mirror of
synced 2025-02-21 03:33:36 +01:00
7802 lines
119 KiB
7802 lines
119 KiB
.align 2
gBattleFrontierTrainers:: @ 85D5ACC
@ 0
.string "BRADY$", 8
@ pre-battle speech
ec_word I_AM
ec_word NEVER
ec_word GOING
ec_word TO
ec_word LOSE
ec_word EXCL
@ win speech
ec_word I_AM
ec_word STRONG
ec_word AREN_T
ec_word I
ec_word QUES
.2byte -1
@ loss speech
ec_word WHAT
ec_word QUES
.2byte -1
ec_word BUT
ec_word HOW
ec_word QUES
.4byte gBattleFrontierTrainerMons_Brady
@ 1
.string "CONNER$", 8
@ pre-battle speech
ec_word LOSING
ec_word DOESN_T
ec_word BUG
ec_word ME
.2byte -1
.2byte -1
@ win speech
ec_word A
ec_word WIN
ec_word IS
ec_word JUST
ec_word AWESOME
.2byte -1
@ loss speech
ec_word DARN
ec_word ELLIPSIS
ec_word LOSING
ec_word DOES
ec_word BUG
ec_word ME
.4byte gBattleFrontierTrainerMons_Conner
@ 2
.string "BRADLEY$", 8
@ pre-battle speech
ec_word HEY_THERE
ec_word EXCL
ec_word YOU_RE
ec_word MY
ec_word OPPONENT
ec_word TODAY
@ win speech
ec_word HAHAHA
ec_word EXCL
.2byte -1
ec_word SEE_YA
ec_word LATER
ec_word EXCL
@ loss speech
ec_word TOMORROW
ec_word IS
ec_word WHEN
ec_word WE
ec_word REALLY
ec_word BATTLE
.4byte gBattleFrontierTrainerMons_Bradley
@ 3
.string "CYBIL$", 8
@ pre-battle speech
ec_word YOU_RE
ec_word REALLY
ec_word NOT_VERY
ec_word SCARY
ec_word AT
ec_word ALL
@ win speech
ec_word IT_S
ec_word SAD
ec_word TO
ec_word SEE
ec_word YOU
ec_move2 STRUGGLE
@ loss speech
ec_word THIS
ec_word CAN_T
ec_word BE
ec_word TO_ME
ec_word EXCL
.4byte gBattleFrontierTrainerMons_Cybil
@ 4
.string "RODETTE$", 8
@ pre-battle speech
ec_word OH
ec_word THIS
ec_word IS
ec_word SO
ec_word EXCITING
ec_word EXCL
@ win speech
ec_word IT_S
ec_word HOW
ec_word STRONG
ec_word I_AM
ec_word EXCL
@ loss speech
ec_word OH_DEAR
ec_word ELLIPSIS
ec_word I_AM
ec_word JUST
ec_word NO
ec_word GOOD
.4byte gBattleFrontierTrainerMons_Rodette
@ 5
.string "PEGGY$", 8
@ pre-battle speech
ec_word GET
ec_word READY
ec_word TO
ec_word BE
ec_word EXCL
@ win speech
ec_word HAHAHA
ec_word EXCL_EXCL
.2byte -1
ec_word I_AM
ec_word LOLLING
ec_word EXCL
@ loss speech
ec_word I_AM
ec_word FEELING
ec_word SAD
ec_word THANKS
ec_word TO
ec_word YOU
.4byte gBattleFrontierTrainerMons_Peggy
@ 6
.string "KEITH$", 8
@ pre-battle speech
ec_word I
ec_word DON_T
ec_word JUST
ec_word STUDY
ec_word YOU
ec_word KNOW
@ win speech
ec_word YOU
ec_word DON_T
ec_word STUDY
ec_word ENOUGH
ec_word ELLIPSIS
.2byte -1
@ loss speech
ec_word I
ec_word NEED
ec_word TO
ec_word STUDY
ec_word MORE
ec_word ELLIPSIS
.4byte gBattleFrontierTrainerMons_Keith
@ 7
.string "GRAYSON$", 8
@ pre-battle speech
ec_word A
ec_word POKEMON
ec_word BATTLE
ec_word ISN_T
ec_word CHILD_S_PLAY
ec_word EXCL
@ win speech
ec_word YOU_RE
ec_word DONE
ec_word AREN_T
ec_word YOU
ec_word QUES
.2byte -1
@ loss speech
ec_word WE
ec_word WERE
ec_word LIKE
ec_word TOYS
ec_word TO
ec_word YOU
.4byte gBattleFrontierTrainerMons_Grayson
@ 8
.string "GLENN$", 8
@ pre-battle speech
ec_word I
ec_word WOULD
ec_word BE
ec_word COOL
ec_word IF_I_WIN
.2byte -1
@ win speech
ec_word COOL
ec_word EXCL
.2byte -1
ec_word THAT_S
ec_word WHAT
ec_word I_AM
@ loss speech
ec_word I_AM
ec_word NOT
ec_word GOING
ec_word TO
ec_word BE
ec_word COOL
.4byte gBattleFrontierTrainerMons_Glenn
@ 9
.string "LILIANA$", 8
@ pre-battle speech
ec_word I
ec_word WON_T
ec_word GIVE_UP
ec_word UNTIL
ec_word I
ec_word WIN
@ win speech
ec_word THERE
ec_word IS
ec_word NO
ec_word IN
ec_word ME
@ loss speech
ec_word THAT_S
ec_word IT
ec_word ELLIPSIS
ec_word I
ec_word GIVE_UP
ec_word ELLIPSIS
.4byte gBattleFrontierTrainerMons_Liliana
@ 10
.string "ELISE$", 8
@ pre-battle speech
ec_word MY
ec_word STRATEGY
ec_word IS
ec_word FROM
ec_word MY
ec_word FATHER
@ win speech
ec_word I
ec_word WIN
ec_word EXCL
ec_word FATHER
ec_word I_VE
ec_word WON
@ loss speech
ec_word FORGIVE
ec_word ME
ec_word FATHER
ec_word FOR
ec_word I_VE
ec_word LOST
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@ 11
.string "ZOEY$", 8
@ pre-battle speech
ec_word PLEASE
ec_word BATTLE
ec_word LIKE
ec_word YOU
ec_word MEAN
ec_word IT
@ win speech
ec_word THANK_YOU
ec_word EXCL_EXCL
.2byte -1
ec_word THANK_YOU
ec_word SO
ec_word MUCH
@ loss speech
ec_word WERE
ec_word YOU
ec_word REALLY
ec_word BEING
ec_word SERIOUS
ec_word QUES
.4byte gBattleFrontierTrainerMons_Zoey
@ 12
.string "MANUEL$", 8
@ pre-battle speech
ec_word ME
ec_word LOSE
ec_word QUES
ec_word THAT_S
ec_word EXCL
@ win speech
ec_word I
ec_word WIN
.2byte -1
.2byte -1
.2byte -1
@ loss speech
ec_word WAAAH
ec_word EXCL
.2byte -1
ec_word I
ec_word LOST
ec_word MOTHER
.4byte gBattleFrontierTrainerMons_Manuel
@ 13
.string "RUSS$", 8
@ pre-battle speech
ec_word THEY
ec_word ALL
ec_word WANT
ec_word MY
ec_word FABULOUS
ec_word POKEMON
@ win speech
ec_word I
ec_word WILL
ec_word HAVE
ec_word A
ec_word POKEMON
ec_word PARTY
@ loss speech
ec_word HOW
ec_word COULD
ec_word YOU
ec_word DO
ec_word THAT
ec_word QUES
.4byte gBattleFrontierTrainerMons_Russ
@ 14
.string "DUSTIN$", 8
@ pre-battle speech
ec_word I
ec_word REALLY
ec_word LIKE
ec_word COOL
ec_word POKEMON
.2byte -1
@ win speech
ec_word I
ec_word LIKE
ec_word MYSELF
ec_word WHEN_I_WIN
ec_word EXCL
.2byte -1
@ loss speech
ec_word I
ec_word LIKE
ec_word MYSELF
ec_word IF_I_LOSE
ec_word TOO
.2byte -1
.4byte gBattleFrontierTrainerMons_Dustin
@ 15
.string "TINA$", 8
@ pre-battle speech
ec_word IF_I_WIN
ec_word YOU
ec_word CAN
ec_word HAVE
ec_word A
ec_move2 SWEET_KISS
@ win speech
ec_word HERE_IT_IS
ec_word YOUR
ec_move2 SWEET_KISS
ec_word FROM
ec_word MY
ec_pokemon2 JYNX
@ loss speech
ec_word YOU
ec_word WANT
ec_word A
ec_move1 SWIFT
ec_move2 MEGA_KICK
ec_word INSTEAD
.4byte gBattleFrontierTrainerMons_Tina
@ 16
.string "GILLIAN$", 8
@ pre-battle speech
ec_word THE
ec_word GOURMET
ec_word THING
ec_word IS
ec_word SO
@ win speech
ec_word POKEMON
ec_word NEVER
ec_word GO
ec_word OUT
ec_word OF
ec_word FASHION
@ loss speech
ec_word LOSING
ec_word DOESN_T
ec_word ME
.2byte -1
.2byte -1
.4byte gBattleFrontierTrainerMons_Gillian
@ 17
.string "ZOE$", 8
@ pre-battle speech
ec_word I
ec_word HAVEN_T
ec_word A
ec_word WORRY
ec_word AT
ec_word ALL
@ win speech
ec_word LIFE
ec_word IS
ec_word ALWAYS
ec_word GOOD
ec_word TO_ME
.2byte -1
@ loss speech
ec_word I
ec_word WORRY
ec_word ABOUT
ec_word MY
ec_word POKEMON
ec_word SKILL
.4byte gBattleFrontierTrainerMons_Zoe
@ 18
.string "CHEN$", 8
@ pre-battle speech
ec_word I_AM
ec_word TOTALLY
ec_word READY
ec_word TO
ec_word ROCK
ec_word TODAY
@ win speech
ec_word I_AM
ec_word READY
ec_word TO
ec_word GO
ec_word ON
ec_word EXCL
@ loss speech
ec_word I_VE
ec_word LOST
ec_word MY
ec_word AND
.4byte gBattleFrontierTrainerMons_Chen
@ 19
.string "AL$", 8
@ pre-battle speech
ec_word YOUR
ec_word LOOK
ec_word SAYS
ec_word YOU_RE
ec_word REALLY
ec_word TOUGH
@ win speech
ec_word IT_S
ec_word ME
ec_word WHO_IS
ec_word REALLY
ec_word TOUGH
.2byte -1
@ loss speech
ec_word I_AM
ec_word RIGHT
ec_word EXCL
ec_word YOU_RE
ec_word REALLY
ec_word TOUGH
.4byte gBattleFrontierTrainerMons_Al
@ 20
.string "MITCH$", 8
@ pre-battle speech
ec_word MOTHER
ec_word NATURE
ec_word IS
ec_word MY
ec_word ALLY
ec_word EXCL
@ win speech
ec_word WAS
ec_word THAT
ec_word ENOUGH
ec_word FOR
ec_word YOU
ec_word QUES
@ loss speech
ec_word MOTHER
ec_word NATURE
ec_word DIDN_T
ec_word LET_ME_WIN
ec_word QUES
.2byte -1
.4byte gBattleFrontierTrainerMons_Mitch
@ 21
.string "ANNE$", 8
@ pre-battle speech
ec_word I
ec_word CAN_T
ec_word WAIT
ec_word LET_S
ec_word BATTLE
ec_word NOW
@ win speech
ec_word MY
ec_word IS
ec_word EXCL
.2byte -1
@ loss speech
ec_word YOU_VE
ec_word MY
ec_word ELLIPSIS
.2byte -1
.4byte gBattleFrontierTrainerMons_Anne
@ 22
.string "ALIZE$", 8
@ pre-battle speech
ec_word CUTE
ec_word AND
ec_word AWFULLY
ec_word STRONG
ec_word THAT_S
ec_word ME
@ win speech
ec_word YUP
ec_word I_AM
ec_word CUTE
ec_word AND
ec_word AWFULLY
ec_word STRONG
@ loss speech
ec_word I_AM
ec_word WEAK
ec_word ELLIPSIS
ec_word BUT
ec_word I_AM
ec_word CUTE
.4byte gBattleFrontierTrainerMons_Alize
@ 23
.string "LAUREN$", 8
@ pre-battle speech
ec_word I_AM
ec_word OLD
ec_word BUT
ec_word I_AM
ec_word ALSO
ec_word GOOD
@ win speech
ec_word I
ec_word SAID
ec_word I_WAS
ec_word OLD
ec_word BUT
ec_word GOOD
@ loss speech
ec_word WHAT
ec_word A
ec_word WEIRD
ec_word DREAM
ec_word THAT_WAS
ec_word EXCL
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@ 24
.string "KIPP$", 8
@ pre-battle speech
ec_word IF_I_WIN
ec_word I_AM
ec_word GOING
ec_word TO
ec_word GO
ec_move2 SURF
@ win speech
ec_word YEAH
ec_word EXCL
ec_word I_AM
ec_word OFF
ec_word TO
ec_move2 SURF
@ loss speech
ec_word OH
ec_word NO
ec_word EXCL
ec_word A
ec_move1 WHIRLPOOL
ec_word EXCL
.4byte gBattleFrontierTrainerMons_Kipp
@ 25
.string "JASON$", 8
@ pre-battle speech
ec_word TEACH
ec_word ME
ec_word A
ec_word GOOD
ec_word STRATEGY
.2byte -1
@ win speech
ec_word THAT_WAS
ec_word YOUR
ec_word GOOD
ec_word STRATEGY
ec_word QUES_EXCL
.2byte -1
@ loss speech
ec_word WOW
ec_word THAT
ec_word IS
ec_word AN
ec_word AWESOME
ec_word STRATEGY
.4byte gBattleFrontierTrainerMons_Jason
@ 26
.string "JOHN$", 8
@ pre-battle speech
ec_word I_AM
ec_word A
ec_word PRETTY
ec_word NEW
ec_word TRAINER
.2byte -1
@ win speech
ec_word I_AM
ec_word NEW
ec_word BUT
ec_word I
ec_word WON
ec_word EXCL
@ loss speech
ec_word I_AM
ec_word NEW
ec_word SO
ec_word WHAT
ec_word IF_I_LOSE
ec_word QUES
.4byte gBattleFrontierTrainerMons_John
@ 27
.string "ANN$", 8
@ pre-battle speech
ec_word IT_S
ec_word SO
ec_word EXCITING
ec_word IT
ec_word REALLY
ec_word IS
@ win speech
ec_word I_AM
ec_word SO
ec_word HAPPY
ec_word I
ec_word CAN
ec_word CRY
@ loss speech
ec_word I_AM
ec_word SO
ec_word SAD
ec_word I
ec_word WILL
ec_word CRY
.4byte gBattleFrontierTrainerMons_Ann
@ 28
.string "EILEEN$", 8
@ pre-battle speech
ec_word LET_S
ec_word PRETEND
ec_word I_AM
ec_word AN
ec_word ADULT
ec_word OK_QUES
@ win speech
ec_word SO
ec_word THIS
ec_word IS
ec_word AN
ec_word ADULT
ec_word FEELING
@ loss speech
ec_word AN
ec_word ADULT
ec_word CAN_T
ec_word BEAT
ec_word YOU
ec_word QUES
.4byte gBattleFrontierTrainerMons_Eileen
@ 29
.string "CARLIE$", 8
@ pre-battle speech
ec_word MY
ec_word SUMMER
ec_word VACATION
ec_word IS
ec_word FOR
ec_word POKEMON
@ win speech
ec_word MY
ec_word SUMMER
ec_word VACATION
ec_word WILL
ec_word BE
ec_word AWESOME
@ loss speech
ec_word I
ec_word CAN_T_WIN
ec_word LIKE
ec_word THIS
ec_word ELLIPSIS
.2byte -1
.4byte gBattleFrontierTrainerMons_Carlie
@ 30
.string "GORDON$", 8
@ pre-battle speech
ec_word VICTORY
ec_word WILL
ec_word COME
ec_word TO_ME
ec_word EXCL
.2byte -1
@ win speech
ec_word OH_YEAH
ec_word EXCL
.2byte -1
ec_word I
ec_word REALLY
ec_word WON
@ loss speech
ec_word NOTHING
ec_word IS
ec_word WORKING
ec_word OUT
ec_word FOR
ec_word ME
.4byte gBattleFrontierTrainerMons_Gordon
@ 31
.string "AYDEN$", 8
@ pre-battle speech
ec_word COME_ON
ec_word I
ec_word NEED
ec_word A
ec_word HOT
ec_word BATTLE
@ win speech
ec_word I
ec_word NEED
ec_word WATER
ec_word TO
ec_word COOL
ec_word DOWN
@ loss speech
ec_word YOU
ec_word HAVE
ec_word ME
ec_word FEELING
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ec_word COLD
.4byte gBattleFrontierTrainerMons_Ayden
@ 32
.string "MARCO$", 8
@ pre-battle speech
ec_word I
ec_move2 SURF
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ec_word THE
ec_word WINTER
ec_word TOO
@ win speech
ec_word I
ec_word WILL
ec_word GO
ec_move2 SURF
ec_word RIGHT
ec_word NOW
@ loss speech
ec_word I
ec_word WILL
ec_move2 BEAT_UP
ec_word MY
ec_move2 SURF
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@ 33
.string "CIERRA$", 8
@ pre-battle speech
ec_word I
ec_word LIKE
ec_word TO
ec_word MY
ec_word SWIFT_SWIM
@ win speech
ec_word MY
ec_word POKEMON
ec_word WITH
ec_word ME
.2byte -1
@ loss speech
ec_word I
ec_word NEED
ec_word TO
ec_word BETTER
ec_word ELLIPSIS
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@ 34
.string "MARCY$", 8
@ pre-battle speech
ec_word I_AM
ec_word A
ec_word KNOCKOUT
ec_word YOU
ec_word CAN_T_WIN
ec_word EXCL
@ win speech
ec_word AFTER
ec_word ALL
ec_word I_AM
ec_word A
ec_word KNOCKOUT
ec_word EXCL
@ loss speech
ec_word THAT_S
ec_word NOT
ec_word THE
ec_word KNOCKOUT
ec_word I
ec_word MEAN
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@ 35
.string "KATHY$", 8
@ pre-battle speech
ec_word I_VE
ec_word WON
ec_word EVERY
ec_word MATCH
ec_word TODAY
ec_word EXCL
@ win speech
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ec_word SO
ec_word GREAT
ec_word TO
ec_word WIN
ec_word EXCL
@ loss speech
ec_word HUH_QUES
ec_word I
ec_word SHOULD
ec_word NOT
ec_word HAVE
ec_word LOST
.4byte gBattleFrontierTrainerMons_Kathy
@ 36
.string "PEYTON$", 8
@ pre-battle speech
ec_word I_AM
ec_word NEVER
ec_word WITH
ec_word MY
ec_word POKEMON
@ win speech
ec_word I_AM
ec_word HAPPY
ec_word IF
ec_word WE
ec_word WIN
ec_word TOGETHER
@ loss speech
ec_word I
ec_word ADORE
ec_word MY
ec_word POKEMON
ec_word MORE
ec_word IF_I_LOSE
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@ 37
.string "JULIAN$", 8
@ pre-battle speech
ec_word YOU
ec_word ADORE
ec_word YOUR
ec_word POKEMON
ec_word RIGHT
ec_word QUES
@ win speech
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ec_word TOTALLY
ec_word OUT
ec_word OF
ec_word THE
ec_word QUESTION
@ loss speech
ec_word YOU
ec_word DO
ec_word ADORE
ec_word YOUR
ec_word POKEMON
ec_word EXCL
.4byte gBattleFrontierTrainerMons_Julian
@ 38
.string "QUINN$", 8
@ pre-battle speech
ec_word MY
ec_word POKEMON
ec_word ARE
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ec_word A
ec_word DREAM
@ win speech
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ec_word IS
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ec_word DREAM
ec_word EXCL
@ loss speech
ec_word THIS
ec_word IS
ec_word AN
ec_word AWFUL
ec_move1 NIGHTMARE
ec_word EXCL
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@ 39
.string "HAYLEE$", 8
@ pre-battle speech
ec_word I
ec_word DON_T
ec_word KNOW
ec_word HOW
ec_word I_AM
ec_word FEELING
@ win speech
ec_word I_AM
ec_word FEELING
ec_word JOY
ec_word OVER
ec_word THIS
@ loss speech
ec_word IS
ec_word THE
ec_word WAY
ec_word I_AM
ec_word FEELING
.4byte gBattleFrontierTrainerMons_Haylee
@ 40
.string "AMANDA$", 8
@ pre-battle speech
ec_word I
ec_word COME
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ec_word A
ec_word TRAINER
ec_word FAMILY
@ win speech
ec_word I
ec_word WILL
ec_word TREASURE
ec_word THIS
ec_word WIN
.2byte -1
@ loss speech
ec_word I
ec_word WANT
ec_word TO
ec_word GO_HOME
ec_word RIGHT
ec_word NOW
.4byte gBattleFrontierTrainerMons_Amanda
@ 41
.string "STACY$", 8
@ pre-battle speech
ec_word ALL
ec_word POKEMON
ec_word HAVE
ec_word THEIR
ec_word OWN
ec_word CUTE_CHARM
@ win speech
ec_word YOU
ec_word SEE
ec_word WHAT
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ec_word MEAN
ec_word QUES
@ loss speech
ec_word SHOULD
ec_word I
ec_word NOT
ec_word ADORE
ec_word POKEMON
ec_word QUES
.4byte gBattleFrontierTrainerMons_Stacy
@ 42
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@ pre-battle speech
ec_word COME_ON
ec_word EXCL
ec_word LET_S
ec_word SEE
ec_word SOME
ec_word SPIRIT
@ win speech
ec_word THAT_S_IT_EXCL
ec_word THAT_S
ec_word THE
ec_word SPIRIT
ec_word EXCL
.2byte -1
@ loss speech
ec_word WELL
ec_word SO
ec_word MUCH
ec_word FOR
ec_word OUR
ec_word SPIRIT
.4byte gBattleFrontierTrainerMons_Rafael
@ 43
.string "OLIVER$", 8
@ pre-battle speech
ec_word A
ec_word GENIUS
ec_word THAT_S
ec_word WHAT
ec_word I_AM
ec_word EXCL
@ win speech
ec_word THAT_S
ec_word HOW
ec_word A
ec_word GENIUS
ec_word WORKS
ec_word EXCL
@ loss speech
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ec_word MORE
ec_word A
ec_word GENIUS
ec_word THAN
ec_word I_AM
.4byte gBattleFrontierTrainerMons_Oliver
@ 44
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@ pre-battle speech
ec_word I
ec_word TRAIN
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ec_word THE
ec_word EGG
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@ win speech
ec_word WELL
ec_word DONE
ec_word EXCL
.2byte -1
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@ loss speech
ec_word THAT_WAS
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ec_move2 SOFT_BOILED
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@ 45
.string "PAMELA$", 8
@ pre-battle speech
ec_word ALL
ec_word POKEMON
ec_word ADORE
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ec_word KIND
ec_word TRAINER
@ win speech
ec_word IT_S
ec_word TOO
ec_word BAD
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ec_word LOST
.2byte -1
@ loss speech
ec_word YOU_RE
ec_word KIND
ec_word AND
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.4byte gBattleFrontierTrainerMons_Pamela
@ 46
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@ pre-battle speech
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@ win speech
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ec_word SO
ec_word HAPPY
ec_word FOR
ec_word MY
ec_word POKEMON
@ loss speech
ec_word OH_DEAR
ec_word I_AM
ec_word SO
ec_word SORRY
ec_word ABOUT
ec_word THIS
.4byte gBattleFrontierTrainerMons_Eliza
@ 47
.string "MARISA$", 8
@ pre-battle speech
ec_word I
ec_word PROMISE
ec_word TO
ec_word BATTLE
.2byte -1
@ win speech
ec_word PROMISE
ec_word ME
ec_word YOU
ec_word WILL
ec_word DO
ec_word BETTER
@ loss speech
ec_word PROMISE
ec_word ME
ec_word ANOTHER
ec_word BATTLE
ec_word PLEASE
ec_word EXCL
.4byte gBattleFrontierTrainerMons_Marisa
@ 48
.string "LEWIS$", 8
@ pre-battle speech
ec_word A_LITTLE
ec_word BUG
ec_word IS
ec_word SCARY
ec_word QUES
ec_word HAHAHA
@ win speech
ec_word LOOK
ec_word LOOK
ec_word EXCL
ec_word A
ec_word SCARY
ec_word BUG
@ loss speech
ec_word OH
ec_word A
ec_word BUG
ec_word ISN_T
ec_word SCARY
ec_word ELLIPSIS
.4byte gBattleFrontierTrainerMons_Lewis
@ 49
.string "YOSHI$", 8
@ pre-battle speech
ec_word BUG
ec_word POKEMON
ec_word MAKE
ec_word ME
ec_word FEELING
@ win speech
ec_word BUG
ec_word POKEMON
ec_word ARE
ec_word THE
ec_word BEST
ec_word EXCL
@ loss speech
ec_word YOU_RE
ec_word IGNORANT
ec_word ABOUT
ec_word BUG
ec_word POKEMON
.2byte -1
.4byte gBattleFrontierTrainerMons_Yoshi
@ 50
.string "DESTIN$", 8
@ pre-battle speech
ec_word IT_S
ec_word WAY
ec_word TOO
ec_word HOT
ec_word HERE
.2byte -1
@ win speech
ec_word I_AM
ec_word ABOUT
ec_word TO
ec_move1 OVERHEAT
.2byte -1
.2byte -1
@ loss speech
ec_word PLEASE
ec_word I
ec_word NEED
ec_word SOME
ec_word WATER
.2byte -1
.4byte gBattleFrontierTrainerMons_Destin
@ 51
.string "KEON$", 8
@ pre-battle speech
ec_word FORGIVE
ec_word ME
ec_word BUT
ec_word HERE_I_COME
ec_word EXCL
.2byte -1
@ win speech
ec_word FORGIVE
ec_word ME
ec_word FOR
ec_word MY
ec_word POWER
@ loss speech
ec_word I_AM
ec_word SORRY
ec_word ELLIPSIS
.2byte -1
.2byte -1
.2byte -1
.4byte gBattleFrontierTrainerMons_Keon
@ 52
.string "STUART$", 8
@ pre-battle speech
ec_word I
ec_word PROMISE
ec_word YOU
ec_word A
ec_word HOT
ec_word BATTLE
@ win speech
ec_word THE
ec_word MASTER
ec_word OF
ec_word COOL
ec_word THAT_S
ec_word ME
@ loss speech
ec_word I
ec_word SEE
ec_word I_AM
ec_word NOT
ec_word SO
ec_word COOL
.4byte gBattleFrontierTrainerMons_Stuart
@ 53
.string "NESTOR$", 8
@ pre-battle speech
ec_word SHOW
ec_word ME
ec_word A
ec_word REALLY
ec_word SMOOTH
ec_word MOVE
@ win speech
ec_word THERE
ec_word WAS
ec_word NOTHING
ec_word SMOOTH
ec_word ABOUT
ec_word THAT
@ loss speech
ec_word YOU
ec_word REALLY
ec_word ARE
ec_word SMOOTH
ec_word EXCL
.2byte -1
.4byte gBattleFrontierTrainerMons_Nestor
@ 54
.string "DERRICK$", 8
@ pre-battle speech
ec_word LET_S
ec_word SEE
ec_word YOU
ec_move2 MEDITATE
ec_word LIKE
ec_word ME
@ win speech
ec_word HOW
ec_word I
ec_move2 MEDITATE
ec_word IS
ec_word JUST
@ loss speech
ec_word I
ec_word WILL
ec_move2 MEDITATE
ec_word FOR
ec_word A
ec_move2 CALM_MIND
.4byte gBattleFrontierTrainerMons_Derrick
@ 55
.string "BRYSON$", 8
@ pre-battle speech
ec_word IS
ec_word IN
ec_word OUR
ec_word MOVE
@ win speech
ec_word HOW_DO
ec_word YOU
ec_word LIKE
ec_word OUR
ec_word QUES
@ loss speech
ec_word MY
ec_word WAS
ec_word USELESS
.2byte -1
.2byte -1
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@ 56
.string "CLAYTON$", 8
@ pre-battle speech
ec_word HUH_QUES
.2byte -1
.2byte -1
ec_word WHERE
ec_word IS_IT_QUES
.2byte -1
@ win speech
ec_word WHERE
ec_word IS_IT_QUES
ec_word I_VE
ec_word LOST
ec_word MY
ec_word POKENAV
@ loss speech
ec_word WHERE
ec_word IS_IT_QUES
ec_word I_VE
ec_word LOST
ec_word MY
ec_word SENSE
.4byte gBattleFrontierTrainerMons_Clayton
@ 57
.string "TRENTON$", 8
@ pre-battle speech
ec_word COME_OVER
ec_word FOR
ec_word SOME
ec_word TASTY
ec_word WATER
.2byte -1
@ win speech
ec_word MMM
ec_word DO
ec_word YOU
ec_word WANT
ec_word SOME
ec_word QUES
@ loss speech
ec_word I
ec_word GOT
ec_word THIS
ec_word TASTY
ec_word WATER
ec_word SHOPPING
.4byte gBattleFrontierTrainerMons_Trenton
@ 58
.string "JENSON$", 8
@ pre-battle speech
ec_word MY
ec_word POKEMON
ec_word WILL
ec_word MAKE
ec_word YOU
ec_word DOWNCAST
@ win speech
ec_word YOUR
ec_word POKEMON
ec_word DON_T
ec_word MAKE
ec_word THE
ec_move1 CUT
@ loss speech
ec_word I_AM
ec_word THE
ec_word TRAINER
ec_word WHO_IS
ec_word FEELING
ec_word DOWNCAST
.4byte gBattleFrontierTrainerMons_Jenson
@ 59
.string "WESLEY$", 8
@ pre-battle speech
ec_pokemon2 MEW
ec_pokemon2 MEW
ec_word IS
ec_word HOW
ec_word I
ec_word CRY
@ win speech
ec_word YES
ec_word I
ec_word KNOW
ec_word I_AM
ec_word CUTE
ec_word EXCL
@ loss speech
ec_pokemon2 MEW
ec_pokemon2 MEW
ec_word EXCL
ec_pokemon2 MEW
ec_word EXCL_EXCL
.2byte -1
.4byte gBattleFrontierTrainerMons_Wesley
@ 60
.string "ANTON$", 8
@ pre-battle speech
ec_word GET
ec_word READY
ec_word FOR
ec_word ME
ec_word TO
ec_move1 THRASH
@ win speech
ec_word WAHAHAHA
ec_word EXCL
ec_word SORRY
ec_word ABOUT
ec_word THAT
ec_word EXCL
@ loss speech
ec_word IT_S
ec_word A
ec_word TOUGH
ec_word LOSS
ec_word TO
ec_move2 SWALLOW
.4byte gBattleFrontierTrainerMons_Anton
@ 61
.string "LAWSON$", 8
@ pre-battle speech
ec_word I_AM
ec_word YOUNG
ec_word AT
ec_word HEART
ec_word EXCL
.2byte -1
@ win speech
ec_word NOT
ec_word COOL
ec_word EXCL
ec_word NOT
ec_word AT
ec_word ALL
@ loss speech
ec_word I_AM
ec_word OLD
ec_word AND
ec_word FEELING
ec_word SHAKY
ec_word ELLIPSIS
.4byte gBattleFrontierTrainerMons_Lawson
@ 62
.string "SAMMY$", 8
@ pre-battle speech
ec_word MY
ec_word PARTY
ec_word IS
ec_word READY
ec_word TO
ec_word ROCK
@ win speech
ec_word MY
ec_word PARTY
ec_word IS
ec_word JUST
ec_word EXCL
@ loss speech
ec_word I
ec_word CRY
ec_word FOR
ec_word MY
ec_word PARTY
ec_word ELLIPSIS
.4byte gBattleFrontierTrainerMons_Sammy
@ 63
.string "ARNIE$", 8
@ pre-battle speech
ec_word I_AM
ec_word NO_1
ec_word I
ec_word HAVE
ec_word NO
ec_word RIVAL
@ win speech
ec_word YOU
ec_word SEE
ec_word QUES
ec_word I
ec_word CAN_T
ec_word LOSE
@ loss speech
ec_word NO
ec_word EXCL
ec_word I
ec_word WON_T
ec_word ACCEPT
ec_word THIS
.4byte gBattleFrontierTrainerMons_Arnie
@ 64
.string "ADRIAN$", 8
@ pre-battle speech
ec_word YAHOO
ec_word EXCL
.2byte -1
ec_word YAHOO
ec_word EXCL_EXCL
.2byte -1
@ win speech
ec_word THANK_YOU
ec_word EXCL
.2byte -1
ec_word THANK_YOU
ec_word EXCL_EXCL
.2byte -1
@ loss speech
ec_word GOOD_BYE
ec_word EXCL
.2byte -1
ec_word GOOD_BYE
ec_word EXCL_EXCL
.2byte -1
.4byte gBattleFrontierTrainerMons_Adrian
@ 65
.string "TRISTAN$", 8
@ pre-battle speech
ec_word CONFUSED
ec_word QUES
.2byte -1
ec_word I_AM
ec_word A
ec_word GENIUS
@ win speech
ec_word SEE
ec_word QUES
.2byte -1
ec_word I_AM
ec_word A
ec_word GENIUS
@ loss speech
ec_word I_AM
ec_word NOT
ec_word A
ec_word GENIUS
ec_word IN
ec_word BATTLE
.4byte gBattleFrontierTrainerMons_Tristan
@ 66
.string "JULIANA$", 8
@ pre-battle speech
ec_word I
ec_word THINK
ec_word I_AM
ec_word SHOPPING
ec_word TOO
ec_word MUCH
@ win speech
ec_word BUT
ec_word I
ec_word WANT
ec_word A
ec_word POKEMON
ec_word PLUSH_DOLL
@ loss speech
ec_word I
ec_word SO
ec_word WANT
ec_word ANOTHER
ec_word POKEMON
ec_word PLUSH_DOLL
.4byte gBattleFrontierTrainerMons_Juliana
@ 67
.string "RYLEE$", 8
@ pre-battle speech
ec_word SHOW
ec_word ME
ec_word THAT
ec_word YOU
ec_word HAVE
ec_word GUTS
@ win speech
ec_word BYE_BYE
ec_word EXCL
ec_word YOU
ec_word HAVE
ec_word NO
ec_word GUTS
@ loss speech
ec_word THAT_WAS
ec_word GUTSY
ec_word ELLIPSIS
ec_word YOU_RE
ec_word QUITE
ec_word SUPER
.4byte gBattleFrontierTrainerMons_Rylee
@ 68
.string "CHELSEA$", 8
@ pre-battle speech
ec_word I
ec_word MEAN
ec_word TO
ec_word WIN
ec_word EXCL
@ win speech
ec_word THAT_WAS
ec_word MY
ec_word WILL
ec_word TO
ec_word WIN
.2byte -1
@ loss speech
ec_word YOU_RE
ec_word FAR
ec_word TOO_STRONG
ec_word FOR
ec_word ME
.2byte -1
.4byte gBattleFrontierTrainerMons_Chelsea
@ 69
.string "DANELA$", 8
@ pre-battle speech
ec_word YOU
ec_word MUST_BE
ec_word MY
ec_word OPPONENT
ec_word NOW
ec_word EXCL
@ win speech
ec_word OH_DEAR
ec_word TOO_WEAK
ec_word EXCL
ec_word DON_T
ec_word GIVE_UP
ec_word EXCL
@ loss speech
ec_word THAT_WAS
ec_word GOOD
ec_word AND
ec_word THIS
ec_word IS
ec_word GOOD_BYE
.4byte gBattleFrontierTrainerMons_Danela
@ 70
.string "LIZBETH$", 8
@ pre-battle speech
ec_word IF_I_LOSE
ec_word YOU
ec_word CAN
ec_word HAVE
ec_word A
ec_move2 PRESENT
@ win speech
ec_word HERE_IT_IS
ec_word A_LITTLE
ec_word PRAISE
ec_word AS
ec_word YOUR
ec_move2 PRESENT
@ loss speech
ec_word YOUR
ec_move2 PRESENT
ec_word QUES_EXCL
ec_word HERE_IT_IS
ec_word A
ec_move1 DOUBLE_SLAP
.4byte gBattleFrontierTrainerMons_Lizbeth
@ 71
.string "AMELIA$", 8
@ pre-battle speech
ec_word I
ec_word BELIEVE
ec_word IN
ec_word CUTE
ec_word FASHION
ec_word APPEAL
@ win speech
ec_word YOUR
ec_word FASHION
ec_word SENSE
ec_word IS
ec_word A
ec_word DISASTER
@ loss speech
ec_word THAT_WAS
ec_word AWFUL
ec_word EXCL
ec_word I_AM
ec_word GOING
ec_word HOME
.4byte gBattleFrontierTrainerMons_Amelia
@ 72
.string "JILLIAN$", 8
@ pre-battle speech
ec_word WHAT
ec_word IS
ec_word THAT
ec_word I
ec_word SMELL
ec_word QUES
@ win speech
ec_word IT_S
ec_word THE
ec_move1 SWEET_SCENT
ec_word OF
ec_word TASTY
ec_word WATER
@ loss speech
ec_word IT_S
ec_word YOUR
ec_word STENCH
ec_word THAT_S
ec_word WHAT
.4byte gBattleFrontierTrainerMons_Jillian
@ 73
.string "ABBIE$", 8
@ pre-battle speech
ec_word YOU
ec_word TRY
ec_word MY
ec_word SECRET
ec_word OK_QUES
@ win speech
ec_word MY
ec_word IS
ec_word TERRIBLE
ec_word FOR
ec_word YOU
@ loss speech
ec_word DIDN_T
ec_word YOU
ec_word SMELL
ec_word A
ec_word THING
ec_word QUES_EXCL
.4byte gBattleFrontierTrainerMons_Abbie
@ 74
.string "BRIANA$", 8
@ pre-battle speech
ec_word MY
ec_word BOY
ec_word FRIEND
ec_word WORKS
ec_word TOO
ec_word MUCH
@ win speech
ec_word I
ec_word ONLY
ec_word MISS
ec_word HIM
ec_word MORE
ec_word ELLIPSIS
@ loss speech
ec_word I_AM
ec_word SO
ec_word LONESOME
ec_word WITHOUT
ec_word HIM
ec_word ELLIPSIS
.4byte gBattleFrontierTrainerMons_Briana
@ 75
.string "ANTONIO$", 8
@ pre-battle speech
ec_word I
ec_word KNOW
ec_word HOW
ec_word TO
ec_word GO
ec_word GO
@ win speech
ec_word BUT
ec_word I
ec_word DON_T
ec_word LIKE
ec_word TO
ec_word DANCE
@ loss speech
ec_word GO
ec_word GO
ec_word ELLIPSIS
ec_word JUST
ec_move1 FLAIL
ec_word ABOUT
.4byte gBattleFrontierTrainerMons_Antonio
@ 76
.string "JADEN$", 8
@ pre-battle speech
ec_word HELLO
ec_word I
ec_word THINK
ec_word I
ec_word ADORE
ec_word YOU
@ win speech
ec_word YOU
ec_word MAKE
ec_word ME
ec_move1 THRASH
ec_word IN
@ loss speech
.2byte -1
.2byte -1
ec_word GOOD_BYE
ec_word FOREVER
ec_word EXCL
.4byte gBattleFrontierTrainerMons_Jaden
@ 77
.string "DAKOTA$", 8
@ pre-battle speech
ec_word YOU
ec_word HAVE
ec_word TO
ec_word DANCE
ec_word WITH
ec_word POWER
@ win speech
ec_word GOT
ec_word IT
ec_word QUES
ec_word DANCE
ec_word WITH
ec_word POWER
@ loss speech
ec_word OKAY
ec_word YOU
ec_word ALL_RIGHT
ec_word EXCL
.2byte -1
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@ 78
.string "BRAYDEN$", 8
@ pre-battle speech
ec_word VERSION
ec_word TOYS
ec_word ARE
ec_word USELESS
ec_word EXCL
@ win speech
ec_word I
ec_word ONLY
ec_word COLLECT
ec_word NORMAL
ec_word VERSION
ec_word TOYS
@ loss speech
ec_word I
ec_move2 ATTRACT
ec_word VERSION
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ec_word ELLIPSIS
.4byte gBattleFrontierTrainerMons_Brayden
@ 79
.string "CORSON$", 8
@ pre-battle speech
ec_word I
ec_word GET
ec_word TO
ec_move2 BEAT_UP
ec_word ON
ec_word YOU
@ win speech
ec_word TOO
ec_word EASY
ec_word EXCL
ec_word I_AM
ec_word SO
ec_word COOL
@ loss speech
ec_word WHY
ec_word QUES_EXCL
.2byte -1
ec_word I
ec_move2 CURSE
ec_word YOU
.4byte gBattleFrontierTrainerMons_Corson
@ 80
.string "TREVIN$", 8
@ pre-battle speech
ec_word THERE
ec_word IS
ec_word NONE
ec_word BETTER
ec_word THAN
ec_word ME
@ win speech
ec_word YES_SIR_EXCL
.2byte -1
.2byte -1
ec_word I_AM
ec_word THE
ec_word BEST
@ loss speech
ec_word SERIOUS
ec_word QUES_EXCL
.2byte -1
.2byte -1
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.4byte gBattleFrontierTrainerMons_Trevin
@ 81
.string "PATRICK$", 8
@ pre-battle speech
ec_word I_AM
ec_word PERFECT
ec_word EXCL
ec_word GIVE_UP
ec_word NOW
.2byte -1
@ win speech
ec_word DON_T
ec_word BE
ec_word I_AM
ec_word PERFECT
.2byte -1
@ loss speech
ec_word BUT
ec_word HOW
ec_word QUES
ec_word I_AM
ec_word PERFECT
ec_word ELLIPSIS
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@ 82
.string "KADEN$", 8
@ pre-battle speech
ec_word WHAT
ec_word ARE
ec_word YOU
ec_word UP
ec_word TO
ec_word QUES
@ win speech
ec_word YOU
ec_word WERE
ec_word A
ec_word SURPRISE
ec_word TO_ME
ec_word EXCL
@ loss speech
ec_word I
ec_word DON_T
ec_word KNOW
ec_word WHO
ec_word I_AM
ec_word ELLIPSIS
.4byte gBattleFrontierTrainerMons_Kaden
@ 83
.string "MAXWELL$", 8
@ pre-battle speech
ec_word HEY_THERE
ec_word WHO_IS
ec_word YOUR
ec_word RIVAL
ec_word QUES
.2byte -1
@ win speech
ec_word MY
ec_word RIVAL
ec_word IS
ec_word MY
ec_word GIRL
ec_word FRIEND
@ loss speech
ec_word I_AM
ec_word MAKING
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ec_word MY
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.2byte -1
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@ 84
.string "DARYL$", 8
@ pre-battle speech
ec_word I
ec_word ONLY
ec_word KNOW
ec_word HOW
ec_word TO
ec_move1 CHARGE
@ win speech
ec_word AM
ec_word I
ec_word OR
ec_word WHAT
ec_word QUES
@ loss speech
ec_word YOU_RE
ec_word GOING
ec_word TO
ec_word A
ec_word LEGEND
ec_word EXCL
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@ 85
.string "KENNETH$", 8
@ pre-battle speech
ec_word YOU
ec_word BETTER
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ec_move2 SLACK_OFF
ec_word WITH
ec_word ME
@ win speech
ec_word DID
ec_word MY
ec_move2 TAUNT
ec_word YOU
ec_word QUES
@ loss speech
ec_word I_AM
ec_word SORRY
ec_word ELLIPSIS
.2byte -1
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@ 86
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@ pre-battle speech
ec_word YOUR
ec_move1 FACADE
ec_word DOESN_T
ec_move2 TRICK
ec_word ME
.2byte -1
@ win speech
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ec_word YOU
ec_word REALLY
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.2byte -1
@ loss speech
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ec_word REALLY
ec_word TOUGH
ec_word ON
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@ 87
.string "CADEN$", 8
@ pre-battle speech
ec_word I
ec_word CAN_T
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ec_word DEFEATED
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@ win speech
ec_word FIRE
ec_word EXCL
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ec_word FIRE
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.2byte -1
@ loss speech
ec_word I_AM
ec_word TIRED
ec_word ELLIPSIS
ec_word IT_S
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ec_word HOT
.4byte gBattleFrontierTrainerMons_Caden
@ 88
.string "MARLON$", 8
@ pre-battle speech
ec_word A
ec_word POKEDEX
ec_word IS
ec_word A_LITTLE
ec_word RADIO
ec_word QUES
@ win speech
ec_word A_LITTLE
ec_word RADIO
ec_word HUH_QUES
ec_word THAT_S
ec_word TOTALLY
ec_word COOL
@ loss speech
ec_word IT_S
ec_word NOT
ec_word QUES
ec_word IS
ec_word POKENAV
ec_word QUES
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@ 89
.string "NASH$", 8
@ pre-battle speech
ec_word I_AM
ec_word ON
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ec_word BABY
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@ win speech
ec_word I
ec_word LEFT
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ec_word JUST
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ec_move2 EMBER
@ loss speech
ec_word AIYEEH
ec_word EXCL_EXCL
.2byte -1
ec_word NO
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ec_word PLEASE
.4byte gBattleFrontierTrainerMons_Nash
@ 90
.string "ROBBY$", 8
@ pre-battle speech
ec_word HAHAHA
ec_word EXCL
ec_word HAPPY
ec_word TO
ec_word MEET_YOU
ec_word EXCL
@ win speech
ec_word I_AM
ec_word THE
ec_word LEADER
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@ loss speech
ec_word I
ec_word WILL
ec_move1 THRASH
ec_word MY
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@ 91
.string "REECE$", 8
@ pre-battle speech
ec_word MY
ec_word CAN
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@ win speech
ec_word LIKE
ec_word I
ec_word SAID
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ec_word DARN
ec_word FAST
@ loss speech
ec_word I_WAS
ec_word KIDDING
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@ 92
.string "KATHRYN$", 8
@ pre-battle speech
ec_word I
ec_word DON_T
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ec_word ENOUGH
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@ win speech
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ec_move2 TAUNT
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ec_word LIKE
ec_word THAT
ec_word OK_QUES
@ loss speech
ec_word WHY
ec_word COULDN_T
ec_word I
ec_word WIN
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ec_word QUES
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@ 93
.string "ELLEN$", 8
@ pre-battle speech
ec_word CRUSH
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ec_word LIKE
ec_word AN
ec_word EGG
ec_word EXCL
@ win speech
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ec_word A
ec_word TASTY
ec_word VICTORY
ec_word FOR
ec_word ME
@ loss speech
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ec_word TOUGH
ec_word TO
ec_word CRUSH
ec_word EXCL
.2byte -1
.4byte gBattleFrontierTrainerMons_Ellen
@ 94
.string "RAMON$", 8
@ pre-battle speech
ec_word OKAY
ec_word EXCL
.2byte -1
ec_word THIS
ec_word IS
@ win speech
ec_word I_AM
ec_word HAPPY
ec_word THAT
ec_word I
ec_word WON
ec_word EXCL
@ loss speech
ec_word IT_S
ec_word A
ec_word SECRET
ec_word WHY
ec_word I_AM
ec_word HAPPY
.4byte gBattleFrontierTrainerMons_Ramon
@ 95
.string "ARTHUR$", 8
@ pre-battle speech
ec_word HERE_I_COME
ec_word FEELING
ec_word READY
ec_word FOR
ec_word IT
ec_word ALL
@ win speech
ec_word THAT_S_IT_EXCL
.2byte -1
.2byte -1
ec_word THAT_WAS
ec_word FABULOUS
ec_word EXCL
@ loss speech
ec_word THAT_WAS
ec_word NOT
ec_word WHAT
ec_word I
ec_word NEED
.2byte -1
.4byte gBattleFrontierTrainerMons_Arthur
@ 96
.string "ALONDRA$", 8
@ pre-battle speech
ec_word EVERY
ec_word DAY
ec_word IS
ec_word A
ec_word GREAT
ec_word DAY
@ win speech
ec_word MY
ec_move2 DIVE
ec_word WILL
ec_word BE
ec_word A
ec_word LEGEND
@ loss speech
ec_word MY
ec_move2 DIVE
ec_word LEFT
ec_word ME
ec_word COLD
ec_word ELLIPSIS
.4byte gBattleFrontierTrainerMons_Alondra
@ 97
.string "ADRIANA$", 8
@ pre-battle speech
ec_word COME
ec_word SEE
ec_word AN
ec_word SWIFT_SWIM
ec_word EXCL
@ win speech
ec_word I
ec_word MAKE
ec_word IT
ec_word LOOK
ec_word SO
ec_word EASY
@ loss speech
ec_word I_AM
ec_word FEELING
ec_move2 BEAT_UP
ec_word AND
ec_word TIRED
.2byte -1
.4byte gBattleFrontierTrainerMons_Adriana
@ 98
.string "MALIK$", 8
@ pre-battle speech
ec_word OH
ec_word NOT
ec_word ANOTHER
ec_word BATTLE
ec_word PLEASE
ec_word ELLIPSIS
@ win speech
ec_word I
ec_word FINALLY
ec_word WON
ec_word ELLIPSIS
ec_word I_AM
ec_word TIRED
@ loss speech
ec_word I
ec_word FINALLY
ec_word LOST
ec_word ELLIPSIS
ec_word I_AM
ec_word TIRED
.4byte gBattleFrontierTrainerMons_Malik
@ 99
.string "JILL$", 8
@ pre-battle speech
ec_word I_AM
ec_word THE
ec_word TRAINER
ec_word EXCL
.2byte -1
@ win speech
ec_word THE
ec_word TRAINER
ec_word WINS
ec_word EXCL
.2byte -1
@ loss speech
ec_word THE
ec_word TRAINER
ec_word GIVES
ec_word UP
ec_word EXCL
.4byte gBattleFrontierTrainerMons_Jill
@ 100
.string "ERIK$", 8
@ pre-battle speech
ec_word I_AM
ec_word THE
ec_word HERO
ec_word EXCL
.2byte -1
@ win speech
ec_word THANK_YOU
ec_word FROM
ec_word THE
ec_word HERO
ec_word EXCL
@ loss speech
ec_word WAAAH
ec_word EXCL_EXCL
.2byte -1
ec_word NO
ec_word NO
ec_word EXCL_EXCL
.4byte gBattleFrontierTrainerMons_Erik
@ 101
.string "YAZMIN$", 8
@ pre-battle speech
ec_word I
ec_word WOULD
ec_word RATHER
ec_word RUN
ec_word THAN
ec_word BIKE
@ win speech
ec_word YES
ec_word I
ec_word WOULD
ec_word MUCH
ec_word RATHER
ec_word RUN
@ loss speech
ec_word BYE_BYE
ec_word EXCL
ec_word I_AM
ec_word GOING
ec_word TO
ec_word RUN_AWAY
.4byte gBattleFrontierTrainerMons_Yazmin
@ 102
.string "JAMAL$", 8
@ pre-battle speech
ec_word I_AM
ec_word GOING
ec_word TO
ec_word BE
ec_word A
ec_word FATHER
@ win speech
ec_word I
ec_word CAN_T
ec_word WAIT
ec_word FOR
ec_word MY
ec_word BABY
@ loss speech
ec_word MY
ec_word BABY
ec_word WILL
ec_word BE
ec_word TOTALLY
ec_word AWESOME
.4byte gBattleFrontierTrainerMons_Jamal
@ 103
.string "LESLIE$", 8
@ pre-battle speech
ec_word I_AM
ec_word GOING
ec_word TO
ec_word BE
ec_word A
ec_word MOTHER
@ win speech
ec_word A
ec_word BABY
ec_word WILL
ec_word BE
ec_word A_LITTLE
@ loss speech
ec_word I_AM
ec_word TOO
ec_word HAPPY
ec_word TO
ec_word BE
ec_word ANGRY
.4byte gBattleFrontierTrainerMons_Leslie
@ 104
.string "DAVE$", 8
@ pre-battle speech
ec_word WHAT
ec_word SHOULD
ec_word I
ec_word DO
ec_word TODAY
ec_word QUES
@ win speech
ec_word I
ec_word SHOULD
ec_word ENJOY
ec_word SOME
ec_word SPORTS
ec_word EXCL
@ loss speech
ec_word I
ec_word WILL
ec_word GO
ec_word PLAY
ec_word A
ec_word GAME
.4byte gBattleFrontierTrainerMons_Dave
@ 105
.string "CARLO$", 8
@ pre-battle speech
ec_word HAH
ec_word EXCL_EXCL
.2byte -1
ec_word YEAH
ec_word EXCL_EXCL
.2byte -1
@ win speech
ec_word I
ec_word DO
ec_word THINGS
ec_word AT
ec_word EXCL
@ loss speech
ec_word I
ec_word LOST
ec_word AT
ec_word ELLIPSIS
.2byte -1
.4byte gBattleFrontierTrainerMons_Carlo
@ 106
.string "EMILIA$", 8
@ pre-battle speech
ec_word ME
ec_word WORRY
ec_word QUES
ec_word I
ec_word HAVE
ec_word NONE
@ win speech
ec_word AHAHA
ec_word SEE
ec_word QUES
ec_word THAT_WAS
ec_word EXCL
@ loss speech
ec_word AHAHA
ec_word SEE
ec_word QUES
ec_word THAT_WAS
ec_word EXCL
.4byte gBattleFrontierTrainerMons_Emilia
@ 107
.string "DALIA$", 8
@ pre-battle speech
ec_word MY
ec_word BIKE
ec_word IS
ec_word VERY
.2byte -1
@ win speech
ec_word DON_T
ec_word COME
ec_word NEAR
ec_word MY
ec_word BIKE
ec_word EXCL
@ loss speech
ec_word MY
ec_word BIKE
ec_word IS
ec_word MY
ec_word BEST
ec_word FRIEND
.4byte gBattleFrontierTrainerMons_Dalia
@ 108
.string "HITOMI$", 8
@ pre-battle speech
ec_word YEAH
ec_word EXCL_EXCL
.2byte -1
ec_word HAH
ec_word EXCL_EXCL
.2byte -1
@ win speech
ec_word WHAT
ec_word QUES_EXCL
.2byte -1
ec_word I
ec_word WON
ec_word QUES_EXCL
@ loss speech
ec_word AIYEEH
ec_word EXCL_EXCL
.2byte -1
ec_word I_AM
ec_word SORRY
ec_word EXCL_EXCL
.4byte gBattleFrontierTrainerMons_Hitomi
@ 109
.string "RICARDO$", 8
@ pre-battle speech
ec_word COME_ON
ec_word EXCL
ec_word PLAY
ec_word TIME
ec_word IS
ec_word OVER
@ win speech
ec_word YOU_RE
ec_word OUT
ec_word OF
ec_word HERE
ec_word EXCL
.2byte -1
@ loss speech
ec_word PLEASE
ec_word DON_T
ec_word HIT
ec_word ME
ec_word EXCL
.2byte -1
.4byte gBattleFrontierTrainerMons_Ricardo
@ 110
.string "SHIZUKA$", 8
@ pre-battle speech
ec_word SHOW
ec_word ME
ec_word THAT
ec_word YOU_RE
ec_word SERIOUS
ec_word EXCL
@ win speech
ec_word I
ec_word WON_T
ec_word FORGET
ec_word ABOUT
ec_word YOU
.2byte -1
@ loss speech
ec_word YOU_RE
ec_word PERFECT
ec_word IN
ec_word EVERY
ec_word WAY
ec_word EXCL
.4byte gBattleFrontierTrainerMons_Shizuka
@ 111
.string "JOANA$", 8
@ pre-battle speech
ec_word YOU_RE
ec_word GOING
ec_word TO
ec_word LOSE
ec_word RIGHT
ec_word AWAY
@ win speech
ec_word I_AM
ec_word THE
ec_word WINNER
ec_word HEAR
ec_word ME
ec_move2 ROAR
@ loss speech
ec_word I
ec_word REFUSE
ec_word TO
ec_word ACCEPT
ec_word THAT
ec_move1 OUTRAGE
.4byte gBattleFrontierTrainerMons_Joana
@ 112
.string "KELLY$", 8
@ pre-battle speech
ec_word MY
ec_word NIGHT
ec_word SCHOOL
ec_word IS
ec_word REALLY
ec_word SCARY
@ win speech
ec_word A
ec_word LADY
ec_word GHOST
ec_word APPEARS
ec_word THERE
.2byte -1
@ loss speech
ec_word THE
ec_word HOME
ec_word WORK
ec_word IS
ec_word AWFULLY
ec_word SCARY
.4byte gBattleFrontierTrainerMons_Kelly
@ 113
.string "RAYNA$", 8
@ pre-battle speech
ec_word I_AM
ec_word NO_1
ec_word WHEN
ec_word IT_S
ec_word ABOUT
ec_word POWER
@ win speech
ec_word MY
ec_word POWER
ec_word NOW
ec_word QUES
.2byte -1
@ loss speech
ec_word TERRIBLE
ec_word ELLIPSIS
.2byte -1
ec_word I_AM
ec_word TERRIBLE
ec_word ELLIPSIS
.4byte gBattleFrontierTrainerMons_Rayna
@ 114
.string "EVAN$", 8
@ pre-battle speech
ec_word EVERY
ec_word BATTLE
ec_word HAS
ec_word A
ec_word SMELL
.2byte -1
@ win speech
ec_word OH
ec_word EXCL
ec_word THE
ec_move1 SWEET_SCENT
ec_word OF
ec_word VICTORY
@ loss speech
ec_word THE
ec_word AWFUL
ec_word STENCH
ec_word OF
ec_word A
ec_word LOSS
.4byte gBattleFrontierTrainerMons_Evan
@ 115
.string "JORDAN$", 8
@ pre-battle speech
ec_word GOOD
ec_word EXCL
.2byte -1
ec_word COME_ON
ec_word EXCL_EXCL
.2byte -1
@ win speech
ec_word YOU
ec_word CAN_T
ec_word BEAT
ec_word ME
ec_word EXCL
.2byte -1
@ loss speech
ec_word WHAT
ec_word QUES_EXCL
.2byte -1
ec_word BUT
ec_word HOW
ec_word QUES
.4byte gBattleFrontierTrainerMons_Jordan
@ 116
.string "JOEL$", 8
@ pre-battle speech
ec_word FUFUFU
ec_word ELLIPSIS
.2byte -1
.2byte -1
.2byte -1
.2byte -1
@ win speech
ec_word GIGGLE
ec_word ELLIPSIS
.2byte -1
.2byte -1
.2byte -1
.2byte -1
@ loss speech
ec_word HAHAHA
ec_word ELLIPSIS
.2byte -1
.2byte -1
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.2byte -1
.4byte gBattleFrontierTrainerMons_Joel
@ 117
.string "KRISTEN$", 8
@ pre-battle speech
ec_word HAHAHA
ec_word ELLIPSIS
.2byte -1
ec_word A
ec_word KID
ec_word ELLIPSIS
@ win speech
ec_word JUST
ec_word A_LITTLE
ec_word KID
ec_word AFTER
ec_word ALL
ec_word EXCL
@ loss speech
ec_word A
ec_word TOUGH
ec_word KID
ec_word HUH_QUES
ec_word HUMPH
ec_word EXCL
.4byte gBattleFrontierTrainerMons_Kristen
@ 118
.string "SELPHY$", 8
@ pre-battle speech
ec_word HUH_QUES
ec_word WHAT
ec_word IS_IT_QUES
.2byte -1
.2byte -1
.2byte -1
@ win speech
ec_word OH
ec_word YES
ec_word EXCL
ec_word WHY
ec_word NOT
ec_word QUES
@ loss speech
ec_word OH
ec_word NO
ec_word EXCL
ec_word WHY
ec_word NOT
ec_word QUES
.4byte gBattleFrontierTrainerMons_Selphy
@ 119
.string "CHLOE$", 8
@ pre-battle speech
ec_word COME
ec_word WE
ec_word WILL
ec_word DO
ec_word BATTLE
ec_word NOW
@ win speech
ec_word MORE
ec_word EXCL
.2byte -1
ec_word ANOTHER
ec_word BATTLE
ec_word EXCL
@ loss speech
ec_word OH
ec_word EXCL
.2byte -1
ec_word STRONG
ec_word YOU
ec_word ARE
.4byte gBattleFrontierTrainerMons_Chloe
@ 120
.string "NORTON$", 8
@ pre-battle speech
ec_word I
ec_word KNOW
ec_word ONLY
ec_word YOU
.2byte -1
.2byte -1
@ win speech
ec_word EXCUSE_ME
ec_word BUT
ec_word YOU_RE
ec_word A
ec_word PUSHOVER
ec_word EXCL
@ loss speech
ec_word YOU_RE
ec_word SOME
ec_word KIND
ec_word OF
ec_word AWESOME
ec_word EXCL
.4byte gBattleFrontierTrainerMons_Norton
@ 121
.string "LUKAS$", 8
@ pre-battle speech
ec_word MY
ec_word JOKING
ec_word IS
ec_word PRETTY
ec_word TERRIBLE
ec_word ELLIPSIS
@ win speech
ec_word YOUR
ec_word ROCK_HEAD
ec_word EXISTS
ec_word TO
ec_word SHINE
ec_word EXCL
@ loss speech
ec_word YOUR
ec_word ROCK_HEAD
ec_word COME
ec_word TO
ec_word SHINE
.2byte -1
.4byte gBattleFrontierTrainerMons_Lukas
@ 122
.string "ZACH$", 8
@ pre-battle speech
ec_word I_AM
ec_word AN
ec_move2 MIMIC
ec_word OF
ec_word POKEMON
@ win speech
ec_word I_AM
ec_word HAPPY
ec_word LIKE
ec_word A_LITTLE
ec_pokemon2 TOGEPI
ec_word EXCL
@ loss speech
ec_word I_AM
ec_word ANGRY
ec_word LIKE
ec_word A
ec_pokemon2 MANKEY
ec_word EXCL
.4byte gBattleFrontierTrainerMons_Zach
@ 123
.string "KAITLYN$", 8
@ pre-battle speech
ec_word I
ec_word CRUSH
ec_word THINGS
ec_word WITH
ec_word PSYCHIC
ec_word POWER
@ win speech
ec_word MY
ec_word VICTORY
ec_word WILL
ec_word MAKE
ec_word THE
ec_word NEWS
@ loss speech
ec_word NO
ec_word NO
ec_word ELLIPSIS
ec_word THIS
ec_word WON_T
ec_word DO
.4byte gBattleFrontierTrainerMons_Kaitlyn
@ 124
.string "BREANNA$", 8
@ pre-battle speech
ec_word MY
ec_word POKEMON
ec_word WILL
ec_word CRUSH
ec_word YOU
ec_word EXCL
@ win speech
ec_word HAVE
ec_word SOME
ec_word MORE
ec_word OF
ec_word THIS
ec_word EXCL
@ loss speech
ec_word YOU
ec_word HAVE
ec_word GUTS
ec_word AND
ec_word SKILL
.2byte -1
.4byte gBattleFrontierTrainerMons_Breanna
@ 125
.string "KENDRA$", 8
@ pre-battle speech
ec_word IF
ec_word YOU_RE
ec_word SMART
ec_word STOP
ec_word RIGHT
ec_word NOW
@ win speech
ec_word I
ec_word SAID
ec_word THAT
ec_word YOU
ec_word SHOULD
ec_word STOP
@ loss speech
ec_word WHY
ec_word DIDN_T
ec_word YOU
ec_word STOP
ec_word QUES
.2byte -1
.4byte gBattleFrontierTrainerMons_Kendra
@ 126
.string "MOLLY$", 8
@ pre-battle speech
ec_word WILL
ec_word MY
ec_word CUTE_CHARM
ec_move2 ATTRACT
ec_word YOU
ec_word QUES
@ win speech
ec_word YOUR
ec_word POKEMON
ec_word ARE
ec_word MY
ec_word TOYS
ec_word NOW
@ loss speech
ec_word OH
ec_word HOW
ec_word COULD
ec_word YOU
ec_word QUES
.2byte -1
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@ 127
.string "JAZMIN$", 8
@ pre-battle speech
ec_word I
ec_word FORECAST
ec_word TERRIBLE
ec_word THINGS
ec_word FOR
ec_word YOU
@ win speech
ec_word THERE
ec_word WASN_T
ec_word MY
ec_word FORECAST
ec_word RIGHT
ec_word QUES
@ loss speech
ec_word MY
ec_move2 FORESIGHT
ec_word DIDN_T
ec_word SHOW
ec_word ME
ec_word THIS
.4byte gBattleFrontierTrainerMons_Jazmin
@ 128
.string "KELSEY$", 8
@ pre-battle speech
ec_word I
ec_word HAVEN_T
ec_word SLEPT
ec_word IN
ec_word DAYS
ec_word ELLIPSIS
@ win speech
ec_word MY
ec_word SLEEP
ec_word WILL
ec_word BE
ec_word NOW
@ loss speech
ec_word YOU
ec_word HAVE
ec_word MY
ec_word SLEEP
ec_word ELLIPSIS
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@ 129
.string "JALEN$", 8
@ pre-battle speech
ec_word I
ec_word DON_T
ec_word ALLOW
ec_word POKEMON
ec_word TO
ec_move1 THRASH
@ win speech
ec_word HAHAHA
ec_word EXCL
ec_word ARE
ec_word YOU
ec_word ANGRY
ec_word QUES
@ loss speech
ec_word WHY
ec_word IS
ec_word THIS
ec_word SO
ec_word HARD
ec_word QUES
.4byte gBattleFrontierTrainerMons_Jalen
@ 130
.string "GRIFFEN$", 8
@ pre-battle speech
ec_word I
ec_move2 SWALLOW
ec_move2 SLUDGE
ec_word TO
ec_move2 TRANSFORM
ec_word MYSELF
@ win speech
ec_word I
ec_word HAVE
ec_word A
ec_move1 GROWTH
ec_word OF
ec_move2 ACID_ARMOR
@ loss speech
ec_word I
ec_word HAVE
ec_word A
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ec_word OF
.4byte gBattleFrontierTrainerMons_Griffen
@ 131
.string "XANDER$", 8
@ pre-battle speech
ec_word I
ec_word GOT
ec_word MY
ec_word POKEMON
ec_word ON
ec_word RENTAL
@ win speech
ec_word IT_S
ec_word MY
ec_word RENTAL
ec_word POKEMON
ec_word WON
@ loss speech
ec_word RENTAL
ec_word POKEMON
ec_word AREN_T
ec_word UP
ec_word TO
ec_move2 SCRATCH
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@ 132
.string "MARVIN$", 8
@ pre-battle speech
ec_word YOU_RE
ec_word UP
ec_word TO
ec_word THE
ec_word QUES
@ win speech
ec_word I
ec_word DIDN_T
ec_word THINK
ec_word YOU_RE
ec_word GOOD
ec_word ENOUGH
@ loss speech
ec_word I_AM
ec_word FEELING
ec_word PERFECT
ec_word THANK_YOU
ec_word SO
ec_word MUCH
.4byte gBattleFrontierTrainerMons_Marvin
@ 133
.string "BRENNAN$", 8
@ pre-battle speech
ec_word I
ec_move2 WISH
ec_word TO
ec_word SEE
ec_word THE
ec_word NEWS
@ win speech
ec_word COMICS
ec_word GET
ec_word DAMP
ec_word FROM
ec_word DRIZZLE
ec_word QUES
@ loss speech
ec_word THE
ec_word TIGHT
ec_word MONEY
ec_word LIVING
ec_word CHANNEL
ec_word QUES_EXCL
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@ 134
.string "BALEY$", 8
@ pre-battle speech
ec_move1 SCREECH
ec_word IS
ec_word LIKE
ec_word MUSIC
ec_word TO_ME
ec_word EXCL
@ win speech
ec_word MY
ec_move1 SCREECH
ec_word STRATEGY
ec_word IS
ec_word THE
ec_word BEST
@ loss speech
ec_word YOU_RE
ec_word QUES
.2byte -1
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@ 135
.string "ZACKARY$", 8
@ pre-battle speech
ec_word CAN
ec_word YOU
ec_move1 DIG
ec_word IT
ec_word YO
ec_word QUES
@ win speech
ec_move2 TAKE_DOWN
ec_word TAKE
ec_word A
ec_move2 DIVE
ec_word YO
ec_word YO
@ loss speech
ec_word BREAK
ec_word DOWN
ec_move2 DIVE
ec_word TIME
ec_word FOR
ec_word ME
.4byte gBattleFrontierTrainerMons_Zackary
@ 136
.string "GABRIEL$", 8
@ pre-battle speech
ec_move2 POUND
ec_word THE
ec_word THICK_FAT
ec_word ON
ec_word MY
ec_move2 BELLY_DRUM
@ win speech
ec_move2 POUND
ec_word MY
ec_move2 BELLY_DRUM
ec_move2 POUND
ec_word MY
ec_move2 BELLY_DRUM
@ loss speech
ec_word MY
ec_move2 BELLY_DRUM
ec_word WAS
ec_word TOO_WEAK
ec_word ELLIPSIS
.2byte -1
.4byte gBattleFrontierTrainerMons_Gabriel
@ 137
.string "EMILY$", 8
@ pre-battle speech
ec_word HOW
ec_word ABOUT
ec_word A_TINY_BIT
ec_word OF
ec_move1 HYPNOSIS
ec_word QUES
@ win speech
ec_word MY
ec_move1 HYPNOSIS
ec_word STRATEGY
ec_word WORKS
ec_word TO
@ loss speech
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ec_move1 HYPNOSIS
ec_word STRATEGY
ec_word WENT
ec_word BADLY
ec_word ELLIPSIS
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@ 138
.string "JORDYN$", 8
@ pre-battle speech
ec_word YOU
ec_word DON_T
ec_word KNOW
ec_word MY
ec_word SECRET
ec_word ELLIPSIS
@ win speech
ec_word I_AM
ec_word NOT
ec_word AS
ec_word I
ec_word APPEAR
ec_word ELLIPSIS
@ loss speech
ec_word BUT
ec_word HOW
ec_word DID
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ec_word KNOW
ec_word QUES
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@ 139
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@ pre-battle speech
ec_pokemon1 LOUDRED
ec_word PROBABLY
ec_word HAS
ec_word A
ec_move1 SWEET_SCENT
.2byte -1
@ win speech
ec_word THAT_S
ec_word THE
ec_word FEELING
ec_word THAT
ec_word I
ec_word GET
@ loss speech
ec_word I
ec_word WORK
ec_word AT
ec_word THE
ec_word DEPT_STORE
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@ 140
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@ pre-battle speech
ec_word I_CHOOSE_YOU
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.2byte -1
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@ win speech
ec_word I_AM
ec_word FEELING
ec_word PRETTY
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ec_word ABOUT
ec_word MYSELF
@ loss speech
ec_word ALL_RIGHT
ec_word EXCL
.2byte -1
ec_word I
ec_word EXCL
.4byte gBattleFrontierTrainerMons_Braden
@ 141
.string "KAYDEN$", 8
@ pre-battle speech
ec_word THEY
ec_word OVERDO
ec_word THAT
ec_word GOURMET
ec_word THING
ec_word ELLIPSIS
@ win speech
ec_word THAT
ec_word GOURMET
ec_word THING
ec_word ISN_T
ec_word FOR
ec_word ME
@ loss speech
ec_word HEY
ec_word THIS
ec_word IS
ec_word PRETTY
ec_word TASTY
.2byte -1
.4byte gBattleFrontierTrainerMons_Kayden
@ 142
.string "COOPER$", 8
@ pre-battle speech
ec_word THIS
ec_word SHOULD
ec_word BE
ec_word A
ec_word PUSHOVER
@ win speech
ec_word THAT_WAS
ec_word TOO
ec_word EXCITING
ec_word FOR
ec_word ME
ec_word ELLIPSIS
@ loss speech
ec_word PLEASE
ec_word EXCL
.2byte -1
ec_word SORRY
ec_word I_AM
ec_word SORRY
.4byte gBattleFrontierTrainerMons_Cooper
@ 143
.string "JULIA$", 8
@ pre-battle speech
ec_word SPIRIT
ec_word ALONE
ec_word WON_T
ec_word MAKE
ec_word YOU
ec_word WIN
@ win speech
ec_word YOU
ec_word SHOULD
ec_word ACCEPT
ec_word THIS
ec_word WITH
@ loss speech
ec_word FOR_NOW
ec_word GOOD_BYE
ec_word BUT
ec_word IT_S
ec_word NOT
ec_word OVER
.4byte gBattleFrontierTrainerMons_Julia
@ 144
.string "AMARA$", 8
@ pre-battle speech
ec_word EXCL_EXCL
ec_word I_AM
ec_word SO
ec_word READY
ec_word EXCL_EXCL
@ win speech
ec_word I
ec_word LOSE
ec_word MYSELF
ec_word IF
ec_word IT_S
ec_word EXCITING
@ loss speech
ec_word THAT_S
ec_word TOO
ec_word MUCH
ec_word TO
ec_move2 TACKLE
ec_word EXCL
.4byte gBattleFrontierTrainerMons_Amara
@ 145
.string "LYNN$", 8
@ pre-battle speech
ec_word YOUR
ec_word SECRET
ec_word CAN_T
ec_word BE
ec_word HIDDEN
ec_word FOREVER
@ win speech
ec_word I
ec_word KNOW
ec_word YOUR
ec_word SECRET
ec_word NOW
ec_word EXCL
@ loss speech
ec_word YOU
ec_word CAN_T
ec_move1 SAFEGUARD
ec_word YOUR
ec_word OWN
ec_word SECRET
.4byte gBattleFrontierTrainerMons_Lynn
@ 146
.string "JOVAN$", 8
@ pre-battle speech
ec_word YOUR
ec_word BATTLE
ec_word SENSE
ec_word IS
ec_word SADLY
ec_word LACKING
@ win speech
ec_word MY
ec_word BATTLE
ec_word SENSE
ec_word IS
ec_word COOL
ec_word ISN_T_IT_QUES
@ loss speech
ec_word I_WAS
ec_word MINUS
ec_word MY
ec_word NORMAL
ec_word POWER
ec_word TODAY
.4byte gBattleFrontierTrainerMons_Jovan
@ 147
.string "DOMINIC$", 8
@ pre-battle speech
ec_word I
ec_word HAVE
ec_word THIS
ec_word CAMERA
.2byte -1
@ win speech
ec_word MY
ec_word CAMERA
ec_word WAS
ec_word AWFULLY
.2byte -1
@ loss speech
ec_word MY
ec_word CAMERA
ec_word DOESN_T
ec_word MISS
ec_word A
ec_word THING
.4byte gBattleFrontierTrainerMons_Dominic
@ 148
.string "NIKOLAS$", 8
@ pre-battle speech
ec_word I
ec_move2 MIMIC
ec_word POKEMON
ec_word AFTER
ec_word EVERY
ec_word BATTLE
@ win speech
ec_word IF_I_WIN
ec_word I
ec_word PRETEND
ec_word I_AM
ec_word A
ec_pokemon2 TAUROS
@ loss speech
ec_word IF_I_LOSE
ec_word I
ec_word PRETEND
ec_word I_AM
ec_word A
ec_pokemon2 MILTANK
.4byte gBattleFrontierTrainerMons_Nikolas
@ 149
.string "VALERIA$", 8
@ pre-battle speech
ec_word I
ec_move2 WISH
ec_word YOU
ec_word WOULD
ec_word NOT
ec_move2 GLARE
@ win speech
ec_word YOU_RE
ec_word MEAN
ec_word EXCL
ec_word I
ec_word MEAN
ec_word REALLY
@ loss speech
ec_word YOU
ec_word HAVE
ec_word A
ec_word REALLY
ec_move1 SCARY_FACE
ec_word EXCL
.4byte gBattleFrontierTrainerMons_Valeria
@ 150
.string "DELANEY$", 8
@ pre-battle speech
ec_word SCHOOL
ec_word IS
ec_word OVER
ec_word TIME
ec_word TO
ec_word PLAY
@ win speech
ec_word MY
ec_word BOY
ec_word FRIEND
ec_word IS
ec_word FROM
ec_word SCHOOL
@ loss speech
ec_word I
ec_word HAVE
ec_word TO
ec_word WORK
ec_word NEXT
ec_word WEEK
.4byte gBattleFrontierTrainerMons_Delaney
@ 151
.string "MEGHAN$", 8
@ pre-battle speech
ec_word SCHOOL
ec_word IS
ec_word OUT
ec_word TIME
ec_word TO
ec_word PLAY
@ win speech
ec_word MY
ec_word BOY
ec_word FRIEND
ec_word LIKES
ec_word COMICS
.2byte -1
@ loss speech
ec_word IT_S
ec_word BACK
ec_word TO
ec_word SCHOOL
ec_word SOON
.2byte -1
.4byte gBattleFrontierTrainerMons_Meghan
@ 152
.string "ROBERTO$", 8
@ pre-battle speech
ec_word DRAGON
ec_word POKEMON
ec_word ARE
ec_word EXCL
.2byte -1
@ win speech
ec_word YOU
ec_word WEREN_T
ec_word BAD
ec_word I_WAS
ec_word JUST
ec_word BETTER
@ loss speech
ec_word AREN_T
ec_word YOU
ec_word YET
ec_word QUES
.2byte -1
.4byte gBattleFrontierTrainerMons_Roberto
@ 153
.string "DAMIAN$", 8
@ pre-battle speech
ec_word MY
ec_word PURE_POWER
ec_word IS
ec_word MACHINE
ec_word LIKE
ec_word EXCL
@ win speech
ec_word MY
ec_move2 MACH_PUNCH
ec_word WILL
ec_word MAKE
ec_word A
ec_move1 BRICK_BREAK
@ loss speech
ec_word ARRGH
ec_word EXCL
.2byte -1
ec_word NO
ec_word EXCL_EXCL
.2byte -1
.4byte gBattleFrontierTrainerMons_Damian
@ 154
.string "BRODY$", 8
@ pre-battle speech
ec_word MY
ec_word FASHION
ec_word SENSE
ec_word SEEMS
ec_pokemon1 ODDISH
ec_word QUES
@ win speech
ec_word IT_S
ec_word MY
ec_word FAMILY
ec_word STAY_AT_HOME
ec_word LOOK
ec_word EXCL
@ loss speech
ec_word I
ec_word QUESTION
ec_word YOUR
ec_word FASHION
ec_word SENSE
.4byte gBattleFrontierTrainerMons_Brody
@ 155
.string "GRAHAM$", 8
@ pre-battle speech
ec_word YEAH
ec_word EXCL
.2byte -1
ec_word YEAH_YEAH
ec_word EXCL_EXCL
.2byte -1
@ win speech
ec_word WAHAHAHA
ec_word WAHAHAHA
ec_word EXCL
ec_word WAHAHAHA
ec_word WAHAHAHA
ec_word EXCL_EXCL
@ loss speech
ec_word I_AM
ec_word SORRY
ec_word ELLIPSIS
ec_word IT_S
ec_word MY
ec_word BAD
.4byte gBattleFrontierTrainerMons_Graham
@ 156
.string "TYLOR$", 8
@ pre-battle speech
ec_word ARE
ec_word YOU
ec_word FEELING
ec_word MY
ec_move2 HEAT_WAVE
ec_word QUES
@ win speech
ec_word YES
ec_word I_AM
ec_word ON
ec_word FIRE
ec_word EXCL
.2byte -1
@ loss speech
ec_word BUT
ec_word I_WAS
ec_word ON
ec_word FIRE
ec_word FOR
ec_word YOU
.4byte gBattleFrontierTrainerMons_Tylor
@ 157
.string "JAREN$", 8
@ pre-battle speech
ec_word FIGHTING
ec_word SPIRIT
ec_word QUES
ec_word ME
ec_word QUES
.2byte -1
@ win speech
ec_word I
ec_word WANT
ec_word MORE
ec_word CUTE
ec_word POKEMON
.2byte -1
@ loss speech
ec_word YOUR
ec_word POKEMON
ec_word LOOK
ec_word QUITE
ec_word CUTE
.2byte -1
.4byte gBattleFrontierTrainerMons_Jaren
@ 158
.string "CORDELL$", 8
@ pre-battle speech
ec_word A
ec_word BATTLE
ec_word IS
ec_word DECIDED
ec_word ON
ec_word SPIRIT
@ win speech
ec_word CAN_T
ec_word YOU
ec_word ACCEPT
ec_word THAT
ec_word QUES
.2byte -1
@ loss speech
ec_word I
ec_word WILL
ec_word BE
ec_word ON
ec_word MY
ec_word WAY
.4byte gBattleFrontierTrainerMons_Cordell
@ 159
.string "JAZLYN$", 8
@ pre-battle speech
ec_word IS
ec_word YOUR
ec_word POKEDEX
ec_word REALLY
ec_word AWESOME
ec_word QUES
@ win speech
ec_word OH_YEAH
ec_word WOW
ec_word YOUR
ec_word POKEDEX
ec_word IS
ec_word SUPER
@ loss speech
ec_word AN
ec_word POKEDEX
ec_word WOULD
ec_word BE
ec_word AWESOME
.4byte gBattleFrontierTrainerMons_Jazlyn
@ 160
.string "ZACHERY$", 8
@ pre-battle speech
ec_word I
ec_word HAVE
ec_word MY
ec_word OWN
ec_word PLACE
@ win speech
ec_word IT_S
ec_word AN
ec_word EXCITING
ec_word TIME
ec_word FOR
ec_word ME
@ loss speech
ec_word YOU
ec_word CAN_T
ec_word FLATTEN
ec_word MY
ec_word EXCL
.4byte gBattleFrontierTrainerMons_Zachery
@ 161
.string "JOHAN$", 8
@ pre-battle speech
ec_word WINTER
ec_word WILL
ec_word SOON
ec_word BE
ec_word HERE
.2byte -1
@ win speech
ec_word MY
ec_word COULD
ec_word USE
ec_word A
@ loss speech
ec_word I
ec_word ALWAYS
ec_word USE
ec_word MY
ec_word UP
.4byte gBattleFrontierTrainerMons_Johan
@ 162
.string "SHEA$", 8
@ pre-battle speech
ec_word DO
ec_word YOU
ec_word BATTLE
ec_word WITH
ec_word BEAUTY
ec_word QUES
@ win speech
ec_word YOU
ec_word BATTLE
ec_word IN
ec_word AN
ec_word UGLY
ec_word WAY
@ loss speech
ec_word WHAT
ec_word IS
ec_word BEAUTY
ec_word TO
ec_word YOU
ec_word QUES
.4byte gBattleFrontierTrainerMons_Shea
@ 163
.string "KAILA$", 8
@ pre-battle speech
ec_word I_AM
ec_word FEELING
ec_word THIRSTY
ec_word RIGHT
ec_word NOW
ec_word ELLIPSIS
@ win speech
ec_word I
ec_word COULD
ec_word USE
ec_word A
ec_word COLD
ec_word DRINK
@ loss speech
ec_word THAT
ec_word LOSS
ec_word IS
ec_word HARD
ec_word TO
ec_move2 SWALLOW
.4byte gBattleFrontierTrainerMons_Kaila
@ 164
.string "ISIAH$", 8
@ pre-battle speech
ec_word I
ec_word PRETEND
ec_word TO
ec_word STUDY
ec_word A_LOT
.2byte -1
@ win speech
ec_word I
ec_move2 TRICK
ec_word MOTHER
ec_word FOR
ec_word MY
@ loss speech
ec_word I
ec_word DON_T
ec_word WANT
ec_word TO
ec_word STUDY
ec_word MORE
.4byte gBattleFrontierTrainerMons_Isiah
@ 165
.string "GARRETT$", 8
@ pre-battle speech
ec_word I
ec_word ENJOY
ec_word COMICS
ec_word AND
ec_word THIS
ec_word GAME
@ win speech
ec_word I
ec_word LIKE
ec_word THIS
ec_word MUSIC
ec_word IDOL
ec_word TOO
@ loss speech
ec_word BUT
ec_word I
ec_word HAVE
ec_word TO
ec_word STUDY
ec_word MORE
.4byte gBattleFrontierTrainerMons_Garrett
@ 166
.string "HAYLIE$", 8
@ pre-battle speech
ec_word I
ec_word WORRY
ec_word TOO
ec_word MUCH
ec_word TO
ec_word SLEEP
@ win speech
ec_word A
ec_word WIN
ec_word GIVES
ec_word ME
ec_word A
ec_move2 CALM_MIND
@ loss speech
ec_word MY
ec_word INSOMNIA
ec_word WILL
ec_word GET
ec_word BAD
ec_word ELLIPSIS
.4byte gBattleFrontierTrainerMons_Haylie
@ 167
.string "MEGAN$", 8
@ pre-battle speech
ec_word I
ec_word BELIEVE
ec_word IN
ec_word AN
ec_word BATH
@ win speech
ec_word I
ec_word WANT
ec_word A
ec_word HEALTHY
ec_word CLEAR_BODY
.2byte -1
@ loss speech
ec_word IF
ec_word ONLY
ec_word WERE
ec_word LESS
.4byte gBattleFrontierTrainerMons_Megan
@ 168
.string "ISSAC$", 8
@ pre-battle speech
ec_word MY
ec_word HOBBY
ec_word QUES
.2byte -1
.2byte -1
.2byte -1
@ win speech
ec_word I
ec_word LIKE
ec_word ANY
ec_word KIND
ec_word OF
ec_move2 WATER_SPORT
@ loss speech
ec_word I
ec_word DISLIKE
ec_word ANY
ec_word KIND
ec_word OF
ec_move2 MUD_SPORT
.4byte gBattleFrontierTrainerMons_Issac
@ 169
.string "QUINTON$", 8
@ pre-battle speech
ec_word I_AM
ec_word SAD
ec_word CAUSE
ec_word I_AM
ec_word TOO_WEAK
.2byte -1
@ win speech
ec_word YOU
ec_word AREN_T
ec_word TOO_STRONG
ec_word FOR
ec_word ME
.2byte -1
@ loss speech
ec_word HEY
ec_word WHAT
ec_word DID
ec_word I
ec_word DO
ec_word QUES
.4byte gBattleFrontierTrainerMons_Quinton
@ 170
.string "SALMA$", 8
@ pre-battle speech
ec_word YOU_VE
ec_word GOT
ec_word YOUR
ec_word HUSTLE
ec_word ON
ec_word EXCL
@ win speech
ec_word I
ec_word WIN
ec_word YOU
ec_word HUSTLE
ec_word ON
ec_word OUT
@ loss speech
ec_word I
ec_word DON_T
ec_word GET
ec_word HOW
ec_word I
ec_word LOST
.4byte gBattleFrontierTrainerMons_Salma
@ 171
.string "ANSLEY$", 8
@ pre-battle speech
ec_word I_AM
ec_word BORED
ec_word ELLIPSIS
ec_word DANCE
ec_word FOR
ec_word ME
@ win speech
ec_word YOU_VE
ec_word BORED
ec_word ME
ec_word SOME
ec_word MORE
.2byte -1
@ loss speech
ec_word TAKE
ec_word YOUR
ec_word SOME
ec_word OTHER
ec_word PLACE
.4byte gBattleFrontierTrainerMons_Ansley
@ 172
.string "HOLDEN$", 8
@ pre-battle speech
ec_word LET_S
ec_word MY
ec_word COOLNESS
ec_word IN
ec_word BATTLE
@ win speech
ec_word YOU_RE
ec_word TOO_WEAK
ec_word FOR
ec_word ANY
ec_word PRAISE
.2byte -1
@ loss speech
ec_word YOUR
ec_word BATTLE
ec_word SENSE
ec_word IS
ec_word AMUSING
.2byte -1
.4byte gBattleFrontierTrainerMons_Holden
@ 173
.string "LUCA$", 8
@ pre-battle speech
ec_word WE
ec_word WILL
ec_word HAVE
ec_word A
ec_word COOL
ec_word BATTLE
@ win speech
ec_word I
ec_word WON
ec_word IN
ec_word A
ec_word COOL
ec_word WAY
@ loss speech
ec_word HELLO
ec_word QUES
ec_word I_AM
ec_word JUST
ec_word A
ec_word KID
.4byte gBattleFrontierTrainerMons_Luca
@ 174
.string "JAMISON$", 8
@ pre-battle speech
ec_word MY
ec_word IS
ec_word TO
ec_word POKEMON
@ win speech
ec_word DID
ec_word YOU
ec_word SEE
ec_word THAT
ec_word QUES
.2byte -1
@ loss speech
ec_word I
ec_word WILL
ec_word USE
ec_word TO
ec_word ESCAPE
.4byte gBattleFrontierTrainerMons_Jamison
@ 175
.string "GUNNAR$", 8
@ pre-battle speech
ec_word I
ec_move1 CUT
ec_word DOWN
ec_word EVERY
ec_word OPPONENT
.2byte -1
@ win speech
ec_word DON_T
ec_move1 GRUDGE
ec_word ME
ec_word FOR
ec_word YOUR
ec_word LOSS
@ loss speech
ec_word PLEASE
ec_word LOSE
ec_word THAT
ec_move1 SCARY_FACE
ec_word OF
ec_word YOURS
.4byte gBattleFrontierTrainerMons_Gunnar
@ 176
.string "CRAIG$", 8
@ pre-battle speech
ec_word I
ec_word CAN_T
ec_word WAIT
ec_word FOR
ec_word MY
ec_word TRAIN
@ win speech
ec_word MY
ec_word TRAIN
ec_word ISN_T
ec_word HERE
ec_word YET
ec_word ELLIPSIS
@ loss speech
ec_word HERE_IT_IS
ec_word MY
ec_word TRAIN
ec_word SEE_YA
ec_word EXCL
.2byte -1
.4byte gBattleFrontierTrainerMons_Craig
@ 177
.string "PIERCE$", 8
@ pre-battle speech
ec_word THERE
ec_word WAS
ec_word A
ec_move2 HEAT_WAVE
ec_word LAST
ec_word WEEK
@ win speech
ec_word I
ec_word CAN_T
ec_word TAKE
ec_word A
ec_move2 HEAT_WAVE
.2byte -1
@ loss speech
ec_word DIDN_T
ec_word IT
ec_move1 HAIL
ec_word TOO
ec_word QUES
.2byte -1
.4byte gBattleFrontierTrainerMons_Pierce
@ 178
.string "REGINA$", 8
@ pre-battle speech
ec_word I
ec_word LIKE
ec_word TO
ec_word PLAY
ec_word IN
ec_word WATER
@ win speech
ec_word I
ec_word REFUSE
ec_word TO
ec_word COME
ec_word OUT
.2byte -1
@ loss speech
ec_word YOU_RE
ec_word NOT
ec_word MUCH
ec_word GOOD
ec_word IN
ec_word WATER
.4byte gBattleFrontierTrainerMons_Regina
@ 179
.string "ALISON$", 8
@ pre-battle speech
ec_word THIS
ec_word MAGAZINE
ec_word IS
ec_word TOO
ec_word MUCH
@ win speech
ec_word HOW
ec_word TO
ec_word BUG
ec_word YOUR
ec_word TEACHER
ec_word QUES
@ loss speech
ec_word ENJOY
ec_word A
ec_word TASTY
ec_word SCHOOL
ec_word DIET
ec_word QUES
.4byte gBattleFrontierTrainerMons_Alison
@ 180
.string "HANK$", 8
@ pre-battle speech
ec_word THERE
ec_word IS
ec_word A
ec_word BUG
ec_word EVENT
ec_word SOON
@ win speech
ec_word IT_S
ec_word A
ec_word BUG
ec_word FASHION
ec_word SHOW
ec_word EXCL
@ loss speech
ec_word DON_T
ec_word YOU
ec_word LIKE
ec_word BUG
ec_word POKEMON
ec_word QUES
.4byte gBattleFrontierTrainerMons_Hank
@ 181
.string "EARL$", 8
@ pre-battle speech
ec_word THE
ec_word BUG
ec_word TRAINER
ec_word IS
ec_word HERE
@ win speech
ec_word THE
ec_word BUG
ec_word TRAINER
ec_word AM
ec_word I
@ loss speech
ec_word SEE
ec_word HOW
ec_word FAST
ec_word I
ec_word RUN_AWAY
ec_word EXCL
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@ 182
.string "RAMIRO$", 8
@ pre-battle speech
ec_word I
ec_word WENT
ec_word TO
ec_word A
ec_word FISHING
ec_word SCHOOL
@ win speech
ec_word I_AM
ec_word IN
ec_word THE
ec_word FISHING
ec_word HALL_OF_FAME
@ loss speech
ec_word I
ec_word WANT
ec_word TO
ec_word GO
ec_word BACK
ec_word ELLIPSIS
.4byte gBattleFrontierTrainerMons_Ramiro
@ 183
.string "HUNTER$", 8
@ pre-battle speech
ec_word SHOW
ec_word ME
ec_word A
ec_word TOTALLY
ec_word COOL
ec_move1 CROSS_CHOP
@ win speech
ec_word YOU_RE
ec_word TOO_WEAK
ec_word TO
ec_word DO
ec_word A
ec_move1 CROSS_CHOP
@ loss speech
ec_word WAS
ec_word IT
ec_word A
ec_word MISTAKE
ec_word QUES
.2byte -1
.4byte gBattleFrontierTrainerMons_Hunter
@ 184
.string "AIDEN$", 8
@ pre-battle speech
ec_word MY
ec_word WORK
ec_word IS
ec_word MAKING
ec_word ME
ec_word HEALTHY
@ win speech
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ec_word SEE
ec_word QUES
ec_word I_AM
ec_word HEALTHY
ec_word EXCL
@ loss speech
ec_word YOU_RE
ec_word MORE
ec_word HEALTHY
ec_word THAN
ec_word I_AM
ec_word ELLIPSIS
.4byte gBattleFrontierTrainerMons_Aiden
@ 185
.string "XAVIER$", 8
@ pre-battle speech
ec_word HEY_THERE
ec_word EXCL
.2byte -1
ec_word LOOK
ec_word LOOK
ec_word EXCL_EXCL
@ win speech
ec_word GOOD_BYE
ec_word AND
ec_word THANK_YOU
ec_word THAT_WAS
ec_word FUNNY
.2byte -1
@ loss speech
ec_word WOWEE
ec_word EXCL
.2byte -1
ec_word NO
ec_word NO
ec_word EXCL_EXCL
.4byte gBattleFrontierTrainerMons_Xavier
@ 186
.string "CLINTON$", 8
@ pre-battle speech
ec_word WANT
ec_word TO
ec_word SEE
ec_word MY
ec_move1 HYPNOSIS
ec_word QUES
@ win speech
ec_word YOUR
ec_move2 FURY_SWIPES
ec_word YOUR
ec_move1 STRENGTH
ec_word YOUNG
ec_word TRAINER
@ loss speech
ec_word TCH
ec_word ELLIPSIS
.2byte -1
ec_word I_AM
ec_word TOO_WEAK
ec_word ELLIPSIS
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@ 187
.string "JESSE$", 8
@ pre-battle speech
ec_word THIS
ec_word BATTLE
ec_word IS
ec_word FOR
ec_word MY
ec_word MOTHER
@ win speech
ec_word MOTHER
ec_word WILL
ec_word BE
ec_word HAPPY
ec_word FOR
ec_word ME
@ loss speech
ec_word I
ec_word WANT
ec_word MY
ec_word MOTHER
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.2byte -1
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@ 188
.string "EDUARDO$", 8
@ pre-battle speech
ec_word OUR
ec_word MUSIC
ec_word WILL
ec_word PLAY
ec_word ALL
ec_word NIGHT
@ win speech
ec_word IS
ec_word WHEN
ec_word I
ec_word PLAY
ec_word BEST
@ loss speech
ec_word LET_S
ec_word PARTY
ec_word UNTIL
ec_word THE
ec_move1 MORNING_SUN
ec_word EXCL
.4byte gBattleFrontierTrainerMons_Eduardo
@ 189
.string "HAL$", 8
@ pre-battle speech
ec_word I_AM
ec_word TRENDY
ec_word AREN_T
ec_word I
ec_word QUES
.2byte -1
@ win speech
ec_word I_AM
ec_word FEELING
ec_word HIP_AND
ec_word OH_YEAH
ec_word EXCL
@ loss speech
ec_word I_AM
ec_word ALWAYS
ec_word TRENDY
ec_word THANK_YOU
ec_word VERY
ec_word MUCH
.4byte gBattleFrontierTrainerMons_Hal
@ 190
.string "GAGE$", 8
@ pre-battle speech
ec_word HERE_IT_IS
ec_word A
ec_word FLYING
ec_word TYPE
ec_word HIDDEN
ec_word MOVE
@ win speech
ec_word IT_S
ec_word A
ec_word FLYING
ec_word TYPE
ec_word VICTORY
ec_word EXCL
@ loss speech
ec_word IF_I_LOSE
ec_word I
ec_word JUST
ec_move1 FLY
ec_word AWAY
.2byte -1
.4byte gBattleFrontierTrainerMons_Gage
@ 191
.string "ARNOLD$", 8
@ pre-battle speech
ec_word I_AM
ec_word FEELING
ec_word WEIRD
ec_word FROM
ec_word A
ec_word DREAM
@ win speech
ec_word YOUR
ec_move1 SCARY_FACE
ec_word WAS
ec_word IN
ec_word MY
ec_word DREAM
@ loss speech
ec_word MY
ec_word DREAM
ec_word WAS
ec_word SO
ec_word WEIRD
.4byte gBattleFrontierTrainerMons_Arnold
@ 192
.string "JARRETT$", 8
@ pre-battle speech
ec_word COME_ON
ec_word LET_S
ec_word DANCE
ec_word LIKE
ec_word IT_S
@ win speech
ec_word YOU
ec_word LIKE
ec_word HOW
ec_word I
ec_word DANCE
ec_word QUES
@ loss speech
ec_word YOU
ec_word DON_T
ec_word HOW
ec_word I
ec_word DANCE
.4byte gBattleFrontierTrainerMons_Jarrett
@ 193
.string "GARETT$", 8
@ pre-battle speech
ec_word MY
ec_word GIRL
ec_word GIVES
ec_word ME
ec_word A_LITTLE
ec_move2 SWEET_KISS
@ win speech
ec_word MY
ec_word GIRL
ec_word FRIEND
ec_word IS
ec_word MY
ec_word TREASURE
@ loss speech
ec_word A
ec_word TREASURE
ec_word ISN_T
ec_word ALWAYS
ec_word ABOUT
ec_word MONEY
.4byte gBattleFrontierTrainerMons_Garett
@ 194
.string "EMANUEL$", 8
@ pre-battle speech
ec_word ALONE
ec_word WON_T
ec_word MAKE
ec_word YOU
ec_word WIN
@ win speech
ec_word I_AM
ec_word NOT_VERY
ec_word SMART
ec_word BUT
ec_word I
ec_word WON
@ loss speech
ec_word HOW
ec_word DID
ec_word YOU
ec_move2 FAKE_OUT
ec_word ME
ec_word QUES
.4byte gBattleFrontierTrainerMons_Emanuel
@ 195
.string "GUSTAVO$", 8
@ pre-battle speech
ec_move1 CHARGE
ec_word EXCL
.2byte -1
ec_move1 CHARGE
ec_word EXCL_EXCL
.2byte -1
@ win speech
ec_word QUES
.2byte -1
ec_word SO
ec_word SOON
ec_word QUES
@ loss speech
ec_word YOU
ec_word CAN_T
ec_word MAKE
ec_word ME
ec_word YET
.4byte gBattleFrontierTrainerMons_Gustavo
@ 196
.string "KAMERON$", 8
@ pre-battle speech
ec_word TAKE_THAT
ec_word EXCL
ec_word IT_S
ec_word MY
ec_word FIERY
ec_move2 TRICK
@ win speech
ec_word DID
ec_word MY
ec_word FIERY
ec_move2 TRICK
ec_move1 ASTONISH
ec_word QUES
@ loss speech
ec_word YOU
ec_word DIDN_T
ec_word FALL
ec_word FOR
ec_word MY
ec_move2 TRICK
.4byte gBattleFrontierTrainerMons_Kameron
@ 197
.string "ALFREDO$", 8
@ pre-battle speech
ec_word A
ec_word FIERY
ec_word GOURMET
ec_word AM
ec_word I
ec_word EXCL
@ win speech
ec_word IT_S
ec_word A
ec_word TASTY
ec_word GOURMET
ec_word VICTORY
ec_word EXCL
@ loss speech
ec_word WHAT
ec_word A
ec_word DISASTER
ec_word THAT_WAS
ec_word EXCL
.2byte -1
.4byte gBattleFrontierTrainerMons_Alfredo
@ 198
.string "RUBEN$", 8
@ pre-battle speech
ec_word I
ec_word CAN_T
ec_word WAIT
ec_word TO
ec_word GET
ec_word GOING
@ win speech
ec_word GET
ec_word GOING
ec_word EXCL
ec_word THIS
ec_word IS
ec_word GOOD_BYE
@ loss speech
ec_word I_VE
ec_word GOT
ec_word TO
ec_word GET
ec_word GOING
.2byte -1
.4byte gBattleFrontierTrainerMons_Ruben
@ 199
.string "LAMAR$", 8
@ pre-battle speech
ec_word A
ec_move2 PRESENT
ec_word FOR
ec_word ME
ec_word QUES
.2byte -1
@ win speech
ec_word MMM
ec_word THIS
ec_word IS
ec_word QUITE
ec_word TASTY
ec_word ELLIPSIS
@ loss speech
ec_word OH
ec_word IT_S
ec_word A
ec_word GAME
ec_word IS_IT_QUES
.2byte -1
.4byte gBattleFrontierTrainerMons_Lamar
@ 200
.string "JAXON$", 8
@ pre-battle speech
ec_word A
ec_word IS
ec_word WHAT
ec_word I
ec_word WANT
@ win speech
ec_word MY
ec_word FATHER
ec_word AND
ec_word MOTHER
ec_word WON_T
ec_word ACCEPT
@ loss speech
ec_word PLEASE
ec_word I
ec_word NEED
ec_word A
ec_word EXCL
.4byte gBattleFrontierTrainerMons_Jaxon
@ 201
.string "LOGAN$", 8
@ pre-battle speech
ec_word IF_I_LOSE
ec_word I
ec_word WILL
ec_word STUDY
ec_word FOR
ec_word SCHOOL
@ win speech
ec_word ME
ec_word STUDY
ec_word QUES
ec_word NOT_VERY
ec_word LIKELY_TO
ec_word SEE
@ loss speech
ec_word NO
ec_word THANKS
ec_word I_AM
ec_word GOING
ec_word TO
ec_word SLEEP
.4byte gBattleFrontierTrainerMons_Logan
@ 202
.string "EMILEE$", 8
@ pre-battle speech
ec_word IS
ec_word THIS
ec_word KIND
ec_word OF
ec_word BATTLE
ec_word OK_QUES
@ win speech
ec_word LET_S
ec_word GO
ec_word FOR
ec_word AN
ec_move1 ICY_WIND
ec_move2 SURF
@ loss speech
ec_word HOW
ec_word ABOUT
ec_word A
ec_move1 ROCK_SLIDE
ec_word SHOW
ec_word QUES
.4byte gBattleFrontierTrainerMons_Emilee
@ 203
.string "JOSIE$", 8
@ pre-battle speech
ec_word A
ec_word POKEMON
ec_word FASHION
ec_word CONTEST
ec_word IS
ec_word PRETTY
@ win speech
ec_word I
ec_word REALLY
ec_word LIKE
ec_word MODE
ec_word FASHION
ec_word THINGS
@ loss speech
ec_word YOU_RE
ec_word TOTALLY
ec_word LACKING
ec_word IN
ec_word FASHION
ec_word SENSE
.4byte gBattleFrontierTrainerMons_Josie
@ 204
.string "ARMANDO$", 8
@ pre-battle speech
ec_word I
ec_word NEED
ec_word MORE
ec_word GRASS
ec_word TYPE
ec_word POKEMON
@ win speech
ec_word TRADE
ec_word ME
ec_word A
ec_word GRASS
ec_word POKEMON
ec_word PLEASE
@ loss speech
ec_word THERE
ec_word AREN_T
ec_word ENOUGH
ec_word GRASS
ec_word TYPE
ec_word POKEMON
.4byte gBattleFrontierTrainerMons_Armando
@ 205
.string "SKYLER$", 8
@ pre-battle speech
ec_move2 INGRAIN
ec_word IS
ec_word MY
ec_word CHOICE
ec_word BATTLE
ec_word MOVE
@ win speech
ec_word YOU
ec_word CAN_T
ec_word MOVE
ec_word ME
ec_word NOW
ec_word EXCL
@ loss speech
ec_word YOU
ec_move1 CUT
ec_word ME
ec_word DOWN
ec_word ELLIPSIS
.2byte -1
.4byte gBattleFrontierTrainerMons_Skyler
@ 206
.string "RUTH$", 8
@ pre-battle speech
ec_word I
ec_word WANT
ec_word TO
ec_word ENJOY
ec_word THIS
ec_word BATTLE
@ win speech
ec_word THAT_WAS
ec_word MUCH
ec_word TOO
ec_word EASY
ec_word EXCL
.2byte -1
@ loss speech
ec_word PLEASE
ec_word STOP
ec_word I
ec_word DON_T
ec_word ENJOY
ec_word THIS
.4byte gBattleFrontierTrainerMons_Ruth
@ 207
.string "MELODY$", 8
@ pre-battle speech
ec_word I
ec_move2 WISH
ec_word SUNDAY
ec_word IS
ec_word A
ec_move2 SUNNY_DAY
@ win speech
ec_word SUNDAY
ec_word SEEMS
ec_word FOREVER
ec_word TO
ec_word COME
ec_word ELLIPSIS
@ loss speech
ec_word THE
ec_word FORECAST
ec_word SAYS
ec_word IT
ec_word WILL
ec_move1 HAIL
.4byte gBattleFrontierTrainerMons_Melody
@ 208
.string "PEDRO$", 8
@ pre-battle speech
ec_word A
ec_word SWIFT_SWIM
ec_word WILL
ec_word DO
ec_word YOU
ec_word GOOD
@ win speech
ec_word THAT_S
ec_word HOW
ec_word I
ec_word SINK
ec_word AN
ec_word OPPONENT
@ loss speech
ec_word UH_OH
ec_word EXCL
.2byte -1
ec_word A
ec_move1 WHIRLPOOL
ec_word EXCL
.4byte gBattleFrontierTrainerMons_Pedro
@ 209
.string "ERICK$", 8
@ pre-battle speech
ec_word I
ec_word WILL
ec_move2 TACKLE
ec_word YOU
ec_word DOWN
ec_word EXCL
@ win speech
ec_word DON_T
ec_word YOU
ec_word RUN_AWAY
ec_word YOU
ec_word LOSER
ec_word EXCL
@ loss speech
ec_word I
ec_word DIDN_T
ec_word THINK
ec_word YOU
ec_word WOULD
ec_move1 COUNTER
.4byte gBattleFrontierTrainerMons_Erick
@ 210
.string "ELAINE$", 8
@ pre-battle speech
ec_word MY
ec_word HEROINE
ec_word ISN_T
ec_word GOING
ec_word WELL
@ win speech
ec_word THANK_YOU
ec_word EXCL
ec_word THAT_S
ec_word WHAT
ec_word I
ec_word NEED
@ loss speech
ec_word I
ec_word KNOW
ec_word I_AM
ec_word NOT
ec_word A
ec_word HEROINE
.4byte gBattleFrontierTrainerMons_Elaine
@ 211
.string "JOYCE$", 8
@ pre-battle speech
ec_word YOU
ec_word MAKE
ec_word ME
ec_word GO
ec_word AHAHA
ec_word EXCL
@ win speech
ec_word LALALA
ec_word NO
ec_word LOSING
ec_word FOR
ec_word ME
ec_word EXCL
@ loss speech
ec_word LALALA
ec_word ELLIPSIS
.2byte -1
ec_word HUH_QUES
.2byte -1
.2byte -1
.4byte gBattleFrontierTrainerMons_Joyce
@ 212
.string "TODD$", 8
@ pre-battle speech
ec_word YOU_RE
ec_word A
ec_word FOR
ec_word MY
ec_word POWER
@ win speech
ec_word THAT_S
ec_word ALL
ec_word YOU
ec_word COULD
ec_move1 ABSORB
ec_word QUES
@ loss speech
ec_word YOU
ec_move2 REFLECT
ec_word MY
ec_word POWER
ec_word BACK
ec_word QUES
.4byte gBattleFrontierTrainerMons_Todd
@ 213
.string "GAVIN$", 8
@ pre-battle speech
ec_word I
ec_word WILL
ec_move1 BIDE
ec_word MY
ec_word TIME
.2byte -1
@ win speech
ec_word IT_S
ec_word OVER
ec_word SO
ec_word SOON
ec_word QUES
.2byte -1
@ loss speech
ec_word MY
ec_word MISTAKE
ec_word WAS
ec_word TOO
ec_word ELLIPSIS
.4byte gBattleFrontierTrainerMons_Gavin
@ 214
.string "MALORY$", 8
@ pre-battle speech
ec_word PROMISE
ec_word TO
ec_word SHOW
ec_word ME
ec_word CUTE
ec_word POKEMON
@ win speech
ec_word GIGGLE
ec_word ELLIPSIS
.2byte -1
ec_word THANK_YOU
ec_word SO
ec_word MUCH
@ loss speech
ec_word TCH
ec_word YOUR
ec_word POKEMON
ec_word AREN_T
ec_word VERY
ec_word NICE
.4byte gBattleFrontierTrainerMons_Malory
@ 215
.string "ESTHER$", 8
@ pre-battle speech
ec_word I
ec_word WANT
ec_word A
ec_word NICE
ec_move2 PRESENT
ec_word ELLIPSIS
@ win speech
ec_word PLEASE
ec_word GET
ec_word ME
ec_word A
ec_word POKEMON
ec_word GAME
@ loss speech
ec_word MESSAGE
ec_word CARDS
ec_word MAKE
ec_word A
ec_word WEAK
ec_move2 PRESENT
.4byte gBattleFrontierTrainerMons_Esther
@ 216
.string "OSCAR$", 8
@ pre-battle speech
ec_word LET_S
ec_word SEE
ec_word YOUR
ec_word POWER
ec_word IN
ec_word FULL
@ win speech
ec_word THAT_WAS
ec_word NOT
ec_word YOUR
ec_word FULL
ec_word POWER
ec_word EXCL
@ loss speech
ec_word NOT
ec_word FUNNY
ec_word ELLIPSIS
ec_word YOU_RE
ec_word TOO_STRONG
.2byte -1
.4byte gBattleFrontierTrainerMons_Oscar
@ 217
.string "WILSON$", 8
@ pre-battle speech
ec_word WORK
ec_word IS
ec_word MAKING
ec_word ME
ec_word AN
ec_word EARLY_BIRD
@ win speech
ec_word ALL
ec_word WORK
ec_word AND
ec_word NO
ec_word PLAY
ec_word ELLIPSIS
@ loss speech
ec_move1 ENDURE
ec_word IS
ec_word ALL
ec_word I
ec_word CAN
ec_word DO
.4byte gBattleFrontierTrainerMons_Wilson
@ 218
.string "CLARE$", 8
@ pre-battle speech
ec_word YAY
ec_word EXCL
ec_word A
ec_word TOUGH
ec_word TRAINER
ec_word EXCL
@ win speech
ec_word AWW
ec_word EXCL
ec_word A
ec_word WIMPY
ec_word TRAINER
ec_word EXCL
@ loss speech
ec_word COOL
ec_word EXCL
ec_word A
ec_word GENIUS
ec_word TRAINER
ec_word EXCL
.4byte gBattleFrontierTrainerMons_Clare
@ 219
.string "TESS$", 8
@ pre-battle speech
ec_word WANT
ec_word SOME
ec_pokemon1 GULPIN
ec_word DESIGN
ec_word SWEETS
ec_word QUES
@ win speech
ec_word THEY_RE
ec_word A
ec_word SECRET
ec_word POKEMON
ec_word GOURMET
ec_word ITEM
@ loss speech
ec_word THEY_RE
ec_word TASTY
ec_word EXCL
ec_word TOO
ec_word EXCL
.4byte gBattleFrontierTrainerMons_Tess
@ 220
.string "LEON$", 8
@ pre-battle speech
ec_word I_AM
ec_word BETTER
ec_word THAN
ec_word ANY
ec_word OTHER
ec_word TRAINER
@ win speech
ec_word I
ec_word DID
ec_word IT
ec_move2 JUMP_KICK
ec_word FOR
ec_word JOY
@ loss speech
ec_word BACK
ec_word HOME
ec_word I
ec_word WILL
ec_word GO
ec_word ELLIPSIS
.4byte gBattleFrontierTrainerMons_Leon
@ 221
.string "ALONZO$", 8
@ pre-battle speech
ec_word I_VE
ec_word NOT
ec_word LOST
ec_word ONCE
ec_word YET
ec_word EXCL
@ win speech
ec_word YOUR
ec_word SAD
ec_word LOOK
ec_word BECOMES
ec_word YOU
.2byte -1
@ loss speech
ec_word I
ec_word DON_T
ec_word BELIEVE
ec_word THIS
ec_word ELLIPSIS
.2byte -1
.4byte gBattleFrontierTrainerMons_Alonzo
@ 222
.string "VINCE$", 8
@ pre-battle speech
ec_word THE
ec_word TOP
ec_word TRAINER
ec_word THAT_S
ec_word ME
ec_word EXCL
@ win speech
ec_word THE
ec_word TOP
ec_word RANK
ec_word BELONGS_TO
ec_word ME
ec_word EXCL
@ loss speech
ec_word I
ec_word WILL
ec_word APPEAL
ec_word THIS
ec_move1 OUTRAGE
ec_word EXCL
.4byte gBattleFrontierTrainerMons_Vince
@ 223
.string "BRYON$", 8
@ pre-battle speech
ec_word MY
ec_move2 BARRAGE
ec_word WILL
ec_move2 SLAM
ec_word YOU
ec_word EXCL
@ win speech
ec_word YOU
ec_word DIDN_T
ec_word COUNT_ON
ec_word ANY
ec_word LESS
ec_word QUES
@ loss speech
ec_word I
ec_word JUST
ec_word DON_T
ec_word GET
ec_word IT
ec_word ELLIPSIS
.4byte gBattleFrontierTrainerMons_Bryon
@ 224
.string "AVA$", 8
@ pre-battle speech
ec_word I_AM
ec_word A
ec_word TREASURE
ec_word OF
ec_word THIS
ec_word WORLD
@ win speech
ec_word MY
ec_word WORLD
ec_word IS
ec_word FULL
ec_word OF
ec_word WONDER
@ loss speech
ec_word WHY
ec_word ARE
ec_word YOU
ec_word SO
ec_word TERRIBLE
ec_word QUES
.4byte gBattleFrontierTrainerMons_Ava
@ 225
.string "MIRIAM$", 8
@ pre-battle speech
ec_word OH
ec_word A
ec_word TRAINER
ec_word WITH
ec_word A
ec_move1 SCARY_FACE
@ win speech
ec_word AHAHA
ec_word YOU
ec_word ONLY
ec_word LOOK
ec_word SCARY
ec_word EXCL
@ loss speech
ec_word AIYEEH
ec_word EXCL
ec_word YOU
ec_word REALLY
ec_word ARE
ec_word SCARY
.4byte gBattleFrontierTrainerMons_Miriam
@ 226
.string "CARRIE$", 8
@ pre-battle speech
ec_word I
ec_word WILL
ec_word SHOW
ec_word YOU
ec_word GUTSY
ec_word EXCL
@ win speech
ec_word IT_S
ec_word ALL
ec_word ABOUT
ec_word GUTS
ec_word EXCL
.2byte -1
@ loss speech
ec_word OH
ec_word NO
ec_word ELLIPSIS
ec_word MODE
ec_word EXCL
.4byte gBattleFrontierTrainerMons_Carrie
@ 227
.string "GILLIAN$", 8
@ pre-battle speech
ec_word I
ec_word SEEK
ec_word A
ec_word TRULY
ec_word GREAT
ec_word BATTLE
@ win speech
ec_word I
ec_word NEED
ec_word A_LOT
ec_word BETTER
ec_word BATTLE
ec_word ELLIPSIS
@ loss speech
ec_word THAT_WAS
ec_word A_LITTLE
ec_word TOO
ec_word MUCH
ec_word TO
ec_word TAKE
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@ 228
.string "TYLER$", 8
@ pre-battle speech
ec_word YO
ec_word EXCL
.2byte -1
ec_word LET_S
ec_word GO
ec_word EXCL_EXCL
@ win speech
ec_word YO
ec_word EXCL
.2byte -1
ec_word I
ec_word WON
ec_word YO
@ loss speech
ec_word YO
ec_word EXCL
.2byte -1
ec_word I
ec_word LOST
ec_word YO
.4byte gBattleFrontierTrainerMons_Tyler
@ 229
.string "CHAZ$", 8
@ pre-battle speech
ec_word MY
ec_word POKEMON
ec_word HAVE
ec_word TOO
ec_word MUCH
ec_word POWER
@ win speech
ec_word THEY
ec_word HAVE
ec_word MORE
ec_word POWER
ec_word NOW
ec_word EXCL
@ loss speech
ec_word YEAH
ec_move2 TAKE_DOWN
ec_word THEIR
ec_word POWER
ec_word A_TINY_BIT
ec_word PLEASE
.4byte gBattleFrontierTrainerMons_Chaz
@ 230
.string "NELSON$", 8
@ pre-battle speech
ec_word WELL_THEN
ec_word WILL
ec_word THIS
ec_word POKEMON
ec_word WORK
ec_word QUES
@ win speech
ec_word I
ec_word SEE
ec_word THAT
ec_word IT
ec_word WAS
ec_word TOO_STRONG
@ loss speech
ec_word IT
ec_word DIDN_T
ec_word MATCH_UP
ec_word WELL
ec_word I
ec_word THINK
.4byte gBattleFrontierTrainerMons_Nelson
@ 231
.string "SHANIA$", 8
@ pre-battle speech
ec_word ALL
ec_word MY
ec_word POKEMON
ec_word ADORE
ec_word ME
@ win speech
ec_word IS
ec_word A
ec_word POKEMON
ec_word WITH
ec_word CUTE_CHARM
@ loss speech
ec_word YOU_RE
ec_word SO
ec_word MEAN
ec_word TO
ec_word CUTE
ec_word POKEMON
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@ 232
.string "STELLA$", 8
@ pre-battle speech
ec_word I
ec_word WANT
ec_word TO
ec_word SEE
ec_word YOUR
ec_word POKEMON
@ win speech
ec_word WELL
ec_word AREN_T
ec_word THEY
ec_word BORING
ec_word QUES
ec_word AHAHA
@ loss speech
ec_word YOUR
ec_word POKEMON
ec_word ARE
ec_word ELSE
ec_word ALL_RIGHT
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@ 233
.string "DORINE$", 8
@ pre-battle speech
ec_word I_AM
ec_word YOUNG
ec_word AND
ec_word STRONG
ec_word EXCL
.2byte -1
@ win speech
ec_word SEE
ec_word QUES
ec_word AREN_T
ec_word I
ec_word GOOD
ec_word QUES
@ loss speech
ec_word THIS
ec_word ISN_T
ec_word WORKING
ec_word OUT
ec_word AT
ec_word ALL
.4byte gBattleFrontierTrainerMons_Dorine
@ 234
.string "MADDOX$", 8
@ pre-battle speech
ec_word DRAGON
ec_word POKEMON
ec_word ARE
ec_word MY
ec_word NO_1
ec_word CHOICE
@ win speech
ec_word IT_S
ec_word NO
ec_word SECRET
ec_word DRAGON
ec_word POKEMON
ec_word WIN
@ loss speech
ec_word DRAGON
ec_word POKEMON
ec_word SHOULD
ec_word NOT
ec_word LOSE
ec_word EXCL
.4byte gBattleFrontierTrainerMons_Maddox
@ 235
.string "DAVIN$", 8
@ pre-battle speech
ec_word LET_S
ec_word HEAR
ec_word YOU
ec_move2 ROAR
ec_word EXCL
.2byte -1
@ win speech
.2byte -1
.2byte -1
ec_word VICTORY
ec_word EXCL_EXCL
.2byte -1
@ loss speech
.2byte -1
.2byte -1
ec_word WHY
ec_word QUES_EXCL
.2byte -1
.4byte gBattleFrontierTrainerMons_Davin
@ 236
.string "TREVON$", 8
@ pre-battle speech
ec_word I_AM
ec_word LIVING
ec_word ONLY
ec_word WITH
ec_word DRAGON
ec_word POKEMON
@ win speech
ec_word THE
ec_word WAY
ec_word I_AM
ec_word LIVING
ec_word IS
ec_word PERFECT
@ loss speech
ec_word YOU_VE
ec_word THE
ec_word WAY
ec_word I_AM
ec_word LIVING
.4byte gBattleFrontierTrainerMons_Trevon
@ 237
.string "MATEO$", 8
@ pre-battle speech
ec_word THIS
ec_word SHOULD
ec_word BE
ec_word OVER
ec_word SOON
ec_word ENOUGH
@ win speech
ec_word WELL
ec_word THAT
ec_word DIDN_T
ec_word TAKE
ec_word VERY
ec_word MUCH
@ loss speech
ec_word I
ec_word CAN_T
ec_word LOSE
ec_word SO
ec_word SOON
ec_word EXCL
.4byte gBattleFrontierTrainerMons_Mateo
@ 238
.string "BRET$", 8
@ pre-battle speech
ec_word I
ec_word LIKE
ec_word ROCK_SOLID
ec_word POKEMON
ec_word THE
ec_word BEST
@ win speech
ec_word IS
ec_word THE
ec_word WAY
ec_word TO
ec_word GO
@ loss speech
ec_word I
ec_word ALSO
ec_word HAVE
ec_word A
ec_word PLUSH_DOLL
.4byte gBattleFrontierTrainerMons_Bret
@ 239
.string "RAUL$", 8
@ pre-battle speech
ec_word I
ec_word REJECT
ec_word EVERY
ec_word WEAK
ec_word TRAINER
.2byte -1
@ win speech
ec_word HUMPH
ec_word EXCL
ec_word ANOTHER
ec_word WEAK
ec_word TRAINER
ec_word ELLIPSIS
@ loss speech
ec_word THERE
ec_word IS
ec_word NOTHING
ec_word WEAK
ec_word ABOUT
ec_word YOU
.4byte gBattleFrontierTrainerMons_Raul
@ 240
.string "KAY$", 8
@ pre-battle speech
ec_word AND
ec_word YET
ec_word ANOTHER
ec_word BATTLE
ec_word QUES
.2byte -1
@ win speech
ec_word I
ec_word WON
ec_word BUT
ec_word I_AM
ec_word TIRED
ec_word ELLIPSIS
@ loss speech
ec_word GOOD
ec_word IT_S
ec_word OVER
ec_word AT
ec_word LAST
ec_word ELLIPSIS
.4byte gBattleFrontierTrainerMons_Kay
@ 241
.string "ELENA$", 8
@ pre-battle speech
ec_word A
ec_word BATTLE
ec_word GIRL
ec_word THAT_S
ec_word ME
ec_word EXCL
@ win speech
ec_word ISN_T
ec_word A
ec_word BATTLE
ec_word GIRL
ec_word AWESOME
ec_word QUES
@ loss speech
ec_word YOU
ec_word DISLIKE
ec_word A
ec_word BATTLE
ec_word GIRL
ec_word QUES
.4byte gBattleFrontierTrainerMons_Elena
@ 242
.string "ALANA$", 8
@ pre-battle speech
ec_word EAT
ec_word MY
ec_word ATTACK
ec_word YOU
ec_word EXCL
@ win speech
ec_word YOU
ec_word HAVE
ec_word MUCH
ec_word TO
ec_word LEARN
.2byte -1
@ loss speech
ec_word SO
ec_word MUCH
ec_word FOR
ec_word MY
ec_word ATTACK
.4byte gBattleFrontierTrainerMons_Alana
@ 243
.string "ALEXAS$", 8
@ pre-battle speech
ec_word GOOD
ec_word TO
ec_word MEET_YOU
ec_word YOUNG
ec_word TRAINER
ec_word EXCL
@ win speech
ec_word WAHAHAHA
ec_word EXCL
.2byte -1
ec_word GIVE
ec_word IT
ec_word UP
@ loss speech
ec_word YOU
ec_word ARE
ec_word A
ec_word STRONG
ec_word TRAINER
ec_word KID
.4byte gBattleFrontierTrainerMons_Alexas
@ 244
.string "WESTON$", 8
@ pre-battle speech
ec_word I
ec_word DON_T
ec_word PLAY
ec_word DOWN
ec_word ALL_RIGHT
ec_word QUES
@ win speech
ec_word YOU_RE
ec_word FAR
ec_word TOO
ec_word EASY
ec_word TO
ec_word ATTACK
@ loss speech
ec_word WELL
ec_word WELL
ec_word ELLIPSIS
ec_word I
ec_word ELLIPSIS
.4byte gBattleFrontierTrainerMons_Weston
@ 245
.string "JASPER$", 8
@ pre-battle speech
ec_word I_AM
ec_word NOT
ec_word OLD
ec_word I_AM
ec_word SKILLED
ec_word EXCL
@ win speech
ec_word SKILLED
ec_word THAT_S
ec_word WHAT
ec_word I_AM
ec_word EXCL
.2byte -1
@ loss speech
ec_word I_AM
ec_word SHOCKED
ec_word EXCL
ec_word DOWN
ec_word I
ec_word GO
.4byte gBattleFrontierTrainerMons_Jasper
@ 246
.string "NADIA$", 8
@ pre-battle speech
ec_word YOU
ec_word CAN_T
ec_word BEAT
ec_word ME
ec_word DOWN
ec_word EXCL
@ win speech
ec_word HAH
ec_word EXCL
.2byte -1
ec_word I
ec_word BEAT
ec_word YOU
@ loss speech
ec_word I_AM
ec_move2 BEAT_UP
ec_word AND
ec_word DOWNCAST
ec_word ELLIPSIS
.2byte -1
.4byte gBattleFrontierTrainerMons_Nadia
@ 247
.string "MIRANDA$", 8
@ pre-battle speech
ec_word WELL
ec_word WELL
.2byte -1
ec_word LET_S
ec_word START
.2byte -1
@ win speech
ec_word WHAT
ec_word QUES
ec_word DONE
ec_word SO
ec_word SOON
ec_word QUES
@ loss speech
ec_word WELL
ec_word I
ec_word SEE
ec_word THAT
ec_word I_AM
ec_word TOO_WEAK
.4byte gBattleFrontierTrainerMons_Miranda
@ 248
.string "EMMA$", 8
@ pre-battle speech
ec_word I_VE
ec_word BEEN
ec_word HEARING
ec_word ABOUT
ec_word YOU
.2byte -1
@ win speech
ec_word I
ec_word THINK
ec_word I_VE
ec_word MISHEARD
ec_word THINGS
.2byte -1
@ loss speech
ec_word WHAT
ec_word I_VE
ec_word BEEN
ec_word HEARING
ec_word IS
ec_word RIGHT
.4byte gBattleFrontierTrainerMons_Emma
@ 249
.string "ROLANDO$", 8
@ pre-battle speech
ec_word I_AM
ec_word A
ec_word SUPER
ec_word POKEMON
ec_word HERO
ec_word EXCL
@ win speech
ec_word WAS
ec_word THAT
ec_word ENOUGH
ec_word FOR
ec_word YOU
ec_word QUES
@ loss speech
ec_word YOU
ec_word SHOULD
ec_word NOT
ec_word BEAT
ec_word A
ec_word HERO
.4byte gBattleFrontierTrainerMons_Rolando
@ 250
.string "STANLY$", 8
@ pre-battle speech
ec_word THIS
ec_word SHOULD
ec_word BE
ec_word AN
ec_word EASY
ec_word MATCH
@ win speech
ec_word IT
ec_word REALLY
ec_word WAS
ec_word EASY
.2byte -1
.2byte -1
@ loss speech
ec_word ARE
ec_word YOU
ec_word HAPPY
ec_word NOW
ec_word QUES
.2byte -1
.4byte gBattleFrontierTrainerMons_Stanly
@ 251
.string "DARIO$", 8
@ pre-battle speech
ec_word MY
ec_move2 FORESIGHT
ec_word SAYS
ec_word I
ec_word WILL
ec_word WIN
@ win speech
ec_word MY
ec_move2 FORESIGHT
ec_word HAS
ec_word BEEN
ec_word PERFECT
.2byte -1
@ loss speech
ec_word I
ec_word DIDN_T
ec_word SEE
ec_word THIS
ec_move1 REVERSAL
ec_word ELLIPSIS
.4byte gBattleFrontierTrainerMons_Dario
@ 252
.string "KARLEE$", 8
@ pre-battle speech
ec_word GOOD
ec_word WILL
ec_word COME
ec_word OF
ec_word THIS
@ win speech
ec_word YOU
ec_word SEE
ec_word QUES
ec_word EXCL
.2byte -1
@ loss speech
ec_word THAT
ec_word GOOD
ec_word WENT
ec_word TO
ec_word YOU
.4byte gBattleFrontierTrainerMons_Karlee
@ 253
.string "JAYLIN$", 8
@ pre-battle speech
ec_word EVERY
ec_word TRAINER
ec_word HAS
ec_word BEEN
ec_word TOO_WEAK
ec_word ELLIPSIS
@ win speech
ec_word IT_S
ec_word MAKING
ec_word ME
ec_move1 YAWN
ec_word THAT
ec_word BATTLE
@ loss speech
ec_word I
ec_word SLEPT
ec_word AND
ec_word SO
ec_word I
ec_word LOST
.4byte gBattleFrontierTrainerMons_Jaylin
@ 254
.string "INGRID$", 8
@ pre-battle speech
ec_word I_AM
ec_word NOT
ec_word A
ec_word VERY
ec_word MEAN
ec_word TRAINER
@ win speech
ec_word WASN_T
ec_word THAT
ec_word A
ec_word GOOD
ec_word MATCH
ec_word QUES
@ loss speech
ec_word I
ec_word LOST
ec_word CAUSE
ec_word YOU_RE
ec_word MEAN
ec_word ELLIPSIS
.4byte gBattleFrontierTrainerMons_Ingrid
@ 255
.string "DELILAH$", 8
@ pre-battle speech
ec_word DON_T
ec_move1 GRUDGE
ec_word ME
ec_word IF_I_WIN
ec_word OK_QUES
.2byte -1
@ win speech
ec_word I_AM
ec_word SORRY
ec_word TO
ec_word SEE
ec_word YOU
ec_word ANGRY
@ loss speech
ec_word I
ec_word HAVE
ec_word A
ec_move1 GRUDGE
ec_word WITH
ec_word YOU
.4byte gBattleFrontierTrainerMons_Delilah
@ 256
.string "CARLY$", 8
@ pre-battle speech
ec_word I
ec_word WILL
ec_word SCATTER
ec_word SOME
ec_word ABOUT
@ win speech
ec_word IT_S
ec_word SCARY
ec_word HOW
ec_word MY
ec_word STRATEGY
ec_word WORKS
@ loss speech
ec_word I
ec_word DISLIKE
ec_word YOU
ec_word AND
ec_word YOUR
ec_word POKEMON
.4byte gBattleFrontierTrainerMons_Carly
@ 257
.string "LEXIE$", 8
@ pre-battle speech
ec_word WANT
ec_word TO
ec_word SEE
ec_word SCARY
ec_word POKEMON
ec_word QUES
@ win speech
ec_word WASN_T
ec_word THAT
ec_word SCARY
ec_word EH_QUES
.2byte -1
.2byte -1
@ loss speech
ec_word YOU_RE
ec_word MORE
ec_word SCARY
ec_word THAN
ec_word MY
ec_word POKEMON
.4byte gBattleFrontierTrainerMons_Lexie
@ 258
.string "MILLER$", 8
@ pre-battle speech
ec_word HELLO
ec_word QUES
.2byte -1
ec_word HELLO
ec_word QUES_EXCL
.2byte -1
@ win speech
ec_word HELLO
ec_word MOTHER
ec_word EXCL
ec_word I
ec_word WON
ec_word EXCL
@ loss speech
ec_word MY
ec_word PHONE
ec_word ISN_T
ec_word WORKING
ec_word ELLIPSIS
.2byte -1
.4byte gBattleFrontierTrainerMons_Miller
@ 259
.string "MARV$", 8
@ pre-battle speech
ec_word YOU
ec_word CAN
ec_word LOSE
ec_word YOUR
ec_move1 SWAGGER
ec_word NOW
@ win speech
ec_word THERE
ec_word IS
ec_word NO
ec_move1 SWAGGER
ec_word LEFT
ec_word EH_QUES
@ loss speech
ec_word GO
ec_word ON
ec_move1 SWAGGER
ec_word ALL
ec_word YOU
ec_word WANT
.4byte gBattleFrontierTrainerMons_Marv
@ 260
.string "LAYTON$", 8
@ pre-battle speech
ec_word I
ec_word KNOW
ec_word I_AM
ec_word TOTALLY
ec_word COOL
ec_word EXCL
@ win speech
ec_word YOU
ec_word CAN
ec_word LOOK
ec_word UP
ec_word TO
ec_word ME
@ loss speech
ec_word YOU_RE
ec_word COOL
ec_word EXCL
ec_word NO
ec_word REALLY
ec_word EXCL
.4byte gBattleFrontierTrainerMons_Layton
@ 261
.string "BROOKS$", 8
@ pre-battle speech
ec_word THIS
ec_word IS
ec_word A
ec_word HIGH
ec_word LEVEL
ec_word BATTLE
@ win speech
ec_word THAT_WAS
ec_word HIGH
ec_word LEVEL
ec_word AND
ec_word EXCITING
ec_word TOO
@ loss speech
ec_word YOU_RE
ec_word TOO
ec_word HIGH
ec_word IN
ec_word LEVEL
ec_word ELLIPSIS
.4byte gBattleFrontierTrainerMons_Brooks
@ 262
.string "GREGORY$", 8
@ pre-battle speech
ec_word I_AM
ec_word NOT
ec_word THAT
ec_word OLD
ec_word YET
.2byte -1
@ win speech
ec_word WHO
ec_word SAYS
ec_word I_AM
ec_word TOO
ec_word OLD
ec_word QUES
@ loss speech
ec_word PLEASE
ec_word I_AM
ec_word REALLY
ec_word NOT
ec_word THAT
ec_word OLD
.4byte gBattleFrontierTrainerMons_Gregory
@ 263
.string "REESE$", 8
@ pre-battle speech
ec_word I_VE
ec_word A
ec_word COUPLE
ec_word THINGS
.2byte -1
.2byte -1
@ win speech
ec_word DON_T
ec_word DIET
ec_word PLAY
ec_word SPORTS
ec_word INSTEAD
.2byte -1
@ loss speech
ec_word INSTEAD
ec_word OF
ec_word GET
ec_word A
ec_word BOOK
.4byte gBattleFrontierTrainerMons_Reese
@ 264
.string "MASON$", 8
@ pre-battle speech
ec_word PLEASE
ec_word DON_T
ec_word MAKE
ec_word THIS
ec_word SCARY
.2byte -1
@ win speech
ec_word THANK_YOU
ec_word ELLIPSIS
.2byte -1
ec_word I_AM
ec_word HAPPY
ec_word NOW
@ loss speech
ec_word I_AM
ec_word ELLIPSIS
.2byte -1
.2byte -1
.2byte -1
.4byte gBattleFrontierTrainerMons_Mason
@ 265
.string "TOBY$", 8
@ pre-battle speech
ec_word LISTEN
ec_word UP
.2byte -1
ec_word I
ec_word ALWAYS
ec_word WIN
@ win speech
ec_word I_AM
ec_word A
ec_word GENIUS
ec_word OR
ec_word WHAT
ec_word QUES
@ loss speech
ec_word I
ec_word CAN
ec_word BEAT
ec_word YOU
ec_word AT
.4byte gBattleFrontierTrainerMons_Toby
@ 266
.string "DOROTHY$", 8
@ pre-battle speech
ec_word THE
ec_word SPORTS
ec_word WORLD
ec_word SHOULD
ec_word ACCEPT
ec_word POKEMON
@ win speech
ec_word THANK_YOU
ec_word EXCL
ec_word THAT
ec_word WIN
ec_word WAS
@ loss speech
ec_word THANK_YOU
ec_word EXCL
ec_word THAT
ec_word LOSS
ec_word WAS
.4byte gBattleFrontierTrainerMons_Dorothy
@ 267
.string "PIPER$", 8
@ pre-battle speech
ec_word COME_ON
ec_word YOU
ec_word NEED
ec_word A
ec_word QUES
@ win speech
ec_word YOU
ec_word NEED
ec_word TO
ec_word SHOW
ec_word MORE
ec_word GUTS
@ loss speech
ec_word OH
ec_word YOU
ec_word EXCL
.2byte -1
.2byte -1
.2byte -1
.4byte gBattleFrontierTrainerMons_Piper
@ 268
.string "FINN$", 8
@ pre-battle speech
ec_word NOT
ec_word ANOTHER
ec_word TRAINER
ec_word BATTLE
ec_word ELLIPSIS
.2byte -1
@ win speech
ec_word WON_T
ec_word THIS
ec_word EVER
ec_word END
ec_word QUES
.2byte -1
@ loss speech
ec_word I
ec_word FINALLY
ec_word GET
ec_word TO
ec_move2 REST
ec_word A_LITTLE
.4byte gBattleFrontierTrainerMons_Finn
@ 269
.string "SAMIR$", 8
@ pre-battle speech
ec_word I
ec_move2 DIVE
ec_word BELOW
ec_word THE
ec_move2 SURF
ec_word EXCL
@ win speech
ec_word YAHOO
ec_word TAKE
ec_word A
ec_move2 DIVE
ec_word YOU
ec_word EXCL
@ loss speech
ec_word I_AM
ec_word GOING
ec_word TO
ec_word SINK
ec_word ELLIPSIS
.2byte -1
.4byte gBattleFrontierTrainerMons_Samir
@ 270
.string "FIONA$", 8
@ pre-battle speech
ec_word DID
ec_word YOU
ec_word LIMBER
ec_word UP
ec_word BEFORE
ec_word QUES
@ win speech
ec_word YOU
ec_word NEED
ec_word TO
ec_word BE
ec_word MORE
ec_word READY
@ loss speech
ec_word BEING
ec_word LIMBER
ec_word DIDN_T
ec_word WORK
ec_word FOR
ec_word ME
.4byte gBattleFrontierTrainerMons_Fiona
@ 271
.string "GLORIA$", 8
@ pre-battle speech
ec_word I
ec_word LIKE
ec_word TO
ec_word ATTACK
ec_word WITH
@ win speech
ec_word GIGGLE
ec_word ELLIPSIS
ec_word IT_S
ec_word OVER
ec_word FOR
ec_word YOU
@ loss speech
ec_word I
ec_word DON_T
ec_word GET
ec_word HOW
ec_word WORK
.4byte gBattleFrontierTrainerMons_Gloria
@ 272
.string "NICO$", 8
@ pre-battle speech
ec_word LIKE
ec_word A
ec_move1 SONIC_BOOM
ec_word I_VE_ARRIVED
.2byte -1
.2byte -1
@ win speech
ec_word SORRY
ec_word TO
ec_word MAKE
ec_word YOU
ec_word SO
ec_word DOWNCAST
@ loss speech
ec_word I_AM
ec_word GOING
ec_word WITH
ec_word A
.4byte gBattleFrontierTrainerMons_Nico
@ 273
.string "JEREMY$", 8
@ pre-battle speech
ec_word A
ec_word POKEMON
ec_word MASTER
ec_word THAT_S
ec_word MY
ec_word DREAM
@ win speech
ec_word MY
ec_word DREAM
ec_word ISN_T
ec_word FAR
ec_word OFF
ec_word EXCL
@ loss speech
ec_word WHAT
ec_word I
ec_word DREAM
ec_word ISN_T
ec_word ELLIPSIS
.4byte gBattleFrontierTrainerMons_Jeremy
@ 274
.string "CAITLIN$", 8
@ pre-battle speech
ec_word DON_T
ec_word YOU
ec_word THINK
ec_word I_AM
ec_word CUTE
ec_word QUES
@ win speech
ec_word THERE
ec_word IS
ec_word MORE
ec_word TO_ME
ec_word THAN
ec_word CUTENESS
@ loss speech
ec_word MY
ec_word CUTE_CHARM
ec_word DOESN_T
ec_move2 ATTRACT
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ec_word QUES
.4byte gBattleFrontierTrainerMons_Caitlin
@ 275
.string "REENA$", 8
@ pre-battle speech
ec_word I_AM
ec_word ALWAYS
ec_word HAPPY
ec_word HAPPY
ec_word HAPPY
ec_word EXCL
@ win speech
ec_word OH
ec_word YAY
ec_word EXCL
ec_word YAHOO
ec_word FOR
ec_word ME
@ loss speech
ec_word YAHOO
ec_word EXCL
ec_word I_AM
ec_word HAPPY
ec_word FOR
ec_word YOU
.4byte gBattleFrontierTrainerMons_Reena
@ 276
.string "AVERY$", 8
@ pre-battle speech
ec_word I_VE
ec_word GOT
ec_word A_LOT
ec_word OF
ec_word BUG
ec_word POKEMON
@ win speech
ec_word MY
ec_word BUG
ec_word POKEMON
ec_word ARE
ec_word ALL
@ loss speech
ec_word MY
ec_word BUG
ec_word POKEMON
ec_word ARE
ec_word ALL
.4byte gBattleFrontierTrainerMons_Avery
@ 277
.string "LIAM$", 8
@ pre-battle speech
ec_word WE
ec_word REALLY
ec_word DISLIKE
ec_word FIRE
ec_word AND
ec_word FLYING
@ win speech
ec_word BUG
ec_word POKEMON
ec_word AREN_T
ec_word BAD
ec_word HEY_QUES
.2byte -1
@ loss speech
ec_word YOU
ec_word KNOW
ec_word WHAT
ec_word WE
ec_word DISLIKE
ec_word HEY_QUES
.4byte gBattleFrontierTrainerMons_Liam
@ 278
.string "THEO$", 8
@ pre-battle speech
ec_word FISHING
ec_word IS
ec_word MY
ec_word CHOICE
ec_word IN
ec_word LIFE
@ win speech
ec_word WATER
ec_word POKEMON
ec_move2 ATTRACT
ec_word ME
ec_word WITHOUT
ec_word END
@ loss speech
ec_word DON_T
ec_word COUNT_ON
ec_word THAT
ec_word ANOTHER
ec_word TIME
.4byte gBattleFrontierTrainerMons_Theo
@ 279
.string "BAILEY$", 8
@ pre-battle speech
ec_word I_AM
ec_word AN
ec_word ADULT
ec_word I
ec_word BATTLE
ec_word EASY
@ win speech
ec_word I_AM
ec_word AN
ec_word ADULT
ec_word I
ec_move2 SWALLOW
ec_word JOY
@ loss speech
ec_word I_AM
ec_word AN
ec_word ADULT
ec_word I
ec_move2 SWALLOW
.4byte gBattleFrontierTrainerMons_Bailey
@ 280
.string "HUGO$", 8
@ pre-battle speech
ec_word I
ec_word TRY
ec_word THE
ec_word BEST
ec_word I
ec_word CAN
@ win speech
ec_word I
ec_word CAN_WIN
ec_word IF
ec_word I
ec_word TRY
ec_word ENOUGH
@ loss speech
ec_word I
ec_word DID
ec_word TRY
ec_word DIDN_T
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ec_word QUES
.4byte gBattleFrontierTrainerMons_Hugo
@ 281
.string "BRYCE$", 8
@ pre-battle speech
ec_word I_WAS
ec_word ON
ec_word VACATION
ec_word UNTIL
ec_word ONLY
@ win speech
ec_word I
ec_word HAVEN_T
ec_word LOST
ec_word MY
ec_word SKILL
ec_word YET
@ loss speech
ec_word THAT_S
ec_word IT
ec_word ELLIPSIS
ec_word I
ec_word NEED
ec_word SLEEP
.4byte gBattleFrontierTrainerMons_Bryce
@ 282
.string "GIDEON$", 8
@ pre-battle speech
ec_word WHAT_S_UP_QUES
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ec_word THINK
ec_word I_AM
ec_word SCARY
ec_word QUES
@ win speech
ec_word I_AM
ec_word COOL
ec_word BUT
ec_word NOT
ec_word SCARY
ec_word EXCL
@ loss speech
ec_word LOOK
ec_word AT
ec_word MY
ec_word FABULOUS
ec_word FASHION
ec_word SENSE
.4byte gBattleFrontierTrainerMons_Gideon
@ 283
.string "TRISTON$", 8
@ pre-battle speech
ec_word I
ec_word WOULD
ec_word RATHER
ec_word LOOK
ec_word AT
ec_word POKEMON
@ win speech
ec_word HUH_QUES
ec_word YOU
ec_word MEAN
ec_word I
ec_word WON
ec_word QUES_EXCL
@ loss speech
ec_word SEE
ec_word QUES
.2byte -1
ec_word I
ec_word ALWAYS
ec_word LOSE
.4byte gBattleFrontierTrainerMons_Triston
@ 284
.string "CHARLES$", 8
@ pre-battle speech
ec_word IT_S
ec_word HOPELESS
ec_word TO
ec_move2 STRUGGLE
ec_word WITH
ec_word ME
@ win speech
ec_word WAS
ec_word YOUR
ec_word ONLY
ec_word CHOICE
.2byte -1
@ loss speech
ec_word I_AM
ec_word GOING
ec_word DOWN
ec_word DOWN
ec_word DOWN
ec_word EXCL
.4byte gBattleFrontierTrainerMons_Charles
@ 285
.string "RAYMOND$", 8
@ pre-battle speech
ec_word WANT
ec_word TO
ec_word HEAR
ec_word MY
ec_word SONG
ec_word QUES
@ win speech
ec_word THAT_S
ec_word WHAT
ec_word I_AM
ec_word EXCL
.2byte -1
@ loss speech
ec_word IS
ec_word WHAT
ec_word I
ec_word CAN_T
ec_word BE
.4byte gBattleFrontierTrainerMons_Raymond
@ 286
.string "DIRK$", 8
@ pre-battle speech
ec_word FLYING
ec_word POKEMON
ec_word ARE
ec_word ABOVE
ec_word THE
ec_move2 REST
@ win speech
ec_word YOU
ec_word CAN_T_WIN
ec_word EXCL
ec_word FLYING
ec_word POKEMON
ec_word RULE
@ loss speech
ec_word AREN_T
ec_word THERE
ec_word MORE
ec_word FLYING
ec_word POKEMON
ec_word QUES
.4byte gBattleFrontierTrainerMons_Dirk
@ 287
.string "HAROLD$", 8
@ pre-battle speech
ec_word MY
ec_word POKEMON
ec_word APPEAL
ec_word TO
ec_word YOU
ec_word QUES
@ win speech
ec_word YOU
ec_word DO
ec_word LIKE
ec_word MY
ec_word POKEMON
ec_word QUES
@ loss speech
ec_word SO
ec_word YOU
ec_word DISLIKE
ec_word MY
ec_word POKEMON
ec_word QUES
.4byte gBattleFrontierTrainerMons_Harold
@ 288
.string "OMAR$", 8
@ pre-battle speech
ec_word LET_ME_WIN
ec_word IN
ec_move1 RETURN
ec_word FOR
ec_word A
ec_move2 PRESENT
@ win speech
ec_word HERE
ec_word YOU
ec_word ARE
ec_word SOME
ec_move2 TOXIC
ec_word SWEETS
@ loss speech
ec_word YOUR
ec_move2 PRESENT
ec_word QUES
ec_word WHAT
ec_word FOR
ec_word QUES_EXCL
.4byte gBattleFrontierTrainerMons_Omar
@ 289
.string "PETER$", 8
@ pre-battle speech
ec_word I
ec_word BRAG
ec_word ABOUT
ec_word MY
ec_word OK_QUES
@ win speech
ec_word YOU
ec_word HAVE
ec_word TO
ec_word LISTEN
ec_word TO_ME
ec_word BRAG
@ loss speech
ec_word I_AM
ec_word YOU
ec_word WON_T
ec_word LISTEN
ec_word TO_ME
.4byte gBattleFrontierTrainerMons_Peter
@ 290
.string "DEV$", 8
@ pre-battle speech
ec_word COME_ON
ec_word LET_S
ec_word GET
ec_word A
ec_word MOVE
ec_word ON
@ win speech
ec_word I
ec_word GET
ec_word TO
ec_word NAP
ec_word AFTER
ec_word THAT
@ loss speech
ec_word I
ec_word NEED
ec_word TO
ec_word NAP
ec_word AFTER
ec_word THAT
.4byte gBattleFrontierTrainerMons_Dev
@ 291
.string "COREY$", 8
@ pre-battle speech
ec_word LET_S
ec_word TEACH
ec_word YOU
ec_word HOW
ec_word TOUGH
ec_word I_AM
@ win speech
ec_word LOOK
ec_word AT
ec_word ME
ec_word MAKE
ec_word A
ec_move1 BRICK_BREAK
@ loss speech
ec_word MY
ec_word IS
ec_word CLOSE
ec_word TO
ec_move2 ERUPTION
.4byte gBattleFrontierTrainerMons_Corey
@ 292
.string "ANDRE$", 8
@ pre-battle speech
ec_word NOW
ec_word THIS
ec_word IS
ec_word A
ec_word PERFECT
ec_word FLAME_BODY
@ win speech
ec_word LOOK
ec_word AT
ec_word MY
ec_word FIERY
ec_word DANCE
ec_word EXCL
@ loss speech
ec_word YOU
ec_word WANT
ec_word AN
ec_move2 EXPLOSION
ec_word HERE
ec_word QUES
.4byte gBattleFrontierTrainerMons_Andre
@ 293
.string "FERRIS$", 8
@ pre-battle speech
ec_word I_AM
ec_word NO_1
ec_word IN
ec_word THE
ec_word OLD
ec_word CLASS
@ win speech
ec_word NO_1
ec_word THAT_S
ec_word WHAT
ec_word I_AM
ec_word EXCL
.2byte -1
@ loss speech
ec_word I_AM
ec_word NOT
ec_word NO_1
ec_word ANY
ec_word MORE
ec_word ELLIPSIS
.4byte gBattleFrontierTrainerMons_Ferris
@ 294
.string "ALIVIA$", 8
@ pre-battle speech
ec_word I_AM
ec_word FEELING
ec_word GIDDY
ec_word SO
ec_word SHOULD
ec_word YOU
@ win speech
ec_word IT
ec_word WAS
ec_word ALL
ec_word TOGETHER
ec_word TOO
ec_word EASY
@ loss speech
ec_word I
ec_word WILL
ec_word GIDDY
ec_word UP
ec_word AND
ec_word AWAY
.4byte gBattleFrontierTrainerMons_Alivia
@ 295
.string "PAIGE$", 8
@ pre-battle speech
ec_word LET_S
ec_word ENJOY
ec_word OUR
ec_word BATTLE
ec_word TOGETHER
.2byte -1
@ win speech
ec_word THAT_S_IT_EXCL
.2byte -1
.2byte -1
ec_word THANK_YOU
ec_word VERY
ec_word MUCH
@ loss speech
ec_word THAT_S_IT_EXCL
.2byte -1
.2byte -1
ec_word DO
ec_word GO
ec_word ON
.4byte gBattleFrontierTrainerMons_Paige
@ 296
.string "ANYA$", 8
@ pre-battle speech
ec_word I
ec_word DISLIKE
ec_word OH
ec_word SO
ec_word PRETTY
ec_word FASHION
@ win speech
ec_word FASHION
ec_word SHOULD
ec_word MATCH
ec_word THE
ec_word PERSON
.2byte -1
@ loss speech
ec_word PRETTY
ec_word COULD
ec_word BE
ec_word GOOD
.2byte -1
.2byte -1
.4byte gBattleFrontierTrainerMons_Anya
@ 297
.string "DAWN$", 8
@ pre-battle speech
ec_word I
ec_word GO
ec_word ALL
ec_word OUT
ec_word EXCL
.2byte -1
@ win speech
ec_word DON_T
ec_word BE
ec_word A
ec_word BABY
ec_word EXCL
.2byte -1
@ loss speech
ec_word YOU
ec_word WON
ec_word EXCL
ec_word MOVE
ec_word ON
ec_word EXCL
.4byte gBattleFrontierTrainerMons_Dawn
@ 298
.string "ABBY$", 8
@ pre-battle speech
ec_word I
ec_word LIKE
ec_word A
ec_word TRAINER
ec_word THAT_S
@ win speech
ec_word VICTORY
ec_word HAS
ec_word A
ec_move1 SWEET_SCENT
ec_word EXCL
.2byte -1
@ loss speech
ec_word WHAT
ec_word AN
ec_word AWFUL
ec_word STENCH
ec_word EXCL
.2byte -1
.4byte gBattleFrontierTrainerMons_Abby
@ 299
.string "GRETEL$", 8
@ pre-battle speech
ec_word I
ec_word CAUSE
ec_move1 OUTRAGE
ec_word AS
ec_word A
ec_word TRAINER
@ win speech
ec_word IT_S
ec_word ONLY
ec_word NATURAL
ec_word SEE_YA
ec_word BYE_BYE
ec_word EXCL
@ loss speech
ec_word IT_S
ec_word HARD
ec_word TO
ec_word BELIEVE
ec_word BUT
ec_word CONGRATS
.4byte gBattleFrontierTrainerMons_Gretel