SootopolisCity_Mart_MapScripts:: @ 8226794 .byte 0 SootopolisCity_Mart_EventScript_226795:: @ 8226795 lock faceplayer message gUnknown_08272A21 waitmessage pokemart SootopolisCity_Mart_Pokemart_2267AC msgbox gUnknown_08272A3F, 4 release end SootopolisCity_Mart_Pokemart_2267AC: @ 82267AC .2byte ITEM_ULTRA_BALL .2byte ITEM_HYPER_POTION .2byte ITEM_MAX_POTION .2byte ITEM_FULL_HEAL .2byte ITEM_REVIVE .2byte ITEM_MAX_REPEL .2byte ITEM_X_ATTACK .2byte ITEM_X_DEFEND .2byte ITEM_SHADOW_MAIL .2byte ITEM_NONE release end SootopolisCity_Mart_EventScript_2267C2:: @ 82267C2 lock faceplayer compare VAR_0x40CA, 2 goto_if 4, SootopolisCity_Mart_EventScript_2267E2 checkflag FLAG_0x081 goto_if 0, SootopolisCity_Mart_EventScript_2267E2 msgbox SootopolisCity_Mart_Text_22685D, 4 release end SootopolisCity_Mart_EventScript_2267E2:: @ 82267E2 msgbox SootopolisCity_Mart_Text_226816, 4 release end SootopolisCity_Mart_EventScript_2267EC:: @ 82267EC lock faceplayer compare VAR_0x40CA, 2 goto_if 4, SootopolisCity_Mart_EventScript_22680C checkflag FLAG_0x081 goto_if 0, SootopolisCity_Mart_EventScript_22680C msgbox SootopolisCity_Mart_Text_226928, 4 release end SootopolisCity_Mart_EventScript_22680C:: @ 822680C msgbox SootopolisCity_Mart_Text_2268AF, 4 release end SootopolisCity_Mart_Text_226816: @ 8226816 .string "PP UP is great!\p" .string "It raises the POWER POINTS, the PP,\n" .string "of a POKéMON move.$" SootopolisCity_Mart_Text_22685D: @ 822685D .string "What…\n" .string "What is happening?\p" .string "I really want to know, but it’s too\n" .string "scary to go outside.$" SootopolisCity_Mart_Text_2268AF: @ 82268AF .string "Do you know FULL RESTORE?\p" .string "Full restoration of HP!\n" .string "Eradication of all status problems!\p" .string "It’s truly an item of your dreams!$" SootopolisCity_Mart_Text_226928: @ 8226928 .string "This weather…\n" .string "Did something awaken?$"