2017-10-12 09:06:19 +02:00
2018-01-29 15:55:34 +01:00
#include "sprite.h"
2017-10-12 09:06:19 +02:00
2018-01-29 15:55:34 +01:00
// Controls how the weather should be changing the screen palettes.
enum {
struct Weather
struct Sprite *rainSprites[24];
struct Sprite *snowflakeSprites[101];
struct Sprite *cloudSprites[3];
} s1;
u8 filler0[0xA0];
struct Sprite *fog1Sprites[20];
struct Sprite *ashSprites[20];
struct Sprite *fog2Sprites[20];
struct Sprite *sandstormSprites1[20];
struct Sprite *sandstormSprites2[5];
} s2;
} sprites;
u8 gammaShifts[19][32];
u8 altGammaShifts[19][32];
s8 gammaIndex;
s8 gammaTargetIndex;
u8 gammaStepDelay;
u8 gammaStepFrameCounter;
u16 fadeDestColor;
u8 palProcessingState;
u8 fadeScreenCounter;
bool8 readyForInit;
u8 taskId;
u8 unknown_6CA;
u8 unknown_6CB;
u16 initStep;
u16 finishStep;
u8 currWeather;
u8 nextWeather;
u8 weatherGfxLoaded;
bool8 weatherChangeComplete;
u8 weatherPicSpritePalIndex;
u8 altGammaSpritePalIndex;
u16 unknown_6D6;
u8 unknown_6D8;
u8 unknown_6D9;
u8 rainSpriteCount;
u8 unknown_6DB;
u8 unknown_6DC;
u8 rainStrength;
/*0x6DE*/ u8 cloudSpritesCreated;
u8 filler_6DF[1];
u16 unknown_6E0;
u16 unknown_6E2;
u8 snowflakeSpriteCount;
u8 unknown_6E5;
u16 unknown_6E6;
u16 thunderCounter;
u8 unknown_6EA;
u8 unknown_6EB;
u8 unknown_6EC;
u8 unknown_6ED;
u16 fog1ScrollPosX;
u16 unknown_6F0;
u16 unknown_6F2;
u8 lightenedFogSpritePals[6];
u8 lightenedFogSpritePalsCount;
u8 fog1SpritesCreated;
u16 unknown_6FC;
u16 unknown_6FE;
u8 ashSpritesCreated;
u8 filler_701[3];
u32 unknown_704;
u32 unknown_708;
u8 filler_70C[2];
u16 unknown_70E;
u16 unknown_710;
u16 unknown_712;
u16 unknown_714;
u8 sandstormSprites1Created;
u8 sandstormSprites2Created;
u16 unknown_718;
u16 unknown_71A;
u16 unknown_71C;
u16 unknown_71E;
u16 unknown_720;
u16 unknown_722;
u8 fog2SpritesCreated;
u8 filler_725[1];
u16 unknown_726;
u16 unknown_728;
u16 unknown_72A;
u16 unknown_72C;
u8 unknown_72E;
u8 filler_72F;
u16 currBlendEVA;
u16 currBlendEVB;
u16 targetBlendEVA;
u16 targetBlendEVB;
u8 blendUpdateCounter;
u8 blendFrameCounter;
u8 blendDelay;
u8 filler_73B[0x3C-0x3B];
s16 unknown_73C;
s16 unknown_73E;
s16 unknown_740;
s16 unknown_742;
u8 filler_744[0xD-4];
s8 loadDroughtPalsIndex;
u8 loadDroughtPalsOffset;
void StartWeather(void);
void ChangeWeather(u8 weather);
void sub_807C988(u8 effect);
void sub_807C9B4(u8 effect);
void Task_WeatherInit(u8);
void Task_WeatherMain(u8);
void sub_807CAE8(void);
void nullsub_38(void);
void SetWeatherScreenFadeOut(void);
2018-01-29 16:25:09 +01:00
void FadeScreen(u8, s8);
2018-01-29 15:55:34 +01:00
// ...
void UpdateSpritePaletteWithWeather(u8 tag);
void ApplyWeatherGammaShiftToPal(u8);
// ...
void Weather_SetBlendCoeffs(u8, u8);
// ...
void PlayRainSoundEffect(void);
// ...
2017-10-12 09:06:19 +02:00
void SetSav1Weather(u32);
u8 GetSav1Weather(void);
void sub_80AEDBC(void);
2018-01-29 15:55:34 +01:00
void SetSav1WeatherFromCurrMapHeader(void);
// ...
2017-10-12 09:06:19 +02:00
void DoCurrentWeather(void);
2018-10-14 20:00:14 +02:00
void sub_8080750(void);
2018-01-29 15:55:34 +01:00
bool8 IsWeatherNotFadingIn(void);
bool8 IsWeatherChangeComplete(void);
void SetWeather(u32);
void UpdateWeatherPerDay(u16);
void PreservePaletteInWeather(u8 index);
void ResetPreservedPalettesInWeather(void);
extern void ResetDroughtWeatherPaletteLoading(void);
void ResetDroughtWeatherPaletteLoading(void);
bool8 LoadDroughtWeatherPalettes(void);
u8 GetCurrentWeather(void);
void LoadCustomWeatherSpritePalette(const u16 *palette);
extern struct Weather gWeather;
extern struct Weather *const gWeatherPtr;
2017-10-12 09:06:19 +02:00