#define B_CRIT_CHANCE GEN_LATEST // Chances of a critical hit landing. See CalcCritChanceStage. Gen6+ chances guarantee that Farfetch'd and Sirfetch'd always get critical hits while holding a Leek and using high-crit ratio moves.
#define B_CRIT_MULTIPLIER GEN_LATEST // In Gen6+, critical hits multiply damage by 1.5 instead of 2.
#define B_PARALYSIS_SPEED GEN_LATEST // In Gen7+, Speed is decreased by 50% instead of 75%.
#define B_CONFUSION_SELF_DMG_CHANCE GEN_LATEST // In Gen7+, confusion has a 33.3% of self-damage, instead of 50%.
#define B_MULTI_HIT_CHANCE GEN_LATEST // In Gen5+, multi-hit moves have different %. See Cmd_setmultihitcounter for values.
#define B_WHITEOUT_MONEY GEN_LATEST // In Gen4+, the amount of money lost by losing a battle is determined by the amount of badges earned. Previously, it would cut the current money by half. (While this change was also in FRLG, for the sake of simplicity, setting this to GEN_3 will result in RSE behavior.)
#define B_GHOSTS_ESCAPE GEN_LATEST // In Gen6+, abilities like Shadow Tag or moves like Mean Look fail on Ghost-type Pokémon. They can also escape any Wild Battle.
#define B_PARALYZE_ELECTRIC GEN_LATEST // In Gen6+, Electric-type Pokémon can't be paralyzed.
#define B_POWDER_GRASS GEN_LATEST // In Gen6+, Grass-type Pokémon are immune to powder and spore moves.
#define B_STEEL_RESISTANCES GEN_LATEST // In Gen6+, Steel-type Pokémon are no longer resistant to Dark-type and Ghost-type moves.
#define B_PRANKSTER_DARK_TYPES GEN_LATEST // In Gen7+, Prankster-elevated status moves do not affect Dark type Pokémon.
#define B_SHEER_COLD_IMMUNITY GEN_LATEST // In Gen7+, Ice-types are immune to Sheer Cold
#define B_BINDING_TURNS GEN_LATEST // In Gen5+, binding moves last for 4-5 turns instead of 2-5 turns. (With Grip Claw, 7 and 5 turns respectively.)
#define B_UPROAR_TURNS GEN_LATEST // In Gen5+, Uproar lasts for 3 turns instead of 2-5 turns.
#define B_DISABLE_TURNS GEN_LATEST // Disable's turns. See Cmd_disablelastusedattack.
#define B_TAILWIND_TURNS GEN_LATEST // In Gen5+, Tailwind lasts 4 turns instead of 3.
#define B_SLEEP_TURNS GEN_LATEST // In Gen5+, sleep lasts for 1-3 turns instead of 2-5 turns.
#define B_TAUNT_TURNS GEN_LATEST // In Gen5+, Taunt lasts 3 turns if the user acts before the target, or 4 turns if the target acted before the user. In Gen3, taunt lasts 2 turns and in Gen 4, 3-5 turns.
#define B_SPORT_TURNS GEN_LATEST // In Gen6+, Water/Mud Sport last 5 turns, even if the user switches out.
#define B_MEGA_EVO_TURN_ORDER GEN_LATEST // In Gen7, a Pokémon's Speed after Mega Evolution is used to determine turn order, not its Speed before.
#define B_RECALC_TURN_AFTER_ACTIONS GEN_LATEST // In Gen8, switching/using a move affects the current turn's order of actions.
#define B_FAINT_SWITCH_IN GEN_LATEST // In Gen4+, sending out a new Pokémon after the previous one fainted happens at the end of the turn. Before, it would happen after each action.
#define B_UPDATED_MOVE_DATA GEN_LATEST // Updates move data in gBattleMoves, including Power, Accuracy, PP, stat changes, targets and chances of secondary effects.
#define B_PHYSICAL_SPECIAL_SPLIT GEN_LATEST // In Gen3, the move's type determines if it will do physical or special damage. The split icon in the summary will reflect this.
#define B_RECOIL_IF_MISS_DMG GEN_LATEST // In Gen5+, Jump Kick and High Jump Kick will always do half of the user's max HP when missing.
#define B_KLUTZ_FLING_INTERACTION GEN_LATEST // In Gen5+, Pokémon with the Klutz ability can't use Fling.
#define B_UPDATED_CONVERSION GEN_LATEST // In Gen6+, Conversion changes the user's type to match their first move's. Before, it would choose a move at random.
#define B_PP_REDUCED_BY_SPITE GEN_LATEST // In Gen4+, Spite reduces the foe's last move's PP by 4, instead of 2 to 5.
#define B_FELL_STINGER_STAT_RAISE GEN_LATEST // In Gen7+, it raises Atk by 3 stages instead of 2 if it causes the target to faint.
#define B_KINGS_SHIELD_LOWER_ATK GEN_LATEST // In Gen8+, it lowers Atk by 1 stage instead of 2 of oponents that hit it.
#define B_SPEED_BUFFING_RAPID_SPIN GEN_LATEST // In Gen8, Rapid Spin raises the user's Speed by 1 stage.
#define B_CHARGE_SPDEF_RAISE GEN_LATEST // In Gen5+, Charge raises the user's Special Defense by 1 stage.
#define B_MINIMIZE_EVASION GEN_LATEST // In Gen5+, Minimize raises evasion by 2 stages instead of 1.
#define B_GROWTH_STAT_RAISE GEN_LATEST // In Gen5+, Growth raises Attack in addition to Special Attack by 1 stage each. Under the effects of the sun, it raises them by 2 stages each instead.
#define B_SOUND_SUBSTITUTE GEN_LATEST // In Gen6+, sound moves bypass Substitute.
#define B_INCINERATE_GEMS GEN_LATEST // In Gen6+, Incinerate can destroy Gems.
#define B_CAN_SPITE_FAIL GEN_LATEST // In Gen4+, Spite can no longer fail if the foe's last move only has 1 remaining PP.
#define B_CRASH_IF_TARGET_IMMUNE GEN_LATEST // In Gen4+, The user of Jump Kick or High Jump Kick will "keep going and crash" if it attacks a target that is immune to the move.
#define B_MEMENTO_FAIL GEN_LATEST // In Gen4+, Memento fails if there is no target or if the target is protected or behind substitute. But not if Atk/Sp. Atk are at -6.
#define B_GLARE_GHOST GEN_LATEST // In Gen4+, Glare can hit Ghost-type Pokémon normally.
#define B_SKILL_SWAP GEN_LATEST // In Gen4+, Skill Swap triggers switch-in abilities after use.
#define B_BRICK_BREAK GEN_LATEST // In Gen4+, you can destroy your own side's screens. In Gen 5+, screens are not removed if the target is immune.
#define B_WISH_HP_SOURCE GEN_LATEST // In Gen5+, Wish heals half of the user's max HP instead of the target's.
#define B_RAMPAGE_CANCELLING GEN_LATEST // In Gen5+, a failed Thrash, etc, will cancel except on its last turn.
#define B_HEAL_BLOCKING GEN_LATEST // In Gen5+, Heal Block prevents healing by Black Sludge, Leftovers, Shell Bell. Affected Pokémon will not consume held HP-restoring Berries or Berry Juice.
// Draining abilities will not heal but will prevent damage. In Gen6+, Heal Block prevents the use of most HP-draining moves.
#define B_ROOTED_GROUNDING GEN_LATEST // In Gen4+, Ingrain causes the affected Pokémon to become grounded.
#define B_BEAT_UP GEN_LATEST // In Gen5+, Beat Up uses a different formula to calculate its damage, and deals Dark-type damage. Prior to Gen 5, each hit also announces the party member's name.
#define B_BURN_HIT_THAW GEN_LATEST // In Gen6+, damaging moves with a chance of burn will thaw the target, regardless if they're fire-type moves or not.
#define B_STOCKPILE_RAISES_DEFS GEN_LATEST // In Gen4+, Stockpile also raises Defense and Sp. Defense stats. Once Spit Up / Swallow is used, these stat changes are lost.
#define B_EXPANDED_ABILITY_NAMES TRUE // If TRUE, ability names are increased from 12 characters to 16 characters.
#define B_ABILITY_WEATHER GEN_LATEST // In Gen6+, ability-induced weather lasts 5 turns. Before, it lasted until the battle ended or until it was changed by a move or a different weather-affecting ability.
#define B_GALE_WINGS GEN_LATEST // In Gen7+ requires full HP to trigger.
#define B_STANCE_CHANGE_FAIL GEN_LATEST // In Gen7+, Stance Change fails if the Pokémon is unable to use a move because of confusion, paralysis, etc. In Gen6, it doesn't.
#define B_SHADOW_TAG_ESCAPE GEN_LATEST // In Gen4+, if both sides have a Pokémon with Shadow Tag, all battlers can escape. Before, neither side could escape this situation.
#define B_MOODY_ACC_EVASION GEN_LATEST // In Gen8, Moody CANNOT raise Accuracy and Evasion anymore.
#define B_FLASH_FIRE_FROZEN GEN_LATEST // In Gen5+, Flash Fire can trigger even when frozen, when it couldn't before.
#define B_SYNCHRONIZE_NATURE GEN_LATEST // In Gen8, if a Pokémon with Synchronize is leading the party, it's 100% guaranteed that wild Pokémon will have the same ability, as opposed to 50% previously.
#define B_SYNCHRONIZE_TOXIC GEN_LATEST // In Gen5+, if a Pokémon with Synchronize is badly poisoned, the opponent will also become badly poisoned. Previously, the opponent would become regular poisoned.
#define B_UPDATED_INTIMIDATE GEN_LATEST // In Gen8, Intimidate doesn't work on opponents with the Inner Focus, Scrappy, Own Tempo or Oblivious abilities. It also activates Rattled.
#define B_OBLIVIOUS_TAUNT GEN_LATEST // In Gen6+, Pokémon with Oblivious can't be taunted.
#define B_STURDY GEN_LATEST // In Gen5+, Sturdy causes the Pokémon to have 1 HP remaining if another Pokémon's attack or confusion damage would have brought it from full health to 0 HP.
#define B_PLUS_MINUS_INTERACTION GEN_LATEST // In Gen5+, Plus and Minus can be activated with themselves and the opposite ability. Before, only the opposing ability could activate it.
#define B_WEATHER_FORMS GEN_LATEST // In Gen5+, Castform and Cherrim revert to their base form upon losing their respective ability. Cherrim needs Flower Gift to swap forms.
#define B_SYMBIOSIS_GEMS GEN_LATEST // In Gen7+, Symbiosis passes an item after a gem-boosted attack. Previously, items are passed before the gem-boosted attack hits, making the item effect apply.
#define B_ABSORBING_ABILITY_STRING GEN_LATEST // In Gen5+, the abilities that absorb moves of a certain type use a generic string for stat increases and decreases.
#define B_HP_BERRIES GEN_LATEST // In Gen4+, berries which restore hp activate immediately after HP drops to half. In Gen3, the effect occurs at the end of the turn.
#define B_BERRIES_INSTANT GEN_LATEST // In Gen4+, most berries activate on battle start/switch-in if applicable. In Gen3, they only activate either at the move end or turn end.
#define B_CONFUSE_BERRIES_HEAL GEN_LATEST // Before Gen7, Figy and similar berries restore 1/8th of HP and trigger at half HP. In Gen7 they restore half HP, triggering at 25% HP. In Gen8 they heal 1/3rd of HP.
#define B_X_ITEMS_BUFF GEN_LATEST // In Gen7+, the X Items raise a stat by 2 stages instead of 1.
#define B_MENTAL_HERB GEN_LATEST // In Gen5+, the Mental Herb cures Taunt, Encore, Torment, Heal Block, and Disable in addition to Infatuation from before.
#define B_TRAINERS_KNOCK_OFF_ITEMS TRUE // If TRUE, trainers can steal/swap your items (non-berries are restored after battle). In vanilla games trainers cannot steal items.
#define B_SOUL_DEW_BOOST GEN_LATEST // In Gens3-6, Soul Dew boosts Lati@s' Sp. Atk and Sp. Def. In Gen7+ it boosts the power of their Psychic and Dragon type moves instead.
#define B_NET_BALL_MODIFIER GEN_LATEST // In Gen7+, Net Ball's catch multiplier is x5 instead of x3.
#define B_DIVE_BALL_MODIFIER GEN_LATEST // In Gen4+, Dive Ball's effectiveness increases by when Surfing or Fishing.
#define B_NEST_BALL_MODIFIER GEN_LATEST // Nest Ball's formula varies depending on the Gen. See Cmd_handleballthrow.
#define B_REPEAT_BALL_MODIFIER GEN_LATEST // In Gen7+, Repeat Ball's catch multiplier is x3.5 instead of x3.
#define B_TIMER_BALL_MODIFIER GEN_LATEST // In Gen5+, Timer Ball's effectiveness increases by x0.3 per turn instead of x0.1
#define B_DUSK_BALL_MODIFIER GEN_LATEST // In Gen7+, Dusk Ball's catch multiplier is x3 instead of x3.5.
#define B_QUICK_BALL_MODIFIER GEN_LATEST // In Gen5+, Quick Ball's catch multiplier is x5 instead of x4.
#define B_LURE_BALL_MODIFIER GEN_LATEST // In Gen7+, Lure Ball's catch multiplier is x5 instead of x3.
#define B_HEAVY_BALL_MODIFIER GEN_LATEST // In Gen7+, Heavy Ball's ranges change. See Cmd_handleballthrow.
#define B_DREAM_BALL_MODIFIER GEN_LATEST // In Gen8, Dream Ball's catch multiplier is x4 when the target is asleep or has the ability Comatose.
#define B_FLAG_INVERSE_BATTLE 0 // If this flag is set, the battle's type effectiveness are inversed. For example, fire is super effective against water.
#define B_FLAG_FORCE_DOUBLE_WILD 0 // If this flag is set, all land and surfing wild battles will be double battles.
#define VAR_TERRAIN 0 // If this var has a value, assigning a STATUS_FIELD_xx_TERRAIN to it before battle causes the battle to start with that terrain active
#define B_RESET_FLAGS_VARS_AFTER_WHITEOUT TRUE // If TRUE, Overworld_ResetBattleFlagsAndVars will reset battle-related Flags and Vars when the player whites out.
#define B_FAST_INTRO TRUE // If set to TRUE, battle intro texts print at the same time as animation of a Pokémon, as opposing to waiting for the animation to end.
#define B_DOUBLE_WILD_REQUIRE_2_MONS FALSE // If set to TRUE, Wild Double Battles will default to Single Battles when the player only has 1 usable Pokémon, ignoring B_DOUBLE_WILD_CHANCE and B_FLAG_FORCE_DOUBLE_WILD.
#define B_MULTI_BATTLE_WHITEOUT GEN_LATEST // In Gen4+, multi battles end when the Player and also their Partner don't have any more Pokémon to fight.
#define B_EVOLUTION_AFTER_WHITEOUT GEN_LATEST // In Gen6+, Pokemon that qualify for evolution after battle will evolve even if the player loses.
#define B_WILD_NATURAL_ENEMIES TRUE // If set to TRUE, certain wild mon species will attack other species when partnered in double wild battles (eg. Zangoose vs Seviper)
#define B_AFFECTION_MECHANICS FALSE // In Gen6+, there's a stat called affection that can trigger different effects in battle. From LGPE onwards, those effects use friendship instead.
#define B_TRAINER_CLASS_POKE_BALLS GEN_LATEST // In Gen7+, trainers will use certain types of Poké Balls depending on their trainer class.
#define B_OBEDIENCE_MECHANICS GEN_7 // In PLA+ (here Gen8+), obedience restrictions also apply to non-outsider Pokémon, albeit based on their level met rather than actual level
#define B_USE_FROSTBITE FALSE // In PLA, Frostbite replaces Freeze. Enabling this flag does the same here. Moves can still be cherry-picked to either Freeze or Frostbite. Freeze-Dry, Secret Power & Tri Attack depend on this config.