2023-11-11 20:08:20 +01:00

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// States for bobbing up and down while surfing
enum {
// No bobbing
// Both the surf blob/mon should bob up and down
// Only the surf blob/mon should bob up and down
// For when the player has jumped/flown off
u8 CreateWarpArrowSprite(void);
u8 StartUnderwaterSurfBlobBobbing(u8 oldSpriteId);
void SetSurfBlob_BobState(u8 spriteId, u8 state);
void SetSurfBlob_DontSyncAnim(u8 spriteId, bool8 dontSync);
void SetSurfBlob_PlayerOffset(u8 spriteId, bool8 hasOffset, s16 offset);
bool8 UpdateRevealDisguise(struct ObjectEvent *);
void StartRevealDisguise(struct ObjectEvent *);
void StartAshFieldEffect(s16, s16, u16, s16);
void SetUpReflection(struct ObjectEvent *, struct Sprite *, u8);
u32 StartFieldEffectForObjectEvent(u8, struct ObjectEvent *);
u8 FindTallGrassFieldEffectSpriteId(u8 localId, u8 mapNum, u8 mapGroup, s16 x, s16 y);
void UpdateRayquazaSpotlightEffect(struct Sprite *);
void UpdateShadowFieldEffect(struct Sprite *);
void UpdateTallGrassFieldEffect(struct Sprite *);
void WaitFieldEffectSpriteAnim(struct Sprite *);
void UpdateAshFieldEffect(struct Sprite *);
void UpdateSurfBlobFieldEffect(struct Sprite *);
void UpdateJumpImpactEffect(struct Sprite *);
void UpdateFootprintsTireTracksFieldEffect(struct Sprite *);
void UpdateSplashFieldEffect(struct Sprite *);
void UpdateLongGrassFieldEffect(struct Sprite *);
void UpdateSandPileFieldEffect(struct Sprite *);
void UpdateDisguiseFieldEffect(struct Sprite *);
void UpdateShortGrassFieldEffect(struct Sprite *);
void UpdateHotSpringsWaterFieldEffect(struct Sprite *);
void UpdateBubblesFieldEffect(struct Sprite *);
void UpdateSparkleFieldEffect(struct Sprite *);
void SetSpriteInvisible(u8 spriteId);
void ShowWarpArrowSprite(u8 spriteId, u8 direction, s16 x, s16 y);
void SetUpShadow(struct ObjectEvent *objEvent, struct Sprite *sprite);