mirror of
synced 2025-03-18 19:48:33 +01:00
This commit undoes most of PokeCodec's PRs after the debate in chat. Some harmless or completely superseded PRs have been left alone, as there is not much benefit in attempting to undo them. Reverts #1104, #1108, #1115, #1118, #1119, #1124, #1126, #1127, #1132, #1136, #1137, #1139, #1140, #1144, #1148, #1149, #1150, #1153, #1155, #1177, #1179, #1180, #1181, #1182 and #1183.
469 lines
12 KiB
469 lines
12 KiB
#include "gba/gba.h"
// ASCII encoding of 'Smsh' in reverse
// This is presumably short for SMASH, the developer of MKS4AGB.
#define ID_NUMBER 0x68736D53
#define C_V 0x40 // center value for PAN, BEND, and TUNE
#define SOUND_MODE_REVERB_VAL 0x0000007F
#define SOUND_MODE_REVERB_SET 0x00000080
#define SOUND_MODE_MAXCHN 0x00000F00
#define SOUND_MODE_MASVOL 0x0000F000
#define SOUND_MODE_FREQ_05734 0x00010000
#define SOUND_MODE_FREQ_07884 0x00020000
#define SOUND_MODE_FREQ_10512 0x00030000
#define SOUND_MODE_FREQ_13379 0x00040000
#define SOUND_MODE_FREQ_15768 0x00050000
#define SOUND_MODE_FREQ_18157 0x00060000
#define SOUND_MODE_FREQ_21024 0x00070000
#define SOUND_MODE_FREQ_26758 0x00080000
#define SOUND_MODE_FREQ_31536 0x00090000
#define SOUND_MODE_FREQ_36314 0x000A0000
#define SOUND_MODE_FREQ_40137 0x000B0000
#define SOUND_MODE_FREQ_42048 0x000C0000
#define SOUND_MODE_FREQ 0x000F0000
#define SOUND_MODE_DA_BIT_9 0x00800000
#define SOUND_MODE_DA_BIT_8 0x00900000
#define SOUND_MODE_DA_BIT_7 0x00A00000
#define SOUND_MODE_DA_BIT_6 0x00B00000
#define SOUND_MODE_DA_BIT 0x00B00000
struct WaveData
u16 type;
u16 status;
u32 freq;
u32 loopStart;
u32 size; // number of samples
s8 data[1]; // samples
#define TONEDATA_TYPE_CGB 0x07
#define TONEDATA_TYPE_FIX 0x08
#define TONEDATA_TYPE_SPL 0x40 // key split
#define TONEDATA_TYPE_RHY 0x80 // rhythm
#define TONEDATA_P_S_PAN 0xc0
struct ToneData
u8 type;
u8 key;
u8 length; // sound length (compatible sound)
u8 pan_sweep; // pan or sweep (compatible sound ch. 1)
struct WaveData *wav;
u8 attack;
u8 decay;
u8 sustain;
u8 release;
struct CgbChannel
u8 sf; // 0x0
u8 ty; // 0x1
u8 rightVolume; // 0x2
u8 leftVolume; // 0x3
u8 at; // 0x4
u8 de; // 0x5
u8 su; // 0x6
u8 re; // 0x7
u8 ky; // 0x8
u8 ev; // 0x9
u8 eg; // 0xA
u8 ec; // 0xB
u8 echoVolume; // 0xC
u8 echoLength; // 0xD
u8 d1; // 0xE
u8 d2; // 0xF
u8 gt; // 0x10
u8 mk; // 0x11
u8 ve; // 0x12
u8 pr; // 0x13
u8 rp; // 0x14
u8 d3[3]; // 0x15, 0x16, 0x17
u8 d5; // 0x18
u8 sg; // 0x19
u8 n4; // 0x1A
u8 pan; // 0x1B
u8 panMask; // 0x1C
u8 mo; // 0x1D
u8 le; // 0x1E
u8 sw; // 0x1F
u32 fr; // 0x20
u32 *wp;
u32 cp;
u32 tp;
u32 pp;
u32 np;
u8 d4[8];
struct MusicPlayerTrack;
struct SoundChannel
u8 status;
u8 type;
u8 rightVolume;
u8 leftVolume;
u8 attack;
u8 decay;
u8 sustain;
u8 release;
u8 ky;
u8 ev;
u8 er;
u8 el;
u8 echoVolume;
u8 echoLength;
u8 d1;
u8 d2;
u8 gt;
u8 mk;
u8 ve;
u8 pr;
u8 rp;
u8 d3[3];
u32 ct;
u32 fw;
u32 freq;
struct WaveData *wav;
u32 cp;
struct MusicPlayerTrack *track;
u32 pp;
u32 np;
u32 d4;
u16 xpi;
u16 xpc;
#define PCM_DMA_BUF_SIZE 1584 // size of Direct Sound buffer
struct SoundInfo
// This field is normally equal to ID_NUMBER but it is set to other
// values during sensitive operations for locking purposes.
// This field should be volatile but isn't. This could potentially cause
// race conditions.
u32 ident;
vu8 pcmDmaCounter;
// Direct Sound
u8 reverb;
u8 maxChans;
u8 masterVolume;
u8 freq;
u8 mode;
u8 c15;
u8 pcmDmaPeriod; // number of V-blanks per PCM DMA
u8 maxLines;
u8 gap[3];
s32 pcmSamplesPerVBlank;
s32 pcmFreq;
s32 divFreq;
struct CgbChannel *cgbChans;
u32 func;
u32 intp;
void (*CgbSound)(void);
void (*CgbOscOff)(u8);
u32 (*MidiKeyToCgbFreq)(u8, u8, u8);
u32 MPlayJumpTable;
u32 plynote;
u32 ExtVolPit;
u8 gap2[16];
struct SoundChannel chans[MAX_DIRECTSOUND_CHANNELS];
s8 pcmBuffer[PCM_DMA_BUF_SIZE * 2];
struct SongHeader
u8 trackCount;
u8 blockCount;
u8 priority;
u8 reverb;
struct ToneData *tone;
u8 *part[1];
struct PokemonCrySong
u8 trackCount;
u8 blockCount;
u8 priority;
u8 reverb;
struct ToneData *tone;
u8 *part[2];
u8 gap;
u8 part0; // 0x11
u8 tuneValue; // 0x12
u8 gotoCmd; // 0x13
u32 gotoTarget; // 0x14
u8 part1; // 0x18
u8 tuneValue2; // 0x19
u8 cont[2]; // 0x1A
u8 volCmd; // 0x1C
u8 volumeValue; // 0x1D
u8 unkCmd0D[2]; // 0x1E
u32 unkCmd0DParam; // 0x20
u8 xreleCmd[2]; // 0x24
u8 releaseValue; // 0x26
u8 panCmd;
u8 panValue; // 0x28
u8 tieCmd; // 0x29
u8 tieKeyValue; // 0x2A
u8 tieVelocityValue; // 0x2B
u8 unkCmd0C[2]; // 0x2C
u16 unkCmd0CParam; // 0x2E
u8 end[2]; // 0x30
#define MPT_FLG_VOLSET 0x01
#define MPT_FLG_VOLCHG 0x03
#define MPT_FLG_PITSET 0x04
#define MPT_FLG_PITCHG 0x0C
#define MPT_FLG_START 0x40
#define MPT_FLG_EXIST 0x80
struct MusicPlayerTrack
u8 flags;
u8 wait;
u8 patternLevel;
u8 repN;
u8 gateTime;
u8 key;
u8 velocity;
u8 runningStatus;
u8 keyM;
u8 pitM;
s8 keyShift;
s8 keyShiftX;
s8 tune;
u8 pitX;
s8 bend;
u8 bendRange;
u8 volMR;
u8 volML;
u8 vol;
u8 volX;
s8 pan;
s8 panX;
s8 modM;
u8 mod;
u8 modT;
u8 lfoSpeed;
u8 lfoSpeedC;
u8 lfoDelay;
u8 lfoDelayC;
u8 priority;
u8 echoVolume;
u8 echoLength;
struct SoundChannel *chan;
struct ToneData tone;
u8 gap[10];
u16 unk_3A;
u32 unk_3C;
u8 *cmdPtr;
u8 *patternStack[3];
#define TEMPORARY_FADE 0x0001
#define FADE_IN 0x0002
#define FADE_VOL_MAX 64
#define FADE_VOL_SHIFT 2
struct MusicPlayerInfo
struct SongHeader *songHeader;
u32 status;
u8 trackCount;
u8 priority;
u8 cmd;
u8 unk_B;
u32 clock;
u8 gap[8];
u8 *memAccArea;
u16 tempoD;
u16 tempoU;
u16 tempoI;
u16 tempoC;
u16 fadeOI;
u16 fadeOC;
u16 fadeOV;
struct MusicPlayerTrack *tracks;
struct ToneData *tone;
u32 ident;
u32 func;
u32 intp;
struct MusicPlayer
struct MusicPlayerInfo *info;
struct MusicPlayerTrack *track;
u8 unk_8;
u16 unk_A;
struct Song
struct SongHeader *header;
u16 ms;
u16 me;
extern const struct MusicPlayer gMPlayTable[];
extern const struct Song gSongTable[];
extern u8 gMPlayMemAccArea[];
//u8 gPokemonCrySong[52];
//u8 gPokemonCrySongs[52 * MAX_POKEMON_CRIES];
extern struct PokemonCrySong gPokemonCrySong;
extern struct PokemonCrySong gPokemonCrySongs[];
extern struct MusicPlayerInfo gPokemonCryMusicPlayers[];
extern struct MusicPlayerTrack gPokemonCryTracks[];
extern char SoundMainRAM[];
extern void *gMPlayJumpTable[];
typedef void (*XcmdFunc)(struct MusicPlayerInfo *, struct MusicPlayerTrack *);
extern const XcmdFunc gXcmdTable[];
extern struct CgbChannel gCgbChans[];
extern const u8 gScaleTable[];
extern const u32 gFreqTable[];
extern const u16 gPcmSamplesPerVBlankTable[];
extern const u8 gCgbScaleTable[];
extern const s16 gCgbFreqTable[];
extern const u8 gNoiseTable[];
extern const struct PokemonCrySong gPokemonCrySongTemplate;
extern const struct ToneData voicegroup000;
extern char gNumMusicPlayers[];
extern char gMaxLines[];
#define NUM_MUSIC_PLAYERS ((u16)gNumMusicPlayers)
#define MAX_LINES ((u32)gMaxLines)
u32 umul3232H32(u32 multiplier, u32 multiplicand);
void SoundMain(void);
void SoundMainBTM(void);
void TrackStop(struct MusicPlayerInfo *mplayInfo, struct MusicPlayerTrack *track);
void MPlayMain(void);
void RealClearChain(void *x);
void MPlayContinue(struct MusicPlayerInfo *mplayInfo);
void MPlayStart(struct MusicPlayerInfo *mplayInfo, struct SongHeader *songHeader);
void m4aMPlayStop(struct MusicPlayerInfo *mplayInfo);
void FadeOutBody(struct MusicPlayerInfo *mplayInfo);
void TrkVolPitSet(struct MusicPlayerInfo *mplayInfo, struct MusicPlayerTrack *track);
void MPlayFadeOut(struct MusicPlayerInfo *mplayInfo, u16 speed);
void ClearChain(void *x);
void Clear64byte(void *addr);
void SoundInit(struct SoundInfo *soundInfo);
void MPlayExtender(struct CgbChannel *cgbChans);
void m4aSoundMode(u32 mode);
void MPlayOpen(struct MusicPlayerInfo *mplayInfo, struct MusicPlayerTrack *track, u8 a3);
void CgbSound(void);
void CgbOscOff(u8);
void CgbModVol(struct CgbChannel *chan);
u32 MidiKeyToCgbFreq(u8, u8, u8);
void DummyFunc(void);
void MPlayJumpTableCopy(void **mplayJumpTable);
void SampleFreqSet(u32 freq);
void m4aSoundVSyncOn(void);
void m4aSoundVSyncOff(void);
void m4aMPlayTempoControl(struct MusicPlayerInfo *mplayInfo, u16 tempo);
void m4aMPlayVolumeControl(struct MusicPlayerInfo *mplayInfo, u16 trackBits, u16 volume);
void m4aMPlayPitchControl(struct MusicPlayerInfo *mplayInfo, u16 trackBits, s16 pitch);
void m4aMPlayPanpotControl(struct MusicPlayerInfo *mplayInfo, u16 trackBits, s8 pan);
void ClearModM(struct MusicPlayerTrack *track);
void m4aMPlayModDepthSet(struct MusicPlayerInfo *mplayInfo, u16 trackBits, u8 modDepth);
void m4aMPlayLFOSpeedSet(struct MusicPlayerInfo *mplayInfo, u16 trackBits, u8 lfoSpeed);
struct MusicPlayerInfo *SetPokemonCryTone(struct ToneData *tone);
void SetPokemonCryVolume(u8 val);
void SetPokemonCryPanpot(s8 val);
void SetPokemonCryPitch(s16 val);
void SetPokemonCryLength(u16 val);
void SetPokemonCryRelease(u8 val);
void SetPokemonCryProgress(u32 val);
int IsPokemonCryPlaying(struct MusicPlayerInfo *mplayInfo);
void SetPokemonCryChorus(s8 val);
void SetPokemonCryStereo(u32 val);
void SetPokemonCryPriority(u8 val);
// sound command handler functions
void ply_fine(struct MusicPlayerInfo *, struct MusicPlayerTrack *);
void ply_goto(struct MusicPlayerInfo *, struct MusicPlayerTrack *);
void ply_patt(struct MusicPlayerInfo *, struct MusicPlayerTrack *);
void ply_pend(struct MusicPlayerInfo *, struct MusicPlayerTrack *);
void ply_rept(struct MusicPlayerInfo *, struct MusicPlayerTrack *);
void ply_memacc(struct MusicPlayerInfo *, struct MusicPlayerTrack *);
void ply_prio(struct MusicPlayerInfo *, struct MusicPlayerTrack *);
void ply_tempo(struct MusicPlayerInfo *, struct MusicPlayerTrack *);
void ply_keysh(struct MusicPlayerInfo *, struct MusicPlayerTrack *);
void ply_voice(struct MusicPlayerInfo *, struct MusicPlayerTrack *);
void ply_vol(struct MusicPlayerInfo *, struct MusicPlayerTrack *);
void ply_pan(struct MusicPlayerInfo *, struct MusicPlayerTrack *);
void ply_bend(struct MusicPlayerInfo *, struct MusicPlayerTrack *);
void ply_bendr(struct MusicPlayerInfo *, struct MusicPlayerTrack *);
void ply_lfos(struct MusicPlayerInfo *, struct MusicPlayerTrack *);
void ply_lfodl(struct MusicPlayerInfo *, struct MusicPlayerTrack *);
void ply_mod(struct MusicPlayerInfo *, struct MusicPlayerTrack *);
void ply_modt(struct MusicPlayerInfo *, struct MusicPlayerTrack *);
void ply_tune(struct MusicPlayerInfo *, struct MusicPlayerTrack *);
void ply_port(struct MusicPlayerInfo *, struct MusicPlayerTrack *);
void ply_xcmd(struct MusicPlayerInfo *, struct MusicPlayerTrack *);
void ply_endtie(struct MusicPlayerInfo *, struct MusicPlayerTrack *);
void ply_note(struct MusicPlayerInfo *, struct MusicPlayerTrack *);
// extended sound command handler functions
void ply_xxx(struct MusicPlayerInfo *, struct MusicPlayerTrack *);
void ply_xwave(struct MusicPlayerInfo *, struct MusicPlayerTrack *);
void ply_xtype(struct MusicPlayerInfo *, struct MusicPlayerTrack *);
void ply_xatta(struct MusicPlayerInfo *, struct MusicPlayerTrack *);
void ply_xdeca(struct MusicPlayerInfo *, struct MusicPlayerTrack *);
void ply_xsust(struct MusicPlayerInfo *, struct MusicPlayerTrack *);
void ply_xrele(struct MusicPlayerInfo *, struct MusicPlayerTrack *);
void ply_xiecv(struct MusicPlayerInfo *, struct MusicPlayerTrack *);
void ply_xiecl(struct MusicPlayerInfo *, struct MusicPlayerTrack *);
void ply_xleng(struct MusicPlayerInfo *, struct MusicPlayerTrack *);
void ply_xswee(struct MusicPlayerInfo *, struct MusicPlayerTrack *);
void ply_xcmd_0C(struct MusicPlayerInfo *, struct MusicPlayerTrack *);
void ply_xcmd_0D(struct MusicPlayerInfo *, struct MusicPlayerTrack *);