mirror of
synced 2025-02-06 11:40:34 +01:00
1515 lines
28 KiB
1515 lines
28 KiB
.align 2, 0
gItemIconTable: ; 8614410
; ????????
.4byte gItemIcon_QuestionMark
.4byte gItemIconPalette_QuestionMark
; Master Ball
.4byte gItemIcon_MasterBall
.4byte gItemIconPalette_MasterBall
; Ultra Ball
.4byte gItemIcon_UltraBall
.4byte gItemIconPalette_UltraBall
; Great Ball
.4byte gItemIcon_GreatBall
.4byte gItemIconPalette_GreatBall
; Poké Ball
.4byte gItemIcon_PokeBall
.4byte gItemIconPalette_PokeBall
; Safari Ball
.4byte gItemIcon_SafariBall
.4byte gItemIconPalette_SafariBall
; Net Ball
.4byte gItemIcon_NetBall
.4byte gItemIconPalette_NetBall
; Dive Ball
.4byte gItemIcon_DiveBall
.4byte gItemIconPalette_DiveBall
; Nest Ball
.4byte gItemIcon_NestBall
.4byte gItemIconPalette_NestBall
; Repeat Ball
.4byte gItemIcon_RepeatBall
.4byte gItemIconPalette_RepeatBall
; Timer Ball
.4byte gItemIcon_TimerBall
.4byte gItemIconPalette_RepeatBall
; Luxury Ball
.4byte gItemIcon_LuxuryBall
.4byte gItemIconPalette_LuxuryBall
; Premier Ball
.4byte gItemIcon_PremierBall
.4byte gItemIconPalette_LuxuryBall
; Potion
.4byte gItemIcon_Potion
.4byte gItemIconPalette_Potion
; Antidote
.4byte gItemIcon_Antidote
.4byte gItemIconPalette_Antidote
; Burn Heal
.4byte gItemIcon_StatusHeal
.4byte gItemIconPalette_BurnHeal
; Ice Heal
.4byte gItemIcon_StatusHeal
.4byte gItemIconPalette_IceHeal
; Awakening
.4byte gItemIcon_StatusHeal
.4byte gItemIconPalette_Awakening
; Paralyze Heal
.4byte gItemIcon_StatusHeal
.4byte gItemIconPalette_ParalyzeHeal
; Full Restore
.4byte gItemIcon_LargePotion
.4byte gItemIconPalette_FullRestore
; Max Potion
.4byte gItemIcon_LargePotion
.4byte gItemIconPalette_MaxPotion
; Hyper Potion
.4byte gItemIcon_Potion
.4byte gItemIconPalette_HyperPotion
; Super Potion
.4byte gItemIcon_Potion
.4byte gItemIconPalette_SuperPotion
; Full Heal
.4byte gItemIcon_FullHeal
.4byte gItemIconPalette_FullHeal
; Revive
.4byte gItemIcon_Revive
.4byte gItemIconPalette_Revive
; Max Revive
.4byte gItemIcon_MaxRevive
.4byte gItemIconPalette_Revive
; Fresh Water
.4byte gItemIcon_FreshWater
.4byte gItemIconPalette_FreshWater
; Soda Pop
.4byte gItemIcon_SodaPop
.4byte gItemIconPalette_SodaPop
; Lemonade
.4byte gItemIcon_Lemonade
.4byte gItemIconPalette_Lemonade
; Moomoo Milk
.4byte gItemIcon_MoomooMilk
.4byte gItemIconPalette_MoomooMilk
; Energy Powder
.4byte gItemIcon_Powder
.4byte gItemIconPalette_EnergyPowder
; Energy Root
.4byte gItemIcon_EnergyRoot
.4byte gItemIconPalette_EnergyRoot
; Heal Powder
.4byte gItemIcon_Powder
.4byte gItemIconPalette_HealPowder
; Revival Herb
.4byte gItemIcon_RevivalHerb
.4byte gItemIconPalette_RevivalHerb
; Ether
.4byte gItemIcon_Ether
.4byte gItemIconPalette_Ether
; Max Ether
.4byte gItemIcon_Ether
.4byte gItemIconPalette_MaxEther
; Elixir
.4byte gItemIcon_Ether
.4byte gItemIconPalette_Elixir
; Max Elixir
.4byte gItemIcon_Ether
.4byte gItemIconPalette_MaxElixir
; Lava Cookie
.4byte gItemIcon_LavaCookie
.4byte gItemIconPalette_LavaCookieAndLetter
; Blue Flute
.4byte gItemIcon_Flute
.4byte gItemIconPalette_BlueFlute
; Yellow Flute
.4byte gItemIcon_Flute
.4byte gItemIconPalette_YellowFlute
; Red Flute
.4byte gItemIcon_Flute
.4byte gItemIconPalette_RedFlute
; Black Flute
.4byte gItemIcon_Flute
.4byte gItemIconPalette_BlackFlute
; White Flute
.4byte gItemIcon_Flute
.4byte gItemIconPalette_WhiteFlute
; Berry Juice
.4byte gItemIcon_BerryJuice
.4byte gItemIconPalette_BerryJuice
; Sacred Ash
.4byte gItemIcon_SacredAsh
.4byte gItemIconPalette_SacredAsh
; Shoal Salt
.4byte gItemIcon_Powder
.4byte gItemIconPalette_ShoalSalt
; Shoal Shell
.4byte gItemIcon_ShoalShell
.4byte gItemIconPalette_Shell
; Red Shard
.4byte gItemIcon_Shard
.4byte gItemIconPalette_RedShard
; Blue Shard
.4byte gItemIcon_Shard
.4byte gItemIconPalette_BlueShard
; Yellow Shard
.4byte gItemIcon_Shard
.4byte gItemIconPalette_YellowShard
; Green Shard
.4byte gItemIcon_Shard
.4byte gItemIconPalette_GreenShard
; ????????
.4byte gItemIcon_QuestionMark
.4byte gItemIconPalette_QuestionMark
; ????????
.4byte gItemIcon_QuestionMark
.4byte gItemIconPalette_QuestionMark
; ????????
.4byte gItemIcon_QuestionMark
.4byte gItemIconPalette_QuestionMark
; ????????
.4byte gItemIcon_QuestionMark
.4byte gItemIconPalette_QuestionMark
; ????????
.4byte gItemIcon_QuestionMark
.4byte gItemIconPalette_QuestionMark
; ????????
.4byte gItemIcon_QuestionMark
.4byte gItemIconPalette_QuestionMark
; ????????
.4byte gItemIcon_QuestionMark
.4byte gItemIconPalette_QuestionMark
; ????????
.4byte gItemIcon_QuestionMark
.4byte gItemIconPalette_QuestionMark
; ????????
.4byte gItemIcon_QuestionMark
.4byte gItemIconPalette_QuestionMark
; ????????
.4byte gItemIcon_QuestionMark
.4byte gItemIconPalette_QuestionMark
; ????????
.4byte gItemIcon_QuestionMark
.4byte gItemIconPalette_QuestionMark
; HP Up
.4byte gItemIcon_HPUp
.4byte gItemIconPalette_HPUp
; Protein
.4byte gItemIcon_Vitamin
.4byte gItemIconPalette_Protein
; Iron
.4byte gItemIcon_Vitamin
.4byte gItemIconPalette_Iron
; Carbos
.4byte gItemIcon_Vitamin
.4byte gItemIconPalette_Carbos
; Calcium
.4byte gItemIcon_Vitamin
.4byte gItemIconPalette_Calcium
; Rare Candy
.4byte gItemIcon_RareCandy
.4byte gItemIconPalette_RareCandy
; PP Up
.4byte gItemIcon_PPUp
.4byte gItemIconPalette_PPUp
; Zinc
.4byte gItemIcon_Vitamin
.4byte gItemIconPalette_Zinc
; Pp Max
.4byte gItemIcon_PPMax
.4byte gItemIconPalette_PPMax
; ????????
.4byte gItemIcon_QuestionMark
.4byte gItemIconPalette_QuestionMark
; Guard Spec.
.4byte gItemIcon_BattleStatItem
.4byte gItemIconPalette_GuardSpec
; Dire Hit
.4byte gItemIcon_BattleStatItem
.4byte gItemIconPalette_DireHit
; X Attack
.4byte gItemIcon_BattleStatItem
.4byte gItemIconPalette_XAttack
; X Defend
.4byte gItemIcon_BattleStatItem
.4byte gItemIconPalette_XDefend
; X Speed
.4byte gItemIcon_BattleStatItem
.4byte gItemIconPalette_XSpeed
; X Accuracy
.4byte gItemIcon_BattleStatItem
.4byte gItemIconPalette_XAccuracy
; X Special
.4byte gItemIcon_BattleStatItem
.4byte gItemIconPalette_XSpecial
; Poké Doll
.4byte gItemIcon_PokeDoll
.4byte gItemIconPalette_PokeDoll
; Fluffy Tail
.4byte gItemIcon_FluffyTail
.4byte gItemIconPalette_FluffyTail
; ????????
.4byte gItemIcon_QuestionMark
.4byte gItemIconPalette_QuestionMark
; Super Repel
.4byte gItemIcon_Repel
.4byte gItemIconPalette_SuperRepel
; Max Repel
.4byte gItemIcon_Repel
.4byte gItemIconPalette_MaxRepel
; Escape Rope
.4byte gItemIcon_EscapeRope
.4byte gItemIconPalette_EscapeRope
; Repel
.4byte gItemIcon_Repel
.4byte gItemIconPalette_Repel
; ????????
.4byte gItemIcon_QuestionMark
.4byte gItemIconPalette_QuestionMark
; ????????
.4byte gItemIcon_QuestionMark
.4byte gItemIconPalette_QuestionMark
; ????????
.4byte gItemIcon_QuestionMark
.4byte gItemIconPalette_QuestionMark
; ????????
.4byte gItemIcon_QuestionMark
.4byte gItemIconPalette_QuestionMark
; ????????
.4byte gItemIcon_QuestionMark
.4byte gItemIconPalette_QuestionMark
; ????????
.4byte gItemIcon_QuestionMark
.4byte gItemIconPalette_QuestionMark
; Sun Stone
.4byte gItemIcon_SunStone
.4byte gItemIconPalette_SunStone
; Moon Stone
.4byte gItemIcon_MoonStone
.4byte gItemIconPalette_MoonStone
; Fire Stone
.4byte gItemIcon_FireStone
.4byte gItemIconPalette_FireStone
; Thunder Stone
.4byte gItemIcon_ThunderStone
.4byte gItemIconPalette_ThunderStone
; Water Stone
.4byte gItemIcon_WaterStone
.4byte gItemIconPalette_WaterStone
; Leaf Stone
.4byte gItemIcon_LeafStone
.4byte gItemIconPalette_LeafStone
; ????????
.4byte gItemIcon_QuestionMark
.4byte gItemIconPalette_QuestionMark
; ????????
.4byte gItemIcon_QuestionMark
.4byte gItemIconPalette_QuestionMark
; ????????
.4byte gItemIcon_QuestionMark
.4byte gItemIconPalette_QuestionMark
; ????????
.4byte gItemIcon_QuestionMark
.4byte gItemIconPalette_QuestionMark
; Tiny Mushroom
.4byte gItemIcon_TinyMushroom
.4byte gItemIconPalette_Mushroom
; Big Mushroom
.4byte gItemIcon_BigMushroom
.4byte gItemIconPalette_Mushroom
; ????????
.4byte gItemIcon_QuestionMark
.4byte gItemIconPalette_QuestionMark
; Pearl
.4byte gItemIcon_Pearl
.4byte gItemIconPalette_Pearl
; Big Pearl
.4byte gItemIcon_BigPearl
.4byte gItemIconPalette_Pearl
; Stardust
.4byte gItemIcon_Stardust
.4byte gItemIconPalette_Star
; Star Piece
.4byte gItemIcon_StarPiece
.4byte gItemIconPalette_Star
; Nugget
.4byte gItemIcon_Nugget
.4byte gItemIconPalette_Nugget
; Heart Scale
.4byte gItemIcon_HeartScale
.4byte gItemIconPalette_HeartScale
; ????????
.4byte gItemIcon_QuestionMark
.4byte gItemIconPalette_QuestionMark
; ????????
.4byte gItemIcon_QuestionMark
.4byte gItemIconPalette_QuestionMark
; ????????
.4byte gItemIcon_QuestionMark
.4byte gItemIconPalette_QuestionMark
; ????????
.4byte gItemIcon_QuestionMark
.4byte gItemIconPalette_QuestionMark
; ????????
.4byte gItemIcon_QuestionMark
.4byte gItemIconPalette_QuestionMark
; ????????
.4byte gItemIcon_QuestionMark
.4byte gItemIconPalette_QuestionMark
; ????????
.4byte gItemIcon_QuestionMark
.4byte gItemIconPalette_QuestionMark
; ????????
.4byte gItemIcon_QuestionMark
.4byte gItemIconPalette_QuestionMark
; ????????
.4byte gItemIcon_QuestionMark
.4byte gItemIconPalette_QuestionMark
; Orange Mail
.4byte gItemIcon_OrangeMail
.4byte gItemIconPalette_OrangeMail
; Harbor Mail
.4byte gItemIcon_HarborMail
.4byte gItemIconPalette_HarborMail
; Glitter Mail
.4byte gItemIcon_GlitterMail
.4byte gItemIconPalette_GlitterMail
; Mech Mail
.4byte gItemIcon_MechMail
.4byte gItemIconPalette_MechMail
; Wood Mail
.4byte gItemIcon_WoodMail
.4byte gItemIconPalette_WoodMail
; Wave Mail
.4byte gItemIcon_WaveMail
.4byte gItemIconPalette_WaveMail
; Bead Mail
.4byte gItemIcon_BeadMail
.4byte gItemIconPalette_BeadMail
; Shadow Mail
.4byte gItemIcon_ShadowMail
.4byte gItemIconPalette_ShadowMail
; Tropic Mail
.4byte gItemIcon_TropicMail
.4byte gItemIconPalette_TropicMail
; Dream Mail
.4byte gItemIcon_DreamMail
.4byte gItemIconPalette_DreamMail
; Fab Mail
.4byte gItemIcon_FabMail
.4byte gItemIconPalette_FabMail
; Retro Mail
.4byte gItemIcon_RetroMail
.4byte gItemIconPalette_RetroMail
; Cheri Berry
.4byte gItemIcon_CheriBerry
.4byte gItemIconPalette_CheriBerry
; Chesto Berry
.4byte gItemIcon_ChestoBerry
.4byte gItemIconPalette_ChestoBerry
; Pecha Berry
.4byte gItemIcon_PechaBerry
.4byte gItemIconPalette_PechaBerry
; Rawst Berry
.4byte gItemIcon_RawstBerry
.4byte gItemIconPalette_RawstBerry
; Aspear Berry
.4byte gItemIcon_AspearBerry
.4byte gItemIconPalette_AspearBerry
; Leppa Berry
.4byte gItemIcon_LeppaBerry
.4byte gItemIconPalette_LeppaBerry
; Oran Berry
.4byte gItemIcon_OranBerry
.4byte gItemIconPalette_OranBerry
; Persim Berry
.4byte gItemIcon_PersimBerry
.4byte gItemIconPalette_PersimBerry
; Lum Berry
.4byte gItemIcon_LumBerry
.4byte gItemIconPalette_LumBerry
; Sitrus Berry
.4byte gItemIcon_SitrusBerry
.4byte gItemIconPalette_SitrusBerry
; Figy Berry
.4byte gItemIcon_FigyBerry
.4byte gItemIconPalette_FigyBerry
; Wiki Berry
.4byte gItemIcon_WikiBerry
.4byte gItemIconPalette_WikiBerry
; Mago Berry
.4byte gItemIcon_MagoBerry
.4byte gItemIconPalette_MagoBerry
; Aguav Berry
.4byte gItemIcon_AguavBerry
.4byte gItemIconPalette_AguavBerry
; Iapapa Berry
.4byte gItemIcon_IapapaBerry
.4byte gItemIconPalette_IapapaBerry
; Razz Berry
.4byte gItemIcon_RazzBerry
.4byte gItemIconPalette_RazzBerry
; Bluk Berry
.4byte gItemIcon_BlukBerry
.4byte gItemIconPalette_BlukBerry
; Nanab Berry
.4byte gItemIcon_NanabBerry
.4byte gItemIconPalette_NanabBerry
; Wepear Berry
.4byte gItemIcon_WepearBerry
.4byte gItemIconPalette_WepearBerry
; Pinap Berry
.4byte gItemIcon_PinapBerry
.4byte gItemIconPalette_PinapBerry
; Pomeg Berry
.4byte gItemIcon_PomegBerry
.4byte gItemIconPalette_PomegBerry
; Kelpsy Berry
.4byte gItemIcon_KelpsyBerry
.4byte gItemIconPalette_KelpsyBerry
; Qualot Berry
.4byte gItemIcon_QualotBerry
.4byte gItemIconPalette_QualotBerry
; Hondew Berry
.4byte gItemIcon_HondewBerry
.4byte gItemIconPalette_HondewBerry
; Grepa Berry
.4byte gItemIcon_GrepaBerry
.4byte gItemIconPalette_GrepaBerry
; Tamato Berry
.4byte gItemIcon_TamatoBerry
.4byte gItemIconPalette_TamatoBerry
; Cornn Berry
.4byte gItemIcon_CornnBerry
.4byte gItemIconPalette_CornnBerry
; Magost Berry
.4byte gItemIcon_MagostBerry
.4byte gItemIconPalette_MagostBerry
; Rabuta Berry
.4byte gItemIcon_RabutaBerry
.4byte gItemIconPalette_RabutaBerry
; Nomel Berry
.4byte gItemIcon_NomelBerry
.4byte gItemIconPalette_NomelBerry
; Spelon Berry
.4byte gItemIcon_SpelonBerry
.4byte gItemIconPalette_SpelonBerry
; Pamtre Berry
.4byte gItemIcon_PamtreBerry
.4byte gItemIconPalette_PamtreBerry
; Watmel Berry
.4byte gItemIcon_WatmelBerry
.4byte gItemIconPalette_WatmelBerry
; Durin Berry
.4byte gItemIcon_DurinBerry
.4byte gItemIconPalette_DurinBerry
; Belue Berry
.4byte gItemIcon_BelueBerry
.4byte gItemIconPalette_BelueBerry
; Liechi Berry
.4byte gItemIcon_LiechiBerry
.4byte gItemIconPalette_LiechiBerry
; Ganlon Berry
.4byte gItemIcon_GanlonBerry
.4byte gItemIconPalette_GanlonBerry
; Salac Berry
.4byte gItemIcon_SalacBerry
.4byte gItemIconPalette_SalacBerry
; Petaya Berry
.4byte gItemIcon_PetayaBerry
.4byte gItemIconPalette_PetayaBerry
; Apicot Berry
.4byte gItemIcon_ApicotBerry
.4byte gItemIconPalette_ApicotBerry
; Lansat Berry
.4byte gItemIcon_LansatBerry
.4byte gItemIconPalette_LansatBerry
; Starf Berry
.4byte gItemIcon_StarfBerry
.4byte gItemIconPalette_StarfBerry
; Enigma Berry
.4byte gItemIcon_EnigmaBerry
.4byte gItemIconPalette_EnigmaBerry
; ????????
.4byte gItemIcon_QuestionMark
.4byte gItemIconPalette_QuestionMark
; ????????
.4byte gItemIcon_QuestionMark
.4byte gItemIconPalette_QuestionMark
; ????????
.4byte gItemIcon_QuestionMark
.4byte gItemIconPalette_QuestionMark
; Bright Powder
.4byte gItemIcon_BrightPowder
.4byte gItemIconPalette_BrightPowder
; White Herb
.4byte gItemIcon_InBattleHerb
.4byte gItemIconPalette_WhiteHerb
; Macho Brace
.4byte gItemIcon_MachoBrace
.4byte gItemIconPalette_MachoBrace
; Exp. Share
.4byte gItemIcon_ExpShare
.4byte gItemIconPalette_ExpShare
; Quick Claw
.4byte gItemIcon_QuickClaw
.4byte gItemIconPalette_QuickClaw
; Soothe Bell
.4byte gItemIcon_SootheBell
.4byte gItemIconPalette_SootheBell
; Mental Herb
.4byte gItemIcon_InBattleHerb
.4byte gItemIconPalette_MentalHerb
; Choice Band
.4byte gItemIcon_ChoiceBand
.4byte gItemIconPalette_ChoiceBand
; King's Rock
.4byte gItemIcon_KingsRock
.4byte gItemIconPalette_KingsRock
; Silver Powder
.4byte gItemIcon_SilverPowder
.4byte gItemIconPalette_SilverPowder
; Amulet Coin
.4byte gItemIcon_AmuletCoin
.4byte gItemIconPalette_AmuletCoin
; Cleanse Tag
.4byte gItemIcon_CleanseTag
.4byte gItemIconPalette_CleanseTag
; Soul Dew
.4byte gItemIcon_SoulDew
.4byte gItemIconPalette_SoulDew
; Deep Sea Tooth
.4byte gItemIcon_DeepSeaTooth
.4byte gItemIconPalette_DeepSeaTooth
; Deep Sea Scale
.4byte gItemIcon_DeepSeaScale
.4byte gItemIconPalette_DeepSeaScale
; Smoke Ball
.4byte gItemIcon_SmokeBall
.4byte gItemIconPalette_SmokeBall
; Everstone
.4byte gItemIcon_Everstone
.4byte gItemIconPalette_Everstone
; Focus Band
.4byte gItemIcon_FocusBand
.4byte gItemIconPalette_FocusBand
; Lucky Egg
.4byte gItemIcon_LuckyEgg
.4byte gItemIconPalette_LuckyEgg
; Scope Lens
.4byte gItemIcon_ScopeLens
.4byte gItemIconPalette_ScopeLens
; Metal Coat
.4byte gItemIcon_MetalCoat
.4byte gItemIconPalette_MetalCoat
; Leftovers
.4byte gItemIcon_Leftovers
.4byte gItemIconPalette_Leftovers
; Dragon Scale
.4byte gItemIcon_DragonScale
.4byte gItemIconPalette_DragonScale
; Light Ball
.4byte gItemIcon_LightBall
.4byte gItemIconPalette_LightBall
; Soft Sand
.4byte gItemIcon_SoftSand
.4byte gItemIconPalette_SoftSand
; Hard Stone
.4byte gItemIcon_HardStone
.4byte gItemIconPalette_HardStone
; Miracle Seed
.4byte gItemIcon_MiracleSeed
.4byte gItemIconPalette_MiracleSeed
; Black Glasses
.4byte gItemIcon_BlackGlasses
.4byte gItemIconPalette_BlackTypeEnhancingItem
; Black Belt
.4byte gItemIcon_BlackBelt
.4byte gItemIconPalette_BlackTypeEnhancingItem
; Magnet
.4byte gItemIcon_Magnet
.4byte gItemIconPalette_Magnet
; Mystic Water
.4byte gItemIcon_MysticWater
.4byte gItemIconPalette_MysticWater
; Sharp Beak
.4byte gItemIcon_SharpBeak
.4byte gItemIconPalette_SharpBeak
; Poison Barb
.4byte gItemIcon_PoisonBarb
.4byte gItemIconPalette_PoisonBarb
; Never-Melt Ice
.4byte gItemIcon_NeverMeltIce
.4byte gItemIconPalette_NeverMeltIce
; Spell Tag
.4byte gItemIcon_SpellTag
.4byte gItemIconPalette_SpellTag
; Twisted Spoon
.4byte gItemIcon_TwistedSpoon
.4byte gItemIconPalette_TwistedSpoon
; Charcoal
.4byte gItemIcon_Charcoal
.4byte gItemIconPalette_Charcoal
; Dragon Fang
.4byte gItemIcon_DragonFang
.4byte gItemIconPalette_DragonFang
; Silk Scarf
.4byte gItemIcon_SilkScarf
.4byte gItemIconPalette_SilkScarf
; Up-Grade
.4byte gItemIcon_UpGrade
.4byte gItemIconPalette_UpGrade
; Shell Bell
.4byte gItemIcon_ShellBell
.4byte gItemIconPalette_Shell
; Sea Incense
.4byte gItemIcon_SeaIncense
.4byte gItemIconPalette_SeaIncense
; Lax Incense
.4byte gItemIcon_LaxIncense
.4byte gItemIconPalette_LaxIncense
; Lucky Punch
.4byte gItemIcon_LuckyPunch
.4byte gItemIconPalette_LuckyPunch
; Metal Powder
.4byte gItemIcon_MetalPowder
.4byte gItemIconPalette_MetalPowder
; Thick Club
.4byte gItemIcon_ThickClub
.4byte gItemIconPalette_ThickClub
; Stick
.4byte gItemIcon_Stick
.4byte gItemIconPalette_Stick
; ????????
.4byte gItemIcon_QuestionMark
.4byte gItemIconPalette_QuestionMark
; ????????
.4byte gItemIcon_QuestionMark
.4byte gItemIconPalette_QuestionMark
; ????????
.4byte gItemIcon_QuestionMark
.4byte gItemIconPalette_QuestionMark
; ????????
.4byte gItemIcon_QuestionMark
.4byte gItemIconPalette_QuestionMark
; ????????
.4byte gItemIcon_QuestionMark
.4byte gItemIconPalette_QuestionMark
; ????????
.4byte gItemIcon_QuestionMark
.4byte gItemIconPalette_QuestionMark
; ????????
.4byte gItemIcon_QuestionMark
.4byte gItemIconPalette_QuestionMark
; ????????
.4byte gItemIcon_QuestionMark
.4byte gItemIconPalette_QuestionMark
; ????????
.4byte gItemIcon_QuestionMark
.4byte gItemIconPalette_QuestionMark
; ????????
.4byte gItemIcon_QuestionMark
.4byte gItemIconPalette_QuestionMark
; ????????
.4byte gItemIcon_QuestionMark
.4byte gItemIconPalette_QuestionMark
; ????????
.4byte gItemIcon_QuestionMark
.4byte gItemIconPalette_QuestionMark
; ????????
.4byte gItemIcon_QuestionMark
.4byte gItemIconPalette_QuestionMark
; ????????
.4byte gItemIcon_QuestionMark
.4byte gItemIconPalette_QuestionMark
; ????????
.4byte gItemIcon_QuestionMark
.4byte gItemIconPalette_QuestionMark
; ????????
.4byte gItemIcon_QuestionMark
.4byte gItemIconPalette_QuestionMark
; ????????
.4byte gItemIcon_QuestionMark
.4byte gItemIconPalette_QuestionMark
; ????????
.4byte gItemIcon_QuestionMark
.4byte gItemIconPalette_QuestionMark
; ????????
.4byte gItemIcon_QuestionMark
.4byte gItemIconPalette_QuestionMark
; ????????
.4byte gItemIcon_QuestionMark
.4byte gItemIconPalette_QuestionMark
; ????????
.4byte gItemIcon_QuestionMark
.4byte gItemIconPalette_QuestionMark
; ????????
.4byte gItemIcon_QuestionMark
.4byte gItemIconPalette_QuestionMark
; ????????
.4byte gItemIcon_QuestionMark
.4byte gItemIconPalette_QuestionMark
; ????????
.4byte gItemIcon_QuestionMark
.4byte gItemIconPalette_QuestionMark
; ????????
.4byte gItemIcon_QuestionMark
.4byte gItemIconPalette_QuestionMark
; ????????
.4byte gItemIcon_QuestionMark
.4byte gItemIconPalette_QuestionMark
; ????????
.4byte gItemIcon_QuestionMark
.4byte gItemIconPalette_QuestionMark
; ????????
.4byte gItemIcon_QuestionMark
.4byte gItemIconPalette_QuestionMark
; Red Scarf
.4byte gItemIcon_Scarf
.4byte gItemIconPalette_RedScarf
; Blue Scarf
.4byte gItemIcon_Scarf
.4byte gItemIconPalette_BlueScarf
; Pink Scarf
.4byte gItemIcon_Scarf
.4byte gItemIconPalette_PinkScarf
; Green Scarf
.4byte gItemIcon_Scarf
.4byte gItemIconPalette_GreenScarf
; Yellow Scarf
.4byte gItemIcon_Scarf
.4byte gItemIconPalette_YellowScarf
; Mach Bike
.4byte gItemIcon_MachBike
.4byte gItemIconPalette_MachBike
; Coin Case
.4byte gItemIcon_CoinCase
.4byte gItemIconPalette_CoinCase
; Itemfinder
.4byte gItemIcon_Itemfinder
.4byte gItemIconPalette_Itemfinder
; Old Rod
.4byte gItemIcon_OldRod
.4byte gItemIconPalette_OldRod
; Good Rod
.4byte gItemIcon_GoodRod
.4byte gItemIconPalette_GoodRod
; Super Rod
.4byte gItemIcon_SuperRod
.4byte gItemIconPalette_SuperRod
; S.S. Ticket
.4byte gItemIcon_SSTicket
.4byte gItemIconPalette_SSTicket
; Contest Pass
.4byte gItemIcon_ContestPass
.4byte gItemIconPalette_ContestPass
; ????????
.4byte gItemIcon_QuestionMark
.4byte gItemIconPalette_QuestionMark
; Wailmer Pail
.4byte gItemIcon_WailmerPail
.4byte gItemIconPalette_WailmerPail
; Devon Goods
.4byte gItemIcon_DevonGoods
.4byte gItemIconPalette_DevonGoods
; Soot Sack
.4byte gItemIcon_SootSack
.4byte gItemIconPalette_SootSack
; Basement Key
.4byte gItemIcon_BasementKey
.4byte gItemIconPalette_OldKey
; Acro Bike
.4byte gItemIcon_AcroBike
.4byte gItemIconPalette_AcroBike
; Pokéblock Case
.4byte gItemIcon_PokeblockCase
.4byte gItemIconPalette_PokeblockCase
; Letter
.4byte gItemIcon_Letter
.4byte gItemIconPalette_LavaCookieAndLetter
; Eon Ticket
.4byte gItemIcon_EonTicket
.4byte gItemIconPalette_EonTicket
; Red Orb
.4byte gItemIcon_Orb
.4byte gItemIconPalette_RedOrb
; Blue Orb
.4byte gItemIcon_Orb
.4byte gItemIconPalette_BlueOrb
; Scanner
.4byte gItemIcon_Scanner
.4byte gItemIconPalette_Scanner
; Go-Goggles
.4byte gItemIcon_GoGoggles
.4byte gItemIconPalette_GoGoggles
; Meteorite
.4byte gItemIcon_Meteorite
.4byte gItemIconPalette_Meteorite
; Rm. 1 Key
.4byte gItemIcon_Room1Key
.4byte gItemIconPalette_Key
; Rm. 2 Key
.4byte gItemIcon_Room2Key
.4byte gItemIconPalette_Key
; Rm. 4 Key
.4byte gItemIcon_Room4Key
.4byte gItemIconPalette_Key
; Rm. 6 Key
.4byte gItemIcon_Room6Key
.4byte gItemIconPalette_Key
; Storage Key
.4byte gItemIcon_StorageKey
.4byte gItemIconPalette_OldKey
; Root Fossil
.4byte gItemIcon_RootFossil
.4byte gItemIconPalette_HoennFossil
; Claw Fossil
.4byte gItemIcon_ClawFossil
.4byte gItemIconPalette_HoennFossil
; Devon Scope
.4byte gItemIcon_DevonScope
.4byte gItemIconPalette_DevonScope
; TM01
.4byte gItemIcon_TM
.4byte gItemIconPalette_FightingTMHM
; TM02
.4byte gItemIcon_TM
.4byte gItemIconPalette_DragonTMHM
; TM03
.4byte gItemIcon_TM
.4byte gItemIconPalette_WaterTMHM
; TM04
.4byte gItemIcon_TM
.4byte gItemIconPalette_PsychicTMHM
; TM05
.4byte gItemIcon_TM
.4byte gItemIconPalette_NormalTMHM
; TM06
.4byte gItemIcon_TM
.4byte gItemIconPalette_PoisonTMHM
; TM07
.4byte gItemIcon_TM
.4byte gItemIconPalette_IceTMHM
; TM08
.4byte gItemIcon_TM
.4byte gItemIconPalette_FightingTMHM
; TM09
.4byte gItemIcon_TM
.4byte gItemIconPalette_GrassTMHM
; TM10
.4byte gItemIcon_TM
.4byte gItemIconPalette_NormalTMHM
; TM11
.4byte gItemIcon_TM
.4byte gItemIconPalette_FireTMHM
; TM12
.4byte gItemIcon_TM
.4byte gItemIconPalette_DarkTMHM
; TM13
.4byte gItemIcon_TM
.4byte gItemIconPalette_IceTMHM
; TM14
.4byte gItemIcon_TM
.4byte gItemIconPalette_IceTMHM
; TM15
.4byte gItemIcon_TM
.4byte gItemIconPalette_NormalTMHM
; TM16
.4byte gItemIcon_TM
.4byte gItemIconPalette_PsychicTMHM
; TM17
.4byte gItemIcon_TM
.4byte gItemIconPalette_NormalTMHM
; TM18
.4byte gItemIcon_TM
.4byte gItemIconPalette_WaterTMHM
; TM19
.4byte gItemIcon_TM
.4byte gItemIconPalette_GrassTMHM
; TM20
.4byte gItemIcon_TM
.4byte gItemIconPalette_NormalTMHM
; TM21
.4byte gItemIcon_TM
.4byte gItemIconPalette_NormalTMHM
; TM22
.4byte gItemIcon_TM
.4byte gItemIconPalette_GrassTMHM
; TM23
.4byte gItemIcon_TM
.4byte gItemIconPalette_SteelTMHM
; TM24
.4byte gItemIcon_TM
.4byte gItemIconPalette_ElectricTMHM
; TM25
.4byte gItemIcon_TM
.4byte gItemIconPalette_ElectricTMHM
; TM26
.4byte gItemIcon_TM
.4byte gItemIconPalette_GroundTMHM
; TM27
.4byte gItemIcon_TM
.4byte gItemIconPalette_NormalTMHM
; TM28
.4byte gItemIcon_TM
.4byte gItemIconPalette_GroundTMHM
; TM29
.4byte gItemIcon_TM
.4byte gItemIconPalette_PsychicTMHM
; TM30
.4byte gItemIcon_TM
.4byte gItemIconPalette_GhostTMHM
; TM31
.4byte gItemIcon_TM
.4byte gItemIconPalette_FightingTMHM
; TM32
.4byte gItemIcon_TM
.4byte gItemIconPalette_NormalTMHM
; TM33
.4byte gItemIcon_TM
.4byte gItemIconPalette_PsychicTMHM
; TM34
.4byte gItemIcon_TM
.4byte gItemIconPalette_ElectricTMHM
; TM35
.4byte gItemIcon_TM
.4byte gItemIconPalette_FireTMHM
; TM36
.4byte gItemIcon_TM
.4byte gItemIconPalette_PoisonTMHM
; TM37
.4byte gItemIcon_TM
.4byte gItemIconPalette_RockTMHM
; TM38
.4byte gItemIcon_TM
.4byte gItemIconPalette_FireTMHM
; TM39
.4byte gItemIcon_TM
.4byte gItemIconPalette_RockTMHM
; TM40
.4byte gItemIcon_TM
.4byte gItemIconPalette_FlyingTMHM
; TM41
.4byte gItemIcon_TM
.4byte gItemIconPalette_DarkTMHM
; TM42
.4byte gItemIcon_TM
.4byte gItemIconPalette_NormalTMHM
; TM43
.4byte gItemIcon_TM
.4byte gItemIconPalette_NormalTMHM
; TM44
.4byte gItemIcon_TM
.4byte gItemIconPalette_PsychicTMHM
; TM45
.4byte gItemIcon_TM
.4byte gItemIconPalette_NormalTMHM
; TM46
.4byte gItemIcon_TM
.4byte gItemIconPalette_DarkTMHM
; TM47
.4byte gItemIcon_TM
.4byte gItemIconPalette_SteelTMHM
; TM48
.4byte gItemIcon_TM
.4byte gItemIconPalette_PsychicTMHM
; TM49
.4byte gItemIcon_TM
.4byte gItemIconPalette_DarkTMHM
; TM50
.4byte gItemIcon_TM
.4byte gItemIconPalette_FireTMHM
; HM01
.4byte gItemIcon_HM
.4byte gItemIconPalette_NormalTMHM
; HM02
.4byte gItemIcon_HM
.4byte gItemIconPalette_FlyingTMHM
; HM03
.4byte gItemIcon_HM
.4byte gItemIconPalette_WaterTMHM
; HM04
.4byte gItemIcon_HM
.4byte gItemIconPalette_NormalTMHM
; HM05
.4byte gItemIcon_HM
.4byte gItemIconPalette_NormalTMHM
; HM06
.4byte gItemIcon_HM
.4byte gItemIconPalette_FightingTMHM
; HM07
.4byte gItemIcon_HM
.4byte gItemIconPalette_WaterTMHM
; HM08
.4byte gItemIcon_HM
.4byte gItemIconPalette_WaterTMHM
; ????????
.4byte gItemIcon_QuestionMark
.4byte gItemIconPalette_QuestionMark
; ????????
.4byte gItemIcon_QuestionMark
.4byte gItemIconPalette_QuestionMark
; Oak's Parcel
.4byte gItemIcon_OaksParcel
.4byte gItemIconPalette_OaksParcel
; Poké Flute
.4byte gItemIcon_PokeFlute
.4byte gItemIconPalette_PokeFlute
; Secret Key
.4byte gItemIcon_SecretKey
.4byte gItemIconPalette_SecretKey
; Bike Voucher
.4byte gItemIcon_BikeVoucher
.4byte gItemIconPalette_BikeVoucher
; Gold Teeth
.4byte gItemIcon_GoldTeeth
.4byte gItemIconPalette_GoldTeeth
; Old Amber
.4byte gItemIcon_OldAmber
.4byte gItemIconPalette_OldAmber
; Card Key
.4byte gItemIcon_CardKey
.4byte gItemIconPalette_CardKey
; Lift Key
.4byte gItemIcon_LiftKey
.4byte gItemIconPalette_Key
; Helix Fossil
.4byte gItemIcon_HelixFossil
.4byte gItemIconPalette_KantoFossil
; Dome Fossil
.4byte gItemIcon_DomeFossil
.4byte gItemIconPalette_KantoFossil
; Silph Scope
.4byte gItemIcon_SilphScope
.4byte gItemIconPalette_SilphScope
; Bicycle
.4byte gItemIcon_Bicycle
.4byte gItemIconPalette_Bicycle
; Town Map
.4byte gItemIcon_TownMap
.4byte gItemIconPalette_TownMap
; Vs. Seeker
.4byte gItemIcon_VSSeeker
.4byte gItemIconPalette_VSSeeker
; Fame Checker
.4byte gItemIcon_FameChecker
.4byte gItemIconPalette_FameChecker
; TM Case
.4byte gItemIcon_TMCase
.4byte gItemIconPalette_TMCase
; Berry Pouch
.4byte gItemIcon_BerryPouch
.4byte gItemIconPalette_BerryPouch
; Teachy TV
.4byte gItemIcon_TeachyTV
.4byte gItemIconPalette_TeachyTV
; Tri-Pass
.4byte gItemIcon_TriPass
.4byte gItemIconPalette_TriPass
; Rainbow Pass
.4byte gItemIcon_RainbowPass
.4byte gItemIconPalette_RainbowPass
; Tea
.4byte gItemIcon_Tea
.4byte gItemIconPalette_Tea
; Mystic Ticket
.4byte gItemIcon_MysticTicket
.4byte gItemIconPalette_MysticTicket
; Aurora Ticket
.4byte gItemIcon_AuroraTicket
.4byte gItemIconPalette_AuroraTicket
; Powder Jar
.4byte gItemIcon_PowderJar
.4byte gItemIconPalette_PowderJar
; Ruby
.4byte gItemIcon_Gem
.4byte gItemIconPalette_Ruby
; Sapphire
.4byte gItemIcon_Gem
.4byte gItemIconPalette_Sapphire
; Magma Emblem
.4byte gItemIcon_MagmaEmblem
.4byte gItemIconPalette_MagmaEmblem
; Old Sea Map
.4byte gItemIcon_OldSeaMap
.4byte gItemIconPalette_OldSeaMap
; Return to field arrow
.4byte gItemIcon_ReturnToFieldArrow
.4byte gItemIconPalette_ReturnToFieldArrow