LilycoveCity_LilycoveMuseum_1F_MapScripts:: @ 8218CB8 .byte 0 LilycoveCity_LilycoveMuseum_1F_EventScript_218CB9:: @ 8218CB9 msgbox LilycoveCity_LilycoveMuseum_1F_Text_218E4B, 3 end LilycoveCity_LilycoveMuseum_1F_EventScript_218CC2:: @ 8218CC2 lockall applymovement 2, LilycoveCity_LilycoveMuseum_1F_Movement_27259E message LilycoveCity_LilycoveMuseum_1F_Text_218EBC waitmessage multichoice 20, 8, 16, 1 compare VAR_RESULT, 0 goto_eq LilycoveCity_LilycoveMuseum_1F_EventScript_218CF5 compare VAR_RESULT, 1 goto_eq LilycoveCity_LilycoveMuseum_1F_EventScript_218CEC end LilycoveCity_LilycoveMuseum_1F_EventScript_218CEC:: @ 8218CEC msgbox LilycoveCity_LilycoveMuseum_1F_Text_218F5C, 2 end LilycoveCity_LilycoveMuseum_1F_EventScript_218CF5:: @ 8218CF5 msgbox LilycoveCity_LilycoveMuseum_1F_Text_218F98, 5 compare VAR_RESULT, 0 goto_eq LilycoveCity_LilycoveMuseum_1F_EventScript_218D14 compare VAR_RESULT, 1 goto_eq LilycoveCity_LilycoveMuseum_1F_EventScript_218D1E end LilycoveCity_LilycoveMuseum_1F_EventScript_218D14:: @ 8218D14 msgbox LilycoveCity_LilycoveMuseum_1F_Text_218FF8, 3 releaseall end LilycoveCity_LilycoveMuseum_1F_EventScript_218D1E:: @ 8218D1E msgbox LilycoveCity_LilycoveMuseum_1F_Text_219035, 3 applymovement 2, LilycoveCity_LilycoveMuseum_1F_Movement_218D99 waitmovement 0 removeobject 2 switch VAR_FACING case 2, LilycoveCity_LilycoveMuseum_1F_EventScript_218D5A case 3, LilycoveCity_LilycoveMuseum_1F_EventScript_218D6F case 4, LilycoveCity_LilycoveMuseum_1F_EventScript_218D84 end LilycoveCity_LilycoveMuseum_1F_EventScript_218D5A:: @ 8218D5A lockall applymovement 255, LilycoveCity_LilycoveMuseum_1F_Movement_218DA1 waitmovement 0 warp LILYCOVE_CITY_LILYCOVE_MUSEUM_2F, 255, 11, 8 waitstate end LilycoveCity_LilycoveMuseum_1F_EventScript_218D6F:: @ 8218D6F lockall applymovement 255, LilycoveCity_LilycoveMuseum_1F_Movement_218D9B waitmovement 0 warp LILYCOVE_CITY_LILYCOVE_MUSEUM_2F, 255, 11, 8 waitstate end LilycoveCity_LilycoveMuseum_1F_EventScript_218D84:: @ 8218D84 lockall applymovement 255, LilycoveCity_LilycoveMuseum_1F_Movement_218D9E waitmovement 0 warp LILYCOVE_CITY_LILYCOVE_MUSEUM_2F, 255, 11, 8 waitstate end LilycoveCity_LilycoveMuseum_1F_Movement_218D99: @ 8218D99 walk_up step_end LilycoveCity_LilycoveMuseum_1F_Movement_218D9B: @ 8218D9B walk_left walk_up step_end LilycoveCity_LilycoveMuseum_1F_Movement_218D9E: @ 8218D9E walk_right walk_up step_end LilycoveCity_LilycoveMuseum_1F_Movement_218DA1: @ 8218DA1 walk_up walk_up step_end LilycoveCity_LilycoveMuseum_1F_EventScript_218DA4:: @ 8218DA4 msgbox LilycoveCity_LilycoveMuseum_1F_Text_219080, 3 end LilycoveCity_LilycoveMuseum_1F_EventScript_218DAD:: @ 8218DAD msgbox LilycoveCity_LilycoveMuseum_1F_Text_2190BF, 3 end LilycoveCity_LilycoveMuseum_1F_EventScript_218DB6:: @ 8218DB6 msgbox LilycoveCity_LilycoveMuseum_1F_Text_2190F9, 3 end LilycoveCity_LilycoveMuseum_1F_EventScript_218DBF:: @ 8218DBF msgbox LilycoveCity_LilycoveMuseum_1F_Text_219142, 3 end LilycoveCity_LilycoveMuseum_1F_EventScript_218DC8:: @ 8218DC8 msgbox LilycoveCity_LilycoveMuseum_1F_Text_2191A2, 3 end LilycoveCity_LilycoveMuseum_1F_EventScript_218DD1:: @ 8218DD1 msgbox LilycoveCity_LilycoveMuseum_1F_Text_21920D, 3 end LilycoveCity_LilycoveMuseum_1F_EventScript_218DDA:: @ 8218DDA LilycoveCity_LilycoveMuseum_2F_EventScript_218DDA:: @ 8218DDA msgbox LilycoveCity_LilycoveMuseum_1F_Text_219260, 3 end LilycoveCity_LilycoveMuseum_1F_EventScript_218DE3:: @ 8218DE3 msgbox LilycoveCity_LilycoveMuseum_1F_Text_2192AA, 3 end LilycoveCity_LilycoveMuseum_1F_EventScript_218DEC:: @ 8218DEC msgbox LilycoveCity_LilycoveMuseum_1F_Text_219311, 3 end LilycoveCity_LilycoveMuseum_1F_EventScript_218DF5:: @ 8218DF5 msgbox LilycoveCity_LilycoveMuseum_1F_Text_2193B4, 2 end LilycoveCity_LilycoveMuseum_1F_EventScript_218DFE:: @ 8218DFE msgbox LilycoveCity_LilycoveMuseum_1F_Text_21941A, 2 end LilycoveCity_LilycoveMuseum_1F_EventScript_218E07:: @ 8218E07 msgbox LilycoveCity_LilycoveMuseum_1F_Text_2194BA, 3 end LilycoveCity_LilycoveMuseum_1F_EventScript_218E10:: @ 8218E10 msgbox LilycoveCity_LilycoveMuseum_1F_Text_2194E1, 3 end LilycoveCity_LilycoveMuseum_1F_EventScript_218E19:: @ 8218E19 msgbox LilycoveCity_LilycoveMuseum_1F_Text_219515, 2 end LilycoveCity_LilycoveMuseum_1F_EventScript_218E22:: @ 8218E22 msgbox LilycoveCity_LilycoveMuseum_1F_Text_21959B, 2 end LilycoveCity_LilycoveMuseum_1F_EventScript_218E2B:: @ 8218E2B lock faceplayer msgbox LilycoveCity_LilycoveMuseum_1F_Text_2195FF, 4 closemessage applymovement 8, LilycoveCity_LilycoveMuseum_1F_Movement_2725A2 waitmovement 0 release end LilycoveCity_LilycoveMuseum_1F_EventScript_218E42:: @ 8218E42 msgbox LilycoveCity_LilycoveMuseum_1F_Text_21967A, 2 end LilycoveCity_LilycoveMuseum_1F_Text_218E4B: @ 8218E4B .string "Welcome to LILYCOVE MUSEUM.\p" .string "Please take the time to enjoy our\n" .string "collection of fantastic artwork\l" .string "featuring POKéMON.$" LilycoveCity_LilycoveMuseum_1F_Text_218EBC: @ 8218EBC .string "I’m the CURATOR of this MUSEUM of\n" .string "fine arts.\p" .string "It’s heartening to see someone so\n" .string "young as you in our MUSEUM.\p" .string "Have you viewed our collection of\n" .string "paintings already?$" LilycoveCity_LilycoveMuseum_1F_Text_218F5C: @ 8218F5C .string "Ah, then let me not disturb you.\n" .string "Please, do take your time.$" LilycoveCity_LilycoveMuseum_1F_Text_218F98: @ 8218F98 .string "Oh? I do believe that you seem to\n" .string "be a POKéMON TRAINER.\p" .string "Have you an interest in paintings,\n" .string "too?$" LilycoveCity_LilycoveMuseum_1F_Text_218FF8: @ 8218FF8 .string "I see…\p" .string "I’m honored that you would visit\n" .string "us in spite of that.$" LilycoveCity_LilycoveMuseum_1F_Text_219035: @ 8219035 .string "Ah, excellent!\n" .string "You do like paintings!\p" .string "Then, may I ask you to come with me?$" LilycoveCity_LilycoveMuseum_1F_Text_219080: @ 8219080 .string "It’s a very old painting.\n" .string "The paint is peeling here and there.$" LilycoveCity_LilycoveMuseum_1F_Text_2190BF: @ 82190BF .string "It’s an odd landscape with bizarre\n" .string "and fantastic scenery.$" LilycoveCity_LilycoveMuseum_1F_Text_2190F9: @ 82190F9 .string "It’s a painting of a beautiful, smiling\n" .string "woman with a POKéMON on her lap.$" LilycoveCity_LilycoveMuseum_1F_Text_219142: @ 8219142 .string "It’s a painting of a legendary POKéMON\n" .string "from long ago.\p" .string "The artist painted this from\n" .string "imagination.$" LilycoveCity_LilycoveMuseum_1F_Text_2191A2: @ 82191A2 .string "It’s a painting of GRASS POKéMON\n" .string "swaying in a breeze.\p" .string "They appear to be enjoying the wind’s\n" .string "gentle caress.$" LilycoveCity_LilycoveMuseum_1F_Text_21920D: @ 821920D .string "It’s a delicious-looking painting\n" .string "of BERRIES.\p" .string "This painting could make you hungry!$" LilycoveCity_LilycoveMuseum_1F_Text_219260: @ 8219260 .string "It’s a replica of a famous sculpture.\p" .string "It depicts an ancient BIRD POKéMON.$" LilycoveCity_LilycoveMuseum_1F_Text_2192AA: @ 82192AA .string "It’s a big POKé BALL carved from\n" .string "a black stone.\p" .string "It was apparently used in festivals\n" .string "in the olden days.$" LilycoveCity_LilycoveMuseum_1F_Text_219311: @ 8219311 .string "It’s a huge stone tablet inscribed\n" .string "with POKéMON and dense text in the\l" .string "small characters of an ancient,\l" .string "unreadable language.$" LilycoveCity_LilycoveMuseum_1F_Text_21938C: @ 821938C .string "Hmmm…\n" .string "What works of great magnificence…$" LilycoveCity_LilycoveMuseum_1F_Text_2193B4: @ 82193B4 .string "Battling with POKéMON is fun,\n" .string "I’ll grant you that.\p" .string "But one mustn’t forget our love for\n" .string "the fine arts.$" LilycoveCity_LilycoveMuseum_1F_Text_21941A: @ 821941A .string "This ART MUSEUM… Well, you could\n" .string "see many fantastic paintings.\p" .string "And the CURATOR is a wonderful person.\p" .string "Among artists like myself, this MUSEUM\n" .string "is an inspiration.$" LilycoveCity_LilycoveMuseum_1F_Text_2194BA: @ 82194BA .string "This lady is pretty!\n" .string "She’s like Mommy!$" LilycoveCity_LilycoveMuseum_1F_Text_2194E1: @ 82194E1 .string "This POKéMON is adorable!\n" .string "Just like our little boy!$" LilycoveCity_LilycoveMuseum_1F_Text_219515: @ 8219515 .string "I’d heard that this ART MUSEUM got\n" .string "in some new paintings.\p" .string "So, naturally I hurried over.\p" .string "Are the new paintings up on\n" .string "the second floor?$" LilycoveCity_LilycoveMuseum_1F_Text_21959B: @ 821959B .string "Lately, the CURATOR has been\n" .string "unusually cheerful.\p" .string "I bet something good happened for him.\n" .string "Definitely.$" LilycoveCity_LilycoveMuseum_1F_Text_2195FF: @ 82195FF .string "I aim to see many great paintings\n" .string "here and learn from them.\p" .string "I have this dream of one day having\n" .string "my artwork exhibited here.$" LilycoveCity_LilycoveMuseum_1F_Text_21967A: @ 821967A .string "The ART MUSEUM has become a favorite\n" .string "tourist destination.\p" .string "It’s great for LILYCOVE…\n" .string "No, great for the HOENN region!\p" .string "This is what I’ve heard--a lone TRAINER\n" .string "procured all the paintings upstairs.$"