.set LOCALID_STEVEN, 1 MeteorFalls_StevensCave_MapScripts:: @ 823B181 .byte 0 MeteorFalls_StevensCave_EventScript_Steven:: @ 823B182 lock goto_if_set FLAG_DEFEATED_METEOR_FALLS_STEVEN, MeteorFalls_StevensCave_EventScript_Defeated waitse playse SE_PIN applymovement LOCALID_STEVEN, Common_Movement_ExclamationMark waitmovement 0 applymovement LOCALID_STEVEN, Common_Movement_Delay48 waitmovement 0 applymovement LOCALID_STEVEN, Common_Movement_FacePlayer waitmovement 0 msgbox MeteorFalls_StevensCave_Text_ShouldKnowHowGoodIAmExpectWorst, MSGBOX_DEFAULT trainerbattle_no_intro TRAINER_STEVEN, MeteorFalls_StevensCave_Text_StevenDefeat msgbox MeteorFalls_StevensCave_Text_MyPredictionCameTrue, MSGBOX_DEFAULT setflag FLAG_DEFEATED_METEOR_FALLS_STEVEN release end MeteorFalls_StevensCave_EventScript_Defeated:: @ 823B1CD applymovement LOCALID_STEVEN, Common_Movement_FacePlayer waitmovement 0 msgbox MeteorFalls_StevensCave_Text_MyPredictionCameTrue, MSGBOX_DEFAULT release end MeteorFalls_StevensCave_Text_ShouldKnowHowGoodIAmExpectWorst: @ 823B1E1 .string "STEVEN: Oh, wow, {PLAYER}{KUN}.\n" .string "I'm amazed you knew where to find me.\p" .string "Do you, uh…maybe think of me as\n" .string "just a rock maniac?\p" .string "No, that can't be right.\p" .string "We battled alongside each other at\n" .string "the SOOTOPOLIS SPACE CENTER.\p" .string "You should have a very good idea\n" .string "about how good I am.\p" .string "Okay, {PLAYER}{KUN}, if you're going to mount\n" .string "a serious challenge, expect the worst!$" MeteorFalls_StevensCave_Text_StevenDefeat: @ 823B32D .string "You…\n" .string "I had no idea you'd become so strong…$" MeteorFalls_StevensCave_Text_MyPredictionCameTrue: @ 823B358 .string "STEVEN: Come to think of it, ever since\n" .string "our paths first crossed in GRANITE\l" .string "CAVE in DEWFORD, I had this feeling.\p" .string "I thought that you would eventually\n" .string "become the CHAMPION.\p" .string "My predictions usually come true.\p" .string "And where will you go from here?\p" .string "… … … … … …\n" .string "… … … … … …\p" .string "Fufufu, even I couldn't tell you that.$"