2018-01-09 19:27:11 -06:00

19 lines
706 B

KeySplitTable_86B4698:: @ 86B4698
@ This is weird. There are instruments at the beginning of the keysplit table.
voice_square_1 0, 2, 0, 0, 15, 0 @ 86B4698
voice_directsound_no_resample 64, 104, DirectSoundWaveData_86DD11C, 255, 0, 255, 0 @ 86B46A4
voice_directsound 63, 64, DirectSoundWaveData_86DE6C0, 255, 0, 255, 0 @ 86B46B0
.incbin "sound/key_split_tables/86B46BC.bin"
KeySplitTable_86B46E0:: @ 86B46E0
.incbin "sound/key_split_tables/86B46E0.bin"
KeySplitTable_86B4728:: @ 86B4728
.incbin "sound/key_split_tables/86B4728.bin"
KeySplitTable_86B477C:: @ 86B477C
.incbin "sound/key_split_tables/86B477C.bin"
KeySplitTable_86B47C4:: @ 86B47C4
.incbin "sound/key_split_tables/86B47C4.bin"