import { REST } from "@discordjs/rest"; import { Routes } from "discord-api-types/v10"; import { Collection } from "discord.js"; import fs from "fs"; import config from "./config.json" assert { type: "json" }; const { token, clientId } = config; const rest = new REST({ version: "10" }).setToken(token); async function deploy_commands(client, loadcommands) { if (typeof loadcommands != "boolean" && loadcommands != null) throw "loadcommands argument needs to be boolean or null"; const commands = []; client.commands = new Collection(); const commandCategories = fs .readdirSync("./commands") .filter((file) => !file.includes(".")); console.log(`Loading ${commandCategories.toString()} commands...`); for (const category of commandCategories) { const commandFiles = fs .readdirSync(`./commands/${category}`) .filter((file) => file.endsWith(".mjs")); console.log(`Loading ${commandFiles.toString()}...`); for (const file of commandFiles) { const { default: command } = await import( `./commands/${category}/${file}` ); commands.push(; client.commands.set(, command); console.log(`${category}/${} chargé !`); } } if (loadcommands == true) { slashCommandLoad(client, commands); console.log("Refreshed slash commands !"); } else if (loadcommands == false) { //Deletes slash commands slashCommandLoad(client, []); console.log("Deleted slash commands !"); } else { console.log("Kept old commands"); } } async function slashCommandLoad(client, commands) { try { console.log("Loading slash commands..."); await rest.put(Routes.applicationCommands(clientId), { body: commands, }); console.log("Slash commands loaded !"); } catch (error) { console.error(error); } return client.commands; } function loadErrorCatcher() { console.log("Loading error catcher..."); process.on("unhandledRejection", (reason, promise) => { console.log(reason, "\n", promise); }); process.on("uncaughtException", (err, origin) => { console.log(err, "\n", origin); }); process.on("uncaughtExceptionMonitor", (err, origin) => { console.log(err, "\n", origin); }); process.on("warning", (warn) => { console.log(warn); }); console.log("Error catcher loaded !"); } export { deploy_commands, loadErrorCatcher };