EverGrandeCity_DrakesRoom_MapScripts:: @ 822869C map_script 2, EverGrandeCity_DrakesRoom_MapScript2_2286BB map_script 1, EverGrandeCity_DrakesRoom_MapScript1_2286D2 map_script 4, EverGrandeCity_DrakesRoom_MapScript2_227F3E .byte 0 .incbin "baserom.gba", 0x2286ac, 0xf EverGrandeCity_DrakesRoom_MapScript2_2286BB: @ 82286BB map_script_2 VAR_0x409C, 3, EverGrandeCity_DrakesRoom_EventScript_2286C5 .2byte 0 EverGrandeCity_DrakesRoom_EventScript_2286C5:: @ 82286C5 lockall call EverGrandeCity_DrakesRoom_EventScript_272475 setvar VAR_0x409C, 4 releaseall end EverGrandeCity_DrakesRoom_MapScript1_2286D2: @ 82286D2 checkflag FLAG_0x4FE call_if 1, EverGrandeCity_DrakesRoom_EventScript_2286E7 compare_var_to_value VAR_0x409C, 4 call_if 1, EverGrandeCity_DrakesRoom_EventScript_2286ED end EverGrandeCity_DrakesRoom_EventScript_2286E7:: @ 82286E7 call EverGrandeCity_DrakesRoom_EventScript_2724BC return EverGrandeCity_DrakesRoom_EventScript_2286ED:: @ 82286ED call EverGrandeCity_DrakesRoom_EventScript_27255F return EverGrandeCity_DrakesRoom_EventScript_2286F3:: @ 82286F3 lock faceplayer checkflag FLAG_0x4FE goto_eq EverGrandeCity_DrakesRoom_EventScript_22871A playbgm BGM_SITENNOU, 0 msgbox EverGrandeCity_DrakesRoom_Text_22873E, 4 trainerbattle 3, TRAINER_DRAKE, 0, EverGrandeCity_DrakesRoom_Text_228895 goto EverGrandeCity_DrakesRoom_EventScript_228724 end EverGrandeCity_DrakesRoom_EventScript_22871A:: @ 822871A msgbox EverGrandeCity_DrakesRoom_Text_2288B0, 4 release end EverGrandeCity_DrakesRoom_EventScript_228724:: @ 8228724 setvar VAR_0x8004, 0 special sub_813BF7C setflag FLAG_0x4FE call EverGrandeCity_DrakesRoom_EventScript_2723F8 msgbox EverGrandeCity_DrakesRoom_Text_2288B0, 4 release end EverGrandeCity_DrakesRoom_Text_22873E: @ 822873E .string "I am the last of the POKéMON LEAGUE\n" .string "ELITE FOUR, DRAKE the DRAGON master!\p" .string "In their natural state, POKéMON are\n" .string "wild living things. They are free.\p" .string "At times, they hinder us.\n" .string "At times, they help us.\p" .string "For us to battle with POKéMON as\n" .string "partners, do you know what it takes?\p" .string "Do you know what is needed?\p" .string "If you don’t, then you will never\n" .string "prevail over me!$" EverGrandeCity_DrakesRoom_Text_228895: @ 8228895 .string "Superb, it should be said.$" EverGrandeCity_DrakesRoom_Text_2288B0: @ 82288B0 .string "You deserve every credit for coming\n" .string "this far as a TRAINER of POKéMON.\p" .string "You do seem to know what is needed.\p" .string "Yes, what a TRAINER needs is a\n" .string "virtuous heart.\p" .string "POKéMON touch the good hearts of\n" .string "TRAINERS and learn good from wrong.\p" .string "They touch the good hearts of\n" .string "TRAINERS and grow strong.\p" .string "Go! Go onwards!\n" .string "The CHAMPION is waiting!$"