LilycoveCity_DepartmentStore_4F_MapScripts:: @ 821FDEA .byte 0 LilycoveCity_DepartmentStore_4F_EventScript_21FDEB:: @ 821FDEB msgbox LilycoveCity_DepartmentStore_4F_Text_21FE50, 2 end LilycoveCity_DepartmentStore_4F_EventScript_21FDF4:: @ 821FDF4 msgbox LilycoveCity_DepartmentStore_4F_Text_21FEC7, 2 end LilycoveCity_DepartmentStore_4F_EventScript_21FDFD:: @ 821FDFD msgbox LilycoveCity_DepartmentStore_4F_Text_21FF2D, 2 end LilycoveCity_DepartmentStore_4F_EventScript_21FE06:: @ 821FE06 lock faceplayer message gUnknown_08272A21 waitmessage pokemart LilycoveCity_DepartmentStore_4F_Pokemart_21FE20 msgbox gUnknown_08272A3F, 4 release end .align 2 LilycoveCity_DepartmentStore_4F_Pokemart_21FE20: @ 821FE20 .2byte ITEM_TM38 .2byte ITEM_TM25 .2byte ITEM_TM14 .2byte ITEM_TM15 .2byte ITEM_NONE release end LilycoveCity_DepartmentStore_4F_EventScript_21FE2C:: @ 821FE2C lock faceplayer message gUnknown_08272A21 waitmessage pokemart LilycoveCity_DepartmentStore_4F_Pokemart_21FE44 msgbox gUnknown_08272A3F, 4 release end .align 2 LilycoveCity_DepartmentStore_4F_Pokemart_21FE44: @ 821FE44 .2byte ITEM_TM17 .2byte ITEM_TM20 .2byte ITEM_TM33 .2byte ITEM_TM16 .2byte ITEM_NONE release end LilycoveCity_DepartmentStore_4F_Text_21FE50: @ 821FE50 .string "Hmm…\p" .string "An attacking move…\n" .string "Or a defensive move…\p" .string "It’s no easy matter to decide which TM\n" .string "moves should be taught to POKéMON…$" LilycoveCity_DepartmentStore_4F_Text_21FEC7: @ 821FEC7 .string "There are so many different kinds of\n" .string "TM moves.\p" .string "A catalog I read said there are fifty\n" .string "different kinds.$" LilycoveCity_DepartmentStore_4F_Text_21FF2D: @ 821FF2D .string "I’d like to get all the different TMs,\n" .string "but a POKéMON learns only four moves.$"