mirror of
synced 2025-03-06 15:38:11 +01:00
5409 lines
118 KiB
5409 lines
118 KiB
.include "asm/macros.inc"
.include "constants/constants.inc"
.section .rodata
gExpandedPlaceholder_Empty:: @ 85E8218
.string "$"
gExpandedPlaceholder_Kun:: @ 85E8219
.string "$"
gExpandedPlaceholder_Chan:: @ 85E821A
.string "$"
gExpandedPlaceholder_Sapphire:: @ 85E821B
.string "SAPPHIRE$"
gExpandedPlaceholder_Ruby:: @ 85E8224
.string "RUBY$"
gExpandedPlaceholder_Emerald:: @ 85E8229
.string "EMERALD$"
gExpandedPlaceholder_Aqua:: @ 85E8231
.string "AQUA$"
gExpandedPlaceholder_Magma:: @ 85E8236
.string "MAGMA$"
gExpandedPlaceholder_Archie:: @ 85E823C
.string "ARCHIE$"
gExpandedPlaceholder_Maxie:: @ 85E8243
.string "MAXIE$"
gExpandedPlaceholder_Kyogre:: @ 85E8249
.string "KYOGRE$"
gExpandedPlaceholder_Groudon:: @ 85E8250
.string "GROUDON$"
gExpandedPlaceholder_Brendan:: @ 85E8258
.string "BRENDAN$"
gExpandedPlaceholder_May:: @ 85E8260
.string "MAY$"
gText_EggNickname:: @ 85E8264
.string "EGG$"
gText_Pokemon:: @ 85E8268
.string "POKéMON$"
gUnknown_085E8270:: @ 85E8270
.string "PROF. BIRCH$"
gText_MainMenuNewGame:: @ 85E827C
.string "NEW GAME$"
gText_MainMenuContinue:: @ 85E8285
.string "CONTINUE$"
gText_MainMenuOption:: @ 85E828E
.string "OPTION$"
gText_MainMenuMysteryGift:: @ 85E8295
.string "MYSTERY GIFT$"
gText_MainMenuMysteryGift2:: @ 85E82A2
.string "MYSTERY GIFT$"
gText_MainMenuMysteryEvents:: @ 85E82AF
gText_WirelessNotConnected:: @ 85E82BE
.string "The Wireless Adapter is not\nconnected.$"
gText_MysteryGiftCantUse:: @ 85E82E5
.string "MYSTERY GIFT can’t be used while\nthe Wireless Adapter is attached.$"
gText_MysteryEventsCantUse:: @ 85E8328
.string "MYSTERY EVENTS can’t be used while\nthe Wireless Adapter is attached.$"
gUnknown_085E836D:: @ 85E836D
.string "Updating save file using external\ndata. Please wait.$"
gUnknown_085E83A2:: @ 85E83A2
.string "The save file has been updated.$"
gText_SaveFileCorrupted:: @ 85E83C2
.string "The save file is corrupted. The\nprevious save file will be loaded.$"
gText_SaveFileErased:: @ 85E8405
.string "The save file has been erased\ndue to corruption or damage.$"
gJPText_No1MSubCircuit:: @ 85E8440
.string "1Mサブきばんが ささっていません!$" @ "1Msabukibanga sasatteimasen!" ("The 1M sub-circuit board is not installed!" in Japanese)
gText_BatteryRunDry:: @ 85E8453
.string "The internal battery has run dry.\nThe game can be played.\pHowever, clock-based events will\nno longer occur.$"
gUnknown_085E84BF:: @ 85E84BF
.string "PLAYER$"
gUnknown_085E84C6:: @ 85E84C6
.string "POKéDEX$"
gText_MainMenuTime:: @ 85E84CE
.string "TIME$"
gUnknown_085E84D3:: @ 85E84D3
.string "BADGES$"
gUnknown_085E84DA:: @ 85E84DA
.string "A Button$"
gUnknown_085E84E3:: @ 85E84E3
.string "B Button$"
gUnknown_085E84EC:: @ 85E84EC
.string "R Button$"
gUnknown_085E84F5:: @ 85E84F5
.string "L Button$"
gUnknown_085E84FE:: @ 85E84FE
.string "START$"
gUnknown_085E8504:: @ 85E8504
.string "SELECT$"
gUnknown_085E850B:: @ 85E850B
.string "+ Control Pad$"
gUnknown_085E8519:: @ 85E8519
.string "L Button R Button$"
gUnknown_085E852C:: @ 85E852C
.string "CONTROLS$"
.align 2
gUnknown_085E8538:: @ 85E8538
.string "{UNK_CTRL_F80A}PICK {UNK_CTRL_F800}OK$"
.align 2
gUnknown_085E8544:: @ 85E8544
.string "{UNK_CTRL_F800}NEXT$"
.align 2
gUnknown_085E854C:: @ 85E854C
.string "{UNK_CTRL_F800}NEXT {UNK_CTRL_F801}BACK$"
.align 2
gText_PickNextCancel:: @ 85E855C
.align 2
gText_PickCancel:: @ 85E8574
.align 2
gText_UnkCtrlF800Exit:: @ 85E8588
.string "{UNK_CTRL_F800}EXIT$"
gText_BirchBoy:: @ 85E858F
.string "BOY$"
gText_BirchGirl:: @ 85E8593
.string "GIRL$"
gText_DefaultNameStu:: @ 85E8598
.string "STU$"
gText_DefaultNameMilton:: @ 85E859C
.string "MILTON$"
gText_DefaultNameTom:: @ 85E85A3
.string "TOM$"
gText_DefaultNameKenny:: @ 85E85A7
.string "KENNY$"
gText_DefaultNameReid:: @ 85E85AD
.string "REID$"
gText_DefaultNameJude:: @ 85E85B2
.string "JUDE$"
gText_DefaultNameJaxson:: @ 85E85B7
.string "JAXSON$"
gText_DefaultNameEaston:: @ 85E85BE
.string "EASTON$"
gText_DefaultNameWalker:: @ 85E85C5
.string "WALKER$"
gText_DefaultNameTeru:: @ 85E85CC
.string "TERU$"
gText_DefaultNameJohnny:: @ 85E85D1
.string "JOHNNY$"
gText_DefaultNameBrett:: @ 85E85D8
.string "BRETT$"
gText_DefaultNameSeth:: @ 85E85DE
.string "SETH$"
gText_DefaultNameTerry:: @ 85E85E3
.string "TERRY$"
gText_DefaultNameCasey:: @ 85E85E9
.string "CASEY$"
gText_DefaultNameDarren:: @ 85E85EF
.string "DARREN$"
gText_DefaultNameLandon:: @ 85E85F6
.string "LANDON$"
gText_DefaultNameCollin:: @ 85E85FD
.string "COLLIN$"
gText_DefaultNameStanley:: @ 85E8604
.string "STANLEY$"
gText_DefaultNameQuincy:: @ 85E860C
.string "QUINCY$"
gText_DefaultNameKimmy:: @ 85E8613
.string "KIMMY$"
gText_DefaultNameTiara:: @ 85E8619
.string "TIARA$"
gText_DefaultNameBella:: @ 85E861F
.string "BELLA$"
gText_DefaultNameJayla:: @ 85E8625
.string "JAYLA$"
gText_DefaultNameAllie:: @ 85E862B
.string "ALLIE$"
gText_DefaultNameLianna:: @ 85E8631
.string "LIANNA$"
gText_DefaultNameSara:: @ 85E8638
.string "SARA$"
gText_DefaultNameMonica:: @ 85E863D
.string "MONICA$"
gText_DefaultNameCamila:: @ 85E8644
.string "CAMILA$"
gText_DefaultNameAubree:: @ 85E864B
.string "AUBREE$"
gText_DefaultNameRuthie:: @ 85E8652
.string "RUTHIE$"
gText_DefaultNameHazel:: @ 85E8659
.string "HAZEL$"
gText_DefaultNameNadine:: @ 85E865F
.string "NADINE$"
gText_DefaultNameTanja:: @ 85E8666
.string "TANJA$"
gText_DefaultNameYasmin:: @ 85E866C
.string "YASMIN$"
gText_DefaultNameNicola:: @ 85E8673
.string "NICOLA$"
gText_DefaultNameLillie:: @ 85E867A
.string "LILLIE$"
gText_DefaultNameTerra:: @ 85E8681
.string "TERRA$"
gText_DefaultNameLucy:: @ 85E8687
.string "LUCY$"
gText_DefaultNameHalie:: @ 85E868C
.string "HALIE$"
gText_ThisIsAPokemon:: @ 85E8692
.string "This is what we call a “POKéMON.”{PAUSE 96}\p$"
gText_5MarksPokemon:: @ 85E86B8
.string "????? POKéMON$"
gText_UnkHeight:: @ 85E86C6
.string "{CLEAR_TO 0x0C}??’??”$"
gText_UnkWeight:: @ 85E86D0
.string "????.? lbs.$"
gUnknown_085E86DC:: @ 85E86DC
.string " POKéMON$"
gUnknown_085E86FB:: @ 85E86FB
.string "{CLEAR_TO 0x0C} ’ ”$"
gUnknown_085E8709:: @ 85E8709
.string " . lbs.$"
gUnknown_085E871A:: @ 85E871A
.string "$"
gText_CryOf:: @ 85E871B
.string "CRY OF$"
gUnknown_085E8722:: @ 85E8722
.string "$"
gText_SizeComparedTo:: @ 85E8723
.string "SIZE COMPARED TO $"
gText_PokedexRegistration:: @ 85E8735
.string "POKéDEX registration completed.$"
gText_HTHeight:: @ 85E8755
.string "HT$"
gText_WTWeight:: @ 85E8758
.string "WT$"
gText_SearchingPleaseWait:: @ 85E875B
.string "Searching…\nPlease wait.$"
gText_SearchCompleted:: @ 85E8773
.string "Search completed.$"
gUnknown_085E8785:: @ 85E8785
.string "No matching POKéMON were found.$"
gUnknown_085E87A5:: @ 85E87A5
.string "Search for POKéMON based on\nselected parameters.$"
gUnknown_085E87D6:: @ 85E87D6
.string "Switch POKéDEX listings.$"
gUnknown_085E87EF:: @ 85E87EF
.string "Return to the POKéDEX.$"
gUnknown_085E8806:: @ 85E8806
.string "Select the POKéDEX mode.$"
gUnknown_085E881F:: @ 85E881F
.string "Select the POKéDEX listing mode.$"
gUnknown_085E8840:: @ 85E8840
.string "List by the first letter in the name.\nSpotted POKéMON only.$"
gUnknown_085E887C:: @ 85E887C
.string "List by body color.\nSpotted POKéMON only.$"
gUnknown_085E88A6:: @ 85E88A6
.string "List by type.\nOwned POKéMON only.$"
gUnknown_085E88C8:: @ 85E88C8
.string "Execute search/switch.$"
gUnknown_085E88DF:: @ 85E88DF
.string "HOENN DEX$"
gUnknown_085E88E9:: @ 85E88E9
.string "NATIONAL DEX$"
gUnknown_085E88F6:: @ 85E88F6
gUnknown_085E8905:: @ 85E8905
.string "A TO Z MODE$"
gUnknown_085E8911:: @ 85E8911
.string "HEAVIEST MODE$"
gUnknown_085E891F:: @ 85E891F
.string "LIGHTEST MODE$"
gUnknown_085E892D:: @ 85E892D
.string "TALLEST MODE$"
gUnknown_085E893A:: @ 85E893A
.string "SMALLEST MODE$"
gUnknown_085E8948:: @ 85E8948
.string "ABC$"
gUnknown_085E894C:: @ 85E894C
.string "DEF$"
gUnknown_085E8950:: @ 85E8950
.string "GHI$"
gUnknown_085E8954:: @ 85E8954
.string "JKL$"
gUnknown_085E8958:: @ 85E8958
.string "MNO$"
gUnknown_085E895C:: @ 85E895C
.string "PQR$"
gUnknown_085E8960:: @ 85E8960
.string "STU$"
gUnknown_085E8964:: @ 85E8964
.string "VWX$"
gUnknown_085E8968:: @ 85E8968
.string "YZ$"
gUnknown_085E896B:: @ 85E896B
.string "RED$"
gUnknown_085E896F:: @ 85E896F
.string "BLUE$"
gUnknown_085E8974:: @ 85E8974
.string "YELLOW$"
gUnknown_085E897B:: @ 85E897B
.string "GREEN$"
gUnknown_085E8981:: @ 85E8981
.string "BLACK$"
gUnknown_085E8987:: @ 85E8987
.string "BROWN$"
gUnknown_085E898D:: @ 85E898D
.string "PURPLE$"
gUnknown_085E8994:: @ 85E8994
.string "GRAY$"
gUnknown_085E8999:: @ 85E8999
.string "WHITE$"
gUnknown_085E899F:: @ 85E899F
.string "PINK$"
gUnknown_085E89A4:: @ 85E89A4
.string "HOENN region’s POKéDEX$"
gUnknown_085E89BB:: @ 85E89BB
.string "National edition POKéDEX$"
gUnknown_085E89D4:: @ 85E89D4
.string "POKéMON are listed according to their\nnumber.$"
gUnknown_085E8A02:: @ 85E8A02
.string "Spotted and owned POKéMON are listed\nalphabetically.$"
gUnknown_085E8A37:: @ 85E8A37
.string "Owned POKéMON are listed from the\nheaviest to the lightest.$"
gUnknown_085E8A73:: @ 85E8A73
.string "Owned POKéMON are listed from the\nlightest to the heaviest.$"
gUnknown_085E8AAF:: @ 85E8AAF
.string "Owned POKéMON are listed from the\ntallest to the smallest.$"
gUnknown_085E8AEA:: @ 85E8AEA
.string "Owned POKéMON are listed from the\nsmallest to the tallest.$"
gUnknown_085E8B25:: @ 85E8B25
.string "$"
gUnknown_085E8B26:: @ 85E8B26
.string "DON’T SPECIFY.$"
gUnknown_085E8B35:: @ 85E8B35
.string "NONE$"
gText_SelectorArrow:: @ 85E8B3A
.string "▶$"
gUnknown_085E8B3C:: @ 85E8B3C
.string " $"
gText_WelcomeToHOF:: @ 85E8B3E
.string "Welcome to the HALL OF FAME!$"
gUnknown_085E8B5B:: @ 85E8B5B
.string "Spotted POKéMON: {STR_VAR_1}!\nOwned POKéMON: {STR_VAR_2}!\pPROF. BIRCH’s POKéDEX rating!\pPROF. BIRCH: Let’s see…\p$"
gUnknown_085E8BBA:: @ 85E8BBA
gText_HOFCorrupted:: @ 85E8BDC
.string "The HALL OF FAME data is corrupted.$"
gText_HOFNumber:: @ 85E8C00
.string "HALL OF FAME No. {STR_VAR_1}$"
gText_LeagueChamp:: @ 85E8C14
gText_Number:: @ 85E8C36
.string "No. $"
gText_Level:: @ 85E8C3B
.string "Lv. $"
gUnknown_085E8C40:: @ 85E8C40
.string "IDNo. /$"
gText_Name:: @ 85E8C48
.string "NAME$"
gText_IDNumber:: @ 85E8C4D
.string "IDNo.$"
gText_BirchInTrouble:: @ 85E8C53
.string "PROF. BIRCH is in trouble!\nRelease a POKéMON and rescue him!$"
gText_ConfirmStarterChoice:: @ 85E8C90
.string "Do you choose this POKéMON?$"
gUnknown_085E8CAC:: @ 85E8CAC
.string "POKéMON$"
gText_FlyToWhere:: @ 85E8CB4
.string "FLY to where?$"
gMenuText_Use:: @ 85E8CC2
.string "USE$"
gMenuText_Toss:: @ 85E8CC6
.string "TOSS$"
gMenuText_Register:: @ 85E8CCB
.string "REGISTER$"
gMenuText_Give:: @ 85E8CD4
.string "GIVE$"
gMenuText_CheckTag:: @ 85E8CD9
.string "CHECK TAG$"
gMenuText_Confirm:: @ 85E8CE3
.string "CONFIRM$"
gMenuText_Walk:: @ 85E8CEB
.string "WALK$"
gText_Cancel:: @ 85E8CF0
.string "CANCEL$"
gText_Cancel2:: @ 85E8CF7
.string "CANCEL$"
gMenuText_Show:: @ 85E8CFE
.string "SHOW$"
gText_EmptyString2:: @ 85E8D03
.string "$"
gUnknown_085E8D04:: @ 85E8D04
.string "CANCEL$"
gUnknown_085E8D0B:: @ 85E8D0B
.string "ITEM$"
gUnknown_085E8D10:: @ 85E8D10
.string "MAIL$"
gUnknown_085E8D15:: @ 85E8D15
.string "TAKE$"
gUnknown_085E8D1A:: @ 85E8D1A
.string "STORE$"
gMenuText_Check:: @ 85E8D20
.string "CHECK$"
gText_None:: @ 85E8D26
.string "NONE$"
gMenuText_Deselect:: @ 85E8D2B
.string "DESELECT$"
gText_ThreeMarks:: @ 85E8D34
.string "???$"
gText_FiveMarks:: @ 85E8D38
.string "?????$"
gText_Slash:: @ 85E8D3E
.string "/$"
gText_OneDash:: @ 85E8D40
.string "-$"
gText_TwoDashes:: @ 85E8D42
.string "--$"
gText_ThreeDashes:: @ 85E8D45
.string "---$"
gText_MaleSymbol:: @ 85E8D49
.string "♂$"
gText_FemaleSymbol:: @ 85E8D4B
.string "♀$"
gText_LevelSymbol:: @ 85E8D4D
.string "{LV}$"
gText_UnkCtrlF908Clear01:: @ 85E8D4F
.string "{UNK_CTRL_F908}{CLEAR 0x01}$"
gUnknown_085E8D55:: @ 85E8D55
.string "+$"
gUnknown_085E8D57:: @ 85E8D57
.string "{RIGHT_ARROW}$"
gText_UnkCtrlF907F908:: @ 85E8D59
.string "{UNK_CTRL_F907}{UNK_CTRL_F908}$"
gText_Space:: @ 85E8D5E
.string " $"
gText_SelectorArrow2:: @ 85E8D60
.string "▶$"
gText_GoBackPrevMenu:: @ 85E8D62
.string "Go back to the\nprevious menu.$"
gText_WhatWouldYouLike:: @ 85E8D80
.string "What would you like to do?$"
gMenuText_Give2:: @ 85E8D9B
.string "GIVE$"
gText_xVar1:: @ 85E8DA0
.string "×{STR_VAR_1}$"
gUnknown_085E8DA4:: @ 85E8DA4
.string " BERRY$"
gText_Coins:: @ 85E8DAB
.string "{STR_VAR_1} COINS$"
gText_CloseBag:: @ 85E8DB4
.string "CLOSE BAG$"
gText_Var1IsSelected:: @ 85E8DBE
.string "{STR_VAR_1} is\nselected.$"
gText_CantWriteMail:: @ 85E8DCE
.string "You can’t write\nMAIL here.$"
gText_NoPokemon:: @ 85E8DE9
.string "There is no\nPOKéMON.$"
gText_MoveVar1Where:: @ 85E8DFE
.string "Move the\n{STR_VAR_1}\nwhere?$"
gText_Var1CantBeHeld:: @ 85E8E11
.string "The {STR_VAR_1} can’t be held.$"
gText_Var1CantBeHeldHere:: @ 85E8E27
.string "The {STR_VAR_1} can’t be held\nhere.$"
gText_DepositHowManyVar1:: @ 85E8E42
.string "Deposit how many\n{STR_VAR_1}(s)?$"
gText_DepositedVar2Var1s:: @ 85E8E5A
.string "Deposited {STR_VAR_2}\n{STR_VAR_1}(s).$"
gText_NoRoomForItems:: @ 85E8E6E
.string "There’s no room to\nstore items.$"
gText_CantStoreImportantItems:: @ 85E8E8E
.string "Important items\ncan’t be stored in\nthe PC!$"
gText_TooImportantToToss:: @ 85E8EB9
.string "That’s much too\nimportant to toss\nout!$"
gText_TossHowManyVar1s:: @ 85E8EE0
.string "Toss out how many\n{STR_VAR_1}(s)?$"
gText_ThrewAwayVar2Var1s:: @ 85E8EF9
.string "Threw away {STR_VAR_2}\n{STR_VAR_1}(s).$"
gText_ConfirmTossItems:: @ 85E8F0E
.string "Is it okay to\nthrow away {STR_VAR_2}\n{STR_VAR_1}(s)?$"
gText_DadsAdvice:: @ 85E8F31
.string "DAD’s advice…\n{PLAYER}, there’s a time and place for\leverything!{PAUSE_UNTIL_PRESS}$"
gText_CantDismountBike:: @ 85E8F6E
.string "You can’t dismount your BIKE here.{PAUSE_UNTIL_PRESS}$"
gText_ItemFinderNearby:: @ 85E8F93
.string "Huh?\nThe ITEMFINDER’s responding!\pThere’s an item buried around here!{PAUSE_UNTIL_PRESS}$"
gText_ItemFinderOnTop:: @ 85E8FDB
.string "Oh!\nThe ITEMFINDER’s shaking wildly!{PAUSE_UNTIL_PRESS}$"
gText_ItemFinderNothing:: @ 85E9002
.string "… … … …Nope!\nThere’s no response.{PAUSE_UNTIL_PRESS}$"
gText_CoinCase:: @ 85E9026
.string "Your COINS:\n{STR_VAR_1}{PAUSE_UNTIL_PRESS}$"
gText_BootedUpTM:: @ 85E9037
.string "Booted up a TM.$"
gText_BootedUpHM:: @ 85E9047
.string "Booted up an HM.$"
gText_TMHMContainedVar1:: @ 85E9058
.string "It contained\n{STR_VAR_1}.\pTeach {STR_VAR_1}\nto a POKéMON?$"
gText_PlayerUsedVar2:: @ 85E9080
.string "{PLAYER} used the\n{STR_VAR_2}.{PAUSE_UNTIL_PRESS}$"
gText_RepelEffectsLingered:: @ 85E9092
.string "But the effects of a REPEL\nlingered from earlier.{PAUSE_UNTIL_PRESS}$"
gText_UsedVar2WildLured:: @ 85E90C6
.string "{PLAYER} used the\n{STR_VAR_2}.\pWild POKéMON will be lured.{PAUSE_UNTIL_PRESS}$"
gText_UsedVar2WildRepelled:: @ 85E90F4
.string "{PLAYER} used the\n{STR_VAR_2}.\pWild POKéMON will be repelled.{PAUSE_UNTIL_PRESS}$"
gText_BoxFull:: @ 85E9125
.string "The BOX is full.{PAUSE_UNTIL_PRESS}$"
gText_PowderQty:: @ 85E9138
gText_TheField:: @ 85E9149
.string "the field$"
gText_TheBattle:: @ 85E9153
.string "the battle$"
gText_ThePokemonList:: @ 85E915E
.string "the POKéMON LIST$"
gText_TheShop:: @ 85E916F
.string "the shop$"
gText_ThePC:: @ 85E9178
.string "the PC$"
.align 2
gReturnToXStringsTable:: @ 85E9180
.4byte gText_TheField
.4byte gText_TheBattle
.4byte gText_ThePokemonList
.4byte gText_TheShop
.4byte gText_TheField
.4byte gText_TheField
.4byte gText_ThePC
.4byte gText_TheField
.4byte gText_TheField
.4byte gText_TheField
.4byte gText_TheBattle
.4byte gText_ThePC
.align 2
gReturnToXStringsTable2:: @ 85E91B0
.4byte gText_TheField
.4byte gText_TheBattle
.4byte gText_ThePokemonList
.4byte gText_TheField
.align 2
gText_ReturnToVar1:: @ 85E91C0
.string "Return to\n{STR_VAR_1}.$"
gText_ItemsPocket:: @ 85E91CE
.string "ITEMS$"
gText_PokeBallsPocket:: @ 85E91D4
.string "POKé BALLS$"
gText_TMHMPocket:: @ 85E91DF
.string "TMs & HMs$"
gText_BerriesPocket:: @ 85E91E9
.string "BERRIES$"
gText_KeyItemsPocket:: @ 85E91F1
.string "KEY ITEMS$"
.align 2
gPocketNamesStringsTable:: @ 85E91FC
.4byte gText_ItemsPocket
.4byte gText_PokeBallsPocket
.4byte gText_TMHMPocket
.4byte gText_BerriesPocket
.4byte gText_KeyItemsPocket
.align 2
gText_UnkF908Var1Clear7Var2:: @ 85E9210
.string "{UNK_CTRL_F908}{STR_VAR_1}{CLEAR 0x07}{STR_VAR_2}$"
gText_ClearTo11Var1Clear5Var2:: @ 85E921A
.string "{CLEAR_TO 0x11}{STR_VAR_1}{CLEAR 0x05}{STR_VAR_2}$"
gText_SizeSlash:: @ 85E9225
.string "SIZE /$"
gText_FirmSlash:: @ 85E922C
.string "FIRM /$"
gText_Var1DotVar2:: @ 85E9233
.string "{STR_VAR_1}.{STR_VAR_2}”$"
.include "data/text/berry_firmness_strings.inc"
gText_UnkF908Var1Var2:: @ 85E9263
.string "{UNK_CTRL_F908}{STR_VAR_1} {STR_VAR_2}$"
gText_BerryTag:: @ 85E926B
.string "BERRY TAG$"
gText_RedPokeblock:: @ 85E9275
.string "RED {POKEBLOCK}$"
gText_BluePokeblock:: @ 85E927F
.string "BLUE {POKEBLOCK}$"
gText_PinkPokeblock:: @ 85E928A
.string "PINK {POKEBLOCK}$"
gText_GreenPokeblock:: @ 85E9295
.string "GREEN {POKEBLOCK}$"
gText_YellowPokeblock:: @ 85E92A1
gText_PurplePokeblock:: @ 85E92AE
gText_IndigoPokeblock:: @ 85E92BB
gText_BrownPokeblock:: @ 85E92C8
.string "BROWN {POKEBLOCK}$"
gText_LiteBluePokeblock:: @ 85E92D4
gText_OlivePokeblock:: @ 85E92E3
.string "OLIVE {POKEBLOCK}$"
gText_GrayPokeblock:: @ 85E92EF
.string "GRAY {POKEBLOCK}$"
gText_BlackPokeblock:: @ 85E92FA
.string "BLACK {POKEBLOCK}$"
gText_WhitePokeblock:: @ 85E9306
.string "WHITE {POKEBLOCK}$"
gText_GoldPokeblock:: @ 85E9312
.string "GOLD {POKEBLOCK}$"
gText_Spicy:: @ 85E931D
.string "SPICY$"
gText_Dry:: @ 85E9323
.string "DRY$"
gText_Sweet:: @ 85E9327
.string "SWEET$"
gText_Bitter:: @ 85E932D
.string "BITTER$"
gText_Sour:: @ 85E9334
.string "SOUR$"
gUnknown_085E9339:: @ 85E9339
.string "TASTY$"
gUnknown_085E933F:: @ 85E933F
.string "FEEL$"
gText_StowCase:: @ 85E9344
.string "Stow CASE.$"
gText_LvVar1:: @ 85E934F
.string "{LV}{STR_VAR_1}$"
gText_ThrowAwayVar1:: @ 85E9353
.string "Throw away this\n{STR_VAR_1}?$"
gText_Var1ThrownAway:: @ 85E9367
.string "The {STR_VAR_1}\nwas thrown away.$"
gText_Var1AteTheVar2:: @ 85E937F
.string "{STR_VAR_1} ate the\n{STR_VAR_2}.{PAUSE_UNTIL_PRESS}$"
gText_Var1HappilyAteVar2:: @ 85E9390
.string "{STR_VAR_1} happily ate the\n{STR_VAR_2}.{PAUSE_UNTIL_PRESS}$"
gText_Var1DisdainfullyAteVar2:: @ 85E93A9
.string "{STR_VAR_1} disdainfully ate the\n{STR_VAR_2}.{PAUSE_UNTIL_PRESS}$"
gUnknown_085E93C7:: @ 85E93C7
.string "BUY$"
gUnknown_085E93CB:: @ 85E93CB
.string "SELL$"
gUnknown_085E93D0:: @ 85E93D0
.string "QUIT$"
gText_InBagVar1:: @ 85E93D5
.string "IN BAG: {STR_VAR_1}$"
gText_QuitShopping:: @ 85E93E0
.string "Quit shopping.$"
gText_Var1CertainlyHowMany:: @ 85E93EF
.string "{STR_VAR_1}? Certainly.\nHow many would you like?$"
gText_Var1CertainlyHowMany2:: @ 85E9417
.string "{STR_VAR_1}? Certainly.\nHow many would you like?$"
gText_Var1AndYouWantedVar2:: @ 85E943F
.string "{STR_VAR_1}? And you wanted {STR_VAR_2}?\nThat will be ¥{STR_VAR_3}.$"
gText_Var1IsItThatllBeVar2:: @ 85E9468
.string "{STR_VAR_1}, is it?\nThat’ll be ¥{STR_VAR_2}. Do you want it?$"
gText_YouWantedVar1ThatllBeVar2:: @ 85E9493
.string "You wanted {STR_VAR_1}?\nThat’ll be ¥{STR_VAR_2}. Will that be okay?$"
gText_HereYouGoThankYou:: @ 85E94C5
.string "Here you go!\nThank you very much.$"
gText_ThankYouIllSendItHome:: @ 85E94E7
.string "Thank you!\nI’ll send it to your home PC.$"
gText_ThanksIllSendItHome:: @ 85E9510
.string "Thanks!\nI’ll send it to your PC at home.$"
gText_YouDontHaveMoney:: @ 85E9539
.string "You don’t have enough money.{PAUSE_UNTIL_PRESS}$"
gText_NoMoreRoomForThis:: @ 85E9558
.string "You have no more room for this\nitem.{PAUSE_UNTIL_PRESS}$"
gText_SpaceForVar1Full:: @ 85E957F
.string "The space for {STR_VAR_1} is full.{PAUSE_UNTIL_PRESS}$"
gText_AnythingElseICanHelp:: @ 85E959B
.string "Is there anything else I can help\nyou with?$"
gText_CanIHelpWithAnythingElse:: @ 85E95C7
.string "Can I help you with anything else?$"
gText_ThrowInPremierBall:: @ 85E95EA
.string "I’ll throw in a PREMIER BALL, too.{PAUSE_UNTIL_PRESS}$"
gText_CantBuyKeyItem:: @ 85E960F
.string "{STR_VAR_2}? Oh, no.\nI can’t buy that.{PAUSE_UNTIL_PRESS}$"
gText_HowManyToSell:: @ 85E962F
.string "{STR_VAR_2}?\nHow many would you like to sell?$"
gText_ICanPayVar1:: @ 85E9654
.string "I can pay ¥{STR_VAR_1}.\nWould that be okay?$"
gText_TurnedOverVar1ForVar2:: @ 85E9677
.string "Turned over the {STR_VAR_2}\nand received ¥{STR_VAR_1}.$"
gText_PokedollarVar1:: @ 85E969C
.string "¥{STR_VAR_1}$"
gUnknown_085E96A0:: @ 85E96A0
.string "SHIFT$"
gUnknown_085E96A6:: @ 85E96A6
.string "SEND OUT$"
gUnknown_085E96AF:: @ 85E96AF
.string "SWITCH$"
gUnknown_085E96B6:: @ 85E96B6
.string "SUMMARY$"
gUnknown_085E96BE:: @ 85E96BE
.string "MOVES$"
gUnknown_085E96C4:: @ 85E96C4
.string "ENTER$"
gUnknown_085E96CA:: @ 85E96CA
.string "NO ENTRY$"
gUnknown_085E96D3:: @ 85E96D3
.string "TAKE$"
gUnknown_085E96D8:: @ 85E96D8
.string "READ$"
gUnknown_085E96DD:: @ 85E96DD
.string "TRADE$"
gText_HP3:: @ 85E96E3
.string "HP$"
gText_SpAtk3:: @ 85E96E6
.string "SP. ATK$"
gText_SpDef3:: @ 85E96EE
.string "SP. DEF$"
gText_WontHaveEffect:: @ 85E96F6
.string "It won’t have any effect.{PAUSE_UNTIL_PRESS}$"
gText_CantBeUsedOnPkmn:: @ 85E9712
.string "This can’t be used on\nthat POKéMON.{PAUSE_UNTIL_PRESS}$"
gText_PkmnCantSwitchOut:: @ 85E9738
.string "{STR_VAR_1} can’t be switched\nout!{PAUSE_UNTIL_PRESS}$"
gText_PkmnAlreadyInBattle:: @ 85E9754
.string "{STR_VAR_1} is already\nin battle!{PAUSE_UNTIL_PRESS}$"
gText_PkmnAlreadySelected:: @ 85E976F
.string "{STR_VAR_1} has already been\nselected.{PAUSE_UNTIL_PRESS}$"
gText_PkmnHasNoEnergy:: @ 85E978F
.string "{STR_VAR_1} has no energy\nleft to battle!{PAUSE_UNTIL_PRESS}$"
gText_CantSwitchWithAlly:: @ 85E97B2
.string "You can’t switch {STR_VAR_1}’s\nPOKéMON with one of yours!{PAUSE_UNTIL_PRESS}$"
gText_EggCantBattle:: @ 85E97E5
.string "An EGG can’t battle!{PAUSE_UNTIL_PRESS}$"
gText_CantUseUntilNewBadge:: @ 85E97FC
.string "This can’t be used until a new\nBADGE is obtained.{PAUSE_UNTIL_PRESS}$"
gText_NoMoreThanVar1Pkmn:: @ 85E9830
.string "No more than {STR_VAR_1} POKéMON\nmay enter.{PAUSE_UNTIL_PRESS}$"
gText_SendMailToPC:: @ 85E9855
.string "Send the removed MAIL to\nyour PC?$"
gText_MailSentToPC:: @ 85E9877
.string "The MAIL was sent to your PC.{PAUSE_UNTIL_PRESS}$"
gText_PCMailboxFull:: @ 85E9897
.string "Your PC’s MAILBOX is full.{PAUSE_UNTIL_PRESS}$"
gText_MailMessageWillBeLost:: @ 85E98B4
.string "If the MAIL is removed, the\nmessage will be lost. Okay?$"
gText_RemoveMailBeforeItem:: @ 85E98EC
.string "MAIL must be removed before\nholding an item.{PAUSE_UNTIL_PRESS}$"
gText_PkmnWasGivenItem:: @ 85E991B
.string "{STR_VAR_1} was given the\n{STR_VAR_2} to hold.{PAUSE_UNTIL_PRESS}$"
gText_SwitchPkmnItem:: @ 85E993A
.string "{STR_VAR_1} is already holding\none {STR_VAR_2}.\pWould you like to switch the\ntwo items?$"
gText_PkmnNotHolding:: @ 85E9980
.string "{STR_VAR_1} isn’t holding\nanything.{PAUSE_UNTIL_PRESS}$"
gText_RecievedItemFromPkmn:: @ 85E999D
.string "Received the {STR_VAR_2}\nfrom {STR_VAR_1}.{PAUSE_UNTIL_PRESS}$"
gText_MailTakenFromPkmn:: @ 85E99B8
.string "MAIL was taken from the\nPOKéMON.{PAUSE_UNTIL_PRESS}$"
gText_SwitchedPkmnItem:: @ 85E99DB
.string "The {STR_VAR_2} was taken and\nreplaced with the {STR_VAR_1}.{PAUSE_UNTIL_PRESS}$"
gText_PkmnHoldingItemCantHoldMail:: @ 85E9A08
.string "This POKéMON is holding an\nitem. It cannot hold MAIL.{PAUSE_UNTIL_PRESS}$"
gText_MailTransferredFromMailbox:: @ 85E9A40
.string "MAIL was transferred from\nthe MAILBOX.{PAUSE_UNTIL_PRESS}$"
gText_BagFullCouldNotRemoveItem:: @ 85E9A69
.string "The BAG is full. The POKéMON’s\nitem could not be removed.{PAUSE_UNTIL_PRESS}$"
gText_PkmnLearnedMove3:: @ 85E9AA5
.string "{STR_VAR_1} learned\n{STR_VAR_2}!$"
gText_PkmnCantLearnMove:: @ 85E9AB4
.string "{STR_VAR_1} and {STR_VAR_2}\nare not compatible.\p{STR_VAR_2} can’t be\nlearned.{PAUSE_UNTIL_PRESS}$"
gText_PkmnNeedsToReplaceMove:: @ 85E9AE9
.string "{STR_VAR_1} wants to learn the\nmove {STR_VAR_2}.\pHowever, {STR_VAR_1} already\nknows four moves.\pShould a move be deleted and\nreplaced with {STR_VAR_2}?$"
gText_StopLearningMove2:: @ 85E9B5D
.string "Stop trying to teach\n{STR_VAR_2}?$"
gText_MoveNotLearned:: @ 85E9B76
.string "{STR_VAR_1} did not learn the\nmove {STR_VAR_2}.{PAUSE_UNTIL_PRESS}$"
gText_WhichMoveToForget:: @ 85E9B96
.string "Which move should be forgotten?{PAUSE_UNTIL_PRESS}$"
gText_12PoofForgotMove:: @ 85E9BB8
.string "1, {PAUSE 15}2, and{PAUSE 15}… {PAUSE 15}… {PAUSE 15}… {PAUSE 15}{PLAY_SE 0x0038}Poof!\p{STR_VAR_1} forgot how to\nuse {STR_VAR_2}.\pAnd…{PAUSE_UNTIL_PRESS}$"
gText_PkmnAlreadyKnows:: @ 85E9C00
.string "{STR_VAR_1} already knows\n{STR_VAR_2}.{PAUSE_UNTIL_PRESS}$"
gText_PkmnHPRestoredByVar2:: @ 85E9C17
.string "{STR_VAR_1}’s HP was restored\nby {STR_VAR_2} point(s).{PAUSE_UNTIL_PRESS}$"
gText_PkmnCuredOfPoison:: @ 85E9C3E
.string "{STR_VAR_1} was cured of its\npoisoning.{PAUSE_UNTIL_PRESS}$"
gText_PkmnCuredOfParalysis:: @ 85E9C5F
.string "{STR_VAR_1} was cured of\nparalysis.{PAUSE_UNTIL_PRESS}$"
gText_PkmnWokeUp2:: @ 85E9C7C
.string "{STR_VAR_1} woke up.{PAUSE_UNTIL_PRESS}$"
gText_PkmnBurnHealed:: @ 85E9C8A
.string "{STR_VAR_1}’s burn was healed.{PAUSE_UNTIL_PRESS}$"
gText_PkmnThawedOut:: @ 85E9CA2
.string "{STR_VAR_1} was thawed out.{PAUSE_UNTIL_PRESS}$"
gText_PPWasRestored:: @ 85E9CB7
.string "PP was restored.{PAUSE_UNTIL_PRESS}$"
gUnknown_085E9CCA:: @ 85E9CCA
.string "{STR_VAR_1} regained health.{PAUSE_UNTIL_PRESS}$"
gText_PkmnBecameHealthy:: @ 85E9CE0
.string "{STR_VAR_1} became healthy.{PAUSE_UNTIL_PRESS}$"
gText_MovesPPIncreased:: @ 85E9CF5
.string "{STR_VAR_1}’s PP increased.{PAUSE_UNTIL_PRESS}$"
gText_PkmnElevatedToLvVar2:: @ 85E9D0A
.string "{STR_VAR_1} was elevated to\nLv. {STR_VAR_2}.$"
gText_PkmnBaseVar2StatIncreased:: @ 85E9D25
.string "{STR_VAR_1}’s base {STR_VAR_2}\nstat was raised.{PAUSE_UNTIL_PRESS}$"
gText_PkmnFriendlyBaseVar2Fell:: @ 85E9D45
.string "{STR_VAR_1} turned friendly.\nThe base {STR_VAR_2} fell!{PAUSE_UNTIL_PRESS}$"
gText_PkmnAdoresBaseVar2Fell:: @ 85E9D6D
.string "{STR_VAR_1} adores you!\nThe base {STR_VAR_2} fell!{PAUSE_UNTIL_PRESS}$"
gText_PkmnFriendlyBaseVar2CantFall:: @ 85E9D90
.string "{STR_VAR_1} turned friendly.\nThe base {STR_VAR_2} can’t fall!{PAUSE_UNTIL_PRESS}$"
gText_PkmnSnappedOutOfConfusion:: @ 85E9DBE
.string "{STR_VAR_1} snapped out of its\nconfusion.{PAUSE_UNTIL_PRESS}$"
gText_PkmnGotOverInfatuation:: @ 85E9DE1
.string "{STR_VAR_1} got over its\ninfatuation.{PAUSE_UNTIL_PRESS}$"
gText_ThrowAwayItem:: @ 85E9E00
.string "Throw away this\n{STR_VAR_1}?$"
gText_ItemThrownAway:: @ 85E9E14
.string "The {STR_VAR_1}\nwas thrown away.{PAUSE_UNTIL_PRESS}$"
gUnknown_085E9E2E:: @ 85E9E2E
.string "Teach which POKéMON?$"
gUnknown_085E9E43:: @ 85E9E43
.string "Choose a POKéMON.$"
gUnknown_085E9E55:: @ 85E9E55
.string "Move to where?$"
gUnknown_085E9E64:: @ 85E9E64
.string "Teach which POKéMON?$"
gUnknown_085E9E79:: @ 85E9E79
.string "Use on which POKéMON?$"
gUnknown_085E9E8F:: @ 85E9E8F
.string "Give to which POKéMON?$"
gUnknown_085E9EA6:: @ 85E9EA6
.string "Do what with this {PKMN}?$"
gUnknown_085E9EBC:: @ 85E9EBC
.string "There’s nothing to CUT.$"
gUnknown_085E9ED4:: @ 85E9ED4
.string "You can’t SURF here.$"
gUnknown_085E9EE9:: @ 85E9EE9
.string "You’re already SURFING.$"
gUnknown_085E9F01:: @ 85E9F01
.string "Can’t use that here.$"
gUnknown_085E9F16:: @ 85E9F16
.string "Restore which move?$"
gUnknown_085E9F2A:: @ 85E9F2A
.string "Boost PP of which move?$"
gUnknown_085E9F42:: @ 85E9F42
.string "Do what with an item?$"
gUnknown_085E9F58:: @ 85E9F58
.string "No POKéMON for battle!$"
gUnknown_085E9F6F:: @ 85E9F6F
.string "Choose a POKéMON.$"
gUnknown_085E9F81:: @ 85E9F81
.string "Not enough HP…$"
gUnknown_085E9F90:: @ 85E9F90
.string "{STR_VAR_1} POKéMON are needed.$"
gUnknown_085E9FA7:: @ 85E9FA7
.string "POKéMON can’t be the same.$"
gUnknown_085E9FC2:: @ 85E9FC2
.string "No identical hold items.$"
gUnknown_085E9FDB:: @ 85E9FDB
.string "The current is much too fast!$"
gUnknown_085E9FF9:: @ 85E9FF9
.string "Do what with the MAIL?$"
gUnknown_085EA010:: @ 85EA010
.string "Choose POKéMON or CANCEL.$"
gUnknown_085EA02A:: @ 85EA02A
.string "Choose POKéMON and confirm.$"
gUnknown_085EA046:: @ 85EA046
.string "Let’s enjoy cycling!$"
gUnknown_085EA05B:: @ 85EA05B
.string "This is in use already.$"
gUnknown_085EA073:: @ 85EA073
.string "{STR_VAR_1} is already holding\none {STR_VAR_2}.$"
gUnknown_085EA091:: @ 85EA091
.string "No use.$"
gUnknown_085EA099:: @ 85EA099
.string "ABLE$"
gUnknown_085EA09E:: @ 85EA09E
.string "FIRST$"
gUnknown_085EA0A4:: @ 85EA0A4
.string "SECOND$"
gUnknown_085EA0AB:: @ 85EA0AB
.string "THIRD$"
gUnknown_085EA0B1:: @ 85EA0B1
.string "ABLE$"
gUnknown_085EA0B6:: @ 85EA0B6
.string "NOT ABLE$"
gUnknown_085EA0BF:: @ 85EA0BF
.string "ABLE!$"
gUnknown_085EA0C5:: @ 85EA0C5
.string "NOT ABLE!$"
gUnknown_085EA0CF:: @ 85EA0CF
.string "LEARNED$"
gUnknown_085EA0D7:: @ 85EA0D7
.string "HAVE$"
gUnknown_085EA0DC:: @ 85EA0DC
.string "DON’T HAVE$"
gUnknown_085EA0E7:: @ 85EA0E7
.string "FOURTH$"
gText_PkmnCantParticipate:: @ 85EA0EE
.string "That POKéMON can’t participate.{PAUSE_UNTIL_PRESS}$"
gText_CancelParticipation:: @ 85EA110
.string "Cancel participation?$"
gText_CancelBattle:: @ 85EA126
.string "Cancel the battle?$"
gText_ReturnToWaitingRoom:: @ 85EA139
.string "Return to the WAITING ROOM?$"
gText_CancelChallenge:: @ 85EA155
.string "Cancel the challenge?$"
gText_EscapeFromHere:: @ 85EA16B
.string "Want to escape from here and return\nto {STR_VAR_1}?$"
gText_ReturnToHealingSpot:: @ 85EA196
.string "Want to return to the healing spot\nused last in {STR_VAR_1}?$"
gText_PauseUntilPress:: @ 85EA1CA
.string "{PAUSE_UNTIL_PRESS}$"
gJPText_PutVar1IntoSpinner:: @ 85EA1CD
.string "{STR_VAR_1}を ぐるぐるこうかんに\nだして よろしいですか?$" @ "{STR_VAR_1}wo gurugurukoukanni\ndashite yoroshiidesuka?" ("do you want to put {STR_VAR_1} into the spinner?" in Japanese)
.align 2
gText_OnlyPkmnForBattle:: @ 85EA1E8
.string "That’s your only\nPOKéMON for battle.$"
.align 2
gText_PkmnCantBeTradedNow:: @ 85EA210
.string "That POKéMON can’t be traded\nnow.$"
.align 2
gText_EggCantBeTradedNow:: @ 85EA234
.string "An EGG can’t be traded now.$"
.align 2
gUnknown_085EA250:: @ 85EA250
.string "The other TRAINER’s POKéMON\ncan’t be traded now.$"
.align 2
gUnknown_085EA284:: @ 85EA284
.string "The other TRAINER can’t accept\nthat POKéMON now.$"
.align 2
gUnknown_085EA2B8:: @ 85EA2B8
.string "You can’t trade with that\nTRAINER now.$"
.align 2
gUnknown_085EA2E0:: @ 85EA2E0
.string "That isn’t the type of POKéMON\nthat the other TRAINER wants.$"
.align 2
gUnknown_085EA320:: @ 85EA320
.string "That isn’t an EGG.$"
gText_Register:: @ 85EA333
.string "REGISTER$"
gText_Attack3:: @ 85EA33C
.string "ATTACK$"
gText_Defense3:: @ 85EA343
.string "DEFENSE$"
gText_SpAtk4:: @ 85EA34B
.string "SP. ATK$"
gText_SpDef4:: @ 85EA353
.string "SP. DEF$"
gText_Speed2:: @ 85EA35B
.string "SPEED$"
gText_HP4:: @ 85EA361
.string "HP$"
gUnknown_085EA364:: @ 85EA364
.string "$"
gText_OTSlash:: @ 85EA365
.string "OT/$"
gText_RentalPkmn:: @ 85EA369
.string "RENTAL POKéMON$"
gText_TypeSlash:: @ 85EA378
.string "TYPE/$"
gText_Power:: @ 85EA37E
.string "POWER$"
gText_Accuracy2:: @ 85EA384
.string "ACCURACY$"
gText_Appeal:: @ 85EA38D
.string "APPEAL$"
gText_Jam:: @ 85EA394
.string "JAM$"
gText_Status:: @ 85EA398
.string "STATUS$"
gText_ExpPoints:: @ 85EA39F
.string "EXP. POINTS$"
gText_NextLv:: @ 85EA3AB
.string "NEXT LV.$"
gText_RibbonsVar1:: @ 85EA3B4
.string "RIBBONS: {STR_VAR_1}$"
gText_EmptyString5:: @ 85EA3C0
.string "$"
gUnknown_085EA3C1:: @ 85EA3C1
.string "EVENTS$"
gText_Switch:: @ 85EA3C8
.string "SWITCH$"
gText_PkmnInfo:: @ 85EA3CF
.string "POKéMON INFO$"
gText_PkmnSkills:: @ 85EA3DC
.string "POKéMON SKILLS$"
gText_BattleMoves:: @ 85EA3EB
.string "BATTLE MOVES$"
gText_ContestMoves:: @ 85EA3F8
.string "C0NTEST MOVES$"
gText_Info:: @ 85EA406
.string "INFO$"
gText_EggWillTakeALongTime:: @ 85EA40B
.string "It looks like this EGG will\ntake a long time to hatch.$"
gText_EggWillTakeSomeTime:: @ 85EA442
.string "What will hatch from this?\nIt will take some time.$"
gText_EggWillHatchSoon:: @ 85EA475
.string "It moves occasionally.\nIt should hatch soon.$"
gText_EggAboutToHatch:: @ 85EA4A2
.string "It’s making sounds.\nIt’s about to hatch!$"
gText_HMMovesCantBeForgotten2:: @ 85EA4CB
.string "HM moves can’t be\nforgotten now.$"
gText_XNatureMetAtYZ:: @ 85EA4EC
.string "{SPECIAL_F7 0x00}{SPECIAL_F7 0x02}{SPECIAL_F7 0x01}{SPECIAL_F7 0x05} nature,\nmet at {UNK_CTRL_F905}{SPECIAL_F7 0x00}{SPECIAL_F7 0x03}{SPECIAL_F7 0x01},\n{SPECIAL_F7 0x00}{SPECIAL_F7 0x04}{SPECIAL_F7 0x01}.$"
gText_XNatureHatchedAtYZ:: @ 85EA516
.string "{SPECIAL_F7 0x00}{SPECIAL_F7 0x02}{SPECIAL_F7 0x01}{SPECIAL_F7 0x05} nature,\nhatched at {UNK_CTRL_F905}{SPECIAL_F7 0x00}{SPECIAL_F7 0x03}{SPECIAL_F7 0x01},\n{SPECIAL_F7 0x00}{SPECIAL_F7 0x04}{SPECIAL_F7 0x01}.$"
gText_XNatureObtainedInTrade:: @ 85EA544
.string "{SPECIAL_F7 0x00}{SPECIAL_F7 0x02}{SPECIAL_F7 0x01}{SPECIAL_F7 0x05} nature,\nobtained in a trade.$"
gText_XNatureFatefulEncounter:: @ 85EA56A
.string "{SPECIAL_F7 0x00}{SPECIAL_F7 0x02}{SPECIAL_F7 0x01}{SPECIAL_F7 0x05} nature,\nobtained in a fateful\nencounter at {UNK_CTRL_F905}{SPECIAL_F7 0x00}{SPECIAL_F7 0x03}{SPECIAL_F7 0x01}.$"
gText_XNatureProbablyMetAt:: @ 85EA5A8
.string "{SPECIAL_F7 0x00}{SPECIAL_F7 0x02}{SPECIAL_F7 0x01}{SPECIAL_F7 0x05} nature,\nprobably met at {UNK_CTRL_F905}{SPECIAL_F7 0x00}{SPECIAL_F7 0x03}{SPECIAL_F7 0x01},\n{SPECIAL_F7 0x00}{SPECIAL_F7 0x04}{SPECIAL_F7 0x01}.$"
gText_XNature:: @ 85EA5DB
.string "{SPECIAL_F7 0x00}{SPECIAL_F7 0x02}{SPECIAL_F7 0x01}{SPECIAL_F7 0x05} nature$"
gText_XNatureMetSomewhereAt:: @ 85EA5EB
.string "{SPECIAL_F7 0x00}{SPECIAL_F7 0x02}{SPECIAL_F7 0x01}{SPECIAL_F7 0x05} nature,\nmet somewhere at {UNK_CTRL_F905}{SPECIAL_F7 0x00}{SPECIAL_F7 0x03}{SPECIAL_F7 0x01}.$"
gText_XNatureHatchedSomewhereAt:: @ 85EA617
.string "{SPECIAL_F7 0x00}{SPECIAL_F7 0x02}{SPECIAL_F7 0x01}{SPECIAL_F7 0x05} nature,\nhatched somewhere at {UNK_CTRL_F905}{SPECIAL_F7 0x00}{SPECIAL_F7 0x03}{SPECIAL_F7 0x01}.$"
gText_OddEggFoundByCouple:: @ 85EA647
.string "An odd POKéMON EGG found\nby the DAY CARE couple.$"
gText_PeculiarEggNicePlace:: @ 85EA678
.string "A peculiar POKéMON EGG\nobtained at the nice place.$"
gText_PeculiarEggTrade:: @ 85EA6AB
.string "A peculiar POKéMON EGG\nobtained in a trade.$"
gText_EggFromHotSprings:: @ 85EA6D7
.string "A POKéMON EGG obtained\nat the hot springs.$"
gText_EggFromTraveler:: @ 85EA702
.string "An odd POKéMON EGG\nobtained from a traveler.$"
gText_ApostropheSBase:: @ 85EA72F
.string "’s BASE$"
gText_OkayToDeleteFromRegistry:: @ 85EA737
.string "Is it okay to delete {STR_VAR_1}\nfrom the REGISTRY?$"
gText_RegisteredDataDeleted:: @ 85EA762
.string "The registered data was deleted.{PAUSE_UNTIL_PRESS}$"
gText_NoRegistry:: @ 85EA785
.string "There is no REGISTRY.{PAUSE_UNTIL_PRESS}$"
gUnknown_085EA79D:: @ 85EA79D
.string "DEL REGIST.$"
gUnknown_085EA7A9:: @ 85EA7A9
.string "{STR_VAR_3}{STR_VAR_1}/{STR_VAR_2}$"
gText_Decorate:: @ 85EA7B1
.string "DECORATE$"
gText_PutAway:: @ 85EA7BA
.string "PUT AWAY$"
gText_Toss2:: @ 85EA7C3
.string "TOSS$"
gText_Color161Shadow161:: @ 85EA7C8
.string "{COLOR 161}{SHADOW 161}$"
gText_PutOutSelectedDecorItem:: @ 85EA7CF
.string "Put out the selected decoration item.$"
gText_StoreChosenDecorInPC:: @ 85EA7F5
.string "Store the chosen decoration in the PC.$"
gText_ThrowAwayUnwantedDecors:: @ 85EA81C
.string "Throw away unwanted decorations.$"
gText_NoDecorations:: @ 85EA83D
.string "There are no decorations.{PAUSE_UNTIL_PRESS}$"
gText_Desk:: @ 85EA859
.string "DESK$"
gText_Chair:: @ 85EA85E
.string "CHAIR$"
gText_Plant:: @ 85EA864
.string "PLANT$"
gText_Ornament:: @ 85EA86A
.string "ORNAMENT$"
gText_Mat:: @ 85EA873
.string "MAT$"
gText_Poster:: @ 85EA877
.string "POSTER$"
gText_Doll:: @ 85EA87E
.string "DOLL$"
gText_Cushion:: @ 85EA883
.string "CUSHION$"
gText_Gold:: @ 85EA88B
.string "GOLD$"
gText_Silver:: @ 85EA890
.string "SILVER$"
gText_PlaceItHere:: @ 85EA897
.string "Place it here?$"
gText_CantBePlacedHere:: @ 85EA8A6
.string "It can’t be placed here.$"
gText_CancelDecorating:: @ 85EA8BF
.string "Cancel decorating?$"
gText_InUseAlready:: @ 85EA8D2
.string "This is in use already.$"
gText_NoMoreDecorations:: @ 85EA8EA
.string "No more decorations can be placed.\nThe most that can be placed are {STR_VAR_1}.$"
gText_NoMoreDecorations2:: @ 85EA931
.string "No more decorations can be placed.\nThe most that can be placed are {STR_VAR_1}.$"
gUnknown_085EA978:: @ 85EA978
.string "This can’t be placed here.\nIt must be on a DESK, etc.$"
gText_CantPlaceInRoom:: @ 85EA9AE
.string "This decoration can’t be placed in\nyour own room.$"
gText_CantThrowAwayInUse:: @ 85EA9E0
.string "This decoration is in use.\nIt can’t be thrown away.$"
gText_DecorationWillBeDiscarded:: @ 85EAA14
.string "This {STR_VAR_1} will be discarded.\nIs that okay?$"
gText_DecorationThrownAway:: @ 85EAA3D
.string "The decoration item was thrown away.$"
gText_StopPuttingAwayDecorations:: @ 85EAA62
.string "Stop putting away decorations?$"
gText_NoDecorationHere:: @ 85EAA81
.string "There is no decoration item here.$"
gText_ReturnDecorationToPC:: @ 85EAAA3
.string "Return this decoration to the PC?$"
gText_DecorationReturnedToPC:: @ 85EAAC5
.string "The decoration was returned to the PC.$"
gText_NoDecorationsInUse:: @ 85EAAEC
.string "There are no decorations in use.{PAUSE_UNTIL_PRESS}$"
gText_Tristan:: @ 85EAB0F
.string "TRISTAN$"
gText_Philip:: @ 85EAB17
.string "PHILIP$"
gText_Dennis:: @ 85EAB1E
.string "DENNIS$"
gText_Roberto:: @ 85EAB25
.string "ROBERTO$"
gText_TurnOff:: @ 85EAB2D
.string "TURN OFF$"
gText_Decoration:: @ 85EAB36
.string "DECORATION$"
gText_ItemStorage:: @ 85EAB41
.string "ITEM STORAGE$"
gText_Mailbox:: @ 85EAB4E
.string "MAILBOX$"
gText_DepositItem:: @ 85EAB56
.string "DEPOSIT ITEM$"
gText_WithdrawItem:: @ 85EAB63
.string "WITHDRAW ITEM$"
gText_TossItem:: @ 85EAB71
.string "TOSS ITEM$"
gText_StoreItemsInPC:: @ 85EAB7B
.string "Store items in the PC.$"
gText_TakeOutItemsFromPC:: @ 85EAB92
.string "Take out items from the PC.$"
gText_ThrowAwayItemsInPC:: @ 85EABAE
.string "Throw away items stored in the PC.$"
gText_NoItems:: @ 85EABD1
.string "There are no items.{PAUSE_UNTIL_PRESS}$"
gText_NoRoomInBag:: @ 85EABE7
.string "There is no more\nroom in the BAG.$"
gText_WithdrawHowManyItems:: @ 85EAC09
.string "Withdraw how many\n{STR_VAR_1}(s)?$"
gText_WithdrawXItems:: @ 85EAC22
.string "Withdrew {STR_VAR_2}\n{STR_VAR_1}(s).$"
gText_Read:: @ 85EAC35
.string "READ$"
gText_MoveToBag:: @ 85EAC3A
.string "MOVE TO BAG$"
gText_Give2:: @ 85EAC46
.string "GIVE$"
gText_NoMailHere:: @ 85EAC4B
.string "There’s no MAIL here.{PAUSE_UNTIL_PRESS}$"
gText_WhatToDoWithVar1sMail:: @ 85EAC63
.string "What would you like to do with\n{STR_VAR_1}’s MAIL?$"
gText_MessageWillBeLost:: @ 85EAC8D
.string "The message will be lost.\nIs that okay?$"
gText_BagIsFull:: @ 85EACB5
.string "The BAG is full.{PAUSE_UNTIL_PRESS}$"
gText_MailToBagMessageErased:: @ 85EACC8
.string "The MAIL was returned to the BAG\nwith its message erased.{PAUSE_UNTIL_PRESS}$"
gText_Dad:: @ 85EAD04
.string "DAD$"
gText_Mom:: @ 85EAD08
.string "MOM$"
gText_Wallace:: @ 85EAD0C
.string "WALLACE$"
gText_Steven:: @ 85EAD14
.string "STEVEN$"
gText_Brawly:: @ 85EAD1B
.string "BRAWLY$"
gText_Winona:: @ 85EAD22
.string "WINONA$"
gText_Phoebe:: @ 85EAD29
.string "PHOEBE$"
gText_Glacia:: @ 85EAD30
.string "GLACIA$"
gUnknown_085EAD37:: @ 85EAD37
.string "PETALBURG$"
gUnknown_085EAD41:: @ 85EAD41
.string "SLATEPORT$"
gUnknown_085EAD4B:: @ 85EAD4B
.string "LITTLEROOT$"
gUnknown_085EAD56:: @ 85EAD56
.string "LILYCOVE$"
gUnknown_085EAD5F:: @ 85EAD5F
.string "DEWFORD$"
gUnknown_085EAD67:: @ 85EAD67
.string "ENTER$"
gUnknown_085EAD6D:: @ 85EAD6D
.string "INFO$"
gUnknown_085EAD72:: @ 85EAD72
.string "What’s a CONTEST?$"
gUnknown_085EAD84:: @ 85EAD84
.string "Types of CONTESTS$"
gUnknown_085EAD96:: @ 85EAD96
.string "Ranks$"
gUnknown_085EAD9C:: @ 85EAD9C
.string "Judging$"
gUnknown_085EADF9:: @ 85EADF9
.string "DECORATION$"
gUnknown_085EAE04:: @ 85EAE04
.string "PACK UP$"
gUnknown_085EAE0C:: @ 85EAE0C
.string "COUNT$"
gUnknown_085EAE12:: @ 85EAE12
.string "REGISTRY$"
gUnknown_085EAE1B:: @ 85EAE1B
.string "INFORMATION$"
gUnknown_085EAE27:: @ 85EAE27
.string "MACH$"
gUnknown_085EAE2C:: @ 85EAE2C
.string "ACRO$"
gUnknown_085EAE31:: @ 85EAE31
.string "PSN$"
gUnknown_085EAE35:: @ 85EAE35
.string "PAR$"
gUnknown_085EAE39:: @ 85EAE39
.string "SLP$"
gUnknown_085EAE3D:: @ 85EAE3D
.string "BRN$"
gUnknown_085EAE41:: @ 85EAE41
.string "FRZ$"
gUnknown_085EAE45:: @ 85EAE45
.string "TOXIC$"
gUnknown_085EAE4B:: @ 85EAE4B
.string "OK$"
gUnknown_085EAE4E:: @ 85EAE4E
.string "QUIT$"
gUnknown_085EAE53:: @ 85EAE53
.string "Saw it$"
gUnknown_085EAE5A:: @ 85EAE5A
.string "Not yet$"
gText_Yes:: @ 85EAE62
.string "YES$"
gText_No:: @ 85EAE66
.string "NO$"
gUnknown_085EAE69:: @ 85EAE69
.string "INFO$"
gUnknown_085EAE6E:: @ 85EAE6E
.string "SINGLE BATTLE$"
gUnknown_085EAE7C:: @ 85EAE7C
.string "DOUBLE BATTLE$"
gUnknown_085EAE8A:: @ 85EAE8A
.string "MULTI BATTLE$"
gUnknown_085EAE97:: @ 85EAE97
.string "MR. BRINEY$"
gUnknown_085EAEA2:: @ 85EAEA2
.string "CHALLENGE$"
gUnknown_085EAEAC:: @ 85EAEAC
.string "INFO$"
gText_Lv50:: @ 85EAEB1
.string "LV. 50$"
gText_OpenLevel:: @ 85EAEB8
.string "OPEN LEVEL$"
gUnknown_085EAEC3:: @ 85EAEC3
.string "FRESH WATER{CLEAR_TO 0x48}¥200$"
gUnknown_085EAED6:: @ 85EAED6
.string "SODA POP{CLEAR_TO 0x48}¥300$"
gUnknown_085EAEE6:: @ 85EAEE6
.string "LEMONADE{CLEAR_TO 0x48}¥350$"
gUnknown_085EAEF6:: @ 85EAEF6
.string "HOW TO RIDE$"
gUnknown_085EAF02:: @ 85EAF02
.string "HOW TO TURN$"
gUnknown_085EAF0E:: @ 85EAF0E
.string "SANDY SLOPES$"
gUnknown_085EAF1B:: @ 85EAF1B
.string "WHEELIES$"
gUnknown_085EAF24:: @ 85EAF24
.string "BUNNY-HOPS$"
gUnknown_085EAF2F:: @ 85EAF2F
.string "JUMP$"
gUnknown_085EAF34:: @ 85EAF34
.string "Satisfied$"
gUnknown_085EAF3E:: @ 85EAF3E
.string "Dissatisfied$"
gUnknown_085EAF4B:: @ 85EAF4B
gUnknown_085EAF58:: @ 85EAF58
gUnknown_085EAF65:: @ 85EAF65
.string "BLUE FLUTE$"
gUnknown_085EAF70:: @ 85EAF70
.string "YELLOW FLUTE$"
gUnknown_085EAF7D:: @ 85EAF7D
.string "RED FLUTE$"
gUnknown_085EAF87:: @ 85EAF87
.string "WHITE FLUTE$"
gUnknown_085EAF93:: @ 85EAF93
.string "BLACK FLUTE$"
gUnknown_085EAF9F:: @ 85EAF9F
.string "GLASS CHAIR$"
gUnknown_085EAFAB:: @ 85EAFAB
.string "GLASS DESK$"
gUnknown_085EAFB6:: @ 85EAFB6
.string "TREECKO DOLL 1,000 COINS$"
gUnknown_085EAFCF:: @ 85EAFCF
.string "TORCHIC DOLL 1,000 COINS$"
gUnknown_085EAFE8:: @ 85EAFE8
.string "MUDKIP DOLL 1,000 COINS$"
gUnknown_085EB002:: @ 85EB002
.string " 50 COINS ¥1,000$"
gUnknown_085EB017:: @ 85EB017
.string "500 COINS ¥10,000$"
gUnknown_085EB02A:: @ 85EB02A
.string "Excellent$"
gUnknown_085EB034:: @ 85EB034
.string "Not so good$"
gUnknown_085EB040:: @ 85EB040
.string "RED SHARD$"
gUnknown_085EB04A:: @ 85EB04A
.string "YELLOW SHARD$"
gUnknown_085EB057:: @ 85EB057
.string "BLUE SHARD$"
gUnknown_085EB062:: @ 85EB062
.string "GREEN SHARD$"
gText_BattleFrontier:: @ 85EB06E
gUnknown_085EB07E:: @ 85EB07E
.string "Right$"
gUnknown_085EB084:: @ 85EB084
.string "Left$"
gUnknown_085EB089:: @ 85EB089
.string "TM32{CLEAR_TO 0x48}1,500 COINS$"
gUnknown_085EB09C:: @ 85EB09C
.string "TM29{CLEAR_TO 0x48}3,500 COINS$"
gUnknown_085EB0AF:: @ 85EB0AF
.string "TM35{CLEAR_TO 0x48}4,000 COINS$"
gUnknown_085EB0C2:: @ 85EB0C2
.string "TM24{CLEAR_TO 0x48}4,000 COINS$"
gUnknown_085EB0D5:: @ 85EB0D5
.string "TM13{CLEAR_TO 0x48}4,000 COINS$"
gText_Cool:: @ 85EB0E8
.string "COOL$"
gText_Beauty:: @ 85EB0ED
.string "BEAUTY$"
gText_Cute:: @ 85EB0F4
.string "CUTE$"
gText_Smart:: @ 85EB0F9
.string "SMART$"
gText_Tough:: @ 85EB0FF
.string "TOUGH$"
gText_Normal:: @ 85EB105
.string "NORMAL$"
gText_Super:: @ 85EB10C
.string "SUPER$"
gText_Hyper:: @ 85EB112
.string "HYPER$"
gText_Master:: @ 85EB118
.string "MASTER$"
gText_Cool2:: @ 85EB11F
.string "COOL$"
gText_Beauty2:: @ 85EB124
.string "BEAUTY$"
gText_Cute2:: @ 85EB12B
.string "CUTE$"
gText_Smart2:: @ 85EB130
.string "SMART$"
gText_Tough2:: @ 85EB136
.string "TOUGH$"
gText_Items:: @ 85EB13C
.string "ITEMS$"
gText_Key_Items:: @ 85EB142
.string "KEY ITEMS$"
gText_Poke_Balls:: @ 85EB14C
.string "POKé BALLS$"
gText_TMs_Hms:: @ 85EB157
.string "TMs & HMs$"
gText_Berries2:: @ 85EB161
.string "BERRIES$"
gText_SomeonesPC:: @ 85EB169
.string "SOMEONE’S PC$"
gText_LanettesPC:: @ 85EB176
.string "LANETTE’S PC$"
gText_PlayersPC:: @ 85EB183
.string "{PLAYER}’s PC$"
gText_HallOfFame:: @ 85EB18B
.string "HALL OF FAME$"
gText_LogOff:: @ 85EB198
.string "LOG OFF$"
gText_Opponent:: @ 85EB1A0
.string "OPPONENT$"
gText_Tourney_Tree:: @ 85EB1A9
.string "TOURNEY TREE$"
gText_ReadyToStart:: @ 85EB1B6
.string "READY TO START$"
gText_NormalRank:: @ 85EB1C5
.string "NORMAL RANK$"
gText_SuperRank:: @ 85EB1D1
.string "SUPER RANK$"
gText_HyperRank:: @ 85EB1DC
.string "HYPER RANK$"
gText_MasterRank:: @ 85EB1E7
.string "MASTER RANK$"
gText_Single2:: @ 85EB1F3
.string "SINGLE$"
gText_Double2:: @ 85EB1FA
.string "DOUBLE$"
gText_Multi:: @ 85EB201
.string "MULTI$"
gText_MultiLink:: @ 85EB207
.string "MULTI-LINK$"
gText_BattleBag:: @ 85EB212
.string "BATTLE BAG$"
gText_HeldItem:: @ 85EB21D
.string "HELD ITEM$"
gText_LinkContest:: @ 85EB227
.string "LINK CONTEST$"
gText_AboutE_Mode:: @ 85EB234
.string "ABOUT E-MODE$"
gText_AboutG_Mode:: @ 85EB241
.string "ABOUT G-MODE$"
gText_E_Mode:: @ 85EB24E
.string "E-MODE$"
gText_G_Mode:: @ 85EB255
.string "G-MODE$"
gText_MenuOptionPokedex:: @ 85EB25C
.string "POKéDEX$"
gText_MenuOptionPokemon:: @ 85EB264
.string "POKéMON$"
gText_MenuOptionBag:: @ 85EB26C
.string "BAG$"
gText_MenuOptionPokenav:: @ 85EB270
.string "POKéNAV$"
gUnknown_085EB278:: @ 85EB278
.string "$"
gText_MenuOptionSave:: @ 85EB279
.string "SAVE$"
gText_MenuOptionOption:: @ 85EB27E
.string "OPTION$"
gText_MenuOptionExit:: @ 85EB285
.string "EXIT$"
gUnknown_085EB28A:: @ 85EB28A
.string " "
gUnknown_085EB28C:: @ 85EB28C
.string "5BP$"
gUnknown_085EB290:: @ 85EB290
.string "10BP$"
gUnknown_085EB295:: @ 85EB295
.string "15BP$"
gUnknown_085EB29A:: @ 85EB29A
.string "RED TENT$"
gUnknown_085EB2A3:: @ 85EB2A3
.string "BLUE TENT$"
gText_SouthernIsland:: @ 85EB2AD
gText_BirthIsland:: @ 85EB2BD
.string "BIRTH ISLAND$"
gText_FarawayIsland:: @ 85EB2CA
gText_NavelRock:: @ 85EB2D9
.string "NAVEL ROCK$"
gUnknown_085EB2E4:: @ 85EB2E4
.string "CLAW FOSSIL$"
gUnknown_085EB2F0:: @ 85EB2F0
.string "ROOT FOSSIL$"
gUnknown_085EB2FC:: @ 85EB2FC
.string "NO$"
gUnknown_085EB2FF:: @ 85EB2FF
.string "I’ll battle now!$"
gUnknown_085EB310:: @ 85EB310
.string "I won!$"
gUnknown_085EB317:: @ 85EB317
.string "I lost!$"
gUnknown_085EB31F:: @ 85EB31F
.string "I won’t tell.$"
gUnknown_085EB32D:: @ 85EB32D
gUnknown_085EB33E:: @ 85EB33E
gUnknown_085EB350:: @ 85EB350
gUnknown_085EB361:: @ 85EB361
gUnknown_085EB372:: @ 85EB372
.string "TRADE CENTER$"
gUnknown_085EB37F:: @ 85EB37F
.string "COLOSSEUM$"
gUnknown_085EB389:: @ 85EB389
.string "RECORD CORNER$"
gUnknown_085EB397:: @ 85EB397
.string "BERRY CRUSH$"
gUnknown_085EB3A3:: @ 85EB3A3
.string "$"
gUnknown_085EB3A4:: @ 85EB3A4
.string "POKéMON JUMP$"
gUnknown_085EB3B1:: @ 85EB3B1
gUnknown_085EB3C6:: @ 85EB3C6
.string "BECOME LEADER$"
gUnknown_085EB3D4:: @ 85EB3D4
.string "JOIN GROUP$"
gUnknown_085EB3DF:: @ 85EB3DF
.string "TWO STYLES$"
gUnknown_085EB3EA:: @ 85EB3EA
.string "LV. 50$"
gUnknown_085EB3F1:: @ 85EB3F1
.string "OPEN LEVEL$"
gUnknown_085EB3FC:: @ 85EB3FC
.string "{PKMN} TYPE & NO.$"
gUnknown_085EB40A:: @ 85EB40A
.string "HOLD ITEMS$"
gUnknown_085EB415:: @ 85EB415
.string "SYMBOLS$"
gUnknown_085EB41D:: @ 85EB41D
.string "RECORD$"
gUnknown_085EB424:: @ 85EB424
.string "BATTLE PTS$"
gUnknown_085EB42F:: @ 85EB42F
.string "TOWER INFO$"
gUnknown_085EB43A:: @ 85EB43A
.string "BATTLE {PKMN}$"
gUnknown_085EB444:: @ 85EB444
.string "BATTLE SALON$"
gUnknown_085EB451:: @ 85EB451
.string "MULTI-LINK$"
gUnknown_085EB45C:: @ 85EB45C
.string "BATTLE RULES$"
gUnknown_085EB469:: @ 85EB469
.string "JUDGE: MIND$"
gUnknown_085EB475:: @ 85EB475
.string "JUDGE: SKILL$"
gUnknown_085EB482:: @ 85EB482
.string "JUDGE: BODY$"
gUnknown_085EB48E:: @ 85EB48E
.string "MATCHUP$"
gUnknown_085EB496:: @ 85EB496
.string "TOURNEY TREE$"
gUnknown_085EB4A3:: @ 85EB4A3
.string "DOUBLE KO$"
gUnknown_085EB4AD:: @ 85EB4AD
.string "BASIC RULES$"
gUnknown_085EB4B9:: @ 85EB4B9
.string "SWAP: PARTNER$"
gUnknown_085EB4C7:: @ 85EB4C7
.string "SWAP: NUMBER$"
gUnknown_085EB4D4:: @ 85EB4D4
.string "SWAP: NOTES$"
gUnknown_085EB4E0:: @ 85EB4E0
.string "OPEN LEVEL$"
gText_BattleBasics:: @ 85EB4EB
.string "BATTLE BASICS$"
gText_PokemonNature:: @ 85EB4F9
.string "POKéMON NATURE$"
gText_PokemonMoves:: @ 85EB508
.string "POKéMON MOVES$"
gText_Underpowered:: @ 85EB516
gText_WhenInDanger:: @ 85EB523
.string "WHEN IN DANGER$"
gUnknown_085EB532:: @ 85EB532
.string "PYRAMID: POKéMON$"
gUnknown_085EB543:: @ 85EB543
gUnknown_085EB555:: @ 85EB555
.string "PYRAMID: MAZE$"
gUnknown_085EB563:: @ 85EB563
.string "BATTLE BAG$"
gUnknown_085EB56E:: @ 85EB56E
.string "POKéNAV AND BAG$"
gUnknown_085EB57E:: @ 85EB57E
.string "HELD ITEMS$"
gUnknown_085EB589:: @ 85EB589
.string "POKéMON ORDER$"
gUnknown_085EB597:: @ 85EB597
.string "BATTLE POKéMON$"
gText_BattleTrainers:: @ 85EB5A6
gUnknown_085EB5B6:: @ 85EB5B6
.string "GO ON$"
gUnknown_085EB5BC:: @ 85EB5BC
.string "RECORD$"
gUnknown_085EB5C3:: @ 85EB5C3
.string "REST$"
gUnknown_085EB5C8:: @ 85EB5C8
.string "RETIRE$"
gText_99TimesPlus:: @ 85EB5CF
.string "99 times +$"
gText_1MinutePlus:: @ 85EB5DA
.string "1 minute +$"
gText_SpaceSeconds:: @ 85EB5E5
.string " seconds$"
gText_SpaceTimes:: @ 85EB5EE
.string " time(s)$"
gUnknown_085EB5F7:: @ 85EB5F7
.string ".$"
gText_BigGuy:: @ 85EB5F9
.string "Big guy$"
gText_BigGirl:: @ 85EB601
.string "Big girl$"
gText_Son:: @ 85EB60A
.string "son$"
gText_Daughter:: @ 85EB60E
.string "daughter$"
gText_BlueFlute:: @ 85EB617
.string "BLUE FLUTE$"
gText_YellowFlute:: @ 85EB622
.string "YELLOW FLUTE$"
gText_RedFlute:: @ 85EB62F
.string "RED FLUTE$"
gText_WhiteFlute:: @ 85EB639
.string "WHITE FLUTE$"
gText_BlackFlute:: @ 85EB645
.string "BLACK FLUTE$"
gText_PrettyChair:: @ 85EB651
.string "PRETTY CHAIR$"
gText_PrettyDesk:: @ 85EB65E
.string "PRETTY DESK$"
gText_1F:: @ 85EB66A
.string "1F$"
gText_2F:: @ 85EB66D
.string "2F$"
gText_3F:: @ 85EB670
.string "3F$"
gText_4F:: @ 85EB673
.string "4F$"
gText_5F:: @ 85EB676
.string "5F$"
gText_6F:: @ 85EB679
.string "6F$"
gText_7F:: @ 85EB67C
.string "7F$"
gText_8F:: @ 85EB67F
.string "8F$"
gText_9F:: @ 85EB682
.string "9F$"
gText_10F:: @ 85EB685
.string "10F$"
gText_11F:: @ 85EB689
.string "11F$"
gText_B1F:: @ 85EB68D
.string "B1F$"
gText_B2F:: @ 85EB691
.string "B2F$"
gText_B3F:: @ 85EB695
.string "B3F$"
gText_B4F:: @ 85EB699
.string "B4F$"
gText_Rooftop:: @ 85EB69D
.string "ROOFTOP$"
gText_ElevatorNowOn:: @ 85EB6A5
.string "Now on:$"
gText_BP:: @ 85EB6AD
.string "BP$"
gText_EnergyPowder50:: @ 85EB6B0
.string "ENERGYPOWDER{CLEAR_TO 0x72}{SIZE 0}50$"
gText_EnergyRoot80:: @ 85EB6C5
.string "ENERGY ROOT{CLEAR_TO 0x72}{SIZE 0}80$"
gText_HealPowder50:: @ 85EB6D9
.string "HEAL POWDER{CLEAR_TO 0x72}{SIZE 0}50$"
gText_RevivalHerb300:: @ 85EB6ED
.string "REVIVAL HERB{CLEAR_TO 0x6C}{SIZE 0}300$"
gText_Protein1000:: @ 85EB703
.string "PROTEIN{CLEAR_TO 0x63}{SIZE 0}1,000$"
gText_Iron1000:: @ 85EB716
.string "IRON{CLEAR_TO 0x63}{SIZE 0}1,000$"
gText_Carbos1000:: @ 85EB726
.string "CARBOS{CLEAR_TO 0x63}{SIZE 0}1,000$"
gText_Calcium1000:: @ 85EB738
.string "CALCIUM{CLEAR_TO 0x63}{SIZE 0}1,000$"
gText_Zinc1000:: @ 85EB74B
.string "ZINC{CLEAR_TO 0x63}{SIZE 0}1,000$"
gText_HPUp1000:: @ 85EB75B
.string "HP UP{CLEAR_TO 0x63}{SIZE 0}1,000$"
gText_PPUp3000:: @ 85EB76C
.string "PP UP{CLEAR_TO 0x63}{SIZE 0}3,000$"
gText_RankingHall:: @ 85EB77D
.string "RANKING HALL$"
gText_ExchangeService:: @ 85EB78A
gText_LilycoveCity:: @ 85EB79B
.string "LILYCOVE CITY$"
gText_SlateportCity:: @ 85EB7A9
gText_CaveOfOrigin:: @ 85EB7B8
.string "CAVE OF ORIGIN$"
gText_MtPyre:: @ 85EB7C7
.string "MT. PYRE$"
gText_SkyPillar:: @ 85EB7D0
.string "SKY PILLAR$"
gText_DontRemember:: @ 85EB7DB
.string "Don’t remember$"
gText_Exit:: @ 85EB7EA
.string "EXIT$"
gUnknown_085EB7EF:: @ 85EB7EF
.string "Exit from the BOX?$"
gUnknown_085EB802:: @ 85EB802
.string "What do you want to do?$"
gUnknown_085EB81A:: @ 85EB81A
.string "Please pick a theme.$"
gUnknown_085EB82F:: @ 85EB82F
.string "Pick the wallpaper.$"
gUnknown_085EB843:: @ 85EB843
.string "{SPECIAL_F7 0x00} is selected.$"
gUnknown_085EB853:: @ 85EB853
.string "Jump to which BOX?$"
gUnknown_085EB866:: @ 85EB866
.string "Deposit in which BOX?$"
gUnknown_085EB87C:: @ 85EB87C
.string "{SPECIAL_F7 0x00} was deposited.$"
gUnknown_085EB88E:: @ 85EB88E
.string "The BOX is full.$"
gUnknown_085EB89F:: @ 85EB89F
.string "Release this POKéMON?$"
gUnknown_085EB8B5:: @ 85EB8B5
.string "{SPECIAL_F7 0x00} was released.$"
gUnknown_085EB8C6:: @ 85EB8C6
.string "Bye-bye, {SPECIAL_F7 0x00}!$"
gUnknown_085EB8D3:: @ 85EB8D3
.string "Mark your POKéMON.$"
gUnknown_085EB8E6:: @ 85EB8E6
.string "That’s your last POKéMON!$"
gUnknown_085EB900:: @ 85EB900
.string "Your party’s full!$"
gUnknown_085EB913:: @ 85EB913
.string "You’re holding a POKéMON!$"
gUnknown_085EB92D:: @ 85EB92D
.string "Which one will you take?$"
gUnknown_085EB946:: @ 85EB946
.string "You can’t release an EGG.$"
gUnknown_085EB960:: @ 85EB960
.string "Continue BOX operations?$"
gUnknown_085EB979:: @ 85EB979
.string "{SPECIAL_F7 0x00} came back!$"
gUnknown_085EB987:: @ 85EB987
.string "Was it worried about you?$"
gUnknown_085EB9A1:: @ 85EB9A1
.string "… … … … !$"
gUnknown_085EB9AB:: @ 85EB9AB
.string "Please remove the MAIL.$"
gUnknown_085EB9C3:: @ 85EB9C3
.string "GIVE to a POKéMON?$"
gUnknown_085EB9D6:: @ 85EB9D6
.string "Placed item in the BAG.$"
gUnknown_085EB9EE:: @ 85EB9EE
.string "The BAG is full.$"
gUnknown_085EB9FF:: @ 85EB9FF
.string "Put this item in the BAG?$"
gUnknown_085EBA19:: @ 85EBA19
.string "{SPECIAL_F7 0x00} is now held.$"
gUnknown_085EBA29:: @ 85EBA29
.string "Changed to {SPECIAL_F7 0x00}.$"
gUnknown_085EBA38:: @ 85EBA38
.string "MAIL can’t be stored!$"
gUnknown_085EBA4E:: @ 85EBA4E
.string "CANCEL$"
gUnknown_085EBA55:: @ 85EBA55
.string "STORE$"
gUnknown_085EBA5B:: @ 85EBA5B
.string "WITHDRAW$"
gUnknown_085EBA64:: @ 85EBA64
.string "SHIFT$"
gUnknown_085EBA6A:: @ 85EBA6A
.string "MOVE$"
gUnknown_085EBA6F:: @ 85EBA6F
.string "PLACE$"
gUnknown_085EBA75:: @ 85EBA75
.string "SUMMARY$"
gUnknown_085EBA7D:: @ 85EBA7D
.string "RELEASE$"
gUnknown_085EBA85:: @ 85EBA85
.string "MARK$"
gUnknown_085EBA8A:: @ 85EBA8A
.string "NAME$"
gUnknown_085EBA8F:: @ 85EBA8F
.string "JUMP$"
gUnknown_085EBA94:: @ 85EBA94
.string "WALLPAPER$"
gUnknown_085EBA9E:: @ 85EBA9E
.string "TAKE$"
gUnknown_085EBAA3:: @ 85EBAA3
.string "GIVE$"
gUnknown_085EBAA8:: @ 85EBAA8
.string "SWITCH$"
gUnknown_085EBAAF:: @ 85EBAAF
.string "BAG$"
gUnknown_085EBAB3:: @ 85EBAB3
.string "INFO$"
gUnknown_085EBAB8:: @ 85EBAB8
.string "SCENERY 1$"
gUnknown_085EBAC2:: @ 85EBAC2
.string "SCENERY 2$"
gUnknown_085EBACC:: @ 85EBACC
.string "SCENERY 3$"
gUnknown_085EBAD6:: @ 85EBAD6
.string "ETCETERA$"
gUnknown_085EBADF:: @ 85EBADF
.string "FRIENDS$"
gUnknown_085EBAE7:: @ 85EBAE7
.string "FOREST$"
gUnknown_085EBAEE:: @ 85EBAEE
.string "CITY$"
gUnknown_085EBAF3:: @ 85EBAF3
.string "DESERT$"
gUnknown_085EBAFA:: @ 85EBAFA
.string "SAVANNA$"
gUnknown_085EBB02:: @ 85EBB02
.string "CRAG$"
gUnknown_085EBB07:: @ 85EBB07
.string "VOLCANO$"
gUnknown_085EBB0F:: @ 85EBB0F
.string "SNOW$"
gUnknown_085EBB14:: @ 85EBB14
.string "CAVE$"
gUnknown_085EBB19:: @ 85EBB19
.string "BEACH$"
gUnknown_085EBB1F:: @ 85EBB1F
.string "SEAFLOOR$"
gUnknown_085EBB28:: @ 85EBB28
.string "RIVER$"
gUnknown_085EBB2E:: @ 85EBB2E
.string "SKY$"
gUnknown_085EBB32:: @ 85EBB32
.string "POLKA-DOT$"
gUnknown_085EBB3C:: @ 85EBB3C
.string "POKéCENTER$"
gUnknown_085EBB47:: @ 85EBB47
.string "MACHINE$"
gUnknown_085EBB4F:: @ 85EBB4F
.string "SIMPLE$"
gUnknown_085EBB56:: @ 85EBB56
.string "What would you like to do?$"
gText_WithdrawPokemon:: @ 85EBB71
gText_DepositPokemon:: @ 85EBB82
.string "DEPOSIT POKéMON$"
gText_MovePokemon:: @ 85EBB92
.string "MOVE POKéMON$"
gText_MoveItems:: @ 85EBB9F
.string "MOVE ITEMS$"
gText_SeeYa:: @ 85EBBAA
.string "SEE YA!$"
gText_WithdrawMonDescription:: @ 85EBBB2
.string "Move POKéMON stored in BOXES to\nyour party.$"
gText_DepositMonDescription:: @ 85EBBDE
.string "Store POKéMON in your party in BOXES.$"
gText_MoveMonDescription:: @ 85EBC04
.string "Organize the POKéMON in BOXES and\nin your party.$"
gText_MoveItemsDescription:: @ 85EBC35
.string "Move items held by any POKéMON\nin a BOX or your party.$"
gText_SeeYaDescription:: @ 85EBC6C
.string "Return to the previous menu.$"
gText_JustOnePkmn:: @ 85EBC89
.string "There is just one POKéMON with you.$"
gText_PartyFull:: @ 85EBCAD
.string "Your party is full!$"
gText_Box:: @ 85EBCC1
.string "BOX$"
gUnknown_085EBCC5:: @ 85EBCC5
.string "Check the map of the HOENN region.$"
gUnknown_085EBCE8:: @ 85EBCE8
.string "Check POKéMON in detail.$"
gUnknown_085EBD01:: @ 85EBD01
.string "Call a registered TRAINER.$"
gUnknown_085EBD1C:: @ 85EBD1C
.string "Check obtained RIBBONS.$"
gUnknown_085EBD34:: @ 85EBD34
.string "Put away the POKéNAV.$"
gText_NoRibbonWinners:: @ 85EBD4A
.string "There are no RIBBON winners.$"
gUnknown_085EBD67:: @ 85EBD67
.string "No TRAINERS are registered.$"
gUnknown_085EBD83:: @ 85EBD83
.string "Check party POKéMON in detail.$"
gUnknown_085EBDA2:: @ 85EBDA2
.string "Check all POKéMON in detail.$"
gUnknown_085EBDBF:: @ 85EBDBF
.string "Return to the POKéNAV menu.$"
gUnknown_085EBDDB:: @ 85EBDDB
.string "Find cool POKéMON.$"
gUnknown_085EBDEE:: @ 85EBDEE
.string "Find beautiful POKéMON.$"
gUnknown_085EBE06:: @ 85EBE06
.string "Find cute POKéMON.$"
gUnknown_085EBE19:: @ 85EBE19
.string "Find smart POKéMON.$"
gUnknown_085EBE2D:: @ 85EBE2D
.string "Find tough POKéMON.$"
gUnknown_085EBE41:: @ 85EBE41
.string "Return to the CONDITION menu.$"
gText_NumberRegistered:: @ 85EBE5F
.string "No. registered$"
gText_NumberOfBattles:: @ 85EBE6E
.string "No. of battles$"
gUnknown_085EBE7D:: @ 85EBE7D
.string "DETAIL$"
gUnknown_085EBE84:: @ 85EBE84
.string "CALL$"
gUnknown_085EBE89:: @ 85EBE89
.string "EXIT$"
gUnknown_085EBE8E:: @ 85EBE8E
.string "Can’t call opponent here.$"
gUnknown_085EBEA8:: @ 85EBEA8
.string "STRATEGY$"
gUnknown_085EBEB1:: @ 85EBEB1
.string "TRAINER’S POKéMON$"
gUnknown_085EBEC3:: @ 85EBEC3
gUnknown_085EBED5:: @ 85EBED5
.string "{CLEAR 0x80}$"
gUnknown_085EBED9:: @ 85EBED9
.string "{UNK_CTRL_F800}ZOOM {UNK_CTRL_F801}CANCEL$"
gUnknown_085EBEE9:: @ 85EBEE9
.string "{UNK_CTRL_F800}FULL {UNK_CTRL_F801}CANCEL$"
gUnknown_085EBEF9:: @ 85EBEF9
gUnknown_085EBF0E:: @ 85EBF0E
gUnknown_085EBF22:: @ 85EBF22
gUnknown_085EBF39:: @ 85EBF39
.string "{UNK_CTRL_F800}MENU {UNK_CTRL_F801}CANCEL$"
gUnknown_085EBF49:: @ 85EBF49
.string "{UNK_CTRL_F800}OK {UNK_CTRL_F801}CANCEL$"
gUnknown_085EBF57:: @ 85EBF57
.string "{UNK_CTRL_F801}CANCEL$"
gUnknown_085EBF60:: @ 85EBF60
gUnknown_085EBF73:: @ 85EBF73
gUnknown_085EBF84:: @ 85EBF84
.string "{UNK_CTRL_F801}CANCEL$"
gText_NatureSlash:: @ 85EBF8D
.string "NATURE/$"
gText_TrainerCloseBy:: @ 85EBF95
.string "That TRAINER is close by.\nTalk to the TRAINER in person!$"
gText_InParty:: @ 85EBFCE
.string "IN PARTY$"
gText_Number2:: @ 85EBFD7
.string "No. $"
gUnknown_085EBFDC:: @ 85EBFDC
.string "RIBBONS$"
gUnknown_085EBFE4:: @ 85EBFE4
gUnknown_085EBFF6:: @ 85EBFF6
gUnknown_085EC008:: @ 85EC008
.string "{SPECIAL_F7 0x00}/{LV}{SPECIAL_F7 0x01}$"
gText_Unknown:: @ 85EC00F
.string "UNKNOWN$"
gUnknown_085EC017:: @ 85EC017
.string "CALL$"
gUnknown_085EC01C:: @ 85EC01C
.string "CHECK$"
gUnknown_085EC022:: @ 85EC022
.string "CANCEL$"
gText_NumberF700:: @ 85EC029
.string "No. {SPECIAL_F7 0x00}$"
gText_RibbonsF700:: @ 85EC030
.string "RIBBONS {SPECIAL_F7 0x00}$"
gUnknown_085EC03B:: @ 85EC03B
gUnknown_085EC04F:: @ 85EC04F
gUnknown_085EC063:: @ 85EC063
.string "{SPECIAL_F7 0x00}/{LV}{SPECIAL_F7 0x01}{SPECIAL_F7 0x02}$"
gText_CombineFourWordsOrPhrases:: @ 85EC06C
.string "Combine four words or phrases$"
gText_AndMakeYourProfile:: @ 85EC08A
.string "and make your profile.$"
gText_CombineSixWordsOrPhrases:: @ 85EC0A1
.string "Combine six words or phrases$"
gText_AndMakeAMessage:: @ 85EC0BE
.string "and make a message.$"
gText_FindWordsThatDescribeYour:: @ 85EC0D2
.string "Find words that describe your$"
gText_FeelingsRightNow:: @ 85EC0F0
.string "feelings right now.$"
gUnknown_085EC104:: @ 85EC104
.string "With four phrases,$"
gText_CombineNineWordsOrPhrases:: @ 85EC117
.string "Combine nine words or phrases$"
gText_AndMakeAMessage2:: @ 85EC135
.string "and make a message.$"
gText_ChangeJustOneWordOrPhrase:: @ 85EC149
.string "Change just one word or phrase$"
gText_AndImproveTheBardsSong:: @ 85EC168
.string "and improve the BARD’s song.$"
gText_YourProfile:: @ 85EC185
.string "Your profile$"
gText_YourFeelingAtTheBattlesStart:: @ 85EC192
.string "Your feeling at the battle’s start$"
gText_WhatYouSayIfYouWin:: @ 85EC1B5
.string "What you say if you win a battle$"
gText_WhatYouSayIfYouLose:: @ 85EC1D6
.string "What you say if you lose a battle$"
gText_TheAnswer:: @ 85EC1F8
.string "The answer$"
gText_TheMailMessage:: @ 85EC203
.string "The MAIL message$"
gUnknown_085EC214:: @ 85EC214
.string "The MAIL salutation$"
gText_TheBardsSong2:: @ 85EC228
.string "The new song$"
gText_CombineTwoWordsOrPhrases:: @ 85EC235
.string "Combine two words or phrases$"
gText_AndMakeATrendySaying:: @ 85EC252
.string "and make a trendy saying.$"
gText_TheTrendySaying:: @ 85EC26C
.string "The trendy saying$"
gText_IsAsShownOkay:: @ 85EC27E
.string "is as shown. Okay?$"
gText_CombineTwoWordsOrPhrases2:: @ 85EC291
.string "Combine two words or phrases$"
gText_ToTeachHerAGoodSaying:: @ 85EC2AE
.string "to teach her a good saying.$"
gText_FindWordsWhichFit:: @ 85EC2CA
.string "Find words which fit$"
gText_TheTrainersImage:: @ 85EC2DF
.string "the TRAINER’s image.$"
gText_TheImage:: @ 85EC2F4
.string "The image:$"
gText_OutOfTheListedChoices:: @ 85EC2FF
.string "Out of the listed choices,$"
gText_SelectTheAnswerToTheQuiz:: @ 85EC31A
.string "select the answer to the quiz!$"
gText_AndCreateAQuiz:: @ 85EC339
.string "and create a quiz!$"
gText_PickAWordOrPhraseAnd:: @ 85EC34C
.string "Pick a word or phrase and$"
gText_SetTheQuizAnswer:: @ 85EC366
.string "set the quiz answer.$"
gText_TheAnswerColon:: @ 85EC37B
.string "The answer:$"
gUnknown_085EC387:: @ 85EC387
.string "The quiz:$"
gText_ApprenticePhrase:: @ 85EC391
.string "Apprentice’s phrase:$"
gText_QuitEditing:: @ 85EC3A6
.string "Quit editing?$"
gText_StopGivingPkmnMail:: @ 85EC3B4
.string "Stop giving the POKéMON MAIL?$"
gText_AndFillOutTheQuestionnaire:: @ 85EC3D2
.string "and fill out the questionnaire.$"
gText_LetsReplyToTheInterview:: @ 85EC3F2
.string "Let’s reply to the interview!$"
gText_AllTextBeingEditedWill:: @ 85EC410
.string "All the text being edited will$"
gText_BeDeletedThatOkay:: @ 85EC42F
.string "be deleted. Is that okay?$"
gUnknown_085EC449:: @ 85EC449
.string "Quit editing?$"
gUnknown_085EC457:: @ 85EC457
.string "The edited text will not be saved.$"
gUnknown_085EC47A:: @ 85EC47A
.string "Is that okay?$"
gUnknown_085EC488:: @ 85EC488
.string "Please enter a phrase or word.$"
gUnknown_085EC4A7:: @ 85EC4A7
.string "The entire text can’t be deleted.$"
gText_OnlyOnePhrase:: @ 85EC4C9
.string "Only one phrase may be changed.$"
gText_OriginalSongWillBeUsed:: @ 85EC4E9
.string "The original song will be used.$"
gUnknown_085EC509:: @ 85EC509
.string "That’s trendy already!$"
gText_CombineTwoWordsOrPhrases3:: @ 85EC520
.string "Combine two words or phrases.$"
gUnknown_085EC53E:: @ 85EC53E
.string "Quit giving information?$"
gUnknown_085EC557:: @ 85EC557
.string "Stop giving the POKéMON MAIL?$"
gUnknown_085EC575:: @ 85EC575
.string "Create a quiz!$"
gUnknown_085EC584:: @ 85EC584
.string "Set the answer!$"
gUnknown_085EC594:: @ 85EC594
.string "Cancel the selection?$"
gText_Profile:: @ 85EC5AA
.string "PROFILE$"
gText_AtTheBattlesStart:: @ 85EC5B2
.string "At the battle’s start:$"
gText_UponWinningABattle:: @ 85EC5C9
.string "Upon winning a battle:$"
gText_UponLosingABattle:: @ 85EC5E0
.string "Upon losing a battle:$"
gText_TheBardsSong:: @ 85EC5F6
.string "The BARD’s Song$"
gText_WhatsHipAndHappening:: @ 85EC606
.string "What’s hip and happening?$"
gText_Interview:: @ 85EC620
.string "Interview$"
gText_GoodSaying:: @ 85EC62A
.string "Good saying$"
gText_FansQuestion:: @ 85EC636
.string "Fan’s question$"
gUnknown_085EC645:: @ 85EC645
.string "クイズの こたえは?$" @ "kuizuno kotaeha?" ("The quiz's answer is?" in Japanese)
gText_ApprenticesPhrase:: @ 85EC650
.string "Apprentice’s phrase$"
gText_Questionnaire:: @ 85EC664
gText_YouCannotQuitHere:: @ 85EC672
.string "You cannot quit here.$"
gText_SectionMustBeCompleted:: @ 85EC688
.string "This section must be completed.$"
gText_F700sQuiz:: @ 85EC6A8
.string "{SPECIAL_F7 0x00}’s quiz$"
gText_Lady:: @ 85EC6B2
.string "Lady$"
gText_AfterYouHaveReadTheQuiz:: @ 85EC6B7
.string "After you have read the quiz$"
gText_QuestionPressTheAButton:: @ 85EC6D4
.string "question, press the A Button.$"
gText_TheQuizAnswerIs:: @ 85EC6F2
.string "The quiz answer is?$"
gText_LikeToQuitQuiz:: @ 85EC706
.string "Would you like to quit this quiz$"
gText_ChallengeQuestionMark:: @ 85EC727
.string "challenge?$"
gText_IsThisQuizOK:: @ 85EC732
.string "Is this quiz OK?$"
gText_CreateAQuiz:: @ 85EC743
.string "Create a quiz!$"
gText_SelectTheAnswer:: @ 85EC752
.string "Select the answer!$"
gText_LyricsCantBeDeleted:: @ 85EC765
.string "The lyrics can’t be deleted.$"
gText_PokemonLeague:: @ 85EC782
.string "POKéMON LEAGUE$"
gText_PokemonCenter:: @ 85EC791
.string "POKéMON CENTER$"
gText_GetsAPokeBlockQuestion:: @ 85EC7A0
.string " gets a {POKEBLOCK}?$"
gText_Coolness:: @ 85EC7AF
.string "Coolness $"
gText_Beauty3:: @ 85EC7B9
.string "Beauty $"
gText_Cuteness:: @ 85EC7C1
.string "Cuteness $"
gText_Smartness:: @ 85EC7CB
.string "Smartness $"
gText_Toughness:: @ 85EC7D6
.string "Toughness $"
gText_WasEnhanced:: @ 85EC7E1
.string "was enhanced!$"
gText_NothingChanged:: @ 85EC7EF
.string "Nothing changed!$"
gText_WontEatAnymore:: @ 85EC800
.string "It won’t eat anymore…$"
gText_SaveFailedCheckingBackup:: @ 85EC816
.string "Save failed. Checking the backup\nmemory… Please wait.\n{COLOR RED}“Time required: about 1 minute”$"
gText_BackupMemoryDamaged:: @ 85EC86F
.string "The backup memory is damaged, or\nthe internal battery has run dry.\nYou can still play, but not save.$"
gText_GamePlayCannotBeContinued:: @ 85EC8D4
.string "{COLOR RED}“Game play cannot be continued.\nReturning to the title screen…”$"
gText_CheckCompleted:: @ 85EC917
.string "Check completed.\nAttempting to save again.\nPlease wait.$"
gText_SaveCompleteGameCannotContinue:: @ 85EC94F
.string "Save completed.\n{COLOR RED}“Game play cannot be continued.\nReturning to the title screen.”$"
gText_SaveCompletePressA:: @ 85EC9A2
.string "Save completed.\n{COLOR RED}“Please press the A Button.”$"
gText_Ferry:: @ 85EC9D2
.string "FERRY$"
gText_SecretBase:: @ 85EC9D8
.string "SECRET BASE$"
gText_Hideout:: @ 85EC9E4
.string "HIDEOUT$"
gText_ResetRTCConfirmCancel:: @ 85EC9EC
.string "Reset RTC?\nA: Confirm, B: Cancel$"
gText_PresentTime:: @ 85ECA0D
.string "Present time in game$"
gText_PreviousTime:: @ 85ECA22
.string "Previous time in game$"
gText_PleaseResetTime:: @ 85ECA38
.string "Please reset the time.$"
gText_ClockHasBeenReset:: @ 85ECA4F
.string "The clock has been reset.\nData will be saved. Please wait.$"
gText_SaveCompleted:: @ 85ECA8A
.string "Save completed.$"
gText_SaveFailed:: @ 85ECA9A
.string "Save failed…$"
gText_NoSaveFileCantSetTime:: @ 85ECAA7
.string "There is no save file, so the time\ncan’t be set.$"
gText_InGameClockUsable:: @ 85ECAD8
.string "The in-game clock adjustment system\nis now useable.$"
gText_Slots:: @ 85ECB0C
.string "SLOTS$"
gText_Roulette:: @ 85ECB12
.string "ROULETTE$"
gText_Good:: @ 85ECB1B
.string "Good$"
gText_VeryGood:: @ 85ECB20
.string "Very good$"
gText_Excellent:: @ 85ECB2A
.string "Excellent$"
gText_SoSo:: @ 85ECB34
.string "So-so$"
gText_Bad:: @ 85ECB3A
.string "Bad$"
gText_TheWorst:: @ 85ECB3E
.string "The worst$"
gText_Spicy2:: @ 85ECB48
.string "spicy$"
gText_Dry2:: @ 85ECB4E
.string "dry$"
gText_Sweet2:: @ 85ECB52
.string "sweet$"
gText_Bitter2:: @ 85ECB58
.string "bitter$"
gText_Sour2:: @ 85ECB5F
.string "sour$"
gText_Single:: @ 85ECB64
.string "SINGLE$"
gText_Double:: @ 85ECB6B
.string "DOUBLE$"
gText_Jackpot:: @ 85ECB72
.string "jackpot$"
gText_First:: @ 85ECB7A
.string "first$"
gText_Second:: @ 85ECB80
.string "second$"
gText_Third:: @ 85ECB87
.string "third$"
gText_0Pts:: @ 85ECB8D
.string "0 pts$"
gText_10Pts:: @ 85ECB93
.string "10 pts$"
gText_20Pts:: @ 85ECB9A
.string "20 pts$"
gText_30Pts:: @ 85ECBA1
.string "30 pts$"
gText_40Pts:: @ 85ECBA8
.string "40 pts$"
gText_50Pts:: @ 85ECBAF
.string "50 pts$"
gText_60Pts:: @ 85ECBB6
.string "60 pts$"
gText_70Pts:: @ 85ECBBD
.string "70 pts$"
gText_80Pts:: @ 85ECBC4
.string "80 pts$"
gText_90Pts:: @ 85ECBCB
.string "90 pts$"
gText_100Pts:: @ 85ECBD2
.string "100 pts$"
gText_QuestionMark:: @ 85ECBDA
.string "?$"
gText_KissPoster16BP:: @ 85ECBDC
.string "KISS POSTER{CLEAR_TO 0x5E}16BP$"
gText_KissCushion32BP:: @ 85ECBEF
.string "KISS CUSHION{CLEAR_TO 0x5E}32BP$"
gText_SmoochumDoll32BP:: @ 85ECC03
gText_TogepiDoll48BP:: @ 85ECC18
.string "TOGEPI DOLL{CLEAR_TO 0x5E}48BP$"
gText_MeowthDoll48BP:: @ 85ECC2B
.string "MEOWTH DOLL{CLEAR_TO 0x5E}48BP$"
gText_ClefairyDoll48BP:: @ 85ECC3E
gText_DittoDoll48BP:: @ 85ECC53
.string "DITTO DOLL{CLEAR_TO 0x5E}48BP$"
gText_CyndaquilDoll80BP:: @ 85ECC65
gText_ChikoritaDoll80BP:: @ 85ECC7B
gText_TotodileDoll80BP:: @ 85ECC91
gText_LaprasDoll128BP:: @ 85ECCA6
.string "LAPRAS DOLL{CLEAR_TO 0x58}128BP$"
gText_SnorlaxDoll128BP:: @ 85ECCBA
.string "SNORLAX DOLL{CLEAR_TO 0x58}128BP$"
gText_VenusaurDoll256BP:: @ 85ECCCF
.string "VENUSAUR DOLL{CLEAR_TO 0x58}256BP$"
gText_CharizardDoll256BP:: @ 85ECCE5
.string "CHARIZARD DOLL{CLEAR_TO 0x58}256BP$"
gText_BlastoiseDoll256BP:: @ 85ECCFC
.string "BLASTOISE DOLL{CLEAR_TO 0x58}256BP$"
gText_Protein1BP:: @ 85ECD13
.string "PROTEIN{CLEAR_TO 0x64}1BP$"
gText_Calcium1BP:: @ 85ECD21
.string "CALCIUM{CLEAR_TO 0x64}1BP$"
gText_Iron1BP:: @ 85ECD2F
.string "IRON{CLEAR_TO 0x64}1BP$"
gText_Zinc1BP:: @ 85ECD3A
.string "ZINC{CLEAR_TO 0x64}1BP$"
gText_Carbos1BP:: @ 85ECD45
.string "CARBOS{CLEAR_TO 0x64}1BP$"
gText_HpUp1BP:: @ 85ECD52
.string "HP UP{CLEAR_TO 0x64}1BP$"
gText_Leftovers48BP:: @ 85ECD5E
.string "LEFTOVERS{CLEAR_TO 0x5E}48BP$"
gText_WhiteHerb48BP:: @ 85ECD6F
.string "WHITE HERB{CLEAR_TO 0x5E}48BP$"
gText_QuickClaw48BP:: @ 85ECD81
.string "QUICK CLAW{CLEAR_TO 0x5E}48BP$"
gText_MentalHerb48BP:: @ 85ECD93
.string "MENTAL HERB{CLEAR_TO 0x5E}48BP$"
gText_BrightPowder64BP:: @ 85ECDA6
gText_ChoiceBand64BP:: @ 85ECDBA
.string "CHOICE BAND{CLEAR_TO 0x5E}64BP$"
gText_KingsRock64BP:: @ 85ECDCD
.string "KING’S ROCK{CLEAR_TO 0x5E}64BP$"
gText_FocusBand64BP:: @ 85ECDE0
.string "FOCUS BAND{CLEAR_TO 0x5E}64BP$"
gText_ScopeLens64BP:: @ 85ECDF2
.string "SCOPE LENS{CLEAR_TO 0x5E}64BP$"
gText_Softboiled16BP:: @ 85ECE04
.string "SOFTBOILED{CLEAR_TO 0x4E}16BP$"
gText_SeismicToss24BP:: @ 85ECE16
.string "SEISMIC TOSS{CLEAR_TO 0x4E}24BP$"
gText_DreamEater24BP:: @ 85ECE2A
.string "DREAM EATER{CLEAR_TO 0x4E}24BP$"
gText_MegaPunch24BP:: @ 85ECE3D
.string "MEGA PUNCH{CLEAR_TO 0x4E}24BP$"
gText_MegaKick48BP:: @ 85ECE4F
.string "MEGA KICK{CLEAR_TO 0x4E}48BP$"
gText_BodySlam48BP:: @ 85ECE60
.string "BODY SLAM{CLEAR_TO 0x4E}48BP$"
gText_RockSlide48BP:: @ 85ECE71
.string "ROCK SLIDE{CLEAR_TO 0x4E}48BP$"
gText_Counter48BP:: @ 85ECE83
.string "COUNTER{CLEAR_TO 0x4E}48BP$"
gText_ThunderWave48BP:: @ 85ECE92
.string "THUNDER WAVE{CLEAR_TO 0x4E}48BP$"
gText_SwordsDance48BP:: @ 85ECEA6
.string "SWORDS DANCE{CLEAR_TO 0x4E}48BP$"
gText_DefenseCurl16BP:: @ 85ECEBA
.string "DEFENSE CURL{CLEAR_TO 0x4E}16BP$"
gText_Snore24BP:: @ 85ECECE
.string "SNORE{CLEAR_TO 0x4E}24BP$"
gText_MudSlap24BP:: @ 85ECEDB
.string "MUD-SLAP{CLEAR_TO 0x4E}24BP$"
gText_Swift24BP:: @ 85ECEEB
.string "SWIFT{CLEAR_TO 0x4E}24BP$"
gText_IcyWind24BP:: @ 85ECEF8
.string "ICY WIND{CLEAR_TO 0x4E}24BP$"
gText_Endure48BP:: @ 85ECF08
.string "ENDURE{CLEAR_TO 0x4E}48BP$"
gText_PsychUp48BP:: @ 85ECF16
.string "PSYCH UP{CLEAR_TO 0x4E}48BP$"
gText_IcePunch48BP:: @ 85ECF26
.string "ICE PUNCH{CLEAR_TO 0x4E}48BP$"
gText_ThunderPunch48BP:: @ 85ECF37
gText_FirePunch48BP:: @ 85ECF4B
.string "FIRE PUNCH{CLEAR_TO 0x4E}48BP$"
gText_PkmnFainted3:: @ 85ECF5D
.string "{STR_VAR_1} fainted…\p\n$"
gText_Marco:: @ 85ECF6B
.string "MARCO$"
gText_TrainerCardName:: @ 85ECF71
.string "NAME: $"
gText_TrainerCardIDNo:: @ 85ECF78
.string "IDNo.$"
gText_TrainerCardMoney:: @ 85ECF7E
.string "MONEY$"
gUnknown_085ECF84:: @ 85ECF84
.string "¥$"
gText_TrainerCardPokedex:: @ 85ECF86
.string "POKéDEX$"
gText_EmptyString6:: @ 85ECF8E
.string "$"
gText_Colon2:: @ 85ECF8F
.string ":$"
gUnknown_085ECF91:: @ 85ECF91
.string " points$"
gText_TrainerCardTime:: @ 85ECF99
.string "TIME$"
gUnknown_085ECF9E:: @ 85ECF9E
.string "ゲ-ムポイント$" @ "geemupointo" ("game point" in Japanese)
gText_Var1sTrainerCard:: @ 85ECFA6
.string "{STR_VAR_1}’s TRAINER CARD$"
gText_HallOfFameDebut:: @ 85ECFB8
.string "HALL OF FAME DEBUT $"
gText_LinkBattles:: @ 85ECFCD
.string "LINK BATTLES$"
gText_LinkCableBattles:: @ 85ECFDA
gText_WinsLosses:: @ 85ECFED
gText_PokemonTrades:: @ 85ED010
.string "POKéMON TRADES$"
gText_UnionTradesAndBattles:: @ 85ED01F
gText_BerryCrush:: @ 85ED036
.string "BERRY CRUSH$"
gText_WaitingTrainerFinishReading:: @ 85ED042
.string "Waiting for the other TRAINER to\nfinish reading your TRAINER CARD.$"
gText_PokeblocksWithFriends:: @ 85ED085
gText_Var1DarkGreyShadowLightGrey:: @ 85ED096
gText_WonContestsWFriends:: @ 85ED09F
gText_BattlePtsWon:: @ 85ED0B6
gText_Var1DarkLightGreyBP:: @ 85ED0C8
gText_BattleTower:: @ 85ED0D3
.string "BATTLE TOWER$"
gText_WSlashStraightSlash:: @ 85ED0E0
gText_BattleTower2:: @ 85ED104
.string "BATTLE TOWER$"
gText_BattleDome:: @ 85ED111
.string "BATTLE DOME$"
gText_BattlePalace:: @ 85ED11D
.string "BATTLE PALACE$"
gText_BattleFactory:: @ 85ED12B
gText_BattleArena:: @ 85ED13A
.string "BATTLE ARENA$"
gText_BattlePike:: @ 85ED147
.string "BATTLE PIKE$"
gText_BattlePyramid:: @ 85ED153
.align 2
gUnknown_085ED164:: @ 85ED164
.string "{STR_VAR_1} SINGLE$"
.align 2
gUnknown_085ED170:: @ 85ED170
.string "{STR_VAR_1} DOUBLE$"
.align 2
gUnknown_085ED17C:: @ 85ED17C
.string "{STR_VAR_1} MULTI$"
.align 2
gUnknown_085ED188:: @ 85ED188
.string "{STR_VAR_1} LINK$"
.align 2
gUnknown_085ED190:: @ 85ED190
.string "{STR_VAR_1}$"
gText_Give:: @ 85ED193
.string "Give$"
gText_NoNeed:: @ 85ED198
.string "No need$"
gText_ColorLightShadowDarkGrey:: @ 85ED1A0
gText_ColorBlue:: @ 85ED1A7
.string "{COLOR BLUE}$"
gText_ColorTransparent:: @ 85ED1AB
gText_CDot:: @ 85ED1B2
.string "C.$"
gText_BDot:: @ 85ED1B5
.string "B.$"
gText_AnnouncingResults:: @ 85ED1B8
.string "Announcing the results!$"
gText_PreliminaryResults:: @ 85ED1D0
.string "The preliminary results!$"
gText_Round2Results:: @ 85ED1E9
.string "Round 2 results!$"
gText_Var1sVar2Won:: @ 85ED1FA
.string "{STR_VAR_1}’s {STR_VAR_2} won!$"
gText_CommunicationStandby:: @ 85ED207
.string "Communication standby…$"
gText_ColorDarkGrey:: @ 85ED21E
.string "{COLOR DARK_GREY}$"
gUnknown_085ED222:: @ 85ED222
gText_HighlightDarkGrey:: @ 85ED228
gUnknown_085ED22C:: @ 85ED22C
.string " $"
gText_DynColor2Male:: @ 85ED22E
.string "{COLOR DYNAMIC_COLOR2}♂$"
gText_DynColor1Female:: @ 85ED233
.string "{COLOR DYNAMIC_COLOR1}♀$"
gText_DynColor2:: @ 85ED238
gText_Upper:: @ 85ED23C
.string "UPPER$"
gText_Lower:: @ 85ED242
.string "lower$"
gText_Others:: @ 85ED248
.string "OTHERS$"
gText_Symbols:: @ 85ED24F
.string "SYMBOLS$"
gText_Register2:: @ 85ED257
.string "REGISTER$"
gText_Exit2:: @ 85ED260
.string "EXIT$"
gText_QuitChatting:: @ 85ED265
.string "Quit chatting?$"
gText_RegisterTextWhere:: @ 85ED274
.string "Register text where?$"
gText_RegisterTextHere:: @ 85ED289
.string "Register text here?$"
gText_InputText:: @ 85ED29D
.string "Input text.$"
gText_F700JoinedChat:: @ 85ED2A9
.string "{SPECIAL_F7 0x00} joined the chat!$"
gText_F700LeftChat:: @ 85ED2BD
.string "{SPECIAL_F7 0x00} left the chat.$"
gUnknown_085ED2CF:: @ 85ED2CF
.string "{SPECIAL_F7 0x00}の{SPECIAL_F7 0x01}ひきめ:$" @ "{SPECIAL_F7 0x00}'s {SPECIAL_F7 0x01}hikime"
gUnknown_085ED2D9:: @ 85ED2D9
.string "{SPECIAL_F7 0x00}の{SPECIAL_F7 0x01}ひきめは いません$" @ "{SPECIAL_F7 0x00}'s {SPECIAL_F7 0x01}hikimeha imasen"
gText_ExitingChat:: @ 85ED2E8
.string "Exiting the chat…$"
gText_LeaderLeftEndingChat:: @ 85ED2FA
.string "The LEADER, {SPECIAL_F7 0x00}, has\nleft, ending the chat.$"
gText_RegisteredTextChanged:: @ 85ED325
.string "The registered text has been changed.\nIs it okay to save the game?$"
gText_AlreadySavedFile:: @ 85ED368
.string "There is already a saved file.\nIs it okay to overwrite it?$"
gText_SavingDontTurnOff:: @ 85ED3A3
gText_PlayerSavedGame:: @ 85ED3C5
.string "{SPECIAL_F7 0x00} saved the game.$"
gText_IfLeaderLeavesChatEnds:: @ 85ED3D8
.string "If the LEADER leaves, the chat\nwill end. Is that okay?$"
gText_Hello:: @ 85ED40F
.string "HELLO$"
gText_Pokemon2:: @ 85ED415
.string "POKéMON$"
gText_Trade:: @ 85ED41D
.string "TRADE$"
gText_Battle:: @ 85ED423
.string "BATTLE$"
gText_Lets:: @ 85ED42A
.string "LET’S$"
gText_Ok:: @ 85ED430
.string "OK!$"
gText_Sorry:: @ 85ED434
.string "SORRY$"
gText_YayUnkF9F9:: @ 85ED43A
.string "YAY{UNK_CTRL_F9F9}$"
gText_ThankYou:: @ 85ED440
.string "THANK YOU$"
gText_ByeBye:: @ 85ED44A
.string "BYE-BYE!$"
gUnknown_085ED453:: @ 85ED453
.string "Attack the weak points!$"
gUnknown_085ED46B:: @ 85ED46B
.string "Ultimate STEEL POKéMON.$"
gUnknown_085ED483:: @ 85ED483
.string "I’d climb even waterfalls$"
gUnknown_085ED49D:: @ 85ED49D
.string "to find a rare stone!$"
gUnknown_085ED4B3:: @ 85ED4B3
.string "I’m the strongest and most$"
gUnknown_085ED4CE:: @ 85ED4CE
.string "energetic after all!$"
gUnknown_085ED4E3:: @ 85ED4E3
.string "Battle with knowledge!$"
gUnknown_085ED4FA:: @ 85ED4FA
.string "I will use various POKéMON.$"
gUnknown_085ED516:: @ 85ED516
.string "I’ll be a better POKéMON$"
gUnknown_085ED52F:: @ 85ED52F
.string "prof than my father is!$"
gUnknown_085ED547:: @ 85ED547
.string "I’m not so good at battles.$"
gUnknown_085ED563:: @ 85ED563
.string "I’ll use any POKéMON!$"
gUnknown_085ED579:: @ 85ED579
.string "My POKéMON and I help$"
gUnknown_085ED58F:: @ 85ED58F
.string "my father’s research.$"
gText_HatchedFromEgg:: @ 85ED5A5
.string "{STR_VAR_1} hatched from the EGG!$"
gText_NickHatchPrompt:: @ 85ED5BE
.string "Would you like to nickname the newly\nhatched {STR_VAR_1}?$"
.align 2
gText_ReadyToBerryCrush:: @ 85ED5F0
.string "Are you ready to BERRY-CRUSH?\nPlease pick a BERRY for use.\p$"
.align 2
gText_WaitForAllChooseBerry:: @ 85ED62C
.string "Please wait while each member\nchooses a BERRY.$"
.align 2
gText_EndedWithXUnitsPowder:: @ 85ED65C
.string "{PAUSE_MUSIC}{PLAY_BGM MUS_FANFA1}You ended up with {STR_VAR_1} units of\nsilky-smooth BERRY POWDER.{RESUME_MUSIC}\pYour total amount of BERRY POWDER\nis {STR_VAR_2}.\p$"
.align 2
gText_RecordingGameResults:: @ 85ED6C8
.string "Recording your game results in the\nsave file.\lPlease wait.$"
.align 2
gText_PlayBerryCrushAgain:: @ 85ED704
.string "Want to play BERRY CRUSH again?$"
.align 2
gText_YouHaveNoBerries:: @ 85ED724
.string "You have no BERRIES.\nThe game will be canceled.$"
.align 2
gText_MemberDroppedOut:: @ 85ED754
.string "A member dropped out.\nThe game will be canceled.$"
.align 2
gText_TimesUpNoGoodPowder:: @ 85ED788
.string "Time’s up.\pGood BERRY POWDER could not be\nmade…\p$"
.align 2
gText_CommunicationStandby2:: @ 85ED7BC
.string "Communication standby…$"
.align 2
gText_1DotBlueF700:: @ 85ED7D4
.align 2
gText_1DotF700:: @ 85ED7E0
.string "1. {SPECIAL_F7 0x00}$"
.align 2
gText_SpaceTimes2:: @ 85ED7E8
.string " time(s)$"
.align 2
gText_XDotY:: @ 85ED7F4
.string "{STR_VAR_1}.{STR_VAR_2}$"
.align 2
gText_Var1Berry:: @ 85ED7FC
.string "{STR_VAR_1} BERRY$"
.align 2
gText_TimeColon:: @ 85ED808
.string "Time:$"
.align 2
gText_PressingSpeed:: @ 85ED810
.string "Pressing Speed:$"
.align 2
gText_Silkiness:: @ 85ED820
.string "Silkiness:$"
.align 2
gText_StrVar1:: @ 85ED82C
.string "{STR_VAR_1}$"
.align 2
gText_SpaceMin:: @ 85ED830
.string " min. $"
.align 2
gText_XDotY2:: @ 85ED838
.string "{STR_VAR_1}.{STR_VAR_2}$"
.align 2
gText_SpaceSec:: @ 85ED840
.string " sec.$"
.align 2
gText_XDotY3:: @ 85ED848
.string "{STR_VAR_1}.{STR_VAR_2}$"
.align 2
gText_TimesPerSec:: @ 85ED850
.string " Times/sec.$"
.align 2
gText_Var1Percent:: @ 85ED85C
.string "{STR_VAR_1}%$"
.align 2
gText_PressesRankings:: @ 85ED860
.string "No. of Presses Rankings$"
.align 2
gText_CrushingResults:: @ 85ED878
.string "Crushing Results$"
.align 2
gText_NeatnessRankings:: @ 85ED88C
.string "Neatness Rankings$"
.align 2
gText_CoopRankings:: @ 85ED8A0
.string "Cooperative Rankings$"
.align 2
gText_PressingPowerRankings:: @ 85ED8B8
.string "Pressing-Power Rankings$"
gText_BerryCrush2:: @ 85ED8D0
.string "BERRY CRUSH$"
gText_PressingSpeedRankings:: @ 85ED8DC
.string "Pressing-Speed Rankings$"
gText_Var1Players:: @ 85ED8F4
.string "{STR_VAR_1} PLAYERS$"
gText_SymbolsEarned:: @ 85ED8FF
.string "Symbols Earned$"
gText_BattleRecord:: @ 85ED90E
.string "Battle Record$"
gText_BattlePoints:: @ 85ED91C
.string "Battle Points$"
gUnknown_085ED92A:: @ 85ED92A
.string "CANCEL$"
gUnknown_085ED931:: @ 85ED931
.string "$"
gUnknown_085ED932:: @ 85ED932
.string "Check BATTLE FRONTIER MAP.$"
gUnknown_085ED94D:: @ 85ED94D
.string "Check TRAINER CARD.$"
gUnknown_085ED961:: @ 85ED961
.string "View recorded battle.$"
gUnknown_085ED977:: @ 85ED977
.string "Put away the FRONTIER PASS.$"
gUnknown_085ED993:: @ 85ED993
.string "Your current Battle Points.$"
gUnknown_085ED9AF:: @ 85ED9AF
.string "Your collected Symbols.$"
gUnknown_085ED9C7:: @ 85ED9C7
.string "Battle Tower - Ability Symbol$"
gUnknown_085ED9E5:: @ 85ED9E5
.string "Battle Dome - Tactics Symbol$"
gUnknown_085EDA02:: @ 85EDA02
.string "Battle Palace - Spirits Symbol$"
gUnknown_085EDA21:: @ 85EDA21
.string "Battle Arena - Guts Symbol$"
gUnknown_085EDA3C:: @ 85EDA3C
.string "Battle Factory - Knowledge Symbol$"
gUnknown_085EDA5E:: @ 85EDA5E
.string "Battle Pike - Luck Symbol$"
gUnknown_085EDA78:: @ 85EDA78
.string "Battle Pyramid - Brave Symbol$"
gUnknown_085EDA96:: @ 85EDA96
.string "There is no Battle Record.$"
gUnknown_085EDAB1:: @ 85EDAB1
.string "BATTLE TOWER$"
gUnknown_085EDABE:: @ 85EDABE
.string "BATTLE DOME$"
gUnknown_085EDACA:: @ 85EDACA
.string "BATTLE PALACE$"
gUnknown_085EDAD8:: @ 85EDAD8
.string "BATTLE ARENA$"
gUnknown_085EDAE5:: @ 85EDAE5
gUnknown_085EDAF4:: @ 85EDAF4
.string "BATTLE PIKE$"
gUnknown_085EDB00:: @ 85EDB00
gUnknown_085EDB0F:: @ 85EDB0F
.string "KO opponents and aim for the top!\nYour ability will be tested.$"
gUnknown_085EDB4E:: @ 85EDB4E
.string "Keep winning at the tournament!\nYour tactics will be tested.$"
gUnknown_085EDB8B:: @ 85EDB8B
.string "Watch your POKéMON battle!\nYour spirit will be tested.$"
gUnknown_085EDBC2:: @ 85EDBC2
.string "Win battles with teamed-up POKéMON!\nYour guts will be tested.$"
gUnknown_085EDC00:: @ 85EDC00
.string "Aim for victory using rental POKéMON!\nYour knowledge will be tested.$"
gUnknown_085EDC45:: @ 85EDC45
.string "Select one of three paths to battle!\nYour luck will be tested.$"
gUnknown_085EDC84:: @ 85EDC84
.string "Aim for the top with exploration!\nYour bravery will be tested.$"
gText_ContinueMenuPlayer:: @ 85EDCC3
.string "PLAYER$"
gText_ContinueMenuTime:: @ 85EDCCA
.string "TIME$"
gText_ContinueMenuPokedex:: @ 85EDCCF
.string "POKéDEX$"
gText_ContinueMenuBadges:: @ 85EDCD7
.string "BADGES$"
gText_Powder:: @ 85EDCDE
.string "POWDER$"
gText_BerryPickingRecords:: @ 85EDCE5
gText_BerriesPicked:: @ 85EDD02
.string "BERRIES picked:$"
gText_BestScore:: @ 85EDD12
.string "Best score:$"
gText_BerriesInRowFivePlayers:: @ 85EDD1E
.string "BERRIES picked in a row with\nfive players:$"
gText_BerryPickingResults:: @ 85EDD49
.string "Announcing BERRY-PICKING results!$"
gText_10P30P50P50P:: @ 85EDD6B
.string "{CLEAR_TO 0x03}10P{CLEAR_TO 0x2B}30P{CLEAR_TO 0x53}50P{CLEAR_TO 0x77}{UNK_CTRL_F9DD}50P$"
gText_AnnouncingRankings:: @ 85EDD86
.string "Announcing rankings!$"
gText_AnnouncingPrizes:: @ 85EDD9B
.string "Announcing prizes!$"
gText_1Colon:: @ 85EDDAE
.string "1:$"
gText_2Colon:: @ 85EDDB1
.string "2:$"
gText_3Colon:: @ 85EDDB4
.string "3:$"
gText_4Colon:: @ 85EDDB7
.string "4:$"
gText_5Colon:: @ 85EDDBA
.string "5:$"
gText_FirstPlacePrize:: @ 85EDDBD
.string "The first-place winner gets\nthis {SPECIAL_F7 0x00}!$"
gText_CantHoldAnyMore:: @ 85EDDE2
.string "You can’t hold any more!$"
gText_FilledStorageSpace:: @ 85EDDFB
.string "It filled its storage space.$"
gText_WantToPlayAgain:: @ 85EDE18
.string "Want to play again?$"
gText_SomeoneDroppedOut:: @ 85EDE2C
.string "Somebody dropped out.\nThe link will be canceled.$"
gText_SpacePoints:: @ 85EDE5D
.string " points$"
gText_CommunicationStandby3:: @ 85EDE65
.string "Communication standby…$"
gText_SpacePoints2:: @ 85EDE7C
.string " points$"
gText_SpaceTimes3:: @ 85EDE84
.string " time(s)$"
gText_PkmnJumpRecords:: @ 85EDE8D
gText_JumpsInARow:: @ 85EDEA2
.string "Jumps in a row:$"
gText_BestScore2:: @ 85EDEB2
.string "Best score:$"
gText_ExcellentsInARow:: @ 85EDEBE
.string "EXCELLENTS in a row:$"
gText_AwesomeWonF701F700:: @ 85EDED3
.string "Awesome score! You’ve\nwon {SPECIAL_F7 0x01} {SPECIAL_F7 0x00}!$"
gText_FilledStorageSpace2:: @ 85EDEF4
.string "It filled its storage space.$"
gText_CantHoldMore:: @ 85EDF11
.string "You can’t hold any more!$"
gText_WantToPlayAgain2:: @ 85EDF2A
.string "Want to play again?$"
gText_SomeoneDroppedOut2:: @ 85EDF3E
.string "Somebody dropped out.\nThe link will be canceled.$"
gText_CommunicationStandby4:: @ 85EDF6F
.string "Communication standby…$"
gText_LinkContestResults:: @ 85EDF86
.string "{PLAYER}’s Link Contest Results$"
gText_1st:: @ 85EDFA0
.string "1st$"
gText_2nd:: @ 85EDFA4
.string "2nd$"
gText_3rd:: @ 85EDFA8
.string "3rd$"
gText_4th:: @ 85EDFAC
.string "4th$"
gText_Friend:: @ 85EDFB0
.string "Friend$"
gUnknown_085EDFB7:: @ 85EDFB7
.string "POKeMON$"
gJPText_MysteryGift:: @ 85EDFBF
.string "ふしぎなもらいもの$" @ "fushiginamoraimono" ("Mystery Gift" in Japanese)
gJPText_DecideStop:: @ 85EDFC9
.string "{UNK_CTRL_F800}けってい {UNK_CTRL_F801}やめる$" @ "{UNK_CTRL_F800}kettei {UNK_CTRL_F801}yameru" ("{UNK_CTRL_F800}decide {UNK_CTRL_F801}stop" in Japanese)
gUnknown_085EDFD6:: @ 85EDFD6
.string "カードeリーダー{UNK_CTRL_F9 0x04} で\n"
.string "ふしぎなもらいものを よみこみます$"
gUnknown_085EDFF5:: @ 85EDFF5
.string "カードeリーダー{UNK_CTRL_F9 0x04}の メニューから\n"
.string "‘つうしん’を えらび$"
gUnknown_085EE014:: @ 85EE014
.string "‘ゲームボーイアドバンスとつうしん’\n"
.string "を せんたく してください$"
gUnknown_085EE035:: @ 85EE035
.string "カードeリーダー{UNK_CTRL_F9 0x04}の ‘つうしん’を\n"
.string "えらんで Aボタンを おしてください$"
gUnknown_085EE05C:: @ 85EE05C
.string "せつぞくが まちがっています$"
gUnknown_085EE06B:: @ 85EE06B
.string "カードの よみこみを\n"
.string "ちゅうし しました$"
gUnknown_085EE080:: @ 85EE080
.string "カードeリーダー{UNK_CTRL_F9 0x04}と\n"
.string "つうしん できません$"
gUnknown_085EE097:: @ 85EE097
.string "つうしん ちゅう です$"
gUnknown_085EE0A3:: @ 85EE0A3
.string "つうしん エラーです\n"
.string "せつぞくを たしかめて ください$"
gUnknown_085EE0BF:: @ 85EE0BF
.string "つうしん エラーです\n"
.string "はじめから やりなおして ください$"
gUnknown_085EE0DC:: @ 85EE0DC
.string "カードeリーダー{UNK_CTRL_F9 0x04} に\n"
.string "カードを よみこませて ください$"
gUnknown_085EE0FA:: @ 85EE0FA
.string "つうしん しゅうりょう!$"
gUnknown_085EE107:: @ 85EE107
.string "あらたな トレーナーが\n"
.string "ホウエンに やってきた!$"
gUnknown_085EE120:: @ 85EE120
.string "しばらく おまちください$"
gUnknown_085EE12D:: @ 85EE12D
.string "かきこみ エラー です\n"
.string "データが ほぞん できませんでした$"
gUnknown_085EE14B:: @ 85EE14B
.string "RED$"
gUnknown_085EE14F:: @ 85EE14F
.string "BLUE$"
gUnknown_085EE154:: @ 85EE154
.string "---$"
gText_SingleBattleRoomResults:: @ 85EE158
.string "{PLAYER}’s Single Battle Room Results$"
gText_DoubleBattleRoomResults:: @ 85EE178
.string "{PLAYER}’s Double Battle Room Results$"
gText_MultiBattleRoomResults:: @ 85EE198
.string "{PLAYER}’s Multi Battle Room Results$"
gText_LinkMultiBattleRoomResults:: @ 85EE1B7
.string "{PLAYER}’s Link Multi Battle Room Results$"
gText_SingleBattleTourneyResults:: @ 85EE1DB
.string "{PLAYER}’s Single Battle Tourney Results$"
gText_DoubleBattleTourneyResults:: @ 85EE1FE
.string "{PLAYER}’s Double Battle Tourney Results$"
gText_SingleBattleHallResults:: @ 85EE221
.string "{PLAYER}’s Single Battle Hall Results$"
gText_DoubleBattleHallResults:: @ 85EE241
.string "{PLAYER}’s Double Battle Hall Results$"
gText_BattleChoiceResults:: @ 85EE261
.string "{PLAYER}’s Battle Choice Results$"
gText_SetKOTourneyResults:: @ 85EE27C
.string "{PLAYER}’s Set KO Tourney Results$"
gText_BattleSwapSingleResults:: @ 85EE298
.string "{PLAYER}’s Battle Swap Single Results$"
gText_BattleSwapDoubleResults:: @ 85EE2B8
.string "{PLAYER}’s Battle Swap Double Results$"
gText_BattleQuestResults:: @ 85EE2D8
.string "{PLAYER}’s Battle Quest Results$"
gText_Lv502:: @ 85EE2F2
.string "LV. 50$"
gText_OpenLv:: @ 85EE2F9
.string "OPEN LV.$"
gText_WinStreak:: @ 85EE302
.string "Win streak: {STR_VAR_1}$"
gText_Current:: @ 85EE311
.string "CURRENT$"
gText_Record:: @ 85EE319
.string "RECORD$"
gText_Prev:: @ 85EE320
.string "PREV.$"
gText_RentalSwap:: @ 85EE326
.string "Rental/Swap$"
gText_Total:: @ 85EE332
.string "Total$"
gText_ClearStreak:: @ 85EE338
.string "Clear streak: {STR_VAR_1}$"
gText_Championships:: @ 85EE349
.string "Championships: {STR_VAR_1}$"
gText_RoomsCleared:: @ 85EE35B
.string "Rooms cleared: {STR_VAR_1}$"
gText_TimesCleared:: @ 85EE36D
.string "Times cleared:{CLEAR 0x05}{STR_VAR_1}$"
gText_KOsInARow:: @ 85EE381
.string "KOs in a row: {STR_VAR_1}$"
gText_TimesVar1:: @ 85EE392
.string "Times: {STR_VAR_1}$"
gText_FloorsCleared:: @ 85EE39C
.string "Floors cleared: {STR_VAR_1}$"
.align 2
gUnknown_085EE3B0:: @ 85EE3B0
.string "LV. 50$"
.align 2
gUnknown_085EE3B8:: @ 85EE3B8
.string "OPEN LEVEL$"
.align 2
gUnknown_085EE3C4:: @ 85EE3C4
.string "Win streak: {STR_VAR_2}$"
.align 2
gUnknown_085EE3D4:: @ 85EE3D4
.string "Clear streak: {STR_VAR_2}$"
.align 2
gUnknown_085EE3E8:: @ 85EE3E8
.string "Rooms cleared: {STR_VAR_2}$"
.align 2
gUnknown_085EE3FC:: @ 85EE3FC
.string "KOs in a row: {STR_VAR_2}$"
.align 2
gUnknown_085EE410:: @ 85EE410
.string "Floors cleared: {STR_VAR_2}$"
.align 2
gText_1Dot:: @ 85EE424
.string "1.$"
gUnknown_085EE427:: @ 85EE427
.string "2.$"
gUnknown_085EE42A:: @ 85EE42A
.string "3.$"
gText_SavingDontTurnOff2:: @ 85EE42D
gText_BlenderMaxSpeedRecord:: @ 85EE44F
gText_234Players:: @ 85EE473
.string "2 PLAYERS\n3 PLAYERS\n4 PLAYERS$"
gText_YesNo:: @ 85EE491
.string "YES\nNO$"
gText_SelectorArrow3:: @ 85EE498
.string "▶$"
gText_Peekaboo:: @ 85EE49A
.string "PEEKABOO!$"
gText_CommErrorCheckConnections:: @ 85EE4A4
.string "Communication error…\nPlease check all connections,\nthen turn the power OFF and ON.$"
gText_CommErrorEllipsis:: @ 85EE4F7
.string "Communication error…$"
gText_MoveCloserToLinkPartner:: @ 85EE50C
.string "Move closer to your link partner(s).\nAvoid obstacles between partners.$"
gText_ABtnRegistrationCounter:: @ 85EE553
.string "A Button: Registration Counter$"
gText_ABtnTitleScreen:: @ 85EE572
.string "A Button: Title Screen$"
gText_Option:: @ 85EE589
.string "OPTION$"
gUnknown_085EE590:: @ 85EE590
.string "TEXT SPEED$"
gUnknown_085EE59B:: @ 85EE59B
.string "BATTLE SCENE$"
gUnknown_085EE5A8:: @ 85EE5A8
.string "BATTLE STYLE$"
gUnknown_085EE5B5:: @ 85EE5B5
.string "SOUND$"
gUnknown_085EE5BB:: @ 85EE5BB
.string "FRAME$"
gUnknown_085EE5C1:: @ 85EE5C1
.string "CANCEL$"
gUnknown_085EE5C8:: @ 85EE5C8
.string "BUTTON MODE$"
gText_TextSpeedSlow:: @ 85EE5D4
gText_TextSpeedMid:: @ 85EE5DF
gText_TextSpeedFast:: @ 85EE5E9
gText_BattleSceneOn:: @ 85EE5F4
gText_BattleSceneOff:: @ 85EE5FD
gText_BattleStyleShift:: @ 85EE607
gText_BattleStyleSet:: @ 85EE613
gText_SoundMono:: @ 85EE61D
gText_SoundStereo:: @ 85EE628
gText_FrameType:: @ 85EE635
gText_FrameTypeNumber:: @ 85EE640
gText_ButtonTypeNormal:: @ 85EE647
gText_ButtonTypeLR:: @ 85EE654
gText_ButtonTypeLEqualsA:: @ 85EE65D
gText_XPLink:: @ 85EE667
.string "{STR_VAR_1}P LINK$"
gText_BronzeCard:: @ 85EE670
.string "BRONZE$"
gText_CopperCard:: @ 85EE677
.string "COPPER$"
gText_SilverCard:: @ 85EE67E
.string "SILVER$"
gText_GoldCard:: @ 85EE685
.string "GOLD$"
gText_Day:: @ 85EE68A
.string "DAY$"
gText_Colon3:: @ 85EE68E
.string ":$"
gText_Confirm2:: @ 85EE690
.string "CONFIRM$"
gUnknown_085EE698:: @ 85EE698
.string "Days$"
gUnknown_085EE69D:: @ 85EE69D
.string "Time:$"
gUnknown_085EE6A3:: @ 85EE6A3
.string "Game time$"
gUnknown_085EE6AD:: @ 85EE6AD
.string "RTC time$"
gUnknown_085EE6B6:: @ 85EE6B6
.string "Updated time$"
gText_MenuPokedex:: @ 85EE6C3
.string "POKéDEX$"
gText_MenuPokemon:: @ 85EE6CB
.string "POKéMON$"
gText_MenuBag:: @ 85EE6D3
.string "BAG$"
gText_MenuPokenav:: @ 85EE6D7
.string "POKéNAV$"
gText_MenuPlayer:: @ 85EE6DF
.string "{PLAYER}$"
gText_MenuSave:: @ 85EE6E2
.string "SAVE$"
gText_MenuOption:: @ 85EE6E7
.string "OPTION$"
gText_MenuExit:: @ 85EE6EE
.string "EXIT$"
gText_MenuRetire:: @ 85EE6F3
.string "RETIRE$"
gText_MenuRest:: @ 85EE6FA
.string "REST$"
gText_SafariBallStock:: @ 85EE6FF
.string "SAFARI BALLS\nStock: {STR_VAR_1}$"
gText_BattlePyramidFloor:: @ 85EE716
.string "Battle Pyramid\n{STR_VAR_1}$"
gText_Floor1:: @ 85EE728
.string "Floor 1$"
gText_Floor2:: @ 85EE730
.string "Floor 2$"
gText_Floor3:: @ 85EE738
.string "Floor 3$"
gText_Floor4:: @ 85EE740
.string "Floor 4$"
gText_Floor5:: @ 85EE748
.string "Floor 5$"
gText_Floor6:: @ 85EE750
.string "Floor 6$"
gText_Floor7:: @ 85EE758
.string "Floor 7$"
gText_Peak:: @ 85EE760
.string "Peak$"
gText_LinkStandby2:: @ 85EE765
.string "Link standby…\n… … B Button: Cancel$"
gText_PressAToLoadEvent:: @ 85EE788
.string "Press the A Button to load event.\n… … B Button: Cancel$"
gText_LoadingEvent:: @ 85EE7BF
.string "Loading event…$"
gText_DontRemoveCableTurnOff:: @ 85EE7CE
.string "Don’t remove the Game Link cable.\nDon’t turn off the power.$"
gText_EventSafelyLoaded:: @ 85EE80A
.string "The event was safely loaded.$"
gText_LoadErrorEndingSession:: @ 85EE827
.string "Loading error.\nEnding session.$"
gUnknown_085EE846:: @ 85EE846
.string "プレイヤー$" @ "pureiyaa" ("player" in Japanese)
gUnknown_085EE84C:: @ 85EE84C
.string "さま$" @ "sama" (a very high honorific)
gText_DexHoenn:: @ 85EE84F
.string "HOENN$"
gText_DexNational:: @ 85EE855
.string "NATIONAL$"
gText_PokedexDiploma:: @ 85EE85E
.string "PLAYER: {CLEAR 0x10}{COLOR RED}{SHADOW LIGHT_RED}{PLAYER}{COLOR DARK_GREY}{SHADOW LIGHT_GREY}\n\nThis document certifies\nthat you have successfully\ncompleted your\n{STR_VAR_1} POKéDEX.\n\n{CLEAR_TO 0x42}{COLOR RED}{SHADOW LIGHT_RED}GAME FREAK$"
gUnknown_085EE8DC:: @ 85EE8DC
.string "{COLOR RED}{SHADOW LIGHT_RED}ゲ-ムフリ-ク$" @ geemufuriku ("Game Freak" in Japanese)
gUnknown_085EE8EA:: @ 85EE8EA
gText_Hoenn:: @ 85EE8F1
.string "HOENN$"
gText_OhABite:: @ 85EE8F7
.string "Oh! A bite!$"
gText_PokemonOnHook:: @ 85EE903
.string "A POKéMON’s on the hook!{PAUSE_UNTIL_PRESS}$"
gText_NotEvenANibble:: @ 85EE91E
.string "Not even a nibble…{PAUSE_UNTIL_PRESS}$"
gText_ItGotAway:: @ 85EE933
.string "It got away…{PAUSE_UNTIL_PRESS}$"
gText_XWillBeSentToY:: @ 85EE942
.string "{STR_VAR_2} will be\nsent to {STR_VAR_1}.$"
gText_ByeByeVar1:: @ 85EE959
.string "Bye-bye, {STR_VAR_2}!$"
gText_XSentOverY:: @ 85EE966
.string "{STR_VAR_1} sent over {STR_VAR_3}.$"
gText_TakeGoodCareOfX:: @ 85EE977
.string "Take good care of {STR_VAR_3}!$"
.include "data/text/easy_chat/easy_chat_group_names.inc"
gText_ThreeQuestionMarks:: @ 85EEA42
.string "???$"
gUnknown_085EEA46:: @ 85EEA46
.string "MAX. HP$"
gUnknown_085EEA4E:: @ 85EEA4E
.string "ATTACK$"
gUnknown_085EEA55:: @ 85EEA55
.string "DEFENSE$"
gUnknown_085EEA5D:: @ 85EEA5D
.string "SPEED$"
gUnknown_085EEA63:: @ 85EEA63
.string "SP. ATK$"
gUnknown_085EEA6B:: @ 85EEA6B
.string "SP. DEF$"
gText_UnkCtrlF904:: @ 85EEA73
.string "{UNK_CTRL_F904}$"
gText_Dash:: @ 85EEA76
.string "-$"
gText_FromSpace:: @ 85EEA78
.string "From $"
gText_MixingRecords:: @ 85EEA7E
.string "Mixing records…$"
gText_RecordMixingComplete:: @ 85EEA8E
.string "Record mixing completed.\nThank you for waiting.$"
gUnknown_085EEABE:: @ 85EEABE
.string "YOUR NAME?$"
gUnknown_085EEAC9:: @ 85EEAC9
.string "BOX NAME?$"
gUnknown_085EEAD3:: @ 85EEAD3
.string "{STR_VAR_1}’s nickname?$"
gUnknown_085EEAE2:: @ 85EEAE2
.string "Tell him the words.$"
gText_MoveOkBack:: @ 85EEAF6
gText_CallCantBeMadeHere:: @ 85EEB0B
.string "A call can’t be made from here.$"
.string "HANDSOME$"
.string "VINNY$"
.string "MOREME$"
.string "IRONHARD$"
.string "MUSCLE$"
.string "coolness$"
.string "beauty$"
.string "cuteness$"
.string "smartness$"
.string "toughness$"
gText_Lady2:: @ 85EEB7E
.string "Lady$"
.string "slippery$"
.string "roundish$"
.string "wham-ish$"
.string "shiny$"
.string "sticky$"
.string "pointy$"
gText_RentalPkmn2:: @ 85EEBB2
.string "RENTAL POKéMON$"
gText_SelectFirstPkmn:: @ 85EEBC1
.string "Select the first POKéMON.$"
gText_SelectSecondPkmn:: @ 85EEBDB
.string "Select the second POKéMON.$"
gText_SelectThirdPkmn:: @ 85EEBF6
.string "Select the third POKéMON.$"
gText_Rent:: @ 85EEC10
.string "RENT$"
gText_Summary:: @ 85EEC15
.string "SUMMARY$"
gText_Others2:: @ 85EEC1D
.string "OTHERS$"
gText_Deselect:: @ 85EEC24
.string "DESELECT$"
gText_TheseThreePkmnOkay:: @ 85EEC2D
.string "Are these three POKéMON OK?$"
gText_Yes2:: @ 85EEC49
.string "YES$"
gText_No2:: @ 85EEC4D
.string "NO$"
gText_CantSelectSamePkmn:: @ 85EEC50
.string "Can’t select same {PKMN}.$"
gText_PkmnSwap:: @ 85EEC66
.string "POKéMON SWAP$"
gText_SelectPkmnToSwap:: @ 85EEC73
.string "Select POKéMON to swap.$"
gText_SelectPkmnToAccept:: @ 85EEC8B
.string "Select POKéMON to accept.$"
gText_Swap:: @ 85EECA5
.string "SWAP$"
gText_Summary2:: @ 85EECAA
.string "SUMMARY$"
gText_Rechoose:: @ 85EECB2
.string "RECHOOSE$"
gText_QuitSwapping:: @ 85EECBB
.string "Quit swapping?$"
gText_Yes3:: @ 85EECCA
.string "YES$"
gText_No3:: @ 85EECCE
.string "NO$"
gText_PkmnForSwap:: @ 85EECD1
.string "{PKMN} FOR SWAP$"
gText_Cancel3:: @ 85EECDD
.string "CANCEL$"
gUnknown_085EECE4:: @ 85EECE4
.string "SWAP$"
gUnknown_085EECE9:: @ 85EECE9
.string "ACCEPT$"
gText_AcceptThisPkmn:: @ 85EECF0
.string "Accept this POKéMON?$"
gUnknown_085EED05:: @ 85EED05
.string " $"
gText_SamePkmnInPartyAlready:: @ 85EED0A
.string "Same {PKMN} in party already.$"
gText_DecimalPoint:: @ 85EED24
.string ".$"
gText_SavingPlayer:: @ 85EED26
.string "PLAYER$"
gText_SavingBadges:: @ 85EED2D
.string "BADGES$"
gText_SavingPokedex:: @ 85EED34
.string "POKéDEX$"
gText_SavingTime:: @ 85EED3C
.string "TIME$"
gText_WirelessCommStatus:: @ 85EED41
.string "Wireless Communication Status$"
gText_PeopleTrading:: @ 85EED5F
.string "People trading:$"
gText_PeopleBattling:: @ 85EED6F
.string "People battling:$"
gText_PeopleInUnionRoom:: @ 85EED80
.string "People in the UNION ROOM:$"
gText_PeopleCommunicating:: @ 85EED9A
.string "People communicating:$"
gText_F700Players:: @ 85EEDB0
.string "{SPECIAL_F7 0} players$"
gText_F701Players:: @ 85EEDBB
.string "{SPECIAL_F7 1} players$"
gText_F702Players:: @ 85EEDC6
.string "{SPECIAL_F7 2} players$"
gText_F703Players:: @ 85EEDD1
.string "{SPECIAL_F7 3} players$"
.align 2
.4byte gText_F700Players
.4byte gText_F701Players
.4byte gText_F702Players
.4byte gText_F703Players
.align 2
gText_WonderCards:: @ 85EEDEC
.string "WONDER CARDS$"
.align 2
gText_WonderNews:: @ 85EEDFC
.string "WONDER NEWS$"
.align 2
gText_WirelessCommunication:: @ 85EEE08
.align 2
gText_Friend2:: @ 85EEE20
.string "FRIEND$"
.align 2
gText_Exit3:: @ 85EEE28
.string "EXIT$"
.align 2
gText_Receive:: @ 85EEE30
.string "RECEIVE$"
.align 2
gText_Send:: @ 85EEE38
.string "SEND$"
.align 2
gText_Toss:: @ 85EEE40
.string "TOSS$"
.align 2
gText_VarietyOfEventsImportedWireless:: @ 85EEE48
.string "A variety of events will be imported\nover Wireless Communication.$"
.align 2
gText_WonderCardsInPossession:: @ 85EEE8C
.string "Read the WONDER CARDS in your\npossession.$"
.align 2
gText_ReadNewsThatArrived:: @ 85EEEB8
.string "Read the NEWS that arrived.$"
.align 2
gText_ReturnToTitle:: @ 85EEED4
.string "Return to the title screen.$"
.align 2
gText_DontHaveCardNewOneInput:: @ 85EEEF0
.string "You don’t have a WONDER CARD,\nso a new CARD will be input.$"
.align 2
gText_DontHaveNewsNewOneInput:: @ 85EEF2C
.string "You don’t have any WONDER NEWS,\nso new NEWS will be input.$"
.align 2
gText_WhereShouldCardBeAccessed:: @ 85EEF68
.string "Where should the WONDER CARD\nbe accessed?$"
.align 2
gText_WhereShouldNewsBeAccessed:: @ 85EEF94
.string "Where should the WONDER NEWS\nbe accessed?$"
.align 2
gUnknown_085EEFC0:: @ 85EEFC0
.string "Communication standby…\nB Button: Cancel$"
.align 2
gText_Communicating:: @ 85EEFE8
.string "Communicating…$"
.align 2
gText_CommunicationCompleted:: @ 85EEFF8
.string "Communication completed.$"
.align 2
gText_CommunicationError:: @ 85EF014
.string "Communication error.$"
.align 2
gText_CommunicationCanceled:: @ 85EF02C
.string "Communication has been canceled.$"
.align 2
gText_ThrowAwayWonderCard:: @ 85EF050
.string "Throw away the WONDER CARD\nand input a new CARD?$"
.align 2
gText_HaventReceivedCardsGift:: @ 85EF084
.string "You haven’t received the CARD’s gift\nyet. Input a new CARD anyway?$"
.align 2
gText_WonderCardReceivedFrom:: @ 85EF0C8
.string "A WONDER CARD has been received\nfrom {STR_VAR_1}.$"
.align 2
gText_WonderNewsReceivedFrom:: @ 85EF0F4
.string "A WONDER NEWS item has been\nreceived from {STR_VAR_1}.$"
.align 2
gText_WonderCardReceived:: @ 85EF124
.string "A new WONDER CARD has been\nreceived.$"
.align 2
gText_WonderNewsReceived:: @ 85EF14C
.string "A new WONDER NEWS item has been\nreceived.$"
.align 2
gText_NewStampReceived:: @ 85EF178
.string "A new STAMP has been received.$"
.align 2
gText_NewTrainerReceived:: @ 85EF198
.string "A new TRAINER has arrived.$"
.align 2
gText_AlreadyHadCard:: @ 85EF1B4
.string "You already had that\nWONDER CARD.$"
.align 2
gText_AlreadyHadNews:: @ 85EF1D8
.string "You already had that\nWONDER NEWS item.$"
.align 2
gText_AlreadyHadStamp:: @ 85EF200
.string "You already had that\nSTAMP.$"
.align 2
gText_NoMoreRoomForStamps:: @ 85EF21C
.string "There’s no more room for adding\nSTAMPS.$"
.align 2
gText_RecordUploadedViaWireless:: @ 85EF244
.string "Your record has been uploaded via\nWIRELESS COMMUNICATION.$"
.align 2
gText_CantAcceptCardFromTrainer:: @ 85EF280
.string "You can’t accept a WONDER CARD\nfrom this TRAINER.$"
.align 2
gText_CantAcceptNewsFromTrainer:: @ 85EF2B4
.string "You can’t accept WONDER NEWS\nfrom this TRAINER.$"
.align 2
gText_NothingSentOver:: @ 85EF2E4
.string "Nothing was sent over…$"
.align 2
gText_WhatToDoWithCards:: @ 85EF2FC
.string "What would you like to do\nwith the WONDER CARDS?$"
.align 2
gText_WhatToDoWithNews:: @ 85EF330
.string "What would you like to do\nwith the WONDER NEWS?$"
.align 2
gText_SendingWonderCard:: @ 85EF360
.string "Sending your WONDER CARD…$"
.align 2
gText_SendingWonderNews:: @ 85EF37C
.string "Sending your WONDER NEWS item…$"
.align 2
gText_WonderCardSentTo:: @ 85EF39C
.string "Your WONDER CARD has been sent\nto {STR_VAR_1}.$"
.align 2
gText_WonderNewsSentTo:: @ 85EF3C4
.string "Your WONDER NEWS item has been\nsent to {STR_VAR_1}.$"
.align 2
gText_StampSentTo:: @ 85EF3F0
.string "A STAMP has been sent to {STR_VAR_1}.$"
.align 2
gText_GiftSentTo:: @ 85EF410
.string "A GIFT has been sent to {STR_VAR_1}.$"
.align 2
gText_OtherTrainerHasCard:: @ 85EF42C
.string "The other TRAINER has the same\nWONDER CARD already.$"
.align 2
gText_OtherTrainerHasNews:: @ 85EF460
.string "The other TRAINER has the same\nWONDER NEWS already.$"
.align 2
gText_OtherTrainerHasStamp:: @ 85EF494
.string "The other TRAINER has the same\nSTAMP already.$"
.align 2
gText_OtherTrainerCanceled:: @ 85EF4C4
.string "The other TRAINER canceled\ncommunication.$"
.align 2
gText_CantSendGiftToTrainer:: @ 85EF4F0
.string "You can’t send a MYSTERY GIFT to\nthis TRAINER.$"
.align 2
gText_IfThrowAwayCardEventWontHappen:: @ 85EF520
.string "If you throw away the CARD,\nits event won’t happen. Okay?$"
.align 2
gText_OkayToDiscardNews:: @ 85EF55C
.string "Is it okay to discard this\nNEWS item?$"
.align 2
gText_HaventReceivedGiftOkayToDiscard:: @ 85EF584
.string "You haven’t received the\nGIFT. Is it okay to discard?$"
.align 2
gText_DataWillBeSaved:: @ 85EF5BC
.string "Data will be saved.\nPlease wait.$"
.align 2
gText_SaveCompletedPressA:: @ 85EF5E0
.string "Save completed.\nPlease press the A Button.$"
.align 2
gText_WonderCardThrownAway:: @ 85EF60C
.string "The WONDER CARD was thrown away.$"
.align 2
gText_WonderNewsThrownAway:: @ 85EF630
.string "The WONDER NEWS was thrown away.$"
.align 2
gText_MysteryGift:: @ 85EF654
.string "MYSTERY GIFT$"
.align 2
gText_PickOKExit:: @ 85EF664
.align 2
gText_PickOKCancel:: @ 85EF678
gText_PlayersBattleResults:: @ 85EF68D
gText_TotalRecordWLD:: @ 85EF6A1
.string "TOTAL RECORD W:{STR_VAR_1} L:{STR_VAR_2} D:{STR_VAR_3}$"
gText_WinLoseDraw:: @ 85EF6BD
.string "{CLEAR_TO 0x53}WIN{CLEAR_TO 0x80}LOSE{CLEAR_TO 0xB0}DRAW$"
gText_CommunicationStandby5:: @ 85EF6D2
.string "Communication standby…$"
gText_QuitTheGame:: @ 85EF6E9
.string "Quit the game?$"
gText_YouveGot9999Coins:: @ 85EF6F8
.string "You’ve got 9,999 COINS.$"
gText_YouveRunOutOfCoins:: @ 85EF710
.string "You’ve run out of COINS.\nGame over!$"
gText_YouDontHaveThreeCoins:: @ 85EF734
.string "You don’t have three COINS.$"
gText_ReelTimeHelp:: @ 85EF750
.string "REEL TIME\nHere’s your chance to take\naim and nail marks!\nReel Time continues for the\nawarded number of spins.\nIt all ends on a Big Bonus.$"
gDaycareText_GetAlongVeryWell:: @ 85EF7DA
.string "The two seem to get along\nvery well.$"
gDaycareText_GetAlong:: @ 85EF7FF
.string "The two seem to get along.$"
gDaycareText_DontLikeOther:: @ 85EF81A
.string "The two don’t seem to like\neach other much.$"
gDaycareText_PlayOther:: @ 85EF846
.string "The two prefer to play with other\nPOKéMON than each other.$"
gText_NewLine2:: @ 85EF881
.string "\n$"
gText_Exit4:: @ 85EF883
.string "EXIT$"
gText_Lv:: @ 85EF888
.string "{LV}$"
gText_TimeBoard:: @ 85EF88A
.string "TIME BOARD$"
gText_TimeCleared:: @ 85EF895
.string "TIME CLEARED $"
gText_XMinYDotZSec:: @ 85EF8A3
.string "{STR_VAR_1} min. {STR_VAR_2}.{STR_VAR_3} sec.$"
gUnknown_085EF8B6:: @ 85EF8B6
.string "1F$"
gUnknown_085EF8B9:: @ 85EF8B9
.string "2F$"
gUnknown_085EF8BC:: @ 85EF8BC
.string "3F$"
gUnknown_085EF8BF:: @ 85EF8BF
.string "4F$"
gText_TeachWhichMoveToPkmn:: @ 85EF8C2
.string "Teach which move to {STR_VAR_1}?$"
gText_TeachX:: @ 85EF8DA
.string "Teach {STR_VAR_2}?$"
gText_PkmnLearnedMove4:: @ 85EF8E4
.string "{STR_VAR_1} learned\n{STR_VAR_2}!$"
gText_PkmnTryingToLearnMove:: @ 85EF8F3
.string "{STR_VAR_1} is trying to learn\n{STR_VAR_2}.\pBut {STR_VAR_1} can’t learn more\nthan four moves.\pDelete an older move to make\nroom for {STR_VAR_2}?$"
gText_StopTryingToTeachMove:: @ 85EF960
.string "Stop trying to teach\n{STR_VAR_2}?$"
gText_12AndPoof:: @ 85EF979
.string "{PAUSE 32}1, {PAUSE 15}2, and {PAUSE 15}… {PAUSE 15}… {PAUSE 15}… {PAUSE 15}{PLAY_SE 0x0038}Poof!\p$"
gText_PkmnForgotMoveAndLearnedNew:: @ 85EF9A6
.string "{STR_VAR_1} forgot {STR_VAR_3}.\pAnd…\p{STR_VAR_1} learned {STR_VAR_2}.$"
gUnknown_085EF9C8:: @ 85EF9C8
.string "{STR_VAR_1} did not learn the\nmove {STR_VAR_2}.$"
gText_GiveUpTeachingNewMove:: @ 85EF9E6
.string "Give up trying to teach a new\nmove to {STR_VAR_1}?$"
gText_WhichMoveToForget2:: @ 85EFA10
.string "Which move should be\nforgotten?\p$"
gText_BattleMoves2:: @ 85EFA31
.string "BATTLE MOVES$"
gText_ContestMoves2:: @ 85EFA3E
.string "CONTEST MOVES$"
gUnknown_085EFA4C:: @ 85EFA4C
.string "TYPE/$"
gText_PPSlash:: @ 85EFA52
.string "PP/$"
gText_PowerSlash:: @ 85EFA56
.string "POWER/$"
gText_AccuracySlash:: @ 85EFA5D
.string "ACCURACY/$"
gText_Appeal2:: @ 85EFA67
.string "APPEAL$"
gText_Jam2:: @ 85EFA6E
.string "JAM$"
gText_Kira:: @ 85EFA72
.string "KIRA$"
gText_Amy:: @ 85EFA77
.string "AMY$"
gText_John:: @ 85EFA7B
.string "JOHN$"
gText_Roy:: @ 85EFA80
.string "ROY$"
gText_Gabby:: @ 85EFA84
.string "GABBY$"
gText_Anna:: @ 85EFA8A
.string "ANNA$"
gText_ClearAllSaveData:: @ 85EFA8F
.string "Clear all save data areas?$"
gText_ClearingData:: @ 85EFAAA
.string "Clearing data…\nPlease wait.$"
gText_IsThisTheCorrectTime:: @ 85EFAC6
.string "Is this the correct time?$"
gText_Confirm3:: @ 85EFAE0
.string "CONFIRM$"
gText_Cancel4:: @ 85EFAE8
.string "CANCEL$"
gUnknown_085EFAEF:: @ 85EFAEF
.string "DEVON PRES$"
gUnknown_085EFAFA:: @ 85EFAFA
.string "MR. STONE$"
gUnknown_085EFB04:: @ 85EFB04
.string "HARD AS ROCK$"
gUnknown_085EFB11:: @ 85EFB11
.string "STEVEN$"
gUnknown_085EFB18:: @ 85EFB18
.string "RAD NEIGHBOR$"
gUnknown_085EFB25:: @ 85EFB25
.string "RELIABLE ONE$"
gUnknown_085EFB32:: @ 85EFB32
.string "CALM & KIND$"
gUnknown_085EFB3E:: @ 85EFB3E
.string "{PKMN} LOVER$"
gUnknown_085EFB47:: @ 85EFB47
.string "DAD$"
gUnknown_085EFB4B:: @ 85EFB4B
.string "MOM$"
gUnknown_085EFB4F:: @ 85EFB4F
.string "ELUSIVE EYES$"
gUnknown_085EFB5C:: @ 85EFB5C
.string "SCOTT$"
gUnknown_085EFB62:: @ 85EFB62
.string "ROCKIN’ WHIZ$"
gUnknown_085EFB6F:: @ 85EFB6F
.string "THE BIG HIT$"
gUnknown_085EFB7B:: @ 85EFB7B
.string "SWELL SHOCK$"
gUnknown_085EFB87:: @ 85EFB87
.string "PASSION BURN$"
gUnknown_085EFB94:: @ 85EFB94
.string "SKY TAMER$"
gUnknown_085EFB9E:: @ 85EFB9E
.string "MYSTIC DUO$"
gUnknown_085EFBA9:: @ 85EFBA9
.string "DANDY CHARM$"
gUnknown_085EFBB5:: @ 85EFBB5
.string "ELITE FOUR$"
gUnknown_085EFBC0:: @ 85EFBC0
.string "CHAMPION$"
gUnknown_085EFBC9:: @ 85EFBC9
.string "{PKMN} PROF.$"
gText_CommStandbyAwaitingOtherPlayer:: @ 85EFBD2
.string "Communication standby…\nAwaiting another player to choose.$"
gText_BattleWasRefused:: @ 85EFC0C
.string "The battle was refused.{PAUSE 60}$"
gText_RefusedBattle:: @ 85EFC27
.string "Refused the battle.{PAUSE 60}$"
gUnknown_085EFC3E:: @ 85EFC3E
.string "NO WEATHER$"
gUnknown_085EFC49:: @ 85EFC49
.string "SUNNY$"
gUnknown_085EFC4F:: @ 85EFC4F
.string "SUNNY2$"
gUnknown_085EFC56:: @ 85EFC56
.string "RAIN$"
gUnknown_085EFC5B:: @ 85EFC5B
.string "SNOW$"
gUnknown_085EFC60:: @ 85EFC60
.string "LIGHTNING$"
gUnknown_085EFC6A:: @ 85EFC6A
.string "FOG$"
gUnknown_085EFC6E:: @ 85EFC6E
.string "VOLCANO ASH$"
gUnknown_085EFC7A:: @ 85EFC7A
.string "SANDSTORM$"
gUnknown_085EFC84:: @ 85EFC84
.string "FOG2$"
gUnknown_085EFC89:: @ 85EFC89
.string "SEAFLOOR$"
gUnknown_085EFC92:: @ 85EFC92
.string "CLOUDY$"
gUnknown_085EFC99:: @ 85EFC99
.string "SUNNY3$"
gUnknown_085EFCA0:: @ 85EFCA0
.string "HEAVY RAIN$"
gUnknown_085EFCAB:: @ 85EFCAB
.string "SEAFLOOR2$"
gText_DelAll:: @ 85EFCB5
.string "DEL. ALL$"
gText_Cancel5:: @ 85EFCBE
.string "CANCEL$"
gText_Ok2:: @ 85EFCC5
.string "OK$"
gText_Quiz:: @ 85EFCC8
.string "QUIZ$"
gText_Answer:: @ 85EFCCD
.string "ANSWER$"
gText_PokeBalls:: @ 85EFCD4
.string "POKé BALLS$"
gText_Berry:: @ 85EFCDF
.string "BERRY$"
gText_Berries:: @ 85EFCE5
.string "BERRIES$"