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@ contest move effect descriptions
gContestEffect00hDescription:: @ 827CB82
.string "A highly appealing move.$"
gContestEffect01hDescription:: @ 827CB9B
.string "After this move, the user is\nmore easily startled.$"
gContestEffect02hDescription:: @ 827CBCE
.string "Makes a great appeal, but\nallows no more to the end.$"
gContestEffect03hDescription:: @ 827CC03
.string "Can be repeatedly used\nwithout boring the JUDGE.$"
gContestEffect04hDescription:: @ 827CC34
.string "Can avoid being startled\nby others once.$"
gContestEffect05hDescription:: @ 827CC5D
.string "Can avoid being startled\nby others.$"
gContestEffect06hDescription:: @ 827CC81
.string "Can avoid being startled\nby others a little.$"
gContestEffect07hDescription:: @ 827CCAE
.string "After this move, the user is\nless likely to be startled.$"
gContestEffect08hDescription:: @ 827CCE7
.string "Slightly startles the\nPOKéMON in front.$"
gContestEffect09hDescription:: @ 827CD0F
.string "Slightly startles those\nthat have made appeals.$"
gContestEffect0AhDescription:: @ 827CD3F
.string "Startles the POKéMON that\nappealed before the user.$"
gContestEffect0BhDescription:: @ 827CD73
.string "Startles all POKéMON that\nhave done their appeals.$"
gContestEffect0ChDescription:: @ 827CDA6
.string "Badly startles the\nPOKéMON in front.$"
gContestEffect0DhDescription:: @ 827CDCB
.string "Badly startles those that\nhave made appeals.$"
gContestEffect0EhDescription:: @ 827CDF8
.string "Startles the POKéMON that\nappealed before the user.$"
gContestEffect0FhDescription:: @ 827CE2C
.string "Startles all POKéMON that\nhave done their appeals.$"
gContestEffect10hDescription:: @ 827CE5F
.string "Shifts the JUDGEs\nattention from others.$"
gContestEffect11hDescription:: @ 827CE89
.string "Startles the POKéMON that\nhas the JUDGEs attention.$"
gContestEffect12hDescription:: @ 827CEBE
.string "Jams the others, and misses\none turn of appeals.$"
gContestEffect13hDescription:: @ 827CEEF
.string "Startles POKéMON that\nmade a same-type appeal.$"
gContestEffect14hDescription:: @ 827CF1E
.string "Badly startles POKéMON\nthat made COOL appeals.$"
gContestEffect15hDescription:: @ 827CF4D
.string "Badly startles POKéMON\nthat made BEAUTY appeals.$"
gContestEffect16hDescription:: @ 827CF7E
.string "Badly startles POKéMON\nthat made CUTE appeals.$"
gContestEffect17hDescription:: @ 827CFAD
.string "Badly startles POKéMON\nthat made SMART appeals.$"
gContestEffect18hDescription:: @ 827CFDD
.string "Badly startles POKéMON\nthat made TOUGH appeals.$"
gContestEffect19hDescription:: @ 827D00D
.string "Makes one POKéMON after\nthe user nervous.$"
gContestEffect1AhDescription:: @ 827D037
.string "Makes all POKéMON after\nthe user nervous.$"
gContestEffect1BhDescription:: @ 827D061
.string "Worsens the condition of\nthose that made appeals.$"
gContestEffect1ChDescription:: @ 827D093
.string "Badly startles POKéMON in\ngood condition.$"
gContestEffect1DhDescription:: @ 827D0BD
.string "The appeal works great if\nperformed first.$"
gContestEffect1EhDescription:: @ 827D0E8
.string "The appeal works great if\nperformed last.$"
gContestEffect1FhDescription:: @ 827D112
.string "Makes the appeal as good\nas those before it.$"
gContestEffect20hDescription:: @ 827D13F
.string "Makes the appeal as good\nas the one before it.$"
gContestEffect21hDescription:: @ 827D16E
.string "The appeal works better\nthe later it is performed.$"
gContestEffect22hDescription:: @ 827D1A1
.string "The appeals quality varies\ndepending on its timing.$"
gContestEffect23hDescription:: @ 827D1D6
.string "Works well if its the same\ntype as the one before.$"
gContestEffect24hDescription:: @ 827D20A
.string "Works well if different in\ntype than the one before.$"
gContestEffect25hDescription:: @ 827D23F
.string "Affected by how well the\nappeal in front goes.$"
gContestEffect26hDescription:: @ 827D26E
.string "Ups the users condition.\nHelps prevent nervousness.$"
gContestEffect27hDescription:: @ 827D2A3
.string "The appeal works well if the\nusers condition is good.$"
gContestEffect28hDescription:: @ 827D2DA
.string "The next appeal can be\nmade earlier next turn.$"
gContestEffect29hDescription:: @ 827D309
.string "The next appeal can be\nmade later next turn.$"
gContestEffect2AhDescription:: @ 827D336
.string "Makes the next turns order\nmore easily scrambled.$"
gContestEffect2BhDescription:: @ 827D369
.string "Scrambles the order of\nappeals on the next turn.$"
gContestEffect2ChDescription:: @ 827D39A
.string "An appeal that excites the\naudience in any CONTEST.$"
gContestEffect2DhDescription:: @ 827D3CE
.string "Badly startles all POKéMON\nthat made good appeals.$"
gContestEffect2EhDescription:: @ 827D401
.string "The appeal works best the\nmore the crowd is excited.$"
gContestEffect2FhDescription:: @ 827D436
.string "Temporarily stops the\ncrowd from growing excited.$"
@ unused move names
gUnusedContestMoveName0:: @ 827D468
.string "RAIN DANCE$"
gUnusedContestMoveName1:: @ 827D473
.string "RAGE$"
gUnusedContestMoveName2:: @ 827D478
.string "FOCUS ENERGY$"
gUnusedContestMoveName3:: @ 827D485
.string "HYPNOSIS$"
gUnusedContestMoveName4:: @ 827D48E
.string "SOFTBOILED$"
gUnusedContestMoveName5:: @ 827D499
.string "HORN ATTACK$"
gUnusedContestMoveName6:: @ 827D4A5
.string "SWORDS DANCE$"
gUnusedContestMoveName7:: @ 827D4B2
.string "CONVERSION$"
gUnusedContestMoveName8:: @ 827D4BD
.string "SUNNY DAY$"
gUnusedContestMoveName9:: @ 827D4C7
.string "REST$"
gUnusedContestMoveName10:: @ 827D4CC
.string "VICEGRIP$"
gUnusedContestMoveName11:: @ 827D4D5
.string "DEFENSE CURL$"
gUnusedContestMoveName12:: @ 827D4E2
.string "LOCK-ON$"
@ contest type names
gContestMoveTypeCoolText:: @ 827D4EA
.string "COOL$"
gContestMoveTypeBeautyText:: @ 827D4EF
.string "BEAUTY$"
gContestMoveTypeCuteText:: @ 827D4F6
.string "CUTE$"
gContestMoveTypeSmartText:: @ 827D4FB
.string "SMART$"
gContestMoveTypeToughText:: @ 827D501
.string "TOUGH$"
gText_0827D507:: @ 827D507
.string "Appeal no. {STR_VAR_1}!\n"
.string "Which move will be played?$"
gText_0827D531:: @ 827D531
.string "Appeal no. {STR_VAR_1}!\n"
.string "But it cant participate!$"
gText_0827D55A:: @ 827D55A
.string "{STR_VAR_1} appealed with\n"
.string "{STR_VAR_2}!$"
gText_0827D56F:: @ 827D56F
.string "{STR_VAR_1} was watching\n"
.string "the others.{PAUSE 0x0F}{PAUSE 0x0F}{PAUSE 0x0F}{PAUSE 0x0F}$"
gText_0827D597:: @ 827D597
.string "Were all out of\n"
.string "Appeal Time!{PAUSE 0x0F}{PAUSE 0x0F}{PAUSE 0x0F}{PAUSE 0x0F}$"
gText_0827D5C1:: @ 827D5C1
.string "But the appeal was\n"
.string "jammed.$"
gText_0827D5DC:: @ 827D5DC
.string "It followed another\n"
.string "POKéMONs lead.$"
gText_0827D600:: @ 827D600
.string "But it messed up.$"
gText_0827D612:: @ 827D612
.string "It went better than\n"
.string "usual.$"
gText_0827D62D:: @ 827D62D
.string "The JUDGE looked away\n"
.string "for some reason.$"
gText_0827D654:: @ 827D654
.string "It worked hard to build on\n"
.string "past mistakes.$"
gText_0827D67E:: @ 827D67E
.string "It cant make any more\n"
.string "moves.$"
gText_0827D69C:: @ 827D69C
.string "It worked frighteningly\n"
.string "well.$"
gText_0827D6BA:: @ 827D6BA
.string "It worked as hard as the\n"
.string "standout POKéMON.$"
gText_0827D6E5:: @ 827D6E5
.string "The JUDGE looked on\n"
.string "expectantly.$"
gText_0827D706:: @ 827D706
.string "It worked rather well.$"
gText_0827D71D:: @ 827D71D
.string "It worked a little better\n"
.string "than usual.$"
gText_0827D743:: @ 827D743
.string "{STR_VAR_1} failed to\n"
.string "stand out at all…{PAUSE_UNTIL_PRESS}$"
gText_0827D764:: @ 827D764
.string "{STR_VAR_1} didnt stand\n"
.string "out very much…{PAUSE_UNTIL_PRESS}$"
gText_0827D785:: @ 827D785
.string "{STR_VAR_1} caught a\n"
.string "little attention.{PAUSE_UNTIL_PRESS}$"
gText_0827D7A5:: @ 827D7A5
.string "{STR_VAR_1} attracted a\n"
.string "lot of attention.{PAUSE_UNTIL_PRESS}$"
gText_0827D7C8:: @ 827D7C8
.string "{STR_VAR_1} commanded\n"
.string "total attention.{PAUSE_UNTIL_PRESS}$"
gText_0827D7E8:: @ 827D7E8
.string "{STR_VAR_1} hasnt made\n"
.string "its appeal.{PAUSE_UNTIL_PRESS}$"
gText_0827D805:: @ 827D805
.string "Anticipation swelled for\n"
.string "{STR_VAR_1}s appeal next.$"
gText_0827D830:: @ 827D830
.string "$"
gText_0827D831:: @ 827D831
.string "The JUDGE s views on\n"
.string "{STR_VAR_1} held firm.$"
gText_0827D855:: @ 827D855
.string "{STR_VAR_1}s {STR_VAR_3}\n"
.string "changed perceptions.$"
gText_0827D872:: @ 827D872
.string "{STR_VAR_1}s appeal\n"
.string "effect wore off.$"
gText_0827D88F:: @ 827D88F
.string "The special appeals\n"
.string "effect wore off.$"
gText_0827D8B5:: @ 827D8B5
.string "Everyones appeals were\n"
.string "made to look the same.$"
gText_0827D8E4:: @ 827D8E4
.string "It cheapened\n"
.string "{STR_VAR_2}s appeal.$"
gText_0827D8FE:: @ 827D8FE
.string "It cheapened the appeal\n"
.string "of those ahead.$"
gText_0827D926:: @ 827D926
.string "It stole attention away\n"
.string "from {STR_VAR_2}.$"
gText_0827D947:: @ 827D947
.string "It cheapened\n"
.string "{STR_VAR_2}s appeal.$"
gText_0827D961:: @ 827D961
.string "It severely cheapened\n"
.string "other appeals.$"
gText_0827D986:: @ 827D986
.string "Anticipation swelled for\n"
.string "{STR_VAR_1}s appeal next.$"
gText_0827D9B1:: @ 827D9B1
.string "It cheapened the appeal\n"
.string "of those ahead.$"
gText_0827D9D9:: @ 827D9D9
.string "It cheapened the JUDGEs\n"
.string "favorite appeal.$"
gText_0827DA03:: @ 827DA03
.string "The appeals of others\n"
.string "were cheapened by half.$"
gText_0827DA31:: @ 827DA31
.string "It stood out to make up\n"
.string "for being jammed.$"
gText_0827DA5B:: @ 827DA5B
.string "It cant participate in\n"
.string "appeals any more.$"
gText_0827DA85:: @ 827DA85
.string "It touched the JUDGE for\n"
.string "a fantastic appeal.$"
gText_0827DAB2:: @ 827DAB2
.string "Anticipation rose for\n"
.string "upcoming appeals.$"
gText_0827DADA:: @ 827DADA
.string "It stood out as much as\n"
.string "special appeals.$"
gText_0827DB03:: @ 827DB03
.string "It stood out as much as\n"
.string "{STR_VAR_1}.$"
gText_0827DB1F:: @ 827DB1F
.string "Jammed appeals were made\n"
.string "even less noticeable.$"
gText_0827DB4E:: @ 827DB4E
.string "Everyones appeals were\n"
.string "made the same.$"
gText_827DB75:: @ 827DB75
.string "It became more conscious\n"
.string "of the other POKéMON.{PAUSE 15}{PAUSE 15}{PAUSE 15}{PAUSE 15}$"
gText_827DBB0:: @ 827DBB0
.string "{STR_VAR_1} cant make an\n"
.string "appeal after this.{PAUSE 15}{PAUSE 15}{PAUSE 15}{PAUSE 15}$"
gText_827DBE0:: @ 827DBE0
.string "It settled down just a\n"
.string "little bit.{PAUSE 15}{PAUSE 15}{PAUSE 15}{PAUSE 15}$"
gText_827DC0F:: @ 827DC0F
.string "It became oblivious to\n"
.string "the other POKéMON.{PAUSE 15}{PAUSE 15}{PAUSE 15}{PAUSE 15}$"
gText_827DC45:: @ 827DC45
.string "It became less aware of\n"
.string "the other POKéMON.{PAUSE 15}{PAUSE 15}{PAUSE 15}{PAUSE 15}$"
gText_827DC7C:: @ 827DC7C
.string "It stopped caring about\n"
.string "other POKéMON much.{PAUSE 15}{PAUSE 15}{PAUSE 15}{PAUSE 15}$"
gText_827DCB4:: @ 827DCB4
.string "It tried to startle the\n"
.string "other POKéMON.{PAUSE 15}{PAUSE 15}{PAUSE 15}{PAUSE 15}$"
gText_827DCE7:: @ 827DCE7
.string "It tried to dazzle the\n"
.string "others.{PAUSE 15}{PAUSE 15}{PAUSE 15}{PAUSE 15}$"
gText_827DD12:: @ 827DD12
.string "The JUDGE looked away\n"
.string "from {STR_VAR_1}.{PAUSE 15}{PAUSE 15}{PAUSE 15}{PAUSE 15}$"
gText_827DD3D:: @ 827DD3D
.string "It tried to unnerve the\n"
.string "next POKéMON.{PAUSE 15}{PAUSE 15}{PAUSE 15}{PAUSE 15}$"
gText_827DD6F:: @ 827DD6F
.string "{STR_VAR_1} became\n"
.string "nervous.{PAUSE 15}{PAUSE 15}{PAUSE 15}{PAUSE 15}$"
gText_827DD8E:: @ 827DD8E
.string "The appeal tried to\n"
.string "unnerve waiting POKéMON.{PAUSE 15}{PAUSE 15}{PAUSE 15}{PAUSE 15}$"
gText_827DDC7:: @ 827DDC7
.string "It taunted POKéMON\n"
.string "doing well.{PAUSE 15}{PAUSE 15}{PAUSE 15}{PAUSE 15}$"
gText_827DDF2:: @ 827DDF2
.string "{STR_VAR_1} regained its\n"
.string "form.{PAUSE 15}{PAUSE 15}{PAUSE 15}{PAUSE 15}$"
gText_827DE14:: @ 827DE14
.string "It tried to jam POKéMON\n"
.string "doing well.{PAUSE 15}{PAUSE 15}{PAUSE 15}{PAUSE 15}$"
gText_827DE44:: @ 827DE44
.string "The standout {STR_VAR_1}\n"
.string "hustled even more.{PAUSE 15}{PAUSE 15}{PAUSE 15}{PAUSE 15}$"
gText_827DE73:: @ 827DE73
.string "The largely unnoticed\n"
.string "{STR_VAR_1} worked hard.{PAUSE 15}{PAUSE 15}{PAUSE 15}{PAUSE 15}$"
gText_827DEA5:: @ 827DEA5
.string "It worked as much as\n"
.string "POKéMON before it.{PAUSE 15}{PAUSE 15}{PAUSE 15}{PAUSE 15}$"
gText_827DED9:: @ 827DED9
.string "{STR_VAR_1}s appeal did\n"
.string "not go well.{PAUSE 15}{PAUSE 15}{PAUSE 15}{PAUSE 15}$"
gText_827DF02:: @ 827DF02
.string "It worked as much as the\n"
.string "preceding POKéMON.{PAUSE 15}{PAUSE 15}{PAUSE 15}{PAUSE 15}$"
gText_827DF3A:: @ 827DF3A
.string "{STR_VAR_1}s appeal did\n"
.string "not go well.{PAUSE 15}{PAUSE 15}{PAUSE 15}{PAUSE 15}$"
gText_827DF63:: @ 827DF63
.string "{STR_VAR_1}s appeal did\n"
.string "not go well.{PAUSE 15}{PAUSE 15}{PAUSE 15}{PAUSE 15}$"
gText_827DF8C:: @ 827DF8C
.string "{STR_VAR_1}s appeal\n"
.string "went slightly well.{PAUSE 15}{PAUSE 15}{PAUSE 15}{PAUSE 15}$"
gText_827DFB8:: @ 827DFB8
.string "{STR_VAR_1}s appeal\n"
.string "went pretty well.{PAUSE 15}{PAUSE 15}{PAUSE 15}{PAUSE 15}$"
gText_827DFE2:: @ 827DFE2
.string "{STR_VAR_1}s appeal\n"
.string "went excellently.{PAUSE 15}{PAUSE 15}{PAUSE 15}{PAUSE 15}$"
gText_827E00C:: @ 827E00C
.string "{STR_VAR_1}s appeal was\n"
.string "a dud.{PAUSE 15}{PAUSE 15}{PAUSE 15}{PAUSE 15}$"
gText_827E02F:: @ 827E02F
.string "{STR_VAR_1}s appeal did\n"
.string "not work very well.{PAUSE 15}{PAUSE 15}{PAUSE 15}{PAUSE 15}$"
gText_827E05F:: @ 827E05F
.string "{STR_VAR_1}s appeal\n"
.string "went slightly well.{PAUSE 15}{PAUSE 15}{PAUSE 15}{PAUSE 15}$"
gText_827E08B:: @ 827E08B
.string "{STR_VAR_1}s appeal\n"
.string "went pretty well.{PAUSE 15}{PAUSE 15}{PAUSE 15}{PAUSE 15}$"
gText_827E0B5:: @ 827E0B5
.string "{STR_VAR_1}s appeal\n"
.string "went very well.{PAUSE 15}{PAUSE 15}{PAUSE 15}{PAUSE 15}$"
gText_827E0DD:: @ 827E0DD
.string "{STR_VAR_1}s appeal\n"
.string "went excellently.{PAUSE 15}{PAUSE 15}{PAUSE 15}{PAUSE 15}$"
gText_827E107:: @ 827E107
.string "Its the same type as the\n"
.string "POKéMON before--good!{PAUSE 15}{PAUSE 15}{PAUSE 15}{PAUSE 15}$"
gText_827E143:: @ 827E143
.string "Its not the same type as\n"
.string "the one before--good!{PAUSE 15}{PAUSE 15}{PAUSE 15}{PAUSE 15}$"
gText_827E17F:: @ 827E17F
.string "It stood out much more\n"
.string "than the POKéMON before.{PAUSE 15}{PAUSE 15}{PAUSE 15}{PAUSE 15}$"
gText_827E1BB:: @ 827E1BB
.string "It didnt do as well as the\n"
.string "POKéMON before.{PAUSE 15}{PAUSE 15}{PAUSE 15}{PAUSE 15}$"
gText_827E1F3:: @ 827E1F3
.string "{STR_VAR_1}s condition\n"
.string "rose above usual.{PAUSE 15}{PAUSE 15}{PAUSE 15}{PAUSE 15}$"
gText_827E220:: @ 827E220
.string "{STR_VAR_1}s hot status\n"
.string "made it a great appeal!{PAUSE 15}{PAUSE 15}{PAUSE 15}{PAUSE 15}$"
gText_827E254:: @ 827E254
.string "It moved up in line for\n"
.string "the next appeal.{PAUSE 15}{PAUSE 15}{PAUSE 15}{PAUSE 15}$"
gText_827E289:: @ 827E289
.string "It moved back in line once\n"
.string "for the next appeal.{PAUSE 15}{PAUSE 15}{PAUSE 15}{PAUSE 15}$"
gText_827E2C5:: @ 827E2C5
.string "It scrambled up the\n"
.string "order for the next turn.{PAUSE 15}{PAUSE 15}{PAUSE 15}{PAUSE 15}$"
gText_0827E2FE:: @ 827E2FE
.string "The JUDGE looked at\n"
.string "{STR_VAR_1} expectantly.{PAUSE 0x0F}{PAUSE 0x0F}{PAUSE 0x0F}{PAUSE 0x0F}$"
gText_0827E32E:: @ 827E32E
.string "The appeal combo went\n"
.string "over well.{PAUSE 0x0F}{PAUSE 0x0F}{PAUSE 0x0F}{PAUSE 0x0F}$"
gText_0827E35B:: @ 827E35B
.string "The appeal combo went\n"
.string "over very well.{PAUSE 0x0F}{PAUSE 0x0F}{PAUSE 0x0F}{PAUSE 0x0F}$"
gText_0827E38D:: @ 827E38D
.string "The appeal combo went\n"
.string "over excellently.{PAUSE 0x0F}{PAUSE 0x0F}{PAUSE 0x0F}{PAUSE 0x0F}$"
gText_0827E3C1:: @ 827E3C1
.string "{STR_VAR_1} managed to\n"
.string "avert its gaze.{PAUSE 0x0F}{PAUSE 0x0F}{PAUSE 0x0F}{PAUSE 0x0F}$"
gText_0827E3EB:: @ 827E3EB
.string "{STR_VAR_1} managed to\n"
.string "avoid seeing it.{PAUSE 0x0F}{PAUSE 0x0F}{PAUSE 0x0F}{PAUSE 0x0F}$"
gText_0827E416:: @ 827E416
.string "{STR_VAR_1} isnt fazed\n"
.string "by that sort of thing.{PAUSE 0x0F}{PAUSE 0x0F}{PAUSE 0x0F}{PAUSE 0x0F}$"
gText_0827E448:: @ 827E448
.string "{STR_VAR_1} became a\n"
.string "little distracted.{PAUSE 0x0F}{PAUSE 0x0F}{PAUSE 0x0F}{PAUSE 0x0F}$"
gText_0827E473:: @ 827E473
.string "It tried to startle the\n"
.string "other POKéMON.{PAUSE 0x0F}{PAUSE 0x0F}{PAUSE 0x0F}{PAUSE 0x0F}$"
gText_0827E4A6:: @ 827E4A6
.string "{STR_VAR_1} looked down\n"
.string "out of distraction.{PAUSE 0x0F}{PAUSE 0x0F}{PAUSE 0x0F}{PAUSE 0x0F}$"
gText_0827E4D5:: @ 827E4D5
.string "{STR_VAR_1} turned back\n"
.string "out of distraction.{PAUSE 0x0F}{PAUSE 0x0F}{PAUSE 0x0F}{PAUSE 0x0F}$"
gText_0827E504:: @ 827E504
.string "{STR_VAR_1} couldnt help\n"
.string "uttering a cry.{PAUSE 0x0F}{PAUSE 0x0F}{PAUSE 0x0F}{PAUSE 0x0F}$"
gText_0827E531:: @ 827E531
.string "{STR_VAR_1} couldnt help\n"
.string "leaping up.{PAUSE 0x0F}{PAUSE 0x0F}{PAUSE 0x0F}{PAUSE 0x0F}$"
gText_0827E55A:: @ 827E55A
.string "{STR_VAR_1} tripped over\n"
.string "out of distraction.{PAUSE 0x0F}{PAUSE 0x0F}{PAUSE 0x0F}{PAUSE 0x0F}$"
gText_0827E58A:: @ 827E58A
.string "{STR_VAR_1} was too\n"
.string "nervous to move.{PAUSE 0x0F}{PAUSE 0x0F}{PAUSE 0x0F}{PAUSE 0x0F}$"
gText_0827E5B2:: @ 827E5B2
.string "But it messed up.{PAUSE 0x0F}{PAUSE 0x0F}{PAUSE 0x0F}{PAUSE 0x0F}$"
gText_0827E5D0:: @ 827E5D0
.string "But it failed to make\n"
.string "the target nervous.{PAUSE 0x0F}{PAUSE 0x0F}{PAUSE 0x0F}{PAUSE 0x0F}$"
gText_0827E606:: @ 827E606
.string "But it failed to make\n"
.string "anyone nervous.{PAUSE 0x0F}{PAUSE 0x0F}{PAUSE 0x0F}{PAUSE 0x0F}$"
gText_0827E638:: @ 827E638
.string "But it was ignored…{PAUSE 0x0F}{PAUSE 0x0F}{PAUSE 0x0F}{PAUSE 0x0F}$"
gText_0827E658:: @ 827E658
.string "But it couldnt improve\n"
.string "its condition…{PAUSE 0x0F}{PAUSE 0x0F}{PAUSE 0x0F}{PAUSE 0x0F}$"
gText_0827E68B:: @ 827E68B
.string "Its bad condition\n"
.string "resulted in a weak appeal.{PAUSE 0x0F}{PAUSE 0x0F}{PAUSE 0x0F}{PAUSE 0x0F}$"
gText_0827E6C4:: @ 827E6C4
.string "{STR_VAR_1} was\n"
.string "unaffected.{PAUSE 0x0F}{PAUSE 0x0F}{PAUSE 0x0F}{PAUSE 0x0F}$"
gText_0827E6E3:: @ 827E6E3
.string "{STR_VAR_1} disappointed\n"
.string "by repeating an appeal.{PAUSE 0x0F}{PAUSE 0x0F}{PAUSE 0x0F}{PAUSE 0x0F}$"
gText_0827E717:: @ 827E717
.string "{STR_VAR_1}s {STR_VAR_3}\n"
.string "went over great.{PAUSE 0x0F}{PAUSE 0x0F}{PAUSE 0x0F}{PAUSE 0x0F}$"
gText_0827E73C:: @ 827E73C
.string "{STR_VAR_1}s {STR_VAR_3}\n"
.string "didnt go over well here…{PAUSE 0x0F}{PAUSE 0x0F}{PAUSE 0x0F}{PAUSE 0x0F}$"
gText_0827E76A:: @ 827E76A
.string "{STR_VAR_1}s {STR_VAR_3}\n"
.string "got the crowd going.{PAUSE 0x0F}{PAUSE 0x0F}{PAUSE 0x0F}{PAUSE 0x0F}$"
gText_0827E793:: @ 827E793
.string "{STR_VAR_1} cant appeal\n"
.string "next turn…{PAUSE 0x0F}{PAUSE 0x0F}{PAUSE 0x0F}{PAUSE 0x0F}$"
gText_0827E7BA:: @ 827E7BA
.string "It attracted the crowds\n"
.string "attention.{PAUSE 0x0F}{PAUSE 0x0F}{PAUSE 0x0F}{PAUSE 0x0F}$"
gText_0827E7EA:: @ 827E7EA
.string "The crowd continues to\n"
.string "watch {STR_VAR_3}.{PAUSE 0x0F}{PAUSE 0x0F}{PAUSE 0x0F}{PAUSE 0x0F}$"
gText_0827E817:: @ 827E817
.string "{STR_VAR_1}s\n"
.string "{STR_VAR_2} is ignored.{PAUSE 0x0F}{PAUSE 0x0F}{PAUSE 0x0F}{PAUSE 0x0F}$"
gText_0827E837:: @ 827E837
.string "shyness$"
gText_0827E83F:: @ 827E83F
.string "anxiety$"
gText_0827E847:: @ 827E847
.string "laziness$"
gText_0827E850:: @ 827E850
.string "hesitancy$"
gText_0827E85A:: @ 827E85A
.string "fear$"
gText_0827E85F:: @ 827E85F
.string "coolness$"
gText_0827E868:: @ 827E868
.string "beauty$"
gText_0827E86F:: @ 827E86F
.string "cuteness$"
gText_0827E878:: @ 827E878
.string "smartness$"
gText_0827E882:: @ 827E882
.string "toughness$"
gText_0827E88C:: @ 827E88C
.string "TENSION$"
gText_0827E894:: @ 827E894
.string "COOL Move$"
gText_0827E89E:: @ 827E89E
.string "BEAUTY Move$"
gText_0827E8AA:: @ 827E8AA
.string "CUTE Move$"
gText_0827E8B4:: @ 827E8B4
.string "SMART Move$"
gText_0827E8BF:: @ 827E8BF
.string "TOUGH Move$"
gText_0827E8CA:: @ 827E8CA
.string "???$"