BattleFrontier_Lounge6_MapScripts:: @ 8264FEC .byte 0 BattleFrontier_Lounge6_EventScript_264FED:: @ 8264FED lock faceplayer goto_if_set FLAG_0x09C, BattleFrontier_Lounge6_EventScript_265083 setvar VAR_0x8008, 3 copyvar VAR_0x8004, VAR_0x8008 specialvar VAR_RESULT, sub_807E73C copyvar VAR_0x8009, VAR_RESULT msgbox BattleFrontier_Lounge6_Text_26508D, MSGBOX_YESNO compare VAR_RESULT, 0 goto_if_eq BattleFrontier_Lounge6_EventScript_26506B special sub_81B94B0 waitstate copyvar VAR_0x800A, VAR_0x8004 compare VAR_0x8004, 255 goto_if_eq BattleFrontier_Lounge6_EventScript_26506B copyvar VAR_0x8005, VAR_0x800A specialvar VAR_RESULT, sub_807E9D4 copyvar VAR_0x800B, VAR_RESULT compare VAR_RESULT, VAR_0x8009 goto_if_ne BattleFrontier_Lounge6_EventScript_265075 copyvar VAR_0x8004, VAR_0x8008 copyvar VAR_0x8005, VAR_0x800A special sub_807EA10 special sub_807F0E4 waitstate msgbox BattleFrontier_Lounge6_Text_265128, MSGBOX_DEFAULT setflag FLAG_0x09C release end BattleFrontier_Lounge6_EventScript_26506B:: @ 826506B msgbox BattleFrontier_Lounge6_Text_2651CB, MSGBOX_DEFAULT release end BattleFrontier_Lounge6_EventScript_265075:: @ 8265075 bufferspeciesname 0, VAR_0x8009 msgbox BattleFrontier_Lounge6_Text_26518D, MSGBOX_DEFAULT release end BattleFrontier_Lounge6_EventScript_265083:: @ 8265083 msgbox BattleFrontier_Lounge6_Text_26520E, MSGBOX_DEFAULT release end BattleFrontier_Lounge6_Text_26508D: @ 826508D .string "My POKéMON is a {STR_VAR_2}.\n" .string "Do you know it?\l" .string "It's quite cute and rather nice.\p" .string "This little one, I could trade with\n" .string "pride!\p" .string "Would you like to trade me a {STR_VAR_1}\n" .string "for my {STR_VAR_2}?$" BattleFrontier_Lounge6_Text_265128: @ 8265128 .string "Oh, it's adorable!\n" .string "Thank you!\l" .string "I promise I'll be good to it!\p" .string "Oh! I hope you'll be good to\n" .string "my {STR_VAR_2}, too!$" BattleFrontier_Lounge6_Text_26518D: @ 826518D .string "Oh, I'm sorry!\n" .string "I don't intend to trade for anything\l" .string "but a {STR_VAR_1}.$" BattleFrontier_Lounge6_Text_2651CB: @ 82651CB .string "Oh, you won't?\n" .string "Well, that's fine, too.\l" .string "Please come visit us again.$" BattleFrontier_Lounge6_Text_26520E: @ 826520E .string "Giggle!\n" .string "A SKITTY is so much cuter than I had\l" .string "imagined. I'm delighted!$"