PikalaxALT 52db3ad5aa Decompile TV (#80)
* ClearTVShowData

* special_0x44

* DoTVShow (nonmatching because align)

* DoTVShowBravoTrainerPokemonProfile

* Update field names

* DoTVShowBravoTrainerBattleTower

* Renaming of struct fields

* sub_80EBFF4 and UpdateTVScreensOnMap

* SetTVMetatilesOnMap

* Power buttons for the TV screens on the map

* special_0x45

* sub_80EC18C

* special_0x4a

* ResetGabbyAndTy

* GabbyAndTyBeforeInterview

* GabbyAndTyAfterInterview

* Through IsTVShowInSearchOfTrainersAiring

* GabbyAndTyGetLastQuote

* GabbyAndTyGetLastBattleTrivia

* GabbyAndTySetScriptVarsToFieldObjectLocalIds

* InterviewAfter; use TVShow as a precursor for making the individual show structs anonymous

* Make TV structs anonymous within the union

* Move the TV union to its own subheader

* Move TV show enums to the global.tv.h subheader

* Funcion renaming

* Apply static attributes where able

* PutPokemonTodayCaughtOnAir

* sub_80EC8A4

* PutPokemonTodayFailedOnTheAir

* sub_80EC9E8, sub_80ECA10

* sub_80ECA38

* sub_80ECB00

* Put3CheersForPokeblocksOnTheAir

* PutFanClubSpecialOnTheAir

* ContestLiveUpdates_BeforeInterview

* Other before-interview Contest Live Updates functions

* ContestLiveUpdates_BeforeInterview_5

* InterviewAfter_BravoTrainerPokemonProfile

* BravoTrainerPokemonProfile_BeforeInterview1

* BravoTrainerPokemonProfile_BeforeInterview2

* Disassemble TV data

* Decompile TV data

* InterviewAfter_BravoTrainerBattleTowerProfile

* SaveRecordedItemPurchasesForTVShow

* PutNameRaterShowOnTheAir

* StartMassOutbreak

* PutLilycoveContestLadyShowOnTheAir

* InterviewAfter_FanClubLetter

* Rip TV strings

* InterviewAfter_RecentHappenings

* InterviewAfter_PkmnFanClubOpinions

* sub_80ED718

* EndMassOutbreak

* sub_80ED888

* sub_80ED8B4

* UpdateMassOutbreakTimeLeft

* sub_80ED950

* PutFishingAdviceShowOnTheAir

* through sub_80EDA80

* ewram and common syms are now fetched from the object files

* BSS symbols are taken from the tv.o file

* through sub_80EDC60

* sub_80EDCE8

* sub_80EDD78

* through sub_80EDE84

* nomatching sub_80EDE98

* sub_80EDFB4

* sub_80EE104

* sub_80EE104

* sub_80EE184

* sub_80EE2CC

* sub_80EE35C

* sub_80EE44C

* sub_80EE4DC

* sub_80EE5A4

* sub_80EE69C

* sub_80EE72C

* sub_80EE7C0

* sub_80EE818

* sub_80EE8C8

* sub_80EEA70

* sub_80EEB98

* sub_80EEBF4

* through sub_80EED60

* Functions relating to Pokemon News

* sub_80EEF6C

* GetPriceReduction

* IsPriceDiscounted

* sub_80EF120

* through sub_80EF370

* sub_80EF40C

* HasMixableShowAlreadyBeenSpawnedWithPlayerID

* TV_SortPurchasesByQuantity

* FindActiveBroadcastByShowType_SetScriptResult

* InterviewBefore

* through sub_80EF88C

* through sub_80EF93C

* through sub_80EFA24

* through TV_BernoulliTrial

* sub_80EFB58

* sub_80EFBA4

* sub_80EFBDC

* through sub_80EFD98

* ChangePokemonNickname

* ChangeBoxPokemonNickname

* sub_80EFF9C

* through player_id_to_dword

* CheckForBigMovieOrEmergencyNewsOnTV

* GetMomOrDadStringForTVMessage

* sub_80F01E8

* sub_80F0358

* sub_80F049C

* TV record mixing functions

* sub_80F06D0

* sub_80F0708 nonmatching

* through sub_80F0B24

* sub_80F0B64

* through sub_80F0C04

* sub_80F0C7C

* sub_80F0D60

* sub_80F0E58

* sub_80F0E84

* through sub_80F0F24

* sub_80F0F64

* sub_80F1208

* sub_80F1254

* sub_80F1290

* sub_80F12A4

* sub_80F14F8

* DoTVShowTodaysSmartShopper

* DoTVShowTheNameRaterShow

* DoTVShowPokemonTodaySuccessfulCapture

* DoTVShowPokemonTodayFailedCapture

* DoTVShowPokemonFanClubLetter

* DoTVShowRecentHappenings

* DoTVShowPokemonFanClubOpinions

* DoTVShowPokemonNewsMassOutbreak

* DoTVShowPokemonContestLiveUpdates

* DoTVShowPokemonBattleUpdate

* DoTVShow3CheersForPokeblocks

* DoTVShowInSearchOfTrainers

* Label GabbyAndTyData fields; remove ddump comments from data/text/tv.inc

* DoTVShowPokemonAngler

* DoTVShowTheWorldOfMasters; update RAM symbols and field names

* Decorate static functions

* DoTVShowTodaysRivalTrainer; region map enums

* TVDewfordTrendWatcherNetworkTextGroup

* DoTVShowHoennTreasureInvestigators

* DoTVShowFindThatGamer

* DoTVShowBreakingNewsTV

* DoTVShowSecretBaseVisit

* DoTVShowPokemonLotterWinnerFlashReport

* DoTVShowThePokemonBattleSeminar

* DoTVShowTrainerFanClubSpecial, DoTVShowTrainerFanClub

* DoTVShowSpotTheCuties

* DoTVShowPokemonNewsBattleFrontier

* DoTVShowWhatsNo1InHoennToday

* Helpers for DoTVShowSecretBaseSecrets

* DoTVShowSecretBaseSecrets

* DoTVShowSafariFanClub

* Finish decompilation of tv.s

* Some renaming

* Rename text group pointers

* revoke statis; pokenews enums

* Labels are number one

* Label all TV struct fields

* Make data/text/tv.inc more readable

* Split data/text/tv.inc

* Rename pokenews text pointers

* Frontier Symbol constants; indicate static rodata objects with 's' prefix

* Fix leading spaces/tabs

F*** CLion sometimes

* Fix inconsequential warning
2017-10-13 10:09:36 -05:00

605 lines
14 KiB

#include "gba/gba.h"
#include "config.h"
// Prevent cross-jump optimization.
#define BLOCK_CROSS_JUMP asm("");
// to help in decompiling
#define asm_comment(x) asm volatile("@ -- " x " -- ")
#define asm_unified(x) asm(".syntax unified\n" x "\n.syntax divided")
#if defined (__APPLE__) || defined (__CYGWIN__)
void memset(void *, int, size_t);
void memcpy(void *, const void *, size_t);
#endif // __APPLE__
#define ARRAY_COUNT(array) (sizeof(array) / sizeof((array)[0]))
// useful math macros
// Converts a number to Q8.8 fixed-point format
#define Q_8_8(n) ((s16)((n) * 256))
// Converts a number to Q4.12 fixed-point format
#define Q_4_12(n) ((s16)((n) * 4096))
#define OT_NAME_LENGTH 7
extern u8 gStringVar1[];
extern u8 gStringVar2[];
extern u8 gStringVar3[];
extern u8 gStringVar4[];
enum LanguageId {
struct Coords16
s16 x;
s16 y;
struct UCoords16
u16 x;
u16 y;
struct Time
/*0x00*/ s16 days;
/*0x02*/ s8 hours;
/*0x03*/ s8 minutes;
/*0x04*/ s8 seconds;
struct Pokedex
/*0x00*/ u8 order;
/*0x01*/ u8 unknown1;
/*0x02*/ u8 nationalMagic; // must equal 0xDA in order to have National mode
/*0x03*/ u8 unknown2;
/*0x04*/ u32 unownPersonality; // set when you first see Unown
/*0x08*/ u32 spindaPersonality; // set when you first see Spinda
/*0x0C*/ u32 unknown3;
/*0x10*/ u8 owned[52];
/*0x44*/ u8 seen[52];
struct PokemonJumpResults // possibly used in the game itself?
u16 jumpsInRow;
u16 field2;
u16 excellentsInRow;
u16 field6;
u16 field8;
u16 fieldA;
u32 bestJumpScore;
struct BerryPickingResults // possibly used in the game itself? Size may be wrong as well
u32 bestScore;
u16 berriesPicked;
u16 berriesPickedInRow;
u8 field_8;
u8 field_9;
u8 field_A;
u8 field_B;
u8 field_C;
u8 field_D;
u8 field_E;
u8 field_F;
struct PyramidBag
u16 items_Lvl50[10];
u16 items_OpenLvl[10];
u8 quantity[10];
struct BerryCrush
u16 berryCrushResults[4];
u32 berryPowderAmount;
u32 unk;
struct SaveBlock2
/*0x00*/ u8 playerName[8];
/*0x08*/ u8 playerGender; // MALE, FEMALE
/*0x09*/ u8 specialSaveWarp;
/*0x0A*/ u8 playerTrainerId[4];
/*0x0E*/ u16 playTimeHours;
/*0x10*/ u8 playTimeMinutes;
/*0x11*/ u8 playTimeSeconds;
/*0x12*/ u8 playTimeVBlanks;
/*0x13*/ u8 optionsButtonMode; // OPTIONS_BUTTON_MODE_[NORMAL/LR/L_EQUALS_A]
/*0x14*/ u16 optionsTextSpeed:3; // OPTIONS_TEXT_SPEED_[SLOW/MID/FAST]
u16 optionsWindowFrameType:5; // Specifies one of the 20 decorative borders for text boxes
u16 optionsSound:1; // OPTIONS_SOUND_[MONO/STEREO]
u16 optionsBattleStyle:1; // OPTIONS_BATTLE_STYLE_[SHIFT/SET]
u16 optionsBattleSceneOff:1; // whether battle animations are disabled
u16 regionMapZoom:1; // whether the map is zoomed in
/*0x18*/ struct Pokedex pokedex;
/*0x90*/ u8 filler_90[0x8];
/*0x98*/ struct Time localTimeOffset;
/*0xA0*/ struct Time lastBerryTreeUpdate;
/*0xA8*/ u32 field_A8;
/*0xAC*/ u32 encryptionKey;
// TODO: fix and verify labels
/*0xB0*/ u8 field_B0[316];
/*0x1EC*/ struct BerryCrush berryCrush;
/*0x1FC*/ struct PokemonJumpResults pokeJump;
/*0x20C*/ struct BerryPickingResults berryPick;
/*0x214*/ u8 field_214[1032];
/*0x624*/ u16 contestLinkResults[20]; // 4 positions for 5 categories, possibly a struct or a 2d array
// All below could be a one giant struct
/*0x64C*/ u8 field_64C[0x588];
/*0xBD4*/ u16 field_BD4;
/*0xBD6*/ u16 field_BD6;
/*0xBD8*/ u8 field_BD8[11];
/*0xBE3*/ u8 filler_BE3[8];
/*0xBEB*/ u8 field_BEB;
/*0xBE3*/ u8 filler_BEC[189];
/*0xCA9*/ u8 frontierChosenLvl : 2; // 0x1, 0x2 -> 0x3
/*0xCA9*/ u8 field_CA9_a : 1; // 0x4
/*0xCA9*/ u8 field_CA9_b : 1; // 0x8
/*0xCA9*/ u8 field_CA9_c : 1; // 0x10
/*0xCA9*/ u8 field_CA9_d : 1; // 0x20
/*0xCA9*/ u8 field_CA9_e : 1; // 0x40
/*0xCA9*/ u8 field_CA9_f : 1; // 0x80
/*0xCAA*/ u16 field_CAA[0x2e];
/*0xD06*/ u8 field_D06;
/*0xD07*/ u8 field_D07;
/*0xd08*/ u8 filler_D08[0x112];
/*0xE1A*/ u16 battlePyramidFloor; // possibly?
/*0xE1C*/ u8 field_E1C[16];
/*0xE2C*/ struct PyramidBag pyramidBag;
/*0x???*/ u8 field_notSure[13];
/*0xE6E*/ u16 battleTentWinStreak;
/*0xE70*/ u8 field_E70[72];
/*0xEB8*/ u16 frontierBattlePoints;
/*0xEBA*/ u8 field_EBA[39];
/*0xEE1*/ u8 field_EE1;
/*0xEE2*/ u8 field_EE2[7];
/*0xEE9*/ u8 field_EE9;
/*0xEEA*/ u8 field_EEA[66];
// sizeof=0xF2C
extern struct SaveBlock2 *gSaveBlock2Ptr;
struct SecretBaseRecord
/*ID?*/ /*0x1A9C*/ u8 sbr_field_0;
/*0x1A9D*/ u8 sbr_field_1_0:4;
/*0x1A9D*/ u8 gender:1;
/*0x1A9D*/ u8 sbr_field_1_5:1;
/*0x1A9D*/ u8 sbr_field_1_6:2;
/*0x1A9E*/ u8 trainerName[7]; // 0xFF bytes?
/*0x1AA5*/ u8 trainerId[4]; // byte 0 is used for determining trainer class
/*0x1AA9*/ u8 language;
/*0x1AAA*/ u16 sbr_field_e;
/*0x1AAC*/ u8 sbr_field_10;
/*0x1AAD*/ u8 sbr_field_11;
/*0x1AAE*/ u8 decorations[16];
/*0x1ABE*/ u8 decorationPos[16];
/*0x1ACE*/ u32 partyPersonality[6];
/*0x1AE6*/ u16 partyMoves[6 * 4];
/*0x1B16*/ u16 partySpecies[6];
/*0x1B22*/ u16 partyHeldItems[6];
/*0x1B2E*/ u8 partyLevels[6];
/*0x1B34*/ u8 partyEVs[6];
#include "game_stat.h"
#include "global.fieldmap.h"
#include "global.berry.h"
#include "global.tv.h"
#include "pokemon.h"
struct WarpData
s8 mapGroup;
s8 mapNum;
s8 warpId;
s16 x, y;
struct ItemSlot
u16 itemId;
u16 quantity;
struct Pokeblock
u8 color;
u8 spicy;
u8 dry;
u8 sweet;
u8 bitter;
u8 sour;
u8 feel;
struct Roamer
/*0x00*/ u32 ivs;
/*0x04*/ u32 personality;
/*0x08*/ u16 species;
/*0x0A*/ u16 hp;
/*0x0C*/ u8 level;
/*0x0D*/ u8 status;
/*0x0E*/ u8 cool;
/*0x0F*/ u8 beauty;
/*0x10*/ u8 cute;
/*0x11*/ u8 smart;
/*0x12*/ u8 tough;
/*0x13*/ bool8 active;
/*0x14*/ u8 filler[0x8];
struct RamScriptData
u8 magic;
u8 mapGroup;
u8 mapNum;
u8 objectId;
u8 script[995];
struct RamScript
u32 checksum;
struct RamScriptData data;
struct EasyChatPair
u16 unk0_0:7;
u16 unk0_7:7;
u16 unk1_6:1;
u16 unk2;
u16 words[2];
}; /*size = 0x8*/
struct MailStruct
/*0x00*/ u16 words[9];
/*0x12*/ u8 playerName[8];
/*0x1A*/ u8 trainerId[4];
/*0x1E*/ u16 species;
/*0x20*/ u16 itemId;
struct UnkMauvilleOldManStruct
u8 unk_2D94;
u8 unk_2D95;
/*0x2D96*/ u16 mauvilleOldMan_ecArray[6];
/*0x2DA2*/ u16 mauvilleOldMan_ecArray2[6];
/*0x2DAE*/ u8 playerName[8];
/*0x2DB6*/ u8 filler_2DB6[0x3];
/*0x2DB9*/ u8 playerTrainerId[4];
u8 unk_2DBD;
}; /*size = 0x2C*/
struct UnkMauvilleOldManStruct2
u8 filler0;
u8 unk1;
u8 unk2;
u16 mauvilleOldMan_ecArray[10];
u8 mauvilleOldMan_ecArray2[12];
u8 fillerF[0x2];
}; /*size = 0x2C*/
struct MauvilleOldManTrader
u8 unk0;
u8 unk1[4];
u8 unk5[4][11];
u8 unk31;
typedef union OldMan
struct UnkMauvilleOldManStruct oldMan1;
struct UnkMauvilleOldManStruct2 oldMan2;
struct MauvilleOldManTrader trader;
u8 filler[0x40];
} OldMan;
struct RecordMixing_UnknownStructSub
u32 unk0;
u8 data[0x34];
//u8 data[0x38];
struct RecordMixing_UnknownStruct
struct RecordMixing_UnknownStructSub data[2];
u32 unk70;
u16 unk74[0x2];
struct LinkBattleRecord
u8 name[8];
u16 trainerId;
u16 wins;
u16 losses;
u16 draws;
struct RecordMixingGiftData
u8 unk0;
u8 quantity;
u16 itemId;
u8 filler4[8];
struct RecordMixingGift
int checksum;
struct RecordMixingGiftData data;
struct ContestWinner
u32 personality;
u32 trainerId;
u16 species;
u8 contestCategory;
u8 monName[11];
u8 trainerName[8];
u8 contestRank;
struct DaycareMon
struct BoxPokemon mon;
struct MailStruct mail;
u8 OT_name[OT_NAME_LENGTH + 1];
u8 monName[11];
u8 language_maybe : 4;
u8 unknown : 4;
u32 stepsTaken;
struct DaycareData
struct DaycareMon mons[2];
u32 offspringPersonality;
u8 stepCounter;
#define FLAGS_COUNT 300
#define VARS_COUNT 256
enum {
struct LilycoveLadyQuiz
/*0x000*/ u8 id;
/*0x001*/ u8 phase;
/*0x002*/ u16 unk_002[9];
/*0x014*/ u16 unk_014;
/*0x016*/ u16 unk_016;
/*0x018*/ u8 playerName[8];
/*0x020*/ u16 playerTrainerId[4];
/*0x028*/ u16 itemId;
/*0x02a*/ u8 unk_02a;
/*0x02b*/ u8 unk_02b;
/*0x02c*/ u8 unk_02c;
/*0x02d*/ u8 language;
struct LilycoveLadyFavour
/*0x000*/ u8 id;
/*0x001*/ u8 phase;
/*0x002*/ u8 unk_002;
/*0x003*/ u8 unk_003;
/*0x004*/ u8 playerName[8];
/*0x00c*/ u8 unk_00c;
/*0x00e*/ u16 itemId;
/*0x010*/ u16 unk_010;
/*0x012*/ u8 language;
struct LilycoveLadyContest
/*0x000*/ u8 id;
/*0x001*/ u8 phase;
/*0x002*/ u8 fave_pkblk;
/*0x003*/ u8 other_pkblk;
/*0x004*/ u8 playerName[8];
/*0x00c*/ u8 max_sheen;
/*0x00d*/ u8 category;
/*0x00e*/ u8 language;
typedef union // TODO
struct LilycoveLadyQuiz quiz;
struct LilycoveLadyFavour favour;
struct LilycoveLadyContest contest;
u8 id;
} LilycoveLady;
struct SaveBlock1
/*0x00*/ struct Coords16 pos;
/*0x04*/ struct WarpData location;
/*0x0C*/ struct WarpData warp1;
/*0x14*/ struct WarpData warp2;
/*0x1C*/ struct WarpData warp3;
/*0x24*/ struct WarpData warp4;
/*0x2C*/ u16 battleMusic;
/*0x2E*/ u8 weather;
/*0x2F*/ u8 filler_2F;
/*0x30*/ u8 flashUsed;
/*0x32*/ u16 mapDataId;
/*0x34*/ u16 mapView[0x100];
/*0x234*/ u8 playerPartyCount;
/*0x238*/ struct Pokemon playerParty[6];
/*0x490*/ u32 money;
/*0x494*/ u16 coins;
/*0x496*/ u16 registeredItem; // registered for use with SELECT button
/*0x498*/ struct ItemSlot pcItems[50];
/*0x560*/ struct ItemSlot bagPocket_Items[30];
/*0x5D8*/ struct ItemSlot bagPocket_KeyItems[30];
/*0x650*/ struct ItemSlot bagPocket_PokeBalls[16];
/*0x690*/ struct ItemSlot bagPocket_TMHM[64];
/*0x790*/ struct ItemSlot bagPocket_Berries[46];
/*0x848*/ struct Pokeblock pokeblocks[40];
/*0x988*/ u8 seen1[52];
/*0x9BC*/ u16 berryBlenderRecords[3];
/*0x9C2*/ u8 field_9C2[6];
/*0x9C8*/ u16 trainerRematchStepCounter;
/*0x9CA*/ u8 trainerRematches[100];
/*0xA30*/ struct MapObject mapObjects[MAP_OBJECTS_COUNT];
/*0xC70*/ struct MapObjectTemplate mapObjectTemplates[64];
/*0x1270*/ u8 flags[FLAGS_COUNT];
/*0x139C*/ u16 vars[VARS_COUNT];
/*0x159C*/ u32 gameStats[NUM_GAME_STATS];
/*0x169C*/ struct BerryTree berryTrees[BERRY_TREES_COUNT];
/*0x1A9C*/ struct SecretBaseRecord secretBases[20];
/*0x271C*/ u8 playerRoomDecor[12];
/*0x2728*/ u8 playerRoomDecorPos[12];
/*0x2734*/ u8 decorDesk[10];
/*0x????*/ u8 decorChair[10];
/*0x????*/ u8 decorPlant[10];
/*0x????*/ u8 decorOrnament[30];
/*0x????*/ u8 decorMat[30];
/*0x????*/ u8 decorPoster[10];
/*0x????*/ u8 decorDoll[40];
/*0x????*/ u8 decorCushion[10];
/*0x27CA*/ u8 padding_27CA[2];
/*0x27CC*/ TVShow tvShows[25];
/*0x2B50*/ PokeNews pokeNews[16];
/*0x2B90*/ u16 outbreakPokemonSpecies;
/*0x2B92*/ u8 outbreakLocationMapNum;
/*0x2B93*/ u8 outbreakLocationMapGroup;
/*0x2B94*/ u8 outbreakPokemonLevel;
/*0x2B95*/ u8 outbreakUnk1;
/*0x2B96*/ u16 outbreakUnk2;
/*0x2B98*/ u16 outbreakPokemonMoves[4];
/*0x2BA0*/ u8 outbreakUnk4;
/*0x2BA1*/ u8 outbreakPokemonProbability;
/*0x2BA2*/ u16 outbreakDaysLeft;
/*0x2BA4*/ struct GabbyAndTyData gabbyAndTyData;
/*0x2BB0*/ u16 unk2BB0[6];
/*0x2BBC*/ u16 unk2BBC[6];
/*0x2BC8*/ u16 unk2BC8[6];
/*0x2BD4*/ u16 unk2BD4[3];
/*0x2BE0*/ struct MailStruct mail[16];
/*0x2E20*/ u8 additionalPhrases[5]; // bitfield for 33 additional phrases in easy chat system
/*0x2E25*/ u8 unk2E25[3]; // possibly padding?
/*0x2E28*/ OldMan oldMan;
/*0x2e64*/ struct EasyChatPair easyChatPairs[5]; //Dewford trend [0] and some other stuff
/*0x2e8c*/ u8 filler_2E8C[0x4];
/*0x2e90*/ struct ContestWinner contestWinners[13]; // 0 - 5 used in contest hall, 6 - 7 unused?, 8 - 12 museum
/*0x3030*/ struct DaycareData daycare;
/*0x3150*/ struct LinkBattleRecord linkBattleRecords[5];
/*0x31A0*/ u8 unk_31A0;
/*0x31A1*/ u8 filler_31A1[7];
/*0x31A8*/ u8 giftRibbons[52];
/*0x31DC*/ struct Roamer roamer;
/*0x31F8*/ struct EnigmaBerry enigmaBerry;
/*0x322C*/ u8 field_322C[1276];
/*0x3728*/ struct RamScript ramScript;
/*0x3B14*/ struct RecordMixingGift recordMixingGift;
/*0x3B24*/ u8 seen2[52];
/*0x3B58*/ LilycoveLady lilycoveLady;
/*0x3B88*/ u8 filler_3B88[0x1E8];
/*0x3D70*/ u8 babyPhrase[24]; // TODO: convert to a struct
// sizeof: 0x3D88
extern struct SaveBlock1* gSaveBlock1Ptr;
struct Bitmap // TODO: Find a better spot for this
u8* pixels;
u32 width:16;
u32 height:16;
extern u8 gReservedSpritePaletteCount;
#endif // GUARD_GLOBAL_H