VictoryRoad_B1F_MapScripts:: @ 82364E4
	.byte 0

VictoryRoad_B1F_EventScript_2364E5:: @ 82364E5
	trainerbattle_single TRAINER_SAMUEL, VictoryRoad_B1F_Text_236558, VictoryRoad_B1F_Text_2365AD
	msgbox VictoryRoad_B1F_Text_2365C4, MSGBOX_AUTOCLOSE

VictoryRoad_B1F_EventScript_2364FC:: @ 82364FC
	trainerbattle_single TRAINER_SHANNON, VictoryRoad_B1F_Text_2365FD, VictoryRoad_B1F_Text_23664D
	msgbox VictoryRoad_B1F_Text_236678, MSGBOX_AUTOCLOSE

VictoryRoad_B1F_EventScript_236513:: @ 8236513
	trainerbattle_single TRAINER_MICHELLE, VictoryRoad_B1F_Text_2366C2, VictoryRoad_B1F_Text_23670B
	msgbox VictoryRoad_B1F_Text_23671B, MSGBOX_AUTOCLOSE

VictoryRoad_B1F_EventScript_23652A:: @ 823652A
	trainerbattle_single TRAINER_MITCHELL, VictoryRoad_B1F_Text_236757, VictoryRoad_B1F_Text_236780
	msgbox VictoryRoad_B1F_Text_2367A7, MSGBOX_AUTOCLOSE

VictoryRoad_B1F_EventScript_236541:: @ 8236541
	trainerbattle_single TRAINER_HALLE, VictoryRoad_B1F_Text_2367FD, VictoryRoad_B1F_Text_23683B
	msgbox VictoryRoad_B1F_Text_23684C, MSGBOX_AUTOCLOSE

VictoryRoad_B1F_Text_236558: @ 8236558
	.string "The thought that I'm getting closer to\n"
	.string "the POKéMON LEAGUE…\p"
	.string "I'm getting stage fright…$"

VictoryRoad_B1F_Text_2365AD: @ 82365AD
	.string "I couldn't do a thing…$"

VictoryRoad_B1F_Text_2365C4: @ 82365C4
	.string "The POKéMON LEAGUE became distant\n"
	.string "again… What a letdown…$"

VictoryRoad_B1F_Text_2365FD: @ 82365FD
	.string "To win your way through the POKéMON\n"
	.string "LEAGUE, you need the trust of your\l"
	.string "POKéMON.$"

VictoryRoad_B1F_Text_23664D: @ 823664D
	.string "Your relationship is based on\n"
	.string "solid trust.$"

VictoryRoad_B1F_Text_236678: @ 8236678
	.string "By being together all the time, trust\n"
	.string "grows between POKéMON and TRAINERS.$"

VictoryRoad_B1F_Text_2366C2: @ 82366C2
	.string "This isn't the goal. It's only a place\n"
	.string "on the way to the POKéMON LEAGUE.$"

VictoryRoad_B1F_Text_23670B: @ 823670B
	.string "That's the way!$"

VictoryRoad_B1F_Text_23671B: @ 823671B
	.string "You'll do fine, for sure!\n"
	.string "Your POKéMON are all eager to go!$"

VictoryRoad_B1F_Text_236757: @ 8236757
	.string "My POKéMON are cosmically\n"
	.string "awe inspiring!$"

VictoryRoad_B1F_Text_236780: @ 8236780
	.string "I've never met anyone like you before.$"

VictoryRoad_B1F_Text_2367A7: @ 82367A7
	.string "Even outside of battle, I sense\n"
	.string "incredible power emanating from you\l"
	.string "and your POKéMON.$"

VictoryRoad_B1F_Text_2367FD: @ 82367FD
	.string "Okay, no need to get your back up!\n"
	.string "Relax, let's take it easy!$"

VictoryRoad_B1F_Text_23683B: @ 823683B
	.string "Whoa!\n"
	.string "Wonderful!$"

VictoryRoad_B1F_Text_23684C: @ 823684C
	.string "Sure, this is VICTORY ROAD.\p"
	.string "But it's not all that different from\n"
	.string "the path you've taken so far.\p"
	.string "Try to enjoy things the rest of\n"
	.string "the way!$"