2021-10-29 18:39:31 -03:00

1822 lines
111 KiB
Raw Blame History

This file contains invisible Unicode characters

This file contains invisible Unicode characters that are indistinguishable to humans but may be processed differently by a computer. If you think that this is intentional, you can safely ignore this warning. Use the Escape button to reveal them.

This file contains Unicode characters that might be confused with other characters. If you think that this is intentional, you can safely ignore this warning. Use the Escape button to reveal them.

#include "global.h"
#include "strings.h"
#include "battle_pyramid_bag.h"
#include "item_menu.h"
const u8 gText_ExpandedPlaceholder_Empty[] = _("");
const u8 gText_ExpandedPlaceholder_Kun[] = _("");
const u8 gText_ExpandedPlaceholder_Chan[] = _("");
const u8 gText_ExpandedPlaceholder_Sapphire[] = _("SAPPHIRE");
const u8 gText_ExpandedPlaceholder_Ruby[] = _("RUBY");
const u8 gText_ExpandedPlaceholder_Emerald[] = _("EMERALD");
const u8 gText_ExpandedPlaceholder_Aqua[] = _("AQUA");
const u8 gText_ExpandedPlaceholder_Magma[] = _("MAGMA");
const u8 gText_ExpandedPlaceholder_Archie[] = _("ARCHIE");
const u8 gText_ExpandedPlaceholder_Maxie[] = _("MAXIE");
const u8 gText_ExpandedPlaceholder_Kyogre[] = _("KYOGRE");
const u8 gText_ExpandedPlaceholder_Groudon[] = _("GROUDON");
const u8 gText_ExpandedPlaceholder_Brendan[] = _("BRENDAN");
const u8 gText_ExpandedPlaceholder_May[] = _("MAY");
const u8 gText_EggNickname[] = _("EGG");
const u8 gText_Pokemon[] = _("POKéMON");
const u8 gText_ProfBirchMatchCallName[] = _("PROF. BIRCH");
const u8 gText_MainMenuNewGame[] = _("NEW GAME");
const u8 gText_MainMenuContinue[] = _("CONTINUE");
const u8 gText_MainMenuOption[] = _("OPTION");
const u8 gText_MainMenuMysteryGift[] = _("MYSTERY GIFT");
const u8 gText_MainMenuMysteryGift2[] = _("MYSTERY GIFT");
const u8 gText_MainMenuMysteryEvents[] = _("MYSTERY EVENTS");
const u8 gText_WirelessNotConnected[] = _("The Wireless Adapter is not\nconnected.");
const u8 gText_MysteryGiftCantUse[] = _("MYSTERY GIFT can't be used while\nthe Wireless Adapter is attached.");
const u8 gText_MysteryEventsCantUse[] = _("MYSTERY EVENTS can't be used while\nthe Wireless Adapter is attached.");
const u8 gText_UpdatingSaveExternalData[] = _("Updating save file using external\ndata. Please wait."); // Unused
const u8 gText_SaveFileUpdated[] = _("The save file has been updated."); // Unused
const u8 gText_SaveFileCorrupted[] = _("The save file is corrupted. The\nprevious save file will be loaded.");
const u8 gText_SaveFileErased[] = _("The save file has been erased\ndue to corruption or damage.");
const u8 gJPText_No1MSubCircuit[] = _("1Mサブきばんが ささっていません!");
const u8 gText_BatteryRunDry[] = _("The internal battery has run dry.\nThe game can be played.\pHowever, clock-based events will\nno longer occur.");
const u8 gText_Player[] = _("PLAYER"); // Unused
const u8 gText_Pokedex[] = _("POKéDEX"); // Unused
const u8 gText_Time[] = _("TIME");
const u8 gText_Badges[] = _("BADGES"); // Unused
const u8 gText_AButton[] = _("A Button"); // Unused
const u8 gText_BButton[] = _("B Button"); // Unused
const u8 gText_RButton[] = _("R Button"); // Unused
const u8 gText_LButton[] = _("L Button"); // Unused
const u8 gText_Start[] = _("START"); // Unused
const u8 gText_Select[] = _("SELECT"); // Unused
const u8 gText_ControlPad[] = _("+ Control Pad"); // Unused
const u8 gText_LButtonRButton[] = _("L Button R Button"); // Unused
const u8 gText_Controls[] = _("CONTROLS"); // Unused
ALIGNED(4) const u8 gText_PickOk[] = _("{DPAD_UPDOWN}PICK {A_BUTTON}OK"); // Unused
ALIGNED(4) const u8 gText_Next[] = _("{A_BUTTON}NEXT"); // Unused
ALIGNED(4) const u8 gText_NextBack[] = _("{A_BUTTON}NEXT {B_BUTTON}BACK"); // Unused
ALIGNED(4) const u8 gText_PickNextCancel[] = _("{DPAD_UPDOWN}PICK {A_BUTTON}NEXT {B_BUTTON}CANCEL");
ALIGNED(4) const u8 gText_PickCancel[] = _("{DPAD_UPDOWN}PICK {A_BUTTON}{B_BUTTON}CANCEL");
ALIGNED(4) const u8 gText_AButtonExit[] = _("{A_BUTTON}EXIT");
const u8 gText_BirchBoy[] = _("BOY");
const u8 gText_BirchGirl[] = _("GIRL");
const u8 gText_DefaultNameStu[] = _("STU");
const u8 gText_DefaultNameMilton[] = _("MILTON");
const u8 gText_DefaultNameTom[] = _("TOM");
const u8 gText_DefaultNameKenny[] = _("KENNY");
const u8 gText_DefaultNameReid[] = _("REID");
const u8 gText_DefaultNameJude[] = _("JUDE");
const u8 gText_DefaultNameJaxson[] = _("JAXSON");
const u8 gText_DefaultNameEaston[] = _("EASTON");
const u8 gText_DefaultNameWalker[] = _("WALKER");
const u8 gText_DefaultNameTeru[] = _("TERU");
const u8 gText_DefaultNameJohnny[] = _("JOHNNY");
const u8 gText_DefaultNameBrett[] = _("BRETT");
const u8 gText_DefaultNameSeth[] = _("SETH");
const u8 gText_DefaultNameTerry[] = _("TERRY");
const u8 gText_DefaultNameCasey[] = _("CASEY");
const u8 gText_DefaultNameDarren[] = _("DARREN");
const u8 gText_DefaultNameLandon[] = _("LANDON");
const u8 gText_DefaultNameCollin[] = _("COLLIN");
const u8 gText_DefaultNameStanley[] = _("STANLEY");
const u8 gText_DefaultNameQuincy[] = _("QUINCY");
const u8 gText_DefaultNameKimmy[] = _("KIMMY");
const u8 gText_DefaultNameTiara[] = _("TIARA");
const u8 gText_DefaultNameBella[] = _("BELLA");
const u8 gText_DefaultNameJayla[] = _("JAYLA");
const u8 gText_DefaultNameAllie[] = _("ALLIE");
const u8 gText_DefaultNameLianna[] = _("LIANNA");
const u8 gText_DefaultNameSara[] = _("SARA");
const u8 gText_DefaultNameMonica[] = _("MONICA");
const u8 gText_DefaultNameCamila[] = _("CAMILA");
const u8 gText_DefaultNameAubree[] = _("AUBREE");
const u8 gText_DefaultNameRuthie[] = _("RUTHIE");
const u8 gText_DefaultNameHazel[] = _("HAZEL");
const u8 gText_DefaultNameNadine[] = _("NADINE");
const u8 gText_DefaultNameTanja[] = _("TANJA");
const u8 gText_DefaultNameYasmin[] = _("YASMIN");
const u8 gText_DefaultNameNicola[] = _("NICOLA");
const u8 gText_DefaultNameLillie[] = _("LILLIE");
const u8 gText_DefaultNameTerra[] = _("TERRA");
const u8 gText_DefaultNameLucy[] = _("LUCY");
const u8 gText_DefaultNameHalie[] = _("HALIE");
const u8 gText_ThisIsAPokemon[] = _("This is what we call a “POKéMON.”{PAUSE 96}\p");
const u8 gText_5MarksPokemon[] = _("????? POKéMON");
const u8 gText_UnkHeight[] = _("{CLEAR_TO 0x0C}??'??”");
const u8 gText_UnkWeight[] = _("????.? lbs.");
const u8 gText_EmptyPkmnCategory[] = _(" POKéMON"); // Unused
const u8 gText_EmptyHeight[] = _("{CLEAR_TO 0x0C} ' ”"); // Unused
const u8 gText_EmptyWeight[] = _(" . lbs."); // Unused
const u8 gText_EmptyPokedexInfo1[] = _(""); // Unused
const u8 gText_CryOf[] = _("CRY OF");
const u8 gText_EmptyPokedexInfo2[] = _(""); // Unused
const u8 gText_SizeComparedTo[] = _("SIZE COMPARED TO ");
const u8 gText_PokedexRegistration[] = _("POKéDEX registration completed.");
const u8 gText_HTHeight[] = _("HT");
const u8 gText_WTWeight[] = _("WT");
const u8 gText_SearchingPleaseWait[] = _("Searching…\nPlease wait.");
const u8 gText_SearchCompleted[] = _("Search completed.");
const u8 gText_NoMatchingPkmnWereFound[] = _("No matching POKéMON were found.");
const u8 gText_SearchForPkmnBasedOnParameters[] = _("Search for POKéMON based on\nselected parameters.");
const u8 gText_SwitchPokedexListings[] = _("Switch POKéDEX listings.");
const u8 gText_ReturnToPokedex[] = _("Return to the POKéDEX.");
const u8 gText_SelectPokedexMode[] = _("Select the POKéDEX mode.");
const u8 gText_SelectPokedexListingMode[] = _("Select the POKéDEX listing mode.");
const u8 gText_ListByFirstLetter[] = _("List by the first letter in the name.\nSpotted POKéMON only.");
const u8 gText_ListByBodyColor[] = _("List by body color.\nSpotted POKéMON only.");
const u8 gText_ListByType[] = _("List by type.\nOwned POKéMON only.");
const u8 gText_ExecuteSearchSwitch[] = _("Execute search/switch.");
const u8 gText_DexHoennTitle[] = _("HOENN DEX");
const u8 gText_DexNatTitle[] = _("NATIONAL DEX");
const u8 gText_DexSortNumericalTitle[] = _("NUMERICAL MODE");
const u8 gText_DexSortAtoZTitle[] = _("A TO Z MODE");
const u8 gText_DexSortHeaviestTitle[] = _("HEAVIEST MODE");
const u8 gText_DexSortLightestTitle[] = _("LIGHTEST MODE");
const u8 gText_DexSortTallestTitle[] = _("TALLEST MODE");
const u8 gText_DexSortSmallestTitle[] = _("SMALLEST MODE");
const u8 gText_DexSearchAlphaABC[] = _("ABC");
const u8 gText_DexSearchAlphaDEF[] = _("DEF");
const u8 gText_DexSearchAlphaGHI[] = _("GHI");
const u8 gText_DexSearchAlphaJKL[] = _("JKL");
const u8 gText_DexSearchAlphaMNO[] = _("MNO");
const u8 gText_DexSearchAlphaPQR[] = _("PQR");
const u8 gText_DexSearchAlphaSTU[] = _("STU");
const u8 gText_DexSearchAlphaVWX[] = _("VWX");
const u8 gText_DexSearchAlphaYZ[] = _("YZ");
const u8 gText_DexSearchColorRed[] = _("RED");
const u8 gText_DexSearchColorBlue[] = _("BLUE");
const u8 gText_DexSearchColorYellow[] = _("YELLOW");
const u8 gText_DexSearchColorGreen[] = _("GREEN");
const u8 gText_DexSearchColorBlack[] = _("BLACK");
const u8 gText_DexSearchColorBrown[] = _("BROWN");
const u8 gText_DexSearchColorPurple[] = _("PURPLE");
const u8 gText_DexSearchColorGray[] = _("GRAY");
const u8 gText_DexSearchColorWhite[] = _("WHITE");
const u8 gText_DexSearchColorPink[] = _("PINK");
const u8 gText_DexHoennDescription[] = _("HOENN region's POKéDEX");
const u8 gText_DexNatDescription[] = _("National edition POKéDEX");
const u8 gText_DexSortNumericalDescription[] = _("POKéMON are listed according to their\nnumber.");
const u8 gText_DexSortAtoZDescription[] = _("Spotted and owned POKéMON are listed\nalphabetically.");
const u8 gText_DexSortHeaviestDescription[] = _("Owned POKéMON are listed from the\nheaviest to the lightest.");
const u8 gText_DexSortLightestDescription[] = _("Owned POKéMON are listed from the\nlightest to the heaviest.");
const u8 gText_DexSortTallestDescription[] = _("Owned POKéMON are listed from the\ntallest to the smallest.");
const u8 gText_DexSortSmallestDescription[] = _("Owned POKéMON are listed from the\nsmallest to the tallest.");
const u8 gText_DexEmptyString[] = _("");
const u8 gText_DexSearchDontSpecify[] = _("DON'T SPECIFY.");
const u8 gText_DexSearchTypeNone[] = _("NONE");
const u8 gText_SelectorArrow[] = _("");
const u8 gText_EmptySpace[] = _(" "); // Unused
const u8 gText_WelcomeToHOF[] = _("Welcome to the HALL OF FAME!");
const u8 gText_HOFDexRating[] = _("Spotted POKéMON: {STR_VAR_1}!\nOwned POKéMON: {STR_VAR_2}!\pPROF. BIRCH's POKéDEX rating!\pPROF. BIRCH: Let's see…\p");
const u8 gText_HOFDexSaving[] = _("SAVING…\nDON'T TURN OFF THE POWER.");
const u8 gText_HOFCorrupted[] = _("The HALL OF FAME data is corrupted.");
const u8 gText_HOFNumber[] = _("HALL OF FAME No. {STR_VAR_1}");
const u8 gText_LeagueChamp[] = _("LEAGUE CHAMPION!\nCONGRATULATIONS!");
const u8 gText_Number[] = _("No. ");
const u8 gText_Level[] = _("Lv. ");
const u8 gText_IdNumberSlash[] = _("IDNo. /"); // Unused
const u8 gText_Name[] = _("NAME");
const u8 gText_IDNumber[] = _("IDNo.");
const u8 gText_BirchInTrouble[] = _("PROF. BIRCH is in trouble!\nRelease a POKéMON and rescue him!");
const u8 gText_ConfirmStarterChoice[] = _("Do you choose this POKéMON?");
const u8 gText_Pokemon4[] = _("POKéMON"); // Unused
const u8 gText_FlyToWhere[] = _("FLY to where?");
const u8 gMenuText_Use[] = _("USE");
const u8 gMenuText_Toss[] = _("TOSS");
const u8 gMenuText_Register[] = _("REGISTER");
const u8 gMenuText_Give[] = _("GIVE");
const u8 gMenuText_CheckTag[] = _("CHECK TAG");
const u8 gMenuText_Confirm[] = _("CONFIRM");
const u8 gMenuText_Walk[] = _("WALK");
const u8 gText_Cancel[] = _("CANCEL");
const u8 gText_Cancel2[] = _("CANCEL");
const u8 gMenuText_Show[] = _("SHOW");
const u8 gText_EmptyString2[] = _("");
const u8 gText_Cancel7[] = _("CANCEL"); // Unused
const u8 gText_Item[] = _("ITEM");
const u8 gText_Mail[] = _("MAIL");
const u8 gText_Take[] = _("TAKE");
const u8 gText_Store[] = _("STORE");
const u8 gMenuText_Check[] = _("CHECK");
const u8 gText_None[] = _("NONE");
const u8 gMenuText_Deselect[] = _("DESELECT");
const u8 gText_ThreeMarks[] = _("???");
const u8 gText_FiveMarks[] = _("?????");
const u8 gText_Slash[] = _("/");
const u8 gText_OneDash[] = _("-");
const u8 gText_TwoDashes[] = _("--");
const u8 gText_ThreeDashes[] = _("---");
const u8 gText_MaleSymbol[] = _("");
const u8 gText_FemaleSymbol[] = _("");
const u8 gText_LevelSymbol[] = _("{LV}");
const u8 gText_NumberClear01[] = _("{NO}{CLEAR 0x01}");
const u8 gText_PlusSymbol[] = _("+"); // Unused
const u8 gText_RightArrow[] = _("{RIGHT_ARROW}"); // Unused
const u8 gText_IDNumber2[] = _("{ID}{NO}");
const u8 gText_Space[] = _(" ");
const u8 gText_SelectorArrow2[] = _("");
const u8 gText_GoBackPrevMenu[] = _("Go back to the\nprevious menu.");
const u8 gText_WhatWouldYouLike[] = _("What would you like to do?");
const u8 gMenuText_Give2[] = _("GIVE");
const u8 gText_xVar1[] = _("×{STR_VAR_1}");
const u8 gText_Berry2[] = _(" BERRY"); // Unused
const u8 gText_Coins[] = _("{STR_VAR_1} COINS");
const u8 gText_CloseBag[] = _("CLOSE BAG");
const u8 gText_Var1IsSelected[] = _("{STR_VAR_1} is\nselected.");
const u8 gText_CantWriteMail[] = _("You can't write\nMAIL here.");
const u8 gText_NoPokemon[] = _("There is no\nPOKéMON.");
const u8 gText_MoveVar1Where[] = _("Move the\n{STR_VAR_1}\nwhere?");
const u8 gText_Var1CantBeHeld[] = _("The {STR_VAR_1} can't be held.");
const u8 gText_Var1CantBeHeldHere[] = _("The {STR_VAR_1} can't be held\nhere.");
const u8 gText_DepositHowManyVar1[] = _("Deposit how many\n{STR_VAR_1}(s)?");
const u8 gText_DepositedVar2Var1s[] = _("Deposited {STR_VAR_2}\n{STR_VAR_1}(s).");
const u8 gText_NoRoomForItems[] = _("There's no room to\nstore items.");
const u8 gText_CantStoreImportantItems[] = _("Important items\ncan't be stored in\nthe PC!");
const u8 gText_TooImportantToToss[] = _("That's much too\nimportant to toss\nout!");
const u8 gText_TossHowManyVar1s[] = _("Toss out how many\n{STR_VAR_1}(s)?");
const u8 gText_ThrewAwayVar2Var1s[] = _("Threw away {STR_VAR_2}\n{STR_VAR_1}(s).");
const u8 gText_ConfirmTossItems[] = _("Is it okay to\nthrow away {STR_VAR_2}\n{STR_VAR_1}(s)?");
const u8 gText_DadsAdvice[] = _("DAD's advice…\n{PLAYER}, there's a time and place for\leverything!{PAUSE_UNTIL_PRESS}");
const u8 gText_CantDismountBike[] = _("You can't dismount your BIKE here.{PAUSE_UNTIL_PRESS}");
const u8 gText_ItemFinderNearby[] = _("Huh?\nThe ITEMFINDER's responding!\pThere's an item buried around here!{PAUSE_UNTIL_PRESS}");
const u8 gText_ItemFinderOnTop[] = _("Oh!\nThe ITEMFINDER's shaking wildly!{PAUSE_UNTIL_PRESS}");
const u8 gText_ItemFinderNothing[] = _("… … … …Nope!\nThere's no response.{PAUSE_UNTIL_PRESS}");
const u8 gText_CoinCase[] = _("Your COINS:\n{STR_VAR_1}{PAUSE_UNTIL_PRESS}");
const u8 gText_BootedUpTM[] = _("Booted up a TM.");
const u8 gText_BootedUpHM[] = _("Booted up an HM.");
const u8 gText_TMHMContainedVar1[] = _("It contained\n{STR_VAR_1}.\pTeach {STR_VAR_1}\nto a POKéMON?");
const u8 gText_PlayerUsedVar2[] = _("{PLAYER} used the\n{STR_VAR_2}.{PAUSE_UNTIL_PRESS}");
const u8 gText_RepelEffectsLingered[] = _("But the effects of a REPEL\nlingered from earlier.{PAUSE_UNTIL_PRESS}");
const u8 gText_UsedVar2WildLured[] = _("{PLAYER} used the\n{STR_VAR_2}.\pWild POKéMON will be lured.{PAUSE_UNTIL_PRESS}");
const u8 gText_UsedVar2WildRepelled[] = _("{PLAYER} used the\n{STR_VAR_2}.\pWild POKéMON will be repelled.{PAUSE_UNTIL_PRESS}");
const u8 gText_BoxFull[] = _("The BOX is full.{PAUSE_UNTIL_PRESS}");
const u8 gText_PowderQty[] = _("POWDER QTY: {STR_VAR_1}{PAUSE_UNTIL_PRESS}");
const u8 gText_TheField[] = _("the field");
const u8 gText_TheBattle[] = _("the battle");
const u8 gText_ThePokemonList[] = _("the POKéMON LIST");
const u8 gText_TheShop[] = _("the shop");
const u8 gText_ThePC[] = _("the PC");
const u8 *const gBagMenu_ReturnToStrings[] =
const u8 *const gPyramidBagMenu_ReturnToStrings[] =
[PYRAMIDBAG_LOC_PARTY] = gText_ThePokemonList,
const u8 gText_ReturnToVar1[] = _("Return to\n{STR_VAR_1}.");
const u8 gText_ItemsPocket[] = _("ITEMS");
const u8 gText_PokeBallsPocket[] = _("POKé BALLS");
const u8 gText_TMHMPocket[] = _("TMs & HMs");
const u8 gText_BerriesPocket[] = _("BERRIES");
const u8 gText_KeyItemsPocket[] = _("KEY ITEMS");
const u8 *const gPocketNamesStringsTable[] =
[ITEMS_POCKET] = gText_ItemsPocket,
[BALLS_POCKET] = gText_PokeBallsPocket,
[TMHM_POCKET] = gText_TMHMPocket,
[BERRIES_POCKET] = gText_BerriesPocket,
[KEYITEMS_POCKET] = gText_KeyItemsPocket
const u8 gText_NumberItem_TMBerry[] = _("{NO}{STR_VAR_1}{CLEAR 0x07}{STR_VAR_2}");
const u8 gText_NumberItem_HM[] = _("{CLEAR_TO 0x11}{STR_VAR_1}{CLEAR 0x05}{STR_VAR_2}");
const u8 gText_SizeSlash[] = _("SIZE /");
const u8 gText_FirmSlash[] = _("FIRM /");
const u8 gText_Var1DotVar2[] = _("{STR_VAR_1}.{STR_VAR_2}”");
// Berry firmness strings
const u8 gBerryFirmnessString_VerySoft[] = _("Very soft");
const u8 gBerryFirmnessString_Soft[] = _("Soft");
const u8 gBerryFirmnessString_Hard[] = _("Hard");
const u8 gBerryFirmnessString_VeryHard[] = _("Very hard");
const u8 gBerryFirmnessString_SuperHard[] = _("Super hard");
const u8 gText_NumberVar1Var2[] = _("{NO}{STR_VAR_1} {STR_VAR_2}");
const u8 gText_BerryTag[] = _("BERRY TAG");
const u8 gText_RedPokeblock[] = _("RED {POKEBLOCK}");
const u8 gText_BluePokeblock[] = _("BLUE {POKEBLOCK}");
const u8 gText_PinkPokeblock[] = _("PINK {POKEBLOCK}");
const u8 gText_GreenPokeblock[] = _("GREEN {POKEBLOCK}");
const u8 gText_YellowPokeblock[] = _("YELLOW {POKEBLOCK}");
const u8 gText_PurplePokeblock[] = _("PURPLE {POKEBLOCK}");
const u8 gText_IndigoPokeblock[] = _("INDIGO {POKEBLOCK}");
const u8 gText_BrownPokeblock[] = _("BROWN {POKEBLOCK}");
const u8 gText_LiteBluePokeblock[] = _("LITEBLUE {POKEBLOCK}");
const u8 gText_OlivePokeblock[] = _("OLIVE {POKEBLOCK}");
const u8 gText_GrayPokeblock[] = _("GRAY {POKEBLOCK}");
const u8 gText_BlackPokeblock[] = _("BLACK {POKEBLOCK}");
const u8 gText_WhitePokeblock[] = _("WHITE {POKEBLOCK}");
const u8 gText_GoldPokeblock[] = _("GOLD {POKEBLOCK}");
const u8 gText_Spicy[] = _("SPICY");
const u8 gText_Dry[] = _("DRY");
const u8 gText_Sweet[] = _("SWEET");
const u8 gText_Bitter[] = _("BITTER");
const u8 gText_Sour[] = _("SOUR");
const u8 gText_Tasty[] = _("TASTY"); // Unused
const u8 gText_Feel[] = _("FEEL"); // Unused
const u8 gText_StowCase[] = _("Stow CASE.");
const u8 gText_LvVar1[] = _("{LV}{STR_VAR_1}");
const u8 gText_ThrowAwayVar1[] = _("Throw away this\n{STR_VAR_1}?");
const u8 gText_Var1ThrownAway[] = _("The {STR_VAR_1}\nwas thrown away.");
const u8 gText_Var1AteTheVar2[] = _("{STR_VAR_1} ate the\n{STR_VAR_2}.{PAUSE_UNTIL_PRESS}");
const u8 gText_Var1HappilyAteVar2[] = _("{STR_VAR_1} happily ate the\n{STR_VAR_2}.{PAUSE_UNTIL_PRESS}");
const u8 gText_Var1DisdainfullyAteVar2[] = _("{STR_VAR_1} disdainfully ate the\n{STR_VAR_2}.{PAUSE_UNTIL_PRESS}");
const u8 gText_ShopBuy[] = _("BUY");
const u8 gText_ShopSell[] = _("SELL");
const u8 gText_ShopQuit[] = _("QUIT");
const u8 gText_InBagVar1[] = _("IN BAG: {STR_VAR_1}");
const u8 gText_QuitShopping[] = _("Quit shopping.");
const u8 gText_Var1CertainlyHowMany[] = _("{STR_VAR_1}? Certainly.\nHow many would you like?");
const u8 gText_Var1CertainlyHowMany2[] = _("{STR_VAR_1}? Certainly.\nHow many would you like?");
const u8 gText_Var1AndYouWantedVar2[] = _("{STR_VAR_1}? And you wanted {STR_VAR_2}?\nThat will be ¥{STR_VAR_3}.");
const u8 gText_Var1IsItThatllBeVar2[] = _("{STR_VAR_1}, is it?\nThat'll be ¥{STR_VAR_2}. Do you want it?");
const u8 gText_YouWantedVar1ThatllBeVar2[] = _("You wanted {STR_VAR_1}?\nThat'll be ¥{STR_VAR_2}. Will that be okay?");
const u8 gText_HereYouGoThankYou[] = _("Here you go!\nThank you very much.");
const u8 gText_ThankYouIllSendItHome[] = _("Thank you!\nI'll send it to your home PC.");
const u8 gText_ThanksIllSendItHome[] = _("Thanks!\nI'll send it to your PC at home.");
const u8 gText_YouDontHaveMoney[] = _("You don't have enough money.{PAUSE_UNTIL_PRESS}");
const u8 gText_NoMoreRoomForThis[] = _("You have no more room for this\nitem.{PAUSE_UNTIL_PRESS}");
const u8 gText_SpaceForVar1Full[] = _("The space for {STR_VAR_1} is full.{PAUSE_UNTIL_PRESS}");
const u8 gText_AnythingElseICanHelp[] = _("Is there anything else I can help\nyou with?");
const u8 gText_CanIHelpWithAnythingElse[] = _("Can I help you with anything else?");
const u8 gText_ThrowInPremierBall[] = _("I'll throw in a PREMIER BALL, too.{PAUSE_UNTIL_PRESS}");
const u8 gText_CantBuyKeyItem[] = _("{STR_VAR_2}? Oh, no.\nI can't buy that.{PAUSE_UNTIL_PRESS}");
const u8 gText_HowManyToSell[] = _("{STR_VAR_2}?\nHow many would you like to sell?");
const u8 gText_ICanPayVar1[] = _("I can pay ¥{STR_VAR_1}.\nWould that be okay?");
const u8 gText_TurnedOverVar1ForVar2[] = _("Turned over the {STR_VAR_2}\nand received ¥{STR_VAR_1}.");
const u8 gText_PokedollarVar1[] = _("¥{STR_VAR_1}");
const u8 gText_Shift[] = _("SHIFT");
const u8 gText_SendOut[] = _("SEND OUT");
const u8 gText_Switch2[] = _("SWITCH");
const u8 gText_Summary5[] = _("SUMMARY");
const u8 gText_Moves[] = _("MOVES"); // Unused
const u8 gText_Enter[] = _("ENTER");
const u8 gText_NoEntry[] = _("NO ENTRY");
const u8 gText_Take2[] = _("TAKE");
const u8 gText_Read2[] = _("READ");
const u8 gText_Trade4[] = _("TRADE");
const u8 gText_HP3[] = _("HP");
const u8 gText_SpAtk3[] = _("SP. ATK");
const u8 gText_SpDef3[] = _("SP. DEF");
const u8 gText_WontHaveEffect[] = _("It won't have any effect.{PAUSE_UNTIL_PRESS}");
const u8 gText_CantBeUsedOnPkmn[] = _("This can't be used on\nthat POKéMON.{PAUSE_UNTIL_PRESS}");
const u8 gText_PkmnCantSwitchOut[] = _("{STR_VAR_1} can't be switched\nout!{PAUSE_UNTIL_PRESS}");
const u8 gText_PkmnAlreadyInBattle[] = _("{STR_VAR_1} is already\nin battle!{PAUSE_UNTIL_PRESS}");
const u8 gText_PkmnAlreadySelected[] = _("{STR_VAR_1} has already been\nselected.{PAUSE_UNTIL_PRESS}");
const u8 gText_PkmnHasNoEnergy[] = _("{STR_VAR_1} has no energy\nleft to battle!{PAUSE_UNTIL_PRESS}");
const u8 gText_CantSwitchWithAlly[] = _("You can't switch {STR_VAR_1}'s\nPOKéMON with one of yours!{PAUSE_UNTIL_PRESS}");
const u8 gText_EggCantBattle[] = _("An EGG can't battle!{PAUSE_UNTIL_PRESS}");
const u8 gText_CantUseUntilNewBadge[] = _("This can't be used until a new\nBADGE is obtained.{PAUSE_UNTIL_PRESS}");
const u8 gText_NoMoreThanVar1Pkmn[] = _("No more than {STR_VAR_1} POKéMON\nmay enter.{PAUSE_UNTIL_PRESS}");
const u8 gText_SendMailToPC[] = _("Send the removed MAIL to\nyour PC?");
const u8 gText_MailSentToPC[] = _("The MAIL was sent to your PC.{PAUSE_UNTIL_PRESS}");
const u8 gText_PCMailboxFull[] = _("Your PC's MAILBOX is full.{PAUSE_UNTIL_PRESS}");
const u8 gText_MailMessageWillBeLost[] = _("If the MAIL is removed, the\nmessage will be lost. Okay?");
const u8 gText_RemoveMailBeforeItem[] = _("MAIL must be removed before\nholding an item.{PAUSE_UNTIL_PRESS}");
const u8 gText_PkmnWasGivenItem[] = _("{STR_VAR_1} was given the\n{STR_VAR_2} to hold.{PAUSE_UNTIL_PRESS}");
const u8 gText_PkmnAlreadyHoldingItemSwitch[] = _("{STR_VAR_1} is already holding\none {STR_VAR_2}.\pWould you like to switch the\ntwo items?");
const u8 gText_PkmnNotHolding[] = _("{STR_VAR_1} isn't holding\nanything.{PAUSE_UNTIL_PRESS}");
const u8 gText_ReceivedItemFromPkmn[] = _("Received the {STR_VAR_2}\nfrom {STR_VAR_1}.{PAUSE_UNTIL_PRESS}");
const u8 gText_MailTakenFromPkmn[] = _("MAIL was taken from the\nPOKéMON.{PAUSE_UNTIL_PRESS}");
const u8 gText_SwitchedPkmnItem[] = _("The {STR_VAR_2} was taken and\nreplaced with the {STR_VAR_1}.{PAUSE_UNTIL_PRESS}");
const u8 gText_PkmnHoldingItemCantHoldMail[] = _("This POKéMON is holding an\nitem. It cannot hold MAIL.{PAUSE_UNTIL_PRESS}");
const u8 gText_MailTransferredFromMailbox[] = _("MAIL was transferred from\nthe MAILBOX.{PAUSE_UNTIL_PRESS}");
const u8 gText_BagFullCouldNotRemoveItem[] = _("The BAG is full. The POKéMON's\nitem could not be removed.{PAUSE_UNTIL_PRESS}");
const u8 gText_PkmnLearnedMove3[] = _("{STR_VAR_1} learned\n{STR_VAR_2}!");
const u8 gText_PkmnCantLearnMove[] = _("{STR_VAR_1} and {STR_VAR_2}\nare not compatible.\p{STR_VAR_2} can't be\nlearned.{PAUSE_UNTIL_PRESS}");
const u8 gText_PkmnNeedsToReplaceMove[] = _("{STR_VAR_1} wants to learn the\nmove {STR_VAR_2}.\pHowever, {STR_VAR_1} already\nknows four moves.\pShould a move be deleted and\nreplaced with {STR_VAR_2}?");
const u8 gText_StopLearningMove2[] = _("Stop trying to teach\n{STR_VAR_2}?");
const u8 gText_MoveNotLearned[] = _("{STR_VAR_1} did not learn the\nmove {STR_VAR_2}.{PAUSE_UNTIL_PRESS}");
const u8 gText_WhichMoveToForget[] = _("Which move should be forgotten?{PAUSE_UNTIL_PRESS}");
const u8 gText_12PoofForgotMove[] = _("1, {PAUSE 15}2, and{PAUSE 15}… {PAUSE 15}… {PAUSE 15}… {PAUSE 15}{PLAY_SE SE_BALL_BOUNCE_1}Poof!\p{STR_VAR_1} forgot how to\nuse {STR_VAR_2}.\pAnd…{PAUSE_UNTIL_PRESS}");
const u8 gText_PkmnAlreadyKnows[] = _("{STR_VAR_1} already knows\n{STR_VAR_2}.{PAUSE_UNTIL_PRESS}");
const u8 gText_PkmnHPRestoredByVar2[] = _("{STR_VAR_1}'s HP was restored\nby {STR_VAR_2} point(s).{PAUSE_UNTIL_PRESS}");
const u8 gText_PkmnCuredOfPoison[] = _("{STR_VAR_1} was cured of its\npoisoning.{PAUSE_UNTIL_PRESS}");
const u8 gText_PkmnCuredOfParalysis[] = _("{STR_VAR_1} was cured of\nparalysis.{PAUSE_UNTIL_PRESS}");
const u8 gText_PkmnWokeUp2[] = _("{STR_VAR_1} woke up.{PAUSE_UNTIL_PRESS}");
const u8 gText_PkmnBurnHealed[] = _("{STR_VAR_1}'s burn was healed.{PAUSE_UNTIL_PRESS}");
const u8 gText_PkmnThawedOut[] = _("{STR_VAR_1} was thawed out.{PAUSE_UNTIL_PRESS}");
const u8 gText_PPWasRestored[] = _("PP was restored.{PAUSE_UNTIL_PRESS}");
const u8 gText_PkmnRegainhedHealth[] = _("{STR_VAR_1} regained health.{PAUSE_UNTIL_PRESS}"); // Unused
const u8 gText_PkmnBecameHealthy[] = _("{STR_VAR_1} became healthy.{PAUSE_UNTIL_PRESS}");
const u8 gText_MovesPPIncreased[] = _("{STR_VAR_1}'s PP increased.{PAUSE_UNTIL_PRESS}");
const u8 gText_PkmnElevatedToLvVar2[] = _("{STR_VAR_1} was elevated to\nLv. {STR_VAR_2}.");
const u8 gText_PkmnBaseVar2StatIncreased[] = _("{STR_VAR_1}'s base {STR_VAR_2}\nstat was raised.{PAUSE_UNTIL_PRESS}");
const u8 gText_PkmnFriendlyBaseVar2Fell[] = _("{STR_VAR_1} turned friendly.\nThe base {STR_VAR_2} fell!{PAUSE_UNTIL_PRESS}");
const u8 gText_PkmnAdoresBaseVar2Fell[] = _("{STR_VAR_1} adores you!\nThe base {STR_VAR_2} fell!{PAUSE_UNTIL_PRESS}");
const u8 gText_PkmnFriendlyBaseVar2CantFall[] = _("{STR_VAR_1} turned friendly.\nThe base {STR_VAR_2} can't fall!{PAUSE_UNTIL_PRESS}");
const u8 gText_PkmnSnappedOutOfConfusion[] = _("{STR_VAR_1} snapped out of its\nconfusion.{PAUSE_UNTIL_PRESS}");
const u8 gText_PkmnGotOverInfatuation[] = _("{STR_VAR_1} got over its\ninfatuation.{PAUSE_UNTIL_PRESS}");
const u8 gText_ThrowAwayItem[] = _("Throw away this\n{STR_VAR_1}?");
const u8 gText_ItemThrownAway[] = _("The {STR_VAR_1}\nwas thrown away.{PAUSE_UNTIL_PRESS}");
const u8 gText_TeachWhichPokemon2[] = _("Teach which POKéMON?"); // Unused
const u8 gText_ChoosePokemon[] = _("Choose a POKéMON.");
const u8 gText_MoveToWhere[] = _("Move to where?");
const u8 gText_TeachWhichPokemon[] = _("Teach which POKéMON?");
const u8 gText_UseOnWhichPokemon[] = _("Use on which POKéMON?");
const u8 gText_GiveToWhichPokemon[] = _("Give to which POKéMON?");
const u8 gText_DoWhatWithPokemon[] = _("Do what with this {PKMN}?");
const u8 gText_NothingToCut[] = _("There's nothing to CUT.");
const u8 gText_CantSurfHere[] = _("You can't SURF here.");
const u8 gText_AlreadySurfing[] = _("You're already SURFING.");
const u8 gText_CantUseHere[] = _("Can't use that here.");
const u8 gText_RestoreWhichMove[] = _("Restore which move?");
const u8 gText_BoostPp[] = _("Boost PP of which move?");
const u8 gText_DoWhatWithItem[] = _("Do what with an item?");
const u8 gText_NoPokemonForBattle[] = _("No POKéMON for battle!");
const u8 gText_ChoosePokemon2[] = _("Choose a POKéMON.");
const u8 gText_NotEnoughHp[] = _("Not enough HP…");
const u8 gText_PokemonAreNeeded[] = _("{STR_VAR_1} POKéMON are needed.");
const u8 gText_PokemonCantBeSame[] = _("POKéMON can't be the same.");
const u8 gText_NoIdenticalHoldItems[] = _("No identical hold items.");
const u8 gText_CurrentIsTooFast[] = _("The current is much too fast!");
const u8 gText_DoWhatWithMail[] = _("Do what with the MAIL?");
const u8 gText_ChoosePokemonCancel[] = _("Choose POKéMON or CANCEL.");
const u8 gText_ChoosePokemonConfirm[] = _("Choose POKéMON and confirm.");
const u8 gText_EnjoyCycling[] = _("Let's enjoy cycling!");
const u8 gText_InUseAlready_PM[] = _("This is in use already.");
const u8 gText_AlreadyHoldingOne[] = _("{STR_VAR_1} is already holding\none {STR_VAR_2}.");
const u8 gText_NoUse[] = _("No use.");
const u8 gText_Able[] = _("ABLE");
const u8 gText_First_PM[] = _("FIRST");
const u8 gText_Second_PM[] = _("SECOND");
const u8 gText_Third_PM[] = _("THIRD");
const u8 gText_Able2[] = _("ABLE");
const u8 gText_NotAble[] = _("NOT ABLE");
const u8 gText_Able3[] = _("ABLE!");
const u8 gText_NotAble2[] = _("NOT ABLE!");
const u8 gText_Learned[] = _("LEARNED");
const u8 gText_Have[] = _("HAVE");
const u8 gText_DontHave[] = _("DON'T HAVE");
const u8 gText_Fourth[] = _("FOURTH");
const u8 gText_PkmnCantParticipate[] = _("That POKéMON can't participate.{PAUSE_UNTIL_PRESS}");
const u8 gText_CancelParticipation[] = _("Cancel participation?");
const u8 gText_CancelBattle[] = _("Cancel the battle?");
const u8 gText_ReturnToWaitingRoom[] = _("Return to the WAITING ROOM?");
const u8 gText_CancelChallenge[] = _("Cancel the challenge?");
const u8 gText_EscapeFromHere[] = _("Want to escape from here and return\nto {STR_VAR_1}?");
const u8 gText_ReturnToHealingSpot[] = _("Want to return to the healing spot\nused last in {STR_VAR_1}?");
const u8 gText_PauseUntilPress[] = _("{PAUSE_UNTIL_PRESS}");
const u8 gJPText_AreYouSureYouWantToSpinTradeMon[] = _("{STR_VAR_1}を ぐるぐるこうかんに\nだして よろしいですか?");
ALIGNED(4) const u8 gText_OnlyPkmnForBattle[] = _("That's your only\nPOKéMON for battle.");
ALIGNED(4) const u8 gText_PkmnCantBeTradedNow[] = _("That POKéMON can't be traded\nnow.");
ALIGNED(4) const u8 gText_EggCantBeTradedNow[] = _("An EGG can't be traded now.");
ALIGNED(4) const u8 gText_OtherTrainersPkmnCantBeTraded[] = _("The other TRAINER's POKéMON\ncan't be traded now.");
ALIGNED(4) const u8 gText_OtherTrainerCantAcceptPkmn[] = _("The other TRAINER can't accept\nthat POKéMON now.");
ALIGNED(4) const u8 gText_CantTradeWithTrainer[] = _("You can't trade with that\nTRAINER now.");
ALIGNED(4) const u8 gText_NotPkmnOtherTrainerWants[] = _("That isn't the type of POKéMON\nthat the other TRAINER wants.");
ALIGNED(4) const u8 gText_ThatIsntAnEgg[] = _("That isn't an EGG.");
const u8 gText_Register[] = _("REGISTER");
const u8 gText_Attack3[] = _("ATTACK");
const u8 gText_Defense3[] = _("DEFENSE");
const u8 gText_SpAtk4[] = _("SP. ATK");
const u8 gText_SpDef4[] = _("SP. DEF");
const u8 gText_Speed2[] = _("SPEED");
const u8 gText_HP4[] = _("HP");
const u8 gText_EmptyString8[] = _(""); // Unused
const u8 gText_OTSlash[] = _("OT/");
const u8 gText_RentalPkmn[] = _("RENTAL POKéMON");
const u8 gText_TypeSlash[] = _("TYPE/");
const u8 gText_Power[] = _("POWER");
const u8 gText_Accuracy2[] = _("ACCURACY");
const u8 gText_Appeal[] = _("APPEAL");
const u8 gText_Jam[] = _("JAM");
const u8 gText_Status[] = _("STATUS");
const u8 gText_ExpPoints[] = _("EXP. POINTS");
const u8 gText_NextLv[] = _("NEXT LV.");
const u8 gText_RibbonsVar1[] = _("RIBBONS: {STR_VAR_1}");
const u8 gText_EmptyString5[] = _("");
const u8 gText_Events[] = _("EVENTS"); // Unused
const u8 gText_Switch[] = _("SWITCH");
const u8 gText_PkmnInfo[] = _("POKéMON INFO");
const u8 gText_PkmnSkills[] = _("POKéMON SKILLS");
const u8 gText_BattleMoves[] = _("BATTLE MOVES");
const u8 gText_ContestMoves[] = _("C0NTEST MOVES");
const u8 gText_Info[] = _("INFO");
const u8 gText_EggWillTakeALongTime[] = _("It looks like this EGG will\ntake a long time to hatch.");
const u8 gText_EggWillTakeSomeTime[] = _("What will hatch from this?\nIt will take some time.");
const u8 gText_EggWillHatchSoon[] = _("It moves occasionally.\nIt should hatch soon.");
const u8 gText_EggAboutToHatch[] = _("It's making sounds.\nIt's about to hatch!");
const u8 gText_HMMovesCantBeForgotten2[] = _("HM moves can't be\nforgotten now.");
const u8 gText_XNatureMetAtYZ[] = _("{DYNAMIC 0}{DYNAMIC 2}{DYNAMIC 1}{DYNAMIC 5} nature,\nmet at {LV_2}{DYNAMIC 0}{DYNAMIC 3}{DYNAMIC 1},\n{DYNAMIC 0}{DYNAMIC 4}{DYNAMIC 1}.");
const u8 gText_XNatureHatchedAtYZ[] = _("{DYNAMIC 0}{DYNAMIC 2}{DYNAMIC 1}{DYNAMIC 5} nature,\nhatched at {LV_2}{DYNAMIC 0}{DYNAMIC 3}{DYNAMIC 1},\n{DYNAMIC 0}{DYNAMIC 4}{DYNAMIC 1}.");
const u8 gText_XNatureObtainedInTrade[] = _("{DYNAMIC 0}{DYNAMIC 2}{DYNAMIC 1}{DYNAMIC 5} nature,\nobtained in a trade.");
const u8 gText_XNatureFatefulEncounter[] = _("{DYNAMIC 0}{DYNAMIC 2}{DYNAMIC 1}{DYNAMIC 5} nature,\nobtained in a fateful\nencounter at {LV_2}{DYNAMIC 0}{DYNAMIC 3}{DYNAMIC 1}.");
const u8 gText_XNatureProbablyMetAt[] = _("{DYNAMIC 0}{DYNAMIC 2}{DYNAMIC 1}{DYNAMIC 5} nature,\nprobably met at {LV_2}{DYNAMIC 0}{DYNAMIC 3}{DYNAMIC 1},\n{DYNAMIC 0}{DYNAMIC 4}{DYNAMIC 1}.");
const u8 gText_XNature[] = _("{DYNAMIC 0}{DYNAMIC 2}{DYNAMIC 1}{DYNAMIC 5} nature");
const u8 gText_XNatureMetSomewhereAt[] = _("{DYNAMIC 0}{DYNAMIC 2}{DYNAMIC 1}{DYNAMIC 5} nature,\nmet somewhere at {LV_2}{DYNAMIC 0}{DYNAMIC 3}{DYNAMIC 1}.");
const u8 gText_XNatureHatchedSomewhereAt[] = _("{DYNAMIC 0}{DYNAMIC 2}{DYNAMIC 1}{DYNAMIC 5} nature,\nhatched somewhere at {LV_2}{DYNAMIC 0}{DYNAMIC 3}{DYNAMIC 1}.");
const u8 gText_OddEggFoundByCouple[] = _("An odd POKéMON EGG found\nby the DAY CARE couple.");
const u8 gText_PeculiarEggNicePlace[] = _("A peculiar POKéMON EGG\nobtained at the nice place.");
const u8 gText_PeculiarEggTrade[] = _("A peculiar POKéMON EGG\nobtained in a trade.");
const u8 gText_EggFromHotSprings[] = _("A POKéMON EGG obtained\nat the hot springs.");
const u8 gText_EggFromTraveler[] = _("An odd POKéMON EGG\nobtained from a traveler.");
const u8 gText_ApostropheSBase[] = _("'s BASE");
const u8 gText_OkayToDeleteFromRegistry[] = _("Is it okay to delete {STR_VAR_1}\nfrom the REGISTRY?");
const u8 gText_RegisteredDataDeleted[] = _("The registered data was deleted.{PAUSE_UNTIL_PRESS}");
const u8 gText_NoRegistry[] = _("There is no REGISTRY.{PAUSE_UNTIL_PRESS}");
const u8 gText_DelRegist[] = _("DEL REGIST.");
const u8 gText_Var3Var1SlashVar2[] = _("{STR_VAR_3}{STR_VAR_1}/{STR_VAR_2}"); // Unused
const u8 gText_Decorate[] = _("DECORATE");
const u8 gText_PutAway[] = _("PUT AWAY");
const u8 gText_Toss2[] = _("TOSS");
const u8 gText_Color161Shadow161[] = _("{COLOR 161}{SHADOW 161}");
const u8 gText_PutOutSelectedDecorItem[] = _("Put out the selected decoration item.");
const u8 gText_StoreChosenDecorInPC[] = _("Store the chosen decoration in the PC.");
const u8 gText_ThrowAwayUnwantedDecors[] = _("Throw away unwanted decorations.");
const u8 gText_NoDecorations[] = _("There are no decorations.{PAUSE_UNTIL_PRESS}");
const u8 gText_Desk[] = _("DESK");
const u8 gText_Chair[] = _("CHAIR");
const u8 gText_Plant[] = _("PLANT");
const u8 gText_Ornament[] = _("ORNAMENT");
const u8 gText_Mat[] = _("MAT");
const u8 gText_Poster[] = _("POSTER");
const u8 gText_Doll[] = _("DOLL");
const u8 gText_Cushion[] = _("CUSHION");
const u8 gText_Gold[] = _("GOLD");
const u8 gText_Silver[] = _("SILVER");
const u8 gText_PlaceItHere[] = _("Place it here?");
const u8 gText_CantBePlacedHere[] = _("It can't be placed here.");
const u8 gText_CancelDecorating[] = _("Cancel decorating?");
const u8 gText_InUseAlready[] = _("This is in use already.");
const u8 gText_NoMoreDecorations[] = _("No more decorations can be placed.\nThe most that can be placed are {STR_VAR_1}.");
const u8 gText_NoMoreDecorations2[] = _("No more decorations can be placed.\nThe most that can be placed are {STR_VAR_1}.");
const u8 gText_MustBePlacedOnDesk[] = _("This can't be placed here.\nIt must be on a DESK, etc."); // Unused
const u8 gText_CantPlaceInRoom[] = _("This decoration can't be placed in\nyour own room.");
const u8 gText_CantThrowAwayInUse[] = _("This decoration is in use.\nIt can't be thrown away.");
const u8 gText_DecorationWillBeDiscarded[] = _("This {STR_VAR_1} will be discarded.\nIs that okay?");
const u8 gText_DecorationThrownAway[] = _("The decoration item was thrown away.");
const u8 gText_StopPuttingAwayDecorations[] = _("Stop putting away decorations?");
const u8 gText_NoDecorationHere[] = _("There is no decoration item here.");
const u8 gText_ReturnDecorationToPC[] = _("Return this decoration to the PC?");
const u8 gText_DecorationReturnedToPC[] = _("The decoration was returned to the PC.");
const u8 gText_NoDecorationsInUse[] = _("There are no decorations in use.{PAUSE_UNTIL_PRESS}");
const u8 gText_Tristan[] = _("TRISTAN");
const u8 gText_Philip[] = _("PHILIP");
const u8 gText_Dennis[] = _("DENNIS");
const u8 gText_Roberto[] = _("ROBERTO");
const u8 gText_TurnOff[] = _("TURN OFF");
const u8 gText_Decoration[] = _("DECORATION");
const u8 gText_ItemStorage[] = _("ITEM STORAGE");
const u8 gText_Mailbox[] = _("MAILBOX");
const u8 gText_DepositItem[] = _("DEPOSIT ITEM");
const u8 gText_WithdrawItem[] = _("WITHDRAW ITEM");
const u8 gText_TossItem[] = _("TOSS ITEM");
const u8 gText_StoreItemsInPC[] = _("Store items in the PC.");
const u8 gText_TakeOutItemsFromPC[] = _("Take out items from the PC.");
const u8 gText_ThrowAwayItemsInPC[] = _("Throw away items stored in the PC.");
const u8 gText_NoItems[] = _("There are no items.{PAUSE_UNTIL_PRESS}");
const u8 gText_NoRoomInBag[] = _("There is no more\nroom in the BAG.");
const u8 gText_WithdrawHowManyItems[] = _("Withdraw how many\n{STR_VAR_1}(s)?");
const u8 gText_WithdrawXItems[] = _("Withdrew {STR_VAR_2}\n{STR_VAR_1}(s).");
const u8 gText_Read[] = _("READ");
const u8 gText_MoveToBag[] = _("MOVE TO BAG");
const u8 gText_Give2[] = _("GIVE");
const u8 gText_NoMailHere[] = _("There's no MAIL here.{PAUSE_UNTIL_PRESS}");
const u8 gText_WhatToDoWithVar1sMail[] = _("What would you like to do with\n{STR_VAR_1}'s MAIL?");
const u8 gText_MessageWillBeLost[] = _("The message will be lost.\nIs that okay?");
const u8 gText_BagIsFull[] = _("The BAG is full.{PAUSE_UNTIL_PRESS}");
const u8 gText_MailToBagMessageErased[] = _("The MAIL was returned to the BAG\nwith its message erased.{PAUSE_UNTIL_PRESS}");
const u8 gText_Dad[] = _("DAD");
const u8 gText_Mom[] = _("MOM");
const u8 gText_Wallace[] = _("WALLACE");
const u8 gText_Steven[] = _("STEVEN");
const u8 gText_Brawly[] = _("BRAWLY");
const u8 gText_Winona[] = _("WINONA");
const u8 gText_Phoebe[] = _("PHOEBE");
const u8 gText_Glacia[] = _("GLACIA");
const u8 gText_Petalburg[] = _("PETALBURG");
const u8 gText_Slateport[] = _("SLATEPORT");
const u8 gText_Littleroot[] = _("LITTLEROOT"); // Unused. Given the context, Briney may at one point have been able to sail the player here
const u8 gText_Lilycove[] = _("LILYCOVE"); // Unused. Given the context, Briney may at one point have been able to sail the player here
const u8 gText_Dewford[] = _("DEWFORD");
const u8 gText_Enter2[] = _("ENTER");
const u8 gText_Info2[] = _("INFO");
const u8 gText_WhatsAContest[] = _("What's a CONTEST?");
const u8 gText_TypesOfContests[] = _("Types of CONTESTS");
const u8 gText_Ranks[] = _("Ranks");
const u8 gText_Judging[] = _("Judging"); //unused
const u8 gText_CoolnessContest[] = _("COOLNESS CONTEST");
const u8 gText_BeautyContest[] = _("BEAUTY CONTEST");
const u8 gText_CutenessContest[] = _("CUTENESS CONTEST");
const u8 gText_SmartnessContest[] = _("SMARTNESS CONTEST");
const u8 gText_ToughnessContest[] = _("TOUGHNESS CONTEST");
const u8 gText_Decoration2[] = _("DECORATION");
const u8 gText_PackUp[] = _("PACK UP");
const u8 gText_Count[] = _("COUNT"); //unused
const u8 gText_Registry[] = _("REGISTRY");
const u8 gText_Information[] = _("INFORMATION");
const u8 gText_Mach[] = _("MACH");
const u8 gText_Acro[] = _("ACRO");
const u8 gText_Psn[] = _("PSN");
const u8 gText_Par[] = _("PAR");
const u8 gText_Slp[] = _("SLP");
const u8 gText_Brn[] = _("BRN");
const u8 gText_Frz[] = _("FRZ");
const u8 gText_Toxic[] = _("TOXIC"); // Unused
const u8 gText_Ok3[] = _("OK"); // Unused
const u8 gText_Quit[] = _("QUIT"); // Unused
const u8 gText_SawIt[] = _("Saw it");
const u8 gText_NotYet[] = _("Not yet");
const u8 gText_Yes[] = _("YES");
const u8 gText_No[] = _("NO");
const u8 gText_Info4[] = _("INFO"); // Unused
const u8 gText_SingleBattle[] = _("SINGLE BATTLE");
const u8 gText_DoubleBattle[] = _("DOUBLE BATTLE");
const u8 gText_MultiBattle[] = _("MULTI BATTLE");
const u8 gText_MrBriney[] = _("MR. BRINEY"); // Unused
const u8 gText_Challenge[] = _("CHALLENGE");
const u8 gText_Info3[] = _("INFO");
const u8 gText_Lv50[] = _("LV. 50");
const u8 gText_OpenLevel[] = _("OPEN LEVEL");
const u8 gText_FreshWaterAndPrice[] = _("FRESH WATER{CLEAR_TO 0x48}¥200");
const u8 gText_SodaPopAndPrice[] = _("SODA POP{CLEAR_TO 0x48}¥300");
const u8 gText_LemonadeAndPrice[] = _("LEMONADE{CLEAR_TO 0x48}¥350");
const u8 gText_HowToRide[] = _("HOW TO RIDE");
const u8 gText_HowToTurn[] = _("HOW TO TURN");
const u8 gText_SandySlopes[] = _("SANDY SLOPES");
const u8 gText_Wheelies[] = _("WHEELIES");
const u8 gText_BunnyHops[] = _("BUNNY-HOPS");
const u8 gText_Jump[] = _("JUMP");
const u8 gText_Satisfied[] = _("Satisfied");
const u8 gText_Dissatisfied[] = _("Dissatisfied");
const u8 gText_DeepSeaTooth[] = _("DEEPSEATOOTH");
const u8 gText_DeepSeaScale[] = _("DEEPSEASCALE");
const u8 gText_BlueFlute2[] = _("BLUE FLUTE");
const u8 gText_YellowFlute2[] = _("YELLOW FLUTE");
const u8 gText_RedFlute2[] = _("RED FLUTE");
const u8 gText_WhiteFlute2[] = _("WHITE FLUTE");
const u8 gText_BlackFlute2[] = _("BLACK FLUTE");
const u8 gText_GlassChair[] = _("GLASS CHAIR");
const u8 gText_GlassDesk[] = _("GLASS DESK");
const u8 gText_TreeckoDollAndPrice[] = _("TREECKO DOLL 1,000 COINS");
const u8 gText_TorchicDollAndPrice[] = _("TORCHIC DOLL 1,000 COINS");
const u8 gText_MudkipDollAndPrice[] = _("MUDKIP DOLL 1,000 COINS");
const u8 gText_50CoinsAndPrice[] = _(" 50 COINS ¥1,000");
const u8 gText_500CoinsAndPrice[] = _("500 COINS ¥10,000");
const u8 gText_Excellent2[] = _("Excellent");
const u8 gText_NotSoGood[] = _("Not so good");
const u8 gText_RedShard[] = _("RED SHARD");
const u8 gText_YellowShard[] = _("YELLOW SHARD");
const u8 gText_BlueShard[] = _("BLUE SHARD");
const u8 gText_GreenShard[] = _("GREEN SHARD");
const u8 gText_BattleFrontier[] = _("BATTLE FRONTIER");
const u8 gText_Right[] = _("Right");
const u8 gText_Left[] = _("Left");
const u8 gText_TM32AndPrice[] = _("TM32{CLEAR_TO 0x48}1,500 COINS");
const u8 gText_TM29AndPrice[] = _("TM29{CLEAR_TO 0x48}3,500 COINS");
const u8 gText_TM35AndPrice[] = _("TM35{CLEAR_TO 0x48}4,000 COINS");
const u8 gText_TM24AndPrice[] = _("TM24{CLEAR_TO 0x48}4,000 COINS");
const u8 gText_TM13AndPrice[] = _("TM13{CLEAR_TO 0x48}4,000 COINS");
const u8 gText_Cool[] = _("COOL");
const u8 gText_Beauty[] = _("BEAUTY");
const u8 gText_Cute[] = _("CUTE");
const u8 gText_Smart[] = _("SMART");
const u8 gText_Tough[] = _("TOUGH");
const u8 gText_Normal[] = _("NORMAL");
const u8 gText_Super[] = _("SUPER");
const u8 gText_Hyper[] = _("HYPER");
const u8 gText_Master[] = _("MASTER");
const u8 gText_Cool2[] = _("COOL");
const u8 gText_Beauty2[] = _("BEAUTY");
const u8 gText_Cute2[] = _("CUTE");
const u8 gText_Smart2[] = _("SMART");
const u8 gText_Tough2[] = _("TOUGH");
const u8 gText_Items[] = _("ITEMS");
const u8 gText_Key_Items[] = _("KEY ITEMS");
const u8 gText_Poke_Balls[] = _("POKé BALLS");
const u8 gText_TMs_Hms[] = _("TMs & HMs");
const u8 gText_Berries2[] = _("BERRIES");
const u8 gText_SomeonesPC[] = _("SOMEONE'S PC");
const u8 gText_LanettesPC[] = _("LANETTE'S PC");
const u8 gText_PlayersPC[] = _("{PLAYER}'s PC");
const u8 gText_HallOfFame[] = _("HALL OF FAME");
const u8 gText_LogOff[] = _("LOG OFF");
const u8 gText_Opponent[] = _("OPPONENT");
const u8 gText_Tourney_Tree[] = _("TOURNEY TREE");
const u8 gText_ReadyToStart[] = _("READY TO START");
const u8 gText_NormalRank[] = _("NORMAL RANK");
const u8 gText_SuperRank[] = _("SUPER RANK");
const u8 gText_HyperRank[] = _("HYPER RANK");
const u8 gText_MasterRank[] = _("MASTER RANK");
const u8 gText_Single2[] = _("SINGLE");
const u8 gText_Double2[] = _("DOUBLE");
const u8 gText_Multi[] = _("MULTI");
const u8 gText_MultiLink[] = _("MULTI-LINK");
const u8 gText_BattleBag[] = _("BATTLE BAG");
const u8 gText_HeldItem[] = _("HELD ITEM");
const u8 gText_LinkContest[] = _("LINK CONTEST");
const u8 gText_AboutE_Mode[] = _("ABOUT E-MODE");
const u8 gText_AboutG_Mode[] = _("ABOUT G-MODE");
const u8 gText_E_Mode[] = _("E-MODE");
const u8 gText_G_Mode[] = _("G-MODE");
const u8 gText_MenuOptionPokedex[] = _("POKéDEX");
const u8 gText_MenuOptionPokemon[] = _("POKéMON");
const u8 gText_MenuOptionBag[] = _("BAG");
const u8 gText_MenuOptionPokenav[] = _("POKéNAV");
const u8 gText_Blank[] = _("");
const u8 gText_MenuOptionSave[] = _("SAVE");
const u8 gText_MenuOptionOption[] = _("OPTION");
const u8 gText_MenuOptionExit[] = _("EXIT");
const u8 gText_5BP[] = _(" 5BP");
const u8 gText_10BP[] = _("10BP");
const u8 gText_15BP[] = _("15BP");
const u8 gText_RedTent[] = _("RED TENT");
const u8 gText_BlueTent[] = _("BLUE TENT");
const u8 gText_SouthernIsland[] = _("SOUTHERN ISLAND");
const u8 gText_BirthIsland[] = _("BIRTH ISLAND");
const u8 gText_FarawayIsland[] = _("FARAWAY ISLAND");
const u8 gText_NavelRock[] = _("NAVEL ROCK");
const u8 gText_ClawFossil[] = _("CLAW FOSSIL");
const u8 gText_RootFossil[] = _("ROOT FOSSIL");
const u8 gText_No4[] = _("NO");
const u8 gText_IllBattleNow[] = _("I'll battle now!");
const u8 gText_IWon[] = _("I won!");
const u8 gText_ILost[] = _("I lost!");
const u8 gText_IWontTell[] = _("I won't tell.");
const u8 gText_NormalTagMatch[] = _("NORMAL TAG MATCH");
const u8 gText_VarietyTagMatch[] = _("VARIETY TAG MATCH");
const u8 gText_UniqueTagMatch[] = _("UNIQUE TAG MATCH");
const u8 gText_ExpertTagMatch[] = _("EXPERT TAG MATCH");
const u8 gText_TradeCenter[] = _("TRADE CENTER");
const u8 gText_Colosseum[] = _("COLOSSEUM");
const u8 gText_RecordCorner[] = _("RECORD CORNER");
const u8 gText_BerryCrush3[] = _("BERRY CRUSH");
const u8 gText_EmptyLinkService[] = _(""); // Maybe Spin Trade?
const u8 gText_PokemonJump[] = _("POKéMON JUMP");
const u8 gText_DodrioBerryPicking[] = _("DODRIO BERRY-PICKING");
const u8 gText_BecomeLeader[] = _("BECOME LEADER");
const u8 gText_JoinGroup[] = _("JOIN GROUP");
const u8 gText_TwoStyles[] = _("TWO STYLES");
const u8 gText_Lv50_3[] = _("LV. 50");
const u8 gText_OpenLevel2[] = _("OPEN LEVEL");
const u8 gText_MonTypeAndNo[] = _("{PKMN} TYPE & NO.");
const u8 gText_HoldItems[] = _("HOLD ITEMS");
const u8 gText_Symbols2[] = _("SYMBOLS");
const u8 gText_Record3[] = _("RECORD");
const u8 gText_BattlePts[] = _("BATTLE PTS");
const u8 gText_TowerInfo[] = _("TOWER INFO");
const u8 gText_BattleMon[] = _("BATTLE {PKMN}");
const u8 gText_BattleSalon[] = _("BATTLE SALON");
const u8 gText_MultiLink2[] = _("MULTI-LINK");
const u8 gText_BattleRules[] = _("BATTLE RULES");
const u8 gText_JudgeMind[] = _("JUDGE: MIND");
const u8 gText_JudgeSkill[] = _("JUDGE: SKILL");
const u8 gText_JudgeBody[] = _("JUDGE: BODY");
const u8 gText_Matchup[] = _("MATCHUP");
const u8 gText_TourneyTree[] = _("TOURNEY TREE");
const u8 gText_DoubleKO[] = _("DOUBLE KO");
const u8 gText_BasicRules[] = _("BASIC RULES");
const u8 gText_SwapPartners[] = _("SWAP: PARTNER");
const u8 gText_SwapNumber[] = _("SWAP: NUMBER");
const u8 gText_SwapNotes[] = _("SWAP: NOTES");
const u8 gText_OpenLevel3[] = _("OPEN LEVEL");
const u8 gText_BattleBasics[] = _("BATTLE BASICS");
const u8 gText_PokemonNature[] = _("POKéMON NATURE");
const u8 gText_PokemonMoves[] = _("POKéMON MOVES");
const u8 gText_Underpowered[] = _("UNDERPOWERED");
const u8 gText_WhenInDanger[] = _("WHEN IN DANGER");
const u8 gText_PyramidPokemon[] = _("PYRAMID: POKéMON");
const u8 gText_PyramidTrainers[] = _("PYRAMID: TRAINERS");
const u8 gText_PyramidMaze[] = _("PYRAMID: MAZE");
const u8 gText_BattleBag2[] = _("BATTLE BAG");
const u8 gText_PokenavAndBag[] = _("POKéNAV AND BAG");
const u8 gText_HeldItems[] = _("HELD ITEMS");
const u8 gText_PokemonOrder[] = _("POKéMON ORDER");
const u8 gText_BattlePokemon[] = _("BATTLE POKéMON");
const u8 gText_BattleTrainers[] = _("BATTLE TRAINERS");
const u8 gText_GoOn[] = _("GO ON");
const u8 gText_Record2[] = _("RECORD");
const u8 gText_Rest[] = _("REST");
const u8 gText_Retire[] = _("RETIRE");
const u8 gText_99TimesPlus[] = _("99 times +");
const u8 gText_1MinutePlus[] = _("1 minute +");
const u8 gText_SpaceSeconds[] = _(" seconds");
const u8 gText_SpaceTimes[] = _(" time(s)");
const u8 gText_Dot[] = _("."); // Unused
const u8 gText_BigGuy[] = _("Big guy");
const u8 gText_BigGirl[] = _("Big girl");
const u8 gText_Son[] = _("son");
const u8 gText_Daughter[] = _("daughter");
const u8 gText_BlueFlute[] = _("BLUE FLUTE");
const u8 gText_YellowFlute[] = _("YELLOW FLUTE");
const u8 gText_RedFlute[] = _("RED FLUTE");
const u8 gText_WhiteFlute[] = _("WHITE FLUTE");
const u8 gText_BlackFlute[] = _("BLACK FLUTE");
const u8 gText_PrettyChair[] = _("PRETTY CHAIR");
const u8 gText_PrettyDesk[] = _("PRETTY DESK");
const u8 gText_1F[] = _("1F");
const u8 gText_2F[] = _("2F");
const u8 gText_3F[] = _("3F");
const u8 gText_4F[] = _("4F");
const u8 gText_5F[] = _("5F");
const u8 gText_6F[] = _("6F");
const u8 gText_7F[] = _("7F");
const u8 gText_8F[] = _("8F");
const u8 gText_9F[] = _("9F");
const u8 gText_10F[] = _("10F");
const u8 gText_11F[] = _("11F");
const u8 gText_B1F[] = _("B1F");
const u8 gText_B2F[] = _("B2F");
const u8 gText_B3F[] = _("B3F");
const u8 gText_B4F[] = _("B4F");
const u8 gText_Rooftop[] = _("ROOFTOP");
const u8 gText_ElevatorNowOn[] = _("Now on:");
const u8 gText_BP[] = _("BP");
const u8 gText_EnergyPowder50[] = _("ENERGYPOWDER{CLEAR_TO 0x72}{FONT 0}50");
const u8 gText_EnergyRoot80[] = _("ENERGY ROOT{CLEAR_TO 0x72}{FONT 0}80");
const u8 gText_HealPowder50[] = _("HEAL POWDER{CLEAR_TO 0x72}{FONT 0}50");
const u8 gText_RevivalHerb300[] = _("REVIVAL HERB{CLEAR_TO 0x6C}{FONT 0}300");
const u8 gText_Protein1000[] = _("PROTEIN{CLEAR_TO 0x63}{FONT 0}1,000");
const u8 gText_Iron1000[] = _("IRON{CLEAR_TO 0x63}{FONT 0}1,000");
const u8 gText_Carbos1000[] = _("CARBOS{CLEAR_TO 0x63}{FONT 0}1,000");
const u8 gText_Calcium1000[] = _("CALCIUM{CLEAR_TO 0x63}{FONT 0}1,000");
const u8 gText_Zinc1000[] = _("ZINC{CLEAR_TO 0x63}{FONT 0}1,000");
const u8 gText_HPUp1000[] = _("HP UP{CLEAR_TO 0x63}{FONT 0}1,000");
const u8 gText_PPUp3000[] = _("PP UP{CLEAR_TO 0x63}{FONT 0}3,000");
const u8 gText_RankingHall[] = _("RANKING HALL");
const u8 gText_ExchangeService[] = _("EXCHANGE SERVICE");
const u8 gText_LilycoveCity[] = _("LILYCOVE CITY");
const u8 gText_SlateportCity[] = _("SLATEPORT CITY");
const u8 gText_CaveOfOrigin[] = _("CAVE OF ORIGIN");
const u8 gText_MtPyre[] = _("MT. PYRE");
const u8 gText_SkyPillar[] = _("SKY PILLAR");
const u8 gText_DontRemember[] = _("Don't remember");
const u8 gText_Exit[] = _("EXIT");
const u8 gText_ExitFromBox[] = _("Exit from the BOX?");
const u8 gText_WhatDoYouWantToDo[] = _("What do you want to do?");
const u8 gText_PleasePickATheme[] = _("Please pick a theme.");
const u8 gText_PickTheWallpaper[] = _("Pick the wallpaper.");
const u8 gText_PkmnIsSelected[] = _("{DYNAMIC 0} is selected.");
const u8 gText_JumpToWhichBox[] = _("Jump to which BOX?");
const u8 gText_DepositInWhichBox[] = _("Deposit in which BOX?");
const u8 gText_PkmnWasDeposited[] = _("{DYNAMIC 0} was deposited.");
const u8 gText_BoxIsFull2[] = _("The BOX is full.");
const u8 gText_ReleaseThisPokemon[] = _("Release this POKéMON?");
const u8 gText_PkmnWasReleased[] = _("{DYNAMIC 0} was released.");
const u8 gText_ByeByePkmn[] = _("Bye-bye, {DYNAMIC 0}!");
const u8 gText_MarkYourPkmn[] = _("Mark your POKéMON.");
const u8 gText_ThatsYourLastPkmn[] = _("That's your last POKéMON!");
const u8 gText_YourPartysFull[] = _("Your party's full!");
const u8 gText_YoureHoldingAPkmn[] = _("You're holding a POKéMON!");
const u8 gText_WhichOneWillYouTake[] = _("Which one will you take?");
const u8 gText_YouCantReleaseAnEgg[] = _("You can't release an EGG.");
const u8 gText_ContinueBoxOperations[] = _("Continue BOX operations?");
const u8 gText_PkmnCameBack[] = _("{DYNAMIC 0} came back!");
const u8 gText_WasItWorriedAboutYou[] = _("Was it worried about you?");
const u8 gText_FourEllipsesExclamation[] = _("… … … … !");
const u8 gText_PleaseRemoveTheMail[] = _("Please remove the MAIL.");
const u8 gText_GiveToAPkmn[] = _("GIVE to a POKéMON?");
const u8 gText_PlacedItemInBag[] = _("Placed item in the BAG.");
const u8 gText_BagIsFull2[] = _("The BAG is full.");
const u8 gText_PutItemInBag[] = _("Put this item in the BAG?");
const u8 gText_ItemIsNowHeld[] = _("{DYNAMIC 0} is now held.");
const u8 gText_ChangedToNewItem[] = _("Changed to {DYNAMIC 0}.");
const u8 gText_MailCantBeStored[] = _("MAIL can't be stored!");
const u8 gPCText_Cancel[] = _("CANCEL");
const u8 gPCText_Store[] = _("STORE");
const u8 gPCText_Withdraw[] = _("WITHDRAW");
const u8 gPCText_Shift[] = _("SHIFT");
const u8 gPCText_Move[] = _("MOVE");
const u8 gPCText_Place[] = _("PLACE");
const u8 gPCText_Summary[] = _("SUMMARY");
const u8 gPCText_Release[] = _("RELEASE");
const u8 gPCText_Mark[] = _("MARK");
const u8 gPCText_Name[] = _("NAME");
const u8 gPCText_Jump[] = _("JUMP");
const u8 gPCText_Wallpaper[] = _("WALLPAPER");
const u8 gPCText_Take[] = _("TAKE");
const u8 gPCText_Give[] = _("GIVE");
const u8 gPCText_Switch[] = _("SWITCH");
const u8 gPCText_Bag[] = _("BAG");
const u8 gPCText_Info[] = _("INFO");
const u8 gPCText_Scenery1[] = _("SCENERY 1");
const u8 gPCText_Scenery2[] = _("SCENERY 2");
const u8 gPCText_Scenery3[] = _("SCENERY 3");
const u8 gPCText_Etcetera[] = _("ETCETERA");
const u8 gPCText_Friends[] = _("FRIENDS");
const u8 gPCText_Forest[] = _("FOREST");
const u8 gPCText_City[] = _("CITY");
const u8 gPCText_Desert[] = _("DESERT");
const u8 gPCText_Savanna[] = _("SAVANNA");
const u8 gPCText_Crag[] = _("CRAG");
const u8 gPCText_Volcano[] = _("VOLCANO");
const u8 gPCText_Snow[] = _("SNOW");
const u8 gPCText_Cave[] = _("CAVE");
const u8 gPCText_Beach[] = _("BEACH");
const u8 gPCText_Seafloor[] = _("SEAFLOOR");
const u8 gPCText_River[] = _("RIVER");
const u8 gPCText_Sky[] = _("SKY");
const u8 gPCText_PolkaDot[] = _("POLKA-DOT");
const u8 gPCText_Pokecenter[] = _("POKéCENTER");
const u8 gPCText_Machine[] = _("MACHINE");
const u8 gPCText_Simple[] = _("SIMPLE");
const u8 gText_WhatWouldYouLikeToDo[] = _("What would you like to do?"); // Unused
const u8 gText_WithdrawPokemon[] = _("WITHDRAW POKéMON");
const u8 gText_DepositPokemon[] = _("DEPOSIT POKéMON");
const u8 gText_MovePokemon[] = _("MOVE POKéMON");
const u8 gText_MoveItems[] = _("MOVE ITEMS");
const u8 gText_SeeYa[] = _("SEE YA!");
const u8 gText_WithdrawMonDescription[] = _("Move POKéMON stored in BOXES to\nyour party.");
const u8 gText_DepositMonDescription[] = _("Store POKéMON in your party in BOXES.");
const u8 gText_MoveMonDescription[] = _("Organize the POKéMON in BOXES and\nin your party.");
const u8 gText_MoveItemsDescription[] = _("Move items held by any POKéMON\nin a BOX or your party.");
const u8 gText_SeeYaDescription[] = _("Return to the previous menu.");
const u8 gText_JustOnePkmn[] = _("There is just one POKéMON with you.");
const u8 gText_PartyFull[] = _("Your party is full!");
const u8 gText_Box[] = _("BOX");
const u8 gText_CheckMapOfHoenn[] = _("Check the map of the HOENN region.");
const u8 gText_CheckPokemonInDetail[] = _("Check POKéMON in detail.");
const u8 gText_CallRegisteredTrainer[] = _("Call a registered TRAINER.");
const u8 gText_CheckObtainedRibbons[] = _("Check obtained RIBBONS.");
const u8 gText_PutAwayPokenav[] = _("Put away the POKéNAV.");
const u8 gText_NoRibbonWinners[] = _("There are no RIBBON winners.");
const u8 gText_NoTrainersRegistered[] = _("No TRAINERS are registered."); // Unused
const u8 gText_CheckPartyPokemonInDetail[] = _("Check party POKéMON in detail.");
const u8 gText_CheckAllPokemonInDetail[] = _("Check all POKéMON in detail.");
const u8 gText_ReturnToPokenavMenu[] = _("Return to the POKéNAV menu.");
const u8 gText_FindCoolPokemon[] = _("Find cool POKéMON.");
const u8 gText_FindBeautifulPokemon[] = _("Find beautiful POKéMON.");
const u8 gText_FindCutePokemon[] = _("Find cute POKéMON.");
const u8 gText_FindSmartPokemon[] = _("Find smart POKéMON.");
const u8 gText_FindToughPokemon[] = _("Find tough POKéMON.");
const u8 gText_ReturnToConditionMenu[] = _("Return to the CONDITION menu.");
const u8 gText_NumberRegistered[] = _("No. registered");
const u8 gText_NumberOfBattles[] = _("No. of battles");
const u8 gText_Detail[] = _("DETAIL"); // Unused
const u8 gText_Call2[] = _("CALL"); // Unused
const u8 gText_UnusedExit[] = _("EXIT"); // Unused
const u8 gText_CantCallOpponentHere[] = _("Can't call opponent here."); // Unused
const u8 gText_PokenavMatchCall_Strategy[] = _("STRATEGY");
const u8 gText_PokenavMatchCall_TrainerPokemon[] = _("TRAINER'S POKéMON");
const u8 gText_PokenavMatchCall_SelfIntroduction[] = _("SELF-INTRODUCTION");
const u8 gText_Pokenav_ClearButtonList[] = _("{CLEAR 0x80}");
const u8 gText_PokenavMap_ZoomedOutButtons[] = _("{A_BUTTON}ZOOM {B_BUTTON}CANCEL");
const u8 gText_PokenavMap_ZoomedInButtons[] = _("{A_BUTTON}FULL {B_BUTTON}CANCEL");
const u8 gText_PokenavCondition_MonListButtons[] = _("{A_BUTTON}CONDITION {B_BUTTON}CANCEL");
const u8 gText_PokenavCondition_MonStatusButtons[] = _("{A_BUTTON}MARKINGS {B_BUTTON}CANCEL");
const u8 gText_PokenavCondition_MarkingButtons[] = _("{A_BUTTON}SELECT MARK {B_BUTTON}CANCEL");
const u8 gText_PokenavMatchCall_TrainerListButtons[] = _("{A_BUTTON}MENU {B_BUTTON}CANCEL");
const u8 gText_PokenavMatchCall_CallMenuButtons[] = _("{A_BUTTON}OK {B_BUTTON}CANCEL");
const u8 gText_PokenavMatchCall_CheckTrainerButtons[] = _("{B_BUTTON}CANCEL");
const u8 gText_PokenavRibbons_MonListButtons[] = _("{A_BUTTON}RIBBONS {B_BUTTON}CANCEL");
const u8 gText_PokenavRibbons_RibbonListButtons[] = _("{A_BUTTON}CHECK {B_BUTTON}CANCEL");
const u8 gText_PokenavRibbons_RibbonCheckButtons[] = _("{B_BUTTON}CANCEL");
const u8 gText_NatureSlash[] = _("NATURE/");
const u8 gText_TrainerCloseBy[] = _("That TRAINER is close by.\nTalk to the TRAINER in person!");
const u8 gText_InParty[] = _("IN PARTY");
const u8 gText_Number2[] = _("No. ");
const u8 gText_Ribbons[] = _("RIBBONS"); // Unused
const u8 gText_PokemonNoGenderLv[] = _("{DYNAMIC 0}/{LV}{DYNAMIC 1}"); // Unused
const u8 gText_Unknown[] = _("UNKNOWN");
const u8 gText_Call[] = _("CALL");
const u8 gText_Check[] = _("CHECK");
const u8 gText_Cancel6[] = _("CANCEL");
const u8 gText_NumberF700[] = _("No. {DYNAMIC 0}");
const u8 gText_RibbonsF700[] = _("RIBBONS {DYNAMIC 0}");
const u8 gText_PokemonNoGenderLv2[] = _("{DYNAMIC 0}/{LV}{DYNAMIC 1}{DYNAMIC 2}"); // Unused
const u8 gText_CombineFourWordsOrPhrases[] = _("Combine four words or phrases");
const u8 gText_AndMakeYourProfile[] = _("and make your profile.");
const u8 gText_CombineSixWordsOrPhrases[] = _("Combine six words or phrases");
const u8 gText_AndMakeAMessage[] = _("and make a message.");
const u8 gText_FindWordsThatDescribeYour[] = _("Find words that describe your");
const u8 gText_FeelingsRightNow[] = _("feelings right now.");
const u8 gText_WithFourPhrases[] = _("With four phrases,"); // Unused
const u8 gText_CombineNineWordsOrPhrases[] = _("Combine nine words or phrases");
const u8 gText_AndMakeAMessage2[] = _("and make a message.");
const u8 gText_ChangeJustOneWordOrPhrase[] = _("Change just one word or phrase");
const u8 gText_AndImproveTheBardsSong[] = _("and improve the BARD's song.");
const u8 gText_YourProfile[] = _("Your profile");
const u8 gText_YourFeelingAtTheBattlesStart[] = _("Your feeling at the battle's start");
const u8 gText_WhatYouSayIfYouWin[] = _("What you say if you win a battle");
const u8 gText_WhatYouSayIfYouLose[] = _("What you say if you lose a battle");
const u8 gText_TheAnswer[] = _("The answer");
const u8 gText_TheMailMessage[] = _("The MAIL message");
const u8 gText_TheMailSalutation[] = _("The MAIL salutation"); // Unused
const u8 gText_TheBardsSong2[] = _("The new song");
const u8 gText_CombineTwoWordsOrPhrases[] = _("Combine two words or phrases");
const u8 gText_AndMakeATrendySaying[] = _("and make a trendy saying.");
const u8 gText_TheTrendySaying[] = _("The trendy saying");
const u8 gText_IsAsShownOkay[] = _("is as shown. Okay?");
const u8 gText_CombineTwoWordsOrPhrases2[] = _("Combine two words or phrases");
const u8 gText_ToTeachHerAGoodSaying[] = _("to teach her a good saying.");
const u8 gText_FindWordsWhichFit[] = _("Find words which fit");
const u8 gText_TheTrainersImage[] = _("the TRAINER's image.");
const u8 gText_TheImage[] = _("The image:");
const u8 gText_OutOfTheListedChoices[] = _("Out of the listed choices,");
const u8 gText_SelectTheAnswerToTheQuiz[] = _("select the answer to the quiz!");
const u8 gText_AndCreateAQuiz[] = _("and create a quiz!");
const u8 gText_PickAWordOrPhraseAnd[] = _("Pick a word or phrase and");
const u8 gText_SetTheQuizAnswer[] = _("set the quiz answer.");
const u8 gText_TheAnswerColon[] = _("The answer:");
const u8 gText_TheQuizColon[] = _("The quiz:"); // Unused
const u8 gText_ApprenticePhrase[] = _("Apprentice's phrase:");
const u8 gText_QuitEditing[] = _("Quit editing?");
const u8 gText_StopGivingPkmnMail[] = _("Stop giving the POKéMON MAIL?");
const u8 gText_AndFillOutTheQuestionnaire[] = _("and fill out the questionnaire.");
const u8 gText_LetsReplyToTheInterview[] = _("Let's reply to the interview!");
const u8 gText_AllTextBeingEditedWill[] = _("All the text being edited will");
const u8 gText_BeDeletedThatOkay[] = _("be deleted. Is that okay?");
const u8 gText_QuitEditing2[] = _("Quit editing?"); // Unused
const u8 gText_EditedTextWillNotBeSaved[] = _("The edited text will not be saved."); // Unused
const u8 gText_IsThatOkay[] = _("Is that okay?"); // Unused
const u8 gText_PleaseEnterPhraseOrWord[] = _("Please enter a phrase or word."); // Unused
const u8 gText_EntireTextCantBeDeleted[] = _("The entire text can't be deleted.");
const u8 gText_OnlyOnePhrase[] = _("Only one phrase may be changed.");
const u8 gText_OriginalSongWillBeUsed[] = _("The original song will be used.");
const u8 gText_ThatsTrendyAlready[] = _("That's trendy already!"); // Unused
const u8 gText_CombineTwoWordsOrPhrases3[] = _("Combine two words or phrases.");
const u8 gText_QuitGivingInfo[] = _("Quit giving information?"); // Unused
const u8 gText_StopGivingPkmnMail2[] = _("Stop giving the POKéMON MAIL?"); // Unused
const u8 gText_CreateAQuiz2[] = _("Create a quiz!"); // Unused
const u8 gText_SetTheAnswer[] = _("Set the answer!"); // Unused
const u8 gText_CancelSelection[] = _("Cancel the selection?"); // Unused
const u8 gText_Profile[] = _("PROFILE");
const u8 gText_AtTheBattlesStart[] = _("At the battle's start:");
const u8 gText_UponWinningABattle[] = _("Upon winning a battle:");
const u8 gText_UponLosingABattle[] = _("Upon losing a battle:");
const u8 gText_TheBardsSong[] = _("The BARD's Song");
const u8 gText_WhatsHipAndHappening[] = _("What's hip and happening?");
const u8 gText_Interview[] = _("Interview");
const u8 gText_GoodSaying[] = _("Good saying");
const u8 gText_FansQuestion[] = _("Fan's question");
const u8 gJPText_WhatIsTheQuizAnswer[] = _("クイズの こたえは?"); // Unused
const u8 gText_ApprenticesPhrase[] = _("Apprentice's phrase");
const u8 gText_Questionnaire[] = _("QUESTIONNAIRE");
const u8 gText_YouCannotQuitHere[] = _("You cannot quit here.");
const u8 gText_SectionMustBeCompleted[] = _("This section must be completed.");
const u8 gText_F700sQuiz[] = _("{DYNAMIC 0}'s quiz");
const u8 gText_Lady[] = _("Lady");
const u8 gText_AfterYouHaveReadTheQuiz[] = _("After you have read the quiz");
const u8 gText_QuestionPressTheAButton[] = _("question, press the A Button.");
const u8 gText_TheQuizAnswerIs[] = _("The quiz answer is?");
const u8 gText_LikeToQuitQuiz[] = _("Would you like to quit this quiz");
const u8 gText_ChallengeQuestionMark[] = _("challenge?");
const u8 gText_IsThisQuizOK[] = _("Is this quiz OK?");
const u8 gText_CreateAQuiz[] = _("Create a quiz!");
const u8 gText_SelectTheAnswer[] = _("Select the answer!");
const u8 gText_LyricsCantBeDeleted[] = _("The lyrics can't be deleted.");
const u8 gText_PokemonLeague[] = _("POKéMON LEAGUE");
const u8 gText_PokemonCenter[] = _("POKéMON CENTER");
const u8 gText_GetsAPokeBlockQuestion[] = _(" gets a {POKEBLOCK}?");
const u8 gText_Coolness[] = _("Coolness ");
const u8 gText_Beauty3[] = _("Beauty ");
const u8 gText_Cuteness[] = _("Cuteness ");
const u8 gText_Smartness[] = _("Smartness ");
const u8 gText_Toughness[] = _("Toughness ");
const u8 gText_WasEnhanced[] = _("was enhanced!");
const u8 gText_NothingChanged[] = _("Nothing changed!");
const u8 gText_WontEatAnymore[] = _("It won't eat anymore…");
const u8 gText_SaveFailedCheckingBackup[] = _("Save failed. Checking the backup\nmemory… Please wait.\n{COLOR RED}“Time required: about 1 minute”");
const u8 gText_BackupMemoryDamaged[] = _("The backup memory is damaged, or\nthe internal battery has run dry.\nYou can still play, but not save.");
const u8 gText_GamePlayCannotBeContinued[] = _("{COLOR RED}“Game play cannot be continued.\nReturning to the title screen…”");
const u8 gText_CheckCompleted[] = _("Check completed.\nAttempting to save again.\nPlease wait.");
const u8 gText_SaveCompleteGameCannotContinue[] = _("Save completed.\n{COLOR RED}“Game play cannot be continued.\nReturning to the title screen.”");
const u8 gText_SaveCompletePressA[] = _("Save completed.\n{COLOR RED}“Please press the A Button.”");
const u8 gText_Ferry[] = _("FERRY");
const u8 gText_SecretBase[] = _("SECRET BASE");
const u8 gText_Hideout[] = _("HIDEOUT");
const u8 gText_ResetRTCConfirmCancel[] = _("Reset RTC?\nA: Confirm, B: Cancel");
const u8 gText_PresentTime[] = _("Present time in game");
const u8 gText_PreviousTime[] = _("Previous time in game");
const u8 gText_PleaseResetTime[] = _("Please reset the time.");
const u8 gText_ClockHasBeenReset[] = _("The clock has been reset.\nData will be saved. Please wait.");
const u8 gText_SaveCompleted[] = _("Save completed.");
const u8 gText_SaveFailed[] = _("Save failed…");
const u8 gText_NoSaveFileCantSetTime[] = _("There is no save file, so the time\ncan't be set.");
const u8 gText_InGameClockUsable[] = _("The in-game clock adjustment system\nis now useable.");
const u8 gText_Slots[] = _("SLOTS");
const u8 gText_Roulette[] = _("ROULETTE");
const u8 gText_Good[] = _("Good");
const u8 gText_VeryGood[] = _("Very good");
const u8 gText_Excellent[] = _("Excellent");
const u8 gText_SoSo[] = _("So-so");
const u8 gText_Bad[] = _("Bad");
const u8 gText_TheWorst[] = _("The worst");
const u8 gText_Spicy2[] = _("spicy");
const u8 gText_Dry2[] = _("dry");
const u8 gText_Sweet2[] = _("sweet");
const u8 gText_Bitter2[] = _("bitter");
const u8 gText_Sour2[] = _("sour");
const u8 gText_Single[] = _("SINGLE");
const u8 gText_Double[] = _("DOUBLE");
const u8 gText_Jackpot[] = _("jackpot");
const u8 gText_First[] = _("first");
const u8 gText_Second[] = _("second");
const u8 gText_Third[] = _("third");
const u8 gText_0Pts[] = _("0 pts");
const u8 gText_10Pts[] = _("10 pts");
const u8 gText_20Pts[] = _("20 pts");
const u8 gText_30Pts[] = _("30 pts");
const u8 gText_40Pts[] = _("40 pts");
const u8 gText_50Pts[] = _("50 pts");
const u8 gText_60Pts[] = _("60 pts");
const u8 gText_70Pts[] = _("70 pts");
const u8 gText_80Pts[] = _("80 pts");
const u8 gText_90Pts[] = _("90 pts");
const u8 gText_100Pts[] = _("100 pts");
const u8 gText_QuestionMark[] = _("?");
const u8 gText_KissPoster16BP[] = _("KISS POSTER{CLEAR_TO 0x5E}16BP");
const u8 gText_KissCushion32BP[] = _("KISS CUSHION{CLEAR_TO 0x5E}32BP");
const u8 gText_SmoochumDoll32BP[] = _("SMOOCHUM DOLL{CLEAR_TO 0x5E}32BP");
const u8 gText_TogepiDoll48BP[] = _("TOGEPI DOLL{CLEAR_TO 0x5E}48BP");
const u8 gText_MeowthDoll48BP[] = _("MEOWTH DOLL{CLEAR_TO 0x5E}48BP");
const u8 gText_ClefairyDoll48BP[] = _("CLEFAIRY DOLL{CLEAR_TO 0x5E}48BP");
const u8 gText_DittoDoll48BP[] = _("DITTO DOLL{CLEAR_TO 0x5E}48BP");
const u8 gText_CyndaquilDoll80BP[] = _("CYNDAQUIL DOLL{CLEAR_TO 0x5E}80BP");
const u8 gText_ChikoritaDoll80BP[] = _("CHIKORITA DOLL{CLEAR_TO 0x5E}80BP");
const u8 gText_TotodileDoll80BP[] = _("TOTODILE DOLL{CLEAR_TO 0x5E}80BP");
const u8 gText_LaprasDoll128BP[] = _("LAPRAS DOLL{CLEAR_TO 0x58}128BP");
const u8 gText_SnorlaxDoll128BP[] = _("SNORLAX DOLL{CLEAR_TO 0x58}128BP");
const u8 gText_VenusaurDoll256BP[] = _("VENUSAUR DOLL{CLEAR_TO 0x58}256BP");
const u8 gText_CharizardDoll256BP[] = _("CHARIZARD DOLL{CLEAR_TO 0x58}256BP");
const u8 gText_BlastoiseDoll256BP[] = _("BLASTOISE DOLL{CLEAR_TO 0x58}256BP");
const u8 gText_Protein1BP[] = _("PROTEIN{CLEAR_TO 0x64}1BP");
const u8 gText_Calcium1BP[] = _("CALCIUM{CLEAR_TO 0x64}1BP");
const u8 gText_Iron1BP[] = _("IRON{CLEAR_TO 0x64}1BP");
const u8 gText_Zinc1BP[] = _("ZINC{CLEAR_TO 0x64}1BP");
const u8 gText_Carbos1BP[] = _("CARBOS{CLEAR_TO 0x64}1BP");
const u8 gText_HpUp1BP[] = _("HP UP{CLEAR_TO 0x64}1BP");
const u8 gText_Leftovers48BP[] = _("LEFTOVERS{CLEAR_TO 0x5E}48BP");
const u8 gText_WhiteHerb48BP[] = _("WHITE HERB{CLEAR_TO 0x5E}48BP");
const u8 gText_QuickClaw48BP[] = _("QUICK CLAW{CLEAR_TO 0x5E}48BP");
const u8 gText_MentalHerb48BP[] = _("MENTAL HERB{CLEAR_TO 0x5E}48BP");
const u8 gText_BrightPowder64BP[] = _("BRIGHTPOWDER{CLEAR_TO 0x5E}64BP");
const u8 gText_ChoiceBand64BP[] = _("CHOICE BAND{CLEAR_TO 0x5E}64BP");
const u8 gText_KingsRock64BP[] = _("KING'S ROCK{CLEAR_TO 0x5E}64BP");
const u8 gText_FocusBand64BP[] = _("FOCUS BAND{CLEAR_TO 0x5E}64BP");
const u8 gText_ScopeLens64BP[] = _("SCOPE LENS{CLEAR_TO 0x5E}64BP");
const u8 gText_Softboiled16BP[] = _("SOFTBOILED{CLEAR_TO 0x4E}16BP");
const u8 gText_SeismicToss24BP[] = _("SEISMIC TOSS{CLEAR_TO 0x4E}24BP");
const u8 gText_DreamEater24BP[] = _("DREAM EATER{CLEAR_TO 0x4E}24BP");
const u8 gText_MegaPunch24BP[] = _("MEGA PUNCH{CLEAR_TO 0x4E}24BP");
const u8 gText_MegaKick48BP[] = _("MEGA KICK{CLEAR_TO 0x4E}48BP");
const u8 gText_BodySlam48BP[] = _("BODY SLAM{CLEAR_TO 0x4E}48BP");
const u8 gText_RockSlide48BP[] = _("ROCK SLIDE{CLEAR_TO 0x4E}48BP");
const u8 gText_Counter48BP[] = _("COUNTER{CLEAR_TO 0x4E}48BP");
const u8 gText_ThunderWave48BP[] = _("THUNDER WAVE{CLEAR_TO 0x4E}48BP");
const u8 gText_SwordsDance48BP[] = _("SWORDS DANCE{CLEAR_TO 0x4E}48BP");
const u8 gText_DefenseCurl16BP[] = _("DEFENSE CURL{CLEAR_TO 0x4E}16BP");
const u8 gText_Snore24BP[] = _("SNORE{CLEAR_TO 0x4E}24BP");
const u8 gText_MudSlap24BP[] = _("MUD-SLAP{CLEAR_TO 0x4E}24BP");
const u8 gText_Swift24BP[] = _("SWIFT{CLEAR_TO 0x4E}24BP");
const u8 gText_IcyWind24BP[] = _("ICY WIND{CLEAR_TO 0x4E}24BP");
const u8 gText_Endure48BP[] = _("ENDURE{CLEAR_TO 0x4E}48BP");
const u8 gText_PsychUp48BP[] = _("PSYCH UP{CLEAR_TO 0x4E}48BP");
const u8 gText_IcePunch48BP[] = _("ICE PUNCH{CLEAR_TO 0x4E}48BP");
const u8 gText_ThunderPunch48BP[] = _("THUNDERPUNCH{CLEAR_TO 0x4E}48BP");
const u8 gText_FirePunch48BP[] = _("FIRE PUNCH{CLEAR_TO 0x4E}48BP");
const u8 gText_PkmnFainted3[] = _("{STR_VAR_1} fainted…\p\n");
const u8 gText_Marco[] = _("MARCO");
const u8 gText_TrainerCardName[] = _("NAME: ");
const u8 gText_TrainerCardIDNo[] = _("IDNo.");
const u8 gText_TrainerCardMoney[] = _("MONEY");
const u8 gText_PokeDollar[] = _("¥"); // Unused
const u8 gText_TrainerCardPokedex[] = _("POKéDEX");
const u8 gText_EmptyString6[] = _("");
const u8 gText_Colon2[] = _(":");
const u8 gText_Points[] = _(" points"); // Unused
const u8 gText_TrainerCardTime[] = _("TIME");
const u8 gJPText_BattlePoints[] = _("ゲ-ムポイント"); // Unused. Name presumed, translation is Game Points
const u8 gText_Var1sTrainerCard[] = _("{STR_VAR_1}'s TRAINER CARD");
const u8 gText_HallOfFameDebut[] = _("HALL OF FAME DEBUT ");
const u8 gText_LinkBattles[] = _("LINK BATTLES");
const u8 gText_LinkCableBattles[] = _("LINK CABLE BATTLES");
const u8 gText_PokemonTrades[] = _("POKéMON TRADES");
const u8 gText_UnionTradesAndBattles[] = _("UNION TRADES & BATTLES");
const u8 gText_BerryCrush[] = _("BERRY CRUSH");
const u8 gText_WaitingTrainerFinishReading[] = _("Waiting for the other TRAINER to\nfinish reading your TRAINER CARD.");
const u8 gText_PokeblocksWithFriends[] = _("{POKEBLOCK}S W/FRIENDS");
const u8 gText_NumPokeblocks[] = _("{STR_VAR_1}{COLOR DARK_GRAY}{SHADOW LIGHT_GRAY}");
const u8 gText_WonContestsWFriends[] = _("WON CONTESTS W/FRIENDS");
const u8 gText_BattlePtsWon[] = _("BATTLE POINTS WON");
const u8 gText_NumBP[] = _("{STR_VAR_1}{COLOR DARK_GRAY}{SHADOW LIGHT_GRAY}BP");
const u8 gText_BattleTower[] = _("BATTLE TOWER");
const u8 gText_BattleTower2[] = _("BATTLE TOWER");
const u8 gText_BattleDome[] = _("BATTLE DOME");
const u8 gText_BattlePalace[] = _("BATTLE PALACE");
const u8 gText_BattleFactory[] = _("BATTLE FACTORY");
const u8 gText_BattleArena[] = _("BATTLE ARENA");
const u8 gText_BattlePike[] = _("BATTLE PIKE");
const u8 gText_BattlePyramid[] = _("BATTLE PYRAMID");
ALIGNED(4) const u8 gText_FacilitySingle[] = _("{STR_VAR_1} SINGLE");
ALIGNED(4) const u8 gText_FacilityDouble[] = _("{STR_VAR_1} DOUBLE");
ALIGNED(4) const u8 gText_FacilityMulti[] = _("{STR_VAR_1} MULTI");
ALIGNED(4) const u8 gText_FacilityLink[] = _("{STR_VAR_1} LINK");
ALIGNED(4) const u8 gText_Facility[] = _("{STR_VAR_1}");
const u8 gText_Give[] = _("Give");
const u8 gText_NoNeed[] = _("No need");
const u8 gText_ColorLightShadowDarkGray[] = _("{COLOR LIGHT_GRAY}{SHADOW DARK_GRAY}");
const u8 gText_ColorBlue[] = _("{COLOR BLUE}");
const u8 gText_ColorTransparent[] = _("{HIGHLIGHT TRANSPARENT}{COLOR TRANSPARENT}");
const u8 gText_CDot[] = _("C.");
const u8 gText_BDot[] = _("B.");
const u8 gText_AnnouncingResults[] = _("Announcing the results!");
const u8 gText_PreliminaryResults[] = _("The preliminary results!");
const u8 gText_Round2Results[] = _("Round 2 results!");
const u8 gText_ContestantsMonWon[] = _("{STR_VAR_1}'s {STR_VAR_2} won!");
const u8 gText_CommunicationStandby[] = _("Communication standby…");
const u8 gText_ColorDarkGray[] = _("{COLOR DARK_GRAY}");
const u8 gText_ColorDynamic6WhiteDynamic5[] = _("{COLOR_HIGHLIGHT_SHADOW DYNAMIC_COLOR6 WHITE DYNAMIC_COLOR5}"); // Unused
const u8 gText_HighlightDarkGray[] = _("{HIGHLIGHT DARK_GRAY}");
const u8 gText_EmptySpace2[] = _(" "); // Unused
const u8 gText_DynColor2Male[] = _("{COLOR DYNAMIC_COLOR2}♂");
const u8 gText_DynColor1Female[] = _("{COLOR DYNAMIC_COLOR1}♀");
const u8 gText_DynColor2[] = _("{COLOR DYNAMIC_COLOR2}");
const u8 gText_Upper[] = _("UPPER");
const u8 gText_Lower[] = _("lower");
const u8 gText_Others[] = _("OTHERS");
const u8 gText_Symbols[] = _("SYMBOLS");
const u8 gText_Register2[] = _("REGISTER");
const u8 gText_Exit2[] = _("EXIT");
const u8 gText_QuitChatting[] = _("Quit chatting?");
const u8 gText_RegisterTextWhere[] = _("Register text where?");
const u8 gText_RegisterTextHere[] = _("Register text here?");
const u8 gText_InputText[] = _("Input text.");
const u8 gText_F700JoinedChat[] = _("{DYNAMIC 0} joined the chat!");
const u8 gText_F700LeftChat[] = _("{DYNAMIC 0} left the chat.");
const u8 gJPText_PlayersXPokemon[] = _("{DYNAMIC 0}の{DYNAMIC 1}ひきめ:"); // Unused
const u8 gJPText_PlayersXPokmonDoesNotExist[] = _("{DYNAMIC 0}の{DYNAMIC 1}ひきめは いません"); // Unused
const u8 gText_ExitingChat[] = _("Exiting the chat…");
const u8 gText_LeaderLeftEndingChat[] = _("The LEADER, {DYNAMIC 0}, has\nleft, ending the chat.");
const u8 gText_RegisteredTextChangedOKToSave[] = _("The registered text has been changed.\nIs it okay to save the game?");
const u8 gText_AlreadySavedFile_Chat[] = _("There is already a saved file.\nIs it okay to overwrite it?");
const u8 gText_SavingDontTurnOff_Chat[] = _("SAVING…\nDON'T TURN OFF THE POWER.");
const u8 gText_PlayerSavedGame_Chat[] = _("{DYNAMIC 0} saved the game.");
const u8 gText_IfLeaderLeavesChatEnds[] = _("If the LEADER leaves, the chat\nwill end. Is that okay?");
const u8 gText_Hello[] = _("HELLO");
const u8 gText_Pokemon2[] = _("POKéMON");
const u8 gText_Trade[] = _("TRADE");
const u8 gText_Battle[] = _("BATTLE");
const u8 gText_Lets[] = _("LET'S");
const u8 gText_Ok[] = _("OK!");
const u8 gText_Sorry[] = _("SORRY");
const u8 gText_YaySmileEmoji[] = _("YAY{EMOJI_BIGSMILE}");
const u8 gText_ThankYou[] = _("THANK YOU");
const u8 gText_ByeBye[] = _("BYE-BYE!");
const u8 gText_MatchCallSteven_Strategy[] = _("Attack the weak points!");
const u8 gText_MatchCallSteven_Pokemon[] = _("Ultimate STEEL POKéMON.");
const u8 gText_MatchCallSteven_Intro1_BeforeMeteorFallsBattle[] = _("I'd climb even waterfalls");
const u8 gText_MatchCallSteven_Intro2_BeforeMeteorFallsBattle[] = _("to find a rare stone!");
const u8 gText_MatchCallSteven_Intro1_AfterMeteorFallsBattle[] = _("I'm the strongest and most");
const u8 gText_MatchCallSteven_Intro2_AfterMeteorFallsBattle[] = _("energetic after all!");
const u8 gText_MatchCallBrendan_Strategy[] = _("Battle with knowledge!");
const u8 gText_MatchCallBrendan_Pokemon[] = _("I will use various POKéMON.");
const u8 gText_MatchCallBrendan_Intro1[] = _("I'll be a better POKéMON");
const u8 gText_MatchCallBrendan_Intro2[] = _("prof than my father is!");
const u8 gText_MatchCallMay_Strategy[] = _("I'm not so good at battles.");
const u8 gText_MatchCallMay_Pokemon[] = _("I'll use any POKéMON!");
const u8 gText_MatchCallMay_Intro1[] = _("My POKéMON and I help");
const u8 gText_MatchCallMay_Intro2[] = _("my father's research.");
const u8 gText_HatchedFromEgg[] = _("{STR_VAR_1} hatched from the EGG!");
const u8 gText_NicknameHatchPrompt[] = _("Would you like to nickname the newly\nhatched {STR_VAR_1}?");
ALIGNED(4) const u8 gText_ReadyPickBerry[] = _("Are you ready to BERRY-CRUSH?\nPlease pick a BERRY for use.\p");
ALIGNED(4) const u8 gText_WaitForAllChooseBerry[] = _("Please wait while each member\nchooses a BERRY.");
ALIGNED(4) const u8 gText_EndedWithXUnitsPowder[] = _("{PAUSE_MUSIC}{PLAY_BGM MUS_LEVEL_UP}You ended up with {STR_VAR_1} units of\nsilky-smooth BERRY POWDER.{RESUME_MUSIC}\pYour total amount of BERRY POWDER\nis {STR_VAR_2}.\p");
ALIGNED(4) const u8 gText_RecordingGameResults[] = _("Recording your game results in the\nsave file.\lPlease wait.");
ALIGNED(4) const u8 gText_PlayBerryCrushAgain[] = _("Want to play BERRY CRUSH again?");
ALIGNED(4) const u8 gText_YouHaveNoBerries[] = _("You have no BERRIES.\nThe game will be canceled.");
ALIGNED(4) const u8 gText_MemberDroppedOut[] = _("A member dropped out.\nThe game will be canceled.");
ALIGNED(4) const u8 gText_TimesUpNoGoodPowder[] = _("Time's up.\pGood BERRY POWDER could not be\nmade…\p");
ALIGNED(4) const u8 gText_CommunicationStandby2[] = _("Communication standby…");
ALIGNED(4) const u8 gText_1DotBlueF700[] = _("1. {COLOR BLUE}{SHADOW LIGHT_BLUE}{DYNAMIC 0}");
ALIGNED(4) const u8 gText_1DotF700[] = _("1. {DYNAMIC 0}");
ALIGNED(4) const u8 gText_SpaceTimes2[] = _(" time(s)");
ALIGNED(4) const u8 gText_XDotY[] = _("{STR_VAR_1}.{STR_VAR_2}");
ALIGNED(4) const u8 gText_Var1Berry[] = _("{STR_VAR_1} BERRY");
ALIGNED(4) const u8 gText_TimeColon[] = _("Time:");
ALIGNED(4) const u8 gText_PressingSpeed[] = _("Pressing Speed:");
ALIGNED(4) const u8 gText_Silkiness[] = _("Silkiness:");
ALIGNED(4) const u8 gText_StrVar1[] = _("{STR_VAR_1}");
ALIGNED(4) const u8 gText_SpaceMin[] = _(" min. ");
ALIGNED(4) const u8 gText_XDotY2[] = _("{STR_VAR_1}.{STR_VAR_2}");
ALIGNED(4) const u8 gText_SpaceSec[] = _(" sec.");
ALIGNED(4) const u8 gText_XDotY3[] = _("{STR_VAR_1}.{STR_VAR_2}");
ALIGNED(4) const u8 gText_TimesPerSec[] = _(" Times/sec.");
ALIGNED(4) const u8 gText_Var1Percent[] = _("{STR_VAR_1}%");
ALIGNED(4) const u8 gText_PressesRankings[] = _("No. of Presses Rankings");
ALIGNED(4) const u8 gText_CrushingResults[] = _("Crushing Results");
ALIGNED(4) const u8 gText_NeatnessRankings[] = _("Neatness Rankings");
ALIGNED(4) const u8 gText_CoopRankings[] = _("Cooperative Rankings");
ALIGNED(4) const u8 gText_PressingPowerRankings[] = _("Pressing-Power Rankings");
const u8 gText_BerryCrush2[] = _("BERRY CRUSH");
const u8 gText_PressingSpeedRankings[] = _("Pressing-Speed Rankings");
const u8 gText_Var1Players[] = _("{STR_VAR_1} PLAYERS");
const u8 gText_SymbolsEarned[] = _("Symbols Earned");
const u8 gText_BattleRecord[] = _("Battle Record");
const u8 gText_BattlePoints[] = _("Battle Points");
const u8 gText_UnusedCancel[] = _("CANCEL"); // Unused
const u8 gText_EmptyString7[] = _("");
const u8 gText_CheckFrontierMap[] = _("Check BATTLE FRONTIER MAP.");
const u8 gText_CheckTrainerCard[] = _("Check TRAINER CARD.");
const u8 gText_ViewRecordedBattle[] = _("View recorded battle.");
const u8 gText_PutAwayFrontierPass[] = _("Put away the FRONTIER PASS.");
const u8 gText_CurrentBattlePoints[] = _("Your current Battle Points.");
const u8 gText_CollectedSymbols[] = _("Your collected Symbols.");
const u8 gText_BattleTowerAbilitySymbol[] = _("Battle Tower - Ability Symbol");
const u8 gText_BattleDomeTacticsSymbol[] = _("Battle Dome - Tactics Symbol");
const u8 gText_BattlePalaceSpiritsSymbol[] = _("Battle Palace - Spirits Symbol");
const u8 gText_BattleArenaGutsSymbol[] = _("Battle Arena - Guts Symbol");
const u8 gText_BattleFactoryKnowledgeSymbol[] = _("Battle Factory - Knowledge Symbol");
const u8 gText_BattlePikeLuckSymbol[] = _("Battle Pike - Luck Symbol");
const u8 gText_BattlePyramidBraveSymbol[] = _("Battle Pyramid - Brave Symbol");
const u8 gText_ThereIsNoBattleRecord[] = _("There is no Battle Record.");
const u8 gText_BattleTower3[] = _("BATTLE TOWER");
const u8 gText_BattleDome2[] = _("BATTLE DOME");
const u8 gText_BattlePalace2[] = _("BATTLE PALACE");
const u8 gText_BattleArena2[] = _("BATTLE ARENA");
const u8 gText_BattleFactory2[] = _("BATTLE FACTORY");
const u8 gText_BattlePike2[] = _("BATTLE PIKE");
const u8 gText_BattlePyramid2[] = _("BATTLE PYRAMID");
const u8 gText_BattleTowerDesc[] = _("KO opponents and aim for the top!\nYour ability will be tested.");
const u8 gText_BattleDomeDesc[] = _("Keep winning at the tournament!\nYour tactics will be tested.");
const u8 gText_BattlePalaceDesc[] = _("Watch your POKéMON battle!\nYour spirit will be tested.");
const u8 gText_BattleArenaDesc[] = _("Win battles with teamed-up POKéMON!\nYour guts will be tested.");
const u8 gText_BattleFactoryDesc[] = _("Aim for victory using rental POKéMON!\nYour knowledge will be tested.");
const u8 gText_BattlePikeDesc[] = _("Select one of three paths to battle!\nYour luck will be tested.");
const u8 gText_BattlePyramidDesc[] = _("Aim for the top with exploration!\nYour bravery will be tested.");
const u8 gText_ContinueMenuPlayer[] = _("PLAYER");
const u8 gText_ContinueMenuTime[] = _("TIME");
const u8 gText_ContinueMenuPokedex[] = _("POKéDEX");
const u8 gText_ContinueMenuBadges[] = _("BADGES");
const u8 gText_Powder[] = _("POWDER");
const u8 gText_BerryPickingRecords[] = _("DODRIO BERRY-PICKING RECORDS");
const u8 gText_BerriesPicked[] = _("BERRIES picked:");
const u8 gText_BestScore[] = _("Best score:");
const u8 gText_BerriesInRowFivePlayers[] = _("BERRIES picked in a row with\nfive players:");
const u8 gText_BerryPickingResults[] = _("Announcing BERRY-PICKING results!");
const u8 gText_10P30P50P50P[] = _("{CLEAR_TO 0x03}10P{CLEAR_TO 0x2B}30P{CLEAR_TO 0x53}50P{CLEAR_TO 0x77}{EMOJI_MINUS}50P");
const u8 gText_AnnouncingRankings[] = _("Announcing rankings!");
const u8 gText_AnnouncingPrizes[] = _("Announcing prizes!");
const u8 gText_1Colon[] = _("1:");
const u8 gText_2Colon[] = _("2:");
const u8 gText_3Colon[] = _("3:");
const u8 gText_4Colon[] = _("4:");
const u8 gText_5Colon[] = _("5:");
const u8 gText_FirstPlacePrize[] = _("The first-place winner gets\nthis {DYNAMIC 0}!");
const u8 gText_CantHoldAnyMore[] = _("You can't hold any more!");
const u8 gText_FilledStorageSpace[] = _("It filled its storage space.");
const u8 gText_WantToPlayAgain[] = _("Want to play again?");
const u8 gText_SomeoneDroppedOut[] = _("Somebody dropped out.\nThe link will be canceled.");
const u8 gText_SpacePoints[] = _(" points");
const u8 gText_CommunicationStandby3[] = _("Communication standby…");
const u8 gText_SpacePoints2[] = _(" points");
const u8 gText_SpaceTimes3[] = _(" time(s)");
const u8 gText_PkmnJumpRecords[] = _("POKéMON JUMP RECORDS");
const u8 gText_JumpsInARow[] = _("Jumps in a row:");
const u8 gText_BestScore2[] = _("Best score:");
const u8 gText_ExcellentsInARow[] = _("EXCELLENTS in a row:");
const u8 gText_AwesomeWonF701F700[] = _("Awesome score! You've\nwon {DYNAMIC 1} {DYNAMIC 0}!");
const u8 gText_FilledStorageSpace2[] = _("It filled its storage space.");
const u8 gText_CantHoldMore[] = _("You can't hold any more!");
const u8 gText_WantToPlayAgain2[] = _("Want to play again?");
const u8 gText_SomeoneDroppedOut2[] = _("Somebody dropped out.\nThe link will be canceled.");
const u8 gText_CommunicationStandby4[] = _("Communication standby…");
const u8 gText_LinkContestResults[] = _("{PLAYER}'s Link Contest Results");
const u8 gText_1st[] = _("1st");
const u8 gText_2nd[] = _("2nd");
const u8 gText_3rd[] = _("3rd");
const u8 gText_4th[] = _("4th");
const u8 gText_Friend[] = _("Friend");
const u8 gText_Pokemon3[] = _("POKeMON"); // Unused
const u8 gJPText_MysteryGift[] = _("ふしぎなもらいもの");
const u8 gJPText_DecideStop[] = _("{A_BUTTON}けってい {B_BUTTON}やめる");
const u8 gJPText_ReceiveMysteryGiftWithEReader[] = _("カードeリーダー{PLUS} で\nふしぎなもらいものを よみこみます");
const u8 gJPText_SelectConnectFromEReaderMenu[] = _("カードeリーダー{PLUS}の メニューから\n‘つうしん'を えらび");
const u8 gJPText_SelectConnectWithGBA[] = _("‘ゲームボーイアドバンスとつうしん'\nを せんたく してください");
const u8 gJPText_SelectConnectAndPressA[] = _("カードeリーダー{PLUS}の ‘つうしん'を\nえらんで Aボタンを おしてください"); // Unused
const u8 gJPText_LinkIsIncorrect[] = _("せつぞくが まちがっています");
const u8 gJPText_CardReadingHasBeenHalted[] = _("カードの よみこみを\nちゅうし しました");
const u8 gJPText_UnableConnectWithEReader[] = _("カードeリーダー{PLUS}と\nつうしん できません"); // Unused
const u8 gJPText_Connecting[] = _("つうしん ちゅう です");
const u8 gJPText_ConnectionErrorCheckLink[] = _("つうしん エラーです\nせつぞくを たしかめて ください");
const u8 gJPText_ConnectionErrorTryAgain[] = _("つうしん エラーです\nはじめから やりなおして ください"); // Link error
const u8 gJPText_AllowEReaderToLoadCard[] = _("カードeリーダー{PLUS} に\nカードを よみこませて ください");
const u8 gJPText_ConnectionComplete[] = _("つうしん しゅうりょう!");
const u8 gJPText_NewTrainerHasComeToHoenn[] = _("あらたな トレーナーが\nホウエンに やってきた!");
const u8 gJPText_PleaseWaitAMoment[] = _("しばらく おまちください");
const u8 gJPText_WriteErrorUnableToSaveData[] = _("かきこみ エラー です\nデータが ほぞん できませんでした");
const u8 gText_Red[] = _("RED");
const u8 gText_Blue[] = _("BLUE");
const u8 gText_3Dashes[] = _("---"); // Unused
const u8 gText_SingleBattleRoomResults[] = _("{PLAYER}'s Single Battle Room Results");
const u8 gText_DoubleBattleRoomResults[] = _("{PLAYER}'s Double Battle Room Results");
const u8 gText_MultiBattleRoomResults[] = _("{PLAYER}'s Multi Battle Room Results");
const u8 gText_LinkMultiBattleRoomResults[] = _("{PLAYER}'s Link Multi Battle Room Results");
const u8 gText_SingleBattleTourneyResults[] = _("{PLAYER}'s Single Battle Tourney Results");
const u8 gText_DoubleBattleTourneyResults[] = _("{PLAYER}'s Double Battle Tourney Results");
const u8 gText_SingleBattleHallResults[] = _("{PLAYER}'s Single Battle Hall Results");
const u8 gText_DoubleBattleHallResults[] = _("{PLAYER}'s Double Battle Hall Results");
const u8 gText_BattleChoiceResults[] = _("{PLAYER}'s Battle Choice Results");
const u8 gText_SetKOTourneyResults[] = _("{PLAYER}'s Set KO Tourney Results");
const u8 gText_BattleSwapSingleResults[] = _("{PLAYER}'s Battle Swap Single Results");
const u8 gText_BattleSwapDoubleResults[] = _("{PLAYER}'s Battle Swap Double Results");
const u8 gText_BattleQuestResults[] = _("{PLAYER}'s Battle Quest Results");
const u8 gText_Lv502[] = _("LV. 50");
const u8 gText_OpenLv[] = _("OPEN LV.");
const u8 gText_WinStreak[] = _("Win streak: {STR_VAR_1}");
const u8 gText_Current[] = _("CURRENT");
const u8 gText_Record[] = _("RECORD");
const u8 gText_Prev[] = _("PREV.");
const u8 gText_RentalSwap[] = _("Rental/Swap");
const u8 gText_Total[] = _("Total");
const u8 gText_ClearStreak[] = _("Clear streak: {STR_VAR_1}");
const u8 gText_Championships[] = _("Championships: {STR_VAR_1}");
const u8 gText_RoomsCleared[] = _("Rooms cleared: {STR_VAR_1}");
const u8 gText_TimesCleared[] = _("Times cleared:{CLEAR 0x05}{STR_VAR_1}");
const u8 gText_KOsInARow[] = _("KOs in a row: {STR_VAR_1}");
const u8 gText_TimesVar1[] = _("Times: {STR_VAR_1}");
const u8 gText_FloorsCleared[] = _("Floors cleared: {STR_VAR_1}");
ALIGNED(4) const u8 gText_RecordsLv50[] = _("LV. 50");
ALIGNED(4) const u8 gText_RecordsOpenLevel[] = _("OPEN LEVEL");
ALIGNED(4) const u8 gText_FrontierFacilityWinStreak[] = _("Win streak: {STR_VAR_2}");
ALIGNED(4) const u8 gText_FrontierFacilityClearStreak[] = _("Clear streak: {STR_VAR_2}");
ALIGNED(4) const u8 gText_FrontierFacilityRoomsCleared[] = _("Rooms cleared: {STR_VAR_2}");
ALIGNED(4) const u8 gText_FrontierFacilityKOsStreak[] = _("KOs in a row: {STR_VAR_2}");
ALIGNED(4) const u8 gText_FrontierFacilityFloorsCleared[] = _("Floors cleared: {STR_VAR_2}");
ALIGNED(4) const u8 gText_123Dot[][3] = {_("1."), _("2."), _("3.")};
const u8 gText_SavingDontTurnOff2[] = _("SAVING…\nDON'T TURN OFF THE POWER.");
const u8 gText_BlenderMaxSpeedRecord[] = _("BERRY BLENDER\nMAXIMUM SPEED RECORD!");
const u8 gText_234Players[] = _("2 PLAYERS\n3 PLAYERS\n4 PLAYERS");
const u8 gText_YesNo[] = _("YES\nNO");
const u8 gText_SelectorArrow3[] = _("");
const u8 gText_Peekaboo[] = _("PEEKABOO!");
const u8 gText_CommErrorCheckConnections[] = _("Communication error…\nPlease check all connections,\nthen turn the power OFF and ON.");
const u8 gText_CommErrorEllipsis[] = _("Communication error…");
const u8 gText_MoveCloserToLinkPartner[] = _("Move closer to your link partner(s).\nAvoid obstacles between partners.");
const u8 gText_ABtnRegistrationCounter[] = _("A Button: Registration Counter");
const u8 gText_ABtnTitleScreen[] = _("A Button: Title Screen");
const u8 gText_Option[] = _("OPTION");
const u8 gText_TextSpeed[] = _("TEXT SPEED");
const u8 gText_BattleScene[] = _("BATTLE SCENE");
const u8 gText_BattleStyle[] = _("BATTLE STYLE");
const u8 gText_Sound[] = _("SOUND");
const u8 gText_Frame[] = _("FRAME");
const u8 gText_OptionMenuCancel[] = _("CANCEL");
const u8 gText_ButtonMode[] = _("BUTTON MODE");
const u8 gText_TextSpeedSlow[] = _("{COLOR GREEN}{SHADOW LIGHT_GREEN}SLOW");
const u8 gText_TextSpeedMid[] = _("{COLOR GREEN}{SHADOW LIGHT_GREEN}MID");
const u8 gText_TextSpeedFast[] = _("{COLOR GREEN}{SHADOW LIGHT_GREEN}FAST");
const u8 gText_BattleSceneOn[] = _("{COLOR GREEN}{SHADOW LIGHT_GREEN}ON");
const u8 gText_BattleSceneOff[] = _("{COLOR GREEN}{SHADOW LIGHT_GREEN}OFF");
const u8 gText_BattleStyleShift[] = _("{COLOR GREEN}{SHADOW LIGHT_GREEN}SHIFT");
const u8 gText_BattleStyleSet[] = _("{COLOR GREEN}{SHADOW LIGHT_GREEN}SET");
const u8 gText_SoundMono[] = _("{COLOR GREEN}{SHADOW LIGHT_GREEN}MONO");
const u8 gText_SoundStereo[] = _("{COLOR GREEN}{SHADOW LIGHT_GREEN}STEREO");
const u8 gText_FrameType[] = _("{COLOR GREEN}{SHADOW LIGHT_GREEN}TYPE");
const u8 gText_FrameTypeNumber[] = _("{COLOR GREEN}{SHADOW LIGHT_GREEN}");
const u8 gText_ButtonTypeNormal[] = _("{COLOR GREEN}{SHADOW LIGHT_GREEN}NORMAL");
const u8 gText_ButtonTypeLR[] = _("{COLOR GREEN}{SHADOW LIGHT_GREEN}LR");
const u8 gText_ButtonTypeLEqualsA[] = _("{COLOR GREEN}{SHADOW LIGHT_GREEN}L=A");
const u8 gText_NumPlayerLink[] = _("{STR_VAR_1}P LINK");
const u8 gText_BronzeCard[] = _("BRONZE");
const u8 gText_CopperCard[] = _("COPPER");
const u8 gText_SilverCard[] = _("SILVER");
const u8 gText_GoldCard[] = _("GOLD");
const u8 gText_Day[] = _("DAY");
const u8 gText_Colon3[] = _(":");
const u8 gText_Confirm2[] = _("CONFIRM");
const u8 gText_Days[] = _("Days"); // Unused
const u8 gText_TimeColon2[] = _("Time:"); // Unused
const u8 gText_GameTime[] = _("Game time"); // Unused
const u8 gText_RTCTime[] = _("RTC time"); // Unused
const u8 gText_UpdatedTime[] = _("Updated time"); // Unused
const u8 gText_MenuPokedex[] = _("POKéDEX");
const u8 gText_MenuPokemon[] = _("POKéMON");
const u8 gText_MenuBag[] = _("BAG");
const u8 gText_MenuPokenav[] = _("POKéNAV");
const u8 gText_MenuPlayer[] = _("{PLAYER}");
const u8 gText_MenuSave[] = _("SAVE");
const u8 gText_MenuOption[] = _("OPTION");
const u8 gText_MenuExit[] = _("EXIT");
const u8 gText_MenuRetire[] = _("RETIRE");
const u8 gText_MenuRest[] = _("REST");
const u8 gText_SafariBallStock[] = _("SAFARI BALLS\nStock: {STR_VAR_1}");
const u8 gText_BattlePyramidFloor[] = _("Battle Pyramid\n{STR_VAR_1}");
const u8 gText_Floor1[] = _("Floor 1");
const u8 gText_Floor2[] = _("Floor 2");
const u8 gText_Floor3[] = _("Floor 3");
const u8 gText_Floor4[] = _("Floor 4");
const u8 gText_Floor5[] = _("Floor 5");
const u8 gText_Floor6[] = _("Floor 6");
const u8 gText_Floor7[] = _("Floor 7");
const u8 gText_Peak[] = _("Peak");
const u8 gText_LinkStandby2[] = _("Link standby…\n… … B Button: Cancel");
const u8 gText_PressAToLoadEvent[] = _("Press the A Button to load event.\n… … B Button: Cancel");
const u8 gText_LoadingEvent[] = _("Loading event…");
const u8 gText_DontRemoveCableTurnOff[] = _("Don't remove the Game Link cable.\nDon't turn off the power.");
const u8 gText_EventSafelyLoaded[] = _("The event was safely loaded.");
const u8 gText_LoadErrorEndingSession[] = _("Loading error.\nEnding session.");
const u8 gJPText_Player[] = _("プレイヤー"); // Unused
const u8 gJPText_Sama[] = _("さま"); // Unused
const u8 gText_DexHoenn[] = _("HOENN");
const u8 gText_DexNational[] = _("NATIONAL");
const u8 gText_PokedexDiploma[] = _("PLAYER: {CLEAR 0x10}{COLOR RED}{SHADOW LIGHT_RED}{PLAYER}{COLOR DARK_GRAY}{SHADOW LIGHT_GRAY}\n\nThis document certifies\nthat you have successfully\ncompleted your\n{STR_VAR_1} POKéDEX.\n\n{CLEAR_TO 0x42}{COLOR RED}{SHADOW LIGHT_RED}GAME FREAK");
const u8 gJPText_GameFreak[] = _("{COLOR RED}{SHADOW LIGHT_RED}ゲ-ムフリ-ク"); // Unused
const u8 gText_DiplomaEmpty[] = _("{COLOR RED}{SHADOW LIGHT_RED}"); // Unused
const u8 gText_Hoenn[] = _("HOENN");
const u8 gText_OhABite[] = _("Oh! A bite!");
const u8 gText_PokemonOnHook[] = _("A POKéMON's on the hook!{PAUSE_UNTIL_PRESS}");
const u8 gText_NotEvenANibble[] = _("Not even a nibble…{PAUSE_UNTIL_PRESS}");
const u8 gText_ItGotAway[] = _("It got away…{PAUSE_UNTIL_PRESS}");
const u8 gText_XWillBeSentToY[] = _("{STR_VAR_2} will be\nsent to {STR_VAR_1}.");
const u8 gText_ByeByeVar1[] = _("Bye-bye, {STR_VAR_2}!");
const u8 gText_XSentOverY[] = _("{STR_VAR_1} sent over {STR_VAR_3}.");
const u8 gText_TakeGoodCareOfX[] = _("Take good care of {STR_VAR_3}!");
// Easy chat group names
const u8 gEasyChatGroupName_Pokemon[] = _("POKéMON");
const u8 gEasyChatGroupName_Trainer[] = _("TRAINER");
const u8 gEasyChatGroupName_Status[] = _("STATUS");
const u8 gEasyChatGroupName_Battle[] = _("BATTLE");
const u8 gEasyChatGroupName_Greetings[] = _("GREETINGS");
const u8 gEasyChatGroupName_People[] = _("PEOPLE");
const u8 gEasyChatGroupName_Voices[] = _("VOICES");
const u8 gEasyChatGroupName_Speech[] = _("SPEECH");
const u8 gEasyChatGroupName_Endings[] = _("ENDINGS");
const u8 gEasyChatGroupName_Feelings[] = _("FEELINGS");
const u8 gEasyChatGroupName_Conditions[] = _("CONDITIONS");
const u8 gEasyChatGroupName_Actions[] = _("ACTIONS");
const u8 gEasyChatGroupName_Lifestyle[] = _("LIFESTYLE");
const u8 gEasyChatGroupName_Hobbies[] = _("HOBBIES");
const u8 gEasyChatGroupName_Time[] = _("TIME");
const u8 gEasyChatGroupName_Misc[] = _("MISC.");
const u8 gEasyChatGroupName_Adjectives[] = _("ADJECTIVES");
const u8 gEasyChatGroupName_Events[] = _("EVENTS");
const u8 gEasyChatGroupName_Move1[] = _("MOVE 1");
const u8 gEasyChatGroupName_Move2[] = _("MOVE 2");
const u8 gEasyChatGroupName_TrendySaying[] = _("TRENDY SAYING");
const u8 gEasyChatGroupName_Pokemon2[] = _("POKéMON2");
const u8 gText_ThreeQuestionMarks[] = _("???");
const u8 gText_MaxHP[] = _("MAX. HP");
const u8 gText_Attack[] = _("ATTACK");
const u8 gText_Defense[] = _("DEFENSE");
const u8 gText_Speed[] = _("SPEED");
const u8 gText_SpAtk[] = _("SP. ATK");
const u8 gText_SpDef[] = _("SP. DEF");
const u8 gText_Plus[] = _("{PLUS}");
const u8 gText_Dash[] = _("-");
const u8 gText_FromSpace[] = _("From ");
const u8 gText_MixingRecords[] = _("Mixing records…");
const u8 gText_RecordMixingComplete[] = _("Record mixing completed.\nThank you for waiting.");
const u8 gText_YourName[] = _("YOUR NAME?");
const u8 gText_BoxName[] = _("BOX NAME?");
const u8 gText_PkmnsNickname[] = _("{STR_VAR_1}'s nickname?");
const u8 gText_TellHimTheWords[] = _("Tell him the words.");
const u8 gText_MoveOkBack[] = _("{DPAD_NONE}MOVE {A_BUTTON}OK {B_BUTTON}BACK");
const u8 gText_CallCantBeMadeHere[] = _("A call can't be made from here.");
const u8 gText_ContestLady_Handsome[] = _("HANDSOME");
const u8 gText_ContestLady_Vinny[] = _("VINNY");
const u8 gText_ContestLady_Moreme[] = _("MOREME");
const u8 gText_ContestLady_Ironhard[] = _("IRONHARD");
const u8 gText_ContestLady_Muscle[] = _("MUSCLE");
const u8 gText_ContestLady_Coolness[] = _("coolness");
const u8 gText_ContestLady_Beauty[] = _("beauty");
const u8 gText_ContestLady_Cuteness[] = _("cuteness");
const u8 gText_ContestLady_Smartness[] = _("smartness");
const u8 gText_ContestLady_Toughness[] = _("toughness");
const u8 gText_QuizLady_Lady[] = _("Lady");
const u8 gText_FavorLady_Slippery[] = _("slippery");
const u8 gText_FavorLady_Roundish[] = _("roundish");
const u8 gText_FavorLady_Whamish[] = _("wham-ish");
const u8 gText_FavorLady_Shiny[] = _("shiny");
const u8 gText_FavorLady_Sticky[] = _("sticky");
const u8 gText_FavorLady_Pointy[] = _("pointy");
const u8 gText_RentalPkmn2[] = _("RENTAL POKéMON");
const u8 gText_SelectFirstPkmn[] = _("Select the first POKéMON.");
const u8 gText_SelectSecondPkmn[] = _("Select the second POKéMON.");
const u8 gText_SelectThirdPkmn[] = _("Select the third POKéMON.");
const u8 gText_Rent[] = _("RENT");
const u8 gText_Summary[] = _("SUMMARY");
const u8 gText_Others2[] = _("OTHERS");
const u8 gText_Deselect[] = _("DESELECT");
const u8 gText_TheseThreePkmnOkay[] = _("Are these three POKéMON OK?");
const u8 gText_Yes2[] = _("YES");
const u8 gText_No2[] = _("NO");
const u8 gText_CantSelectSamePkmn[] = _("Can't select same {PKMN}.");
const u8 gText_PkmnSwap[] = _("POKéMON SWAP");
const u8 gText_SelectPkmnToSwap[] = _("Select POKéMON to swap.");
const u8 gText_SelectPkmnToAccept[] = _("Select POKéMON to accept.");
const u8 gText_Swap[] = _("SWAP");
const u8 gText_Summary2[] = _("SUMMARY");
const u8 gText_Rechoose[] = _("RECHOOSE");
const u8 gText_QuitSwapping[] = _("Quit swapping?");
const u8 gText_Yes3[] = _("YES");
const u8 gText_No3[] = _("NO");
const u8 gText_PkmnForSwap[] = _("{PKMN} FOR SWAP");
const u8 gText_Cancel3[] = _("CANCEL");
const u8 gText_Swap2[] = _("SWAP"); // Unused
const u8 gText_Accept[] = _("ACCEPT"); // Unused
const u8 gText_AcceptThisPkmn[] = _("Accept this POKéMON?");
const u8 gText_4Spaces[] = _(" "); // Unused
const u8 gText_SamePkmnInPartyAlready[] = _("Same {PKMN} in party already.");
const u8 gText_DecimalPoint[] = _(".");
const u8 gText_SavingPlayer[] = _("PLAYER");
const u8 gText_SavingBadges[] = _("BADGES");
const u8 gText_SavingPokedex[] = _("POKéDEX");
const u8 gText_SavingTime[] = _("TIME");
const u8 gText_WirelessCommStatus[] = _("Wireless Communication Status");
const u8 gText_PeopleTrading[] = _("People trading:");
const u8 gText_PeopleBattling[] = _("People battling:");
const u8 gText_PeopleInUnionRoom[] = _("People in the UNION ROOM:");
const u8 gText_PeopleCommunicating[] = _("People communicating:");
const u8 gText_F700Players[] = _("{DYNAMIC 0} players");
const u8 gText_F701Players[] = _("{DYNAMIC 1} players");
const u8 gText_F702Players[] = _("{DYNAMIC 2} players");
const u8 gText_F703Players[] = _("{DYNAMIC 3} players");
const u8 *const gTextTable_Players[] = {
ALIGNED(4) const u8 gText_WonderCards[] = _("WONDER CARDS");
ALIGNED(4) const u8 gText_WonderNews[] = _("WONDER NEWS");
ALIGNED(4) const u8 gText_WirelessCommunication[] = _("WIRELESS COMMUNICATION");
ALIGNED(4) const u8 gText_Friend2[] = _("FRIEND");
ALIGNED(4) const u8 gText_Exit3[] = _("EXIT");
ALIGNED(4) const u8 gText_Receive[] = _("RECEIVE");
ALIGNED(4) const u8 gText_Send[] = _("SEND");
ALIGNED(4) const u8 gText_Toss[] = _("TOSS");
ALIGNED(4) const u8 gText_VarietyOfEventsImportedWireless[] = _("A variety of events will be imported\nover Wireless Communication.");
ALIGNED(4) const u8 gText_WonderCardsInPossession[] = _("Read the WONDER CARDS in your\npossession.");
ALIGNED(4) const u8 gText_ReadNewsThatArrived[] = _("Read the NEWS that arrived.");
ALIGNED(4) const u8 gText_ReturnToTitle[] = _("Return to the title screen.");
ALIGNED(4) const u8 gText_DontHaveCardNewOneInput[] = _("You don't have a WONDER CARD,\nso a new CARD will be input.");
ALIGNED(4) const u8 gText_DontHaveNewsNewOneInput[] = _("You don't have any WONDER NEWS,\nso new NEWS will be input.");
ALIGNED(4) const u8 gText_WhereShouldCardBeAccessed[] = _("Where should the WONDER CARD\nbe accessed?");
ALIGNED(4) const u8 gText_WhereShouldNewsBeAccessed[] = _("Where should the WONDER NEWS\nbe accessed?");
ALIGNED(4) const u8 gText_CommunicationStandbyBButtonCancel[] = _("Communication standby…\nB Button: Cancel"); // Unused
ALIGNED(4) const u8 gText_Communicating[] = _("Communicating…");
ALIGNED(4) const u8 gText_CommunicationCompleted[] = _("Communication completed.");
ALIGNED(4) const u8 gText_CommunicationError[] = _("Communication error.");
ALIGNED(4) const u8 gText_CommunicationCanceled[] = _("Communication has been canceled.");
ALIGNED(4) const u8 gText_ThrowAwayWonderCard[] = _("Throw away the WONDER CARD\nand input a new CARD?");
ALIGNED(4) const u8 gText_HaventReceivedCardsGift[] = _("You haven't received the CARD's gift\nyet. Input a new CARD anyway?");
ALIGNED(4) const u8 gText_WonderCardReceivedFrom[] = _("A WONDER CARD has been received\nfrom {STR_VAR_1}.");
ALIGNED(4) const u8 gText_WonderNewsReceivedFrom[] = _("A WONDER NEWS item has been\nreceived from {STR_VAR_1}.");
ALIGNED(4) const u8 gText_WonderCardReceived[] = _("A new WONDER CARD has been\nreceived.");
ALIGNED(4) const u8 gText_WonderNewsReceived[] = _("A new WONDER NEWS item has been\nreceived.");
ALIGNED(4) const u8 gText_NewStampReceived[] = _("A new STAMP has been received.");
ALIGNED(4) const u8 gText_NewTrainerReceived[] = _("A new TRAINER has arrived.");
ALIGNED(4) const u8 gText_AlreadyHadCard[] = _("You already had that\nWONDER CARD.");
ALIGNED(4) const u8 gText_AlreadyHadNews[] = _("You already had that\nWONDER NEWS item.");
ALIGNED(4) const u8 gText_AlreadyHadStamp[] = _("You already had that\nSTAMP.");
ALIGNED(4) const u8 gText_NoMoreRoomForStamps[] = _("There's no more room for adding\nSTAMPS.");
ALIGNED(4) const u8 gText_RecordUploadedViaWireless[] = _("Your record has been uploaded via\nWIRELESS COMMUNICATION.");
ALIGNED(4) const u8 gText_CantAcceptCardFromTrainer[] = _("You can't accept a WONDER CARD\nfrom this TRAINER.");
ALIGNED(4) const u8 gText_CantAcceptNewsFromTrainer[] = _("You can't accept WONDER NEWS\nfrom this TRAINER.");
ALIGNED(4) const u8 gText_NothingSentOver[] = _("Nothing was sent over…");
ALIGNED(4) const u8 gText_WhatToDoWithCards[] = _("What would you like to do\nwith the WONDER CARDS?");
ALIGNED(4) const u8 gText_WhatToDoWithNews[] = _("What would you like to do\nwith the WONDER NEWS?");
ALIGNED(4) const u8 gText_SendingWonderCard[] = _("Sending your WONDER CARD…");
ALIGNED(4) const u8 gText_SendingWonderNews[] = _("Sending your WONDER NEWS item…");
ALIGNED(4) const u8 gText_WonderCardSentTo[] = _("Your WONDER CARD has been sent\nto {STR_VAR_1}.");
ALIGNED(4) const u8 gText_WonderNewsSentTo[] = _("Your WONDER NEWS item has been\nsent to {STR_VAR_1}.");
ALIGNED(4) const u8 gText_StampSentTo[] = _("A STAMP has been sent to {STR_VAR_1}.");
ALIGNED(4) const u8 gText_GiftSentTo[] = _("A GIFT has been sent to {STR_VAR_1}.");
ALIGNED(4) const u8 gText_OtherTrainerHasCard[] = _("The other TRAINER has the same\nWONDER CARD already.");
ALIGNED(4) const u8 gText_OtherTrainerHasNews[] = _("The other TRAINER has the same\nWONDER NEWS already.");
ALIGNED(4) const u8 gText_OtherTrainerHasStamp[] = _("The other TRAINER has the same\nSTAMP already.");
ALIGNED(4) const u8 gText_OtherTrainerCanceled[] = _("The other TRAINER canceled\ncommunication.");
ALIGNED(4) const u8 gText_CantSendGiftToTrainer[] = _("You can't send a MYSTERY GIFT to\nthis TRAINER.");
ALIGNED(4) const u8 gText_IfThrowAwayCardEventWontHappen[] = _("If you throw away the CARD,\nits event won't happen. Okay?");
ALIGNED(4) const u8 gText_OkayToDiscardNews[] = _("Is it okay to discard this\nNEWS item?");
ALIGNED(4) const u8 gText_HaventReceivedGiftOkayToDiscard[] = _("You haven't received the\nGIFT. Is it okay to discard?");
ALIGNED(4) const u8 gText_DataWillBeSaved[] = _("Data will be saved.\nPlease wait.");
ALIGNED(4) const u8 gText_SaveCompletedPressA[] = _("Save completed.\nPlease press the A Button.");
ALIGNED(4) const u8 gText_WonderCardThrownAway[] = _("The WONDER CARD was thrown away.");
ALIGNED(4) const u8 gText_WonderNewsThrownAway[] = _("The WONDER NEWS was thrown away.");
ALIGNED(4) const u8 gText_MysteryGift[] = _("MYSTERY GIFT");
ALIGNED(4) const u8 gText_PickOKExit[] = _("{DPAD_UPDOWN}PICK {A_BUTTON}OK {B_BUTTON}EXIT");
ALIGNED(4) const u8 gText_PickOKCancel[] = _("{DPAD_UPDOWN}PICK {A_BUTTON}OK {B_BUTTON}CANCEL");
const u8 gText_PlayersBattleResults[] = _("{PLAYER}'s BATTLE RESULTS");
const u8 gText_TotalRecordWLD[] = _("TOTAL RECORD W:{STR_VAR_1} L:{STR_VAR_2} D:{STR_VAR_3}");
const u8 gText_WinLoseDraw[] = _("{CLEAR_TO 0x53}WIN{CLEAR_TO 0x80}LOSE{CLEAR_TO 0xB0}DRAW");
const u8 gText_CommunicationStandby5[] = _("Communication standby…");
const u8 gText_QuitTheGame[] = _("Quit the game?");
const u8 gText_YouveGot9999Coins[] = _("You've got 9,999 COINS.");
const u8 gText_YouveRunOutOfCoins[] = _("You've run out of COINS.\nGame over!");
const u8 gText_YouDontHaveThreeCoins[] = _("You don't have three COINS.");
const u8 gText_ReelTimeHelp[] = _("REEL TIME\nHere's your chance to take\naim and nail marks!\nReel Time continues for the\nawarded number of spins.\nIt all ends on a Big Bonus.");
const u8 gDaycareText_GetAlongVeryWell[] = _("The two seem to get along\nvery well.");
const u8 gDaycareText_GetAlong[] = _("The two seem to get along.");
const u8 gDaycareText_DontLikeOther[] = _("The two don't seem to like\neach other much.");
const u8 gDaycareText_PlayOther[] = _("The two prefer to play with other\nPOKéMON than each other.");
const u8 gText_NewLine2[] = _("\n");
const u8 gText_Exit4[] = _("EXIT");
const u8 gText_Lv[] = _("{LV}");
const u8 gText_TimeBoard[] = _("TIME BOARD");
const u8 gText_TimeCleared[] = _("TIME CLEARED ");
const u8 gText_XMinYDotZSec[] = _("{STR_VAR_1} min. {STR_VAR_2}.{STR_VAR_3} sec.");
const u8 gText_TrainerHill1F[] = _("1F");
const u8 gText_TrainerHill2F[] = _("2F");
const u8 gText_TrainerHill3F[] = _("3F");
const u8 gText_TrainerHill4F[] = _("4F");
const u8 gText_TeachWhichMoveToPkmn[] = _("Teach which move to {STR_VAR_1}?");
const u8 gText_MoveRelearnerTeachMoveConfirm[] = _("Teach {STR_VAR_2}?");
const u8 gText_MoveRelearnerPkmnLearnedMove[] = _("{STR_VAR_1} learned\n{STR_VAR_2}!");
const u8 gText_MoveRelearnerPkmnTryingToLearnMove[] = _("{STR_VAR_1} is trying to learn\n{STR_VAR_2}.\pBut {STR_VAR_1} can't learn more\nthan four moves.\pDelete an older move to make\nroom for {STR_VAR_2}?");
const u8 gText_MoveRelearnerStopTryingToTeachMove[] = _("Stop trying to teach\n{STR_VAR_2}?");
const u8 gText_MoveRelearnerAndPoof[] = _("{PAUSE 32}1, {PAUSE 15}2, and {PAUSE 15}… {PAUSE 15}… {PAUSE 15}… {PAUSE 15}{PLAY_SE SE_BALL_BOUNCE_1}Poof!\p");
const u8 gText_MoveRelearnerPkmnForgotMoveAndLearnedNew[] = _("{STR_VAR_1} forgot {STR_VAR_3}.\pAnd…\p{STR_VAR_1} learned {STR_VAR_2}.");
const u8 gText_MoveRelearnedPkmnDidNotLearnMove[] = _("{STR_VAR_1} did not learn the\nmove {STR_VAR_2}."); // Unused
const u8 gText_MoveRelearnerGiveUp[] = _("Give up trying to teach a new\nmove to {STR_VAR_1}?");
const u8 gText_MoveRelearnerWhichMoveToForget[] = _("Which move should be\nforgotten?\p");
const u8 gText_MoveRelearnerBattleMoves[] = _("BATTLE MOVES");
const u8 gText_MoveRelearnerContestMovesTitle[] = _("CONTEST MOVES");
const u8 gText_MoveRelearnerType[] = _("TYPE/"); // Unused
const u8 gText_MoveRelearnerPP[] = _("PP/");
const u8 gText_MoveRelearnerPower[] = _("POWER/");
const u8 gText_MoveRelearnerAccuracy[] = _("ACCURACY/");
const u8 gText_MoveRelearnerAppeal[] = _("APPEAL");
const u8 gText_MoveRelearnerJam[] = _("JAM");
const u8 gText_Kira[] = _("KIRA");
const u8 gText_Amy[] = _("AMY");
const u8 gText_John[] = _("JOHN");
const u8 gText_Roy[] = _("ROY");
const u8 gText_Gabby[] = _("GABBY");
const u8 gText_Anna[] = _("ANNA");
const u8 gText_ClearAllSaveData[] = _("Clear all save data areas?");
const u8 gText_ClearingData[] = _("Clearing data…\nPlease wait.");
const u8 gText_IsThisTheCorrectTime[] = _("Is this the correct time?");
const u8 gText_Confirm3[] = _("CONFIRM");
const u8 gText_Cancel4[] = _("CANCEL");
const u8 gText_MrStoneMatchCallDesc[] = _("DEVON PRES");
const u8 gText_MrStoneMatchCallName[] = _("MR. STONE");
const u8 gText_StevenMatchCallDesc[] = _("HARD AS ROCK");
const u8 gText_StevenMatchCallName[] = _("STEVEN");
const u8 gText_MayBrendanMatchCallDesc[] = _("RAD NEIGHBOR");
const u8 gText_NormanMatchCallDesc[] = _("RELIABLE ONE");
const u8 gText_MomMatchCallDesc[] = _("CALM & KIND");
const u8 gText_WallyMatchCallDesc[] = _("{PKMN} LOVER");
const u8 gText_NormanMatchCallName[] = _("DAD");
const u8 gText_MomMatchCallName[] = _("MOM");
const u8 gText_ScottMatchCallDesc[] = _("ELUSIVE EYES");
const u8 gText_ScottMatchCallName[] = _("SCOTT");
const u8 gText_RoxanneMatchCallDesc[] = _("ROCKIN' WHIZ");
const u8 gText_BrawlyMatchCallDesc[] = _("THE BIG HIT");
const u8 gText_WattsonMatchCallDesc[] = _("SWELL SHOCK");
const u8 gText_FlanneryMatchCallDesc[] = _("PASSION BURN");
const u8 gText_WinonaMatchCallDesc[] = _("SKY TAMER");
const u8 gText_TateLizaMatchCallDesc[] = _("MYSTIC DUO");
const u8 gText_JuanMatchCallDesc[] = _("DANDY CHARM");
const u8 gText_EliteFourMatchCallDesc[] = _("ELITE FOUR");
const u8 gText_ChampionMatchCallDesc[] = _("CHAMPION");
const u8 gText_ProfBirchMatchCallDesc[] = _("{PKMN} PROF.");
const u8 gText_CommStandbyAwaitingOtherPlayer[] = _("Communication standby…\nAwaiting another player to choose.");
const u8 gText_BattleWasRefused[] = _("The battle was refused.{PAUSE 60}");
const u8 gText_RefusedBattle[] = _("Refused the battle.{PAUSE 60}");
const u8 gText_NoWeather[] = _("NO WEATHER"); // Below are unused debug names for weather types
const u8 gText_Sunny[] = _("SUNNY"); // Unused
const u8 gText_Sunny2[] = _("SUNNY2"); // Unused
const u8 gText_Rain[] = _("RAIN"); // Unused
const u8 gText_Snow[] = _("SNOW"); // Unused
const u8 gText_Lightning[] = _("LIGHTNING"); // Unused
const u8 gText_Fog[] = _("FOG"); // Unused
const u8 gText_VolcanoAsh[] = _("VOLCANO ASH"); // Unused
const u8 gText_Sandstorm[] = _("SANDSTORM"); // Unused
const u8 gText_Fog2[] = _("FOG2"); // Unused
const u8 gText_Seafloor[] = _("SEAFLOOR"); // Unused
const u8 gText_Cloudy[] = _("CLOUDY"); // Unused
const u8 gText_Sunny3[] = _("SUNNY3"); // Unused
const u8 gText_HeavyRain[] = _("HEAVY RAIN"); // Unused
const u8 gText_Seafloor2[] = _("SEAFLOOR2"); // Unused
const u8 gText_DelAll[] = _("DEL. ALL");
const u8 gText_Cancel5[] = _("CANCEL");
const u8 gText_Ok2[] = _("OK");
const u8 gText_Quiz[] = _("QUIZ");
const u8 gText_Answer[] = _("ANSWER");
const u8 gText_PokeBalls[] = _("POKé BALLS");
const u8 gText_Berry[] = _("BERRY");
const u8 gText_Berries[] = _("BERRIES");