mirror of
synced 2025-03-07 07:58:22 +01:00
* SetDecorationInventoriesPointers * ClearDecorationInventories * CheckHasDecoration * DecorationAdd * DecorationCheckSpace * DecorationRemove * sub_8161A38 * CountDecorations; Funcion renaming * Disassemble decoration data structs, tilemaps, and descriptions * sub_8126968 * sub_81269D4 * through sub_8126A88 * through sub_8126B2C * sub_8126B80 * sub_8126C08 * sub_8126C48 * sub_8126CA4 * sub_8126D10 * sub_8126E44 * sub_8126E8C * sub_8126F68 * sub_8127058 * sub_8127088 * sub_81270E8 * through sub_8127208 * through sub_8127268 * sub_8127284 * through sub_81272F8 * sub_8127330 * through sub_8127480 * sub_81274A0 * sub_8127500; makefile now tells scaninc to scan headers * Actual real fix to mapfile being in build/emerald instead of wd * through sub_812759C * through sub_812764C * through sub_8127744 * through sub_81277BC * sub_81277E8 * sub_8127814 * through sub_81279C4 * through sub_8127ACC * sub_8127B04 * sub_8127B54 * sub_8127B90 * sub_8127D38 * sub_8127E18 * sub_8127F68 * sub_8128060 * ConfigureCameraObjectForPlacingDecoration * SetUpPlacingDecorationPlayerAvatar * sub_812826C * through sub_8128414 * through sub_81284F4 * sub_812853C * sub_8128950 * through sub_8128AAC * through sub_8128BBC * c1_overworld_prev_quest * sub_8128C64 * sub_8128CD4 * sub_8128D10 * sub_8128DB4 * through sub_8128E18 * through sub_8129068 * sub_8129088 * through sub_81291E8 * sub_812925C * sub_81292D0 * sub_81292E8 * gpu_pal_decompress_alloc_tag_and_upload * AddDecorationIconObjectFromIconTable * GetDecorationIconPicOrPalette * AddDecorationIconObjectFromFieldObject * AddDecorationIconObject * through sub_8129708 * sub_81297F8 * sub_81298EC * SetUpPuttingAwayDecorationPlayerAvatar * sub_8129ABC * sub_8129B34 * sub_8129BCC * through sub_8129C74 * through sub_8129D8C * sub_8129E0C * sub_8129E74 * sub_8129F20 * sub_8129FC8 * sub_812A040 * nonmatching sub_812A0E8 * through sub_812A22C * sub_812A25C * sub_812A2C4 * through sub_812A39C * Remaining fns in decoration.s * Decompile decoration headers * Decompile all remaining decoration data that had already been disassembled * Disassemble two data objects * Suggest structure of list menu template * decompile through decoration list menu template * Disassemble decoration icon graphics table * Rip icon gfx * Decompile deco icon table * Decompile more data related to drawing decorations * Decompile gUnknown_085A7250 structs * Decompile two sprite templates * Decompile remaining data in decoration.s * Decompile decoration ewram * deco -> decor
582 lines
13 KiB
582 lines
13 KiB
// Created by scott on 10/21/2017.
const u8 DecorDesc_SMALL_DESK[] = _(
"A small desk built\n"
"for one.");
const u8 DecorDesc_POKEMON_DESK[] = _(
"A small desk built in\n"
"the shape of a POKé\n"
const u8 DecorDesc_HEAVY_DESK[] = _(
"A large desk made\n"
"of steel. Put some\n"
"decorations on it.");
const u8 DecorDesc_RAGGED_DESK[] = _(
"A large desk made\n"
"of wood. Put some\n"
"decorations on it.");
const u8 DecorDesc_COMFORT_DESK[] = _(
"A large desk made\n"
"of leaves. Put some\n"
"decorations on it.");
const u8 DecorDesc_PRETTY_DESK[] = _(
"A huge desk made\n"
"of glass. Holds lots\n"
"of decorations.");
const u8 DecorDesc_BRICK_DESK[] = _(
"A huge desk made\n"
"of brick. Holds lots\n"
"of decorations.");
const u8 DecorDesc_CAMP_DESK[] = _(
"A huge desk made\n"
"of logs. Put lots of\n"
"decorations on it.");
const u8 DecorDesc_HARD_DESK[] = _(
"A huge desk made\n"
"of rocks. Holds\n"
"many decorations.");
const u8 DecorDesc_SMALL_CHAIR[] = _(
"A small chair made\n"
"for one.");
const u8 DecorDesc_POKEMON_CHAIR[] = _(
"A small chair built\n"
"in the shape of a\n"
"POKé BALL.");
const u8 DecorDesc_HEAVY_CHAIR[] = _(
"A small chair made\n"
"of steel.");
const u8 DecorDesc_PRETTY_CHAIR[] = _(
"A small chair made\n"
"of glass.");
const u8 DecorDesc_COMFORT_CHAIR[] = _(
"A small chair made\n"
"of leaves.");
const u8 DecorDesc_RAGGED_CHAIR[] = _(
"A small chair made\n"
"of wood.");
const u8 DecorDesc_BRICK_CHAIR[] = _(
"A small chair made\n"
"of brick.");
const u8 DecorDesc_CAMP_CHAIR[] = _(
"A small chair made\n"
"of logs.");
const u8 DecorDesc_HARD_CHAIR[] = _(
"A small chair made\n"
"of rock.");
const u8 DecorDesc_RED_PLANT[] = _(
"A vivid red potted\n"
const u8 DecorDesc_TROPICAL_PLANT[] = _(
"A flowering tropical\n"
"plant in a pot.");
const u8 DecorDesc_PRETTY_FLOWERS[] = _(
"A pot of cute\n"
const u8 DecorDesc_COLORFUL_PLANT[] = _(
"A large pot with\n"
"many colorful\n"
const u8 DecorDesc_BIG_PLANT[] = _(
"A large, umbrella-\n"
"shaped plant in a\n"
"big pot.");
const u8 DecorDesc_GORGEOUS_PLANT[] = _(
"A large, impressive\n"
"plant in a big pot.");
const u8 DecorDesc_RED_BRICK[] = _(
"A red-colored brick.\n"
"Decorations can be\n"
"placed on top.");
const u8 DecorDesc_YELLOW_BRICK[] = _(
"A yellow-colored\n"
"brick. Put some\n"
"decorations on top.");
const u8 DecorDesc_BLUE_BRICK[] = _(
"A blue-colored\n"
"brick. Put some\n"
"decorations on top.");
const u8 DecorDesc_RED_BALLOON[] = _(
"A red balloon filled\n"
"with water. Bursts\n"
"if stepped on.");
const u8 DecorDesc_BLUE_BALLOON[] = _(
"A blue balloon filled\n"
"with water. Bursts\n"
"if stepped on.");
const u8 DecorDesc_YELLOW_BALLOON[] = _(
"A yellow balloon\n"
"filled with water.\n"
"Pops if stepped on.");
const u8 DecorDesc_RED_TENT[] = _(
"A large red tent.\n"
"You can hide inside\n"
const u8 DecorDesc_BLUE_TENT[] = _(
"A large blue tent.\n"
"You can hide inside\n"
const u8 DecorDesc_SOLID_BOARD[] = _(
"Place over a hole to\n"
"cross to the other\n"
const u8 DecorDesc_SLIDE[] = _(
"Use to slide down\n"
"from the platform.");
const u8 DecorDesc_FENCE_LENGTH[] = _(
"A small fence that\n"
"blocks passage.");
const u8 DecorDesc_FENCE_WIDTH[] = _(
"A small fence that\n"
"blocks passage.");
const u8 DecorDesc_TIRE[] = _(
"An old large tire.\n"
"Decorations can be\n"
"placed on top.");
const u8 DecorDesc_STAND[] = _(
"A large pedestal\n"
"with steps.");
const u8 DecorDesc_MUD_BALL[] = _(
"A large ball of mud.\n"
"Crumbles if stepped\n"
const u8 DecorDesc_BREAKABLE_DOOR[] = _(
"A weird door that\n"
"people can walk\n"
"right through.");
const u8 DecorDesc_SAND_ORNAMENT[] = _(
"An ornament made\n"
"of sand. Crumbles if\n"
const u8 DecorDesc_SILVER_SHIELD[] = _(
"Awarded for 50\n"
"straight wins at\n"
const u8 DecorDesc_GOLD_SHIELD[] = _(
"Awarded for 100\n"
"straight wins at\n"
const u8 DecorDesc_GLASS_ORNAMENT[] = _(
"A glass replica of\n"
"a famous sculpture\n"
"at the ART MUSEUM.");
const u8 DecorDesc_TV[] = _(
"A small, gray-\n"
"colored toy TV.");
const u8 DecorDesc_ROUND_TV[] = _(
"A toy TV modeled\n"
"in the image of a\n"
const u8 DecorDesc_CUTE_TV[] = _(
"A toy TV modeled\n"
"in the image of a\n"
const u8 DecorDesc_GLITTER_MAT[] = _(
"An odd mat that\n"
"glitters if stepped\n"
const u8 DecorDesc_JUMP_MAT[] = _(
"A trick mat that\n"
"jumps when it is\n"
"stepped on.");
const u8 DecorDesc_SPIN_MAT[] = _(
"A trick mat that\n"
"spins around when\n"
"stepped on.");
const u8 DecorDesc_C_LOW_NOTE_MAT[] = _(
"A mat that plays\n"
"a low C note when\n"
"stepped on.");
const u8 DecorDesc_D_NOTE_MAT[] = _(
"A mat that plays\n"
"a D note when\n"
"stepped on.");
const u8 DecorDesc_E_NOTE_MAT[] = _(
"A mat that plays\n"
"an E note when\n"
"stepped on.");
const u8 DecorDesc_F_NOTE_MAT[] = _(
"A mat that plays\n"
"an F note when\n"
"stepped on.");
const u8 DecorDesc_G_NOTE_MAT[] = _(
"A mat that plays\n"
"a G note when\n"
"stepped on.");
const u8 DecorDesc_A_NOTE_MAT[] = _(
"A mat that plays\n"
"an A note when\n"
"stepped on.");
const u8 DecorDesc_B_NOTE_MAT[] = _(
"A mat that plays\n"
"a B note when\n"
"stepped on.");
const u8 DecorDesc_C_HIGH_NOTE_MAT[] = _(
"A mat that plays\n"
"a high C note when\n"
"stepped on.");
const u8 DecorDesc_SURF_MAT[] = _(
"A mat designed with\n"
"a SURF image.\n"
"Put items on top.");
const u8 DecorDesc_THUNDER_MAT[] = _(
"A mat designed with\n"
"a THUNDER image.\n"
"Put items on top.");
const u8 DecorDesc_FIRE_BLAST_MAT[] = _(
"A mat designed with\n"
"a FIRE BLAST image.\n"
"Put items on top.");
const u8 DecorDesc_POWDER_SNOW_MAT[] = _(
"A mat with a POWDER\n"
"SNOW image design.\n"
"Put items on top.");
const u8 DecorDesc_ATTRACT_MAT[] = _(
"A mat designed with\n"
"an ATTRACT image.\n"
"Put items on top.");
const u8 DecorDesc_FISSURE_MAT[] = _(
"A mat designed with\n"
"a FISSURE image.\n"
"Put items on top.");
const u8 DecorDesc_SPIKES_MAT[] = _(
"A mat designed with\n"
"a SPIKES image.\n"
"Put items on top.");
const u8 DecorDesc_BALL_POSTER[] = _(
"A small poster\n"
"printed with POKé\n"
const u8 DecorDesc_GREEN_POSTER[] = _(
"A small poster with\n"
"a TREECKO print.");
const u8 DecorDesc_RED_POSTER[] = _(
"A small poster with\n"
"a TORCHIC print.");
const u8 DecorDesc_BLUE_POSTER[] = _(
"A small poster with\n"
"a MUDKIP print.");
const u8 DecorDesc_CUTE_POSTER[] = _(
"A small poster with\n"
"an AZURILL print.");
const u8 DecorDesc_PIKA_POSTER[] = _(
"A large poster with\n"
"a PIKACHU and\n"
"PICHU print.");
const u8 DecorDesc_LONG_POSTER[] = _(
"A large poster with\n"
"a SEVIPER print.");
const u8 DecorDesc_SEA_POSTER[] = _(
"A large poster with\n"
"a RELICANTH print.");
const u8 DecorDesc_SKY_POSTER[] = _(
"A large poster with\n"
"a WINGULL print.");
const u8 DecorDesc_KISS_POSTER[] = _(
"A large poster with\n"
"a SMOOCHUM print.");
const u8 DecorDesc_PICHU_DOLL[] = _(
"A PICHU doll.\n"
"Place it on a mat\n"
"or a desk.");
const u8 DecorDesc_PIKACHU_DOLL[] = _(
"A PIKACHU doll.\n"
"Place it on a mat\n"
"or a desk.");
const u8 DecorDesc_MARILL_DOLL[] = _(
"A MARILL doll.\n"
"Place it on a mat\n"
"or a desk.");
const u8 DecorDesc_TOGEPI_DOLL[] = _(
"A TOGEPI doll.\n"
"Place it on a mat\n"
"or a desk.");
const u8 DecorDesc_CYNDAQUIL_DOLL[] = _(
"A CYNDAQUIL doll.\n"
"Place it on a mat\n"
"or a desk.");
const u8 DecorDesc_CHIKORITA_DOLL[] = _(
"A CHIKORITA doll.\n"
"Place it on a mat\n"
"or a desk.");
const u8 DecorDesc_TOTODILE_DOLL[] = _(
"A TOTODILE doll.\n"
"Place it on a mat\n"
"or a desk.");
const u8 DecorDesc_JIGGLYPUFF_DOLL[] = _(
"A JIGGLYPUFF doll.\n"
"Place it on a mat\n"
"or a desk.");
const u8 DecorDesc_MEOWTH_DOLL[] = _(
"A MEOWTH doll.\n"
"Place it on a mat\n"
"or a desk.");
const u8 DecorDesc_CLEFAIRY_DOLL[] = _(
"A CLEFAIRY doll.\n"
"Place it on a mat\n"
"or a desk.");
const u8 DecorDesc_DITTO_DOLL[] = _(
"A DITTO doll.\n"
"Place it on a mat\n"
"or a desk.");
const u8 DecorDesc_SMOOCHUM_DOLL[] = _(
"A SMOOCHUM doll.\n"
"Place it on a mat\n"
"or a desk.");
const u8 DecorDesc_TREECKO_DOLL[] = _(
"A TREECKO doll.\n"
"Place it on a mat\n"
"or a desk.");
const u8 DecorDesc_TORCHIC_DOLL[] = _(
"A TORCHIC doll.\n"
"Place it on a mat\n"
"or a desk.");
const u8 DecorDesc_MUDKIP_DOLL[] = _(
"A MUDKIP doll.\n"
"Place it on a mat\n"
"or a desk.");
const u8 DecorDesc_DUSKULL_DOLL[] = _(
"A DUSKULL doll.\n"
"Place it on a mat\n"
"or a desk.");
const u8 DecorDesc_WYNAUT_DOLL[] = _(
"A WYNAUT doll.\n"
"Place it on a mat\n"
"or a desk.");
const u8 DecorDesc_BALTOY_DOLL[] = _(
"A BALTOY doll.\n"
"Place it on a mat\n"
"or a desk.");
const u8 DecorDesc_KECLEON_DOLL[] = _(
"A KECLEON doll.\n"
"Place it on a mat\n"
"or a desk.");
const u8 DecorDesc_AZURILL_DOLL[] = _(
"An AZURILL doll.\n"
"Place it on a mat\n"
"or a desk.");
const u8 DecorDesc_SKITTY_DOLL[] = _(
"A SKITTY doll.\n"
"Place it on a mat\n"
"or a desk.");
const u8 DecorDesc_SWABLU_DOLL[] = _(
"A SWABLU doll.\n"
"Place it on a mat\n"
"or a desk.");
const u8 DecorDesc_GULPIN_DOLL[] = _(
"A GULPIN doll.\n"
"Place it on a mat\n"
"or a desk.");
const u8 DecorDesc_LOTAD_DOLL[] = _(
"A LOTAD doll.\n"
"Place it on a mat\n"
"or a desk.");
const u8 DecorDesc_SEEDOT_DOLL[] = _(
"A SEEDOT doll.\n"
"Place it on a mat\n"
"or a desk.");
const u8 DecorDesc_PIKA_CUSHION[] = _(
"A PIKACHU cushion.\n"
"Place it on a mat\n"
"or a desk.");
const u8 DecorDesc_ROUND_CUSHION[] = _(
"A MARILL cushion.\n"
"Place it on a mat\n"
"or a desk.");
const u8 DecorDesc_KISS_CUSHION[] = _(
"cushion. Place it on\n"
"a mat or a desk.");
const u8 DecorDesc_ZIGZAG_CUSHION[] = _(
"cushion. Place it on\n"
"a mat or a desk.");
const u8 DecorDesc_SPIN_CUSHION[] = _(
"A SPINDA cushion.\n"
"Place it on a mat\n"
"or a desk.");
const u8 DecorDesc_DIAMOND_CUSHION[] = _(
"A SABLEYE cushion.\n"
"Place it on a mat\n"
"or a desk.");
const u8 DecorDesc_BALL_CUSHION[] = _(
"A BALL cushion.\n"
"Place it on a mat\n"
"or a desk.");
const u8 DecorDesc_GRASS_CUSHION[] = _(
"A grass-mark\n"
"cushion. Place it on\n"
"a mat or a desk.");
const u8 DecorDesc_FIRE_CUSHION[] = _(
"A fire-mark\n"
"cushion. Place it on\n"
"a mat or a desk.");
const u8 DecorDesc_WATER_CUSHION[] = _(
"A water-mark\n"
"cushion. Place it on\n"
"a mat or a desk.");
const u8 DecorDesc_SNORLAX_DOLL[] = _(
"A large doll.\n"
"Place it on a mat\n"
"or a desk.");
const u8 DecorDesc_RHYDON_DOLL[] = _(
"A large doll.\n"
"Place it on a mat\n"
"or a desk.");
const u8 DecorDesc_LAPRAS_DOLL[] = _(
"A large doll.\n"
"Place it on a mat\n"
"or a desk.");
const u8 DecorDesc_VENUSAUR_DOLL[] = _(
"A large doll.\n"
"Place it on a mat\n"
"or a desk.");
const u8 DecorDesc_CHARIZARD_DOLL[] = _(
"A large doll.\n"
"Place it on a mat\n"
"or a desk.");
const u8 DecorDesc_BLASTOISE_DOLL[] = _(
"A large doll.\n"
"Place it on a mat\n"
"or a desk.");
const u8 DecorDesc_WAILMER_DOLL[] = _(
"A large doll.\n"
"Place it on a mat\n"
"or a desk.");
const u8 DecorDesc_REGIROCK_DOLL[] = _(
"A large doll.\n"
"Place it on a mat\n"
"or a desk.");
const u8 DecorDesc_REGICE_DOLL[] = _(
"A large doll.\n"
"Place it on a mat\n"
"or a desk.");
const u8 DecorDesc_REGISTEEL_DOLL[] = _(
"A large doll.\n"
"Place it on a mat\n"
"or a desk.");