mirror of
synced 2025-03-14 09:42:24 +01:00
Some decapitalization
This commit is contained in:
@ -32,8 +32,7 @@ gText_Birch_AndYouAre::
.string "And you are?$"
.string "Are you a boy?\n"
.string "Or are you a girl?$"
.string "Who are you?$"
.string "All right.\n"
@ -18,18 +18,18 @@ const u8 gText_ExpandedPlaceholder_Kyogre[] = _("KYOGRE");
const u8 gText_ExpandedPlaceholder_Groudon[] = _("GROUDON");
const u8 gText_ExpandedPlaceholder_Brendan[] = _("BRENDAN");
const u8 gText_ExpandedPlaceholder_May[] = _("MAY");
const u8 gText_EggNickname[] = _("EGG");
const u8 gText_Pokemon[] = _("POKéMON");
const u8 gText_EggNickname[] = _("Egg");
const u8 gText_Pokemon[] = _("Pokémon");
const u8 gText_ProfBirchMatchCallName[] = _("PROF. BIRCH");
const u8 gText_MainMenuNewGame[] = _("NEW GAME");
const u8 gText_MainMenuContinue[] = _("CONTINUE");
const u8 gText_MainMenuOption[] = _("OPTION");
const u8 gText_MainMenuMysteryGift[] = _("MYSTERY GIFT");
const u8 gText_MainMenuMysteryGift2[] = _("MYSTERY GIFT");
const u8 gText_MainMenuMysteryEvents[] = _("MYSTERY EVENTS");
const u8 gText_MainMenuNewGame[] = _("New Game");
const u8 gText_MainMenuContinue[] = _("Continue");
const u8 gText_MainMenuOption[] = _("Option");
const u8 gText_MainMenuMysteryGift[] = _("Mystery Gift");
const u8 gText_MainMenuMysteryGift2[] = _("Mystery Gift");
const u8 gText_MainMenuMysteryEvents[] = _("Mystery Events");
const u8 gText_WirelessNotConnected[] = _("The Wireless Adapter is not\nconnected.");
const u8 gText_MysteryGiftCantUse[] = _("MYSTERY GIFT can't be used while\nthe Wireless Adapter is attached.");
const u8 gText_MysteryEventsCantUse[] = _("MYSTERY EVENTS can't be used while\nthe Wireless Adapter is attached.");
const u8 gText_MysteryGiftCantUse[] = _("Mystery Gift can't be used while\nthe Wireless Adapter is attached.");
const u8 gText_MysteryEventsCantUse[] = _("Mystery Events can't be used while\nthe Wireless Adapter is attached.");
const u8 gText_UpdatingSaveExternalData[] = _("Updating save file using external\ndata. Please wait."); // Unused
const u8 gText_SaveFileUpdated[] = _("The save file has been updated."); // Unused
const u8 gText_SaveFileCorrupted[] = _("The save file is corrupted. The\nprevious save file will be loaded.");
@ -100,40 +100,40 @@ const u8 gText_DefaultNameLillie[] = _("LILLIE");
const u8 gText_DefaultNameTerra[] = _("TERRA");
const u8 gText_DefaultNameLucy[] = _("LUCY");
const u8 gText_DefaultNameHalie[] = _("HALIE");
const u8 gText_ThisIsAPokemon[] = _("This is what we call a “POKéMON.”{PAUSE 96}\p");
const u8 gText_5MarksPokemon[] = _("????? POKéMON");
const u8 gText_ThisIsAPokemon[] = _("This is what we call a “Pokémon.”{PAUSE 96}\p");
const u8 gText_5MarksPokemon[] = _("????? Pokémon");
const u8 gText_UnkHeight[] = _("{CLEAR_TO 0x0C}??'??”");
const u8 gText_UnkWeight[] = _("????.? lbs.");
const u8 gText_EmptyPkmnCategory[] = _(" POKéMON"); // Unused
const u8 gText_EmptyPkmnCategory[] = _(" Pokémon"); // Unused
const u8 gText_EmptyHeight[] = _("{CLEAR_TO 0x0C} ' ”"); // Unused
const u8 gText_EmptyWeight[] = _(" . lbs."); // Unused
const u8 gText_EmptyPokedexInfo1[] = _(""); // Unused
const u8 gText_CryOf[] = _("CRY OF");
const u8 gText_EmptyPokedexInfo2[] = _(""); // Unused
const u8 gText_SizeComparedTo[] = _("SIZE COMPARED TO ");
const u8 gText_PokedexRegistration[] = _("POKéDEX registration completed.");
const u8 gText_PokedexRegistration[] = _("Pokédex registration completed.");
const u8 gText_HTHeight[] = _("HT");
const u8 gText_WTWeight[] = _("WT");
const u8 gText_SearchingPleaseWait[] = _("Searching…\nPlease wait.");
const u8 gText_SearchCompleted[] = _("Search completed.");
const u8 gText_NoMatchingPkmnWereFound[] = _("No matching POKéMON were found.");
const u8 gText_SearchForPkmnBasedOnParameters[] = _("Search for POKéMON based on\nselected parameters.");
const u8 gText_SwitchPokedexListings[] = _("Switch POKéDEX listings.");
const u8 gText_ReturnToPokedex[] = _("Return to the POKéDEX.");
const u8 gText_SelectPokedexMode[] = _("Select the POKéDEX mode.");
const u8 gText_SelectPokedexListingMode[] = _("Select the POKéDEX listing mode.");
const u8 gText_NoMatchingPkmnWereFound[] = _("No matching Pokémon were found.");
const u8 gText_SearchForPkmnBasedOnParameters[] = _("Search for Pokémon based on\nselected parameters.");
const u8 gText_SwitchPokedexListings[] = _("Switch Pokédex listings.");
const u8 gText_ReturnToPokedex[] = _("Return to the Pokédex.");
const u8 gText_SelectPokedexMode[] = _("Select the Pokédex mode.");
const u8 gText_SelectPokedexListingMode[] = _("Select the Pokédex listing mode.");
const u8 gText_ListByFirstLetter[] = _("List by the first letter in the name.\nSpotted POKéMON only.");
const u8 gText_ListByBodyColor[] = _("List by body color.\nSpotted POKéMON only.");
const u8 gText_ListByType[] = _("List by type.\nOwned POKéMON only.");
const u8 gText_ListByBodyColor[] = _("List by body color.\nSpotted Pokémon only.");
const u8 gText_ListByType[] = _("List by type.\nOwned Pokémon only.");
const u8 gText_ExecuteSearchSwitch[] = _("Execute search/switch.");
const u8 gText_DexHoennTitle[] = _("HOENN DEX");
const u8 gText_DexNatTitle[] = _("NATIONAL DEX");
const u8 gText_DexSortNumericalTitle[] = _("NUMERICAL MODE");
const u8 gText_DexSortAtoZTitle[] = _("A TO Z MODE");
const u8 gText_DexSortHeaviestTitle[] = _("HEAVIEST MODE");
const u8 gText_DexSortLightestTitle[] = _("LIGHTEST MODE");
const u8 gText_DexSortTallestTitle[] = _("TALLEST MODE");
const u8 gText_DexSortSmallestTitle[] = _("SMALLEST MODE");
const u8 gText_DexHoennTitle[] = _("Hoenn Dex");
const u8 gText_DexNatTitle[] = _("National Dex");
const u8 gText_DexSortNumericalTitle[] = _("Numerical Mode");
const u8 gText_DexSortAtoZTitle[] = _("A To Z Mode");
const u8 gText_DexSortHeaviestTitle[] = _("Heaviest Mode");
const u8 gText_DexSortLightestTitle[] = _("Lightest Mode");
const u8 gText_DexSortTallestTitle[] = _("Tallest Mode");
const u8 gText_DexSortSmallestTitle[] = _("Smallest Mode");
const u8 gText_DexSearchAlphaABC[] = _("ABC");
const u8 gText_DexSearchAlphaDEF[] = _("DEF");
const u8 gText_DexSearchAlphaGHI[] = _("GHI");
@ -143,31 +143,31 @@ const u8 gText_DexSearchAlphaPQR[] = _("PQR");
const u8 gText_DexSearchAlphaSTU[] = _("STU");
const u8 gText_DexSearchAlphaVWX[] = _("VWX");
const u8 gText_DexSearchAlphaYZ[] = _("YZ");
const u8 gText_DexSearchColorRed[] = _("RED");
const u8 gText_DexSearchColorBlue[] = _("BLUE");
const u8 gText_DexSearchColorYellow[] = _("YELLOW");
const u8 gText_DexSearchColorGreen[] = _("GREEN");
const u8 gText_DexSearchColorBlack[] = _("BLACK");
const u8 gText_DexSearchColorBrown[] = _("BROWN");
const u8 gText_DexSearchColorPurple[] = _("PURPLE");
const u8 gText_DexSearchColorGray[] = _("GRAY");
const u8 gText_DexSearchColorWhite[] = _("WHITE");
const u8 gText_DexSearchColorPink[] = _("PINK");
const u8 gText_DexHoennDescription[] = _("HOENN region's POKéDEX");
const u8 gText_DexNatDescription[] = _("National edition POKéDEX");
const u8 gText_DexSortNumericalDescription[] = _("POKéMON are listed according to their\nnumber.");
const u8 gText_DexSortAtoZDescription[] = _("Spotted and owned POKéMON are listed\nalphabetically.");
const u8 gText_DexSortHeaviestDescription[] = _("Owned POKéMON are listed from the\nheaviest to the lightest.");
const u8 gText_DexSortLightestDescription[] = _("Owned POKéMON are listed from the\nlightest to the heaviest.");
const u8 gText_DexSortTallestDescription[] = _("Owned POKéMON are listed from the\ntallest to the smallest.");
const u8 gText_DexSortSmallestDescription[] = _("Owned POKéMON are listed from the\nsmallest to the tallest.");
const u8 gText_DexSearchColorRed[] = _("Red");
const u8 gText_DexSearchColorBlue[] = _("Blue");
const u8 gText_DexSearchColorYellow[] = _("Yellow");
const u8 gText_DexSearchColorGreen[] = _("Green");
const u8 gText_DexSearchColorBlack[] = _("Black");
const u8 gText_DexSearchColorBrown[] = _("Brown");
const u8 gText_DexSearchColorPurple[] = _("Purple");
const u8 gText_DexSearchColorGray[] = _("Gray");
const u8 gText_DexSearchColorWhite[] = _("White");
const u8 gText_DexSearchColorPink[] = _("Pink");
const u8 gText_DexHoennDescription[] = _("Hoenn region's Pokédex");
const u8 gText_DexNatDescription[] = _("National edition Pokédex");
const u8 gText_DexSortNumericalDescription[] = _("Pokémon are listed according to their\nnumber.");
const u8 gText_DexSortAtoZDescription[] = _("Spotted and owned Pokémon are listed\nalphabetically.");
const u8 gText_DexSortHeaviestDescription[] = _("Owned Pokémon are listed from the\nheaviest to the lightest.");
const u8 gText_DexSortLightestDescription[] = _("Owned Pokémon are listed from the\nlightest to the heaviest.");
const u8 gText_DexSortTallestDescription[] = _("Owned Pokémon are listed from the\ntallest to the smallest.");
const u8 gText_DexSortSmallestDescription[] = _("Owned Pokémon are listed from the\nsmallest to the tallest.");
const u8 gText_DexEmptyString[] = _("");
const u8 gText_DexSearchDontSpecify[] = _("DON'T SPECIFY.");
const u8 gText_DexSearchTypeNone[] = _("NONE");
const u8 gText_DexSearchDontSpecify[] = _("Don't Specify.");
const u8 gText_DexSearchTypeNone[] = _("None");
const u8 gText_SelectorArrow[] = _("▶");
const u8 gText_EmptySpace[] = _(" "); // Unused
const u8 gText_WelcomeToHOF[] = _("Welcome to the HALL OF FAME!");
const u8 gText_HOFDexRating[] = _("Spotted POKéMON: {STR_VAR_1}!\nOwned POKéMON: {STR_VAR_2}!\pPROF. BIRCH's POKéDEX rating!\pPROF. BIRCH: Let's see…\p");
const u8 gText_HOFDexRating[] = _("Spotted POKéMON: {STR_VAR_1}!\nOwned Pokémon: {STR_VAR_2}!\pPROF. BIRCH's Pokédex rating!\pPROF. BIRCH: Let's see…\p");
const u8 gText_HOFDexSaving[] = _("SAVING…\nDON'T TURN OFF THE POWER.");
const u8 gText_HOFCorrupted[] = _("The HALL OF FAME data is corrupted.");
const u8 gText_HOFNumber[] = _("HALL OF FAME No. {STR_VAR_1}");
@ -177,8 +177,8 @@ const u8 gText_Level[] = _("Lv. ");
const u8 gText_IdNumberSlash[] = _("IDNo. /"); // Unused
const u8 gText_Name[] = _("NAME");
const u8 gText_IDNumber[] = _("IDNo.");
const u8 gText_BirchInTrouble[] = _("PROF. BIRCH is in trouble!\nRelease a POKéMON and rescue him!");
const u8 gText_ConfirmStarterChoice[] = _("Do you choose this POKéMON?");
const u8 gText_BirchInTrouble[] = _("PROF. BIRCH is in trouble!\nRelease a Pokémon and rescue him!");
const u8 gText_ConfirmStarterChoice[] = _("Do you choose this Pokémon?");
const u8 gText_Pokemon4[] = _("POKéMON"); // Unused
const u8 gText_FlyToWhere[] = _("FLY to where?");
const u8 gMenuText_Use[] = _("USE");
@ -493,34 +493,34 @@ ALIGNED(4) const u8 gText_OtherTrainerCantAcceptPkmn[] = _("The other TRAINER ca
ALIGNED(4) const u8 gText_CantTradeWithTrainer[] = _("You can't trade with that\nTRAINER now.");
ALIGNED(4) const u8 gText_NotPkmnOtherTrainerWants[] = _("That isn't the type of POKéMON\nthat the other TRAINER wants.");
ALIGNED(4) const u8 gText_ThatIsntAnEgg[] = _("That isn't an EGG.");
const u8 gText_Register[] = _("REGISTER");
const u8 gText_Attack3[] = _("ATTACK");
const u8 gText_Defense3[] = _("DEFENSE");
const u8 gText_SpAtk4[] = _("SP. ATK");
const u8 gText_SpDef4[] = _("SP. DEF");
const u8 gText_Speed2[] = _("SPEED");
const u8 gText_Register[] = _("Register");
const u8 gText_Attack3[] = _("Attack");
const u8 gText_Defense3[] = _("Defense");
const u8 gText_SpAtk4[] = _("SP. Atk");
const u8 gText_SpDef4[] = _("SP. Def");
const u8 gText_Speed2[] = _("Speed");
const u8 gText_HP4[] = _("HP");
const u8 gText_EmptyString8[] = _(""); // Unused
const u8 gText_OTSlash[] = _("OT/");
const u8 gText_RentalPkmn[] = _("RENTAL POKéMON");
const u8 gText_TypeSlash[] = _("TYPE/");
const u8 gText_Power[] = _("POWER");
const u8 gText_Accuracy2[] = _("ACCURACY");
const u8 gText_Appeal[] = _("APPEAL");
const u8 gText_Jam[] = _("JAM");
const u8 gText_Status[] = _("STATUS");
const u8 gText_ExpPoints[] = _("EXP. POINTS");
const u8 gText_NextLv[] = _("NEXT LV.");
const u8 gText_RibbonsVar1[] = _("RIBBONS: {STR_VAR_1}");
const u8 gText_RentalPkmn[] = _("Rental Pokémon");
const u8 gText_TypeSlash[] = _("Type/");
const u8 gText_Power[] = _("Power");
const u8 gText_Accuracy2[] = _("Accuracy");
const u8 gText_Appeal[] = _("Appeal");
const u8 gText_Jam[] = _("Jam");
const u8 gText_Status[] = _("Status");
const u8 gText_ExpPoints[] = _("EXP. Points");
const u8 gText_NextLv[] = _("Next LV.");
const u8 gText_RibbonsVar1[] = _("Ribbons: {STR_VAR_1}");
const u8 gText_EmptyString5[] = _("");
const u8 gText_Events[] = _("EVENTS"); // Unused
const u8 gText_Switch[] = _("SWITCH");
const u8 gText_PkmnInfo[] = _("POKéMON INFO");
const u8 gText_PkmnSkills[] = _("POKéMON SKILLS");
const u8 gText_BattleMoves[] = _("BATTLE MOVES");
const u8 gText_ContestMoves[] = _("C0NTEST MOVES");
const u8 gText_Info[] = _("INFO");
const u8 gText_EggWillTakeALongTime[] = _("It looks like this EGG will\ntake a long time to hatch.");
const u8 gText_Switch[] = _("Switch");
const u8 gText_PkmnInfo[] = _("Pokémon Info");
const u8 gText_PkmnSkills[] = _("Pokémon Skills");
const u8 gText_BattleMoves[] = _("Battle Moves");
const u8 gText_ContestMoves[] = _("Contest Moves");
const u8 gText_Info[] = _("Info");
const u8 gText_EggWillTakeALongTime[] = _("It looks like this Egg will\ntake a long time to hatch.");
const u8 gText_EggWillTakeSomeTime[] = _("What will hatch from this?\nIt will take some time.");
const u8 gText_EggWillHatchSoon[] = _("It moves occasionally.\nIt should hatch soon.");
const u8 gText_EggAboutToHatch[] = _("It's making sounds.\nIt's about to hatch!");
@ -533,20 +533,20 @@ const u8 gText_XNatureProbablyMetAt[] = _("{DYNAMIC 0}{DYNAMIC 2}{DYNAMIC 1}{DYN
const u8 gText_XNature[] = _("{DYNAMIC 0}{DYNAMIC 2}{DYNAMIC 1}{DYNAMIC 5} nature");
const u8 gText_XNatureMetSomewhereAt[] = _("{DYNAMIC 0}{DYNAMIC 2}{DYNAMIC 1}{DYNAMIC 5} nature,\nmet somewhere at {LV_2}{DYNAMIC 0}{DYNAMIC 3}{DYNAMIC 1}.");
const u8 gText_XNatureHatchedSomewhereAt[] = _("{DYNAMIC 0}{DYNAMIC 2}{DYNAMIC 1}{DYNAMIC 5} nature,\nhatched somewhere at {LV_2}{DYNAMIC 0}{DYNAMIC 3}{DYNAMIC 1}.");
const u8 gText_OddEggFoundByCouple[] = _("An odd POKéMON EGG found\nby the DAY CARE couple.");
const u8 gText_PeculiarEggNicePlace[] = _("A peculiar POKéMON EGG\nobtained at the nice place.");
const u8 gText_PeculiarEggTrade[] = _("A peculiar POKéMON EGG\nobtained in a trade.");
const u8 gText_EggFromHotSprings[] = _("A POKéMON EGG obtained\nat the hot springs.");
const u8 gText_EggFromTraveler[] = _("An odd POKéMON EGG\nobtained from a traveler.");
const u8 gText_ApostropheSBase[] = _("'s BASE");
const u8 gText_OddEggFoundByCouple[] = _("An odd Pokémon Egg found\nby the Day Care couple.");
const u8 gText_PeculiarEggNicePlace[] = _("A peculiar POKéMON Egg\nobtained at the nice place.");
const u8 gText_PeculiarEggTrade[] = _("A peculiar POKéMON Egg\nobtained in a trade.");
const u8 gText_EggFromHotSprings[] = _("A Pokémon Egg obtained\nat the hot springs.");
const u8 gText_EggFromTraveler[] = _("An odd Pokémon Egg\nobtained from a traveler.");
const u8 gText_ApostropheSBase[] = _("'s Base");
const u8 gText_OkayToDeleteFromRegistry[] = _("Is it okay to delete {STR_VAR_1}\nfrom the REGISTRY?");
const u8 gText_RegisteredDataDeleted[] = _("The registered data was deleted.{PAUSE_UNTIL_PRESS}");
const u8 gText_NoRegistry[] = _("There is no REGISTRY.{PAUSE_UNTIL_PRESS}");
const u8 gText_DelRegist[] = _("DEL REGIST.");
const u8 gText_Var3Var1SlashVar2[] = _("{STR_VAR_3}{STR_VAR_1}/{STR_VAR_2}"); // Unused
const u8 gText_Decorate[] = _("DECORATE");
const u8 gText_PutAway[] = _("PUT AWAY");
const u8 gText_Toss2[] = _("TOSS");
const u8 gText_Decorate[] = _("Decorate");
const u8 gText_PutAway[] = _("Put Away");
const u8 gText_Toss2[] = _("Toss");
const u8 gText_Color161Shadow161[] = _("{COLOR 161}{SHADOW 161}");
const u8 gText_PutOutSelectedDecorItem[] = _("Put out the selected decoration item.");
const u8 gText_StoreChosenDecorInPC[] = _("Store the chosen decoration in the PC.");
@ -1590,22 +1590,22 @@ const u8 gEasyChatGroupName_TrendySaying[] = _("TRENDY SAYING");
const u8 gEasyChatGroupName_Pokemon2[] = _("POKéMON2");
const u8 gText_ThreeQuestionMarks[] = _("???");
const u8 gText_MaxHP[] = _("MAX. HP");
const u8 gText_Attack[] = _("ATTACK");
const u8 gText_Defense[] = _("DEFENSE");
const u8 gText_Speed[] = _("SPEED");
const u8 gText_SpAtk[] = _("SP. ATK");
const u8 gText_SpDef[] = _("SP. DEF");
const u8 gText_MaxHP[] = _("Max. HP");
const u8 gText_Attack[] = _("Attack");
const u8 gText_Defense[] = _("Defense");
const u8 gText_Speed[] = _("Speed");
const u8 gText_SpAtk[] = _("SP. Atk");
const u8 gText_SpDef[] = _("SP. Def");
const u8 gText_Plus[] = _("{PLUS}");
const u8 gText_Dash[] = _("-");
const u8 gText_FromSpace[] = _("From ");
const u8 gText_MixingRecords[] = _("Mixing records…");
const u8 gText_RecordMixingComplete[] = _("Record mixing completed.\nThank you for waiting.");
const u8 gText_YourName[] = _("YOUR NAME?");
const u8 gText_BoxName[] = _("BOX NAME?");
const u8 gText_YourName[] = _("Your Name?");
const u8 gText_BoxName[] = _("Box Name?");
const u8 gText_PkmnsNickname[] = _("{STR_VAR_1}'s nickname?");
const u8 gText_TellHimTheWords[] = _("Tell him the words.");
const u8 gText_MoveOkBack[] = _("{DPAD_NONE}MOVE {A_BUTTON}OK {B_BUTTON}BACK");
const u8 gText_MoveOkBack[] = _("{DPAD_NONE}Move {A_BUTTON}OK {B_BUTTON}Back");
const u8 gText_CallCantBeMadeHere[] = _("A call can't be made from here.");
const u8 gText_ContestLady_Handsome[] = _("HANDSOME");
const u8 gText_ContestLady_Vinny[] = _("VINNY");
@ -1624,43 +1624,43 @@ const u8 gText_FavorLady_Whamish[] = _("wham-ish");
const u8 gText_FavorLady_Shiny[] = _("shiny");
const u8 gText_FavorLady_Sticky[] = _("sticky");
const u8 gText_FavorLady_Pointy[] = _("pointy");
const u8 gText_RentalPkmn2[] = _("RENTAL POKéMON");
const u8 gText_SelectFirstPkmn[] = _("Select the first POKéMON.");
const u8 gText_SelectSecondPkmn[] = _("Select the second POKéMON.");
const u8 gText_SelectThirdPkmn[] = _("Select the third POKéMON.");
const u8 gText_Rent[] = _("RENT");
const u8 gText_Summary[] = _("SUMMARY");
const u8 gText_Others2[] = _("OTHERS");
const u8 gText_Deselect[] = _("DESELECT");
const u8 gText_TheseThreePkmnOkay[] = _("Are these three POKéMON OK?");
const u8 gText_Yes2[] = _("YES");
const u8 gText_No2[] = _("NO");
const u8 gText_RentalPkmn2[] = _("Rental Pokémon");
const u8 gText_SelectFirstPkmn[] = _("Select the first Pokémon.");
const u8 gText_SelectSecondPkmn[] = _("Select the second Pokémon.");
const u8 gText_SelectThirdPkmn[] = _("Select the third Pokémon.");
const u8 gText_Rent[] = _("Rent");
const u8 gText_Summary[] = _("Summary");
const u8 gText_Others2[] = _("Others");
const u8 gText_Deselect[] = _("Deselect");
const u8 gText_TheseThreePkmnOkay[] = _("Are these three Pokémon OK?");
const u8 gText_Yes2[] = _("Yes");
const u8 gText_No2[] = _("No");
const u8 gText_CantSelectSamePkmn[] = _("Can't select same {PKMN}.");
const u8 gText_PkmnSwap[] = _("POKéMON SWAP");
const u8 gText_SelectPkmnToSwap[] = _("Select POKéMON to swap.");
const u8 gText_SelectPkmnToAccept[] = _("Select POKéMON to accept.");
const u8 gText_Swap[] = _("SWAP");
const u8 gText_Summary2[] = _("SUMMARY");
const u8 gText_Rechoose[] = _("RECHOOSE");
const u8 gText_PkmnSwap[] = _("Pokémon Swap");
const u8 gText_SelectPkmnToSwap[] = _("Select Pokémon to swap.");
const u8 gText_SelectPkmnToAccept[] = _("Select Pokémon to accept.");
const u8 gText_Swap[] = _("Swap");
const u8 gText_Summary2[] = _("Summary");
const u8 gText_Rechoose[] = _("Rechoose");
const u8 gText_QuitSwapping[] = _("Quit swapping?");
const u8 gText_Yes3[] = _("YES");
const u8 gText_No3[] = _("NO");
const u8 gText_PkmnForSwap[] = _("{PKMN} FOR SWAP");
const u8 gText_Cancel3[] = _("CANCEL");
const u8 gText_Swap2[] = _("SWAP"); // Unused
const u8 gText_Accept[] = _("ACCEPT"); // Unused
const u8 gText_AcceptThisPkmn[] = _("Accept this POKéMON?");
const u8 gText_Yes3[] = _("Yes");
const u8 gText_No3[] = _("No");
const u8 gText_PkmnForSwap[] = _("{PKMN} For Swap");
const u8 gText_Cancel3[] = _("Cancel");
const u8 gText_Swap2[] = _("Swap"); // Unused
const u8 gText_Accept[] = _("Accept"); // Unused
const u8 gText_AcceptThisPkmn[] = _("Accept this Pokémon?");
const u8 gText_4Spaces[] = _(" "); // Unused
const u8 gText_SamePkmnInPartyAlready[] = _("Same {PKMN} in party already.");
const u8 gText_DecimalPoint[] = _(".");
const u8 gText_SavingPlayer[] = _("PLAYER");
const u8 gText_SavingBadges[] = _("BADGES");
const u8 gText_SavingPokedex[] = _("POKéDEX");
const u8 gText_SavingTime[] = _("TIME");
const u8 gText_SavingPlayer[] = _("Player");
const u8 gText_SavingBadges[] = _("Badges");
const u8 gText_SavingPokedex[] = _("Pokédex");
const u8 gText_SavingTime[] = _("Time");
const u8 gText_WirelessCommStatus[] = _("Wireless Communication Status");
const u8 gText_PeopleTrading[] = _("People trading:");
const u8 gText_PeopleBattling[] = _("People battling:");
const u8 gText_PeopleInUnionRoom[] = _("People in the UNION ROOM:");
const u8 gText_PeopleInUnionRoom[] = _("People in the Union Room:");
const u8 gText_PeopleCommunicating[] = _("People communicating:");
const u8 gText_F700Players[] = _("{DYNAMIC 0} players");
const u8 gText_F701Players[] = _("{DYNAMIC 1} players");
Reference in New Issue
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