TheXaman 6456009a44 Implementation if Pyredrid and AsparagusEduardo debug menu plus huge rewrite and tons of additions
V2: Fly, Warp, Flags, Vars, give items, give pkm 2 versions

Improved cheats, reworked the vars system

vars function now starts at VARS_START and end VARS_END

Figured out how to display FieldMessages, reimplemented CheckSafeBlock, cleanup

DebugAction_DestroyExtraWindow instead of multiple, renamed text variables

cleanup + pokemon simple

give pokemon complex nearly done

Complex pkm works, items now with icons

if statement cleanup

alter build tools to include maps per map group

Warp functionallity

added hex value to flags and vars


2020-10-20 20:37:02 +02:00

52 lines
1.4 KiB

void InitEventData(void);
void ClearTempFieldEventData(void);
void ClearDailyFlags(void);
void DisableNationalPokedex(void);
void EnableNationalPokedex(void);
bool32 IsNationalPokedexEnabled(void);
void DisableMysteryEvent(void);
void EnableMysteryEvent(void);
bool32 IsMysteryEventEnabled(void);
void DisableMysteryGift(void);
void EnableMysteryGift(void);
bool32 IsMysteryGiftEnabled(void);
void ClearMysteryEventFlags(void);
void ClearMysteryEventVars(void);
void DisableResetRTC(void);
void EnableResetRTC(void);
bool32 CanResetRTC(void);
u16 *GetVarPointer(u16 id);
u16 VarGet(u16 id);
u16 VarGetIfExist(u16 id);
bool8 VarSet(u16 id, u16 value);
u8 VarGetObjectEventGraphicsId(u8 id);
u8 *GetFlagPointer(u16 id);
u8 FlagSet(u16 id);
u8 FlagToggle(u16 id);
u8 FlagClear(u16 id);
bool8 FlagGet(u16 id);
extern u16 gSpecialVar_0x8000;
extern u16 gSpecialVar_0x8001;
extern u16 gSpecialVar_0x8002;
extern u16 gSpecialVar_0x8003;
extern u16 gSpecialVar_0x8004;
extern u16 gSpecialVar_0x8005;
extern u16 gSpecialVar_0x8006;
extern u16 gSpecialVar_0x8007;
extern u16 gSpecialVar_0x8008;
extern u16 gSpecialVar_0x8009;
extern u16 gSpecialVar_0x800A;
extern u16 gSpecialVar_0x800B;
extern u16 gSpecialVar_Result;
extern u16 gSpecialVar_LastTalked;
extern u16 gSpecialVar_Facing;
extern u16 gSpecialVar_MonBoxId;
extern u16 gSpecialVar_MonBoxPos;
extern u16 gSpecialVar_Unused_0x8014;