BattleFrontier_OutsideWest_MapScripts:: @ 823D3E1 map_script 3, BattleFrontier_OutsideWest_MapScript1_23D3E7 .byte 0 BattleFrontier_OutsideWest_MapScript1_23D3E7: @ 823D3E7 setvar VAR_0x40BC, 0 setflag FLAG_0x396 end BattleFrontier_OutsideWest_EventScript_23D3F0:: @ 823D3F0 lock faceplayer msgbox BattleFrontier_OutsideWest_Text_23D808, 4 checkitem ITEM_SS_TICKET, 1 compare VAR_RESULT, 0 goto_eq BattleFrontier_OutsideWest_EventScript_23D44E message BattleFrontier_OutsideWest_Text_23D89D waitmessage goto BattleFrontier_OutsideWest_EventScript_23D416 end BattleFrontier_OutsideWest_EventScript_23D416:: @ 823D416 multichoicedefault 18, 6, 53, 2, 0 switch VAR_RESULT case 0, BattleFrontier_OutsideWest_EventScript_23D458 case 1, BattleFrontier_OutsideWest_EventScript_23D483 case 2, BattleFrontier_OutsideWest_EventScript_23D4D8 case 127, BattleFrontier_OutsideWest_EventScript_23D4D8 end BattleFrontier_OutsideWest_EventScript_23D44E:: @ 823D44E msgbox BattleFrontier_OutsideWest_Text_23D842, 4 release end BattleFrontier_OutsideWest_EventScript_23D458:: @ 823D458 msgbox BattleFrontier_OutsideWest_Text_23D8F2, 5 compare VAR_RESULT, 0 goto_eq BattleFrontier_OutsideWest_EventScript_23D4AE msgbox BattleFrontier_OutsideWest_Text_23D94B, 4 call BattleFrontier_OutsideWest_EventScript_23D4BA warp SLATEPORT_CITY_HARBOR, 255, 8, 11 waitstate release end BattleFrontier_OutsideWest_EventScript_23D483:: @ 823D483 msgbox BattleFrontier_OutsideWest_Text_23D90E, 5 compare VAR_RESULT, 0 goto_eq BattleFrontier_OutsideWest_EventScript_23D4AE msgbox BattleFrontier_OutsideWest_Text_23D94B, 4 call BattleFrontier_OutsideWest_EventScript_23D4BA warp LILYCOVE_CITY_HARBOR, 255, 8, 11 waitstate release end BattleFrontier_OutsideWest_EventScript_23D4AE:: @ 823D4AE message BattleFrontier_OutsideWest_Text_23D97A waitmessage goto BattleFrontier_OutsideWest_EventScript_23D416 end BattleFrontier_OutsideWest_EventScript_23D4BA:: @ 823D4BA closemessage applymovement VAR_LAST_TALKED, BattleFrontier_OutsideWest_Movement_2725AA waitmovement 0 delay 30 hideobjectat 3, BATTLE_FRONTIER_OUTSIDE_WEST setvar VAR_0x8004, 2 call BattleFrontier_OutsideWest_EventScript_272250 return BattleFrontier_OutsideWest_EventScript_23D4D8:: @ 823D4D8 msgbox BattleFrontier_OutsideWest_Text_23D929, 4 release end BattleFrontier_OutsideWest_EventScript_23D4E2:: @ 823D4E2 msgbox BattleFrontier_OutsideWest_Text_23D6F7, 3 end BattleFrontier_OutsideWest_EventScript_23D4EB:: @ 823D4EB msgbox BattleFrontier_OutsideWest_Text_23D737, 3 end BattleFrontier_OutsideWest_EventScript_23D4F4:: @ 823D4F4 msgbox BattleFrontier_OutsideWest_Text_23D772, 3 end BattleFrontier_OutsideWest_EventScript_23D4FD:: @ 823D4FD msgbox BattleFrontier_OutsideWest_Text_23D7A6, 2 end BattleFrontier_OutsideWest_EventScript_23D506:: @ 823D4FD msgbox BattleFrontier_OutsideWest_Text_23D9DD, 2 end BattleFrontier_OutsideWest_EventScript_23D50F:: @ 823D50F msgbox BattleFrontier_OutsideWest_Text_23D99C, 2 end BattleFrontier_OutsideWest_EventScript_23D518:: @ 823D518 lock faceplayer message BattleFrontier_OutsideWest_Text_23DA60 waitmessage applymovement 18, BattleFrontier_OutsideWest_Movement_2725A0 waitmovement 0 waitbuttonpress release end BattleFrontier_OutsideWest_EventScript_23D52D:: @ 823D52D msgbox BattleFrontier_OutsideWest_Text_23DABF, 2 end BattleFrontier_OutsideWest_EventScript_23D536:: @ 823D536 lock goto BattleFrontier_OutsideWest_EventScript_23D544 end BattleFrontier_OutsideWest_EventScript_23D53D:: @ 823D53D lock goto BattleFrontier_OutsideWest_EventScript_23D544 end BattleFrontier_OutsideWest_EventScript_23D544:: @ 823D544 applymovement 9, BattleFrontier_OutsideWest_Movement_2725A8 waitmovement 0 msgbox BattleFrontier_OutsideWest_Text_23DB7D, 4 applymovement 10, BattleFrontier_OutsideWest_Movement_2725A4 waitmovement 0 msgbox BattleFrontier_OutsideWest_Text_23DBCE, 4 closemessage delay 25 applymovement 9, BattleFrontier_OutsideWest_Movement_2725A6 applymovement 10, BattleFrontier_OutsideWest_Movement_2725A6 waitmovement 0 release end BattleFrontier_OutsideWest_EventScript_23D57F:: @ 823D57F lock faceplayer delay 20 compare VAR_FACING, 2 call_if 1, BattleFrontier_OutsideWest_EventScript_23D5BA compare VAR_FACING, 1 call_if 1, BattleFrontier_OutsideWest_EventScript_23D5C5 compare VAR_FACING, 3 call_if 1, BattleFrontier_OutsideWest_EventScript_23D5BA compare VAR_FACING, 4 call_if 1, BattleFrontier_OutsideWest_EventScript_23D5BA msgbox BattleFrontier_OutsideWest_Text_23DC36, 4 release end BattleFrontier_OutsideWest_EventScript_23D5BA:: @ 823D5BA applymovement 14, BattleFrontier_OutsideWest_Movement_2725A6 waitmovement 0 return BattleFrontier_OutsideWest_EventScript_23D5C5:: @ 823D5C5 return BattleFrontier_OutsideWest_EventScript_23D5C6:: @ 823D5C6 lock faceplayer message BattleFrontier_OutsideWest_Text_23DCB0 waitmessage compare VAR_FACING, 2 call_if 1, BattleFrontier_OutsideWest_EventScript_23D5FD compare VAR_FACING, 1 call_if 1, BattleFrontier_OutsideWest_EventScript_23D608 compare VAR_FACING, 3 call_if 1, BattleFrontier_OutsideWest_EventScript_23D613 compare VAR_FACING, 4 call_if 1, BattleFrontier_OutsideWest_EventScript_23D61E waitbuttonpress release end BattleFrontier_OutsideWest_EventScript_23D5FD:: @ 823D5FD applymovement 12, BattleFrontier_OutsideWest_Movement_23D629 waitmovement 0 return BattleFrontier_OutsideWest_EventScript_23D608:: @ 823D608 applymovement 12, BattleFrontier_OutsideWest_Movement_23D62C waitmovement 0 return BattleFrontier_OutsideWest_EventScript_23D613:: @ 823D613 applymovement 12, BattleFrontier_OutsideWest_Movement_23D62F waitmovement 0 return BattleFrontier_OutsideWest_EventScript_23D61E:: @ 823D61E applymovement 12, BattleFrontier_OutsideWest_Movement_23D632 waitmovement 0 return BattleFrontier_OutsideWest_Movement_23D629: @ 823D629 walk_in_place_fastest_down walk_in_place_fastest_down step_end BattleFrontier_OutsideWest_Movement_23D62C: @ 823D62C walk_in_place_fastest_up walk_in_place_fastest_up step_end BattleFrontier_OutsideWest_Movement_23D62F: @ 823D62F walk_in_place_fastest_right walk_in_place_fastest_right step_end BattleFrontier_OutsideWest_Movement_23D632: @ 823D632 walk_in_place_fastest_left walk_in_place_fastest_left step_end BattleFrontier_OutsideWest_EventScript_23D635:: @ 823D635 lock faceplayer msgbox BattleFrontier_OutsideWest_Text_23DD3B, 4 random 2 compare VAR_RESULT, 1 goto_eq BattleFrontier_OutsideWest_EventScript_23D653 goto BattleFrontier_OutsideWest_EventScript_23D65D end BattleFrontier_OutsideWest_EventScript_23D653:: @ 823D653 msgbox BattleFrontier_OutsideWest_Text_23DD7A, 4 release end BattleFrontier_OutsideWest_EventScript_23D65D:: @ 823D65D msgbox BattleFrontier_OutsideWest_Text_23DDAD, 4 release end BattleFrontier_OutsideWest_EventScript_23D667:: @ 823D667 msgbox BattleFrontier_OutsideWest_Text_23DE15, 2 end BattleFrontier_OutsideWest_EventScript_23D670:: @ 823D670 msgbox BattleFrontier_OutsideWest_Text_23DF7D, 2 end BattleFrontier_OutsideWest_EventScript_23D679:: @ 823D679 msgbox BattleFrontier_OutsideWest_Text_23DEFD, 2 end BattleFrontier_OutsideWest_EventScript_23D682:: @ 823D682 msgbox BattleFrontier_OutsideWest_Text_23DEB4, 2 end BattleFrontier_OutsideWest_EventScript_23D68B:: @ 823D68B msgbox BattleFrontier_OutsideWest_Text_23DFBF, 2 end BattleFrontier_OutsideWest_EventScript_23D694:: @ 823D694 msgbox BattleFrontier_OutsideWest_Text_23E01E, 2 end BattleFrontier_OutsideWest_EventScript_23D69D:: @ 823D69D msgbox BattleFrontier_OutsideWest_Text_23E09F, 2 end BattleFrontier_OutsideWest_EventScript_23D6A6:: @ 823D6A6 msgbox BattleFrontier_OutsideWest_Text_23E102, 2 end BattleFrontier_OutsideWest_EventScript_23D6AF:: @ 823D6AF msgbox BattleFrontier_OutsideWest_Text_23E154, 2 end BattleFrontier_OutsideWest_EventScript_23D6B8:: @ 823D6B8 lock msgbox BattleFrontier_OutsideWest_Text_23E273, 4 release end BattleFrontier_OutsideWest_EventScript_23D6C3:: @ 823D6C3 lock msgbox BattleFrontier_OutsideWest_Text_23E2E9, 4 release end BattleFrontier_OutsideWest_EventScript_23D6CE:: @ 823D6CE msgbox BattleFrontier_OutsideWest_Text_23E37E, 2 end BattleFrontier_OutsideWest_EventScript_23D6D7:: @ 823D6D7 lock faceplayer msgbox BattleFrontier_OutsideWest_Text_23E410, 4 closemessage applymovement 23, BattleFrontier_OutsideWest_Movement_2725A2 waitmovement 0 release end BattleFrontier_OutsideWest_EventScript_23D6EE:: @ 823D6EE msgbox BattleFrontier_OutsideWest_Text_23E5A5, 2 end BattleFrontier_OutsideWest_Text_23D6F7: @ 823D6F7 .string "This is the BATTLE DOME!\n" .string "Your path to the invincible superstar!$" BattleFrontier_OutsideWest_Text_23D737: @ 823D737 .string "This is the BATTLE FACTORY!\n" .string "Seek out the toughest POKéMON!$" BattleFrontier_OutsideWest_Text_23D772: @ 823D772 .string "This is the BATTLE PIKE!\n" .string "Choose one of three paths!$" BattleFrontier_OutsideWest_Text_23D7A6: @ 823D7A6 .string "This is the BATTLE TOWER.\p" .string "TRAINERS bring their best-raised\n" .string "POKéMON for elimination-style matches.$" BattleFrontier_OutsideWest_Text_23D808: @ 823D808 .string "Hello, are you here for the ferry?\n" .string "May I see your TICKET?$" BattleFrontier_OutsideWest_Text_23D842: @ 823D842 .string "{PLAYER} doesn’t have the TICKET…\p" .string "I’m terribly sorry.\p" .string "You must have a TICKET to board\n" .string "the ferry.$" BattleFrontier_OutsideWest_Text_23D89D: @ 823D89D .string "{PLAYER} flashed the TICKET.\p" .string "Perfect! That’s all you need!\p" .string "And where would you like to go?$" BattleFrontier_OutsideWest_Text_23D8F2: @ 823D8F2 .string "SLATEPORT CITY it is, then!$" BattleFrontier_OutsideWest_Text_23D90E: @ 823D90E .string "LILYCOVE CITY it is, then!$" BattleFrontier_OutsideWest_Text_23D929: @ 823D929 .string "Please sail with us another time!$" BattleFrontier_OutsideWest_Text_23D94B: @ 823D94B .string "Please board the ferry and wait for\n" .string "departure.$" BattleFrontier_OutsideWest_Text_23D97A: @ 823D97A .string "Then, where would you like to go?$" BattleFrontier_OutsideWest_Text_23D99C: @ 823D99C .string "I’m the best out of all my friends.\n" .string "But here…\l" .string "I’ve been useless!$" BattleFrontier_OutsideWest_Text_23D9DD: @ 823D9DD .string "I want to go to the BATTLE TOWER,\n" .string "but I can’t find it even though I have\l" .string "a map of the BATTLE FRONTIER.\p" .string "This place is just too big!$" BattleFrontier_OutsideWest_Text_23DA60: @ 823DA60 .string "I wanted to take a challenge as soon\n" .string "as I arrived here.\p" .string "But on the way, I got seasick…\n" .string "Urrrrp…$" BattleFrontier_OutsideWest_Text_23DABF: @ 823DABF .string "It’s not as if just anyone can come\n" .string "here, you know?\p" .string "Only those TRAINERS who’ve been\n" .string "recognized as tough are brought here.\p" .string "That’s why many TRAINERS don’t even\n" .string "know about the BATTLE FRONTIER.$" BattleFrontier_OutsideWest_Text_23DB7D: @ 823DB7D .string "Hey, bro…\p" .string "Are you sure we can make challenges\n" .string "even if we don’t have any POKéMON?$" BattleFrontier_OutsideWest_Text_23DBCE: @ 823DBCE .string "Uh…\n" .string "I’m sure it’ll be okay.\p" .string "I think…\p" .string "But remember that big scary guy?\n" .string "He said, “I’ll lend you POKéMON!”$" BattleFrontier_OutsideWest_Text_23DC36: @ 823DC36 .string "That’s the BATTLE FACTORY.\n" .string "You can rent strong POKéMON there.\p" .string "But it makes me wonder.\n" .string "Who’s raising those rental POKéMON?$" BattleFrontier_OutsideWest_Text_23DCB0: @ 823DCB0 .string "I’m scared of going into the BATTLE\n" .string "PIKE because of SEVIPER…\p" .string "B-but I came all the way here, so I will\n" .string "try to conquer everything!\l" .string "…Shudder…$" BattleFrontier_OutsideWest_Text_23DD3B: @ 823DD3B .string "Let’s play rock, paper, scissors!\n" .string "One, two, three!\p" .string "… … … … … …$" BattleFrontier_OutsideWest_Text_23DD7A: @ 823DD7A .string "Yay! I won!\n" .string "I will take the BATTLE PIKE challenge!$" BattleFrontier_OutsideWest_Text_23DDAD: @ 823DDAD .string "Oh, no…\n" .string "I lost.\p" .string "I guess I’m not very lucky today.\n" .string "I’ll put off my BATTLE PIKE challenge\l" .string "until tomorrow.$" BattleFrontier_OutsideWest_Text_23DE15: @ 823DE15 .string "I believe I’m the only person here who,\n" .string "for some unknown reason, would choose\l" .string "fishing over battling.\p" .string "Huh? You can’t catch anything here?\n" .string "That’s disappointing…$" BattleFrontier_OutsideWest_Text_23DEB4: @ 823DEB4 .string "Today, I’m going to keep battling, no\n" .string "matter what, until I get a Symbol.$" BattleFrontier_OutsideWest_Text_23DEFD: @ 823DEFD .string "Oh? You’re off to challenge\n" .string "the BATTLE DOME?\p" .string "I’ll wish you the best of luck.\n" .string "Let us both win our way up and meet\l" .string "in challenges.$" BattleFrontier_OutsideWest_Text_23DF7D: @ 823DF7D .string "Grandpa, over here!\n" .string "The BATTLE DOME is here!\l" .string "Go get ’em, Grandpa!$" BattleFrontier_OutsideWest_Text_23DFBF: @ 823DFBF .string "Ah, so this here is the BATTLE DOME?\n" .string "I won’t let GENTLEMEN beat me!\p" .string "But where is the entrance?$" BattleFrontier_OutsideWest_Text_23E01E: @ 823E01E .string "There used to be nothing here not all\n" .string "that long ago.\p" .string "But, now look at this place! Amazing!\n" .string "I’ll bring my mother out to see this.$" BattleFrontier_OutsideWest_Text_23E09F: @ 823E09F .string "I’ve finally arrived at the BATTLE\n" .string "FRONTIER!\p" .string "I’m sure to grab attention with\n" .string "my looks and ability!$" BattleFrontier_OutsideWest_Text_23E102: @ 823E102 .string "Munch, munch…\p" .string "It looks like this square’s filled with\n" .string "tough people.\p" .string "Munch, munch…$" BattleFrontier_OutsideWest_Text_23E154: @ 823E154 .string "Crunch, munch…\p" .string "A while back, I met this older girl\n" .string "at the BATTLE PIKE.\p" .string "She had these eyes that were scary\n" .string "in a real ornery way.\p" .string "Crunch, munch…\p" .string "She got all furious: “Will you quit\n" .string "eating!” Then she whaled on me.\p" .string "It was a hair-raising kind of\n" .string "scary experience, sure enough.\p" .string "Crunch, munch…$" BattleFrontier_OutsideWest_Text_23E273: @ 823E273 .string "Huh? Will you listen to yourself?\n" .string "That’s nothing!\p" .string "Why, the last time I cheered for him,\n" .string "our eyes met and sparks flew!$" BattleFrontier_OutsideWest_Text_23E2E9: @ 823E2E9 .string "Whaaaaaat?!\n" .string "Pfft!\p" .string "That only happened because\n" .string "I happened to be sitting next to you!\p" .string "The DOME ACE only looked our way\n" .string "because my cheering was so loud!$" BattleFrontier_OutsideWest_Text_23E37E: @ 823E37E .string "Oh, shush!\n" .string "Keep that racket down!\p" .string "You fair-weather fans should stick\n" .string "to cheering for some GYM LEADER!\p" .string "The DOME ACE is mine!\n" .string "The only idol for me!$" BattleFrontier_OutsideWest_Text_23E410: @ 823E410 .string "Those people squabbling over there…\p" .string "It’s hard to believe, but they once\n" .string "were TRAINERS, and good ones, too.\p" .string "They used to be incredibly tough,\n" .string "and they were famous, too.\p" .string "But they were obliterated by this\n" .string "certain TRAINER at a tournament.\p" .string "They were so thoroughly whipped,\n" .string "they became smitten by the TRAINER.\p" .string "Now they’re just fans of the TRAINER.\n" .string "They go cheer for their idol at the\l" .string "BATTLE DOME every day now.$" BattleFrontier_OutsideWest_Text_23E5A5: @ 823E5A5 .string "I heard a rumor that someone saw\n" .string "a POKéMON with an unusually long tail\l" .string "somewhere in the BATTLE FRONTIER.\p" .string "It must be adorable. I’m sure of it…\p" .string "Oh, challenges can wait. I feel driven\n" .string "to find the delightful creature!$"