } else { return TRUE; } } void *DecompressAndCopyTileDataToVram(u8 bgId, const void *src, u32 size, u16 offset, u8 mode) { u32 sizeOut; if (sTempTileDataBufferIdx < ARRAY_COUNT(sTempTileDataBuffer)) { void *ptr = malloc_and_decompress(src, &sizeOut); if (!size) size = sizeOut; if (ptr) { copy_decompressed_tile_data_to_vram(bgId, ptr, size, offset, mode); sTempTileDataBuffer[sTempTileDataBufferIdx++] = ptr; } return ptr; } return NULL; } void DecompressAndLoadBgGfxUsingHeap(u8 bgId, const void *src, u32 size, u16 offset, u8 mode) { u32 sizeOut; void *ptr = malloc_and_decompress(src, &sizeOut); if (!size) size = sizeOut; if (ptr) { u8 taskId = CreateTask(task_free_buf_after_copying_tile_data_to_vram, 0); gTasks[taskId].data[0] = copy_decompressed_tile_data_to_vram(bgId, ptr, size, offset, mode); SetWordTaskArg(taskId, 1, (u32)ptr); } } void task_free_buf_after_copying_tile_data_to_vram(u8 taskId) { if (!CheckForSpaceForDma3Request(gTasks[taskId].data[0])) { Free((void *)GetWordTaskArg(taskId, 1)); DestroyTask(taskId); } } void *malloc_and_decompress(const void *src, u32 *size) { void *ptr; u8 *sizeAsBytes = (u8 *)size; u8 *srcAsBytes = (u8 *)src; sizeAsBytes[0] = srcAsBytes[1]; sizeAsBytes[1] = srcAsBytes[2]; sizeAsBytes[2] = srcAsBytes[3]; sizeAsBytes[3] = 0; ptr = Alloc(*size); if (ptr) LZ77UnCompWram(src, ptr); return ptr; } u16 copy_decompressed_tile_data_to_vram(u8 bgId, const void *src, u16 size, u16 offset, u8 mode) { switch (mode) { case 0: return LoadBgTiles(bgId, src, size, offset); case 1: return LoadBgTilemap(bgId, src, size, offset); default: return -1; } } void SetBgTilemapPalette(u8 bgId, u8 left, u8 top, u8 width, u8 height, u8 palette) { u8 i; u8 j; u16 *ptr = GetBgTilemapBuffer(bgId); for (i = top; i < top + height; i++) { for (j = left; j < left + width; j++) { ptr[(i * 32) + j] = (ptr[(i * 32) + j] & 0xFFF) | (palette << 12); } } } void CopyToBufferFromBgTilemap(u8 bgId, u16 *dest, u8 left, u8 top, u8 width, u8 height) { u8 i; u8 j; const u16 *src = GetBgTilemapBuffer(bgId); for (i = 0; i < height; i++) { for (j = 0; j < width; j++) dest[(i * width) + j] = src[(i + top) * 32 + j + left]; } } void AddValToTilemapBuffer(void *ptr, int delta, int width, int height, bool32 isAffine) { int i; int area = width * height; if (isAffine == TRUE) { u8 *as8BPP = ptr; for (i = 0; i < area; i++) as8BPP[i] += delta; } else { // Limit add to first 10 bits u16 *as4BPP = ptr; for (i = 0; i < area; i++) as4BPP[i] = (as4BPP[i] & 0xFC00) | ((as4BPP[i] + delta) & 0x3FF); } } void ResetBgPositions(void) { ChangeBgX(0, 0, BG_COORD_SET); ChangeBgX(1, 0, BG_COORD_SET); ChangeBgX(2, 0, BG_COORD_SET); ChangeBgX(3, 0, BG_COORD_SET); ChangeBgY(0, 0, BG_COORD_SET); ChangeBgY(1, 0, BG_COORD_SET); ChangeBgY(2, 0, BG_COORD_SET); ChangeBgY(3, 0, BG_COORD_SET); } void BgDmaFill(u32 bg, u8 value, int offset, int size) { int temp = (!GetBgAttribute(bg, BG_ATTR_PALETTEMODE)) ? 32 : 64; void *addr = (void *)((GetBgAttribute(bg, BG_ATTR_CHARBASEINDEX) * 0x4000) + (GetBgAttribute(bg, BG_ATTR_BASETILE) + offset) * temp); RequestDma3Fill(value << 24 | value << 16 | value << 8 | value, VRAM + addr, size * temp, 1); } void AddTextPrinterParameterized3(u8 windowId, u8 fontId, u8 left, u8 top, const u8 *color, s8 speed, const u8 *str) { struct TextPrinterTemplate printer; printer.currentChar = str; printer.windowId = windowId; printer.fontId = fontId; printer.x = left; printer.y = top; printer.currentX = printer.x; printer.currentY = printer.y; printer.letterSpacing = GetFontAttribute(fontId, FONTATTR_LETTER_SPACING); printer.lineSpacing = GetFontAttribute(fontId, FONTATTR_LINE_SPACING); printer.unk = 0; printer.fgColor = color[1]; printer.bgColor = color[0]; printer.shadowColor = color[2]; AddTextPrinter(&printer, speed, NULL); } void AddTextPrinterParameterized4(u8 windowId, u8 fontId, u8 left, u8 top, u8 letterSpacing, u8 lineSpacing, const u8 *color, s8 speed, const u8 *str) { struct TextPrinterTemplate printer; printer.currentChar = str; printer.windowId = windowId; printer.fontId = fontId; printer.x = left; printer.y = top; printer.currentX = printer.x; printer.currentY = printer.y; printer.letterSpacing = letterSpacing; printer.lineSpacing = lineSpacing; printer.unk = 0; printer.fgColor = color[1]; printer.bgColor = color[0]; printer.shadowColor = color[2]; AddTextPrinter(&printer, speed, NULL); } void AddTextPrinterParameterized5(u8 windowId, u8 fontId, const u8 *str, u8 left, u8 top, u8 speed, void (*callback)(struct TextPrinterTemplate *, u16), u8 letterSpacing, u8 lineSpacing) { struct TextPrinterTemplate printer; printer.currentChar = str; printer.windowId = windowId; printer.fontId = fontId; printer.x = left; printer.y = top; printer.currentX = left; printer.currentY = top; printer.letterSpacing = letterSpacing; printer.lineSpacing = lineSpacing; printer.unk = 0; printer.fgColor = GetFontAttribute(fontId, FONTATTR_COLOR_FOREGROUND); printer.bgColor = GetFontAttribute(fontId, FONTATTR_COLOR_BACKGROUND); printer.shadowColor = GetFontAttribute(fontId, FONTATTR_COLOR_SHADOW); AddTextPrinter(&printer, speed, callback); } void PrintPlayerNameOnWindow(u8 windowId, const u8 *src, u16 x, u16 y) { int count = 0; while (gSaveBlock2Ptr->playerName[count] != EOS) count++; StringExpandPlaceholders(gStringVar4, src); AddTextPrinterParameterized(windowId, 1, gStringVar4, x, y, TEXT_SKIP_DRAW, 0); } static void UnusedBlitBitmapRect(const struct Bitmap *src, struct Bitmap *dst, u16 srcX, u16 srcY, u16 dstX, u16 dstY, u16 width, u16 height) { int loopSrcY, loopDstY, loopSrcX, loopDstX, xEnd, yEnd, multiplierSrcY, multiplierDstY; const u8 *pixelsSrc; u8 *pixelsDst; u16 toOrr; if (dst->width - dstX < width) xEnd = dst->width - dstX + srcX; else xEnd = width + srcX; if (dst->height - dstY < height) yEnd = srcY + dst->height - dstY; else yEnd = srcY + height; multiplierSrcY = (src->width + (src->width % 8)) >> 3; multiplierDstY = (dst->width + (dst->width % 8)) >> 3; for (loopSrcY = srcY, loopDstY = dstY; loopSrcY < yEnd; loopSrcY++, loopDstY++) { for (loopSrcX = srcX, loopDstX = dstX; loopSrcX < xEnd; loopSrcX++, loopDstX++) { pixelsSrc = src->pixels + ((loopSrcX >> 1) & 3) + ((loopSrcX >> 3) << 5) + (((loopSrcY >> 3) * multiplierSrcY) << 5) + ((u32)(loopSrcY << 29) >> 27); pixelsDst = (void*) dst->pixels + ((loopDstX >> 1) & 3) + ((loopDstX >> 3) << 5) + ((( loopDstY >> 3) * multiplierDstY) << 5) + ((u32)(loopDstY << 29) >> 27); if ((uintptr_t)pixelsDst & 1) { pixelsDst--; if (loopDstX & 1) { toOrr = *(vu16*)pixelsDst; toOrr &= 0x0fff; if (loopSrcX & 1) toOrr |= ((*pixelsSrc & 0xf0) << 8); else toOrr |= ((*pixelsSrc & 0x0f) << 12); } else { toOrr = *(vu16*)pixelsDst; toOrr &= 0xf0ff; if (loopSrcX & 1) toOrr |= ((*pixelsSrc & 0xf0) << 4); else toOrr |= ((*pixelsSrc & 0x0f) << 8); } } else { if (loopDstX & 1) { toOrr = *(vu16*)pixelsDst; toOrr &= 0xff0f; if (loopSrcX & 1) toOrr |= ((*pixelsSrc & 0xf0) << 0); else toOrr |= ((*pixelsSrc & 0x0f) << 4); } else { toOrr = *(vu16*)pixelsDst; toOrr &= 0xfff0; if (loopSrcX & 1) toOrr |= ((*pixelsSrc & 0xf0) >> 4); else toOrr |= ((*pixelsSrc & 0x0f) >> 0); } } *(vu16*)pixelsDst = toOrr; } } } // Unused static void LoadMonIconPalAtOffset(u8 palOffset, u16 speciesId) { LoadPalette(GetValidMonIconPalettePtr(speciesId), palOffset, 0x20); } // Unused static void DrawMonIconAtPos(u8 windowId, u16 speciesId, u32 personality, u16 x, u16 y) { BlitBitmapToWindow(windowId, GetMonIconPtr(speciesId, personality, 1), x, y, 32, 32); } void ListMenuLoadStdPalAt(u8 palOffset, u8 palId) { const u16 *palette; switch (palId) { case 0: default: palette = gMenuInfoElements1_Pal; break; case 1: palette = gMenuInfoElements2_Pal; break; case 2: palette = gMenuInfoElements3_Pal; break; } LoadPalette(palette, palOffset, 0x20); } void BlitMenuInfoIcon(u8 windowId, u8 iconId, u16 x, u16 y) { BlitBitmapRectToWindow(windowId, &gMenuInfoElements_Gfx[sMenuInfoIcons[iconId].offset * 32], 0, 0, 128, 128, x, y, sMenuInfoIcons[iconId].width, sMenuInfoIcons[iconId].height); } void BufferSaveMenuText(u8 textId, u8 *dest, u8 color) { s32 curFlag; s32 flagCount; u8 *endOfString; u8 *string = dest; *(string++) = EXT_CTRL_CODE_BEGIN; *(string++) = EXT_CTRL_CODE_COLOR; *(string++) = color; *(string++) = EXT_CTRL_CODE_BEGIN; *(string++) = EXT_CTRL_CODE_SHADOW; *(string++) = color + 1; switch (textId) { case SAVE_MENU_NAME: StringCopy(string, gSaveBlock2Ptr->playerName); break; case SAVE_MENU_CAUGHT: if (IsNationalPokedexEnabled()) string = ConvertIntToDecimalStringN(string, GetNationalPokedexCount(FLAG_GET_CAUGHT), STR_CONV_MODE_LEFT_ALIGN, 3); else string = ConvertIntToDecimalStringN(string, GetHoennPokedexCount(FLAG_GET_CAUGHT), STR_CONV_MODE_LEFT_ALIGN, 3); *string = EOS; break; case SAVE_MENU_PLAY_TIME: string = ConvertIntToDecimalStringN(string, gSaveBlock2Ptr->playTimeHours, STR_CONV_MODE_LEFT_ALIGN, 3); *(string++) = CHAR_COLON; ConvertIntToDecimalStringN(string, gSaveBlock2Ptr->playTimeMinutes, STR_CONV_MODE_LEADING_ZEROS, 2); break; case SAVE_MENU_LOCATION: GetMapNameGeneric(string, gMapHeader.regionMapSectionId); break; case SAVE_MENU_BADGES: for (curFlag = FLAG_BADGE01_GET, flagCount = 0, endOfString = string + 1; curFlag < FLAG_BADGE01_GET + NUM_BADGES; curFlag++) { if (FlagGet(curFlag)) flagCount++; } *string = flagCount + CHAR_0; *endOfString = EOS; break; } }