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synced 2025-03-15 02:02:24 +01:00
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gNoneAbilityDescription:: @ 831AF98
.string "No special ability.$"
gStenchAbilityDescription:: @ 831AFAC
.string "Helps repel wild POKéMON.$"
gDrizzleAbilityDescription:: @ 831AFC6
.string "Summons rain in battle.$"
gSpeedBoostAbilityDescription:: @ 831AFDE
.string "Gradually boosts SPEED.$"
gBattleArmorAbilityDescription:: @ 831AFF6
.string "Blocks critical hits.$"
gSturdyAbilityDescription:: @ 831B00C
.string "Negates 1-hit KO attacks.$"
gDampAbilityDescription:: @ 831B026
.string "Prevents self-destruction.$"
gLimberAbilityDescription:: @ 831B041
.string "Prevents paralysis.$"
gSandVeilAbilityDescription:: @ 831B055
.string "Ups evasion in a sandstorm.$"
gStaticAbilityDescription:: @ 831B071
.string "Paralyzes on contact.$"
gVoltAbsorbAbilityDescription:: @ 831B087
.string "Turns electricity into HP.$"
gWaterAbsorbAbilityDescription:: @ 831B0A2
.string "Changes water into HP.$"
gObliviousAbilityDescription:: @ 831B0B9
.string "Prevents attraction.$"
gCloudNineAbilityDescription:: @ 831B0CE
.string "Negates weather effects.$"
gCompoundEyesAbilityDescription:: @ 831B0E7
.string "Raises accuracy.$"
gInsomniaAbilityDescription:: @ 831B0F8
.string "Prevents sleep.$"
gColorChangeAbilityDescription:: @ 831B108
.string "Changes type to foe’s move.$"
gImmunityAbilityDescription:: @ 831B124
.string "Prevents poisoning.$"
gFlashFireAbilityDescription:: @ 831B138
.string "Powers up if hit by fire.$"
gShieldDustAbilityDescription:: @ 831B152
.string "Prevents added effects.$"
gOwnTempoAbilityDescription:: @ 831B16A
.string "Prevents confusion.$"
gSuctionCupsAbilityDescription:: @ 831B17E
.string "Firmly anchors the body.$"
gIntimidateAbilityDescription:: @ 831B197
.string "Lowers the foe’s ATTACK.$"
gShadowTagAbilityDescription:: @ 831B1B0
.string "Prevents the foe’s escape.$"
gRoughSkinAbilityDescription:: @ 831B1CB
.string "Hurts to touch.$"
gWonderGuardAbilityDescription:: @ 831B1DB
.string "“Super effective” hits.$"
gLevitateAbilityDescription:: @ 831B1F3
.string "Not hit by GROUND attacks.$"
gEffectSporeAbilityDescription:: @ 831B20E
.string "Leaves spores on contact.$"
gSynchronizeAbilityDescription:: @ 831B228
.string "Passes on status problems.$"
gClearBodyAbilityDescription:: @ 831B243
.string "Prevents ability reduction.$"
gNaturalCureAbilityDescription:: @ 831B25F
.string "Heals upon switching out.$"
gLightningRodAbilityDescription:: @ 831B279
.string "Draws electrical moves.$"
gSereneGraceAbilityDescription:: @ 831B291
.string "Promotes added effects.$"
gSwiftSwimAbilityDescription:: @ 831B2A9
.string "Raises SPEED in rain.$"
gChlorophyllAbilityDescription:: @ 831B2BF
.string "Raises SPEED in sunshine.$"
gIlluminateAbilityDescription:: @ 831B2D9
.string "Encounter rate increases.$"
gTraceAbilityDescription:: @ 831B2F3
.string "Copies special ability.$"
gHugePowerAbilityDescription:: @ 831B30B
.string "Raises ATTACK.$"
gPoisonPointAbilityDescription:: @ 831B31A
.string "Poisons foe on contact.$"
gInnerFocusAbilityDescription:: @ 831B332
.string "Prevents flinching.$"
gMagmaArmorAbilityDescription:: @ 831B346
.string "Prevents freezing.$"
gWaterVeilAbilityDescription:: @ 831B359
.string "Prevents burns.$"
gMagnetPullAbilityDescription:: @ 831B369
.string "Traps STEEL-type POKéMON.$"
gSoundproofAbilityDescription:: @ 831B383
.string "Avoids sound-based moves.$"
gRainDishAbilityDescription:: @ 831B39D
.string "Slight HP recovery in rain.$"
gSandStreamAbilityDescription:: @ 831B3B9
.string "Summons a sandstorm.$"
gPressureAbilityDescription:: @ 831B3CE
.string "Raises foe’s PP usage.$"
gThickFatAbilityDescription:: @ 831B3E5
.string "Heat-and-cold protection.$"
gEarlyBirdAbilityDescription:: @ 831B3FF
.string "Awakens quickly from sleep.$"
gFlameBodyAbilityDescription:: @ 831B41B
.string "Burns the foe on contact.$"
gRunAwayAbilityDescription:: @ 831B435
.string "Makes escaping easier.$"
gKeenEyeAbilityDescription:: @ 831B44C
.string "Prevents loss of accuracy.$"
gHyperCutterAbilityDescription:: @ 831B467
.string "Prevents ATTACK reduction.$"
gPickupAbilityDescription:: @ 831B482
.string "May pick up items.$"
gTruantAbilityDescription:: @ 831B495
.string "Moves only every two turns.$"
gHustleAbilityDescription:: @ 831B4B1
.string "Trades accuracy for power.$"
gCuteCharmAbilityDescription:: @ 831B4CC
.string "Infatuates on contact.$"
gPlusAbilityDescription:: @ 831B4E3
.string "Powers up with MINUS.$"
gMinusAbilityDescription:: @ 831B4F9
.string "Powers up with PLUS.$"
gForecastAbilityDescription:: @ 831B50E
.string "Changes with the weather.$"
gStickyHoldAbilityDescription:: @ 831B528
.string "Prevents item theft.$"
gShedSkinAbilityDescription:: @ 831B53D
.string "Heals the body by shedding.$"
gGutsAbilityDescription:: @ 831B559
.string "Ups ATTACK if suffering.$"
gMarvelScaleAbilityDescription:: @ 831B572
.string "Ups DEFENSE if suffering.$"
gLiquidOozeAbilityDescription:: @ 831B58C
.string "Draining causes injury.$"
gOvergrowAbilityDescription:: @ 831B5A4
.string "Ups GRASS moves in a pinch.$"
gBlazeAbilityDescription:: @ 831B5C0
.string "Ups FIRE moves in a pinch.$"
gTorrentAbilityDescription:: @ 831B5DB
.string "Ups WATER moves in a pinch.$"
gSwarmAbilityDescription:: @ 831B5F7
.string "Ups BUG moves in a pinch.$"
gRockHeadAbilityDescription:: @ 831B611
.string "Prevents recoil damage.$"
gDroughtAbilityDescription:: @ 831B629
.string "Summons sunlight in battle.$"
gArenaTrapAbilityDescription:: @ 831B645
.string "Prevents fleeing.$"
gVitalSpiritAbilityDescription:: @ 831B657
.string "Prevents sleep.$"
gWhiteSmokeAbilityDescription:: @ 831B667
.string "Prevents ability reduction.$"
gPurePowerAbilityDescription:: @ 831B683
.string "Raises ATTACK.$"
gShellArmorAbilityDescription:: @ 831B692
.string "Blocks critical hits.$"
gCacophonyAbilityDescription:: @ 831B6A8
.string "Avoids sound-based moves.$"
gAirLockAbilityDescription:: @ 831B6C2
.string "Negates weather effects.$"