Route101_MapScripts:: @ 81EBCBA map_script 3, Route101_MapScript1_1EBCC5 map_script 2, Route101_MapScript2_1EBCCB .byte 0 Route101_MapScript1_1EBCC5: @ 81EBCC5 call Route101_EventScript_2720AD end Route101_MapScript2_1EBCCB: @ 81EBCCB map_script_2 VAR_0x4060, 0, Route101_EventScript_1EBCD5 .2byte 0 Route101_EventScript_1EBCD5:: @ 81EBCD5 setflag FLAG_SPECIAL_FLAG_0x4000 setvar VAR_0x4060, 1 end Route101_EventScript_1EBCDE:: @ 81EBCDE lockall playbgm BGM_EVENT0, 1 msgbox Route101_Text_1EBE8F, 4 closemessage setobjectxy 2, 0, 15 setobjectxy 4, 0, 16 applymovement 255, Route101_Movement_1EBDC2 applymovement 2, Route101_Movement_1EBDE7 applymovement 4, Route101_Movement_1EBDB5 waitmovement 0 applymovement 4, Route101_Movement_1EBD96 applymovement 2, Route101_Movement_1EBDC8 waitmovement 0 applymovement 2, Route101_Movement_2725A8 waitmovement 0 applymovement 4, Route101_Movement_1EBDBD applymovement 2, Route101_Movement_1EBDEF waitmovement 0 msgbox Route101_Text_1EBE9A, 4 closemessage setvar VAR_0x4060, 2 releaseall end Route101_EventScript_1EBD4E:: @ 81EBD4E lockall msgbox Route101_Text_1EBEDF, 4 closemessage applymovement 255, Route101_Movement_1EBD90 waitmovement 0 releaseall end Route101_EventScript_1EBD64:: @ 81EBD64 lockall msgbox Route101_Text_1EBEDF, 4 closemessage applymovement 255, Route101_Movement_1EBD92 waitmovement 0 releaseall end Route101_EventScript_1EBD7A:: @ 81EBD7A lockall msgbox Route101_Text_1EBEDF, 4 closemessage applymovement 255, Route101_Movement_1EBD94 waitmovement 0 releaseall end Route101_Movement_1EBD90: @ 81EBD90 step_up step_end Route101_Movement_1EBD92: @ 81EBD92 step_right step_end Route101_Movement_1EBD94: @ 81EBD94 step_down step_end Route101_Movement_1EBD96: @ 81EBD96 step_16 step_16 step_16 step_18 step_18 step_18 step_15 step_15 step_17 step_17 step_17 step_16 step_16 step_18 step_18 step_18 step_15 step_15 step_17 step_17 step_17 step_16 step_16 step_18 step_18 step_18 step_15 step_15 step_17 step_17 step_end Route101_Movement_1EBDB5: @ 81EBDB5 step_16 step_18 step_18 step_18 step_18 step_16 step_end Route101_Movement_1EBDBC: @ 81EBDBC step_end Route101_Movement_1EBDBD: @ 81EBDBD step_23 step_23 step_23 step_23 step_end Route101_Movement_1EBDC2: @ 81EBDC2 step_16 step_16 step_16 step_16 step_27 step_end Route101_Movement_1EBDC8: @ 81EBDC8 step_16 step_16 step_18 step_18 step_18 step_15 step_15 step_17 step_17 step_17 step_16 step_16 step_18 step_18 step_18 step_15 step_15 step_17 step_17 step_17 step_16 step_16 step_18 step_18 step_18 step_15 step_15 step_17 step_17 step_17 step_end Route101_Movement_1EBDE7: @ 81EBDE7 step_18 step_18 step_18 step_18 step_16 step_16 step_end Route101_Movement_1EBDEE: @ 81EBDEE step_end Route101_Movement_1EBDEF: @ 81EBDEF step_24 step_24 step_24 step_24 step_end Route101_Movement_1EBDF4: @ 81EBDF4 step_up step_up step_end Route101_Movement_1EBDF7: @ 81EBDF7 step_up step_left step_up step_end Route101_EventScript_1EBDFB:: @ 81EBDFB msgbox Route101_Text_1EBFDD, 2 end Route101_EventScript_1EBE04:: @ 81EBE04 msgbox Route101_Text_1EC04A, 2 end Route101_EventScript_1EBE0D:: @ 81EBE0D msgbox Route101_Text_1EC0C8, 3 end Route101_EventScript_1EBE16:: @ 81EBE16 lock faceplayer setflag FLAG_SYS_POKEMON_GET setflag FLAG_0x052 fadescreen 1 removeobject 4 setobjectxy 255, 6, 13 applymovement 255, Route101_Movement_2725A4 waitmovement 0 special ChooseStarter waitstate applymovement 2, Route101_Movement_1EBE8D waitmovement 0 msgbox Route101_Text_1EBF12, 4 special sp000_heal_pokemon setflag FLAG_0x2D0 clearflag FLAG_0x2D1 setflag FLAG_0x2BC setvar VAR_0x4084, 2 setvar VAR_0x4060, 3 clearflag FLAG_SPECIAL_FLAG_0x4000 checkplayergender compare_var_to_value VAR_RESULT, 0 call_if 1, Route101_EventScript_1EBE85 compare_var_to_value VAR_RESULT, 1 call_if 1, Route101_EventScript_1EBE89 warp LITTLEROOT_TOWN_PROFESSOR_BIRCHS_LAB, 255, 6, 5 waitstate release end Route101_EventScript_1EBE85:: @ 81EBE85 setflag FLAG_0x2D2 return Route101_EventScript_1EBE89:: @ 81EBE89 setflag FLAG_0x2F8 return Route101_Movement_1EBE8D: @ 81EBE8D step_right step_end Route101_Text_1EBE8F: @ 81EBE8F .string "H-help me!$" Route101_Text_1EBE9A: @ 81EBE9A .string "Hello! You over there!\n" .string "Please! Help!\p" .string "In my BAG!\n" .string "There’s a POKé BALL!$" Route101_Text_1EBEDF: @ 81EBEDF .string "Wh-Where are you going?!\n" .string "Don’t leave me like this!$" Route101_Text_1EBF12: @ 81EBF12 .string "PROF. BIRCH: Whew…\p" .string "I was in the tall grass studying wild\n" .string "POKéMON when I was jumped.\p" .string "You saved me.\n" .string "Thanks a lot!\p" .string "Oh?\p" .string "Hi, you’re {PLAYER}{KUN}!\p" .string "This is not the place to chat, so come\n" .string "by my POKéMON LAB later, okay?$" Route101_Text_1EBFDD: @ 81EBFDD .string "If POKéMON get tired, take them to\n" .string "a POKéMON CENTER.\p" .string "There’s a POKéMON CENTER in OLDALE\n" .string "TOWN right close by.$" Route101_Text_1EC04A: @ 81EC04A .string "Wild POKéMON will jump out at you in\n" .string "tall grass.\p" .string "If you want to catch POKéMON, you have\n" .string "to go into the tall grass and search.$" Route101_Text_1EC0C8: @ 81EC0C8 .string "ROUTE 101\n" .string "{0x79} OLDALE TOWN$"