mirror of
synced 2025-03-14 01:32:23 +01:00
Merge with master, fix conflicts
This commit is contained in:
@ -1372,4 +1372,4 @@ SlateportCity_Text_1DF28C: @ 81DF28C
.string "That's a really great idea!\p"
.string "After all, a tough TRAINER is\n"
.string "the perfect fit for the BATTLE TENT!\p"
.string "Give it your best effort!$"
.string "Give it your best effort!$"
@ -9,4 +9,4 @@
@ -26,4 +26,4 @@
@ -286,7 +286,7 @@ struct RentalMon
u16 monId;
u32 personality;
u8 ivs;
u8 abilityBit;
u8 abilityNum;
struct BattleDomeTrainer
@ -33,7 +33,7 @@ struct Struct203CEC8
u8 unk8_0:4;
u8 mode:2;
u8 unk8_2:2;
s8 unk9;
s8 slotId;
s8 unkA;
u8 unkB;
u16 unkC;
@ -295,7 +295,7 @@ struct BattlePokemon
/*0x2E*/ u16 item;
/*0x30*/ u8 nickname[POKEMON_NAME_LENGTH + 1];
/*0x3B*/ u8 ppBonuses;
/*0x3C*/ u8 otName[8];
/*0x3C*/ u8 otName[PLAYER_NAME_LENGTH + 1];
/*0x44*/ u32 experience;
/*0x48*/ u32 personality;
/*0x4C*/ u32 status1;
@ -329,8 +329,7 @@ struct BaseStats
/* 0x13 */ u8 growthRate;
/* 0x14 */ u8 eggGroup1;
/* 0x15 */ u8 eggGroup2;
/* 0x16 */ u8 ability1;
/* 0x17 */ u8 ability2;
/* 0x16 */ u8 abilities[2];
/* 0x18 */ u8 abilityHidden;
/* 0x19 */ u8 safariZoneFleeRate;
/* 0x1A */ u8 bodyColor : 7;
@ -452,7 +451,7 @@ extern const u8 gPPUpGetMask[];
extern const u8 gPPUpSetMask[];
extern const u8 gPPUpAddMask[];
extern const u8 gStatStageRatios[][2];
extern const u16 gUnknown_08329D54[];
extern const u16 gLinkPlayerFacilityClasses[];
extern const struct SpriteTemplate gUnknown_08329D98[];
extern const s8 gNatureStatTable[][5];
@ -23,6 +23,6 @@ void LoadMonIconPalette(u16 species);
void sub_80D328C(struct Sprite *sprite);
void sub_80D3014(struct Sprite *sprite);
void sub_80D32C8(struct Sprite *sprite, u8 animNum);
u8 sub_80D30A0(u16 species);
u8 GetMonIconPaletteIndexFromSpecies(u16 species);
@ -49,4 +49,4 @@ void CreateDecorationShop1Menu(const u16 *);
void CreateDecorationShop2Menu(const u16 *);
void CB2_ExitSellMenu(void);
#endif // GUARD_SHOP_H
#endif // GUARD_SHOP_H
@ -2091,45 +2091,45 @@ extern const u8 gDaycareText_DontLikeOther[];
extern const u8 gDaycareText_PlayOther[];
// party menu
extern const u8 gUnknown_085E9E43[];
extern const u8 gUnknown_085EA010[];
extern const u8 gUnknown_085EA02A[];
extern const u8 gUnknown_085E9E55[];
extern const u8 gUnknown_085E9E64[];
extern const u8 gUnknown_085E9E79[];
extern const u8 gUnknown_085E9E8F[];
extern const u8 gUnknown_085E9EBC[];
extern const u8 gUnknown_085E9ED4[];
extern const u8 gUnknown_085E9EE9[];
extern const u8 gUnknown_085E9FDB[];
extern const u8 gUnknown_085EA046[];
extern const u8 gUnknown_085EA05B[];
extern const u8 gUnknown_085E9F01[];
extern const u8 gUnknown_085E9F58[];
extern const u8 gUnknown_085E9F6F[];
extern const u8 gUnknown_085E9F81[];
extern const u8 gUnknown_085E9F90[];
extern const u8 gUnknown_085E9FA7[];
extern const u8 gUnknown_085E9FC2[];
extern const u8 gUnknown_085E9EA6[];
extern const u8 gUnknown_085E9F16[];
extern const u8 gUnknown_085E9F2A[];
extern const u8 gUnknown_085E9F42[];
extern const u8 gUnknown_085E9FF9[];
extern const u8 gUnknown_085EA073[];
extern const u8 gUnknown_085EA091[];
extern const u8 gUnknown_085EA099[];
extern const u8 gUnknown_085EA09E[];
extern const u8 gUnknown_085EA0A4[];
extern const u8 gUnknown_085EA0AB[];
extern const u8 gUnknown_085EA0E7[];
extern const u8 gUnknown_085EA0B1[];
extern const u8 gUnknown_085EA0B6[];
extern const u8 gUnknown_085EA0BF[];
extern const u8 gUnknown_085EA0C5[];
extern const u8 gUnknown_085EA0CF[];
extern const u8 gUnknown_085EA0D7[];
extern const u8 gUnknown_085EA0DC[];
extern const u8 gText_ChoosePokemon[];
extern const u8 gText_ChoosePokemonCancel[];
extern const u8 gText_ChoosePokemonConfirm[];
extern const u8 gText_MoveToWhere[];
extern const u8 gText_TeachWhichPokemon[];
extern const u8 gText_UseOnWhichPokemon[];
extern const u8 gText_GiveToWhichPokemon[];
extern const u8 gText_NothingToCut[];
extern const u8 gText_CantSurfHere[];
extern const u8 gText_AlreadySurfing[];
extern const u8 gText_CurrentIsTooFast[];
extern const u8 gText_EnjoyCycling[];
extern const u8 gText_InUseAlready_PM[];
extern const u8 gText_CantUseHere[];
extern const u8 gText_NoPokemonForBattle[];
extern const u8 gText_ChoosePokemon2[];
extern const u8 gText_NotEnoughHp[];
extern const u8 gText_PokemonAreNeeded[];
extern const u8 gText_PokemonCantBeSame[];
extern const u8 gText_NoIdenticalHoldItems[];
extern const u8 gText_DoWhatWithPokemon[];
extern const u8 gText_RestoreWhichMove[];
extern const u8 gText_BoostPp[];
extern const u8 gText_DoWhatWithItem[];
extern const u8 gText_DoWhatWithMail[];
extern const u8 gText_AlreadyHoldingOne[];
extern const u8 gText_NoUse[];
extern const u8 gText_Able[];
extern const u8 gText_First_PM[];
extern const u8 gText_Second_PM[];
extern const u8 gText_Third_PM[];
extern const u8 gText_Fourth[];
extern const u8 gText_Able2[];
extern const u8 gText_NotAble[];
extern const u8 gText_Able3[];
extern const u8 gText_NotAble2[];
extern const u8 gText_Learned[];
extern const u8 gText_Have[];
extern const u8 gText_DontHave[];
extern const u8 gText_Take[];
extern const u8 gText_Mail[];
extern const u8 gText_Take2[];
@ -1364,24 +1364,24 @@ static void BattleAICmd_get_ability(void)
if (gBaseStats[gBattleMons[battlerId].species].ability1 != ABILITY_NONE)
if (gBaseStats[gBattleMons[battlerId].species].abilities[0] != ABILITY_NONE)
if (gBaseStats[gBattleMons[battlerId].species].ability2 != ABILITY_NONE)
if (gBaseStats[gBattleMons[battlerId].species].abilities[1] != ABILITY_NONE)
// AI has no knowledge of opponent, so it guesses which ability.
if (Random() & 1)
AI_THINKING_STRUCT->funcResult = gBaseStats[gBattleMons[battlerId].species].ability1;
AI_THINKING_STRUCT->funcResult = gBaseStats[gBattleMons[battlerId].species].abilities[0];
AI_THINKING_STRUCT->funcResult = gBaseStats[gBattleMons[battlerId].species].ability2;
AI_THINKING_STRUCT->funcResult = gBaseStats[gBattleMons[battlerId].species].abilities[1];
AI_THINKING_STRUCT->funcResult = gBaseStats[gBattleMons[battlerId].species].ability1; // It's definitely ability 1.
AI_THINKING_STRUCT->funcResult = gBaseStats[gBattleMons[battlerId].species].abilities[0]; // It's definitely ability 1.
AI_THINKING_STRUCT->funcResult = gBaseStats[gBattleMons[battlerId].species].ability2; // AI can't actually reach this part since no pokemon has ability 2 and no ability 1.
AI_THINKING_STRUCT->funcResult = gBaseStats[gBattleMons[battlerId].species].abilities[1]; // AI can't actually reach this part since no pokemon has ability 2 and no ability 1.
@ -1412,15 +1412,15 @@ static void BattleAICmd_check_ability(void)
ability = gBattleMons[battlerId].ability;
else if (gBaseStats[gBattleMons[battlerId].species].ability1 != ABILITY_NONE)
else if (gBaseStats[gBattleMons[battlerId].species].abilities[0] != ABILITY_NONE)
if (gBaseStats[gBattleMons[battlerId].species].ability2 != ABILITY_NONE)
if (gBaseStats[gBattleMons[battlerId].species].abilities[1] != ABILITY_NONE)
u8 abilityDummyVariable = ability; // Needed to match.
if (gBaseStats[gBattleMons[battlerId].species].ability1 != abilityDummyVariable
&& gBaseStats[gBattleMons[battlerId].species].ability2 != abilityDummyVariable)
if (gBaseStats[gBattleMons[battlerId].species].abilities[0] != abilityDummyVariable
&& gBaseStats[gBattleMons[battlerId].species].abilities[1] != abilityDummyVariable)
ability = gBaseStats[gBattleMons[battlerId].species].ability1;
ability = gBaseStats[gBattleMons[battlerId].species].abilities[0];
@ -1429,12 +1429,12 @@ static void BattleAICmd_check_ability(void)
ability = gBaseStats[gBattleMons[battlerId].species].ability1;
ability = gBaseStats[gBattleMons[battlerId].species].abilities[0];
ability = gBaseStats[gBattleMons[battlerId].species].ability2; // AI can't actually reach this part since no pokemon has ability 2 and no ability 1.
ability = gBaseStats[gBattleMons[battlerId].species].abilities[1]; // AI can't actually reach this part since no pokemon has ability 2 and no ability 1.
@ -198,9 +198,9 @@ static bool8 FindMonThatAbsorbsOpponentsMove(void)
species = GetMonData(&party[i], MON_DATA_SPECIES);
if (GetMonData(&party[i], MON_DATA_ABILITY_NUM) != 0)
monAbility = gBaseStats[species].ability2;
monAbility = gBaseStats[species].abilities[1];
monAbility = gBaseStats[species].ability1;
monAbility = gBaseStats[species].abilities[0];
if (absorbingTypeAbility == monAbility && Random() & 1)
@ -393,9 +393,9 @@ static bool8 FindMonWithFlagsAndSuperEffective(u8 flags, u8 moduloPercent)
species = GetMonData(&party[i], MON_DATA_SPECIES);
if (GetMonData(&party[i], MON_DATA_ABILITY_NUM) != 0)
monAbility = gBaseStats[species].ability2;
monAbility = gBaseStats[species].abilities[1];
monAbility = gBaseStats[species].ability1;
monAbility = gBaseStats[species].abilities[0];
moveFlags = AI_TypeCalc(gLastLandedMoves[gActiveBattler], species, monAbility);
if (moveFlags & flags)
@ -2903,7 +2903,7 @@ static int GetTypeEffectivenessPoints(int move, int targetSpecies, int arg2)
defType1 = gBaseStats[targetSpecies].type1;
defType2 = gBaseStats[targetSpecies].type2;
defAbility = gBaseStats[targetSpecies].ability1;
defAbility = gBaseStats[targetSpecies].abilities[0];
moveType = gBattleMoves[move].type;
if (defAbility == ABILITY_LEVITATE && moveType == TYPE_GROUND)
@ -5447,9 +5447,9 @@ static u16 GetWinningMove(int winnerTournamentId, int loserTournamentId, u8 roun
targetSpecies = gFacilityTrainerMons[gSaveBlock2Ptr->frontier.domeMonIds[loserTournamentId][k]].species;
if (var & 1)
targetAbility = gBaseStats[targetSpecies].ability2;
targetAbility = gBaseStats[targetSpecies].abilities[1];
targetAbility = gBaseStats[targetSpecies].ability1;
targetAbility = gBaseStats[targetSpecies].abilities[0];
var = AI_TypeCalc(moveIds[i * 4 + j], targetSpecies, targetAbility);
@ -373,7 +373,7 @@ static void SetRentalsToOpponentParty(void)
gSaveBlock2Ptr->frontier.rentalMons[i + 3].monId = gUnknown_03006298[i];
gSaveBlock2Ptr->frontier.rentalMons[i + 3].ivs = GetBoxMonData(&gEnemyParty[i].box, MON_DATA_ATK_IV, NULL);
gSaveBlock2Ptr->frontier.rentalMons[i + 3].personality = GetMonData(&gEnemyParty[i], MON_DATA_PERSONALITY, NULL);
gSaveBlock2Ptr->frontier.rentalMons[i + 3].abilityBit = GetBoxMonData(&gEnemyParty[i].box, MON_DATA_ABILITY_NUM, NULL);
gSaveBlock2Ptr->frontier.rentalMons[i + 3].abilityNum = GetBoxMonData(&gEnemyParty[i].box, MON_DATA_ABILITY_NUM, NULL);
SetMonData(&gEnemyParty[i], MON_DATA_HELD_ITEM, &gBattleFrontierHeldItems[gFacilityTrainerMons[gUnknown_03006298[i]].itemTableId]);
@ -439,7 +439,7 @@ static void SetPlayerAndOpponentParties(void)
SetMonMoveAvoidReturn(&gPlayerParty[i], gFacilityTrainerMons[monSetId].moves[k], k);
SetMonData(&gPlayerParty[i], MON_DATA_FRIENDSHIP, &friendship);
SetMonData(&gPlayerParty[i], MON_DATA_HELD_ITEM, &gBattleFrontierHeldItems[gFacilityTrainerMons[monSetId].itemTableId]);
SetMonData(&gPlayerParty[i], MON_DATA_ABILITY_NUM, &gSaveBlock2Ptr->frontier.rentalMons[i].abilityBit);
SetMonData(&gPlayerParty[i], MON_DATA_ABILITY_NUM, &gSaveBlock2Ptr->frontier.rentalMons[i].abilityNum);
@ -478,7 +478,7 @@ static void SetPlayerAndOpponentParties(void)
for (k = 0; k < MAX_MON_MOVES; k++)
SetMonMoveAvoidReturn(&gEnemyParty[i], gFacilityTrainerMons[monSetId].moves[k], k);
SetMonData(&gEnemyParty[i], MON_DATA_HELD_ITEM, &gBattleFrontierHeldItems[gFacilityTrainerMons[monSetId].itemTableId]);
SetMonData(&gEnemyParty[i], MON_DATA_ABILITY_NUM, &gSaveBlock2Ptr->frontier.rentalMons[i + 3].abilityBit);
SetMonData(&gEnemyParty[i], MON_DATA_ABILITY_NUM, &gSaveBlock2Ptr->frontier.rentalMons[i + 3].abilityNum);
@ -1742,7 +1742,7 @@ static void Select_CopyMonsToPlayerParty(void)
gPlayerParty[i] = sFactorySelectScreen->mons[j].monData;
gSaveBlock2Ptr->frontier.rentalMons[i].monId = sFactorySelectScreen->mons[j].monSetId;
gSaveBlock2Ptr->frontier.rentalMons[i].personality = GetMonData(&gPlayerParty[i], MON_DATA_PERSONALITY, NULL);
gSaveBlock2Ptr->frontier.rentalMons[i].abilityBit = GetBoxMonData(&gPlayerParty[i].box, MON_DATA_ABILITY_NUM, NULL);
gSaveBlock2Ptr->frontier.rentalMons[i].abilityNum = GetBoxMonData(&gPlayerParty[i].box, MON_DATA_ABILITY_NUM, NULL);
gSaveBlock2Ptr->frontier.rentalMons[i].ivs = GetBoxMonData(&gPlayerParty[i].box, MON_DATA_ATK_IV, NULL);
@ -2266,7 +2266,7 @@ static void CopySwappedMonData(void)
gSaveBlock2Ptr->frontier.rentalMons[sFactorySwapScreen->playerMonId].monId = gSaveBlock2Ptr->frontier.rentalMons[sFactorySwapScreen->enemyMonId + 3].monId;
gSaveBlock2Ptr->frontier.rentalMons[sFactorySwapScreen->playerMonId].ivs = gSaveBlock2Ptr->frontier.rentalMons[sFactorySwapScreen->enemyMonId + 3].ivs;
gSaveBlock2Ptr->frontier.rentalMons[sFactorySwapScreen->playerMonId].personality = GetMonData(&gEnemyParty[sFactorySwapScreen->enemyMonId], MON_DATA_PERSONALITY, NULL);
gSaveBlock2Ptr->frontier.rentalMons[sFactorySwapScreen->playerMonId].abilityBit = GetBoxMonData(&gEnemyParty[sFactorySwapScreen->enemyMonId].box, MON_DATA_ABILITY_NUM, NULL);
gSaveBlock2Ptr->frontier.rentalMons[sFactorySwapScreen->playerMonId].abilityNum = GetBoxMonData(&gEnemyParty[sFactorySwapScreen->enemyMonId].box, MON_DATA_ABILITY_NUM, NULL);
static void Task_FromSwapScreenToSummaryScreen(u8 taskId)
@ -1122,7 +1122,7 @@ bool32 TryGenerateBattlePikeWildMon(bool8 checkKeenEyeIntimidate)
u8 headerId = GetBattlePikeWildMonHeaderId();
u32 lvlMode = gSaveBlock2Ptr->frontier.lvlMode;
const struct PikeWildMon *const *const wildMons = sWildMons[lvlMode];
u32 abilityBit;
u32 abilityNum;
s32 pikeMonId = GetMonData(&gEnemyParty[0], MON_DATA_SPECIES, NULL);
pikeMonId = SpeciesToPikeMonId(pikeMonId);
@ -1152,11 +1152,11 @@ bool32 TryGenerateBattlePikeWildMon(bool8 checkKeenEyeIntimidate)
if (gBaseStats[wildMons[headerId][pikeMonId].species].ability2)
abilityBit = Random() % 2;
if (gBaseStats[wildMons[headerId][pikeMonId].species].abilities[1])
abilityNum = Random() % 2;
abilityBit = 0;
SetMonData(&gEnemyParty[0], MON_DATA_ABILITY_NUM, &abilityBit);
abilityNum = 0;
SetMonData(&gEnemyParty[0], MON_DATA_ABILITY_NUM, &abilityNum);
for (i = 0; i < MAX_MON_MOVES; i++)
SetMonMoveSlot(&gEnemyParty[0], wildMons[headerId][pikeMonId].moves[i], i);
@ -76,7 +76,7 @@ struct PyramidWildMon
u16 species;
u8 lvl;
u8 abilityBit;
u8 abilityNum;
u16 moves[4];
@ -129,6 +129,8 @@ static bool8 TrySetPyramidEventObjectPositionInSquare(u8 arg0, u8 *floorLayoutOf
static bool8 TrySetPyramidEventObjectPositionAtCoords(bool8 objType, u8 x, u8 y, u8 *floorLayoutOffsets, u8 squareId, u8 eventObjectId);
// Const rom data.
#define ABILITY_RANDOM 2 // For wild mons data.
#include "data/battle_frontier/battle_pyramid_level_50_wild_mons.h"
#include "data/battle_frontier/battle_pyramid_open_level_wild_mons.h"
@ -1401,15 +1403,15 @@ void GenerateBattlePyramidWildMon(void)
switch (wildMons[id].abilityBit)
switch (wildMons[id].abilityNum)
case 0:
case 1:
SetMonData(&gEnemyParty[0], MON_DATA_ABILITY_NUM, &wildMons[id].abilityBit);
SetMonData(&gEnemyParty[0], MON_DATA_ABILITY_NUM, &wildMons[id].abilityNum);
case 2:
if (gBaseStats[wildMons[id].species].ability2)
if (gBaseStats[wildMons[id].species].abilities[1])
i = GetMonData(&gEnemyParty[0], MON_DATA_PERSONALITY, NULL) % 2;
SetMonData(&gEnemyParty[0], MON_DATA_ABILITY_NUM, &i);
@ -8622,7 +8622,7 @@ static void atkAE_healpartystatus(void)
for (i = 0; i < PARTY_SIZE; i++)
u16 species = GetMonData(&party[i], MON_DATA_SPECIES2);
u8 abilityBit = GetMonData(&party[i], MON_DATA_ABILITY_NUM);
u8 abilityNum = GetMonData(&party[i], MON_DATA_ABILITY_NUM);
if (species != SPECIES_NONE && species != SPECIES_EGG)
@ -8635,7 +8635,7 @@ static void atkAE_healpartystatus(void)
&& !(gAbsentBattlerFlags & gBitTable[gActiveBattler]))
ability = gBattleMons[gActiveBattler].ability;
ability = GetAbilityBySpecies(species, abilityBit);
ability = GetAbilityBySpecies(species, abilityNum);
if (ability != ABILITY_SOUNDPROOF)
toHeal |= (1 << i);
@ -9845,9 +9845,9 @@ static void atkE5_pickup(void)
heldItem = GetMonData(&gPlayerParty[i], MON_DATA_HELD_ITEM);
if (GetMonData(&gPlayerParty[i], MON_DATA_ABILITY_NUM))
ability = gBaseStats[species].ability2;
ability = gBaseStats[species].abilities[1];
ability = gBaseStats[species].ability1;
ability = gBaseStats[species].abilities[0];
if (ability == ABILITY_PICKUP
&& species != 0
@ -9868,9 +9868,9 @@ static void atkE5_pickup(void)
heldItem = GetMonData(&gPlayerParty[i], MON_DATA_HELD_ITEM);
if (GetMonData(&gPlayerParty[i], MON_DATA_ABILITY_NUM))
ability = gBaseStats[species].ability2;
ability = gBaseStats[species].abilities[1];
ability = gBaseStats[species].ability1;
ability = gBaseStats[species].abilities[0];
if (ability == ABILITY_PICKUP
&& species != 0
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load Diff
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load Diff
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load Diff
@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ bool8 SetUpFieldMove_SoftBoiled(void)
void sub_8161560(u8 taskId)
gUnknown_0203CEC8.unkB = 0xA;
gUnknown_0203CEC8.unkA = gUnknown_0203CEC8.unk9;
gUnknown_0203CEC8.unkA = gUnknown_0203CEC8.slotId;
sub_81B0FCC(GetCursorSelectionMonId(), 0x1);
gTasks[taskId].func = sub_81B1370;
@ -42,7 +42,7 @@ void sub_81615A8(u8 taskId)
u16 hp;
u8 unk9 = gUnknown_0203CEC8.unk9;
u8 slotId = gUnknown_0203CEC8.slotId;
u8 pokemonIndex = gUnknown_0203CEC8.unkA;
if(pokemonIndex > 6)
@ -53,20 +53,20 @@ void sub_81615A8(u8 taskId)
hp = GetMonData(&gPlayerParty[pokemonIndex], MON_DATA_HP);
if(hp == 0 || unk9 == pokemonIndex || GetMonData(&gPlayerParty[pokemonIndex], MON_DATA_MAX_HP) == hp)
if(hp == 0 || slotId == pokemonIndex || GetMonData(&gPlayerParty[pokemonIndex], MON_DATA_MAX_HP) == hp)
sub_81B1F18(taskId, unk9, -1, GetMonData(&gPlayerParty[unk9], MON_DATA_MAX_HP)/5, sub_816166C);
sub_81B1F18(taskId, slotId, -1, GetMonData(&gPlayerParty[slotId], MON_DATA_MAX_HP)/5, sub_816166C);
static void sub_816166C(u8 taskId)
sub_81B1F18(taskId, gUnknown_0203CEC8.unkA, 1, GetMonData(&gPlayerParty[gUnknown_0203CEC8.unk9], MON_DATA_MAX_HP)/5, sub_81616C0);
sub_81B1F18(taskId, gUnknown_0203CEC8.unkA, 1, GetMonData(&gPlayerParty[gUnknown_0203CEC8.slotId], MON_DATA_MAX_HP)/5, sub_81616C0);
static void sub_81616C0(u8 taskId)
@ -83,8 +83,8 @@ static void sub_8161724(u8 taskId)
if(sub_81B1BD4() == 1)
gUnknown_0203CEC8.unkB = 0x0;
sub_81B0FCC(gUnknown_0203CEC8.unk9, 0);
gUnknown_0203CEC8.unk9 = gUnknown_0203CEC8.unkA;
sub_81B0FCC(gUnknown_0203CEC8.slotId, 0);
gUnknown_0203CEC8.slotId = gUnknown_0203CEC8.unkA;
sub_81B0FCC(gUnknown_0203CEC8.unkA, 1);
ClearStdWindowAndFrameToTransparent(0x6, FALSE);
@ -2012,4 +2012,4 @@ void sub_8197184(u32 windowId, u32 destOffset, u32 paletteId)
void sub_81971C4(u32 windowId, u32 tileOffset, u32 paletteId)
DrawMatchCallTextBoxBorder(windowId, tileOffset, paletteId);
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load Diff
@ -2144,14 +2144,14 @@ static const u16 sDeoxysBaseStats[] =
90, // Sp.Defense
const u16 gUnknown_08329D54[] =
const u16 gLinkPlayerFacilityClasses[] =
static const u8 sHoldEffectToType[][2] =
@ -2513,7 +2513,7 @@ void CreateBoxMon(struct BoxPokemon *boxMon, u16 species, u8 level, u8 fixedIV,
SetBoxMonData(boxMon, MON_DATA_SPDEF_IV, &iv);
if (gBaseStats[species].ability2)
if (gBaseStats[species].abilities[1])
value = personality & 1;
SetBoxMonData(boxMon, MON_DATA_ABILITY_NUM, &value);
@ -2976,7 +2976,7 @@ u16 sub_8068B48(void)
arrId = gLinkPlayers[linkId].trainerId & 7;
arrId |= gLinkPlayers[linkId].gender << 3;
return FacilityClassToPicIndex(gUnknown_08329D54[arrId]);
return FacilityClassToPicIndex(gLinkPlayerFacilityClasses[arrId]);
u16 sub_8068BB0(void)
@ -2991,7 +2991,7 @@ u16 sub_8068BB0(void)
arrId = gLinkPlayers[linkId].trainerId & 7;
arrId |= gLinkPlayers[linkId].gender << 3;
return gFacilityClassToTrainerClass[gUnknown_08329D54[arrId]];
return gFacilityClassToTrainerClass[gLinkPlayerFacilityClasses[arrId]];
void CreateObedientEnemyMon(void)
@ -4704,9 +4704,9 @@ u8 GetAbilityBySpecies(u16 species, u8 abilityNum)
if (abilityNum == 2)
gLastUsedAbility = gBaseStats[species].abilityHidden;
else if (abilityNum == 1)
gLastUsedAbility = gBaseStats[species].ability2;
gLastUsedAbility = gBaseStats[species].abilities[1];
gLastUsedAbility = gBaseStats[species].ability1;
gLastUsedAbility = gBaseStats[species].abilities[0];
return gLastUsedAbility;
@ -2100,7 +2100,7 @@ u8 GetValidMonIconPalIndex(u16 species)
return gMonIconPaletteIndices[species];
u8 sub_80D30A0(u16 species)
u8 GetMonIconPaletteIndexFromSpecies(u16 species)
return gMonIconPaletteIndices[species];
@ -1164,4 +1164,4 @@ u32 sub_81C91AC(struct UnknownInnerStruct_81C81D4 *a0, const struct BgTemplate *
a0->downArrow = NULL;
return 1;
@ -1230,4 +1230,4 @@ void CreateDecorationShop2Menu(const u16 *itemsForSale)
@ -424,45 +424,45 @@ const u8 gText_PkmnGotOverInfatuation[] = _("{STR_VAR_1} got over its\ninfatuati
const u8 gText_ThrowAwayItem[] = _("Throw away this\n{STR_VAR_1}?");
const u8 gText_ItemThrownAway[] = _("The {STR_VAR_1}\nwas thrown away.{PAUSE_UNTIL_PRESS}");
const u8 gUnknown_085E9E2E[] = _("Teach which POKéMON?");
const u8 gUnknown_085E9E43[] = _("Choose a POKéMON.");
const u8 gUnknown_085E9E55[] = _("Move to where?");
const u8 gUnknown_085E9E64[] = _("Teach which POKéMON?");
const u8 gUnknown_085E9E79[] = _("Use on which POKéMON?");
const u8 gUnknown_085E9E8F[] = _("Give to which POKéMON?");
const u8 gUnknown_085E9EA6[] = _("Do what with this {PKMN}?");
const u8 gUnknown_085E9EBC[] = _("There's nothing to CUT.");
const u8 gUnknown_085E9ED4[] = _("You can't SURF here.");
const u8 gUnknown_085E9EE9[] = _("You're already SURFING.");
const u8 gUnknown_085E9F01[] = _("Can't use that here.");
const u8 gUnknown_085E9F16[] = _("Restore which move?");
const u8 gUnknown_085E9F2A[] = _("Boost PP of which move?");
const u8 gUnknown_085E9F42[] = _("Do what with an item?");
const u8 gUnknown_085E9F58[] = _("No POKéMON for battle!");
const u8 gUnknown_085E9F6F[] = _("Choose a POKéMON.");
const u8 gUnknown_085E9F81[] = _("Not enough HP…");
const u8 gUnknown_085E9F90[] = _("{STR_VAR_1} POKéMON are needed.");
const u8 gUnknown_085E9FA7[] = _("POKéMON can't be the same.");
const u8 gUnknown_085E9FC2[] = _("No identical hold items.");
const u8 gUnknown_085E9FDB[] = _("The current is much too fast!");
const u8 gUnknown_085E9FF9[] = _("Do what with the MAIL?");
const u8 gUnknown_085EA010[] = _("Choose POKéMON or CANCEL.");
const u8 gUnknown_085EA02A[] = _("Choose POKéMON and confirm.");
const u8 gUnknown_085EA046[] = _("Let's enjoy cycling!");
const u8 gUnknown_085EA05B[] = _("This is in use already.");
const u8 gUnknown_085EA073[] = _("{STR_VAR_1} is already holding\none {STR_VAR_2}.");
const u8 gUnknown_085EA091[] = _("No use.");
const u8 gUnknown_085EA099[] = _("ABLE");
const u8 gUnknown_085EA09E[] = _("FIRST");
const u8 gUnknown_085EA0A4[] = _("SECOND");
const u8 gUnknown_085EA0AB[] = _("THIRD");
const u8 gUnknown_085EA0B1[] = _("ABLE");
const u8 gUnknown_085EA0B6[] = _("NOT ABLE");
const u8 gUnknown_085EA0BF[] = _("ABLE!");
const u8 gUnknown_085EA0C5[] = _("NOT ABLE!");
const u8 gUnknown_085EA0CF[] = _("LEARNED");
const u8 gUnknown_085EA0D7[] = _("HAVE");
const u8 gUnknown_085EA0DC[] = _("DON'T HAVE");
const u8 gUnknown_085EA0E7[] = _("FOURTH");
const u8 gText_ChoosePokemon[] = _("Choose a POKéMON.");
const u8 gText_MoveToWhere[] = _("Move to where?");
const u8 gText_TeachWhichPokemon[] = _("Teach which POKéMON?");
const u8 gText_UseOnWhichPokemon[] = _("Use on which POKéMON?");
const u8 gText_GiveToWhichPokemon[] = _("Give to which POKéMON?");
const u8 gText_DoWhatWithPokemon[] = _("Do what with this {PKMN}?");
const u8 gText_NothingToCut[] = _("There's nothing to CUT.");
const u8 gText_CantSurfHere[] = _("You can't SURF here.");
const u8 gText_AlreadySurfing[] = _("You're already SURFING.");
const u8 gText_CantUseHere[] = _("Can't use that here.");
const u8 gText_RestoreWhichMove[] = _("Restore which move?");
const u8 gText_BoostPp[] = _("Boost PP of which move?");
const u8 gText_DoWhatWithItem[] = _("Do what with an item?");
const u8 gText_NoPokemonForBattle[] = _("No POKéMON for battle!");
const u8 gText_ChoosePokemon2[] = _("Choose a POKéMON.");
const u8 gText_NotEnoughHp[] = _("Not enough HP…");
const u8 gText_PokemonAreNeeded[] = _("{STR_VAR_1} POKéMON are needed.");
const u8 gText_PokemonCantBeSame[] = _("POKéMON can't be the same.");
const u8 gText_NoIdenticalHoldItems[] = _("No identical hold items.");
const u8 gText_CurrentIsTooFast[] = _("The current is much too fast!");
const u8 gText_DoWhatWithMail[] = _("Do what with the MAIL?");
const u8 gText_ChoosePokemonCancel[] = _("Choose POKéMON or CANCEL.");
const u8 gText_ChoosePokemonConfirm[] = _("Choose POKéMON and confirm.");
const u8 gText_EnjoyCycling[] = _("Let's enjoy cycling!");
const u8 gText_InUseAlready_PM[] = _("This is in use already.");
const u8 gText_AlreadyHoldingOne[] = _("{STR_VAR_1} is already holding\none {STR_VAR_2}.");
const u8 gText_NoUse[] = _("No use.");
const u8 gText_Able[] = _("ABLE");
const u8 gText_First_PM[] = _("FIRST");
const u8 gText_Second_PM[] = _("SECOND");
const u8 gText_Third_PM[] = _("THIRD");
const u8 gText_Able2[] = _("ABLE");
const u8 gText_NotAble[] = _("NOT ABLE");
const u8 gText_Able3[] = _("ABLE!");
const u8 gText_NotAble2[] = _("NOT ABLE!");
const u8 gText_Learned[] = _("LEARNED");
const u8 gText_Have[] = _("HAVE");
const u8 gText_DontHave[] = _("DON'T HAVE");
const u8 gText_Fourth[] = _("FOURTH");
const u8 gText_PkmnCantParticipate[] = _("That POKéMON can't participate.{PAUSE_UNTIL_PRESS}");
const u8 gText_CancelParticipation[] = _("Cancel participation?");
const u8 gText_CancelBattle[] = _("Cancel the battle?");
@ -106,7 +106,7 @@ static void sub_80C438C(u8);
static void sub_80C4FF0(void);
static void sub_80C4550(u16*);
static void sub_80C45C0(u16*);
static void sub_80C4630(void);
static void TrainerCard_PrintStarsAndBadgesOnCard(void);
static void PrintTimeOnCard(void);
static void sub_80C4918(void);
static bool8 sub_80C4940(void);
@ -117,7 +117,7 @@ static bool8 HasAllFrontierSymbols(void);
static u8 GetRubyTrainerStars(struct TrainerCard*);
static u16 GetCaughtMonsCount(void);
static void SetPlayerCardData(struct TrainerCard*, u8);
static void sub_80C3020(struct TrainerCard*);
static void TrainerCard_GenerateCardForLinkPlayer(struct TrainerCard*);
static u8 VersionToCardType(u8);
static void SetDataFromTrainerCard(void);
static void HandleGpuRegs(void);
@ -141,7 +141,7 @@ static void PrintBerryCrushStringOnCard(void);
static void PrintPokeblockStringOnCard(void);
static void PrintUnionStringOnCard(void);
static void PrintContestStringOnCard(void);
static void sub_80C4140(void);
static void TrainerCard_PrintPokemonIconsOnCard(void);
static void PrintBattleFacilityStringOnCard(void);
static void sub_80C42A4(void);
static void PrintAllVariableNumsOnCardPage2(void);
@ -179,17 +179,17 @@ static const u16 gEmeraldTrainerCard3Star_Pal[] = INCBIN_U16("graphics/trainer_c
static const u16 gFireRedTrainerCard3Star_Pal[] = INCBIN_U16("graphics/trainer_card/three_stars_fr.gbapal");
static const u16 gEmeraldTrainerCard4Star_Pal[] = INCBIN_U16("graphics/trainer_card/four_stars.gbapal");
static const u16 gFireRedTrainerCard4Star_Pal[] = INCBIN_U16("graphics/trainer_card/four_stars_fr.gbapal");
static const u16 gUnknown_0856F4AC[] = INCBIN_U16("graphics/trainer_card/female_bg.gbapal");
static const u16 gUnknown_0856F4CC[] = INCBIN_U16("graphics/trainer_card/female_bg_fr.gbapal");
static const u16 gUnknown_0856F4EC[] = INCBIN_U16("graphics/trainer_card/badges.gbapal");
static const u16 gUnknown_0856F50C[] = INCBIN_U16("graphics/trainer_card/badges_fr.gbapal");
static const u16 sEmeraldTrainerCardFemaleBackground_Pal[] = INCBIN_U16("graphics/trainer_card/female_bg.gbapal");
static const u16 sFireRedTrainerCardFemaleBackground_Pal[] = INCBIN_U16("graphics/trainer_card/female_bg_fr.gbapal");
static const u16 sEmeraldTrainerCardBadges_Pal[] = INCBIN_U16("graphics/trainer_card/badges.gbapal");
static const u16 sFireRedTrainerCardBadges_Pal[] = INCBIN_U16("graphics/trainer_card/badges_fr.gbapal");
static const u16 gUnknown_0856F52C[] = INCBIN_U16("graphics/trainer_card/gold.gbapal");
static const u16 gUnknown_0856F54C[] = INCBIN_U16("graphics/trainer_card/stickers_fr1.gbapal");
static const u16 gUnknown_0856F56C[] = INCBIN_U16("graphics/trainer_card/stickers_fr2.gbapal");
static const u16 gUnknown_0856F58C[] = INCBIN_U16("graphics/trainer_card/stickers_fr3.gbapal");
static const u16 gUnknown_0856F5AC[] = INCBIN_U16("graphics/trainer_card/stickers_fr4.gbapal");
static const u32 gUnknown_0856F5CC[] = INCBIN_U32("graphics/trainer_card/badges.4bpp.lz");
static const u32 gUnknown_0856F814[] = INCBIN_U32("graphics/trainer_card/badges_fr.4bpp.lz");
static const u32 sEmeraldTrainerCardBadges_Tile[] = INCBIN_U32("graphics/trainer_card/badges.4bpp.lz");
static const u32 sFireRedTrainerCardBadges_Tile[] = INCBIN_U32("graphics/trainer_card/badges_fr.4bpp.lz");
static const struct BgTemplate gUnknown_0856FAB4[4] =
@ -376,7 +376,7 @@ static void sub_80C2760(u8 taskId)
case 6:
case 7:
@ -528,9 +528,9 @@ static bool8 LoadCardGfx(void)
case 3:
if (sData->cardType != CARD_TYPE_FRLG)
LZ77UnCompWram(gUnknown_0856F5CC, sData->var_13A8);
LZ77UnCompWram(sEmeraldTrainerCardBadges_Tile, sData->var_13A8);
LZ77UnCompWram(gUnknown_0856F814, sData->var_13A8);
LZ77UnCompWram(sFireRedTrainerCardBadges_Tile, sData->var_13A8);
case 4:
if (sData->cardType != CARD_TYPE_FRLG)
@ -722,7 +722,7 @@ static void SetPlayerCardData(struct TrainerCard *trainerCard, u8 cardType)
static void sub_80C3020(struct TrainerCard *trainerCard)
static void TrainerCard_GenerateCardForLinkPlayer(struct TrainerCard *trainerCard)
memset(trainerCard, 0, sizeof(struct TrainerCard));
trainerCard->version = GAME_VERSION;
@ -733,9 +733,9 @@ static void sub_80C3020(struct TrainerCard *trainerCard)
if (trainerCard->gender == FEMALE)
trainerCard->var_4F = gUnknown_08329D54[(trainerCard->trainerId % 8) + 8];
trainerCard->var_4F = gLinkPlayerFacilityClasses[(trainerCard->trainerId % 8) + 8];
trainerCard->var_4F = gUnknown_08329D54[trainerCard->trainerId % 8];
trainerCard->var_4F = gLinkPlayerFacilityClasses[trainerCard->trainerId % 8];
void TrainerCard_GenerateCardForPlayer(struct TrainerCard *trainerCard)
@ -749,9 +749,9 @@ void TrainerCard_GenerateCardForPlayer(struct TrainerCard *trainerCard)
if (trainerCard->gender == FEMALE)
trainerCard->var_4F = gUnknown_08329D54[(trainerCard->trainerId % 8) + 8];
trainerCard->var_4F = gLinkPlayerFacilityClasses[(trainerCard->trainerId % 8) + 8];
trainerCard->var_4F = gUnknown_08329D54[trainerCard->trainerId % 8];
trainerCard->var_4F = gLinkPlayerFacilityClasses[trainerCard->trainerId % 8];
void CopyTrainerCardData(struct TrainerCard *dst, u16 *src, u8 gameVersion)
@ -938,7 +938,7 @@ static bool8 PrintStringsOnCardPage2(void)
case 6:
case 7:
@ -1300,7 +1300,7 @@ static void PrintBattleFacilityStringOnCard(void)
static void sub_80C4140(void)
static void TrainerCard_PrintPokemonIconsOnCard(void)
u8 i;
u8 buffer[] = {0x05, 0x06, 0x07, 0x08, 0x09, 0x0a};
@ -1312,7 +1312,7 @@ static void sub_80C4140(void)
if (sData->trainerCard.monSpecies[i])
u8 monSpecies = sub_80D30A0(sData->trainerCard.monSpecies[i]);
u8 monSpecies = GetMonIconPaletteIndexFromSpecies(sData->trainerCard.monSpecies[i]);
WriteSequenceToBgTilemapBuffer(3, 16 * i + 224, buffer2[i] + 3, 15, 4, 4, buffer[monSpecies], 1);
@ -1392,16 +1392,16 @@ static u8 SetCardBgsAndPals(void)
if (sData->cardType != CARD_TYPE_FRLG)
LoadPalette(gEmeraldTrainerCardStarPals[sData->trainerCard.stars], 0, 96);
LoadPalette(gUnknown_0856F4EC, 48, 32);
LoadPalette(sEmeraldTrainerCardBadges_Pal, 48, 32);
if (sData->trainerCard.gender)
LoadPalette(gUnknown_0856F4AC, 16, 32);
LoadPalette(sEmeraldTrainerCardFemaleBackground_Pal, 16, 32);
LoadPalette(gFireRedTrainerCardStarPals[sData->trainerCard.stars], 0, 96);
LoadPalette(gUnknown_0856F50C, 48, 32);
LoadPalette(sFireRedTrainerCardBadges_Pal, 48, 32);
if (sData->trainerCard.gender)
LoadPalette(gUnknown_0856F4CC, 16, 32);
LoadPalette(sFireRedTrainerCardFemaleBackground_Pal, 16, 32);
LoadPalette(gUnknown_0856F52C, 64, 32);
@ -1458,7 +1458,7 @@ static void sub_80C45C0(u16* ptr)
static const u8 gUnknown_0856FB78[] = {7, 7};
static void sub_80C4630(void)
static void TrainerCard_PrintStarsAndBadgesOnCard(void)
s16 i, x;
u16 tileNum = 192;
@ -1684,7 +1684,7 @@ static bool8 sub_80C4C1C(struct Task* task)
sData->var_8 ^= 1;
@ -1764,7 +1764,7 @@ void ShowPlayerTrainerCard(void (*callback)(void))
sData->isLink = FALSE;
sData->language = GAME_LANGUAGE;
Reference in New Issue
Block a user