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1013 lines
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1013 lines
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// should they be included here or included individually by every file?
#include "constants/battle.h"
#include "battle_main.h"
#include "battle_message.h"
#include "battle_util.h"
#include "battle_script_commands.h"
#include "battle_ai_switch_items.h"
#include "battle_gfx_sfx_util.h"
#include "battle_util2.h"
#include "battle_bg.h"
#include "pokeball.h"
#include "battle_debug.h"
#define GET_BATTLER_SIDE(battler) (GetBattlerPosition(battler) & BIT_SIDE)
#define GET_BATTLER_SIDE2(battler) (gBattlerPositions[battler] & BIT_SIDE)
// Used to exclude moves learned temporarily by Transform or Mimic
#define MOVE_IS_PERMANENT(battler, moveSlot) \
(!(gBattleMons[battler].status2 & STATUS2_TRANSFORMED) \
&& !(gDisableStructs[battler].mimickedMoves & gBitTable[moveSlot]))
// Battle Actions
// These determine what each battler will do in a turn
#define B_ACTION_RUN 3
#define B_ACTION_CANCEL_PARTNER 12 // when choosing an action
#define B_ACTION_NOTHING_FAINTED 13 // when choosing an action
#define B_ACTION_DEBUG 20
#define B_ACTION_THROW_BALL 21 // R to throw last used ball
#define B_ACTION_NONE 0xFF
struct ResourceFlags
struct DisableStruct
u32 transformedMonPersonality;
u16 disabledMove;
u16 encoredMove;
u8 protectUses;
u8 stockpileCounter;
s8 stockpileDef;
s8 stockpileSpDef;
s8 stockpileBeforeDef;
s8 stockpileBeforeSpDef;
u8 substituteHP;
u8 encoredMovePos;
u8 disableTimer:4;
u8 encoreTimer:4;
u8 perishSongTimer:4;
u8 furyCutterCounter;
u8 rolloutTimer:4;
u8 rolloutTimerStartValue:4;
u8 chargeTimer:4;
u8 tauntTimer:4;
u8 battlerPreventingEscape;
u8 battlerWithSureHit;
u8 isFirstTurn;
u8 truantCounter:1;
u8 truantSwitchInHack:1;
u8 mimickedMoves:4;
u8 rechargeTimer;
u8 autotomizeCount;
u8 slowStartTimer;
u8 embargoTimer;
u8 magnetRiseTimer;
u8 telekinesisTimer;
u8 healBlockTimer;
u8 laserFocusTimer;
u8 throatChopTimer;
u8 wrapTurns;
u8 usedMoves:4;
u8 noRetreat:1;
u8 tarShot:1;
u8 octolock:1;
u8 cudChew:1;
struct ProtectStruct
u32 protected:1;
u32 spikyShielded:1;
u32 kingsShielded:1;
u32 banefulBunkered:1;
u32 obstructed:1;
u32 endured:1;
u32 noValidMoves:1;
u32 helpingHand:1;
u32 bounceMove:1;
u32 stealMove:1;
u32 prlzImmobility:1;
u32 confusionSelfDmg:1;
u32 targetAffected:1;
u32 chargingTurn:1;
u32 fleeType:2; // 0: Normal, 1: FLEE_ITEM, 2: FLEE_ABILITY
u32 usedImprisonedMove:1;
u32 loveImmobility:1;
u32 usedDisabledMove:1;
u32 usedTauntedMove:1;
u32 flag2Unknown:1; // Only set to 0 once. Checked in 'WasUnableToUseMove' function.
u32 flinchImmobility:1;
u32 notFirstStrike:1;
u32 palaceUnableToUseMove:1;
u32 usesBouncedMove:1;
u32 usedHealBlockedMove:1;
u32 usedGravityPreventedMove:1;
u32 powderSelfDmg:1;
u32 usedThroatChopPreventedMove:1;
u32 statRaised:1;
u32 usedMicleBerry:1;
u32 usedCustapBerry:1; // also quick claw
u32 touchedProtectLike:1;
// End of 32-bit bitfield
u16 disableEjectPack:1;
u16 statFell:1;
u16 pranksterElevated:1;
u16 quickDraw:1;
u16 beakBlastCharge:1;
u16 quash:1;
u16 shellTrap:1;
u16 silkTrapped:1;
u32 physicalDmg;
u32 specialDmg;
u8 physicalBattlerId;
u8 specialBattlerId;
struct SpecialStatus
s32 dmg;
s32 physicalDmg;
s32 specialDmg;
u8 physicalBattlerId;
u8 specialBattlerId;
u8 changedStatsBattlerId; // Battler that was responsible for the latest stat change. Can be self.
u8 statLowered:1;
u8 lightningRodRedirected:1;
u8 restoredBattlerSprite: 1;
u8 traced:1;
u8 ppNotAffectedByPressure:1;
u8 faintedHasReplacement:1;
u8 focusBanded:1;
u8 focusSashed:1;
// End of byte
u8 sturdied:1;
u8 stormDrainRedirected:1;
u8 switchInAbilityDone:1;
u8 switchInItemDone:1;
u8 instructedChosenTarget:3;
u8 berryReduced:1;
// End of byte
u8 gemParam;
// End of byte
u8 gemBoost:1;
u8 rototillerAffected:1; // to be affected by rototiller
u8 parentalBondState:2;
u8 multiHitOn:1;
u8 announceNeutralizingGas:1; // See Cmd_switchineffects
u8 neutralizingGasRemoved:1; // See VARIOUS_TRY_END_NEUTRALIZING_GAS
u8 affectionEndured:1;
// End of byte
u8 damagedMons:4; // Mons that have been damaged directly by using a move, includes substitute.
u8 dancerUsedMove:1;
u8 dancerOriginalTarget:3;
// End of byte
u8 weatherAbilityDone:1;
u8 terrainAbilityDone:1;
u8 emergencyExited:1;
u8 afterYou:1;
struct SideTimer
u8 reflectTimer;
u8 reflectBattlerId;
u8 lightscreenTimer;
u8 lightscreenBattlerId;
u8 mistTimer;
u8 mistBattlerId;
u8 safeguardTimer;
u8 safeguardBattlerId;
u8 spikesAmount;
u8 toxicSpikesAmount;
u8 stealthRockAmount;
u8 stickyWebAmount;
u8 stickyWebBattlerSide; // Used for Court Change
u8 auroraVeilTimer;
u8 auroraVeilBattlerId;
u8 tailwindTimer;
u8 tailwindBattlerId;
u8 luckyChantTimer;
u8 luckyChantBattlerId;
// Timers below this point are not swapped by Court Change
u8 followmeTimer;
u8 followmeTarget:3;
u8 followmePowder:1; // Rage powder, does not affect grass type pokemon.
u8 retaliateTimer;
struct FieldTimer
u8 mudSportTimer;
u8 waterSportTimer;
u8 wonderRoomTimer;
u8 magicRoomTimer;
u8 trickRoomTimer;
u8 terrainTimer;
u8 gravityTimer;
u8 fairyLockTimer;
struct WishFutureKnock
u8 futureSightCounter[MAX_BATTLERS_COUNT];
u8 futureSightAttacker[MAX_BATTLERS_COUNT];
u16 futureSightMove[MAX_BATTLERS_COUNT];
u8 wishCounter[MAX_BATTLERS_COUNT];
u8 weatherDuration;
u8 knockedOffMons[NUM_BATTLE_SIDES]; // Each battler is represented by a bit.
struct AI_SavedBattleMon
u16 ability;
u16 moves[MAX_MON_MOVES];
u16 heldItem;
u16 species;
u8 types[3];
struct AiPartyMon
u16 species;
u16 item;
u16 heldEffect;
u16 ability;
u16 gender;
u16 level;
u16 moves[MAX_MON_MOVES];
u32 status;
bool8 isFainted;
bool8 wasSentInBattle;
u8 switchInCount; // Counts how many times this Pokemon has been sent out or switched into in a battle.
struct AIPartyData // Opposing battlers - party mons.
struct AiPartyMon mons[NUM_BATTLE_SIDES][PARTY_SIZE]; // 2 parties(player, opponent). Used to save information on opposing party.
struct AiLogicData
u16 abilities[MAX_BATTLERS_COUNT];
u16 holdEffects[MAX_BATTLERS_COUNT];
u8 holdEffectParams[MAX_BATTLERS_COUNT];
u16 predictedMoves[MAX_BATTLERS_COUNT];
u8 hpPercents[MAX_BATTLERS_COUNT];
u16 partnerMove;
s32 simulatedDmg[MAX_BATTLERS_COUNT][MAX_BATTLERS_COUNT][MAX_MON_MOVES]; // attacker, target, moveIndex
u8 effectiveness[MAX_BATTLERS_COUNT][MAX_BATTLERS_COUNT][MAX_MON_MOVES]; // attacker, target, moveIndex
u8 moveLimitations[MAX_BATTLERS_COUNT];
struct AI_ThinkingStruct
u8 aiState;
u8 movesetIndex;
u16 moveConsidered;
s8 score[MAX_MON_MOVES];
u32 funcResult;
u32 aiFlags;
u8 aiAction;
u8 aiLogicId;
struct AI_SavedBattleMon saved[4];
bool8 switchMon; // Because all available moves have no/little effect.
struct BattleHistory
u16 abilities[MAX_BATTLERS_COUNT];
u8 itemEffects[MAX_BATTLERS_COUNT];
u16 moveHistory[MAX_BATTLERS_COUNT][AI_MOVE_HISTORY_COUNT]; // 3 last used moves for each battler
u8 moveHistoryIndex[MAX_BATTLERS_COUNT];
u16 trainerItems[MAX_BATTLERS_COUNT];
u8 itemsNo;
u16 heldItems[MAX_BATTLERS_COUNT];
struct BattleScriptsStack
const u8 *ptr[8];
u8 size;
struct BattleCallbacksStack
void (*function[8])(void);
u8 size;
struct StatsArray
u16 stats[NUM_STATS];
struct BattleResources
struct SecretBase* secretBase;
struct ResourceFlags *flags;
struct BattleScriptsStack* battleScriptsStack;
struct BattleCallbacksStack* battleCallbackStack;
struct StatsArray* beforeLvlUp;
struct AI_ThinkingStruct *ai;
struct AiLogicData *aiData;
struct AIPartyData *aiParty;
struct BattleHistory *battleHistory;
u8 bufferA[MAX_BATTLERS_COUNT][0x200];
u8 bufferB[MAX_BATTLERS_COUNT][0x200];
#define AI_THINKING_STRUCT ((struct AI_ThinkingStruct *)(gBattleResources->ai))
#define AI_DATA ((struct AiLogicData *)(gBattleResources->aiData))
#define AI_PARTY ((struct AIPartyData *)(gBattleResources->aiParty))
#define BATTLE_HISTORY ((struct BattleHistory *)(gBattleResources->battleHistory))
struct BattleResults
u8 playerFaintCounter; // 0x0
u8 opponentFaintCounter; // 0x1
u8 playerSwitchesCounter; // 0x2
u8 numHealingItemsUsed; // 0x3
u8 numRevivesUsed; // 0x4
u8 playerMonWasDamaged:1; // 0x5
u8 caughtMonBall:4; // 0x5
u8 shinyWildMon:1; // 0x5
u16 playerMon1Species; // 0x6
u8 playerMon1Name[POKEMON_NAME_LENGTH + 1]; // 0x8
u8 battleTurnCounter; // 0x13
u8 playerMon2Name[POKEMON_NAME_LENGTH + 1]; // 0x14
u8 pokeblockThrows; // 0x1F
u16 lastOpponentSpecies; // 0x20
u16 lastUsedMovePlayer; // 0x22
u16 lastUsedMoveOpponent; // 0x24
u16 playerMon2Species; // 0x26
u16 caughtMonSpecies; // 0x28
u8 caughtMonNick[POKEMON_NAME_LENGTH + 1]; // 0x2A
u8 filler35; // 0x35
u8 catchAttempts[POKEBALL_COUNT]; // 0x36
struct BattleTv_Side
u32 spikesMonId:3;
u32 reflectMonId:3;
u32 lightScreenMonId:3;
u32 safeguardMonId:3;
u32 mistMonId:3;
u32 futureSightMonId:3;
u32 doomDesireMonId:3;
u32 perishSongMonId:3;
u32 wishMonId:3;
u32 grudgeMonId:3;
u32 usedMoveSlot:2;
u32 spikesMoveSlot:2;
u32 reflectMoveSlot:2;
u32 lightScreenMoveSlot:2;
u32 safeguardMoveSlot:2;
u32 mistMoveSlot:2;
u32 futureSightMoveSlot:2;
u32 doomDesireMoveSlot:2;
u32 perishSongMoveSlot:2;
u32 wishMoveSlot:2;
u32 grudgeMoveSlot:2;
u32 destinyBondMonId:3;
u32 destinyBondMoveSlot:2;
u32 faintCause:4;
u32 faintCauseMonId:3;
u32 explosion:1;
u32 explosionMoveSlot:2;
u32 explosionMonId:3;
u32 perishSong:1;
struct BattleTv_Position
u32 curseMonId:3;
u32 leechSeedMonId:3;
u32 nightmareMonId:3;
u32 wrapMonId:3;
u32 attractMonId:3;
u32 confusionMonId:3;
u32 curseMoveSlot:2;
u32 leechSeedMoveSlot:2;
u32 nightmareMoveSlot:2;
u32 wrapMoveSlot:2;
u32 attractMoveSlot:2;
u32 confusionMoveSlot:2;
u32 waterSportMoveSlot:2;
u32 waterSportMonId:3;
u32 mudSportMonId:3;
u32 mudSportMoveSlot:2;
u32 ingrainMonId:3;
u32 ingrainMoveSlot:2;
u32 attackedByMonId:3;
u32 attackedByMoveSlot:2;
struct BattleTv_Mon
u32 psnMonId:3;
u32 badPsnMonId:3;
u32 brnMonId:3;
u32 prlzMonId:3;
u32 slpMonId:3;
u32 frzMonId:3;
u32 psnMoveSlot:2;
u32 badPsnMoveSlot:2;
u32 brnMoveSlot:2;
u32 prlzMoveSlot:2;
u32 slpMoveSlot:2;
u32 frzMoveSlot:2;
struct BattleTv
struct BattleTv_Mon mon[NUM_BATTLE_SIDES][PARTY_SIZE];
struct BattleTv_Position pos[NUM_BATTLE_SIDES][2]; // [side][flank]
struct BattleTv_Side side[NUM_BATTLE_SIDES];
struct BattleTvMovePoints
s16 points[2][PARTY_SIZE * 4];
struct LinkBattlerHeader
u8 versionSignatureLo;
u8 versionSignatureHi;
u8 vsScreenHealthFlagsLo;
u8 vsScreenHealthFlagsHi;
struct BattleEnigmaBerry battleEnigmaBerry;
struct MegaEvolutionData
u8 toEvolve; // As flags using gBitTable.
u8 evolvedPartyIds[2]; // As flags using gBitTable;
bool8 alreadyEvolved[4]; // Array id is used for mon position.
u16 evolvedSpecies[MAX_BATTLERS_COUNT];
u16 playerEvolvedSpecies;
u8 primalRevertedPartyIds[2]; // As flags using gBitTable;
u16 primalRevertedSpecies[MAX_BATTLERS_COUNT];
u16 playerPrimalRevertedSpecies;
u8 battlerId;
bool8 playerSelect;
u8 triggerSpriteId;
struct Illusion
u8 on;
u8 set;
u8 broken;
u8 partyId;
struct Pokemon *mon;
struct ZMoveData
u8 viable:1; // current move can become a z move
u8 viewing:1; // if player is viewing the z move name instead of regular moves
u8 active:1; // is z move being used this turn
u8 zStatusActive:1;
u8 healReplacement:1;
u8 activeSplit:2; // active z move split
u8 zUnused:1;
u8 triggerSpriteId;
u8 possibleZMoves[MAX_BATTLERS_COUNT];
u16 chosenZMove; // z move of move cursor is on
u8 effect;
u8 used[MAX_BATTLERS_COUNT]; //one per bank for multi-battles
u16 toBeUsed[MAX_BATTLERS_COUNT]; // z moves per battler to be used
u16 baseMoves[MAX_BATTLERS_COUNT];
struct LostItem
u16 originalItem:15;
u16 stolen:1;
struct BattleStruct
u8 turnEffectsTracker;
u8 turnEffectsBattlerId;
u8 turnCountersTracker;
u16 wrappedMove[MAX_BATTLERS_COUNT];
u16 moveTarget[MAX_BATTLERS_COUNT];
u8 expGetterMonId;
u8 wildVictorySong;
u8 dynamicMoveType;
u8 focusPunchBattlerId;
u8 battlerPreventingSwitchout;
u8 moneyMultiplier:6;
u8 moneyMultiplierItem:1;
u8 moneyMultiplierMove:1;
u8 savedTurnActionNumber;
u8 switchInAbilitiesCounter;
u8 faintedActionsState;
u8 faintedActionsBattlerId;
u32 expValue;
u8 scriptPartyIdx; // for printing the nickname
u8 sentInPokes;
bool8 selectionScriptFinished[MAX_BATTLERS_COUNT];
u8 battlerPartyIndexes[MAX_BATTLERS_COUNT];
u8 monToSwitchIntoId[MAX_BATTLERS_COUNT];
u8 battlerPartyOrders[MAX_BATTLERS_COUNT][PARTY_SIZE / 2];
u8 runTries;
u8 caughtMonNick[POKEMON_NAME_LENGTH + 1];
u8 safariGoNearCounter;
u8 safariPkblThrowCounter;
u8 safariEscapeFactor;
u8 safariCatchFactor;
u8 linkBattleVsSpriteId_V; // The letter "V"
u8 linkBattleVsSpriteId_S; // The letter "S"
u8 formToChangeInto;
u8 chosenMovePositions[MAX_BATTLERS_COUNT];
u8 stateIdAfterSelScript[MAX_BATTLERS_COUNT];
u8 prevSelectedPartySlot;
u8 stringMoveType;
u8 expGetterBattlerId;
u8 absentBattlerFlags;
u8 palaceFlags; // First 4 bits are "is < 50% HP and not asleep" for each battler, last 4 bits are selected moves to pass to AI
u8 field_93; // related to choosing pokemon?
u8 wallyBattleState;
u8 wallyMovesState;
u8 wallyWaitFrames;
u8 wallyMoveFrames;
u16 lastTakenMove[MAX_BATTLERS_COUNT]; // Last move that a battler was hit with.
u16 hpOnSwitchout[NUM_BATTLE_SIDES];
u32 savedBattleTypeFlags;
u16 abilityPreventingSwitchout;
u8 hpScale;
u16 synchronizeMoveEffect;
bool8 anyMonHasTransformed;
void (*savedCallback)(void);
u16 usedHeldItems[PARTY_SIZE][NUM_BATTLE_SIDES]; // For each party member and side. For harvest, recycle
u16 chosenItem[MAX_BATTLERS_COUNT];
u16 choicedMove[MAX_BATTLERS_COUNT];
u16 changedItems[MAX_BATTLERS_COUNT];
u8 switchInItemsCounter;
u8 arenaTurnCounter;
u8 turnSideTracker;
u8 givenExpMons; // Bits for enemy party's pokemon that gave exp to player's party.
u16 lastTakenMoveFrom[MAX_BATTLERS_COUNT][MAX_BATTLERS_COUNT]; // a 2-D array [target][attacker]
u16 castformPalette[NUM_CASTFORM_FORMS][16];
union {
struct LinkBattlerHeader linkBattlerHeader;
u32 battleVideo[2];
} multiBuffer;
u8 wishPerishSongState;
u8 wishPerishSongBattlerId;
bool8 overworldWeatherDone;
bool8 terrainDone;
u8 atkCancellerTracker;
struct BattleTvMovePoints tvMovePoints;
struct BattleTv tv;
u8 AI_monToSwitchIntoId[MAX_BATTLERS_COUNT];
s8 arenaMindPoints[2];
s8 arenaSkillPoints[2];
u16 arenaStartHp[2];
u8 arenaLostPlayerMons; // Bits for party member, lost as in referee's decision, not by fainting.
u8 arenaLostOpponentMons;
u8 alreadyStatusedMoveAttempt; // As bits for battlers; For example when using Thunder Wave on an already paralyzed pokemon.
u8 debugBattler;
u8 magnitudeBasePower;
u8 presentBasePower;
u8 roostTypes[MAX_BATTLERS_COUNT][2];
u8 savedBattlerTarget;
bool8 ateBoost[MAX_BATTLERS_COUNT];
u8 activeAbilityPopUps; // as bits for each battler
u8 abilityPopUpSpriteIds[MAX_BATTLERS_COUNT][2]; // two per battler
bool8 throwingPokeBall;
struct MegaEvolutionData mega;
struct ZMoveData zmove;
const u8 *trainerSlideMsg;
bool8 trainerSlideLowHpMsgDone;
u8 introState;
u8 ateBerry[2]; // array id determined by side, each party pokemon as bit
u8 stolenStats[NUM_BATTLE_STATS]; // hp byte is used for which stats to raise, other inform about by how many stages
u8 lastMoveFailed; // as bits for each battler, for the sake of Stomping Tantrum
u8 lastMoveTarget[MAX_BATTLERS_COUNT]; // The last target on which each mon used a move, for the sake of Instruct
u8 debugHoldEffects[MAX_BATTLERS_COUNT]; // These override actual items' hold effects.
u16 tracedAbility[MAX_BATTLERS_COUNT];
u16 hpBefore[MAX_BATTLERS_COUNT]; // Hp of battlers before using a move. For Berserk
bool8 spriteIgnore0Hp;
struct Illusion illusion[MAX_BATTLERS_COUNT];
s8 aiFinalScore[MAX_BATTLERS_COUNT][MAX_BATTLERS_COUNT][MAX_MON_MOVES]; // AI, target, moves to make debugging easier
u8 aiMoveOrAction[MAX_BATTLERS_COUNT];
u8 aiChosenTarget[MAX_BATTLERS_COUNT];
u8 soulheartBattlerId;
u8 friskedBattler; // Frisk needs to identify 2 battlers in double battles.
bool8 friskedAbility; // If identifies two mons, show the ability pop-up only once.
u8 sameMoveTurns[MAX_BATTLERS_COUNT]; // For Metronome, number of times the same moves has been SUCCESFULLY used.
u16 moveEffect2; // For Knock Off
u16 changedSpecies[PARTY_SIZE]; // For Zygarde or future forms when multiple mons can change into the same pokemon.
u8 quickClawBattlerId;
struct LostItem itemLost[PARTY_SIZE]; // Player's team that had items consumed or stolen (two bytes per party member)
u8 blunderPolicy:1; // should blunder policy activate
u8 swapDamageCategory:1; // Photon Geyser, Shell Side Arm, Light That Burns the Sky
u8 forcedSwitch:4; // For each battler
u8 switchInAbilityPostponed:4; // To not activate against an empty field, each bit for battler
u8 ballSpriteIds[2]; // item gfx, window gfx
u8 stickyWebUser;
u8 appearedInBattle; // Bitfield to track which Pokemon appeared in battle. Used for Burmy's form change
u8 skyDropTargets[MAX_BATTLERS_COUNT]; // For Sky Drop, to account for if multiple Pokemon use Sky Drop in a double battle.
// When using a move which hits multiple opponents which is then bounced by a target, we need to make sure, the move hits both opponents, the one with bounce, and the one without.
u8 attackerBeforeBounce:2;
u8 beatUpSlot:3;
bool8 hitSwitchTargetFailed:1;
u8 targetsDone[MAX_BATTLERS_COUNT]; // Each battler as a bit.
u16 overwrittenAbilities[MAX_BATTLERS_COUNT]; // abilities overwritten during battle (keep separate from battle history in case of switching)
bool8 allowedToChangeFormInWeather[PARTY_SIZE][2]; // For each party member and side, used by Ice Face.
u8 battleBondTransformed[NUM_BATTLE_SIDES]; // Bitfield for each party.
u8 storedHealingWish:4; // Each battler as a bit.
u8 storedLunarDance:4; // Each battler as a bit.
u16 supremeOverlordModifier[MAX_BATTLERS_COUNT];
u8 itemPartyIndex[MAX_BATTLERS_COUNT];
bool8 trainerSlideHalfHpMsgDone;
u8 trainerSlideFirstCriticalHitMsgState:2;
u8 trainerSlideFirstSuperEffectiveHitMsgState:2;
u8 trainerSlideFirstSTABMoveMsgState:2;
u8 trainerSlidePlayerMonUnaffectedMsgState:2;
bool8 trainerSlideMegaEvolutionMsgDone;
bool8 trainerSlideZMoveMsgDone;
bool8 trainerSlideBeforeFirstTurnMsgDone;
#define F_DYNAMIC_TYPE_1 (1 << 6)
#define F_DYNAMIC_TYPE_2 (1 << 7)
#define GET_MOVE_TYPE(move, typeArg) \
{ \
if (gBattleStruct->dynamicMoveType) \
typeArg = gBattleStruct->dynamicMoveType & DYNAMIC_TYPE_MASK; \
else \
typeArg = gBattleMoves[move].type; \
#define IS_MOVE_PHYSICAL(move)(GetBattleMoveSplit(move) == SPLIT_PHYSICAL)
#define IS_MOVE_SPECIAL(move)(GetBattleMoveSplit(move) == SPLIT_SPECIAL)
#define IS_MOVE_STATUS(move)(gBattleMoves[move].split == SPLIT_STATUS)
#define BATTLER_MAX_HP(battlerId)(gBattleMons[battlerId].hp == gBattleMons[battlerId].maxHP)
#define TARGET_TURN_DAMAGED ((gSpecialStatuses[gBattlerTarget].physicalDmg != 0 || gSpecialStatuses[gBattlerTarget].specialDmg != 0))
#define BATTLER_DAMAGED(battlerId) ((gSpecialStatuses[battlerId].physicalDmg != 0 || gSpecialStatuses[battlerId].specialDmg != 0))
#define IS_BATTLER_OF_TYPE(battlerId, type)((gBattleMons[battlerId].type1 == type || gBattleMons[battlerId].type2 == type || (gBattleMons[battlerId].type3 != TYPE_MYSTERY && gBattleMons[battlerId].type3 == type)))
#define SET_BATTLER_TYPE(battlerId, type) \
{ \
gBattleMons[battlerId].type1 = type; \
gBattleMons[battlerId].type2 = type; \
gBattleMons[battlerId].type3 = TYPE_MYSTERY; \
#define RESTORE_BATTLER_TYPE(battlerId) \
{ \
gBattleMons[battlerId].type1 = gSpeciesInfo[gBattleMons[battlerId].species].types[0]; \
gBattleMons[battlerId].type2 = gSpeciesInfo[gBattleMons[battlerId].species].types[1]; \
gBattleMons[battlerId].type3 = TYPE_MYSTERY; \
#define IS_BATTLER_PROTECTED(battlerId)(gProtectStructs[battlerId].protected \
|| gSideStatuses[GetBattlerSide(battlerId)] & SIDE_STATUS_WIDE_GUARD \
|| gSideStatuses[GetBattlerSide(battlerId)] & SIDE_STATUS_QUICK_GUARD \
|| gSideStatuses[GetBattlerSide(battlerId)] & SIDE_STATUS_CRAFTY_SHIELD \
|| gSideStatuses[GetBattlerSide(battlerId)] & SIDE_STATUS_MAT_BLOCK \
|| gProtectStructs[battlerId].spikyShielded \
|| gProtectStructs[battlerId].kingsShielded \
|| gProtectStructs[battlerId].banefulBunkered \
|| gProtectStructs[battlerId].obstructed \
|| gProtectStructs[battlerId].silkTrapped)
#define GET_STAT_BUFF_ID(n)((n & 7)) // first three bits 0x1, 0x2, 0x4
#define GET_STAT_BUFF_VALUE_WITH_SIGN(n)((n & 0xF8))
#define GET_STAT_BUFF_VALUE(n)(((n >> 3) & 0xF)) // 0x8, 0x10, 0x20, 0x40
#define STAT_BUFF_NEGATIVE 0x80 // 0x80, the sign bit
#define SET_STAT_BUFF_VALUE(n)((((n) << 3) & 0xF8))
#define SET_STATCHANGER(statId, stage, goesDown)(gBattleScripting.statChanger = (statId) + ((stage) << 3) + (goesDown << 7))
#define SET_STATCHANGER2(dst, statId, stage, goesDown)(dst = (statId) + ((stage) << 3) + (goesDown << 7))
static inline struct Pokemon *GetSideParty(u32 side)
return side == B_SIDE_PLAYER ? gPlayerParty : gEnemyParty;
static inline struct Pokemon *GetBattlerParty(u32 battlerId)
extern u8 GetBattlerSide(u8 battler);
return GetSideParty(GetBattlerSide(battlerId));
// NOTE: The members of this struct have hard-coded offsets
// in include/constants/battle_script_commands.h
struct BattleScripting
s32 painSplitHp;
s32 bideDmg;
u8 multihitString[6];
bool8 expOnCatch;
u8 twoTurnsMoveStringId;
u8 animArg1;
u8 animArg2;
u16 tripleKickPower;
u8 moveendState;
u8 savedStatChanger; // For further use, if attempting to change stat two times(ex. Moody)
u8 shiftSwitched; // When the game tells you the next enemy's pokemon and you switch. Option for noobs but oh well.
u8 battler;
u8 animTurn;
u8 animTargetsHit;
u8 statChanger;
bool8 statAnimPlayed;
u8 getexpState;
u8 battleStyle;
u8 drawlvlupboxState;
u8 learnMoveState;
u8 savedBattler;
u8 reshowMainState;
u8 reshowHelperState;
u8 levelUpHP;
u8 windowsType; // B_WIN_TYPE_*
u8 multiplayerId;
u8 specialTrainerBattleType;
bool8 monCaught;
s32 savedDmg;
u16 savedMoveEffect; // For moves hitting multiple targets.
u16 moveEffect;
u16 multihitMoveEffect;
u8 illusionNickHack; // To properly display nick in STRINGID_ENEMYABOUTTOSWITCHPKMN.
bool8 fixedPopup; // Force ability popup to stick until manually called back
u16 abilityPopupOverwrite;
u8 switchCase; // Special switching conditions, eg. red card
u8 overrideBerryRequirements;
u8 stickyWebStatDrop; // To prevent Defiant activating on a Court Change'd Sticky Web
struct BattleSpriteInfo
u16 invisible:1; // 0x1
u16 lowHpSong:1; // 0x2
u16 behindSubstitute:1; // 0x4
u16 flag_x8:1; // 0x8
u16 hpNumbersNoBars:1; // 0x10
u16 transformSpecies;
struct BattleAnimationInfo
u16 animArg; // to fill up later
u8 field_2;
u8 field_3;
u8 field_4;
u8 field_5;
u8 field_6;
u8 field_7;
u8 ballThrowCaseId:6;
u8 isCriticalCapture:1;
u8 criticalCaptureSuccess:1;
u8 introAnimActive:1;
u8 wildMonInvisible:1;
u8 field_9_x1C:3;
u8 field_9_x20:1;
u8 field_9_x40:1;
u8 field_9_x80:1;
u8 numBallParticles;
u8 field_B;
s16 ballSubpx;
u8 field_E;
u8 field_F;
struct BattleHealthboxInfo
u8 partyStatusSummaryShown:1;
u8 healthboxIsBouncing:1;
u8 battlerIsBouncing:1;
u8 ballAnimActive:1; // 0x8
u8 statusAnimActive:1; // x10
u8 animFromTableActive:1; // x20
u8 specialAnimActive:1; // x40
u8 triedShinyMonAnim:1;
u8 finishedShinyMonAnim:1;
u8 opponentDrawPartyStatusSummaryDelay:4;
u8 bgmRestored:1;
u8 waitForCry:1;
u8 healthboxSlideInStarted:1;
u8 healthboxBounceSpriteId;
u8 battlerBounceSpriteId;
u8 animationState;
u8 partyStatusDelayTimer;
u8 matrixNum;
u8 shadowSpriteId;
u8 soundTimer;
u8 introEndDelay;
u8 field_A;
u8 field_B;
struct BattleBarInfo
u8 healthboxSpriteId;
s32 maxValue;
s32 oldValue;
s32 receivedValue;
s32 currValue;
struct BattleSpriteData
struct BattleSpriteInfo *battlerData;
struct BattleHealthboxInfo *healthBoxesData;
struct BattleAnimationInfo *animationData;
struct BattleBarInfo *battleBars;
#include "sprite.h"
struct MonSpritesGfx
void *firstDecompressed; // ptr to the decompressed sprite of the first pokemon
union {
} sprites;
struct SpriteTemplate templates[MAX_BATTLERS_COUNT];
struct SpriteFrameImage frameImages[MAX_BATTLERS_COUNT][MAX_MON_PIC_FRAMES];
u8 unusedArr[0x80];
u8 *barFontGfx;
void *unusedPtr;
u16 *buffer;
struct TotemBoost
u8 stats; // bitfield for each battle stat that is set if the stat changes
s8 statChanges[NUM_BATTLE_STATS - 1]; // highest bit being set decreases the stat
}; /* size = 8 */
// All battle variables are declared in battle_main.c
extern u16 gBattle_BG0_X;
extern u16 gBattle_BG0_Y;
extern u16 gBattle_BG1_X;
extern u16 gBattle_BG1_Y;
extern u16 gBattle_BG2_X;
extern u16 gBattle_BG2_Y;
extern u16 gBattle_BG3_X;
extern u16 gBattle_BG3_Y;
extern u16 gBattle_WIN0H;
extern u16 gBattle_WIN0V;
extern u16 gBattle_WIN1H;
extern u16 gBattle_WIN1V;
extern u8 gDisplayedStringBattle[400];
extern u8 gBattleTextBuff1[TEXT_BUFF_ARRAY_COUNT];
extern u8 gBattleTextBuff2[TEXT_BUFF_ARRAY_COUNT];
extern u8 gBattleTextBuff3[30]; //to handle stupidly large z move names
extern u32 gBattleTypeFlags;
extern u8 gBattleTerrain;
extern u32 gUnusedFirstBattleVar1;
extern u8 *gBattleAnimBgTileBuffer;
extern u8 *gBattleAnimBgTilemapBuffer;
extern u8 gActiveBattler;
extern u32 gBattleControllerExecFlags;
extern u8 gBattlersCount;
extern u16 gBattlerPartyIndexes[MAX_BATTLERS_COUNT];
extern u8 gBattlerPositions[MAX_BATTLERS_COUNT];
extern u8 gActionsByTurnOrder[MAX_BATTLERS_COUNT];
extern u8 gBattlerByTurnOrder[MAX_BATTLERS_COUNT];
extern u8 gCurrentTurnActionNumber;
extern u8 gCurrentActionFuncId;
extern struct BattlePokemon gBattleMons[MAX_BATTLERS_COUNT];
extern u8 gBattlerSpriteIds[MAX_BATTLERS_COUNT];
extern u8 gCurrMovePos;
extern u8 gChosenMovePos;
extern u16 gCurrentMove;
extern u16 gChosenMove;
extern u16 gCalledMove;
extern s32 gBattleMoveDamage;
extern s32 gHpDealt;
extern s32 gTakenDmg[MAX_BATTLERS_COUNT];
extern u16 gLastUsedItem;
extern u16 gLastUsedAbility;
extern u8 gBattlerAttacker;
extern u8 gBattlerTarget;
extern u8 gBattlerFainted;
extern u8 gEffectBattler;
extern u8 gPotentialItemEffectBattler;
extern u8 gAbsentBattlerFlags;
extern u8 gIsCriticalHit;
extern u8 gMultiHitCounter;
extern const u8 *gBattlescriptCurrInstr;
extern u8 gChosenActionByBattler[MAX_BATTLERS_COUNT];
extern const u8 *gSelectionBattleScripts[MAX_BATTLERS_COUNT];
extern const u8 *gPalaceSelectionBattleScripts[MAX_BATTLERS_COUNT];
extern u16 gLastPrintedMoves[MAX_BATTLERS_COUNT];
extern u16 gLastMoves[MAX_BATTLERS_COUNT];
extern u16 gLastLandedMoves[MAX_BATTLERS_COUNT];
extern u16 gLastHitByType[MAX_BATTLERS_COUNT];
extern u16 gLastResultingMoves[MAX_BATTLERS_COUNT];
extern u16 gLockedMoves[MAX_BATTLERS_COUNT];
extern u16 gLastUsedMove;
extern u8 gLastHitBy[MAX_BATTLERS_COUNT];
extern u16 gChosenMoveByBattler[MAX_BATTLERS_COUNT];
extern u16 gMoveResultFlags;
extern u32 gHitMarker;
extern u8 gTakenDmgByBattler[MAX_BATTLERS_COUNT];
extern u8 gUnusedFirstBattleVar2;
extern u32 gSideStatuses[NUM_BATTLE_SIDES];
extern struct SideTimer gSideTimers[NUM_BATTLE_SIDES];
extern u32 gStatuses3[MAX_BATTLERS_COUNT];
extern u32 gStatuses4[MAX_BATTLERS_COUNT];
extern struct DisableStruct gDisableStructs[MAX_BATTLERS_COUNT];
extern u16 gPauseCounterBattle;
extern u16 gPaydayMoney;
extern u16 gRandomTurnNumber;
extern u8 gBattleCommunication[BATTLE_COMMUNICATION_ENTRIES_COUNT];
extern u8 gBattleOutcome;
extern struct ProtectStruct gProtectStructs[MAX_BATTLERS_COUNT];
extern struct SpecialStatus gSpecialStatuses[MAX_BATTLERS_COUNT];
extern u16 gBattleWeather;
extern struct WishFutureKnock gWishFutureKnock;
extern u16 gIntroSlideFlags;
extern u8 gSentPokesToOpponent[2];
extern u16 gExpShareExp;
extern struct BattleEnigmaBerry gEnigmaBerries[MAX_BATTLERS_COUNT];
extern struct BattleScripting gBattleScripting;
extern struct BattleStruct *gBattleStruct;
extern u8 *gLinkBattleSendBuffer;
extern u8 *gLinkBattleRecvBuffer;
extern struct BattleResources *gBattleResources;
extern u8 gActionSelectionCursor[MAX_BATTLERS_COUNT];
extern u8 gMoveSelectionCursor[MAX_BATTLERS_COUNT];
extern u8 gBattlerStatusSummaryTaskId[MAX_BATTLERS_COUNT];
extern u8 gBattlerInMenuId;
extern bool8 gDoingBattleAnim;
extern u32 gTransformedPersonalities[MAX_BATTLERS_COUNT];
extern u8 gPlayerDpadHoldFrames;
extern struct BattleSpriteData *gBattleSpritesDataPtr;
extern struct MonSpritesGfx *gMonSpritesGfxPtr;
extern struct BattleHealthboxInfo *gBattleControllerOpponentHealthboxData;
extern struct BattleHealthboxInfo *gBattleControllerOpponentFlankHealthboxData;
extern u16 gBattleMovePower;
extern u16 gMoveToLearn;
extern u8 gBattleMonForms[MAX_BATTLERS_COUNT];
extern u32 gFieldStatuses;
extern struct FieldTimer gFieldTimers;
extern u8 gBattlerAbility;
extern u16 gPartnerSpriteId;
extern struct TotemBoost gTotemBoosts[MAX_BATTLERS_COUNT];
extern void (*gPreBattleCallback1)(void);
extern void (*gBattleMainFunc)(void);
extern struct BattleResults gBattleResults;
extern u8 gLeveledUpInBattle;
extern void (*gBattlerControllerFuncs[MAX_BATTLERS_COUNT])(void);
extern u8 gHealthboxSpriteIds[MAX_BATTLERS_COUNT];
extern u8 gMultiUsePlayerCursor;
extern u8 gNumberOfMovesToChoose;
extern u8 gBattleControllerData[MAX_BATTLERS_COUNT];
extern bool8 gHasFetchedBall;
extern u8 gLastUsedBall;
extern u16 gLastThrownBall;
extern u8 gPartyCriticalHits[PARTY_SIZE];
#endif // GUARD_BATTLE_H