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synced 2025-03-16 10:38:31 +01:00
83 lines
1.3 KiB
83 lines
1.3 KiB
.include "asm/macros/function.inc"
.include "constants/gba_constants.inc"
.syntax unified
.align 2, 0
.global Init
mov r0, #PSR_IRQ_MODE
msr cpsr_cf, r0
ldr sp, sp_irq
mov r0, #PSR_SYS_MODE
msr cpsr_cf, r0
ldr sp, sp_sys
ldr r1, =INTR_VECTOR
ldr r0, =IntrMain
str r0, [r1]
ldr r1, =AgbMain + 1
mov lr, pc
bx r1
b Init
.align 2, 0
sp_sys: .word IWRAM_END - 0x100
sp_irq: .word IWRAM_END - 0x60
.size Init, .-Init
.align 2, 0
.global IntrMain
IntrMain: @ 0x2010048
mov ip, #REG_BASE
add r3, ip, #OFFSET_REG_IE
ldr r2, [r3]
and r1, r2, r2, lsr #16
mov r2, #0
ands r0, r1, #0x2000
strbne r0, [r3, #-0x17c]
bne _02010064
ands r0, r1, #0xc0
bne _020100DC
add r2, r2, #4
ands r0, r1, #1
strhne r0, [ip, #-8]
bne _020100DC
add r2, r2, #4
ands r0, r1, #2
bne _020100DC
add r2, r2, #4
ands r0, r1, #4
bne _020100DC
add r2, r2, #4
ands r0, r1, #0x100
bne _020100DC
add r2, r2, #4
ands r0, r1, #0x200
bne _020100DC
add r2, r2, #4
ands r0, r1, #0x400
bne _020100DC
add r2, r2, #4
ands r0, r1, #0x800
bne _020100DC
add r2, r2, #4
ands r0, r1, #0x1000
bne _020100DC
add r2, r2, #4
ands r0, r1, #8
strh r0, [r3, #2]
ldr r1, =gIntrTable
add r1, r1, r2
ldr r0, [r1]
bx r0
.size IntrMain, .-IntrMain