BuffelSaft 70f0018c08 Partially implement Shell Trap
Doesn't play the animation when the trap triggers, but kinda works? May also be incredibly buggy, but I'm not interested in working on this move any further.
2021-11-22 14:14:41 +13:00

944 lines
30 KiB

// should they be included here or included individually by every file?
#include "constants/battle.h"
#include "battle_main.h"
#include "battle_message.h"
#include "battle_util.h"
#include "battle_script_commands.h"
#include "battle_ai_switch_items.h"
#include "battle_gfx_sfx_util.h"
#include "battle_util2.h"
#include "battle_bg.h"
#include "pokeball.h"
#include "battle_debug.h"
#define GET_BATTLER_POSITION(battler) (gBattlerPositions[battler])
#define GET_BATTLER_SIDE(battler) (GetBattlerPosition(battler) & BIT_SIDE)
// Battle Actions
// These determine what each battler will do in a turn
#define B_ACTION_RUN 3
#define B_ACTION_CANCEL_PARTNER 12 // when choosing an action
#define B_ACTION_NOTHING_FAINTED 13 // when choosing an action
#define B_ACTION_DEBUG 20
#define B_ACTION_THROW_BALL 21 // R to throw last used ball
#define B_ACTION_NONE 0xFF
// array entries for battle communication
#define TASK_ID 1 // task Id and cursor position share the same field
#define SPRITES_INIT_STATE1 1 // shares the Id as well
#define MISS_TYPE 6
#define MSG_DISPLAY 7
struct ResourceFlags
u32 flags[4];
struct DisableStruct
u32 transformedMonPersonality;
u16 disabledMove;
u16 encoredMove;
u8 protectUses;
u8 stockpileCounter;
s8 stockpileDef;
s8 stockpileSpDef;
s8 stockpileBeforeDef;
s8 stockpileBeforeSpDef;
u8 substituteHP;
u8 disableTimer:4;
u8 disableTimerStartValue:4;
u8 encoredMovePos;
u8 encoreTimer:4;
u8 encoreTimerStartValue:4;
u8 perishSongTimer:4;
u8 perishSongTimerStartValue:4;
u8 furyCutterCounter;
u8 rolloutTimer:4;
u8 rolloutTimerStartValue:4;
u8 chargeTimer:4;
u8 chargeTimerStartValue:4;
u8 tauntTimer:4;
u8 tauntTimer2:4;
u8 battlerPreventingEscape;
u8 battlerWithSureHit;
u8 isFirstTurn;
u8 truantCounter:1;
u8 truantSwitchInHack:1;
u8 mimickedMoves:4;
u8 rechargeTimer;
u8 autotomizeCount;
u8 slowStartTimer;
u8 embargoTimer;
u8 magnetRiseTimer;
u8 telekinesisTimer;
u8 healBlockTimer;
u8 laserFocusTimer;
u8 throatChopTimer;
u8 usedMoves:4;
u8 wrapTurns;
u8 noRetreat:1;
u8 tarShot:1;
u8 octolock:1;
struct ProtectStruct
u32 protected:1;
u32 spikyShielded:1;
u32 kingsShielded:1;
u32 banefulBunkered:1;
u32 obstructed:1;
u32 endured:1;
u32 noValidMoves:1;
u32 helpingHand:1;
u32 bounceMove:1;
u32 stealMove:1;
u32 prlzImmobility:1;
u32 confusionSelfDmg:1;
u32 targetAffected:1;
u32 chargingTurn:1;
u32 fleeFlag:2; // For RunAway and Smoke Ball.
u32 usedImprisonedMove:1;
u32 loveImmobility:1;
u32 usedDisabledMove:1;
u32 usedTauntedMove:1;
u32 flag2Unknown:1; // Only set to 0 once. Checked in 'WasUnableToUseMove' function.
u32 flinchImmobility:1;
u32 notFirstStrike:1;
u32 palaceUnableToUseMove:1;
u32 usesBouncedMove:1;
u32 usedHealBlockedMove:1;
u32 usedGravityPreventedMove:1;
u32 powderSelfDmg:1;
u32 usedThroatChopPreventedMove:1;
u32 statRaised:1;
u32 usedMicleBerry:1;
u32 usedCustapBerry:1; // also quick claw
u32 touchedProtectLike:1;
// End of 32-bit bitfield
u16 disableEjectPack:1;
u16 statFell:1;
u16 pranksterElevated:1;
u16 quickDraw:1;
u16 beakBlastCharge:1;
u16 shellTrapSet:1;
u16 shellTrapTriggered:1;
u32 physicalDmg;
u32 specialDmg;
u8 physicalBattlerId;
u8 specialBattlerId;
struct SpecialStatus
u8 statLowered:1;
u8 lightningRodRedirected:1;
u8 restoredBattlerSprite: 1;
u8 intimidatedMon:1;
u8 traced:1;
u8 ppNotAffectedByPressure:1;
u8 flag40:1;
u8 focusBanded:1;
u8 focusSashed:1;
u8 sturdied:1;
u8 stormDrainRedirected:1;
u8 switchInAbilityDone:1;
u8 switchInItemDone:1;
u8 instructedChosenTarget:3;
u8 berryReduced:1;
u8 gemBoost:1;
u8 rototillerAffected:1; // to be affected by rototiller
u8 gemParam;
u8 damagedMons:4; // Mons that have been damaged directly by using a move, includes substitute.
u8 dancerUsedMove:1;
u8 dancerOriginalTarget:3;
u8 announceNeutralizingGas:1; // See Cmd_switchineffects
u8 neutralizingGasRemoved:1; // See VARIOUS_TRY_END_NEUTRALIZING_GAS
s32 dmg;
s32 physicalDmg;
s32 specialDmg;
u8 physicalBattlerId;
u8 specialBattlerId;
u8 changedStatsBattlerId; // Battler that was responsible for the latest stat change. Can be self.
struct SideTimer
u8 reflectTimer;
u8 reflectBattlerId;
u8 lightscreenTimer;
u8 lightscreenBattlerId;
u8 mistTimer;
u8 mistBattlerId;
u8 safeguardTimer;
u8 safeguardBattlerId;
u8 spikesAmount;
u8 toxicSpikesAmount;
u8 stealthRockAmount;
u8 stickyWebAmount;
u8 auroraVeilTimer;
u8 auroraVeilBattlerId;
u8 tailwindTimer;
u8 tailwindBattlerId;
u8 luckyChantTimer;
u8 luckyChantBattlerId;
// Timers below this point are not swapped by Court Change
u8 followmeTimer;
u8 followmeTarget:3;
u8 followmePowder:1; // Rage powder, does not affect grass type pokemon.
u8 retaliateTimer;
struct FieldTimer
u8 mudSportTimer;
u8 waterSportTimer;
u8 wonderRoomTimer;
u8 magicRoomTimer;
u8 trickRoomTimer;
u8 terrainTimer;
u8 gravityTimer;
u8 fairyLockTimer;
struct WishFutureKnock
u8 futureSightCounter[MAX_BATTLERS_COUNT];
u8 futureSightAttacker[MAX_BATTLERS_COUNT];
u16 futureSightMove[MAX_BATTLERS_COUNT];
u8 wishCounter[MAX_BATTLERS_COUNT];
u8 weatherDuration;
u8 knockedOffMons[2]; // Each battler is represented by a bit. The array entry is dependent on the battler's side.
u8 meltedItemMons[2]; // Same as above
struct AI_SavedBattleMon
u16 ability;
u16 moves[MAX_MON_MOVES];
u16 heldItem;
u16 species;
struct AiLogicData
//attacker data
u16 atkAbility;
u16 atkItem;
u16 atkHoldEffect;
u8 atkParam;
u16 atkSpecies;
// target data
u16 defAbility;
u16 defItem;
u16 defHoldEffect;
u8 defParam;
u16 defSpecies;
// attacker partner data
u8 battlerAtkPartner;
u16 partnerMove;
u16 atkPartnerAbility;
u16 atkPartnerHoldEffect;
bool32 targetSameSide;
// target partner data
u8 battlerDefPartner;
u16 defPartnerAbility;
u16 defPartnerHoldEffect;
struct AI_ThinkingStruct
struct AiLogicData data;
u8 aiState;
u8 movesetIndex;
u16 moveConsidered;
s8 score[MAX_MON_MOVES];
u32 funcResult;
u32 aiFlags;
u8 aiAction;
u8 aiLogicId;
s32 simulatedDmg[MAX_BATTLERS_COUNT][MAX_BATTLERS_COUNT][MAX_MON_MOVES]; // attacker, target, move
struct AI_SavedBattleMon saved[4];
bool8 switchMon; // Because all available moves have no/little effect.
struct BattleHistory
u16 abilities[MAX_BATTLERS_COUNT];
u8 itemEffects[MAX_BATTLERS_COUNT];
u16 moveHistory[MAX_BATTLERS_COUNT][AI_MOVE_HISTORY_COUNT]; // 3 last used moves for each battler
u8 moveHistoryIndex[MAX_BATTLERS_COUNT];
u16 trainerItems[MAX_BATTLERS_COUNT];
u8 itemsNo;
struct BattleScriptsStack
const u8 *ptr[8];
u8 size;
struct BattleCallbacksStack
void (*function[8])(void);
u8 size;
struct StatsArray
u16 stats[NUM_STATS];
struct BattleResources
struct SecretBase* secretBase;
struct ResourceFlags *flags;
struct BattleScriptsStack* battleScriptsStack;
struct BattleCallbacksStack* battleCallbackStack;
struct StatsArray* beforeLvlUp;
struct AI_ThinkingStruct *ai;
struct BattleHistory *battleHistory;
u8 bufferA[MAX_BATTLERS_COUNT][0x200];
u8 bufferB[MAX_BATTLERS_COUNT][0x200];
#define AI_THINKING_STRUCT ((struct AI_ThinkingStruct *)(gBattleResources->ai))
#define AI_DATA ((struct AiLogicData *)(&gBattleResources->ai->data))
#define BATTLE_HISTORY ((struct BattleHistory *)(gBattleResources->battleHistory))
struct BattleResults
u8 playerFaintCounter; // 0x0
u8 opponentFaintCounter; // 0x1
u8 playerSwitchesCounter; // 0x2
u8 numHealingItemsUsed; // 0x3
u8 numRevivesUsed; // 0x4
u8 playerMonWasDamaged:1; // 0x5
u8 usedMasterBall:1; // 0x5
u8 caughtMonBall:4; // 0x5
u8 shinyWildMon:1; // 0x5
u16 playerMon1Species; // 0x6
u8 playerMon1Name[POKEMON_NAME_LENGTH + 1]; // 0x8
u8 battleTurnCounter; // 0x13
u8 playerMon2Name[POKEMON_NAME_LENGTH + 1]; // 0x14
u8 pokeblockThrows; // 0x1F
u16 lastOpponentSpecies; // 0x20
u16 lastUsedMovePlayer; // 0x22
u16 lastUsedMoveOpponent; // 0x24
u16 playerMon2Species; // 0x26
u16 caughtMonSpecies; // 0x28
u8 caughtMonNick[POKEMON_NAME_LENGTH + 1]; // 0x2A
u8 filler35; // 0x35
u8 catchAttempts[POKEBALL_COUNT - 1]; // 0x36 Doesn't include Master ball
struct BattleTv_Side
u32 spikesMonId:3;
u32 reflectMonId:3;
u32 lightScreenMonId:3;
u32 safeguardMonId:3;
u32 mistMonId:3;
u32 futureSightMonId:3;
u32 doomDesireMonId:3;
u32 perishSongMonId:3;
u32 wishMonId:3;
u32 grudgeMonId:3;
u32 usedMoveSlot:2;
u32 spikesMoveSlot:2;
u32 reflectMoveSlot:2;
u32 lightScreenMoveSlot:2;
u32 safeguardMoveSlot:2;
u32 mistMoveSlot:2;
u32 futureSightMoveSlot:2;
u32 doomDesireMoveSlot:2;
u32 perishSongMoveSlot:2;
u32 wishMoveSlot:2;
u32 grudgeMoveSlot:2;
u32 destinyBondMonId:3;
u32 destinyBondMoveSlot:2;
u32 faintCause:4;
u32 faintCauseMonId:3;
u32 explosion:1;
u32 explosionMoveSlot:2;
u32 explosionMonId:3;
u32 perishSong:1;
struct BattleTv_Position
u32 curseMonId:3;
u32 leechSeedMonId:3;
u32 nightmareMonId:3;
u32 wrapMonId:3;
u32 attractMonId:3;
u32 confusionMonId:3;
u32 curseMoveSlot:2;
u32 leechSeedMoveSlot:2;
u32 nightmareMoveSlot:2;
u32 wrapMoveSlot:2;
u32 attractMoveSlot:2;
u32 confusionMoveSlot:2;
u32 waterSportMoveSlot:2;
u32 waterSportMonId:3;
u32 mudSportMonId:3;
u32 mudSportMoveSlot:2;
u32 ingrainMonId:3;
u32 ingrainMoveSlot:2;
u32 attackedByMonId:3;
u32 attackedByMoveSlot:2;
struct BattleTv_Mon
u32 psnMonId:3;
u32 badPsnMonId:3;
u32 brnMonId:3;
u32 prlzMonId:3;
u32 slpMonId:3;
u32 frzMonId:3;
u32 psnMoveSlot:2;
u32 badPsnMoveSlot:2;
u32 brnMoveSlot:2;
u32 prlzMoveSlot:2;
u32 slpMoveSlot:2;
u32 frzMoveSlot:2;
struct BattleTv
struct BattleTv_Mon mon[2][PARTY_SIZE]; // [side][partyId]
struct BattleTv_Position pos[2][2]; // [side][flank]
struct BattleTv_Side side[2]; // [side]
struct BattleTvMovePoints
s16 points[2][PARTY_SIZE * 4];
struct LinkBattlerHeader
u8 versionSignatureLo;
u8 versionSignatureHi;
u8 vsScreenHealthFlagsLo;
u8 vsScreenHealthFlagsHi;
struct BattleEnigmaBerry battleEnigmaBerry;
struct MegaEvolutionData
u8 toEvolve; // As flags using gBitTable.
u8 evolvedPartyIds[2]; // As flags using gBitTable;
bool8 alreadyEvolved[4]; // Array id is used for mon position.
u16 evolvedSpecies[MAX_BATTLERS_COUNT];
u16 playerEvolvedSpecies;
u8 primalRevertedPartyIds[2]; // As flags using gBitTable;
u16 primalRevertedSpecies[MAX_BATTLERS_COUNT];
u16 playerPrimalRevertedSpecies;
u8 battlerId;
bool8 playerSelect;
u8 triggerSpriteId;
bool8 isWishMegaEvo;
bool8 isPrimalReversion;
struct Illusion
u8 on;
u8 set;
u8 broken;
u8 partyId;
struct Pokemon *mon;
struct StolenItem
u16 originalItem:15;
u16 stolen:1;
struct BattleStruct
u8 turnEffectsTracker;
u8 turnEffectsBattlerId;
u8 turnCountersTracker;
u16 wrappedMove[MAX_BATTLERS_COUNT];
u16 moveTarget[MAX_BATTLERS_COUNT];
u8 expGetterMonId;
u8 wildVictorySong;
u8 dynamicMoveType;
u16 assistPossibleMoves[PARTY_SIZE * MAX_MON_MOVES]; // Each of mons can know max 4 moves.
u8 focusPunchBattlerId;
u8 battlerPreventingSwitchout;
u8 moneyMultiplier:6;
u8 moneyMultiplierItem:1;
u8 moneyMultiplierMove:1;
u8 savedTurnActionNumber;
u8 switchInAbilitiesCounter;
u8 faintedActionsState;
u8 faintedActionsBattlerId;
u32 expValue;
u8 field_52;
u8 sentInPokes;
bool8 selectionScriptFinished[MAX_BATTLERS_COUNT];
u8 field_58[4];
u8 monToSwitchIntoId[MAX_BATTLERS_COUNT];
u8 field_60[4][3];
u8 runTries;
u8 caughtMonNick[POKEMON_NAME_LENGTH + 1];
u8 safariGoNearCounter;
u8 safariPkblThrowCounter;
u8 safariEscapeFactor;
u8 safariCatchFactor;
u8 linkBattleVsSpriteId_V; // The letter "V"
u8 linkBattleVsSpriteId_S; // The letter "S"
u8 formToChangeInto;
u8 chosenMovePositions[MAX_BATTLERS_COUNT];
u8 stateIdAfterSelScript[MAX_BATTLERS_COUNT];
u8 prevSelectedPartySlot;
u8 stringMoveType;
u8 expGetterBattlerId;
u8 field_91; // related to gAbsentBattlerFlags, possibly absent flags turn ago?
u8 palaceFlags; // First 4 bits are "is < 50% HP and not asleep" for each battler, last 4 bits are selected moves to pass to AI
u8 field_93; // related to choosing pokemon?
u8 wallyBattleState;
u8 wallyMovesState;
u8 wallyWaitFrames;
u8 wallyMoveFrames;
u16 lastTakenMove[MAX_BATTLERS_COUNT]; // Last move that a battler was hit with.
u16 hpOnSwitchout[2];
u32 savedBattleTypeFlags;
u16 abilityPreventingSwitchout;
u8 hpScale;
u16 synchronizeMoveEffect;
bool8 anyMonHasTransformed;
void (*savedCallback)(void);
u16 usedHeldItems[PARTY_SIZE][2]; // For each party member and side. For harvest, recycle
u16 chosenItem[MAX_BATTLERS_COUNT];
u8 AI_itemType[2];
u8 AI_itemFlags[2];
u16 choicedMove[MAX_BATTLERS_COUNT];
u16 changedItems[MAX_BATTLERS_COUNT];
u8 intimidateBattler;
u8 switchInItemsCounter;
u8 arenaTurnCounter;
u8 turnSideTracker;
u8 givenExpMons; // Bits for enemy party's pokemon that gave exp to player's party.
u16 lastTakenMoveFrom[MAX_BATTLERS_COUNT][MAX_BATTLERS_COUNT]; // a 2-D array [target][attacker]
u16 castformPalette[MAX_BATTLERS_COUNT][16];
union {
struct LinkBattlerHeader linkBattlerHeader;
u32 battleVideo[2];
} multiBuffer;
u8 wishPerishSongState;
u8 wishPerishSongBattlerId;
bool8 overworldWeatherDone;
bool8 terrainDone;
u8 atkCancellerTracker;
struct BattleTvMovePoints tvMovePoints;
struct BattleTv tv;
u8 AI_monToSwitchIntoId[MAX_BATTLERS_COUNT];
s8 arenaMindPoints[2];
s8 arenaSkillPoints[2];
u16 arenaStartHp[2];
u8 arenaLostPlayerMons; // Bits for party member, lost as in referee's decision, not by fainting.
u8 arenaLostOpponentMons;
u8 alreadyStatusedMoveAttempt; // As bits for battlers; For example when using Thunder Wave on an already paralyzed pokemon.
u8 debugBattler;
u8 magnitudeBasePower;
u8 presentBasePower;
u8 roostTypes[MAX_BATTLERS_COUNT][3];
u8 savedBattlerTarget;
bool8 ateBoost[MAX_BATTLERS_COUNT];
u8 activeAbilityPopUps; // as bits for each battler
u8 abilityPopUpSpriteIds[MAX_BATTLERS_COUNT][2]; // two per battler
bool8 throwingPokeBall;
struct MegaEvolutionData mega;
const u8 *trainerSlideMsg;
bool8 trainerSlideLowHpMsgDone;
u8 introState;
u8 ateBerry[2]; // array id determined by side, each party pokemon as bit
u8 stolenStats[NUM_BATTLE_STATS]; // hp byte is used for which stats to raise, other inform about by how many stages
u8 lastMoveFailed; // as bits for each battler, for the sake of Stomping Tantrum
u8 lastMoveTarget[MAX_BATTLERS_COUNT]; // The last target on which each mon used a move, for the sake of Instruct
u8 debugHoldEffects[MAX_BATTLERS_COUNT]; // These override actual items' hold effects.
u16 tracedAbility[MAX_BATTLERS_COUNT];
u16 hpBefore[MAX_BATTLERS_COUNT]; // Hp of battlers before using a move. For Berserk
bool8 spriteIgnore0Hp;
struct Illusion illusion[MAX_BATTLERS_COUNT];
s8 aiFinalScore[MAX_BATTLERS_COUNT][MAX_BATTLERS_COUNT][MAX_MON_MOVES]; // AI, target, moves to make debugging easier
s32 aiSimulatedDamage[MAX_BATTLERS_COUNT][MAX_BATTLERS_COUNT][MAX_MON_MOVES]; // attacker, target, move to make debugging easier
u8 soulheartBattlerId;
u8 friskedBattler; // Frisk needs to identify 2 battlers in double battles.
bool8 friskedAbility; // If identifies two mons, show the ability pop-up only once.
u8 sameMoveTurns[MAX_BATTLERS_COUNT]; // For Metronome, number of times the same moves has been SUCCESFULLY used.
u16 moveEffect2; // For Knock Off
u16 changedSpecies[PARTY_SIZE]; // For Zygarde or future forms when multiple mons can change into the same pokemon.
u8 quickClawBattlerId;
struct StolenItem itemStolen[PARTY_SIZE]; // Player's team that had items stolen (two bytes per party member)
u8 blunderPolicy:1; // should blunder policy activate
u8 ballSpriteIds[2]; // item gfx, window gfx
u8 stickyWebUser;
#define GET_MOVE_TYPE(move, typeArg) \
{ \
if (gBattleStruct->dynamicMoveType) \
typeArg = gBattleStruct->dynamicMoveType & 0x3F; \
else \
typeArg = gBattleMoves[move].type; \
#define IS_MOVE_PHYSICAL(move)(GetBattleMoveSplit(move) == SPLIT_PHYSICAL)
#define IS_MOVE_SPECIAL(move)(GetBattleMoveSplit(move) == SPLIT_SPECIAL)
#define IS_MOVE_STATUS(move)(gBattleMoves[move].split == SPLIT_STATUS)
#define BATTLER_MAX_HP(battlerId)(gBattleMons[battlerId].hp == gBattleMons[battlerId].maxHP)
#define TARGET_TURN_DAMAGED ((gSpecialStatuses[gBattlerTarget].physicalDmg != 0 || gSpecialStatuses[gBattlerTarget].specialDmg != 0))
#define BATTLER_DAMAGED(battlerId) ((gSpecialStatuses[battlerId].physicalDmg != 0 || gSpecialStatuses[battlerId].specialDmg != 0))
#define IS_BATTLER_OF_TYPE(battlerId, type)((gBattleMons[battlerId].type1 == type || gBattleMons[battlerId].type2 == type || gBattleMons[battlerId].type3 == type))
#define SET_BATTLER_TYPE(battlerId, type) \
{ \
gBattleMons[battlerId].type1 = type; \
gBattleMons[battlerId].type2 = type; \
gBattleMons[battlerId].type3 = TYPE_MYSTERY; \
#define IS_BATTLER_PROTECTED(battlerId)(gProtectStructs[battlerId].protected \
|| gSideStatuses[GetBattlerSide(battlerId)] & SIDE_STATUS_WIDE_GUARD \
|| gSideStatuses[GetBattlerSide(battlerId)] & SIDE_STATUS_QUICK_GUARD \
|| gSideStatuses[GetBattlerSide(battlerId)] & SIDE_STATUS_CRAFTY_SHIELD \
|| gSideStatuses[GetBattlerSide(battlerId)] & SIDE_STATUS_MAT_BLOCK \
|| gProtectStructs[battlerId].spikyShielded \
|| gProtectStructs[battlerId].kingsShielded \
|| gProtectStructs[battlerId].banefulBunkered \
|| gProtectStructs[battlerId].obstructed) \
#define GET_STAT_BUFF_ID(n)((n & 7)) // first three bits 0x1, 0x2, 0x4
#define GET_STAT_BUFF_VALUE_WITH_SIGN(n)((n & 0xF8))
#define GET_STAT_BUFF_VALUE(n)(((n >> 3) & 0xF)) // 0x8, 0x10, 0x20, 0x40
#define STAT_BUFF_NEGATIVE 0x80 // 0x80, the sign bit
#define SET_STAT_BUFF_VALUE(n)((((n) << 3) & 0xF8))
#define SET_STATCHANGER(statId, stage, goesDown)(gBattleScripting.statChanger = (statId) + ((stage) << 3) + (goesDown << 7))
#define SET_STATCHANGER2(dst, statId, stage, goesDown)(dst = (statId) + ((stage) << 3) + (goesDown << 7))
struct BattleScripting
s32 painSplitHp;
s32 bideDmg;
u8 multihitString[6];
bool8 expOnCatch;
u8 twoTurnsMoveStringId;
u8 animArg1;
u8 animArg2;
u16 tripleKickPower;
u8 moveendState;
u8 savedStatChanger; // For further use, if attempting to change stat two times(ex. Moody)
u8 shiftSwitched; // When the game tells you the next enemy's pokemon and you switch. Option for noobs but oh well.
u8 battler;
u8 animTurn;
u8 animTargetsHit;
u8 statChanger;
bool8 statAnimPlayed;
u8 getexpState;
u8 battleStyle;
u8 drawlvlupboxState;
u8 learnMoveState;
u8 savedBattler;
u8 reshowMainState;
u8 reshowHelperState;
u8 levelUpHP;
u8 windowsType; // 0 - normal, 1 - battle arena
u8 multiplayerId;
u8 specialTrainerBattleType;
bool8 monCaught;
s32 savedDmg;
u16 savedMoveEffect; // For moves hitting multiple targets.
u16 moveEffect;
u16 multihitMoveEffect;
u8 illusionNickHack; // To properly display nick in STRINGID_ENEMYABOUTTOSWITCHPKMN.
bool8 fixedPopup; // Force ability popup to stick until manually called back
u16 abilityPopupOverwrite;
u8 switchCase; // Special switching conditions, eg. red card
u8 overrideBerryRequirements;
// rom_80A5C6C
struct BattleSpriteInfo
u16 invisible:1; // 0x1
u16 lowHpSong:1; // 0x2
u16 behindSubstitute:1; // 0x4
u16 flag_x8:1; // 0x8
u16 hpNumbersNoBars:1; // 0x10
u16 transformSpecies;
struct BattleAnimationInfo
u16 animArg; // to fill up later
u8 field_2;
u8 field_3;
u8 field_4;
u8 field_5;
u8 field_6;
u8 field_7;
u8 ballThrowCaseId:6;
u8 isCriticalCapture:1;
u8 criticalCaptureSuccess:1;
u8 introAnimActive:1;
u8 wildMonInvisible:1;
u8 field_9_x1C:3;
u8 field_9_x20:1;
u8 field_9_x40:1;
u8 field_9_x80:1;
u8 numBallParticles;
u8 field_B;
s16 ballSubpx;
u8 field_E;
u8 field_F;
struct BattleHealthboxInfo
u8 partyStatusSummaryShown:1;
u8 healthboxIsBouncing:1;
u8 battlerIsBouncing:1;
u8 ballAnimActive:1; // 0x8
u8 statusAnimActive:1; // x10
u8 animFromTableActive:1; // x20
u8 specialAnimActive:1; // x40
u8 triedShinyMonAnim:1;
u8 finishedShinyMonAnim:1;
u8 field_1_x1E:4;
u8 bgmRestored:1;
u8 waitForCry:1;
u8 healthboxSlideInStarted:1;
u8 healthboxBounceSpriteId;
u8 battlerBounceSpriteId;
u8 animationState;
u8 partyStatusDelayTimer;
u8 matrixNum;
u8 shadowSpriteId;
u8 soundTimer;
u8 introEndDelay;
u8 field_A;
u8 field_B;
struct BattleBarInfo
u8 healthboxSpriteId;
s32 maxValue;
s32 oldValue;
s32 receivedValue;
s32 currValue;
struct BattleSpriteData
struct BattleSpriteInfo *battlerData;
struct BattleHealthboxInfo *healthBoxesData;
struct BattleAnimationInfo *animationData;
struct BattleBarInfo *battleBars;
#include "sprite.h"
struct MonSpritesGfx
void* firstDecompressed; // ptr to the decompressed sprite of the first pokemon
void* ptr[4];
u8* byte[4];
} sprites;
struct SpriteTemplate templates[4];
struct SpriteFrameImage field_74[4][4];
u8 field_F4[0x80];
u8 *barFontGfx;
void *field_178;
u16 *buffer;
struct TotemBoost
u8 stats; // bitfield for each battle stat that is set if the stat changes
s8 statChanges[NUM_BATTLE_STATS - 1]; // highest bit being set decreases the stat
}; /* size = 8 */
// All battle variables are declared in battle_main.c
extern u16 gBattle_BG0_X;
extern u16 gBattle_BG0_Y;
extern u16 gBattle_BG1_X;
extern u16 gBattle_BG1_Y;
extern u16 gBattle_BG2_X;
extern u16 gBattle_BG2_Y;
extern u16 gBattle_BG3_X;
extern u16 gBattle_BG3_Y;
extern u16 gBattle_WIN0H;
extern u16 gBattle_WIN0V;
extern u16 gBattle_WIN1H;
extern u16 gBattle_WIN1V;
extern u8 gDisplayedStringBattle[400];
extern u8 gBattleTextBuff1[TEXT_BUFF_ARRAY_COUNT];
extern u8 gBattleTextBuff2[TEXT_BUFF_ARRAY_COUNT];
extern u8 gBattleTextBuff3[TEXT_BUFF_ARRAY_COUNT];
extern u32 gBattleTypeFlags;
extern u8 gBattleTerrain;
extern u32 gUnusedFirstBattleVar1;
extern u8 *gUnknown_0202305C;
extern u8 *gUnknown_02023060;
extern u8 gActiveBattler;
extern u32 gBattleControllerExecFlags;
extern u8 gBattlersCount;
extern u16 gBattlerPartyIndexes[MAX_BATTLERS_COUNT];
extern u8 gBattlerPositions[MAX_BATTLERS_COUNT];
extern u8 gActionsByTurnOrder[MAX_BATTLERS_COUNT];
extern u8 gBattlerByTurnOrder[MAX_BATTLERS_COUNT];
extern u8 gCurrentTurnActionNumber;
extern u8 gCurrentActionFuncId;
extern struct BattlePokemon gBattleMons[MAX_BATTLERS_COUNT];
extern u8 gBattlerSpriteIds[MAX_BATTLERS_COUNT];
extern u8 gCurrMovePos;
extern u8 gChosenMovePos;
extern u16 gCurrentMove;
extern u16 gChosenMove;
extern u16 gCalledMove;
extern s32 gBattleMoveDamage;
extern s32 gHpDealt;
extern s32 gTakenDmg[MAX_BATTLERS_COUNT];
extern u16 gLastUsedItem;
extern u16 gLastUsedAbility;
extern u8 gBattlerAttacker;
extern u8 gBattlerTarget;
extern u8 gBattlerFainted;
extern u8 gEffectBattler;
extern u8 gPotentialItemEffectBattler;
extern u8 gAbsentBattlerFlags;
extern u8 gIsCriticalHit;
extern u8 gMultiHitCounter;
extern const u8 *gBattlescriptCurrInstr;
extern u8 gChosenActionByBattler[MAX_BATTLERS_COUNT];
extern const u8 *gSelectionBattleScripts[MAX_BATTLERS_COUNT];
extern const u8 *gPalaceSelectionBattleScripts[MAX_BATTLERS_COUNT];
extern u16 gLastPrintedMoves[MAX_BATTLERS_COUNT];
extern u16 gLastMoves[MAX_BATTLERS_COUNT];
extern u16 gLastLandedMoves[MAX_BATTLERS_COUNT];
extern u16 gLastHitByType[MAX_BATTLERS_COUNT];
extern u16 gLastResultingMoves[MAX_BATTLERS_COUNT];
extern u16 gLockedMoves[MAX_BATTLERS_COUNT];
extern u16 gLastUsedMove;
extern u8 gLastHitBy[MAX_BATTLERS_COUNT];
extern u16 gChosenMoveByBattler[MAX_BATTLERS_COUNT];
extern u16 gMoveResultFlags;
extern u32 gHitMarker;
extern u8 gTakenDmgByBattler[MAX_BATTLERS_COUNT];
extern u8 gUnusedFirstBattleVar2;
extern u32 gSideStatuses[2];
extern struct SideTimer gSideTimers[2];
extern u32 gStatuses3[MAX_BATTLERS_COUNT];
extern u32 gStatuses4[MAX_BATTLERS_COUNT];
extern struct DisableStruct gDisableStructs[MAX_BATTLERS_COUNT];
extern u16 gPauseCounterBattle;
extern u16 gPaydayMoney;
extern u16 gRandomTurnNumber;
extern u8 gBattleCommunication[BATTLE_COMMUNICATION_ENTRIES_COUNT];
extern u8 gBattleOutcome;
extern struct ProtectStruct gProtectStructs[MAX_BATTLERS_COUNT];
extern struct SpecialStatus gSpecialStatuses[MAX_BATTLERS_COUNT];
extern u16 gBattleWeather;
extern struct WishFutureKnock gWishFutureKnock;
extern u16 gIntroSlideFlags;
extern u8 gSentPokesToOpponent[2];
extern u16 gExpShareExp;
extern struct BattleEnigmaBerry gEnigmaBerries[MAX_BATTLERS_COUNT];
extern struct BattleScripting gBattleScripting;
extern struct BattleStruct *gBattleStruct;
extern u8 *gLinkBattleSendBuffer;
extern u8 *gLinkBattleRecvBuffer;
extern struct BattleResources *gBattleResources;
extern u8 gActionSelectionCursor[MAX_BATTLERS_COUNT];
extern u8 gMoveSelectionCursor[MAX_BATTLERS_COUNT];
extern u8 gBattlerStatusSummaryTaskId[MAX_BATTLERS_COUNT];
extern u8 gBattlerInMenuId;
extern bool8 gDoingBattleAnim;
extern u32 gTransformedPersonalities[MAX_BATTLERS_COUNT];
extern u8 gPlayerDpadHoldFrames;
extern struct BattleSpriteData *gBattleSpritesDataPtr;
extern struct MonSpritesGfx *gMonSpritesGfxPtr;
extern struct BattleHealthboxInfo *gBattleControllerOpponentHealthboxData;
extern struct BattleHealthboxInfo *gBattleControllerOpponentFlankHealthboxData;
extern u16 gBattleMovePower;
extern u16 gMoveToLearn;
extern u8 gBattleMonForms[MAX_BATTLERS_COUNT];
extern u32 gFieldStatuses;
extern struct FieldTimer gFieldTimers;
extern u8 gBattlerAbility;
extern u16 gPartnerSpriteId;
extern struct TotemBoost gTotemBoosts[MAX_BATTLERS_COUNT];
extern void (*gPreBattleCallback1)(void);
extern void (*gBattleMainFunc)(void);
extern struct BattleResults gBattleResults;
extern u8 gLeveledUpInBattle;
extern void (*gBattlerControllerFuncs[MAX_BATTLERS_COUNT])(void);
extern u8 gHealthboxSpriteIds[MAX_BATTLERS_COUNT];
extern u8 gMultiUsePlayerCursor;
extern u8 gNumberOfMovesToChoose;
extern u8 gBattleControllerData[MAX_BATTLERS_COUNT];
extern bool8 gHasFetchedBall;
extern u8 gLastUsedBall;
extern u16 gLastThrownBall;
extern bool8 gSwapDamageCategory; // Photon Geyser, Shell Side Arm, Light That Burns the Sky
#endif // GUARD_BATTLE_H