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synced 2025-02-20 03:03:35 +01:00
467 lines
12 KiB
467 lines
12 KiB
#include "gba/gba.h"
// ASCII encoding of 'Smsh' in reverse
// This is presumably short for SMASH, the developer of MKS4AGB.
#define ID_NUMBER 0x68736D53
#define C_V 0x40 // center value for PAN, BEND, and TUNE
#define SOUND_MODE_REVERB_VAL 0x0000007F
#define SOUND_MODE_REVERB_SET 0x00000080
#define SOUND_MODE_MAXCHN 0x00000F00
#define SOUND_MODE_MASVOL 0x0000F000
#define SOUND_MODE_FREQ_05734 0x00010000
#define SOUND_MODE_FREQ_07884 0x00020000
#define SOUND_MODE_FREQ_10512 0x00030000
#define SOUND_MODE_FREQ_13379 0x00040000
#define SOUND_MODE_FREQ_15768 0x00050000
#define SOUND_MODE_FREQ_18157 0x00060000
#define SOUND_MODE_FREQ_21024 0x00070000
#define SOUND_MODE_FREQ_26758 0x00080000
#define SOUND_MODE_FREQ_31536 0x00090000
#define SOUND_MODE_FREQ_36314 0x000A0000
#define SOUND_MODE_FREQ_40137 0x000B0000
#define SOUND_MODE_FREQ_42048 0x000C0000
#define SOUND_MODE_FREQ 0x000F0000
#define SOUND_MODE_DA_BIT_9 0x00800000
#define SOUND_MODE_DA_BIT_8 0x00900000
#define SOUND_MODE_DA_BIT_7 0x00A00000
#define SOUND_MODE_DA_BIT_6 0x00B00000
#define SOUND_MODE_DA_BIT 0x00B00000
struct WaveData
u16 type;
u16 status;
u32 freq;
u32 loopStart;
u32 size; // number of samples
s8 data[1]; // samples
#define TONEDATA_TYPE_CGB 0x07
#define TONEDATA_TYPE_FIX 0x08
#define TONEDATA_TYPE_SPL 0x40 // key split
#define TONEDATA_TYPE_RHY 0x80 // rhythm
#define TONEDATA_P_S_PAN 0xc0
struct ToneData
u8 type;
u8 key;
u8 length; // sound length (compatible sound)
u8 pan_sweep; // pan or sweep (compatible sound ch. 1)
struct WaveData *wav;
u8 attack;
u8 decay;
u8 sustain;
u8 release;
struct CgbChannel
u8 sf; // 0x0
u8 ty; // 0x1
u8 rightVolume; // 0x2
u8 leftVolume; // 0x3
u8 at; // 0x4
u8 de; // 0x5
u8 su; // 0x6
u8 re; // 0x7
u8 ky; // 0x8
u8 ev; // 0x9
u8 eg; // 0xA
u8 ec; // 0xB
u8 echoVolume; // 0xC
u8 echoLength; // 0xD
u8 d1; // 0xE
u8 d2; // 0xF
u8 gt; // 0x10
u8 mk; // 0x11
u8 ve; // 0x12
u8 pr; // 0x13
u8 rp; // 0x14
u8 d3[3]; // 0x15, 0x16, 0x17
u8 d5; // 0x18
u8 sg; // 0x19
u8 n4; // 0x1A
u8 pan; // 0x1B
u8 panMask; // 0x1C
u8 mo; // 0x1D
u8 le; // 0x1E
u8 sw; // 0x1F
u32 fr; // 0x20
u32 *wp;
u32 cp;
u32 tp;
u32 pp;
u32 np;
u8 d4[8];
struct MusicPlayerTrack;
struct SoundChannel
u8 status;
u8 type;
u8 rightVolume;
u8 leftVolume;
u8 attack;
u8 decay;
u8 sustain;
u8 release;
u8 ky;
u8 ev;
u8 er;
u8 el;
u8 echoVolume;
u8 echoLength;
u8 d1;
u8 d2;
u8 gt;
u8 mk;
u8 ve;
u8 pr;
u8 rp;
u8 d3[3];
u32 ct;
u32 fw;
u32 freq;
struct WaveData *wav;
u32 cp;
struct MusicPlayerTrack *track;
void *pp;
void *np;
void *d4;
u16 xpi;
u16 xpc;
struct SongHeader
u8 trackCount;
u8 blockCount;
u8 priority;
u8 reverb;
struct ToneData *tone;
u8 *part[1];
struct PokemonCrySong
u8 trackCount;
u8 blockCount;
u8 priority;
u8 reverb;
struct ToneData *tone;
u8 *part[2];
u8 gap;
u8 part0; // 0x11
u8 tuneValue; // 0x12
u8 gotoCmd; // 0x13
u32 gotoTarget; // 0x14
u8 part1; // 0x18
u8 tuneValue2; // 0x19
u8 cont[2]; // 0x1A
u8 volCmd; // 0x1C
u8 volumeValue; // 0x1D
u8 unkCmd0D[2]; // 0x1E
u32 unkCmd0DParam; // 0x20
u8 xreleCmd[2]; // 0x24
u8 releaseValue; // 0x26
u8 panCmd;
u8 panValue; // 0x28
u8 tieCmd; // 0x29
u8 tieKeyValue; // 0x2A
u8 tieVelocityValue; // 0x2B
u8 unkCmd0C[2]; // 0x2C
u16 unkCmd0CParam; // 0x2E
u8 end[2]; // 0x30
#define MPT_FLG_VOLSET 0x01
#define MPT_FLG_VOLCHG 0x03
#define MPT_FLG_PITSET 0x04
#define MPT_FLG_PITCHG 0x0C
#define MPT_FLG_START 0x40
#define MPT_FLG_EXIST 0x80
struct MusicPlayerTrack
u8 flags;
u8 wait;
u8 patternLevel;
u8 repN;
u8 gateTime;
u8 key;
u8 velocity;
u8 runningStatus;
u8 keyM;
u8 pitM;
s8 keyShift;
s8 keyShiftX;
s8 tune;
u8 pitX;
s8 bend;
u8 bendRange;
u8 volMR;
u8 volML;
u8 vol;
u8 volX;
s8 pan;
s8 panX;
s8 modM;
u8 mod;
u8 modT;
u8 lfoSpeed;
u8 lfoSpeedC;
u8 lfoDelay;
u8 lfoDelayC;
u8 priority;
u8 echoVolume;
u8 echoLength;
struct SoundChannel *chan;
struct ToneData tone;
u8 gap[10];
u16 unk_3A;
u32 unk_3C;
u8 *cmdPtr;
u8 *patternStack[3];
#define TEMPORARY_FADE 0x0001
#define FADE_IN 0x0002
#define FADE_VOL_MAX 64
#define FADE_VOL_SHIFT 2
struct MusicPlayerInfo
struct SongHeader *songHeader;
u32 status;
u8 trackCount;
u8 priority;
u8 cmd;
u8 unk_B;
u32 clock;
u8 gap[8];
u8 *memAccArea;
u16 tempoD;
u16 tempoU;
u16 tempoI;
u16 tempoC;
u16 fadeOI;
u16 fadeOC;
u16 fadeOV;
struct MusicPlayerTrack *tracks;
struct ToneData *tone;
u32 ident;
void (*func)();
u32 intp;
struct MusicPlayer
struct MusicPlayerInfo *info;
struct MusicPlayerTrack *track;
u8 unk_8;
u16 unk_A;
struct Song
struct SongHeader *header;
u16 ms;
u16 me;
extern const struct MusicPlayer gMPlayTable[];
extern const struct Song gSongTable[];
#define PCM_DMA_BUF_SIZE 1584 // size of Direct Sound buffer
struct SoundInfo
// This field is normally equal to ID_NUMBER but it is set to other
// values during sensitive operations for locking purposes.
// This field should be volatile but isn't. This could potentially cause
// race conditions.
u32 ident;
vu8 pcmDmaCounter;
// Direct Sound
u8 reverb;
u8 maxChans;
u8 masterVolume;
u8 freq;
u8 mode;
u8 c15;
u8 pcmDmaPeriod; // number of V-blanks per PCM DMA
u8 maxLines;
u8 gap[3];
s32 pcmSamplesPerVBlank;
s32 pcmFreq;
s32 divFreq;
struct CgbChannel *cgbChans;
void (*func)();
u32 intp;
void (*CgbSound)();
void (*CgbOscOff)(u8);
u32 (*MidiKeyToCgbFreq)(u8, u8, u8);
void (**MPlayJumpTable)();
void (*plynote)(u8, struct MusicPlayerInfo *, struct MusicPlayerTrack *);
void (*ExtVolPit)(struct MusicPlayerInfo *, struct MusicPlayerTrack *);
u32 gap2[4];
struct SoundChannel chans[MAX_DIRECTSOUND_CHANNELS];
s8 pcmBuffer[PCM_DMA_BUF_SIZE * 2];
extern u8 gMPlayMemAccArea[];
//u8 gPokemonCrySong[52];
//u8 gPokemonCrySongs[52 * MAX_POKEMON_CRIES];
extern struct PokemonCrySong gPokemonCrySong;
extern struct PokemonCrySong gPokemonCrySongs[];
extern struct MusicPlayerInfo gPokemonCryMusicPlayers[];
extern struct MusicPlayerTrack gPokemonCryTracks[];
extern char SoundMainRAM[];
extern void *gMPlayJumpTable[];
typedef void (*XcmdFunc)(struct MusicPlayerInfo *, struct MusicPlayerTrack *);
extern const XcmdFunc gXcmdTable[];
extern struct CgbChannel gCgbChans[];
extern const u8 gScaleTable[];
extern const u32 gFreqTable[];
extern const u16 gPcmSamplesPerVBlankTable[];
extern const u8 gCgbScaleTable[];
extern const s16 gCgbFreqTable[];
extern const u8 gNoiseTable[];
extern const struct PokemonCrySong gPokemonCrySongTemplate;
extern const struct ToneData voicegroup000;
extern char gNumMusicPlayers[];
extern char gMaxLines[];
#define NUM_MUSIC_PLAYERS ((u16)gNumMusicPlayers)
#define MAX_LINES ((u32)gMaxLines)
u32 umul3232H32(u32 multiplier, u32 multiplicand);
void SoundMain(void);
void SoundMainBTM(void);
void TrackStop(struct MusicPlayerInfo *mplayInfo, struct MusicPlayerTrack *track);
void MPlayMain(void);
void RealClearChain(void *x);
void MPlayContinue(struct MusicPlayerInfo *mplayInfo);
void MPlayStart(struct MusicPlayerInfo *mplayInfo, struct SongHeader *songHeader);
void m4aMPlayStop(struct MusicPlayerInfo *mplayInfo);
void FadeOutBody(struct MusicPlayerInfo *mplayInfo);
void TrkVolPitSet(struct MusicPlayerInfo *mplayInfo, struct MusicPlayerTrack *track);
void MPlayFadeOut(struct MusicPlayerInfo *mplayInfo, u16 speed);
void ClearChain(void *x);
void Clear64byte(void *addr);
void SoundInit(struct SoundInfo *soundInfo);
void MPlayExtender(struct CgbChannel *cgbChans);
void m4aSoundMode(u32 mode);
void MPlayOpen(struct MusicPlayerInfo *mplayInfo, struct MusicPlayerTrack *track, u8 a3);
void CgbSound(void);
void CgbOscOff(u8);
void CgbModVol(struct CgbChannel *chan);
u32 MidiKeyToCgbFreq(u8, u8, u8);
void DummyFunc(void);
void MPlayJumpTableCopy(void **mplayJumpTable);
void SampleFreqSet(u32 freq);
void m4aSoundVSyncOn(void);
void m4aSoundVSyncOff(void);
void m4aMPlayTempoControl(struct MusicPlayerInfo *mplayInfo, u16 tempo);
void m4aMPlayVolumeControl(struct MusicPlayerInfo *mplayInfo, u16 trackBits, u16 volume);
void m4aMPlayPitchControl(struct MusicPlayerInfo *mplayInfo, u16 trackBits, s16 pitch);
void m4aMPlayPanpotControl(struct MusicPlayerInfo *mplayInfo, u16 trackBits, s8 pan);
void ClearModM(struct MusicPlayerTrack *track);
void m4aMPlayModDepthSet(struct MusicPlayerInfo *mplayInfo, u16 trackBits, u8 modDepth);
void m4aMPlayLFOSpeedSet(struct MusicPlayerInfo *mplayInfo, u16 trackBits, u8 lfoSpeed);
struct MusicPlayerInfo *SetPokemonCryTone(struct ToneData *tone);
void SetPokemonCryVolume(u8 val);
void SetPokemonCryPanpot(s8 val);
void SetPokemonCryPitch(s16 val);
void SetPokemonCryLength(u16 val);
void SetPokemonCryRelease(u8 val);
void SetPokemonCryProgress(u32 val);
int IsPokemonCryPlaying(struct MusicPlayerInfo *mplayInfo);
void SetPokemonCryChorus(s8 val);
void SetPokemonCryStereo(u32 val);
void SetPokemonCryPriority(u8 val);
// sound command handler functions
void ply_fine(struct MusicPlayerInfo *, struct MusicPlayerTrack *);
void ply_goto(struct MusicPlayerInfo *, struct MusicPlayerTrack *);
void ply_patt(struct MusicPlayerInfo *, struct MusicPlayerTrack *);
void ply_pend(struct MusicPlayerInfo *, struct MusicPlayerTrack *);
void ply_rept(struct MusicPlayerInfo *, struct MusicPlayerTrack *);
void ply_memacc(struct MusicPlayerInfo *, struct MusicPlayerTrack *);
void ply_prio(struct MusicPlayerInfo *, struct MusicPlayerTrack *);
void ply_tempo(struct MusicPlayerInfo *, struct MusicPlayerTrack *);
void ply_keysh(struct MusicPlayerInfo *, struct MusicPlayerTrack *);
void ply_voice(struct MusicPlayerInfo *, struct MusicPlayerTrack *);
void ply_vol(struct MusicPlayerInfo *, struct MusicPlayerTrack *);
void ply_pan(struct MusicPlayerInfo *, struct MusicPlayerTrack *);
void ply_bend(struct MusicPlayerInfo *, struct MusicPlayerTrack *);
void ply_bendr(struct MusicPlayerInfo *, struct MusicPlayerTrack *);
void ply_lfos(struct MusicPlayerInfo *, struct MusicPlayerTrack *);
void ply_lfodl(struct MusicPlayerInfo *, struct MusicPlayerTrack *);
void ply_mod(struct MusicPlayerInfo *, struct MusicPlayerTrack *);
void ply_modt(struct MusicPlayerInfo *, struct MusicPlayerTrack *);
void ply_tune(struct MusicPlayerInfo *, struct MusicPlayerTrack *);
void ply_port(struct MusicPlayerInfo *, struct MusicPlayerTrack *);
void ply_xcmd(struct MusicPlayerInfo *, struct MusicPlayerTrack *);
void ply_endtie(struct MusicPlayerInfo *, struct MusicPlayerTrack *);
void ply_note(u8, struct MusicPlayerInfo *, struct MusicPlayerTrack *);
// extended sound command handler functions
void ply_xxx(struct MusicPlayerInfo *, struct MusicPlayerTrack *);
void ply_xwave(struct MusicPlayerInfo *, struct MusicPlayerTrack *);
void ply_xtype(struct MusicPlayerInfo *, struct MusicPlayerTrack *);
void ply_xatta(struct MusicPlayerInfo *, struct MusicPlayerTrack *);
void ply_xdeca(struct MusicPlayerInfo *, struct MusicPlayerTrack *);
void ply_xsust(struct MusicPlayerInfo *, struct MusicPlayerTrack *);
void ply_xrele(struct MusicPlayerInfo *, struct MusicPlayerTrack *);
void ply_xiecv(struct MusicPlayerInfo *, struct MusicPlayerTrack *);
void ply_xiecl(struct MusicPlayerInfo *, struct MusicPlayerTrack *);
void ply_xleng(struct MusicPlayerInfo *, struct MusicPlayerTrack *);
void ply_xswee(struct MusicPlayerInfo *, struct MusicPlayerTrack *);
void ply_xcmd_0C(struct MusicPlayerInfo *, struct MusicPlayerTrack *);
void ply_xcmd_0D(struct MusicPlayerInfo *, struct MusicPlayerTrack *);