mirror of
synced 2025-03-06 15:38:11 +01:00
This commit undoes most of PokeCodec's PRs after the debate in chat. Some harmless or completely superseded PRs have been left alone, as there is not much benefit in attempting to undo them. Reverts #1104, #1108, #1115, #1118, #1119, #1124, #1126, #1127, #1132, #1136, #1137, #1139, #1140, #1144, #1148, #1149, #1150, #1153, #1155, #1177, #1179, #1180, #1181, #1182 and #1183.
120 lines
1.8 KiB
120 lines
1.8 KiB
.include "../asm/macros/asm.inc"
.include "../asm/macros/function.inc"
.include "../constants/gba_constants.inc"
.set SIO_ERROR, 0x0040
.set SIO_MULTI_BUSY, 0x0080
.set EWRAM_ORIG, 0x02000000
.set gCode, 0x02010000
.set PROG_ORIG, 0x00008000
.syntax unified
arm_func_start _start
_start: @ 0
b _entry
arm_func_end _start
.include "asm/berry_fix_header.inc"
@ C0
.word 0
.global _GPIOPortData
_GPIOPortData: @ C4
.2byte 0
.global _GPIOPortDirection
_GPIOPortDirection: @ C6
.2byte 0
.global _GPIOPortReadEnable
_GPIOPortReadEnable: @ C8
.2byte 0
@ CA
.2byte 0
@ CC
.space 0x34
arm_func_start _entry
_entry: @ 100
b _send
arm_func_end _entry
.space 0x1C
arm_func_start _recv
@ Waits until link cable is no longer busy.
@ Returns nz if an error has occurred
@ Otherwise, returns the received short in r1.
@ Preserves r0
ldrh r1, [r0, 0x8] @ SIOCNT
beq _120
ldrh r1, [r0, 0x8] @ SIOCNT
bne _12c
ldrh r1, [r0, 0x8] @ SIOCNT
tst r1, SIO_ERROR
bxne lr
ldrh r1, [r0] @ SIOMULTI0
bx lr
arm_func_end _recv
arm_func_start _send
_send: @ 14c
ldr r0, =REG_SIOMULTI0
bl _recv
bne _150
mov r2, #0
strh r2, [r0, 0xa] @ SIOMLT_SEND
cmp r1, #0
bne _150
mov r2, 0x8000
mov r1, #0
strh r1, [r0, 0xa] @ SIOMLT_SEND
bl _recv
bne _150
cmp r1, r2
bne _16c
lsr r2, #5
cmp r1, #0
bne _170
ldr r3, =BerryFixMBHeaderGameCode
ldrh r2, [r3]
strh r2, [r0, 0xa] @ SIOMLT_SEND
bl _recv
bne _1a0
cmp r1, r2
bne _1a0
ldrh r2, [r3, 0x2]
strh r2, [r0, 0xa] @ SIOMLT_SEND
bl _recv
bne _1a0
cmp r1, r2
bne _1a0
mov r1, #0
strh r1, [r0, 0xa] @ SIOMLT_SEND
ldr r0, =_data_2f0
ldr r1, =gCode
swi 0x11 << 16
ldr lr, =gCode
bx lr
arm_func_end _send
@ 1f0
.align 2, 0 @ don't pad with nop