mirror of
synced 2025-03-06 15:38:11 +01:00
782 lines
12 KiB
782 lines
12 KiB
.align 2
gVerdanturfBattleTentTrainers:: @ 85DE610
@ 0
.string "BRENNA$", 8
@ pre-battle speech
ec_word NO
ec_word DAYS
ec_word GO
ec_word WITHOUT
ec_word MY
ec_move1 FAKE_TEARS
@ win speech
ec_word OH
ec_word THAT_WAS
ec_word SO
ec_word EXCL
.2byte -1
@ loss speech
ec_word ALL
ec_word I
ec_word EVER
ec_word GET
ec_word IS
ec_move1 TORMENT
.4byte gVerdanturfBattleTentTrainerMons_Brenna
@ 1
.string "DILAN$", 8
@ pre-battle speech
ec_word YOU
ec_word DON_T
ec_word KNOW
ec_word HOW
ec_word BORED
ec_word I_AM
@ win speech
ec_word LOSING
ec_word ISN_T
ec_word EXCITING
ec_word AT
ec_word ALL
ec_word ELLIPSIS
@ loss speech
ec_word EXCITING
ec_word EXCL_EXCL
ec_word BYE_BYE
ec_word TO
ec_word BEING
ec_word BORED
.4byte gVerdanturfBattleTentTrainerMons_Dilan
@ 2
.string "ELIANA$", 8
@ pre-battle speech
ec_word I_AM
ec_word GOING
ec_word ON
ec_word A
ec_word VACATION
ec_word SOON
@ win speech
ec_word I
ec_word NEED
ec_word TO
ec_word GET
ec_word SOME
ec_word MONEY
@ loss speech
ec_word NO
ec_word SLEEP
ec_word UNTIL
ec_word I
ec_word GET
ec_word HOME
.4byte gVerdanturfBattleTentTrainerMons_Eliana
@ 3
.string "MARKUS$", 8
@ pre-battle speech
ec_word I_AM
ec_word SMART
ec_word EXCL
ec_word IF_I_LOSE
ec_word I
@ win speech
ec_word IT_S
ec_word A
ec_word NON_STOP
ec_move2 EXPLOSION
ec_word OF
ec_word JOY
@ loss speech
ec_word I_VE
ec_word LOST
ec_word ELLIPSIS
ec_word TIME
ec_word TO
.4byte gVerdanturfBattleTentTrainerMons_Markus
@ 4
.string "CAITLYN$", 8
@ pre-battle speech
ec_word I_AM
ec_word BORED
ec_word OF
ec_word BEING
ec_word AN
ec_word IDOL
@ win speech
ec_word A
ec_word BATTLE
ec_word IS
ec_word BEST
ec_word FOR
@ loss speech
ec_word LOSING
ec_word DOESN_T
ec_word BUG
ec_word ME
ec_word AT
ec_word ALL
.4byte gVerdanturfBattleTentTrainerMons_Caitlyn
@ 5
.string "DESIREE$", 8
@ pre-battle speech
ec_word DOESN_T
ec_word MY
ec_word BEAUTY
ec_move1 ASTONISH
ec_word YOU
ec_word QUES
@ win speech
ec_word DID
ec_word I
ec_word YOU
ec_word QUES
.2byte -1
@ loss speech
ec_word MY
ec_word BEAUTY
ec_word DID
ec_word NOTHING
ec_word FOR
ec_word YOU
.4byte gVerdanturfBattleTentTrainerMons_Desiree
@ 6
.string "RONALD$", 8
@ pre-battle speech
ec_word COME_ON
ec_word I
ec_word WILL
ec_word BATTLE
.2byte -1
@ win speech
ec_word GIVE_UP
ec_word QUES
.2byte -1
ec_word THAT_S
ec_word REALLY
ec_word WEAK
@ loss speech
ec_word I
ec_word NEED
ec_word TO
ec_word DO
ec_word A
ec_move2 BATON_PASS
.4byte gVerdanturfBattleTentTrainerMons_Ronald
@ 7
.string "ASHTEN$", 8
@ pre-battle speech
ec_word OH_YEAH
ec_word ANOTHER
ec_word EXCITING
ec_word BATTLE
ec_word EXCL
.2byte -1
@ win speech
ec_word YOUR
ec_word POKEMON
ec_word ARE
ec_word WIMPY
ec_word AND
ec_word BORING
@ loss speech
ec_word THAT_WAS
ec_word AN
ec_word EXCITING
ec_word LOSS
ec_word WOW
ec_word EXCL
.4byte gVerdanturfBattleTentTrainerMons_Ashten
@ 8
.string "GERARD$", 8
@ pre-battle speech
ec_word LOOK
ec_word AT
ec_word MY
ec_word SUPER
ec_word EXCL
@ win speech
ec_word THAT_WAS
ec_word HARD
ec_word ELLIPSIS
ec_word AM
ec_word I
ec_word OK_QUES
@ loss speech
ec_word I
ec_word WON_T
ec_word FORGIVE
ec_word YOU
ec_word FOR
ec_word THAT
.4byte gVerdanturfBattleTentTrainerMons_Gerard
@ 9
.string "BRADLY$", 8
@ pre-battle speech
ec_word IT_S
ec_word LONESOME
ec_word BUT
ec_word I
ec_word VACATION
ec_word ALONE
@ win speech
ec_word I
ec_word WILL
ec_move1 WITHDRAW
ec_word INSIDE
ec_word MY
@ loss speech
ec_word OH
ec_word ELLIPSIS
.2byte -1
ec_word ALONE
ec_word AS
ec_word ALWAYS
.4byte gVerdanturfBattleTentTrainerMons_Bradly
@ 10
.string "DENNIS$", 8
@ pre-battle speech
ec_word ARE
ec_word YOU
ec_word REALLY
ec_word STRONG
ec_word QUES
.2byte -1
@ win speech
ec_word WAHAHAHA
ec_word EXCL
.2byte -1
ec_word WAHAHAHA
ec_word EXCL_EXCL
.2byte -1
@ loss speech
ec_word NICE
ec_word GOING
ec_word EXCL
ec_word I
ec_word WAS
ec_word CHILD_S_PLAY
.4byte gVerdanturfBattleTentTrainerMons_Dennis
@ 11
.string "PRESTIN$", 8
@ pre-battle speech
ec_word THIS
ec_word IS
ec_word A
ec_move1 NIGHTMARE
ec_word FOR
ec_word YOU
@ win speech
ec_word FORGIVE
ec_word ME
ec_word ELLIPSIS
ec_word IT_S
ec_word A
ec_word DREAM
@ loss speech
ec_word I
ec_word WANT
ec_word TO
ec_word WAKE_UP
ec_word FROM
ec_word THIS
.4byte gVerdanturfBattleTentTrainerMons_Prestin
@ 12
.string "ERNESTO$", 8
@ pre-battle speech
ec_word THIS
ec_word PARTY
ec_word GOES
ec_word ON
ec_word FOREVER
ec_word EXCL
@ win speech
ec_word THE
ec_word MUSIC
ec_word PLAYS
ec_word ON
ec_word WITHOUT
ec_word END
@ loss speech
ec_word NO
ec_word EXCL
ec_word THE
ec_word MUSIC
ec_word CAN_T
ec_word STOP
.4byte gVerdanturfBattleTentTrainerMons_Ernesto
@ 13
.string "NALA$", 8
@ pre-battle speech
ec_word I
ec_word WANT
ec_word THE
ec_word WORLD
ec_word MOVIE
@ win speech
ec_word I
ec_word DON_T
ec_word LIKE
ec_word RADIO
ec_word VERY
ec_word MUCH
@ loss speech
ec_word I
ec_word REFUSE
ec_word TO
ec_word BELIEVE
ec_word THIS
ec_word EXCL
.4byte gVerdanturfBattleTentTrainerMons_Nala
@ 14
.string "DARNELL$", 8
@ pre-battle speech
ec_word I
ec_word WILL
ec_word GO_EASY
ec_word ON
ec_word YOU
.2byte -1
@ win speech
ec_word YOUR
ec_word SHOULD
ec_word BE
ec_word HIDDEN
ec_word AWAY
@ loss speech
ec_word YOU_RE
ec_word TOO
ec_word MUCH
ec_word TO
ec_word TAKE
ec_word ELLIPSIS
.4byte gVerdanturfBattleTentTrainerMons_Darnell
@ 15
.string "ASHLYN$", 8
@ pre-battle speech
ec_word I
ec_word LOOK
ec_word TOUGH
ec_word DO
ec_word I
ec_word QUES
@ win speech
ec_word I_AM
ec_word NOT
ec_word OVER
ec_word YOUR
ec_move2 TAUNT
ec_word YET
@ loss speech
ec_word YOU_RE
ec_word MEAN
ec_word EXCL_EXCL
.2byte -1
.2byte -1
.2byte -1
.4byte gVerdanturfBattleTentTrainerMons_Ashlyn
@ 16
.string "ADDISON$", 8
@ pre-battle speech
ec_word YES
ec_word EXCL
.2byte -1
ec_word MY
ec_word POKEMON
ec_word EXCL
@ win speech
ec_word WELL
ec_word WASN_T
ec_word THAT
ec_word EASY
ec_word QUES
.2byte -1
@ loss speech
ec_word WAAAH
ec_word EXCL
.2byte -1
ec_word BUT
ec_word WHY
ec_word QUES
.4byte gVerdanturfBattleTentTrainerMons_Addison
@ 17
.string "JUSTINE$", 8
@ pre-battle speech
ec_word YES
ec_word EXCL
.2byte -1
ec_word COME_ON
ec_word I_AM
ec_word READY
@ win speech
ec_word YOU_RE
ec_word JUST
ec_word NOT
ec_word GOOD
ec_word ENOUGH
ec_word EXCL
@ loss speech
ec_word WOWEE
ec_word EXCL_EXCL
.2byte -1
.2byte -1
.2byte -1
.2byte -1
.4byte gVerdanturfBattleTentTrainerMons_Justine
@ 18
.string "TYSON$", 8
@ pre-battle speech
ec_word YOU_RE
ec_word GOING
ec_word TO
ec_word PRESSURE
ec_word ME
ec_word QUES
@ win speech
ec_word WHAT
ec_word QUES
ec_word YOU_RE
ec_word MUCH
ec_word TOO_WEAK
ec_word EXCL
@ loss speech
ec_word THIS
ec_word DOESN_T
ec_word MAKE
ec_word ME
ec_word HAPPY
ec_word EXCL
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@ 19
.string "LAILA$", 8
@ pre-battle speech
ec_word A
ec_move2 STRUGGLE
ec_word ISN_T
ec_word VERY
ec_word COOL
.2byte -1
@ win speech
ec_word NOPE
ec_word NOT_VERY
ec_word COOL
ec_word AT
ec_word ALL
ec_word EXCL
@ loss speech
ec_word YOU_RE
ec_word NOT
ec_word COOL
ec_word BUT
ec_word YOU
ec_word WON
.4byte gVerdanturfBattleTentTrainerMons_Laila
@ 20
.string "WAREN$", 8
@ pre-battle speech
ec_word DANGER
ec_word EXCL
.2byte -1
ec_word I
ec_word SENSE
ec_word DANGER
@ win speech
ec_word DID
ec_word YOU
ec_word BELIEVE
ec_word MY
ec_word LIE
ec_word QUES_EXCL
@ loss speech
ec_word I
ec_word REALLY
ec_word DID
ec_word SENSE
ec_word DANGER
ec_word ELLIPSIS
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@ 21
.string "TOBIAS$", 8
@ pre-battle speech
ec_move2 BARRIER
ec_word EXCL_EXCL
.2byte -1
ec_word NOW
ec_word COME_ON
ec_word EXCL
@ win speech
ec_word HUH_QUES
ec_word YOU
ec_word MEAN
ec_word I
ec_word WON
ec_word QUES
@ loss speech
ec_word I
ec_word SHOULD
ec_word KNOW
ec_word THAT
ec_word IT_S
ec_word HOPELESS
.4byte gVerdanturfBattleTentTrainerMons_Tobias
@ 22
.string "JOSIAH$", 8
@ pre-battle speech
ec_word I
ec_word PROMISE
ec_word TO
ec_move1 FLY
ec_word IF_I_LOSE
.2byte -1
@ win speech
ec_word TOO_WEAK
ec_word ELLIPSIS
.2byte -1
ec_word YOU
ec_move1 FLY
ec_word INSTEAD
@ loss speech
ec_word I
ec_word PROMISE
ec_word TO
ec_move1 FLY
ec_word SOMETIME
ec_word SOON
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@ 23
.string "DION$", 8
@ pre-battle speech
ec_word IT_S
ec_word TRENDY
ec_word UM
ec_word BATTLE
.2byte -1
@ win speech
ec_word WAS
ec_word IT
ec_word ELLIPSIS
ec_word BATTLE
ec_word DATE
ec_word QUES
@ loss speech
ec_word WAS
ec_word IT
ec_word ELLIPSIS
ec_word BATTLE
ec_word GOURMET
ec_word QUES
.4byte gVerdanturfBattleTentTrainerMons_Dion
@ 24
.string "KENZIE$", 8
@ pre-battle speech
ec_word THE
ec_move1 MORNING_SUN
ec_word GIVES
ec_word ME
ec_move1 STRENGTH
.2byte -1
@ win speech
ec_word BUT
ec_word I
ec_word LIKE
ec_move2 MOONLIGHT
ec_word TOO
.2byte -1
@ loss speech
ec_word YOU_RE
ec_word LIKE
ec_word A
ec_word TERRIBLE
ec_move1 SANDSTORM
ec_word ELLIPSIS
.4byte gVerdanturfBattleTentTrainerMons_Kenzie
@ 25
.string "LILLIAN$", 8
@ pre-battle speech
ec_word I
ec_word DO
ec_word THINGS
ec_word AT
ec_word MY
ec_word OWN_TEMPO
@ win speech
ec_word I
ec_word WON
ec_word QUES
ec_word WHAT
ec_word A
ec_word SURPRISE
@ loss speech
ec_word AWW
ec_word ELLIPSIS
ec_word I
ec_word NEED
ec_word A
ec_word NAP
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@ 26
.string "LESLEY$", 8
@ pre-battle speech
ec_word YOU
ec_word SHOULD
ec_word NOT
ec_word BE
ec_word LOLLING
ec_word ABOUT
@ win speech
ec_word YOU
ec_word SHOULD
ec_word GET
ec_word UP
ec_word EARLIER
.2byte -1
@ loss speech
ec_word THIS
ec_word SHOULD
ec_word NOT
ec_word BE
ec_word EXCL
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@ 27
.string "MARQUIS$", 8
@ pre-battle speech
ec_word NONE
ec_word OF
ec_word THIS
ec_word IS
ec_word MAKING
ec_word SENSE
@ win speech
ec_word SEE
ec_word QUES
ec_word THIS
ec_word JUST
ec_word ISN_T
ec_word NORMAL
@ loss speech
ec_word SHOULD
ec_word I
ec_word CAUSE
ec_word AN
ec_move1 UPROAR
ec_word QUES
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@ 28
.string "FREDDY$", 8
@ pre-battle speech
ec_word I
ec_word ADORE
ec_word THIS
ec_word CUTE
ec_word IDOL
@ win speech
ec_word YOU_RE
ec_word SO
ec_word FUNNY
ec_word WHEN
ec_word YOU_RE
ec_word ANGRY
@ loss speech
ec_word LATE
ec_word NIGHT
ec_word IS
ec_word MY
ec_word LIFE
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@ 29
.string "CECILIA$", 8
@ pre-battle speech
ec_word MY
ec_word FABULOUS
ec_word CUTENESS
ec_word IS
ec_word IN
ec_word FASHION
@ win speech
ec_word YOU_RE
ec_word NO
ec_word MATCH
ec_word FOR
ec_word MY
ec_word CUTE_CHARM
@ loss speech
ec_word DON_T
ec_word YOU
ec_word HAVE
ec_word FASHION
ec_word SENSE
ec_word QUES
.4byte gVerdanturfBattleTentTrainerMons_Cecilia