LOuroboros 554210c5e3 Removed trailing spaces in the most relevant files
Command used for the job:
egrep -rl ' $' --include *.c --include *.h --include  *.s --include  *.inc --include  *.txt *  | xargs sed -i 's/\s\+$//g'

Credits to Grant Murphy from Stack Overflow.
2021-08-24 19:59:32 -03:00

89 lines
1.7 KiB

.include "MPlayDef.s"
.equ se_m_spit_up_grp, voicegroup128
.equ se_m_spit_up_pri, 4
.equ se_m_spit_up_rev, reverb_set+50
.equ se_m_spit_up_mvl, 127
.equ se_m_spit_up_key, 0
.equ se_m_spit_up_tbs, 1
.equ se_m_spit_up_exg, 0
.equ se_m_spit_up_cmp, 1
.section .rodata
.global se_m_spit_up
.align 2
@********************** Track 1 **********************@
.byte KEYSH , se_m_spit_up_key+0
.byte TEMPO , 150*se_m_spit_up_tbs/2
.byte VOICE , 65
.byte BENDR , 12
.byte VOL , 110*se_m_spit_up_mvl/mxv
.byte PAN , c_v+0
.byte BEND , c_v+0
.byte N03 , Gn3 , v112
.byte W01
.byte PAN , c_v-7
.byte BEND , c_v-17
.byte W01
.byte PAN , c_v+8
.byte BEND , c_v-36
.byte W01
.byte W01
.byte PAN , c_v+0
.byte BEND , c_v+0
.byte N03 , Gn4
.byte W02
.byte PAN , c_v-7
.byte BEND , c_v+15
.byte W01
.byte PAN , c_v+8
.byte BEND , c_v+28
.byte W02
.byte PAN , c_v+0
.byte BEND , c_v+0
.byte N03 , Gn4 , v064
.byte W01
.byte PAN , c_v-7
.byte BEND , c_v+15
.byte W02
.byte PAN , c_v+8
.byte BEND , c_v+28
.byte W03
.byte FINE
@********************** Track 2 **********************@
.byte KEYSH , se_m_spit_up_key+0
.byte VOICE , 57
.byte VOL , 110*se_m_spit_up_mvl/mxv
.byte N03 , En3 , v052
.byte W03
.byte W01
.byte N03
.byte W02
.byte W03
.byte En3 , v032
.byte W03
.byte W03
.byte FINE
.align 2
.byte 2 @ NumTrks
.byte 0 @ NumBlks
.byte se_m_spit_up_pri @ Priority
.byte se_m_spit_up_rev @ Reverb.
.word se_m_spit_up_grp
.word se_m_spit_up_1
.word se_m_spit_up_2