mirror of https://github.com/Ninjdai1/pokeemerald.git synced 2025-03-28 08:28:59 +01:00
2017-09-23 20:36:00 +02:00

2077 lines
60 KiB
Raw Blame History

This file contains ambiguous Unicode characters

This file contains Unicode characters that might be confused with other characters. If you think that this is intentional, you can safely ignore this warning. Use the Escape button to reveal them.

.include "asm/macros.inc"
.include "constants/constants.inc"
.section .rodata
gText_Buffer36:: @ 85C9B78
.string "{STRING 36}$"
gText_PkmnGainedEXP:: @ 85C9B7B
.string "{STRING 0} gained{PLAYER}\n{STRING 52} EXP. Points!\p$"
gText_EmptyString4:: @ 85C9B98
.string "$"
gText_ABoosted:: @ 85C9B99
.string " a boosted$"
gText_PkmnGrewToLv:: @ 85C9BA4
.string "{STRING 0} grew to\nLV. {PLAYER}!{UNKNOWN_A}\p$"
gText_PkmnLearnedMove:: @ 85C9BBA
.string "{STRING 0} learned\n{PLAYER}!{UNKNOWN_A}\p$"
gText_TryToLearnMove1:: @ 85C9BCC
.string "{STRING 0} is trying to\nlearn {PLAYER}.\p$"
gText_TryToLearnMove2:: @ 85C9BE7
.string "But, {STRING 0} cant learn\nmore than four moves.\p$"
gText_TryToLearnMove3:: @ 85C9C12
.string "Delete a move to make\nroom for {PLAYER}?$"
gText_PkmnForgotMove:: @ 85C9C35
.string "{STRING 0} forgot\n{PLAYER}.\p$"
gText_StopLearningMove:: @ 85C9C44
.string "{PAUSE 32}Stop learning\n{PLAYER}?$"
gText_DidNotLearnMove:: @ 85C9C59
.string "{STRING 0} did not learn\n{PLAYER}.\p$"
gText_UseNextPkmn:: @ 85C9C6F
.string "Use next POKéMON?$"
gText_AttackMissed:: @ 85C9C81
.string "{STRING 15}s\nattack missed!$"
gText_PkmnProtectedItself:: @ 85C9C95
.string "{STRING 16}\nprotected itself!$"
gText_AvoidedDamage:: @ 85C9CAA
.string "{STRING 16} avoided\ndamage with {STRING 25}!$"
gText_PkmnMakesGroundMiss:: @ 85C9CC5
.string "{STRING 16} makes GROUND\nmoves miss with {STRING 25}!$"
gText_PkmnAvoidedAttack:: @ 85C9CE9
.string "{STRING 16} avoided\nthe attack!$"
gText_ItDoesntAffect:: @ 85C9D00
.string "It doesnt affect\n{STRING 16}$"
gText_PkmnFainted:: @ 85C9D16
.string "{STRING 15}\nfainted!\p$"
gText_PkmnFainted2:: @ 85C9D23
.string "{STRING 16}\nfainted!\p$"
gText_PlayerGotMoney:: @ 85C9D30
.string "{STRING 35} got ¥{STRING 0}\nfor winning!\p$"
gText_PlayerWhiteout:: @ 85C9D49
.string "{STRING 35} is out of\nusable POKéMON!\p$"
gText_PlayerWhiteout2:: @ 85C9D67
.string "{STRING 35} whited out!{PAUSE_UNTIL_PRESS}$"
gText_PreventsEscape:: @ 85C9D78
.string "{STRING 19} prevents\nescape with {STRING 26}!\p$"
gText_CantEscape2:: @ 85C9D95
.string "Cant escape!\p$"
gText_PkmnCantEscape2:: @ 85C9DA4
.string "{STRING 15} cant escape!$"
gText_HitXTimes:: @ 85C9DB5
.string "Hit {STRING 0} time(s)!$"
gText_PkmnFellAsleep:: @ 85C9DC5
.string "{STRING 17}\nfell asleep!$"
gText_PkmnMadeSleep:: @ 85C9DD5
.string "{STRING 19}s {STRING 26}\nmade {STRING 17} sleep!$"
gText_PkmnAlreadyAsleep:: @ 85C9DEC
.string "{STRING 16} is\nalready asleep!$"
gText_PkmnAlreadyAsleep2:: @ 85C9E02
.string "{STRING 15} is\nalready asleep!$"
gText_PkmnWasntAffected:: @ 85C9E18
.string "{STRING 16}\nwasnt affected!$"
gText_PkmnWasPoisoned:: @ 85C9E2C
.string "{STRING 17}\nwas poisoned!$"
gText_PkmnPoisonedBy:: @ 85C9E3D
.string "{STRING 19}s {STRING 26}\npoisoned {STRING 17}!$"
gText_PkmnHurtByPoison:: @ 85C9E52
.string "{STRING 15} is hurt\nby poison!$"
gText_PkmnAlreadyPoisoned:: @ 85C9E68
.string "{STRING 16} is already\npoisoned.$"
gText_PkmnBadlyPoisoned:: @ 85C9E80
.string "{STRING 17} is badly\npoisoned!$"
gText_PkmnEnergyDrained:: @ 85C9E96
.string "{STRING 16} had its\nenergy drained!$"
gText_PkmnWasBurned:: @ 85C9EB1
.string "{STRING 17} was burned!$"
gText_PkmnBurnedBy:: @ 85C9EC0
.string "{STRING 19}s {STRING 26}\nburned {STRING 17}!$"
gText_PkmnHurtByBurn:: @ 85C9ED3
.string "{STRING 15} is hurt\nby its burn!$"
gText_PkmnAlreadyHasBurn:: @ 85C9EEB
.string "{STRING 16} already\nhas a burn.$"
gText_PkmnWasFrozen:: @ 85C9F02
.string "{STRING 17} was\nfrozen solid!$"
gText_PkmnFrozenBy:: @ 85C9F17
.string "{STRING 19}s {STRING 26}\nfroze {STRING 17} solid!$"
gText_PkmnIsFrozen:: @ 85C9F2F
.string "{STRING 15} is\nfrozen solid!$"
gText_PkmnWasDefrosted:: @ 85C9F43
.string "{STRING 16} was\ndefrosted!$"
gText_PkmnWasDefrosted2:: @ 85C9F55
.string "{STRING 15} was\ndefrosted!$"
gText_PkmnWasDefrostedBy:: @ 85C9F67
.string "{STRING 15} was\ndefrosted by {STRING 20}!$"
gText_PkmnWasParalyzed:: @ 85C9F7F
.string "{STRING 17} is paralyzed!\nIt may be unable to move!$"
gText_PkmnWasParalyzedBy:: @ 85C9FAA
.string "{STRING 19}s {STRING 26}\nparalyzed {STRING 17}!\lIt may be unable to move!$"
gText_PkmnIsParalyzed:: @ 85C9FDA
.string "{STRING 15} is paralyzed!\nIt cant move!$"
gText_PkmnIsAlreadyParalyzed:: @ 85C9FFA
.string "{STRING 16} is\nalready paralyzed!$"
gText_PkmnHealedParalysis:: @ 85CA013
.string "{STRING 16} was\nhealed of paralysis!$"
gText_PkmnDreamEaten:: @ 85CA02F
.string "{STRING 16}s\ndream was eaten!$"
gText_StatsWontIncrease:: @ 85CA045
.string "{STRING 15}s {STRING 0}\nwont go higher!$"
gText_StatsWontDecrease:: @ 85CA05E
.string "{STRING 16}s {STRING 0}\nwont go lower!$"
gText_TeamStoppedWorking:: @ 85CA076
.string "Your teams {STRING 0}\nstopped working!$"
gText_FoeStoppedWorking:: @ 85CA096
.string "The foes {STRING 0}\nstopped working!$"
gText_PkmnIsConfused:: @ 85CA0B4
.string "{STRING 15} is\nconfused!$"
gText_PkmnHealedConfusion:: @ 85CA0C4
.string "{STRING 15} snapped\nout of confusion!$"
gText_PkmnWasConfused:: @ 85CA0E1
.string "{STRING 17} became\nconfused!$"
gText_PkmnAlreadyConfused:: @ 85CA0F5
.string "{STRING 16} is\nalready confused!$"
gText_PkmnFellInLove:: @ 85CA10D
.string "{STRING 16}\nfell in love!$"
gText_PkmnInLove:: @ 85CA11E
.string "{STRING 15} is in love\nwith {STRING 19}!$"
gText_PkmnImmobilizedByLove:: @ 85CA135
.string "{STRING 15} is\nimmobilized by love!$"
gText_PkmnBlownAway:: @ 85CA150
.string "{STRING 16} was\nblown away!$"
gText_PkmnChangedType:: @ 85CA163
.string "{STRING 15} transformed\ninto the {STRING 0} type!$"
gText_PkmnFlinched:: @ 85CA184
.string "{STRING 15} flinched!$"
gText_PkmnRegainedHealth:: @ 85CA191
.string "{STRING 16} regained\nhealth!$"
gText_PkmnHPFull:: @ 85CA1A5
.string "{STRING 16}s\nHP is full!$"
gText_PkmnRaisedSpDef:: @ 85CA1B6
.string "{STRING 42}s {STRING 20}\nraised SP. DEF!$"
gText_PkmnRaisedSpDefALittle:: @ 85CA1CE
.string "{STRING 42}s {STRING 20}\nraised SP. DEF a little!$"
gText_PkmnRaisedDef:: @ 85CA1EF
.string "{STRING 42}s {STRING 20}\nraised DEFENSE!$"
gText_PkmnRaisedDefALittle:: @ 85CA207
.string "{STRING 42}s {STRING 20}\nraised DEFENSE a little!$"
gText_PkmnCoveredByVeil:: @ 85CA228
.string "{STRING 42}s party is covered\nby a veil!$"
gText_PkmnUsedSafeguard:: @ 85CA249
.string "{STRING 16}s party is protected\nby SAFEGUARD!$"
gText_PkmnSafeguardExpired:: @ 85CA26F
.string "{STRING 44}s party is no longer\nprotected by SAFEGUARD!$"
gText_PkmnWentToSleep:: @ 85CA29F
.string "{STRING 15} went\nto sleep!$"
gText_PkmnSleptHealthy:: @ 85CA2B1
.string "{STRING 15} slept and\nbecame healthy!$"
gText_PkmnWhippedWhirlwind:: @ 85CA2CE
.string "{STRING 15} whipped\nup a whirlwind!$"
gText_PkmnTookSunlight:: @ 85CA2E9
.string "{STRING 15} took\nin sunlight!$"
gText_PkmnLoweredHead:: @ 85CA2FE
.string "{STRING 15} lowered\nits head!$"
gText_PkmnIsGlowing:: @ 85CA313
.string "{STRING 15} is glowing!$"
gText_PkmnFlewHigh:: @ 85CA322
.string "{STRING 15} flew\nup high!$"
gText_PkmnDugHole:: @ 85CA333
.string "{STRING 15} dug a hole!$"
gText_PkmnHidUnderwater:: @ 85CA342
.string "{STRING 15} hid\nunderwater!$"
gText_PkmnSprangUp:: @ 85CA355
.string "{STRING 15} sprang up!$"
gText_PkmnSqueezedByBind:: @ 85CA363
.string "{STRING 16} was squeezed by\n{STRING 15}s BIND!$"
gText_PkmnTrappedInVortex:: @ 85CA381
.string "{STRING 16} was trapped\nin the vortex!$"
gText_PkmnTrappedBySandTomb:: @ 85CA39F
.string "{STRING 16} was trapped\nby SAND TOMB!$"
gText_PkmnWrappedBy:: @ 85CA3BC
.string "{STRING 16} was WRAPPED by\n{STRING 15}!$"
gText_PkmnClamped:: @ 85CA3D2
.string "{STRING 15} CLAMPED\n{STRING 16}!$"
gText_PkmnHurtBy:: @ 85CA3E1
.string "{STRING 15} is hurt\nby {STRING 0}!$"
gText_PkmnFreedFrom:: @ 85CA3F3
.string "{STRING 15} was freed\nfrom {STRING 0}!$"
gText_PkmnCrashed:: @ 85CA409
.string "{STRING 15} kept going\nand crashed!$"
gText_PkmnShroudedInMist:: @ 85CA424
.string "{STRING 42} became\nshrouded in MIST!$"
gText_PkmnProtectedByMist:: @ 85CA440
.string "{STRING 19} is protected\nby MIST!$"
gText_PkmnGettingPumped:: @ 85CA459
.string "{STRING 15} is getting\npumped!$"
gText_PkmnHitWithRecoil:: @ 85CA46F
.string "{STRING 15} is hit\nwith recoil!$"
gText_PkmnProtectedItself2:: @ 85CA486
.string "{STRING 15} protected\nitself!$"
gText_PkmnBuffetedBySandstorm:: @ 85CA49B
.string "{STRING 15} is buffeted\nby the sandstorm!$"
gText_PkmnPeltedByHail:: @ 85CA4BC
.string "{STRING 15} is pelted\nby HAIL!$"
gText_PkmnsXWoreOff:: @ 85CA4D2
.string "{STRING 40}s {STRING 0}\nwore off!$"
gText_PkmnSeeded:: @ 85CA4E4
.string "{STRING 16} was seeded!$"
gText_PkmnEvadedAttack:: @ 85CA4F3
.string "{STRING 16} evaded\nthe attack!$"
gText_PkmnSappedByLeechSeed:: @ 85CA509
.string "{STRING 15}s health is\nsapped by LEECH SEED!$"
gText_PkmnFastAsleep:: @ 85CA52E
.string "{STRING 15} is fast\nasleep.$"
gText_PkmnWokeUp:: @ 85CA541
.string "{STRING 15} woke up!$"
gText_PkmnUproarKeptAwake:: @ 85CA54D
.string "But {STRING 19}s UPROAR\nkept it awake!$"
gText_PkmnWokeUpInUproar:: @ 85CA56C
.string "{STRING 15} woke up\nin the UPROAR!$"
gText_PkmnCausedUproar:: @ 85CA586
.string "{STRING 15} caused\nan UPROAR!$"
gText_PkmnMakingUproar:: @ 85CA59B
.string "{STRING 15} is making\nan UPROAR!$"
gText_PkmnCalmedDown:: @ 85CA5B3
.string "{STRING 15} calmed down.$"
gText_PkmnCantSleepInUproar:: @ 85CA5C3
.string "But {STRING 16} cant\nsleep in an UPROAR!$"
gText_PkmnStockpiled:: @ 85CA5E4
.string "{STRING 15} STOCKPILED\n{STRING 0}!$"
gText_PkmnCantStockpile:: @ 85CA5F6
.string "{STRING 15} cant\nSTOCKPILE any more!$"
gText_PkmnCantSleepInUproar2:: @ 85CA613
.string "But {STRING 16} cant\nsleep in an UPROAR!$"
gText_UproarKeptPkmnAwake:: @ 85CA634
.string "But the UPROAR kept\n{STRING 16} awake!$"
gText_PkmnStayedAwakeUsing:: @ 85CA652
.string "{STRING 16} stayed awake\nusing its {STRING 25}!$"
gText_PkmnStoringEnergy:: @ 85CA670
.string "{STRING 15} is storing\nenergy!$"
gText_PkmnUnleashedEnergy:: @ 85CA686
.string "{STRING 15} unleashed\nenergy!$"
gText_PkmnFatigueConfusion:: @ 85CA69B
.string "{STRING 15} became\nconfused due to fatigue!$"
gText_PkmnPickedUpItem:: @ 85CA6BE
.string "{STRING 35} picked up\n¥{STRING 0}!\p$"
gText_PkmnUnaffected:: @ 85CA6D1
.string "{STRING 16} is\nunaffected!$"
gText_PkmnTransformedInto:: @ 85CA6E3
.string "{STRING 15} transformed\ninto {STRING 0}!$"
gText_PkmnMadeSubstitute:: @ 85CA6FB
.string "{STRING 15} made\na SUBSTITUTE!$"
gText_PkmnHasSubstitute:: @ 85CA711
.string "{STRING 15} already\nhas a SUBSTITUTE!$"
gText_SubstituteDamaged:: @ 85CA72E
.string "The SUBSTITUTE took damage\nfor {STRING 16}!\p$"
gText_PkmnSubstituteFaded:: @ 85CA752
.string "{STRING 16}s\nSUBSTITUTE faded!\p$"
gText_PkmnMustRecharge:: @ 85CA76A
.string "{STRING 15} must\nrecharge!$"
gText_PkmnRageBuilding:: @ 85CA76C
.string "{STRING 16}s RAGE\nis building!$"
gText_PkmnMoveWasDisabled:: @ 85CA793
.string "{STRING 16}s {STRING 0}\nwas disabled!$"
gText_PkmnMoveDisabledNoMore:: @ 85CA7A9
.string "{STRING 15} is disabled\nno more!$"
gText_PkmnGotEncore:: @ 85CA7C1
.string "{STRING 16} got\nan ENCORE!$"
gText_PkmnEncoreEnded:: @ 85CA7D3
.string "{STRING 15}s ENCORE\nended!$"
gText_PkmnTookAim:: @ 85CA7E6
.string "{STRING 15} took aim\nat {STRING 16}!$"
gText_PkmnSketchedMove:: @ 85CA7F9
.string "{STRING 15} SKETCHED\n{STRING 0}!$"
gText_PkmnTryingToTakeFoe:: @ 85CA809
.string "{STRING 15} is trying\nto take its foe with it!$"
gText_PkmnTookFoe:: @ 85CA82F
.string "{STRING 16} took\n{STRING 15} with it!$"
gText_PkmnReducedPP:: @ 85CA843
.string "Reduced {STRING 16}s\n{STRING 0} by {PLAYER}!$"
gText_PkmnStoleItem:: @ 85CA85A
.string "{STRING 15} stole\n{STRING 16}s {STRING 22}!$"
gText_PkmnCantEscape:: @ 85CA86C
.string "{STRING 16} cant\nescape now!$"
gText_PkmnFellIntoNightmare:: @ 85CA881
.string "{STRING 16} fell into\na NIGHTMARE!$"
gText_PkmnLockedInNightmare:: @ 85CA89B
.string "{STRING 15} is locked\nin a NIGHTMARE!$"
gText_PkmnLaidCurse:: @ 85CA8B8
.string "{STRING 15} cut its own HP and\nlaid a CURSE on {STRING 16}!$"
gText_PkmnAfflictedByCurse:: @ 85CA8E2
.string "{STRING 15} is afflicted\nby the CURSE!$"
gText_SpikesScattered:: @ 85CA900
.string "SPIKES were scattered all around\nthe opponents side!$"
gText_PkmnHurtBySpikes:: @ 85CA936
.string "{STRING 19} is hurt\nby SPIKES!$"
gText_PkmnIdentified:: @ 85CA94C
.string "{STRING 15} identified\n{STRING 16}!$"
gText_PkmnPerishCountFell:: @ 85CA95E
.string "{STRING 15}s PERISH count\nfell to {STRING 0}!$"
gText_PkmnBracedItself:: @ 85CA97C
.string "{STRING 15} braced\nitself!$"
gText_PkmnEnduredHit:: @ 85CA98E
.string "{STRING 16} ENDURED\nthe hit!$"
gText_MagnitudeStrength:: @ 85CA9A2
.string "MAGNITUDE {STRING 0}!$"
gText_PkmnCutHPMaxedAttack:: @ 85CA9B0
.string "{STRING 15} cut its own HP\nand maximized ATTACK!$"
gText_PkmnCopiedStatChanges:: @ 85CA9D8
.string "{STRING 15} copied\n{STRING 16}s stat changes!$"
gText_PkmnGotFree:: @ 85CA9F5
.string "{STRING 15} got free of\n{STRING 16}s {STRING 0}!$"
gText_PkmnShedLeechSeed:: @ 85CAA0D
.string "{STRING 15} shed\nLEECH SEED!$"
gText_PkmnBlewAwaySpikes:: @ 85CAA21
.string "{STRING 15} blew away\nSPIKES!$"
gText_PkmnFledFromBattle:: @ 85CAA36
.string "{STRING 15} fled from\nbattle!$"
gText_PkmnForesawAttack:: @ 85CAA4B
.string "{STRING 15} foresaw\nan attack!$"
gText_PkmnTookAttack:: @ 85CAA61
.string "{STRING 16} took the\n{STRING 0} attack!$"
gText_PkmnChoseXAsDestiny:: @ 85CAA78
.string "{STRING 15} chose\n{STRING 20} as its destiny!$"
gText_PkmnAttack:: @ 85CAA94
.string "{STRING 0}s attack!$"
gText_PkmnCenterAttention:: @ 85CAAA1
.string "{STRING 15} became the\ncenter of attention!$"
gText_PkmnChargingPower:: @ 85CAAC4
.string "{STRING 15} began\ncharging power!$"
gText_NaturePowerTurnedInto:: @ 85CAADD
.string "NATURE POWER turned into\n{STRING 20}!$"
gText_PkmnStatusNormal:: @ 85CAAFA
.string "{STRING 15}s status\nreturned to normal!$"
gText_PkmnSubjectedToTorment:: @ 85CAB1A
.string "{STRING 16} was subjected\nto TORMENT!$"
gText_PkmnTighteningFocus:: @ 85CAB37
.string "{STRING 15} is tightening\nits focus!$"
gText_PkmnFellForTaunt:: @ 85CAB53
.string "{STRING 16} fell for\nthe TAUNT!$"
gText_PkmnReadyToHelp:: @ 85CAB6A
.string "{STRING 15} is ready to\nhelp {STRING 16}!$"
gText_PkmnSwitchedItems:: @ 85CAB82
.string "{STRING 15} switched\nitems with its opponent!$"
gText_PkmnObtainedX:: @ 85CABA7
.string "{STRING 15} obtained\n{STRING 0}.$"
gText_PkmnObtainedX2:: @ 85CABB7
.string "{STRING 16} obtained\n{PLAYER}.$"
gText_PkmnObtainedXYObtainedZ:: @ 85CABC7
.string "{STRING 15} obtained\n{STRING 0}.\p{STRING 16} obtained\n{PLAYER}.$"
gText_PkmnCopiedFoe:: @ 85CAB82
.string "{STRING 15} copied\n{STRING 16}s {STRING 25}!$"
gText_PkmnMadeWish:: @ 85CABFA
.string "{STRING 15} made a WISH!$"
gText_PkmnWishCameTrue:: @ 85CAC0A
.string "{STRING 0}s WISH\ncame true!$"
gText_PkmnPlantedRoots:: @ 85CAC1F
.string "{STRING 15} planted its roots!$"
gText_PkmnAbsorbedNutrients:: @ 85CAC35
.string "{STRING 15} absorbed\nnutrients with its roots!$"
gText_PkmnAnchoredItself:: @ 85CAC5B
.string "{STRING 16} anchored\nitself with its roots!$"
gText_PkmnWasMadeDrowsy:: @ 85CAC7E
.string "{STRING 15} made\n{STRING 16} drowsy!$"
gText_PkmnKnockedOff:: @ 85CAC91
.string "{STRING 15} knocked off\n{STRING 16}s {STRING 22}!$"
gText_PkmnSwappedAbilities:: @ 85CACA9
.string "{STRING 15} swapped abilities\nwith its opponent!$"
gText_PkmnSealedOpponentMove:: @ 85CACD1
.string "{STRING 15} sealed the\nopponents move(s)!$"
gText_PkmnWantsGrudge:: @ 85CACF3
.string "{STRING 15} wants the\nopponent to bear a GRUDGE!$"
gText_PkmnLostPPGrudge:: @ 85CAD1B
.string "{STRING 15}s {STRING 0} lost\nall its PP due to the GRUDGE!$"
gText_PkmnShroudedItself:: @ 85CAD46
.string "{STRING 15} shrouded\nitself in {STRING 20}!$"
gText_PkmnMoveBounced:: @ 85CAD60
.string "{STRING 15}s {STRING 20}\nwas bounced back by MAGIC COAT!$"
gText_PkmnWaitsForTarget:: @ 85CAD88
.string "{STRING 15} waits for a target\nto make a move!$"
gText_PkmnSnatchedMove:: @ 85CADAE
.string "{STRING 16} SNATCHED\n{STRING 19}s move!$"
gText_ElectricityWeakened:: @ 85CADC5
.string "Electricitys power was\nweakened!$"
gText_FireWeakened:: @ 85CADE7
.string "Fires power was\nweakened!$"
gText_XFoundOneY:: @ 85CAE02
.string "{STRING 15} found\none {STRING 22}!$"
gText_SoothingAroma:: @ 85CAE13
.string "A soothing aroma wafted\nthrough the area!$"
gText_ItemsCantBeUsedNow:: @ 85CAE3D
.string "Items cant be used now.{PAUSE 64}$"
gText_ForXCommaYZ:: @ 85CAE59
.string "For {STRING 19},\n{STRING 22} {STRING 0}$"
gText_PkmnUsedXToGetPumped:: @ 85CAE67
.string "{STRING 19} used\n{STRING 22} to get pumped!$"
gText_PkmnLostFocus:: @ 85CAE81
.string "{STRING 15} lost its\nfocus and couldnt move!$"
gText_PkmnWasDraggedOut:: @ 85CAEA6
.string "{STRING 16} was\ndragged out!\p$"
gText_TheWallShattered:: @ 85CAEBB
.string "The wall shattered!$"
gText_ButNoEffect:: @ 85CAECF
.string "But it had no effect!$"
gText_PkmnHasNoMovesLeft:: @ 85CAEE5
.string "{STRING 18} has no\nmoves left!\p$"
gText_PkmnMoveIsDisabled:: @ 85CAEFC
.string "{STRING 18}s {STRING 20}\nis disabled!\p$"
gText_PkmnCantUseMoveTorment:: @ 85CAF12
.string "{STRING 18} cant use the same\nmove in a row due to the TORMENT!\p$"
gText_PkmnCantUseMoveTaunt:: @ 85CAF4B
.string "{STRING 18} cant use\n{STRING 20} after the TAUNT!\p$"
gText_PkmnCantUseMoveSealed:: @ 85CAF6D
.string "{STRING 18} cant use the\nsealed {STRING 20}!\p$"
gText_PkmnMadeItRain:: @ 85CAF8A
.string "{STRING 19}s {STRING 26}\nmade it rain!$"
gText_PkmnRaisedSpeed:: @ 85CAFA0
.string "{STRING 19}s {STRING 26}\nraised its SPEED!$"
gText_PkmnProtectedBy:: @ 85CAFBA
.string "{STRING 16} was protected\nby {STRING 25}!$"
gText_PkmnPreventsUsage:: @ 85CAFD2
.string "{STRING 16}s {STRING 25}\nprevents {STRING 15}\lfrom using {STRING 20}!$"
gText_PkmnRestoredHPUsing:: @ 85CAFF5
.string "{STRING 16} restored HP\nusing its {STRING 25}!$"
gText_PkmnsXMadeYUseless:: @ 85CB012
.string "{STRING 16}s {STRING 25}\nmade {STRING 20} useless!$"
gText_PkmnChangedTypeWith:: @ 85CB02B
.string "{STRING 16}s {STRING 25}\nmade it the {STRING 0} type!$"
gText_PkmnPreventsParalysisWith:: @ 85CB048
.string "{STRING 17}s {STRING 25}\nprevents paralysis!$"
gText_PkmnPreventsRomanceWith:: @ 85CB064
.string "{STRING 16}s {STRING 25}\nprevents romance!$"
gText_PkmnPreventsPoisoningWith:: @ 85CB07E
.string "{STRING 17}s {STRING 25}\nprevents poisoning!$"
gText_PkmnPreventsConfusionWith:: @ 85CB09A
.string "{STRING 16}s {STRING 25}\nprevents confusion!$"
gText_PkmnRaisedFirePowerWith:: @ 85CB0B6
.string "{STRING 16}s {STRING 25}\nraised its FIRE power!$"
gText_PkmnAnchorsItselfWith:: @ 85CB0D5
.string "{STRING 16} anchors\nitself with {STRING 25}!$"
gText_PkmnCutsAttackWith:: @ 85CB0F0
.string "{STRING 19}s {STRING 26}\ncuts {STRING 16}s ATTACK!$"
gText_PkmnPreventsStatLossWith:: @ 85CB10A
.string "{STRING 19}s {STRING 26}\nprevents stat loss!$"
gText_PkmnHurtsWith:: @ 85CB126
.string "{STRING 16}s {STRING 25}\nhurt {STRING 15}!$"
gText_PkmnTraced:: @ 85CB137
.string "{STRING 19} TRACED\n{STRING 0}s {PLAYER}!$"
gText_PkmnsXPreventsBurns:: @ 85CB14A
.string "{STRING 17}s {STRING 27}\nprevents burns!$"
gText_PkmnsXBlocksY:: @ 85CB162
.string "{STRING 16}s {STRING 25}\nblocks {STRING 20}!$"
gText_PkmnsXBlocksY2:: @ 85CB175
.string "{STRING 19}s {STRING 26}\nblocks {STRING 20}!$"
gText_PkmnsXRestoredHPALittle2:: @ 85CB188
.string "{STRING 15}s {STRING 24}\nrestored its HP a little!$"
gText_PkmnsXWhippedUpSandstorm:: @ 85CB1AA
.string "{STRING 19}s {STRING 26}\nwhipped up a sandstorm!$"
gText_PkmnsXIntensifiedSun:: @ 85CB1CA
.string "{STRING 19}s {STRING 26}\nintensified the suns rays!$"
gText_PkmnsXPreventsYLoss:: @ 85CB1EE
.string "{STRING 19}s {STRING 26}\nprevents {STRING 0} loss!$"
gText_PkmnsXInfatuatedY:: @ 85CB208
.string "{STRING 16}s {STRING 25}\ninfatuated {STRING 15}!$"
gText_PkmnsXMadeYIneffective:: @ 85CB21F
.string "{STRING 16}s {STRING 25}\nmade {STRING 20} ineffective!$"
gText_PkmnsXCuredYProblem:: @ 85CB23C
.string "{STRING 19}s {STRING 26}\ncured its {STRING 0} problem!$"
gText_ItSuckedLiquidOoze:: @ 85CB25A
.string "It sucked up the\nLIQUID OOZE!$"
gText_PkmnTransformed:: @ 85CB278
.string "{STRING 19} transformed!$"
gText_PkmnsXTookAttack:: @ 85CB288
.string "{STRING 16}s {STRING 25}\ntook the attack!$"
gText_PkmnsXPreventsSwitching:: @ 85CB2A1
.string "{STRING 0}s {STRING 23}\nprevents switching!\p$"
gText_PreventedFromWorking:: @ 85CB2BE
.string "{STRING 16}s {STRING 25}\nprevented {STRING 19}s\l{STRING 0} from working!$"
gText_PkmnsXMadeItIneffective:: @ 85CB2E6
.string "{STRING 19}s {STRING 26}\nmade it ineffective!$"
gText_PkmnsXPreventsFlinching:: @ 85CB303
.string "{STRING 17}s {STRING 27}\nprevents flinching!$"
gText_PkmnsXPreventsYsZ:: @ 85CB31F
.string "{STRING 15}s {STRING 24}\nprevents {STRING 16}s\l{STRING 25} from working!$"
gText_PkmnsXCuredItsYProblem:: @ 85CB346
.string "{STRING 19}s {STRING 26}\ncured its {STRING 0} problem!$"
gText_PkmnsXHadNoEffectOnY:: @ 85CB364
.string "{STRING 19}s {STRING 26}\nhad no effect on {STRING 17}!$"
gText_StatSharply:: @ 85CB381
.string "sharply $"
gText_StatRose:: @ 85CB38A
.string "rose!$"
gText_StatHarshly:: @ 85CB390
.string "harshly $"
gText_StatFell:: @ 85CB399
.string "fell!$"
gText_PkmnsStatChanged:: @ 85CB39F
.string "{STRING 15}s {STRING 0}\n{PLAYER}$"
gText_PkmnsStatChanged2:: @ 85CB3AA
.string "{STRING 16}s {STRING 0}\n{PLAYER}$"
gText_UsingXTheYOfZN:: @ 85CB3B5
.string "Using {STRING 22}, the {STRING 0}\nof {STRING 19} {PLAYER}$"
gText_PkmnsStatChanged3:: @ 85CB3CF
.string "{STRING 15}s {STRING 0}\n{PLAYER}$"
gText_PkmnsStatChanged4:: @ 85CB3DA
.string "{STRING 16}s {STRING 0}\n{PLAYER}$"
gText_StatsWontIncrease2:: @ 85CB3E5
.string "{STRING 15}s stats wont\ngo any higher!$"
gText_StatsWontDecrease2:: @ 85CB405
.string "{STRING 16}s stats wont\ngo any lower!$"
gText_CriticalHit:: @ 85CB424
.string "A critical hit!$"
gText_OneHitKO:: @ 85CB434
.string "Its a one-hit KO!$"
gText_123Poof:: @ 85CB447
.string "{PAUSE 32}1, {PAUSE 15}2, and{PAUSE 15} {PAUSE 15} {PAUSE 15} {PAUSE 15}{PLAY_SE 0x0038}Poof!\p$"
gText_AndEllipsis:: @ 85CB473
.string "And\p$"
gText_HMMovesCantBeForgotten:: @ 85CB479
.string "HM moves cant be\nforgotten now.\p$"
gText_NotVeryEffective:: @ 85CB49B
.string "Its not very effective$"
gText_SuperEffective:: @ 85CB4B4
.string "Its super effective!$"
gText_GotAwaySafely:: @ 85CB4CA
.string "{PLAY_SE 0x0011}Got away safely!\p$"
gText_PkmnFledUsingIts:: @ 85CB4E0
.string "{PLAY_SE 0x0011}{STRING 15} fled\nusing its {STRING 22}!\p$"
gText_PkmnFledUsing:: @ 85CB4FB
.string "{PLAY_SE 0x0011}{STRING 15} fled\nusing {STRING 24}!\p$"
gText_WildPkmnFled:: @ 85CB512
.string "{PLAY_SE 0x0011}Wild {STRING 0} fled!$"
gText_PlayerDefeated:: @ 85CB524
.string "Player defeated\n{STRING 32}!$"
gText_PlayerBeatTwo:: @ 85CB538
.string "Player beat {STRING 32}\nand {STRING 33}!$"
gText_PlayerLostAgainst:: @ 85CB54F
.string "Player lost against\n{STRING 32}!$"
gText_PlayerLostToTwo:: @ 85CB567
.string "Player lost to {STRING 32}\nand {STRING 33}!$"
gText_PlayerBattledToDraw:: @ 85CB581
.string "Player battled to a draw against\n{STRING 32}!$"
gText_PlayerBattledToDrawVsTwo:: @ 85CB5A6
.string "Player battled to a draw against\n{STRING 32} and {STRING 33}!$"
gText_WildFled:: @ 85CB5D2
.string "{PLAY_SE 0x0011}{STRING 32} fled!$"
gText_TwoWildFled:: @ 85CB5DF
.string "{PLAY_SE 0x0011}{STRING 32} and\n{STRING 33} fled!$"
gText_NoRunningFromTrainers:: @ 85CB5F3
.string "No! Theres no running\nfrom a TRAINER battle!\p$"
gText_CantEscape:: @ 85CB622
.string "Cant escape!\p$"
gText_DontLeaveBirch:: @ 85CB631
.string "PROF. BIRCH: Dont leave me like this!\p$"
gText_ButNothingHappened:: @ 85CB659
.string "But nothing happened!$"
gText_ButItFailed:: @ 85CB66F
.string "But it failed!$"
gText_ItHurtConfusion:: @ 85CB67E
.string "It hurt itself in its\nconfusion!$"
gText_MirrorMoveFailed:: @ 85CB69F
.string "The MIRROR MOVE failed!$"
gText_StartedToRain:: @ 85CB6B7
.string "It started to rain!$"
gText_DownpourStarted:: @ 85CB6CB
.string "A downpour started!$"
gText_RainContinues:: @ 85CB6DF
.string "Rain continues to fall.$"
gText_DownpourContinues:: @ 85CB6F7
.string "The downpour continues.$"
gText_RainStopped:: @ 85CB70F
.string "The rain stopped.$"
gText_SandstormBrewed:: @ 85CB721
.string "A sandstorm brewed!$"
gText_SandstormRages:: @ 85CB735
.string "The sandstorm rages.$"
gText_SandstormSubsided:: @ 85CB74A
.string "The sandstorm subsided.$"
gText_SunlightGotBright:: @ 85CB762
.string "The sunlight got bright!$"
gText_SunlightStrong:: @ 85CB77B
.string "The sunlight is strong.$"
gText_SunlightFaded:: @ 85CB793
.string "The sunlight faded.$"
gText_StartedHail:: @ 85CB7A7
.string "It started to hail!$"
gText_HailContinues:: @ 85CB7BB
.string "Hail continues to fall.$"
gText_HailStopped:: @ 85CB7D3
.string "The hail stopped.$"
gText_FailedToSpitUp:: @ 85CB7E5
.string "But it failed to SPIT UP\na thing!$"
gText_FailedToSwallow:: @ 85CB807
.string "But it failed to SWALLOW\na thing!$"
gText_WindBecameHeatWave:: @ 85CB829
.string "The wind turned into a\nHEAT WAVE!$"
gText_StatChangesGone:: @ 85CB84B
.string "All stat changes were\neliminated!$"
gText_CoinsScattered:: @ 85CB86D
.string "Coins scattered everywhere!$"
gText_TooWeakForSubstitute:: @ 85CB889
.string "It was too weak to make\na SUBSTITUTE!$"
gText_SharedPain:: @ 85CB8AF
.string "The battlers shared\ntheir pain!$"
gText_BellChimed:: @ 85CB8CF
.string "A bell chimed!$"
gText_FaintInThree:: @ 85CB8DE
.string "All affected POKéMON will\nfaint in three turns!$"
gText_NoPPLeft:: @ 85CB90E
.string "Theres no PP left for\nthis move!\p$"
gText_ButNoPPLeft:: @ 85CB931
.string "But there was no PP left\nfor the move!$"
gText_PkmnIgnoresAsleep:: @ 85CB958
.string "{STRING 15} ignored\norders while asleep!$"
gText_PkmnIgnoredOrders:: @ 85CB978
.string "{STRING 15} ignored\norders!$"
gText_PkmnBeganToNap:: @ 85CB98B
.string "{STRING 15} began to nap!$"
gText_PkmnLoafing:: @ 85CB99C
.string "{STRING 15} is\nloafing around!$"
gText_PkmnWontObey:: @ 85CB9B2
.string "{STRING 15} wont\nobey!$"
gText_PkmnTurnedAway:: @ 85CB9C1
.string "{STRING 15} turned away!$"
gText_PkmnPretendNotNotice:: @ 85CB9D1
.string "{STRING 15} pretended\nnot to notice!$"
gText_EnemyAboutToSwitchPkmn:: @ 85CB9ED
.string "{STRING 28} {STRING 29} is\nabout to use {PLAYER}.\pWill {STRING 35} change\nPOKéMON?$"
gText_PkmnLearnedMove2:: @ 85CBA1F
.string "{STRING 15} learned\n{STRING 0}!$"
gText_PlayerDefeatedXY:: @ 85CBA2E
.string "Player defeated\n{STRING 28} {STRING 29}!\p$"
gText_CreptCloser:: @ 85CBA46
.string "{STRING 35} crept closer to\n{RIVAL}!$"
gText_CantGetCloser:: @ 85CBA5D
.string "{STRING 35} cant get any closer!$"
gText_PkmnWatchingCarefully:: @ 85CBA76
.string "{RIVAL} is watching\ncarefully!$"
gText_PkmnCuriousAboutX:: @ 85CBA90
.string "{RIVAL} is curious about\nthe {STRING 0}!$"
gText_PkmnEnthralledByX:: @ 85CBAAC
.string "{RIVAL} is enthralled by\nthe {STRING 0}!$"
gText_PkmnIgnoredX:: @ 85CBAC8
.string "{RIVAL} completely ignored\nthe {STRING 0}!$"
gText_ThrewPokeblockAtPkmn:: @ 85CBAE6
.string "{STRING 35} threw a {POKEBLOCK}\nat the {RIVAL}!$"
gText_OutOfSafariBalls:: @ 85CBB02
.string "{PLAY_SE 0x0049}ANNOUNCER: Youre out of\nSAFARI BALLS! Game over!\p$"
.string "{RIVAL} appeared!\p$"
gText_WildPkmnAppeared:: @ 85CBB47
.string "Wild {RIVAL} appeared!\p$"
gText_WildPkmnAppeared2:: @ 85CBB5A
.string "Wild {RIVAL} appeared!\p$"
gText_WildPkmnAppearedPause:: @ 85CBB6D
.string "Wild {RIVAL} appeared!{PAUSE 127}$"
gText_TwoWildPkmnAppeared:: @ 85CBB82
.string "Wild {RIVAL} and\n{AQUA} appeared!\p$"
gText_TrainerXYWantsToBattle:: @ 85CBB9C
.string "{STRING 28} {STRING 29}\nwould like to battle!\p$"
gText_TrainerXWantsToBattle:: @ 85CBBB9
.string "{STRING 32}\nwants to battle!$"
gText_TwoTrainersWantToBattle:: @ 85CBBCD
.string "{STRING 32} and {STRING 33}\nwant to battle!$"
gText_TrainerXYSentOutPkmn:: @ 85CBBE7
.string "{STRING 28} {STRING 29} sent\nout {RIVAL}!$"
gText_TrainerXYSentOutTwoPkmn:: @ 85CBBFA
.string "{STRING 28} {STRING 29} sent\nout {RIVAL} and {AQUA}!$"
gText_TrainerXYSentOutPkmn2:: @ 85CBC14
.string "{STRING 28} {STRING 29} sent\nout {STRING 0}!$"
gText_TrainerXSentOutPkmn:: @ 85CBC27
.string "{STRING 32} sent out\n{RIVAL}!$"
gText_TrainerXSentOutTwoPkmn:: @ 85CBC37
.string "{STRING 32} sent out\n{RIVAL} and {AQUA}!$"
gText_TwoTrainersSentOutPkmn:: @ 85CBC4E
.string "{STRING 32} sent out {STRING 10}!\n{STRING 33} sent out {STRING 12}!$"
gText_TrainerXSentOutPkmn2:: @ 85CBC6E
.string "{STRING 32} sent out\n{STRING 0}!$"
gText_TrainerXSentOutPkmn3:: @ 85CBC7E
.string "{STRING 34} sent out\n{STRING 0}!$"
gText_GoPkmn:: @ 85CBC8E
.string "Go! {STRING 5}!$"
gText_GoTwoPkmn:: @ 85CBC96
.string "Go! {STRING 5} and\n{VERSION}!$"
gText_GoPkmn2:: @ 85CBCA5
.string "Go! {STRING 0}!$"
gText_DoItPkmn:: @ 85CBCAD
.string "Do it! {STRING 0}!$"
gText_GoForItPkmn:: @ 85CBCB8
.string "Go for it, {STRING 0}!$"
gText_YourFoesWeakGetEmPkmn:: @ 85CBCC7
.string "Your foes weak!\nGet em, {STRING 0}!$"
gText_EnemySentOutPkmnGoPkmn:: @ 85CBCE5
.string "{STRING 31} sent out {STRING 11}!\nGo! {STRING 9}!$"
gText_PkmnThatsEnough:: @ 85CBCFD
.string "{STRING 0}, thats enough!\nCome back!$"
gText_PkmnComeBack:: @ 85CBD1B
.string "{STRING 0}, come back!$"
gText_PkmnOkComeBack:: @ 85CBD2A
.string "{STRING 0}, OK!\nCome back!$"
gText_PkmnGoodComeBack:: @ 85CBD3D
.string "{STRING 0}, good!\nCome back!$"
gText_TrainerXYWithdrewPkmn:: @ 85CBD52
.string "{STRING 28} {STRING 29}\nwithdrew {STRING 0}!$"
gText_TrainerXWithdrewPkmn:: @ 85CBD65
.string "{STRING 32} withdrew\n{STRING 0}!$"
gText_TrainerXWithdrewPkmn2:: @ 85CBD75
.string "{STRING 34} withdrew\n{STRING 0}!$"
gText_WildPkmnPrefix:: @ 85CBD85
.string "Wild $"
gText_FoePkmnPrefix:: @ 85CBD8B
.string "Foe $"
.string "$"
gText_FoePkmnPrefix2:: @ 85CBD91
.string "Foe$"
gText_AllyPkmnPrefix:: @ 85CBD95
.string "Ally$"
gText_FoePkmnPrefix3:: @ 85CBD9A
.string "Foe$"
gText_AllyPkmnPrefix2:: @ 85CBD9E
.string "Ally$"
gText_FoePkmnPrefix4:: @ 85CBDA3
.string "Foe$"
gText_AllyPkmnPrefix3:: @ 85CBDA7
.string "Ally$"
gText_XUsedY2:: @ 85CBDAC
.string "{STRING 15} used\n{PLAYER}$"
gText_ExclamationMark:: @ 85CBDB7
.string "!$"
gText_ExclamationMark2:: @ 85CBDB9
.string "!$"
gText_ExclamationMark3:: @ 85CBDBB
.string "!$"
gText_ExclamationMark4:: @ 85CBDBD
.string "!$"
gText_ExclamationMark5:: @ 85CBDBF
.string "!$"
gText_HP2:: @ 85CBDC1
.string "HP$"
gText_Attack2:: @ 85CBDC4
.string "ATTACK$"
gText_Defense2:: @ 85CBDCB
.string "DEFENSE$"
gText_Speed:: @ 85CBDD3
.string "SPEED$"
gText_SpAtk2:: @ 85CBDD9
.string "SP. ATK$"
gText_SpDef2:: @ 85CBDE1
.string "SP. DEF$"
gText_Accuracy:: @ 85CBDE9
.string "accuracy$"
gText_Evasiveness:: @ 85CBDF2
.string "evasiveness$"
.align 2
gStatNamesTable:: @ 85CBE00
.4byte gText_HP2
.4byte gText_Attack2
.4byte gText_Defense2
.4byte gText_Speed
.4byte gText_SpAtk2
.4byte gText_SpDef2
.4byte gText_Accuracy
.4byte gText_Evasiveness
gText_PokeblockWasTooSpicy:: @ 85CBE20
.string "was too spicy!$"
gText_PokeblockWasTooDry:: @ 85CBE2F
.string "was too dry!$"
gText_PokeblockWasTooSweet:: @ 85CBE3C
.string "was too sweet!$"
gText_PokeblockWasTooBitter:: @ 85CBE4B
.string "was too bitter!$"
gText_PokeblockWasTooSour:: @ 85CBE5B
.string "was too sour!$"
.align 2
gPokeblockWasTooXStringTable:: @ 85CBE6C
.4byte gText_PokeblockWasTooSpicy
.4byte gText_PokeblockWasTooDry
.4byte gText_PokeblockWasTooSweet
.4byte gText_PokeblockWasTooBitter
.4byte gText_PokeblockWasTooSour
gText_XUsedY:: @ 85CBE80
.string "{STRING 35} used\n{STRING 22}!$"
gText_WallyUsedY:: @ 85CBE8C
.string "WALLY used\n{STRING 22}!$"
gText_XYUsedZ:: @ 85CBE9B
.string "{STRING 28} {STRING 29}\nused {STRING 22}!$"
gText_TrainerBlockedBall:: @ 85CBEAA
.string "The TRAINER blocked the BALL!$"
gText_DontBeAThief:: @ 85CBEC8
.string "Dont be a thief!$"
gText_ItDodgedBall:: @ 85CBEDA
.string "It dodged the thrown BALL!\nThis POKéMON cant be caught!$"
gText_YouMissedPkmn:: @ 85CBF13
.string "You missed the POKéMON!$"
gText_PkmnBrokeFree:: @ 85CBF2B
.string "Oh, no!\nThe POKéMON broke free!$"
gText_ItAppearedCaught:: @ 85CBF4B
.string "Aww!\nIt appeared to be caught!$"
gText_AarghAlmostHadIt:: @ 85CBF6A
.string "Aargh!\nAlmost had it!$"
gText_ShootSoClose:: @ 85CBF80
.string "Shoot!\nIt was so close, too!$"
gText_GotchaPkmnCaught:: @ 85CBF9D
.string "Gotcha!\n{RIVAL} was caught!{UNKNOWN_A}{PLAY_BGM BGM_KACHI22}\p$"
gText_GotchaPkmnCaught2:: @ 85CBFBB
.string "Gotcha!\n{RIVAL} was caught!{UNKNOWN_A}{PLAY_BGM BGM_KACHI22}{PAUSE 127}$"
gText_GiveNicknameCaptured:: @ 85CBFDB
.string "Give a nickname to the\ncaptured {RIVAL}?$"
gText_PkmnSentToPC:: @ 85CBFFF
.string "{RIVAL} was sent to\n{STRING 39} PC.$"
gText_Someones:: @ 85CC015
.string "someones$"
gText_Lanettes:: @ 85CC01F
.string "LANETTEs$"
gText_PkmnDataAddedToDex:: @ 85CC029
.string "{RIVAL}s data was\nadded to the POKéDEX.\p$"
gText_ItIsRaining:: @ 85CC04E
.string "It is raining.$"
gText_SandstormIsRaging:: @ 85CC05D
.string "A sandstorm is raging.$"
gText_BoxIsFull:: @ 85CC074
.string "The BOX is full!\nYou cant catch any more!\p$"
gText_EnigmaBerry:: @ 85CC0A0
.string "ENIGMA BERRY$"
gText_BerrySuffix:: @ 85CC0AD
.string " BERRY$"
gText_PkmnsXCuredParalysis:: @ 85CC0B4
.string "{STRING 19}s {STRING 22}\ncured paralysis!$"
gText_PkmnsXCuredPoison:: @ 85CC0CD
.string "{STRING 19}s {STRING 22}\ncured poison!$"
gText_PkmnsXHealedBurn:: @ 85CC0E3
.string "{STRING 19}s {STRING 22}\nhealed its burn!$"
gText_PkmnsXDefrostedIt:: @ 85CC0FC
.string "{STRING 19}s {STRING 22}\ndefrosted it!$"
gText_PkmnsXWokeIt:: @ 85CC112
.string "{STRING 19}s {STRING 22}\nwoke it from its sleep!$"
gText_PkmnsXSnappedOut:: @ 85CC132
.string "{STRING 19}s {STRING 22}\nsnapped it out of confusion!$"
gText_PkmnsXCuredProblem:: @ 85CC157
.string "{STRING 19}s {STRING 22}\ncured its {STRING 0} problem!$"
gText_PkmnsXNormalizedStatus:: @ 85CC175
.string "{STRING 19}s {STRING 22}\nnormalized its status!$"
gText_PkmnsXRestoredHealth:: @ 85CC194
.string "{STRING 19}s {STRING 22}\nrestored health!$"
gText_PkmnsXRestoredPP:: @ 85CC1AD
.string "{STRING 19}s {STRING 22}\nrestored {STRING 0}s PP!$"
gText_PkmnsXRestoredStatus:: @ 85CC1C7
.string "{STRING 19}s {STRING 22}\nrestored its status!$"
gText_PkmnsXRestoredHPALittle:: @ 85CC1E4
.string "{STRING 19}s {STRING 22}\nrestored its HP a little!$"
gText_XAllowsOnlyY:: @ 85CC206
.string "{STRING 22} allows the\nuse of only {STRING 20}!\p$"
gText_PkmnHungOnWithX:: @ 85CC225
.string "{STRING 16} hung on\nusing its {STRING 22}!$"
gText_EmptyString3:: @ 85CC23E
.string "$"
gText_YouThrowABallNowRight:: @ 85CC23F
.string "You throw a BALL now, right?\nI Ill do my best!$"
.align 2
gBattleStringsTable:: @ 85CC270
.4byte gText_Buffer36
.4byte gText_PkmnGainedEXP
.4byte gText_PkmnGrewToLv
.4byte gText_PkmnLearnedMove
.4byte gText_TryToLearnMove1
.4byte gText_TryToLearnMove2
.4byte gText_TryToLearnMove3
.4byte gText_PkmnForgotMove
.4byte gText_StopLearningMove
.4byte gText_DidNotLearnMove
.4byte gText_PkmnLearnedMove2
.4byte gText_AttackMissed
.4byte gText_PkmnProtectedItself
.4byte gText_StatsWontIncrease2
.4byte gText_AvoidedDamage
.4byte gText_ItDoesntAffect
.4byte gText_PkmnFainted
.4byte gText_PkmnFainted2
.4byte gText_PlayerGotMoney
.4byte gText_PlayerWhiteout
.4byte gText_PlayerWhiteout2
.4byte gText_PreventsEscape
.4byte gText_HitXTimes
.4byte gText_PkmnFellAsleep
.4byte gText_PkmnMadeSleep
.4byte gText_PkmnAlreadyAsleep
.4byte gText_PkmnAlreadyAsleep2
.4byte gText_PkmnWasntAffected
.4byte gText_PkmnWasPoisoned
.4byte gText_PkmnPoisonedBy
.4byte gText_PkmnHurtByPoison
.4byte gText_PkmnAlreadyPoisoned
.4byte gText_PkmnBadlyPoisoned
.4byte gText_PkmnEnergyDrained
.4byte gText_PkmnWasBurned
.4byte gText_PkmnBurnedBy
.4byte gText_PkmnHurtByBurn
.4byte gText_PkmnWasFrozen
.4byte gText_PkmnFrozenBy
.4byte gText_PkmnIsFrozen
.4byte gText_PkmnWasDefrosted
.4byte gText_PkmnWasDefrosted2
.4byte gText_PkmnWasDefrostedBy
.4byte gText_PkmnWasParalyzed
.4byte gText_PkmnWasParalyzedBy
.4byte gText_PkmnIsParalyzed
.4byte gText_PkmnIsAlreadyParalyzed
.4byte gText_PkmnHealedParalysis
.4byte gText_PkmnDreamEaten
.4byte gText_StatsWontIncrease
.4byte gText_StatsWontDecrease
.4byte gText_TeamStoppedWorking
.4byte gText_FoeStoppedWorking
.4byte gText_PkmnIsConfused
.4byte gText_PkmnHealedConfusion
.4byte gText_PkmnWasConfused
.4byte gText_PkmnAlreadyConfused
.4byte gText_PkmnFellInLove
.4byte gText_PkmnInLove
.4byte gText_PkmnImmobilizedByLove
.4byte gText_PkmnBlownAway
.4byte gText_PkmnChangedType
.4byte gText_PkmnFlinched
.4byte gText_PkmnRegainedHealth
.4byte gText_PkmnHPFull
.4byte gText_PkmnRaisedSpDef
.4byte gText_PkmnRaisedDef
.4byte gText_PkmnCoveredByVeil
.4byte gText_PkmnUsedSafeguard
.4byte gText_PkmnSafeguardExpired
.4byte gText_PkmnWentToSleep
.4byte gText_PkmnSleptHealthy
.4byte gText_PkmnWhippedWhirlwind
.4byte gText_PkmnTookSunlight
.4byte gText_PkmnLoweredHead
.4byte gText_PkmnIsGlowing
.4byte gText_PkmnFlewHigh
.4byte gText_PkmnDugHole
.4byte gText_PkmnSqueezedByBind
.4byte gText_PkmnTrappedInVortex
.4byte gText_PkmnWrappedBy
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.4byte gText_PkmnSeeded
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.4byte gText_PkmnMakingUproar
.4byte gText_PkmnCalmedDown
.4byte gText_PkmnCantSleepInUproar
.4byte gText_PkmnStockpiled
.4byte gText_PkmnCantStockpile
.4byte gText_PkmnCantSleepInUproar2
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.4byte gText_PkmnStayedAwakeUsing
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.4byte gText_PkmnUnleashedEnergy
.4byte gText_PkmnFatigueConfusion
.4byte gText_PkmnPickedUpItem
.4byte gText_PkmnUnaffected
.4byte gText_PkmnTransformedInto
.4byte gText_PkmnMadeSubstitute
.4byte gText_PkmnHasSubstitute
.4byte gText_SubstituteDamaged
.4byte gText_PkmnSubstituteFaded
.4byte gText_PkmnMustRecharge
.4byte gText_PkmnRageBuilding
.4byte gText_PkmnMoveWasDisabled
.4byte gText_PkmnMoveIsDisabled
.4byte gText_PkmnMoveDisabledNoMore
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.4byte gText_PkmnEncoreEnded
.4byte gText_PkmnTookAim
.4byte gText_PkmnSketchedMove
.4byte gText_PkmnTryingToTakeFoe
.4byte gText_PkmnTookFoe
.4byte gText_PkmnReducedPP
.4byte gText_PkmnStoleItem
.4byte gText_PkmnCantEscape
.4byte gText_PkmnFellIntoNightmare
.4byte gText_PkmnLockedInNightmare
.4byte gText_PkmnLaidCurse
.4byte gText_PkmnAfflictedByCurse
.4byte gText_SpikesScattered
.4byte gText_PkmnHurtBySpikes
.4byte gText_PkmnIdentified
.4byte gText_PkmnPerishCountFell
.4byte gText_PkmnBracedItself
.4byte gText_PkmnEnduredHit
.4byte gText_MagnitudeStrength
.4byte gText_PkmnCutHPMaxedAttack
.4byte gText_PkmnCopiedStatChanges
.4byte gText_PkmnGotFree
.4byte gText_PkmnShedLeechSeed
.4byte gText_PkmnBlewAwaySpikes
.4byte gText_PkmnFledFromBattle
.4byte gText_PkmnForesawAttack
.4byte gText_PkmnTookAttack
.4byte gText_PkmnAttack
.4byte gText_PkmnCenterAttention
.4byte gText_PkmnChargingPower
.4byte gText_NaturePowerTurnedInto
.4byte gText_PkmnStatusNormal
.4byte gText_PkmnHasNoMovesLeft
.4byte gText_PkmnSubjectedToTorment
.4byte gText_PkmnCantUseMoveTorment
.4byte gText_PkmnTighteningFocus
.4byte gText_PkmnFellForTaunt
.4byte gText_PkmnCantUseMoveTaunt
.4byte gText_PkmnReadyToHelp
.4byte gText_PkmnSwitchedItems
.4byte gText_PkmnCopiedFoe
.4byte gText_PkmnMadeWish
.4byte gText_PkmnWishCameTrue
.4byte gText_PkmnPlantedRoots
.4byte gText_PkmnAbsorbedNutrients
.4byte gText_PkmnAnchoredItself
.4byte gText_PkmnWasMadeDrowsy
.4byte gText_PkmnKnockedOff
.4byte gText_PkmnSwappedAbilities
.4byte gText_PkmnSealedOpponentMove
.4byte gText_PkmnCantUseMoveSealed
.4byte gText_PkmnWantsGrudge
.4byte gText_PkmnLostPPGrudge
.4byte gText_PkmnShroudedItself
.4byte gText_PkmnMoveBounced
.4byte gText_PkmnWaitsForTarget
.4byte gText_PkmnSnatchedMove
.4byte gText_PkmnMadeItRain
.4byte gText_PkmnRaisedSpeed
.4byte gText_PkmnProtectedBy
.4byte gText_PkmnPreventsUsage
.4byte gText_PkmnRestoredHPUsing
.4byte gText_PkmnChangedTypeWith
.4byte gText_PkmnPreventsParalysisWith
.4byte gText_PkmnPreventsRomanceWith
.4byte gText_PkmnPreventsPoisoningWith
.4byte gText_PkmnPreventsConfusionWith
.4byte gText_PkmnRaisedFirePowerWith
.4byte gText_PkmnAnchorsItselfWith
.4byte gText_PkmnCutsAttackWith
.4byte gText_PkmnPreventsStatLossWith
.4byte gText_PkmnHurtsWith
.4byte gText_PkmnTraced
.4byte gText_StatSharply
.4byte gText_StatRose
.4byte gText_StatHarshly
.4byte gText_StatFell
.4byte gText_PkmnsStatChanged
.4byte gText_PkmnsStatChanged2
.4byte gText_PkmnsStatChanged3
.4byte gText_PkmnsStatChanged4
.4byte gText_CriticalHit
.4byte gText_OneHitKO
.4byte gText_123Poof
.4byte gText_AndEllipsis
.4byte gText_NotVeryEffective
.4byte gText_SuperEffective
.4byte gText_GotAwaySafely
.4byte gText_WildPkmnFled
.4byte gText_NoRunningFromTrainers
.4byte gText_CantEscape
.4byte gText_DontLeaveBirch
.4byte gText_ButNothingHappened
.4byte gText_ButItFailed
.4byte gText_ItHurtConfusion
.4byte gText_MirrorMoveFailed
.4byte gText_StartedToRain
.4byte gText_DownpourStarted
.4byte gText_RainContinues
.4byte gText_DownpourContinues
.4byte gText_RainStopped
.4byte gText_SandstormBrewed
.4byte gText_SandstormRages
.4byte gText_SandstormSubsided
.4byte gText_SunlightGotBright
.4byte gText_SunlightStrong
.4byte gText_SunlightFaded
.4byte gText_StartedHail
.4byte gText_HailContinues
.4byte gText_HailStopped
.4byte gText_FailedToSpitUp
.4byte gText_FailedToSwallow
.4byte gText_WindBecameHeatWave
.4byte gText_StatChangesGone
.4byte gText_CoinsScattered
.4byte gText_TooWeakForSubstitute
.4byte gText_SharedPain
.4byte gText_BellChimed
.4byte gText_FaintInThree
.4byte gText_NoPPLeft
.4byte gText_ButNoPPLeft
.4byte gText_XUsedY
.4byte gText_WallyUsedY
.4byte gText_TrainerBlockedBall
.4byte gText_DontBeAThief
.4byte gText_ItDodgedBall
.4byte gText_YouMissedPkmn
.4byte gText_PkmnBrokeFree
.4byte gText_ItAppearedCaught
.4byte gText_AarghAlmostHadIt
.4byte gText_ShootSoClose
.4byte gText_GotchaPkmnCaught
.4byte gText_GotchaPkmnCaught2
.4byte gText_GiveNicknameCaptured
.4byte gText_PkmnSentToPC
.4byte gText_PkmnDataAddedToDex
.4byte gText_ItIsRaining
.4byte gText_SandstormIsRaging
.4byte gText_CantEscape2
.4byte gText_PkmnIgnoresAsleep
.4byte gText_PkmnIgnoredOrders
.4byte gText_PkmnBeganToNap
.4byte gText_PkmnLoafing
.4byte gText_PkmnWontObey
.4byte gText_PkmnTurnedAway
.4byte gText_PkmnPretendNotNotice
.4byte gText_EnemyAboutToSwitchPkmn
.4byte gText_CreptCloser
.4byte gText_CantGetCloser
.4byte gText_PkmnWatchingCarefully
.4byte gText_PkmnCuriousAboutX
.4byte gText_PkmnEnthralledByX
.4byte gText_PkmnIgnoredX
.4byte gText_ThrewPokeblockAtPkmn
.4byte gText_OutOfSafariBalls
.4byte gText_PkmnsXCuredParalysis
.4byte gText_PkmnsXCuredPoison
.4byte gText_PkmnsXHealedBurn
.4byte gText_PkmnsXDefrostedIt
.4byte gText_PkmnsXWokeIt
.4byte gText_PkmnsXSnappedOut
.4byte gText_PkmnsXCuredProblem
.4byte gText_PkmnsXRestoredHealth
.4byte gText_PkmnsXRestoredPP
.4byte gText_PkmnsXRestoredStatus
.4byte gText_PkmnsXRestoredHPALittle
.4byte gText_XAllowsOnlyY
.4byte gText_PkmnHungOnWithX
.4byte gText_EmptyString3
.4byte gText_PkmnsXPreventsBurns
.4byte gText_PkmnsXBlocksY
.4byte gText_PkmnsXRestoredHPALittle2
.4byte gText_PkmnsXWhippedUpSandstorm
.4byte gText_PkmnsXPreventsYLoss
.4byte gText_PkmnsXInfatuatedY
.4byte gText_PkmnsXMadeYIneffective
.4byte gText_PkmnsXCuredYProblem
.4byte gText_ItSuckedLiquidOoze
.4byte gText_PkmnTransformed
.4byte gText_ElectricityWeakened
.4byte gText_FireWeakened
.4byte gText_PkmnHidUnderwater
.4byte gText_PkmnSprangUp
.4byte gText_HMMovesCantBeForgotten
.4byte gText_XFoundOneY
.4byte gText_PlayerDefeatedXY
.4byte gText_SoothingAroma
.4byte gText_ItemsCantBeUsedNow
.4byte gText_ForXCommaYZ
.4byte gText_UsingXTheYOfZN
.4byte gText_PkmnUsedXToGetPumped
.4byte gText_PkmnsXMadeYUseless
.4byte gText_PkmnTrappedBySandTomb
.4byte gText_EmptyString4
.4byte gText_ABoosted
.4byte gText_PkmnsXIntensifiedSun
.4byte gText_PkmnMakesGroundMiss
.4byte gText_YouThrowABallNowRight
.4byte gText_PkmnsXTookAttack
.4byte gText_PkmnChoseXAsDestiny
.4byte gText_PkmnLostFocus
.4byte gText_UseNextPkmn
.4byte gText_PkmnFledUsingIts
.4byte gText_PkmnFledUsing
.4byte gText_PkmnWasDraggedOut
.4byte gText_PreventedFromWorking
.4byte gText_PkmnsXNormalizedStatus
.4byte gText_XYUsedZ
.4byte gText_BoxIsFull
.4byte gText_PkmnAvoidedAttack
.4byte gText_PkmnsXMadeItIneffective
.4byte gText_PkmnsXPreventsFlinching
.4byte gText_PkmnAlreadyHasBurn
.4byte gText_StatsWontDecrease2
.4byte gText_PkmnsXBlocksY2
.4byte gText_PkmnsXWoreOff
.4byte gText_PkmnRaisedDefALittle
.4byte gText_PkmnRaisedSpDefALittle
.4byte gText_TheWallShattered
.4byte gText_PkmnsXPreventsYsZ
.4byte gText_PkmnsXCuredItsYProblem
.4byte gText_PkmnCantEscape2
.4byte gText_PkmnObtainedX
.4byte gText_PkmnObtainedX2
.4byte gText_PkmnObtainedXYObtainedZ
.4byte gText_ButNoEffect
.4byte gText_PkmnsXHadNoEffectOnY
.4byte gText_TwoEnemiesDefeated
.4byte gText_String48
.4byte gText_PkmnIncapableOfPower
.4byte gText_GlintAppearsInEye
.4byte gText_PkmnGettingIntoPosition
.4byte gText_PkmnBeganGrowlingDeeply
.4byte gText_PkmnEagerForMore
.4byte gText_DefeatedOpponentByReferee
.4byte gText_LostToOpponentByReferee
.4byte gText_TiedOpponentByReferee
.4byte gText_QuestionForfeitMatch
.4byte gText_ForfeitedMatch
.4byte gText_PkmnTransferredSomeonesPC
.4byte gText_PkmnTransferredLanettesPC
.4byte gText_PkmnBoxSomeonesPCFull
.4byte gText_PkmnBoxLanettesPCFull
.4byte gText_String37
.4byte gText_String49
.align 2
gMissStringIds:: @ 85CC834
.2byte 0x0017, 0x0018, 0x0159, 0x001a, 0x014c
gUnknown_085CC83E:: @ 85CC83E
.2byte 0x00e2, 0x00e3, 0x0021
.2byte 0x0112, 0x0165, 0x00e8, 0x00e9, 0x00e5, 0x00ed, 0x00f0, 0x00f3
.2byte 0x00ee, 0x00f4, 0x0066, 0x0067, 0x00ef, 0x00f5, 0x00ea, 0x00eb
.2byte 0x00ec, 0x0065, 0x0098, 0x00e5, 0x00e5, 0x004e, 0x0160, 0x004d
.2byte 0x0161, 0x004f, 0x0068, 0x0069, 0x001b, 0x006a, 0x0139, 0x0052
.2byte 0x0053, 0x0070, 0x0071, 0x0073, 0x0074, 0x006c, 0x006e, 0x00f7
.2byte 0x004c, 0x0075, 0x0076, 0x0077, 0x00d5, 0x00d6, 0x003d, 0x0130
.2byte 0x0145, 0x0146, 0x00d7, 0x00d8, 0x003e, 0x0130, 0x0054, 0x0055
.2byte 0x0056, 0x0057, 0x0058, 0x0059, 0x013d, 0x013e, 0x005a, 0x005c
.2byte 0x005b, 0x005d, 0x005b, 0x0148, 0x0061, 0x00e5, 0x0063, 0x00e5
.2byte 0x007d, 0x00e5, 0x007e, 0x00fb, 0x0028, 0x0029, 0x0037, 0x0038
.2byte 0x0023, 0x0024, 0x002e, 0x002f, 0x0031, 0x0032, 0x0035, 0x0036
.2byte 0x0017, 0x007c, 0x0045, 0x0136, 0x002d, 0x0139, 0x013b, 0x013c
.2byte 0x00fd, 0x00fd, 0x00fd, 0x00fd, 0x0142, 0x00a1, 0x014f, 0x0107
.2byte 0x0108, 0x0109, 0x010a, 0x0110, 0x0110, 0x0110, 0x0110, 0x0110
.2byte 0x0110, 0x0110, 0x0110, 0x0111, 0x0110, 0x0110, 0x0110, 0x00f1
.2byte 0x0110, 0x0110, 0x0110, 0x0116, 0x0117, 0x0118, 0x0119, 0x016d
.2byte 0x011b, 0x011c, 0x011e, 0x011f, 0x0120, 0x0128, 0x0123, 0x0126
.2byte 0x0125, 0x0124, 0x0127, 0x0129, 0x0156, 0x0131, 0x0163, 0x016a
.2byte 0x00c7, 0x0163, 0x016a, 0x00c9, 0x0163, 0x016a, 0x0166, 0x0167
.2byte 0x0168, 0x00cb, 0x0137, 0x0177, 0x0178, 0x0179, 0x017a
gTrappingMoves:: @ 85CC982
gText_PkmnIsEvolving:: @ 85CC990
.string "What?\n{STR_VAR_1} is evolving!$"
gText_CongratsPkmnEvolved:: @ 85CC9A6
.string "Congratulations! Your {STR_VAR_1}\nevolved into {STR_VAR_2}!{UNKNOWN_A}\p$"
gText_PkmnStoppedEvolving:: @ 85CC9D3
.string "Huh? {STR_VAR_1}\nstopped evolving!\p$"
gText_EllipsisQuestionMark:: @ 85CC9EE
.string "?\p$"
gText_WhatWillPkmnDo:: @ 85CC9F3
.string "What will\n{STRING 18} do?$"
gText_WhatWillPkmnDo2:: @ 85CCA04
.string "What will\n{STRING 35} do?$"
gText_WhatWillWallyDo:: @ 85CCA15
.string "What will\nWALLY do?$"
gText_LinkStandby:: @ 85CCA29
.string "{PAUSE 16}Link standby$"
gText_BattleMenu:: @ 85CCA3A
gText_SafariZoneMenu:: @ 85CCA54
gText_MoveInterfacePP:: @ 85CCA6F
.string "PP $"
gText_MoveInterfaceType:: @ 85CCA73
.string "TYPE/$"
gText_BattleYesNoChoice:: @ 85CCABB
gText_BattleSwitchWhich:: @ 85CCACA
.string "{UP_ARROW}$"
.string "{ESCAPE 4}$"
.string "-$"
gText_HP:: @ 85CCAF1
.string "HP$"
gText_Attack:: @ 85CCAF4
.string "ATTACK$"
gText_Defense:: @ 85CCAFB
.string "DEFENSE$"
gText_SpAtk:: @ 85CCB03
.string "SP. ATK$"
gText_SpDef:: @ 85CCB0B
.string "SP. DEF$"
.align 2
.4byte gText_HP
.4byte gText_SpAtk
.4byte gText_Attack
.4byte gText_SpDef
.4byte gText_Defense
.4byte gText_Speed
gText_SafariBalls:: @ 85CCB2C
gText_SafariBallLeft:: @ 85CCB3C
.string "{HIGHLIGHT DARK_GREY}Left: $"
.string "sleep$"
.string "poison$"
.string "burn$"
.string "paralysis$"
.string "ice$"
.string "confusion$"
.string "love$"
gText_SpaceAndSpace:: @ 85CCB79
.string " and $"
gText_CommaSpace:: @ 85CCB7F
.string ", $"
gText_Space2:: @ 85CCB82
.string " $"
gText_ScrollTextUp:: @ 85CCB84
.string "\l$"
gText_NewLine:: @ 85CCB86
.string "\n$"
gText_Are:: @ 85CCB88
.string "are$"
gText_Are2:: @ 85CCB8C
.string "are$"
gText_BadEgg:: @ 85CCB90
.string "Bad EGG$"
gText_BattleWallyName:: @ 85CCB98
.string "WALLY$"
gText_Win:: @ 85CCB9E
gText_Loss:: @ 85CCBA5
gText_Draw:: @ 85CCBAD
gText_SpaceIs:: @ 85CCBB5
.string " is$"
gText_ApostropheS:: @ 85CCBB9
.string "s$"
gText_UnknownMoveTypes:: @ 85CCBBC
.string "a NORMAL move$ "
.string "a FIGHTING move$ "
.string "a FLYING move$ "
.string "a POISON move$ "
.string "a GROUND move$ "
.string "a ROCK move$ "
.string "a BUG move$ "
.string "a GHOST move$ "
.string "a STEEL move$ "
.string "a ??? move$ "
.string "a FIRE move$ "
.string "a WATER move$ "
.string "a GRASS move$ "
.string "an ELECTRIC move$"
.string "a PSYCHIC move$ "
.string "an ICE move$ "
.string "a DRAGON move$ "
.string "a DARK move$ "
gText_BattleTourney:: @ 85CCCEE
gText_Round1:: @ 85CCCFD
.string "Round 1$"
gText_Round2:: @ 85CCD05
.string "Round 2$"
gText_Semifinal:: @ 85CCC0D
.string "Semifinal$"
gText_Final:: @ 85CCD17
.string "Final$"
.align 2
gRoundsStringTable:: @ 85CCD20
.4byte gText_Round1
.4byte gText_Round2
.4byte gText_Semifinal
.4byte gText_Final
.string "The great new hope!\p$"
.string "Will the championship dream come true?!\p$"
.string "A former CHAMPION!\p$"
.string "The previous CHAMPION!\p$"
.string "The unbeaten CHAMPION!\p$"
gText_JapaneseHonorific:: @ 85CCDB2
.string "{KUN}$"
gText_Vs:: @ 85CCDB5
.string "VS$"
gText_RivalBuffer:: @ 85CCDB8
.string "{RIVAL}$"
gText_Mind:: @ 85CCDBB
.string "Mind$"
gText_Skill:: @ 85CCDC0
.string "Skill$"
gText_Body:: @ 85CCDC6
.string "Body$"
gText_Judgement:: @ 85CCDCB
.string "{STRING 0}{CLEAR 13}Judgment{CLEAR 13}{PLAYER}$"
gText_TwoTrainersSentPkmn:: @ 85CCDDE
.string "{STRING 28} {STRING 29} sent\nout {RIVAL}!\p{STRING 46} {STRING 47} sent\nout {AQUA}!$"
gText_TrainerXYSentOutPkmn3:: @ 85CCE04
.string "{STRING 46} {STRING 47} sent\nout {STRING 0}!$"
gText_TwoTrainersWantToBattle2:: @ 85CCE17
.string "{STRING 28} {STRING 29} and\n{STRING 46} {STRING 47}\lwant to battle!\p$"
gText_TrainerXYSentOutZGoN:: @ 85CCE38
.string "{STRING 50} {STRING 51} sent\nout {VERSION}!\lGo, {STRING 5}!$"
gText_TwoEnemiesDefeated:: @ 85CCE53
.string "{STRING 28} {STRING 29} and\n{STRING 46} {STRING 47}\lwere defeated!\p$"
gText_String48:: @ 85CCE73
.string "{STRING 48}$"
gText_PkmnIncapableOfPower:: @ 85CCE76
.string "{STRING 15} appears incapable\nof using its power!$"
gText_GlintAppearsInEye:: @ 85CCE9F
.string "A glint appears in\n{STRING 19}s eyes!$"
gText_PkmnGettingIntoPosition:: @ 85CCEBD
.string "{STRING 19} is getting into\nposition!$"
gText_PkmnBeganGrowlingDeeply:: @ 85CCEDA
.string "{STRING 19} began growling deeply!$"
gText_PkmnEagerForMore:: @ 85CCEF4
.string "{STRING 19} is eager for more!$"
gUnknown_085CCF0A:: @ 85CCF0A
.2byte 0x016E, 0x016F, 0x0170, 0x0171
gText_RefIfNothingIsDecided:: @ 85CCF12
.string "REFEREE: If nothing is decided in\n3 turns, we will go to judging!$"
gText_RefThatsIt:: @ 85CCF54
.string "REFEREE: Thats it! We will now go to\njudging to determine the winner!$"
gText_RefJudgeMind:: @ 85CCF9B
.string "REFEREE: Judging category 1, Mind!\nThe POKéMON showing the most guts!\p$"
gText_RefJudgeSkill:: @ 85CCFE2
.string "REFEREE: Judging category 2, Skill!\nThe POKéMON using moves the best!\p$"
gText_RefJudgeBody:: @ 85CD029
.string "REFEREE: Judging category 3, Body!\nThe POKéMON with the most vitality!\p$"
gText_RefJudgement1:: @ 85CD071
.string "REFEREE: Judgment: {STRING 0} to {PLAYER}!\nThe winner is {STRING 35}s {STRING 5}!\p$"
gText_RefJudgement2:: @ 85CD0A6
.string "REFEREE: Judgment: {STRING 0} to {PLAYER}!\nThe winner is {STRING 29}s {RIVAL}!\p$"
gText_RefJudgement3:: @ 85CD0DB
.string "REFEREE: Judgment: 3 to 3!\nWe have a draw!\p$"
gText_DefeatedOpponentByReferee:: @ 85CD107
.string "{STRING 5} defeated the opponent\n{RIVAL} in a REFEREEs decision!$"
gText_LostToOpponentByReferee:: @ 85CD13C
.string "{STRING 5} lost to the opponent\n{RIVAL} in a REFEREEs decision!$"
gText_TiedOpponentByReferee:: @ 85CD170
.string "{STRING 5} tied the opponent\n{RIVAL} in a REFEREEs decision!$"
gText_RefCommenceBattle:: @ 85CD1A1
.string "REFEREE: {STRING 5} VS {RIVAL}!\nCommence battling!$"
.align 2
gRefereeStringsTable:: @ 85CD1C8
.4byte gText_RefIfNothingIsDecided
.4byte gText_RefThatsIt
.4byte gText_RefJudgeMind
.4byte gText_RefJudgeSkill
.4byte gText_RefJudgeBody
.4byte gText_RefJudgement1
.4byte gText_RefJudgement2
.4byte gText_RefJudgement3
.4byte gText_RefCommenceBattle
gText_QuestionForfeitMatch:: @ 85CD1EC
.string "Would you like to forfeit the match\nand quit now?$"
gText_ForfeitedMatch:: @ 85CD21E
.string "{STRING 35} forfeited the match!$"
gText_String37:: @ 85CD236
.string "{STRING 37}$"
gText_String49:: @ 85CD239
.string "{STRING 49}$"
.string "{PLAY_SE 0x0011}{STRING 28} {STRING 29} fled!$"
gText_PlayerLostAgainst2:: @ 85CD24C
.string "Player lost against\n{STRING 28} {STRING 29}!$"
gText_PlayerBattledToDraw2:: @ 85CD267
.string "Player battled to a draw against\n{STRING 28} {STRING 29}!$"
gText_RecordBattleToPass:: @ 85CD28F
.string "Would you like to record your battle\non your FRONTIER PASS?$"
gText_BattleRecordedOnPass:: @ 85CD2CB
.string "{STRING 35}s battle result was recorded\non the FRONTIER PASS.$"
gText_TrainerWantsToBattle:: @ 85CD301
.string "{STRING 32}\nwants to battle!{PAUSE 49}$"
gText_TwoTrainersWantToBattle3:: @ 85CD318
.string "{STRING 32} and {STRING 33}\nwant to battle!{PAUSE 49}$"
.align 1
gUnknown_085CD336:: @ 85CD336
.2byte 0x000e, 0x0046, 0x004a, 0x006a, 0x006b, 0x006c, 0x006e, 0x006f
.2byte 0x0079, 0x007b, 0x007d, 0x0094, 0x0096, 0x0097, 0x009b, 0x009c
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.2byte 0x0113, 0x011a, 0x0125, 0x0136, 0x013c, 0x0140, 0x0149, 0x014a
.2byte 0x014e, 0x0154, 0x0000, 0x0064, 0x0069, 0x0075, 0x0085, 0x00af
.2byte 0x010d, 0x0153, 0x0000, 0x0060, 0x0061, 0x0066, 0x0068, 0x008c
.2byte 0x0090, 0x00a5, 0x00b8, 0x010c, 0x0111, 0x0118, 0x0119, 0x0129
.2byte 0x012a, 0x012c, 0x0139, 0x015a, 0x015b, 0x0000, 0x0001, 0x000a
.2byte 0x000b, 0x0011, 0x0013, 0x0014, 0x0015, 0x001e, 0x0023, 0x0025
.2byte 0x0027, 0x002b, 0x002c, 0x002d, 0x002e, 0x002f, 0x0040, 0x0047
.2byte 0x0051, 0x0059, 0x005a, 0x005b, 0x005c, 0x0067, 0x0076, 0x007a
.2byte 0x0080, 0x0084, 0x008b, 0x0091, 0x00a3, 0x00a9, 0x00ab, 0x00ae
.2byte 0x00c1, 0x00cc, 0x00d5, 0x00f9, 0x00fd, 0x00ff, 0x0100, 0x0103
.2byte 0x0104, 0x0110, 0x011b, 0x0141, 0x0157, 0x0000
gUnknown_085CD422:: @ 85CD422
.byte 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff
.align 2
gUnknown_085CD42C:: @ 85CD42C
.2byte 0x01ff, 0x0100, 0x0000, 0x0101, 0x060f, 0x0000, 0x01ff, 0x0101
.2byte 0x0000, 0x0100, 0x060f, 0x0000, 0x01ee, 0x0100, 0x0000, 0x0d00
.2byte 0x0f0e, 0x0000, 0x07ee, 0x0100, 0x0000, 0x0d00, 0x0f0e, 0x0000
.2byte 0x07ee, 0x0100, 0x0000, 0x0d00, 0x0f0e, 0x0000, 0x07ee, 0x0100
.2byte 0x0000, 0x0d00, 0x0f0e, 0x0000, 0x07ee, 0x0100, 0x0000, 0x0d00
.2byte 0x0f0e, 0x0000, 0x07ee, 0x0100, 0x0000, 0x0c00, 0x0b0e, 0x0000
.2byte 0x01ee, 0x0100, 0x0000, 0x0d00, 0x0f0e, 0x0000, 0x01ee, 0x0102
.2byte 0x0000, 0x0c00, 0x0b0e, 0x0000, 0x07ee, 0x0100, 0x0000, 0x0d00
.2byte 0x0f0e, 0x0000, 0x07ee, 0x0100, 0x0000, 0x0d00, 0x0f0e, 0x0000
.2byte 0x01ee, 0x0100, 0x0000, 0x0d00, 0x0f0e, 0x0000, 0x01ee, 0x0100
.2byte 0x0000, 0x0d00, 0x0f0e, 0x0000, 0x0100, 0x0120, 0x0000, 0x0100
.2byte 0x0200, 0x0000, 0x01ee, 0x01ff, 0x0000, 0x0d00, 0x0f0e, 0x0000
.2byte 0x01ee, 0x01ff, 0x0000, 0x0d00, 0x0f0e, 0x0000, 0x01ee, 0x01ff
.2byte 0x0000, 0x0d00, 0x0f0e, 0x0000, 0x01ee, 0x01ff, 0x0000, 0x0d00
.2byte 0x0f0e, 0x0000, 0x01ee, 0x01ff, 0x0000, 0x0d00, 0x0f0e, 0x0000
.2byte 0x01ee, 0x01ff, 0x0000, 0x0d00, 0x0f0e, 0x0000, 0x0100, 0x01ff
.2byte 0x0000, 0x0100, 0x0600, 0x0000, 0x0100, 0x01ff, 0x0000, 0x0100
.2byte 0x0600, 0x0000, 0x0100, 0x01ff, 0x0000, 0x0100, 0x0600, 0x0000
.align 2
gUnknown_085CD54C:: @ 85C54C
.2byte 0x01ff, 0x0100, 0x0000, 0x0101, 0x060f, 0x0000, 0x01ff, 0x0101
.2byte 0x0000, 0x0100, 0x060f, 0x0000, 0x01ee, 0x0100, 0x0000, 0x0d00
.2byte 0x0f0e, 0x0000, 0x07ee, 0x0100, 0x0000, 0x0d00, 0x0f0e, 0x0000
.2byte 0x07ee, 0x0100, 0x0000, 0x0d00, 0x0f0e, 0x0000, 0x07ee, 0x0100
.2byte 0x0000, 0x0d00, 0x0f0e, 0x0000, 0x07ee, 0x0100, 0x0000, 0x0d00
.2byte 0x0f0e, 0x0000, 0x07ee, 0x0100, 0x0000, 0x0c00, 0x0b0e, 0x0000
.2byte 0x01ee, 0x0100, 0x0000, 0x0d00, 0x0f0e, 0x0000, 0x01ee, 0x0102
.2byte 0x0000, 0x0c00, 0x0b0e, 0x0000, 0x07ee, 0x0100, 0x0000, 0x0d00
.2byte 0x0f0e, 0x0000, 0x07ee, 0x0100, 0x0000, 0x0d00, 0x0f0e, 0x0000
.2byte 0x01ee, 0x0100, 0x0000, 0x0d00, 0x0f0e, 0x0000, 0x01ee, 0x0100
.2byte 0x0000, 0x0d00, 0x0f0e, 0x0000, 0x0100, 0x0120, 0x0000, 0x0100
.2byte 0x0200, 0x0000, 0x01ee, 0x01ff, 0x0000, 0x0100, 0x0f0e, 0x0000
.2byte 0x01ee, 0x01ff, 0x0000, 0x0d00, 0x0f0e, 0x0000, 0x01ee, 0x01ff
.2byte 0x0000, 0x0d00, 0x0f0e, 0x0000, 0x01ee, 0x01ff, 0x0000, 0x0d00
.2byte 0x0f0e, 0x0000, 0x01ee, 0x01ff, 0x0000, 0x0d00, 0x0f0e, 0x0000
.2byte 0x01ee, 0x01ff, 0x0000, 0x0d00, 0x0f0e, 0x0000, 0x01ee, 0x01ff
.2byte 0x0000, 0x0d00, 0x0f0e, 0x0000, 0x0111, 0x0100, 0x0000, 0x0201
.2byte 0x0301, 0x0000
.align 2
gUnknown_085CD660:: @ 85CD660
.4byte gUnknown_085CD42C
.4byte gUnknown_085CD54C
.align 2
gUnknown_085CD668:: @ 85CD668
.byte 0x08, 0x04, 0x01, 0x00