#include "global.h" #include "librfu.h" static void sio32intr_clock_master(void); static void sio32intr_clock_slave(void); static u16 handshake_wait(u16 slot); static void STWI_set_timer_in_RAM(u8 count); static void STWI_stop_timer_in_RAM(void); static void STWI_init_slave(void); static void Callback_Dummy_M(int reqCommandId, int error, void (*callbackM)()); static void Callback_Dummy_S(u16 reqCommandId, void (*callbackS)(u16)); static void Callback_Dummy_ID(void (*callbackId)(void)); void IntrSIO32(void) { if (gSTWIStatus->state == 10) { if (gSTWIStatus->callbackID != NULL) Callback_Dummy_ID(gSTWIStatus->callbackID); } else { if (gSTWIStatus->msMode == AGB_CLK_MASTER) sio32intr_clock_master(); else sio32intr_clock_slave(); } } static void sio32intr_clock_master(void) { u32 regSIODATA32; u32 ackLen; STWI_set_timer_in_RAM(80); regSIODATA32 = REG_SIODATA32; if (gSTWIStatus->state == 0) // master send req { if (regSIODATA32 == 0x80000000) { if (gSTWIStatus->reqNext <= gSTWIStatus->reqLength) { REG_SIODATA32 = ((u32 *)gSTWIStatus->txPacket->rfuPacket8.data)[gSTWIStatus->reqNext]; gSTWIStatus->reqNext++; } else { gSTWIStatus->state = 1; // master wait ack REG_SIODATA32 = 0x80000000; } } else { STWI_stop_timer_in_RAM(); STWI_set_timer_in_RAM(130); return; } } else if (gSTWIStatus->state == 1) // master wait ack { if ((regSIODATA32 & 0xFFFF0000) == 0x99660000) { gSTWIStatus->ackNext = 0; ((u32 *)gSTWIStatus->rxPacket)[gSTWIStatus->ackNext] = regSIODATA32; gSTWIStatus->ackNext++; gSTWIStatus->ackActiveCommand = regSIODATA32; gSTWIStatus->ackLength = ackLen = regSIODATA32 >> 8; if ((ackLen = gSTWIStatus->ackLength) >= gSTWIStatus->ackNext) { gSTWIStatus->state = 2; // master receive ack REG_SIODATA32 = 0x80000000; } else { gSTWIStatus->state = 3; // master done ack } } else { STWI_stop_timer_in_RAM(); STWI_set_timer_in_RAM(130); return; } } else if (gSTWIStatus->state == 2) // master receive ack { ((u32 *)gSTWIStatus->rxPacket)[gSTWIStatus->ackNext] = regSIODATA32; gSTWIStatus->ackNext++; if (gSTWIStatus->ackLength < gSTWIStatus->ackNext) gSTWIStatus->state = 3; // master done ack else REG_SIODATA32 = 0x80000000; } if (handshake_wait(1) == 1) return; REG_SIOCNT = SIO_INTR_ENABLE | SIO_32BIT_MODE | SIO_115200_BPS | SIO_MULTI_SD; if (handshake_wait(0) == 1) return; STWI_stop_timer_in_RAM(); if (gSTWIStatus->state == 3) // master done ack { if ( gSTWIStatus->ackActiveCommand == (0x80 | ID_MS_CHANGE_REQ) || gSTWIStatus->ackActiveCommand == (0x80 | ID_DATA_TX_AND_CHANGE_REQ) || gSTWIStatus->ackActiveCommand == (0x80 | ID_UNK35_REQ) || gSTWIStatus->ackActiveCommand == (0x80 | ID_RESUME_RETRANSMIT_AND_CHANGE_REQ) ) { gSTWIStatus->msMode = AGB_CLK_SLAVE; REG_SIODATA32 = 0x80000000; REG_SIOCNT = SIO_INTR_ENABLE | SIO_32BIT_MODE | SIO_57600_BPS; REG_SIOCNT = SIO_INTR_ENABLE | SIO_32BIT_MODE | SIO_57600_BPS | SIO_ENABLE; gSTWIStatus->state = 5; // slave receive req init } else { if (gSTWIStatus->ackActiveCommand == 0xEE) { REG_SIOCNT = SIO_INTR_ENABLE | SIO_32BIT_MODE | SIO_115200_BPS; gSTWIStatus->state = 4; // error gSTWIStatus->error = ERR_REQ_CMD_ACK_REJECTION; } else { REG_SIOCNT = SIO_INTR_ENABLE | SIO_32BIT_MODE | SIO_115200_BPS; gSTWIStatus->state = 4; // error } } gSTWIStatus->sending = 0; if (gSTWIStatus->callbackM != NULL) Callback_Dummy_M(gSTWIStatus->reqActiveCommand, gSTWIStatus->error, gSTWIStatus->callbackM); } else { REG_SIOCNT = SIO_INTR_ENABLE | SIO_32BIT_MODE | SIO_115200_BPS; REG_SIOCNT = SIO_INTR_ENABLE | SIO_32BIT_MODE | SIO_115200_BPS | SIO_ENABLE; } } static void sio32intr_clock_slave(void) { u32 regSIODATA32; u32 r0; u32 reqLen; gSTWIStatus->timerActive = 0; STWI_set_timer_in_RAM(100); if (handshake_wait(0) == 1) return; REG_SIOCNT = SIO_INTR_ENABLE | SIO_32BIT_MODE | SIO_57600_BPS | SIO_MULTI_SD; regSIODATA32 = REG_SIODATA32; if (gSTWIStatus->state == 5) // slave receive req init { ((u32 *)gSTWIStatus->rxPacket)[0] = regSIODATA32; gSTWIStatus->reqNext = 1; r0 = 0x99660000; // variable reuse required reqLen = (regSIODATA32 >> 16); if (reqLen == (r0 >> 16)) { // only reqLen = regSIODATA32 >> 8 is needed to match, but it looks a bit // more consistent when both lines update the variables. Might have been a macro? gSTWIStatus->reqLength = reqLen = (regSIODATA32 >> 8); gSTWIStatus->reqActiveCommand = reqLen = (regSIODATA32 >> 0); if (gSTWIStatus->reqLength == 0) { if ( gSTWIStatus->reqActiveCommand == ID_MS_CHANGE_REQ || gSTWIStatus->reqActiveCommand == ID_DATA_READY_AND_CHANGE_REQ || gSTWIStatus->reqActiveCommand == ID_DISCONNECTED_AND_CHANGE_REQ || gSTWIStatus->reqActiveCommand == ID_UNK36_REQ ) { gSTWIStatus->ackActiveCommand = gSTWIStatus->reqActiveCommand + 0x80; ((u32 *)gSTWIStatus->txPacket)[0] = 0x99660000 + gSTWIStatus->ackActiveCommand; gSTWIStatus->ackLength = 0; } else { ((u32 *)gSTWIStatus->txPacket)[0] = 0x996601EE; if (gSTWIStatus->reqActiveCommand >= 0x10 && gSTWIStatus->reqActiveCommand <= 0x3D) { ((u32 *)gSTWIStatus->txPacket)[1] = 1; } else { ((u32 *)gSTWIStatus->txPacket)[1] = 2; } gSTWIStatus->ackLength = 1; gSTWIStatus->error = ERR_REQ_CMD_ACK_REJECTION; } REG_SIODATA32 = ((u32 *)gSTWIStatus->txPacket)[0]; gSTWIStatus->ackNext = 1; gSTWIStatus->state = 7; // slave send ack } else { REG_SIODATA32 = 0x80000000; gSTWIStatus->reqNext = 1; gSTWIStatus->state = 6; // slave receive req } } else { STWI_stop_timer_in_RAM(); STWI_set_timer_in_RAM(100); return; } } else if (gSTWIStatus->state == 6) // slave receive req { ((u32 *)gSTWIStatus->rxPacket)[gSTWIStatus->reqNext] = regSIODATA32; gSTWIStatus->reqNext++; if (gSTWIStatus->reqLength < gSTWIStatus->reqNext) { if ( gSTWIStatus->reqActiveCommand == ID_DATA_READY_AND_CHANGE_REQ || gSTWIStatus->reqActiveCommand == ID_DISCONNECTED_AND_CHANGE_REQ || gSTWIStatus->reqActiveCommand == ID_UNK36_REQ ) { gSTWIStatus->ackActiveCommand = gSTWIStatus->reqActiveCommand + 0x80; ((u32 *)gSTWIStatus->txPacket)[0] = 0x99660000 | gSTWIStatus->ackActiveCommand; gSTWIStatus->ackLength = 0; } else { ((u32 *)gSTWIStatus->txPacket)[0] = 0x996601EE; if (gSTWIStatus->reqActiveCommand >= 0x10 && gSTWIStatus->reqActiveCommand <= 0x3D) { ((u32 *)gSTWIStatus->txPacket)[1] = 1; } else { ((u32 *)gSTWIStatus->txPacket)[1] = 2; } gSTWIStatus->ackLength = 1; gSTWIStatus->error = ERR_REQ_CMD_ACK_REJECTION; } REG_SIODATA32 = ((u32 *)gSTWIStatus->txPacket)[0]; gSTWIStatus->ackNext = 1; gSTWIStatus->state = 7; // slave send ack } else { REG_SIODATA32 = 0x80000000; } } else if (gSTWIStatus->state == 7) // slave send ack { if (regSIODATA32 == 0x80000000) { if (gSTWIStatus->ackLength < gSTWIStatus->ackNext) { gSTWIStatus->state = 8; // slave done ack } else { REG_SIODATA32 = ((u32 *)gSTWIStatus->txPacket)[gSTWIStatus->ackNext]; gSTWIStatus->ackNext++; } } else { STWI_stop_timer_in_RAM(); STWI_set_timer_in_RAM(100); return; } } if (handshake_wait(1) == 1) return; if (gSTWIStatus->state == 8) // slave done ack { REG_SIOCNT = SIO_INTR_ENABLE | SIO_32BIT_MODE | SIO_57600_BPS; STWI_stop_timer_in_RAM(); if (gSTWIStatus->error == ERR_REQ_CMD_ACK_REJECTION) { STWI_init_slave(); if (gSTWIStatus->callbackS != NULL) { Callback_Dummy_S(0x1EE, gSTWIStatus->callbackS); } } else { REG_SIODATA32 = 0; REG_SIOCNT = 0; REG_SIOCNT = SIO_INTR_ENABLE | SIO_32BIT_MODE | SIO_115200_BPS; gSTWIStatus->msMode = AGB_CLK_MASTER; gSTWIStatus->state = 0; // master send req if (gSTWIStatus->callbackS != NULL) { Callback_Dummy_S((gSTWIStatus->reqLength << 8) | (gSTWIStatus->reqActiveCommand), gSTWIStatus->callbackS); } } } else { REG_IME = 0; if (REG_TM0CNT_H & TIMER_ENABLE) { if ((REG_TM0CNT_H & 0x03) == TIMER_1CLK) { while (REG_TM0CNT_L > 0xFF9B); } else { while (REG_TM0CNT_L > 0xFFFE); } } REG_SIOCNT = SIO_INTR_ENABLE | SIO_32BIT_MODE | SIO_57600_BPS; REG_SIOCNT = SIO_INTR_ENABLE | SIO_32BIT_MODE | SIO_57600_BPS | SIO_ENABLE; REG_IME = 1; } } static u16 handshake_wait(u16 slot) { do { if ((gSTWIStatus->timerActive & 0xFF) == 1) { gSTWIStatus->timerActive = 0; return 1; } } while ((REG_SIOCNT & SIO_MULTI_SI) != (slot << SIO_MULTI_SI_SHIFT)); return 0; } static void STWI_set_timer_in_RAM(u8 count) { vu16 *regTMCNTL = ®_TMCNT_L(gSTWIStatus->timerSelect); vu16 *regTMCNTH = ®_TMCNT_H(gSTWIStatus->timerSelect); REG_IME = 0; switch (count) { case 50: *regTMCNTL = 0xFCCB; gSTWIStatus->timerState = 1; break; case 80: *regTMCNTL = 0xFAE0; gSTWIStatus->timerState = 2; break; case 100: *regTMCNTL = 0xF996; gSTWIStatus->timerState = 3; break; case 130: *regTMCNTL = 0xF7AD; gSTWIStatus->timerState = 4; break; } *regTMCNTH = TIMER_ENABLE | TIMER_64CLK | TIMER_256CLK | TIMER_INTR_ENABLE; REG_IF = INTR_FLAG_TIMER0 << gSTWIStatus->timerSelect; REG_IME = 1; } static void STWI_stop_timer_in_RAM(void) { gSTWIStatus->timerState = 0; REG_TMCNT_L(gSTWIStatus->timerSelect) = 0; REG_TMCNT_H(gSTWIStatus->timerSelect) = 0; } static void STWI_init_slave(void) { gSTWIStatus->state = 5; // slave receive req init gSTWIStatus->msMode = AGB_CLK_SLAVE; gSTWIStatus->reqLength = 0; gSTWIStatus->reqNext = 0; gSTWIStatus->reqActiveCommand = 0; gSTWIStatus->ackLength = 0; gSTWIStatus->ackNext = 0; gSTWIStatus->ackActiveCommand = 0; gSTWIStatus->timerState = 0; gSTWIStatus->timerActive = 0; gSTWIStatus->error = 0; gSTWIStatus->recoveryCount = 0; REG_SIOCNT = SIO_INTR_ENABLE | SIO_32BIT_MODE | SIO_57600_BPS | SIO_ENABLE; } NAKED static void Callback_Dummy_M(int reqCommandId, int error, void (*callbackM)()) { asm("bx r2"); } NAKED static void Callback_Dummy_S(u16 reqCommandId, void (*callbackS)(u16)) { asm("bx r1"); } NAKED static void Callback_Dummy_ID(void (*callbackId)(void)) { asm("bx r0"); }